PATRICIA A. PERILLO, PH.D. EDUCATION Ph.D. University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland Doctor of Philosophy: Public and Community Health, 2002 Interdisciplinary program with Counseling and Personnel Services /Human Development Dissertation: The Influence of Social Norms on Personal Attitudes and Perceptions of College Student Drinking Behaviors: An Investigation of Substance-Free OnCampus Housing M.Ed. University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware Master of Education: College Counseling and Student Personnel Administration, 1988 B.A. University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware Bachelor of Arts: Psychology, 1986 PROFESSIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION EXPERIENCE Vice President for Student Affairs, Division of Student Affairs Assistant Professor of Higher Education, School of Education Virginia Tech August 2012 - Present Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) is a land-grant college and the most comprehensive university in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Virginia Tech enrolls approximately 31,000 undergraduate and graduate students and manages a research portfolio of nearly $450 million. Member of the President’s Academic Council and Provost’s Academic Affairs Council. Direct reports include members of the Vice President for Student Affairs Council comprising eight full-time professionals. Indirect supervision of 24 directors of departments within the division who serve as the Division of Student Affairs Leadership Team. Budget development and management of $150 million. Responsible for maintenance and renovations of over 30% of Virginia Tech’s physical campus to include 47 residence halls, 10 dining centers, three student centers and more. Oversee 3600 faculty, staff and student workforce in the division to include 24 departments and 4 administrative units. Selected Achievements Partnered with all eight college deans to develop strategic, intentional and purposeful academic and student affairs partnerships to advance student learning. Each college has a signature program housed within the division of student affairs. 301 South Main Street, 405, Blacksburg, VA 24060 I I 540.200.7689 PATRICIA A. PERILLO, PH.D. Facilitated the visioning and/or creation of three of Virginia Tech’s living-learning communities to include Innovate (partnership with the Pamplin College of Business), Global/International Engagement (partnership with the College of Liberal Arts and Health Sciences), and Arts (partnership with the College of Liberal Arts and Health Sciences). Developed and led divisional initiatives related to diversity and inclusion and serve on the President’s InclusiveVT Executive Committee. In the process of establishing a course to facilitate intercultural competency with teaching faculty and student affairs educators. Co-lead Virginia Tech and the Town of Blacksburg Town-Tech community relations and partnerships meetings and provide leadership for collaborative efforts between university and community constituents. Co-lead the architectural design and construction processes for two new residence halls in the upper-quad for the Corps of Cadets ($100 million); accomplished through participatory management from vice president for finance, vice president for administration, senior associate vice president for student affairs and Commandant of the Corps of Cadets. Serve as a member of the President’s Academic Council, Provost’s Academic Affairs Council, Provost’s Council, University’s Beyond Boundaries Steering Committee, University Council Governance Committee, University Commissions as part of University Governance, Arts Policy Committee, President’s Safety and Security Policy Committee and President’s MultiYear Growth Committee. Supervise Deputy Title IX Officer and Coordinators for all student sexual misconduct matters. Led divisional efforts to cultivate greater capacity to integrate Virginia Tech’s Aspirations for Student Learning (ASL), defined learning goals, into the work of the Division of Student Affairs. Steered divisional efforts to operationalize the ASL’s into a curriculum called The Keystone Experience. Worked on the development of an application for students to document curricular and co-curricular experiences. Supported the establishment of a student affairs program for the Center for European Studies and Architecture in Riva San Vitale, Switzerland. Supported the establishment of the Residence Life Police Resource Officer program (community policing model). Hired an inaugural director of “strengths-based learning” to work with students, faculty and staff at Virginia Tech who all have access to the StrengthsFinder assessment. Centralized the financial, technological, assessment, human resource, safety and security, professional development and communication and innovative technologies operations of the entire division which reduced costs, increased efficiency, and strengthened service to students, faculty and staff. Led presidential Gallup-Purdue Index survey project for Virginia Tech. Surveyed all living alumni and current undergraduate and graduate students. Responsible for presenting campus results to Board of Visitors and Virginia Tech community. Established a robust advancement model within the division of student affairs to include a Director of Development, Director of Parent and Alumni Relations and Director of Communications and Innovative Technologies. Raised $1.6 million in philanthropic gifts to the division of student affairs. 