2160E Torgersen Hall, Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 24061
Phone (540)553.2949 • e-mail:
Doctorate of Philosophy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech),
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, May 2005.
Dissertation: Predicting the Academic Success among First-Year, First Generation
College Students; Advisor: Dr. Joan B. Hirt
Masters of Education, James Madison University, School Library Media
Bachelor of Arts, James Madison University, Major in History, Minor in Social Studies &
Secondary Education
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
August 2013 – current
Director of Graduate Programs and Assessment, Dean’s Office,
College of Engineering
October 2009 – August 2013
Research Analyst and Assessment Specialist, Dean’s Office,
College of Engineering
June 2009 – June 2011
Research Coordinator, Institute for Distance and Distributed
September 2008 – May 2009
Assistant Director for Strategic Initiatives, Center for Excellence
in Undergraduate Teaching
July 2007 – May 2009
Assessment Coordinator, Division of Student Affairs, Office of
the Vice President
University of Maryland University College
June 2006 – June 2007
Coordinator of Academic Assessment for Undergraduate
Education, Office of Outcomes Assessment
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
June 2005-June 2006
Postdoctoral Assistant, Coordinator of Special Projects, Office
of the Provost
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia,
2004-May 2005
Academic Affairs Intern
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
2002-May 2005
Graduate Assistant, Office of the Provost
Catherine T. Amelink
Radford University, Spring 2004, Fall 2003
Internship, Office of New Student Programs
Internship, Vice President of Student Affairs
Montgomery County, Summer 2003, 2004
Language Arts Teacher, Summer Academy Program
Roanoke County, 2001-2002
Albemarle County, 1999-2001
Library Media Specialist
Rockingham County, 1998-1999
Teacher of History, Sociology, Psychology
Articles (refereed journal articles)
Amelink, C.T., Artis, S., & Lui, K. (March 2015). Examining the self-efficacy of
community college STEM majors: Factors related to four year degree attainment.
Community College Journal of Research and Practice.
Amelink, C.T., & Hall, S. (2012). Problem-Based Learning: Designing online courses
using a Constructivist framework, Journal of Online Engineering Education, June.
Amelink, C.T., Scales, G., & Tront, J.G. (2012). Student use of the Tablet PC: Impact on
student learning behaviors. Advances in Engineering Education, Winter.
Amelink, C.T. & Meszaros, P.S. (2011). A comparison of educational factors promoting or
discouraging the intent to remain in engineering by gender. European Journal of
Engineering Education, 36(1), 47-62.
Amelink, C.T., & Creamer, E.G. (2010). Gender Differences in elements of the undergraduate
experience that influence satisfaction with the engineering major and the intent to pursue
engineering as a career. Journal of Engineering Education, January.
Amelink, C.T., & Creamer, E.G. (2007). Work-Life spillover and job satisfaction among
married/partnered tenured and tenure-track faculty. The Journal of Women and Minorities in
Sciences and Engineering, 13(4), 317-332.
Borrego, M., Douglas, E.P., & Amelink, C.T. (2009). Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed
research methods in engineering education. Journal of Engineering Education, 98(1), 53-66.
Davis, S., Amelink, C.T., Hirt, J.B., & Miyazaki, Y. (2012). Women's
educational opportunities: Factors that influence their graduate school aspirations.
Journal About Women in Higher Education.
Catherine T. Amelink
Hall, S., Amelink, C.T., Conn, S.S. (2010). A case study of a Thermodynamics
course: Informing Online Course Design. Journal of Online Engineering
Education, December.
Hall, S., Jones, B., Amelink, C., & Hu, D. (in press). Educational innovation in the design of an
online nuclear engineering curriculum. The Journal of Effective Teaching.
Hirt, J.B., Amelink, C.T., Bennett, B.R., & Strayhorn, T.L. (2008). A system of othermothering:
Student affairs administrators’ perceptions of relationships with students. The NASPA Journal,
45(2), 210-236.
Hirt, J.B., Strayhorn, T.L., Bennett, B.R., & Amelink, C.T. (2006). The nature of Student
Affairs work at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. The Journal of College
Student Development.
Hirt, J.B., Bennett, B.R., Amelink, C.T., & Strayhorn, T.L. (2006). What really matters? The
Nature of Rewards for Student Affairs Administrators at Black College and Universities.
National Association of Student Affairs Professionals Journal.
Hirt, J.B., Schneiter, S.R., & Amelink, C.T. (2005). Nature of relationships among student affairs
professionals in liberal arts colleges. College Student Affairs Journal.
Hirt, J.B., Amelink, C.T. & Schneiter, S.R. (2004). Nature of student affairs work in the liberal
arts college. NASPA Journal, 42(1), 94-111.
Book Chapters
Amelink, C.T., Sanderlin, N.P. & Scales, G. (2012). Global Competencies: Assessing
Development Among Engineering Undergraduates. Innovations in Engineering
Education 2012. Arlington, VA : International Network for Engineering Education and
Amelink, C.T. (2011). Math Interest Among Females. Bogue, B. and Cady, E.T. (Eds.).
Assessing Women and Men in Engieering. Pennsylvania State University.
