1 Review of Strategic Planning Process July-August 2015: Initial discussions with faculty and staff leadership, Leadership Council, and Board of Trustees Development of website to allow campus to access documents September-December 2015: Expanded Leadership Council divided into 7 workgroups (SWOT; mission/vision/values; one for each of the 5 strategic priorities) Meetings of workgroups, periodic reports to Expanded Leadership Council, surveys of faculty/staff, multiple open forums, presentation to Student Government Association, workgroup report preparation and completion January-February 2016: Update for Board of Trustees on January 15 Creation and work of the Workgroup Report Integration Team STRATEGIC PLAN Work Groups Workgroup: Membership: SWOT Analysis Vision/Mission/ Values Attract/ Retain Educate/Adv. Research Enable/ Place Organize/ Engage Fund/ Build Lori Messinger, Chris Finelli, chair Mark Galizio, chair Charlie Hardy, chair Martin Posey, chair Tammy Hunt, chair chair Christy Ward, chair Steffaney Cohen Cathy Barlow Stuart Borrett Antje Almeida Jeffrey Bruinsma Kristen Brogdon Sharon Boyd Nathan Crowe Dawn Brown Cara Cilano Jess Boersma Lindsay LeRoy Natasha Davis Rob Burrus Andy Mauk Van Dempsey Terry Curran Rosalynn Martin David Donaldson Carrie Clements Pam Seaton Candace Thompson Art Frampton Tracy Hargrove Susan Faircloth Rigo Rincones Gomez Laurie Patterson Steve Elliott Jennifer Horan Vibeke Olson Venita Jenkins Dan McCord Jeanne Persuit Carol Heinrich Stefanie Powell Ron Vetter Adrienne Swinney Mark Morgan Ann Pabst John Rack Lynn Leonard Bob Roer Sarah Watstein Brian Victor Sara Thorndike Bev Vagnerini Thom Rakes Donyell Roseboro Aswani Volety Michael White Brad Walker Paul Townend Mike Walker Jimmy Reeves Susan Simmons Pat Leonard Kent Guion John Scherer Janine Iamunno Jimmy Bass Cabinet Representative: Eddie Stuart Rick Whitfield (Chancellor Sartarelli, Marilyn Sheerer, and Mark Lanier will be available for any of the workgroups) 54 STRATEGIC PLAN Workgroup Report Integration Team Parker, Michele, Associate Professor, Educational Leadership Pilgrim, Carol, Professor, Psychology Wilcox, Aaron, Professor, Art and Art History Smith, Stephanie, College of Health and Human Services Rincones Gomez, Rigo, Asst. Provost, Institutional Research & Assessment Mauk, Andy, Director, Assessment, Research & Planning, Student Affairs Ballou, Bradley, Chief of Staff Guion, Kent, Chief Diversity Officer Iamunno, Janine, Executive Director, University Relations Lanier, Mark, Assistant to the Chancellor Leonard, Pat, Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs Scherer, John, General Counsel Magnus, Jessica, Professor, Management Brown, Dawn, Chair, Staff Senate 55 Review of Strategic Planning Process The 7 workgroup reports comprised 147 pages, plus additional supporting documentation (available at http://www.uncw.edu/planning/WorkgroupReportsD ec2015.html) The workgroup report integration team has condensed these reports to approximately 50 pp. Today, we will review the goals under each strategic priority and examples of the metrics that are proposed (but not all 50 pages!) OVERVIEW OF STRATEGIC PRIORITIES AND GOALS ATTRACT/ RETAIN 1. Attract high quality, diverse students, faculty and staff 2.Ensure a diverse and inclusive culture and a global mindset throughout the university 3.Increase retention and graduation rates 4.Retain diverse and high quality faculty and staff EDUCATE/ADV. RESEARCH ENABLE/PLACE 1. Foster collaborative 1. Advance campus partnerships to university enhance advising and academic student support programming 2. Prepare students for post2.Enhance graduation success applied 3.Increase post-graduation learning career placement and 3.Advance graduate school admission research and rates scholarly activities 4.Foster global learning and research ORGANIZE/ENGAGE FUND/BUILD 1. Engage campus and community with targeted internal and external communications strategy to ensure effective introduction, implementation, monitoring, and long-term success of the strategic plan 2. Analyze and streamline marketing efforts to effectively identify, package and share the university’s story internally and externally 3. Organize and capitalize on key community partnerships, campus strengths and employee interests to increase community, regional and global impact and enrich the student experience 4.Incentivize, support, recognize and reward community/scholarly engagement activities by faculty, students, and staff 1. Ensure the state continues to support the institution 2. Strategically grow enrollment without sacrificing quality and access 3. Ensure auxiliary services provide value to students and the university 4. Ensure athletics are academically sound, financially sound, and in full compliance 5. Maximize opportunities for fiscal sustainability and institutional efficiencies in order to reinvest strategically 6. Increase extramural research funding 7. Fundraise for a great university: comprehensive campaign, best practices, and alignment of donor support with strategic priorities Example(s) of Templates from Each Strategic Priority 7 ATTRACT / RETAIN GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives / Drivers 1. Attract High Quality, Diverse Students, Faculty and Staff STUDENTS Develop a comprehensive enrollment management plan to attract increasing numbers of high quality, diverse students in each of the following categories, as discussed in later slides: • Freshmen • Transfers • Graduate • Military-affiliated • Online • International The last three categories are incorporated