301 South Main Street, 405, Blacksburg, VA 24060 I I 540.200.7689 PATRICIA A. PERILLO, PH.D. Associate Dean of Students Davidson College, Davidson, NC August 2007 – July 2012 Davidson is a highly selective independent, coeducational liberal arts college for nearly 2,000 undergraduate students and is consistently regarded as one of the top ten liberal arts colleges in the country. Reported to the vice president for student life, with a strong dotted line relationship to the president for matters related to inclusive excellence and alcohol reform. Direct reports included a staff of eight full-time professionals and 80 student employees/leaders in these areas: residence life; Greek life; and, multicultural affairs. Budget development and management of $20 million, including personnel, operations and capital projects and responsible for maintenance and renovations of 29 physical buildings on-campus. Selected Achievements Oversaw the architectural design and construction processes for two new residence halls; a senior apartment complex ($5.4 million) and a 251-bed traditional residence hall ($20.3 million); accomplished through participatory management from vice president for finance and administration, director of physical plant, chief of police, and chief information officer. Traditional residence hall opened in fall 2012 as the first-ever sophomore-focused learning community at Davidson College. Led the college strategic planning process, as it related to diversity and inclusion, with trustees, faculty, students and staff, ultimately resulting in an inaugural Multicultural House, first-ever director of Multicultural Affairs, and trustee-adopted college diversity statement. Developed learning outcomes for residence life, a residential curriculum based on these learning outcomes, and assessment measures to document learning within the residential community. Created intentional learning opportunities within residence halls. Led alcohol reform as president-appointed chair of the Alcohol Task Force and chair of the Alcohol Culture Committee resulting in annual reduction of hospital transports and critical incidences related to alcohol. Established a Community Standards program within residence halls which reduced damage and vandalism within halls annually. Led efforts to develop a 20-year master plan, including review of residential and Greek life facilities, staffing and fiscal needs. Led the Greek Life Recruitment Task Force with students, faculty, staff and advisors to review current practices and make recommendations to the president for an articulated recruitment plan for NIC fraternities, NPHC fraternities and sororities, and women’s Eating Houses that more closely aligned with the college mission. 301 South Main Street, 405, Blacksburg, VA 24060 I I 540.200.7689 PATRICIA A. PERILLO, PH.D. Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), Baltimore, MD July 2004 – August 2007 UMBC is a public, coeducational doctoral/research university with an enrollment of 10,500 undergraduate and 3,000 graduate students. Reported to the vice president for student affairs, with a strong dotted line relationship to the president to more closely align the division with academic affairs and enrollment management to increase student success. Supervised over 25% of divisional staff including ten full-time professional staff and over 200 student employees/leaders in these areas: undergraduate and graduate student government; Greek life; leadership education; civic engagement; student involvement; cultural center; interfaith center; business services; commuter affairs; transfer student network; student activities; and, union programs. Budget development and management of $5 million, including personnel, operations and capital projects. Selected Achievements Presidential appointment to work closely with the dean of undergraduate education to create intentional and strategic student and academic affairs partnerships such as first-year seminars, Introduction to an Honors University, The Study Place, undergraduate study groups program, and academic integrity initiatives. Created vision for and led implementation of the first-ever university Interfaith and Cultural Centers. Developed budgets for each center, oversaw renovation of spaces, hired new staff and