Amelink, C.T. & Scales, G. (2011). Using Instructional Technology to Encourage Collaborative
Learning. Innovations in Engineering Education 2011. Arlington, VA : International
Network for Engineering Education and Research.
Amelink, C.T. (2010). Mentoring and Women in Engineering. In Olio : Research on Women in
Science and Engineering. Bogue, B. and Cady, E.T. (Eds.). Assessing Women and Men in
Engieering. Pennsylvania State University.
Amelink, C.T. (2010). Gender Differences in Math Performance. In Olio : Research on Women in
Science and Engineering. Bogue, B. and Cady, E.T. (Eds.). Assessing Women and Men in
Engieering. Pennsylvania State University.
Amelink, C.T. (2010). Gender Differences in Science Achievement. In Olio : Research on
Women in Science and Engineering. Bogue, B. and Cady, E.T. (Eds.). Assessing Women and
Men in Engieering. Pennsylvania State University.
Catherine T. Amelink
Articles, Conference Proceedings, and Reports
Artis, S., & Amelink, C.T. (2014). The Influence of Summer Research Experiences on
Community College Students’ Efficacy and Pursuit of a Bachelor’s Degree in Science
and Engineering. American Society for Engineering Education, June 2014.
Artis, S., Amelink, CT., & King Liu, T. (2014). Transfer-to-Excellence: Research
Experiences for Undergraduates at California Community Colleges. American Society
for Engineering Education, June 2014.
Amelink, C.T., Scales, G., and Watford, B. (2013). Using Direct Methods of Assessment
to Examine Students’ Innovative Thinking Skills, Eastern Educational Research
Association Annual Conference, Sarasota, FL.
Amelink, C.T., Watford, B., and Scales, G. (2012). Developing Innovative Thinking
Among Engineering Undergraduates: Examining the Role of Slate Enabled Technology,
Frontiers in Education, Seattle, WA.
Amelink, C.T., Scales, G., and Watford, B. (2013). Defining and Measuring Innovative
Thinking Among Engineering Undergraduates, American Association of Engineering
Education Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Amelink, C.T., Watford, B., and Scales, G. (2013). An Assessment Methodology for
Examining the Role of Slate Enabled Technology in Developing Innovative Thinking,
American Association of Engineering Education Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Farqhuar-Caddell, D., Amelink, C.T., Scales, G., and Watford, B. (2012). Technology
and Innovative Thinking: Assessing Effective Pedagogical Practices. Center for
Instructional Design and Educational Research Annual Conference, Blacksburg, VA.
Amelink, C.T., Kothaneth, S., & Scales, G. (2011). Applying the Innovation in Engineering
Framework to the Assessment of Instructional Technology. Paper presented at the ASEE Annual
Conference, Vancouver, B.C..
Amelink, C.T., & Scales, G. (2011). A Framework for Assessing the Impact of Instructional
Technology. Presented at the EduCause Southeast Regional Conference, Charlotte, N.C., June 2,
Amelink, C.T., & Scales, G. (2011). Assessing the Impact of Instructional Technology. Presented
at the Eastern Educational Research Association Conference. Sarasota, FL, February 26, 2011.
Bond, M.A., Amelink, C.T., & Lovegreen, T. (2011). Using Collaborative Course Design to
Enhance First Year Experience Courses for Undergraduate Students. Presentation at the
AECT Conference, Jacksonville, FL.
Horton, L., Kothaneth, S., Amelink, C.T., & Scales, G. (2011). Sociotechnical Analysis of
Instructional Technology Adoption: A College-Wide Initiative to Promote Tablet PC Use.
Paper presented at the ASEE Annual Conference, Vancouver, B.C..
Catherine T. Amelink
Kim, K., Horton, L., & Amelink, C.T. (2011). Promoting Interactions with Technology: Review
of a College-Wide Tablet PC Program. Paper presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics
Society Conference, Las Vegas, NV, September 11-13.
Kothaneth, S., Amelink, C.T., & Scales, G. (2011). Collaborative Learning Spaces through
use of the Tablet PC. Presented at the ELI/EduCause Conference, Washington, D.C.,
February 16, 2011.
Kothaneth, S., Amelink, C.T., & Scales, G. (2011). Diffusion of the Tablet PC through the
College of Engineering at Virginia Tech. Paper presented at the ASEE Annual Conference,
Vancouver, B.C..
Amelink, C.T., Hall, S., & Hu, D. (2010). Informing Online Course Design. Presented at
the Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Blacksburg, VA.
Amelink, C.T., & Scales, G. (2010). Student Learning Behaviors Promoted with Instructional
Technology. Presented at the Frontiers in Engineering Conference, Washington D.C..
Bond, A., & Amelink, C.T. (2010). Enriching the Online Teaching Experience: Meaningful
Faculty Development. Presented at the Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
Blacksburg, VA.
Bond, A., & Amelink, C.T. (2010). Professional Development for Online Teaching Faculty.
Presented at the United States Distance Learning Association Conference.
Creamer, E.G., Meszaros, P., & Amelink, C.T. (2010). Comparing the Relative
Contribution of Individual and Environmental Factors to the Intent to Remain in an
Engineering Major, By Gender. The American Society of Engineering Education Annual
Conference, Lexington, KY.