cultivated campus commitment. Chaired the Maryland Charity Campaign, appointed by the president, and exceeded all financial contributions and participation rates in history of campaign at UMBC increasing participation rate from 17% to 52%. Envisioned, led and institutionalized banner campus programs such as Family Weekend, Homecoming, Welcome Week/Orientation and Student Recognition Week at a 40-year old campus that did not formerly have these annual traditions. Chaired the university retention assessment committee, working closely with colleagues in enrollment management and academic affairs, to assess issues related to student retention and attrition at UMBC. Director of Student Life January 2000 – July 2004 University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), Baltimore, MD Selected Achievements Transformed campus from a “suitcase” commuter campus to one with an engaged college life. With a vibrant student life team we revitalized the co-curricular experience and helped UMBC to be named as one of Newsweek’s “America’s Hot Schools” and named in 301 South Main Street, 405, Blacksburg, VA 24060 I I 540.200.7689 PATRICIA A. PERILLO, PH.D. Forbes’ “How to Get Into College” Guide. Co-directed the construction of a new university commons building (student union; $25 million) and successfully transitioned many departments and vendors into the new building. Partnered with faculty in the Departments of Education and Psychology to develop leadership courses to strengthen students’ co-curricular experiences. Engaged faculty members to serve as advisors to all student organizations, so they became essential partners in co-curricular learning; in 2000, there were 140 student organizations and in 2004 there were 220. Worked with financial and management advisory services to recreate processes for budget management that were audit-savvy, and worked with staff to develop educational sessions on fiscal responsibility for student leaders. In 2000, student organizations were in significant debt, and in 2004 they had healthy reserve accounts. Co-Lead, UMBC ADVANCE Grant, Senior Women Administrators Leadership Program June 2005 – August 2007 Partnered with vice provost for academic initiatives to develop a leadership program for senior women administrators as part of UMBC’s commitment to supporting the full participation and advancement of women in academia. Presented women’s cohort leadership model at national conferences and published articles and book chapters about program. Articulated leadership development model for future cohorts of women leaders; program still progressing today. Coordinator, Housing Operations Graduate Administrative Coordinator University of Maryland, College Park, MD September 1996 – September 1999 June 1995 – July 1997 The University of Maryland, College Park is a public, coeducational doctoral/research university with an enrollment of 26,800 undergraduate and 10,800 graduate students. Reported to associate director of residence life. Direct reports included a staff of three full-time professional staff, three graduate assistants and 180 student employees in these areas: room selection and housing assignments for 7,500 residents; desk operations for three residential communities; and billing and appeals processes. Budget management of $100,000 for operating budget. Selected Achievements Awarded department’s Superlative Customer Service Award resulting in leadership training at the Disney Institute in Orlando, FL. Selected member of the department’s Continuous Quality Improvement Committee and 301 South Main Street, 405, Blacksburg, VA 24060 I I 540.200.7689 PATRICIA A. PERILLO, PH.D. actively audited all departmental processes and recommended changes to streamline and improve systems. Based on performance, invited to serve as the Coordinator for Research and Assessment for department (September 1999 – January 2000). Led efforts to get over 90% response rates for surveys and other data collection efforts. INTERNATIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION EXPERIENCE President ACPA – College Student Educators International National Center for Higher Education, Washington, DC March 2008 – March 2009 Led international higher education association of 10,500 members representing 1,500 private and public institutions from across the U.S. and internationally. Served as vice president (2007-2008), president (2008-2009) and past president (2009-2010). Served as board chair for 22 member governing board and supervised the executive director who managed a staff of 18 employees. Budget development and management of $4 million, including personnel and operations. Selected Achievements Worked closely with non-profit legal experts and fund managers to insure legal viability and fiscal solvency. Led board in its first year in new governance structure after members voted on bylaw change to restructure organization. Served on the ACPA and National Association of Student Affairs Professionals Association (NASPA) professional competencies committee and co-authored a document that articulated the essential professional competencies for the profession of student affairs. Developed and implemented national and international professional development conferences and leadership development institutes. Increased fundraising income and friend-raising through major gifts and corporate solicitations. Chaired the budget committee and served on ACPA Foundation board. Conducted fund raising, marketing, public relations, membership development, and new program development and volunteer and board relations. Faculty Lead, Donna M. Bourassa Mid-Level Management Institute June 2009 – Present Serve as lead faculty member for five-day educational immersion experience for 75 midlevel managers in student affairs profession. Select faculty, develop institute curriculum, assess learning, market program, and serve as development officer of endowed Institute. 301 South Main Street, 405, Blacksburg, VA 24060 I I 540.200.7689 PATRICIA A. PERILLO, PH.D. ACPA Educational Leadership Foundation, Board Trustee March 2008 – March 2013 Served as trustee on board of 501c3 non-profit organization that operated as the fundraising arm of ACPA. Sought philanthropic gifts to support ACPA’s initiatives including, the generation and dissemination of knowledge, scholarship, research, professional development and leadership programs. ACPA & NASPA Professional Competencies Committee October 2014 – September 2015 Member & Co-Chair October 2009 – September 2010 Served as a member of The Joint Task Force on Professional Competencies and Standards, convened in 2009. Task Force analyzed 19 core documents produced by ACPA, NASPA, and the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS), and then proposed a framework that included 10 competency areas. The professional competencies were adopted as hallmarks and seminal work for the profession. In 20142015, served as co-chair for the Professional Competencies Task Force, formed by ACPA and NASPA, to review the adopted professional competencies (2010) and recommend changes as needed. Studied the original document and reviewed scholarly works published over the previous 10 years that aimed to identify areas of professional competence in student affairs. Central to this work was consideration of applications of the competencies to practice, professional development, and the preparation of new professionals through graduate study. ACPA & NASPA Consolidation Steering Committee March 2008 – April 2011 One of six presidents to co-lead a multi-year consolidation process for two comprehensive student affairs associations with combined membership of 23,000. Counseled and trained by legal partners, strategists, and consolidation/merger experts. Assumed primary leadership for change management process, report writing, member engagement and communication, and process and implementation management. Fifteen years of prior attempts never got the question of consolidation to member vote; this process achieved this leadership imperative. Chair, ACPA 2011 Annual Convention July 2009 – July 2011 Led all aspects of planning, implementation and evaluation of an international conference for association with 10,500 members. Selected planning team, provided vision for convention, and managed multi-million dollar budget. Developed educational curriculum centered in student learning and based on professional competencies. Chair, ACPA Governance Task Force & Implementation Teams March 2004 – July 2006 Examined and evaluated ACPA’s governance structure and considered re-organization and re-engineering of this structure as a way to improve the association’s service to its members, the student affairs profession, and the higher education community. New framework was offered based on member needs, organizational and operational efficiencies, and the changing landscape of higher education, Members voted to adopt new structure, creating transformative change within ACPA and higher education. 301 South Main Street, 405, Blacksburg, VA 24060 I I 540.200.7689 PATRICIA A. PERILLO, PH.D. ADDITIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Coordinator, Alcohol and Other Drug Peer Programs, University of Maryland Health Center, College Park, Maryland, September 1992 - June 1995 Psychologist/Intern, Office on Smoking and Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Washington, DC, June 1992 - January 1995 Residence Hall Director, Department of Resident Life, State University of New York, Albany, New York, August 1991 - June 1992 Crisis Counselor, Psychological Services Center, State University of New York, Plattsburgh, New York, August 1988 - August 1991 Residence Hall Development Coordinator, Office of Campus Life, State University of New York, Plattsburgh, New York, August 1988 - August 1991 Counselor, Psychological