Creamer, E.G., Amelink, C.T., and Meszaros, P., (2010). Individual and Environmental
Factors that Significantly Impact Short- and Long-term Interest in Engineering. Presented
at the Frontiers in Engineering Conference, Washington D.C..
Hall, S., Amelink, C.T., and Brown, E. (2010). Experiential Learning Practices in Online
Course Design. Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering
Congress & Exposition IMECE2010 November 12-18, 2010, Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada.
Hall, S., Amelink, C.T., and Conn, S. (2010). A Case Study of a Thermodynamics
Course: Informing Online Course Design. The American Society of Engineering Education
Annual Conference, Lexington, KY.
Macedo, P. and Amelink, C.T. (2010). eLearning Course Evaluation Survey: Designing a
Multiphase Approach. Presented at the Annual Distance Teaching and Learning
Conference, Madison, Wisconsin
Scales, G., Caraballo, S. Groves, J., Hobson, R., Vahala, L., Amelink, C.T. (2010).
Implementing Tablet PCs in a Distance Learning Environment. The American Society of
Engineering Education Annual Conference, Lexington, KY.
Catherine T. Amelink
Scales, G., Kothaneth, S., Porkorski, D. Bailey, D., Amelink, C.T. (2010). Strategic
Alliances for Successful Deployment of Instructional Technologies. The American Society
of Engineering Education Annual Conference, Lexington, KY.
Amelink, C.T. & Creamer, E.G. (2009). Gender Differences in In-Class and Out-of Class
Experiences that Influence the Intent to Complete an Engineering Degree and to Pursue
Engineering as a Career. The American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference,
Austin, TX
Creamer, E.G., Amelink, C.T., Meszaros, P.S., and Burger, C.J. (2009). Investigating the
Gender Component: Cultures that Promote Equity in Undergraduate Engineering
Integrated Report. Research was conducted with support from the National Science
Foundation (GSE-RES 0522767)
Meszaros, P.S. & Amelink, C.T. (2009). A Cross-Institutional Comparison of Educational
Factors Promoting or Discouraging the Intent to Remain in Engineering, The American Society
of Engineering Education Annual Conference, Austin, TX
Successfully Awarded Grants
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, “InVenTs at Virginia Tech, Center for the Enhancement of
Engineering Diversity” $75,000 (2013-2018)
John Deere Foundation, for the Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Diversity,
Virginia Tech, $4,000 (2010, 2011, 2012).
NSF TUES grant “Developing Innovative Thinking Skills Among Engineering
Undergraduates Enrolled in Large Lecture Courses” $127,149 (2012, 2013)
NCIIA Grant: InVenTs Living Learning Community: Developing Innovative Thinking
Among Participants” $8,000
ExxonMobil Corporation, for the Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Diversity,
Virginia Tech, $10,000 (2011).
National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Region III. Recipient of $500
grant to support research (2004).
Assessment for the following grants:
PhysTEC: Inspiring Students to Pursue Physics Teaching, $300,000
CAREER grant for Holly Matusovitch (ENGE) on examining student motivation to learn
in engineering education
Virginia Tech
EDRE 6504 Qualitative Methods I. 2008
EDAE 5604 Research in Student Affairs. 2008; mentored Teaching Assistant 2009
Catherine T. Amelink
ELPS 6424: Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment. 2007, 2009, mentored Teaching
Assistant 2008
EDRE 6064: Higher Education in the United States. 2005
Instructor, WING Residential Living Learning Community Program. 2002-2004
University of Maryland University College
EDCP 100: Principles and Strategies for Success. 2006 – 2007.
Recipient of the 20
Recipient of the 2009 Denice Dee Denton Best Paper Award, The American Society of
Engineering Education, Women in Engineering Division
Recipient of the 2002-2003 McComas-Chambless Scholarship, Virginia Tech
National Webinar: Engineering Self-Efficacy: What it is, Why it Matters, and How to Encourage
it in Engineering Learning Environments! WEPAN and Engineering Inclusive Teaching Faculty
Professional Development, 2015.
Presented Workshop: Cultures that Promote the Retention of Undergraduate Women in
Engineering: Findings from the Investing the Gender Component (IGC) Project June 2009,
Austin, TX The American Society of Engineering Education
Presented Work-Life Spillover Among Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty, Association for the
Study of Higher Education Annual Conference, November 2006.
Presented Demographic Characteristics and Institutional Variables that Predict the
Academic Success among First-Year First Generation Students, Mid-Atlantic Conference
on Diversity, February 2006
Presented Predicting the Academic Success of First-Generation College Students at the
Association of the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference, November 2005
American Association for Engineering Education, Member, 2009 – current
Association for the Study of Higher Education, Member, 2003-2008
National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Member, 2002-2008
American Council on Education, Office of Women in Higher Education, Virginia Network,
Member, 2002-
Catherine T. Amelink
Association for Student Development, Executive Board, 2002-2003
Member, Graduate Honor System Judicial and Investigative Boards, 2002- 2005
Catherine T. Amelink