Services Center, State University of New York, Plattsburgh, New York, August 1988 - August 1991 Stress Management Clinic Supervisor, Psychological Services Center, State University of New York, Plattsburgh, New York, August 1988 - August 1991 Oncology Support Group Counselor, Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital, Plattsburgh, New York, September 1989 - May 1991 Career Development Counselor, Center for Counseling and Student Development, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, November 1987 - May 1988 SELECTED UNIVERSITY TEACHING EXPERIENCES Assistant Professor of Higher Education, Virginia Tech, Fall 2012-Present Serve as a member of the higher education graduate faculty which includes teaching courses, and participation on dissertation, comprehensive exam, and case study committees. Faculty Lead, Student Staff Leadership Institute, Davidson College, Fall 2007 – Spring 2012 Faculty, Co-Lead, Leadership Davidson, Davidson College, Fall 2010 – May 2011 Instructor, Davidson Diversity 101, Davidson College, Fall 2007 – Present Co-Instructor, Making Meaning: Students’ Spiritual Journey, Department of Education, 301 South Main Street, 405, Blacksburg, VA 24060 I I 540.200.7689 PATRICIA A. PERILLO, PH.D. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Fall 2005 Instructor, First-Year Seminar - Student Success in the University, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Fall 2003 Co-Instructor, Resident Assistant Training Class, College of Education, University of Maryland, College Park, Spring 1997, 1998 Instructor, Drugs in American Society, College of Health and Human Performance, University of Maryland, College Park, Summer Academic Semesters 1993 – 1994 Instructor, First-Year Student Experience, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park, Fall Academic Semesters 1993 – 1994 Instructor, Leadership in Campus Life, College of Arts and Science, State University of New York, Plattsburgh, Spring Academic Semesters 1989 – 1990 Instructor, Personal Awareness, College of Arts and Science, State University of New York, Plattsburgh, Fall Academic Semesters 1989 – 1990 Faculty Mentor, First-Year Seminar, College of Arts and Science, State University of New York, Plattsburgh, Fall Academic Semester 1990 Co-Instructor, Healthy Lifestyles Workshop, Department of Dietetics and Nutrition, University of Delaware, January 1988 – May 1988 Instructor, Academic Dishonesty Seminar, Dean of Students Office, University of Delaware, February 1988 – May 1988 Teacher’s Assistant, College of Human Resources, University of Delaware, September 1985 – December 1985 Co-Instructor, Helping Relationships, Center for Counseling and Student Development, University of Delaware, Winter Academic Semester 1988 SELECTED PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS Shushok, F. & Perillo, P.A. (forthcoming, 2016). Imagining the future for student affairs and the student affairs educator. In N. Zhang and Associates (Ed.) Rentz’s student affairs practice in higher education. (4th edition). Springfield, IL: Thomas Publisher LTD. Hirt, J.B., Frank, T.E. & Perillo, P.A. (forthcoming, 2016). Staffing and supervision. In Torres, V.B, Jones, S.B. & Schuh, J. (Ed.) Student services: A handbook for the profession (6th edition). Hoboken, JJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Co-Author, (2015). Professional competency areas for student affairs practitioners. A joint publication between the American College Personnel Association and the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. Shushok, F. & Perillo, P.A, (2014). Personal exploration and national trends: The future for students of all faith backgrounds. In J. L. Small (Ed.) Making meaning: How student affairs came to embrace spirituality, faith, religion, and life purpose. Washington, D.C.: ACPA Books. Perillo, P.A. (2011, August). What forms would supervision take to model inclusive, learning- 301 South Main Street, 405, Blacksburg, VA 24060 I I 540.200.7689 PATRICIA A. PERILLO, PH.D. oriented practice? In P.M. Magolda & M. B. Baxter-Magolda (eds.). Contested issues in student affairs: diverse perspectives and respectful dialogue. (pp.419-430). Herndon, VA: Stylus Publishing, LLC Co-Author, (2010). Professional competency areas for student affairs practitioners. A joint publication between the American College Personnel Association and the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. Perillo, P.A., Calizo, L., Fey. C., Hadfield, J., & Hoffman, D. (2006, March). Personal agency, civic engagement and the intentional enchantment of campus life. Pre-Convention workshop at the Annual Meeting of the American College Personnel Association. Perillo, P.A., Hadfield, J., Hoffman, D., Lee, D. & Rivkin, M. (2006, January) Personal agency, civic engagement and the intentional enchantment of campus life. Panel presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Colleges & Universities, Washington, DC. Hoffman, D., Perillo, P.A., Hawthorne-Calizo, L., Hadfield, J., & Lee, D. (2005, November/ December). Engagement vs. participation: A difference that matters. About Campus 10, 10-17. Perillo, P., Hadfield, J., Hoffman, D., & Lee, D. (2004, January). Making Civic Empowerment A Whole-Campus Enterprise. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Colleges & Universities, Philadelphia, PA. Perillo, P., Ferne, M., & Soldner, M. (2000, April). Theory meets practice: Enhancing leadership development through student employment. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American College Personnel Association, Washington, DC. Perillo, P. & Soldner, M. (1999, April). Marrying student development and health education: An effective, measurable partnership. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American College Personnel Association, Atlanta, GA. Soldner, M., & Perillo, P. (1999, April). Shaping student leaders: Meeting the challenge for non-traditional leaders. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American College Personnel Association, Atlanta, GA. SELECTED UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES Beyond Boundaries, Presidential Appointment to Steering Committee, Virginia Tech, Fall 2015 - Present InclusiveVT, Presidential Appointment to Executive Council, Virginia Tech, Spring 2015 Present 301 South Main Street, 405, Blacksburg, VA 24060 I I 540.200.7689 PATRICIA A. PERILLO, PH.D. President’s Safety and Security Policy Committee, Virginia Tech, Fall 2012 – Present University Council, University Governance, Virginia Tech, Fall 2012 – Present Davidson College Greek Life Recruitment Process Reform, Fall 2011 – Spring 2012 Davidson College, President’s Advisory Council on Diversity and Inclusion, Fall 2010 – Spring 2012 Davidson College, Diversity and Inclusivity-in-Action Committee, Chair, September 2007 – Spring 2012 Davidson College, Diversity and Inclusivity Strategic Planning Committee, Chair, January 2010 – August 2011 Davidson College, President’s Task Force on Alcohol, Chair, November 2007 – August 2008 Davidson College Alcohol Culture Committee, Chair, August 2008 – August 2011 UMBC 40th Anniversary Celebration - Exceptional By Example, Co-Chair, January 2005 – October 2006 UMBC Retention Assessment Committee, Co-Chair, January 2005 – July 2007 UMBC Committee for Culture and Diversity, Chair, January 2004 – July 2007 American College Personnel Association, Convention Planning Team, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2009, & 2011 UMBC, Presidential Student Involvement Council, 2000 – 2003 UMBC, Student Affairs Advisory Council, 2000 – 2007 American College Personnel Association, Directorate Chair, Alcohol and Other Drug Issues Commission, 1999 – 2001 University of Maryland, College Park, Continuous Quality Improvement Committee, Department of Residential Life, 1997 – 1999 University of Maryland, College Park, Family Weekend Committee, Co-Chair, 1993 – 1995 University of Maryland, College Park, Coalition for Advancement of Women in Health Education, 1992 – 1995 New York Governor’s Appointee, Council on Women and Highway Safety, regional coordinator, 1989 – 1991 New York Governor’s Appointee, Task Force on Rape and Sexual Assault, regional representative, 1988 – 1991 State University of New York at Plattsburgh, President’s Sexual Harassment Committee, Chair, 1988 – 1991 SELECTED PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS Presented over 500 presentations and keynote speeches over the past 25 years with a focus on leadership, wellness, supervision, change and transition management, diversity and inclusivity and organizational development. HigherEd Live.Com, Monthly Webcast – Student Affairs Professional Competencies, May 2015 301 South Main Street, 405, Blacksburg, VA 24060 I I 540.200.7689 PATRICIA A. PERILLO, PH.D. ACPA – College Student Educators International, Annual Convention, Higher Ed Live.Com – Idea Generator, March 2015 ACPA – College Student Educators International, Annual Convention, Immunity to Change, March 2015 Maryland Student Affairs Conference, Keynote – Power of Student Affairs Educators, February 2015 New York State College Personnel Conference, Keynote – The Role of Student Affairs Educators, October 2014 Monroe Community College, Keynote - Authentic Leadership, May 2012 University of South Carolina, Keynote - Professional Competencies, May 2012 ACPA Webinar Series, If Not Now, When? Student Affairs Educator’s Role in Promoting Religious/Secular Pluralism, February 2012 Arizona State University Graduate Program, Teleconference Class Instruction – Professional Development, Spring 2009-2012 (Dr. Keith Humphrey) Miami University of Ohio Graduate Program, Class Instruction via SKYPE, Spring 2012 (Dr. Peter Magolda) Utah NASPA, Region V, Keynote – Scholar-Practitioner Leadership, October 2011 Faculty Lead, LeaderShape Institute, Champaign, IL, Spring 2003 - 2011 Davidson College Chidsey Center for Leadership Development, Empowerment, Fall 2008 – 2011 San Francisco State University, Consulting – Organizational Change and Transition Management, July 2010 & January 2011 Maryland Student Affairs Conference, Graduate Student Case Study Judge, 2006 – 2011 Western Association of College and University Housing Officers-International, Keynote – Scholar-Practitioner Leadership and Plenary Session – Organizational Change and Transition Management, July 2010 Michigan State University Graduate Program, Class Instruction via SKYPE, Fall 2010 (Dr. Matthew Wawzyrnski) Davidson College, Alumni Weekend, Keynote – This I Believe, April 2010 Georgia College Personnel Association Annual Conference – Keynote – Leading from Within, February 2010 Maine Association of Student Affairs Professionals – Keynote – This I Believe & Plenary Session – Organizational Change and Transition Management, October 2009 Arizona Division of Student Affairs Professional Development Conference, Value Centered Leadership, April 2009 Minnesota College Personnel Association Annual Conference, Keynote – Value Centered Leadership, March 2009 Missouri, College Personnel Association Annual Conference, Keynote – Professional Competencies, February 2009 North Carolina State University Graduate Student Conference, Keynote – Professional Journeys, January 2009 Ohio College Personnel Association Annual Conference, Keynote – Ethical Leadership, January 2009 301 South Main Street, 405, Blacksburg, VA 24060 I I 540.200.7689 PATRICIA A. PERILLO, PH.D. Maryland College Personnel Association Annual Conference, Keynote – This I Believe, November 2008 North Carolina Personnel Association Annual Conference, Keynote – Value Centered Leadership, November 2008 New York College Personnel Association Annual Conference, Keynote – Professional Competencies, October 2008 Massachusetts College Personnel Association Annual Conference, Keynote – This I Believe, October 2008 South Carolina College Personnel Association Annual Conference, Keynote – Value Centered Leadership, September 2008 Caribbean Tertiary Level Personnel Association, Keynote – Student Affairs Scholarship and Implications for Caribbean Students and Plenary Sessions – Professional Competencies and Value Centered Leadership, June 2008 Consultant and Invited Speaker for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), 1999-2003 SELECTED NATIONAL CONFERENCES American College Personnel Association (ACPA) Convention, 1988-2015 National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Conference, 2003-2014 Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), 2006 American Public Health Association Conference, 1992-1997 FIPSE Regional Conferences, Washington, D.C., 1992-1995 Interagency Committee on Smoking and Health, Annual Meeting, December 1992-1993 Office of Substance Abuse Prevention Conference on Perinatal Care, July 1992 NASPA Teleconference on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Student Needs, January 1992 NASPA Teleconference on Racism, March 1991 NYS Alcohol and other Drugs State Conference, Albany, New York, April 1990 Procrastination and Fear of Failure, SUNY-Plattsburgh, February 1990 Residential Life Issues, SUNY-Cortland, February 1990 Drugs and Alcohol in the Work Place, Albany, New York, May 1989 Rational and Emotive Therapy, SUNY-Plattsburgh, April 1989 Grief Workshop, Hospice, Plattsburgh, New York, March 1989 NASPA Teleconference on Date Rape, February 1989 SELECTED PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU) ACPA-College Student Educators International National Association of Student Personnel Administrators International Leadership Association Maryland College Personnel Association 301 South Main Street, 405, Blacksburg, VA 24060 I I 540.200.7689 PATRICIA A. PERILLO, PH.D. North Carolina College Personnel Association American Public Health Association SELECTED PROFESSIONAL HONORS President Charles Steger Service Award, Student Government Association, Virginia Tech, Spring 2014 Esther Lloyd-Jones Professional Service Award, ACPA-College Student Educators, Spring 2013 ACPA Diamond Honoree for Service to Higher Education, Spring 2006 Phi Kappa Phi, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Fall 2003 Golden Key National Honour Society, Staff Inductee, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Spring 2002 Directorate Chair, Alcohol and Other Drug Issues Commission, ACPA, 1999 - 2001 Superlative Customer Service Award, Department of Resident Life, 1997, Recipient of comprehensive professional training seminar at the Disney Institute Outstanding Service Award, Department of Resident Life, 1996 - 1997 Phi Alpha Epsilon, Health and Human Performance Honorary Society, 1996 Omicron Delta Kappa, National Leadership Honorary Society, faculty inductee, 1989 301 South Main Street, 405, Blacksburg, VA 24060 I I 540.200.7689