within each of the first three, but should be tracked and targeted for growth separately. Completion of plan Annual updates AVP, Enrollment Management AVC, International AVC, DE Military Coordinator OIRA Cabinet Deans/Directors/C hairs Ongoing State University CITI Target Enrollment Metrics, by 2020-21 (summarized from multiple templates) Fall freshmen: from 2,024 to 2,500, annually Transfers: from 1,420 to 2,000, annually Graduate students: from 1,708 to 2,500, total Military-affiliated: from 800 to 1,500, total Online: from 1,582 to 3,000, total International: from 350 to 1,000, total 9 ATTRACT / RETAIN GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING 2020-21 State University Gifts/Grants Objectives / Drivers 3. Increase retention and graduation rates • Develop retention/student success committee comprised of faculty, staff, and administrators to study and implement best practices • Benchmark UNC system schools and peers • Enhance “living and learning” communities • Implement and monitor “Freshmen On-Campus” requirement Increase freshman to sophomore retention from 85% to at least 90%, by 2020-21 Increase four-year graduation rate from 52.5% to 55% Increase six-year graduation rate from 70% to at least 75%, by 2020-21 Maintain or improve the six-year Student Success & Progress Rate of 94.7% (College Portrait) Increase graduation rate for community college transfers (with associates degrees) from 77% to 80% Success rates for international students Success rates for militaryaffiliated Success rates for graduate students Continue to reduce disparities in retention and graduation rates Cabinet Deans/Directors/ Chairs AVP, Enrollment Management AVC, Int’l. Military Coordinator OIDI 12 ATTRACT / RETAIN GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING 2020-21 State University CITI Gifts/Grants Objectives / Drivers 4. Retain Faculty and Staff • Measurement of goals and targets for competitive salaries • Use of Merit and Equity Funds • Foster Professional Development • Be a “family friendly workplace” that focuses on well-being • Develop a trailing spouse program Retention rates Progress toward salary targets (80% to 100% of market) Progress on annual “Top 10” recommendations from Staff Senate and recommendations of Faculty Senate Cabinet Human Resources Deans/Directors/ Chairs Staff Senate Faculty Senate EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 1. Advance University Academic Programming • Develop, gain approval, ensure funding and launch new degree programs that enhance the educational experience of students and meet market needs Cameron School of Business MS, Business Analytics (online) Executive MBA (online) MS, Finance/CFA (online) Dean, CSB Dean, Graduate School Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants College of Arts & Sciences BA, International Studies (online) BA, Digital Arts Dean, CAS Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants College of Health & Human Services MS, Athletic Training MS, Nursing (Family Nurse Practitioner Option) BS, Physician Assistant MS, Nursing Education (online) Dean, CHHS Dean, Graduate School Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 1. Advance University Academic Programming (continued) • Develop, gain approval… (continued) Watson College of Education MS, Workforce Education Development MS, Digital Literacy MS, Leadership in Community Colleges Dean, WCE Dean, Graduate School Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants • Ensure current (Ed.D and PhD in Marine Biology), newly approved (PhD, Psychology and Doctor of Nursing Practice) and future doctoral programs (PhD in Marine Sciences etc.) meet or exceed expectations for enrollment and quality Quality of intake (GRE’s, other) Progression to comps and dissertation Graduation within 4 to 6 years Placement at good institutions Deans/Directors/ Chairs Dean, Graduate School Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Undergraduate Studies (ETEAL & Honors) CTE/CFL Office of Institutional Research HIP Task Force Career Center Spring 2016, 2020-2021 State University Gifts/Grants Objectives/Drivers 2. Enhance Applied Learning • Increase support for faculty-mentored student research and scholarship and other applied learning experiences, including ETEAL Collect baseline data on student participation in applied learning Work with Task Force for Enhancement and Equity of HIP Identify specific metrics: - number of activities - awards to support activities - student deliverables Increased funding for ETEAL Funding initiatives: - 172 funded ETEAL supported pedagogy initiatives by 2018 - 95 Graduates per cohort by 2018 with Honors - Increase research scholars to 45 by 2018 - Increase high-impact practice opportunities by 7% by 2018 - On-campus internship opportunities 28 EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Career Services Registrar’s Office Undergraduate Studies Deans/Directors/ Chairs Fall 2016 , Onward State University Gifts/Grants AVC, DE/Online University Learning Center Graduate School SPARC Fall 2017 State University Gifts/Grants Objectives/Drivers 2. Enhance Applied Learning (continued) • Increase percentage of Aim for 90% of students to include at UNCW undergraduate least 1 example of High Impact students who experience Practice (HIP) by 20-21 High Impact Practices (HIP) Increased funding for every student Applied Learning, with who wishes to participate special emphasis on Increased # of diversity & reaching diversity, on-line, & nontraditional students involved nontraditional students • Increase support for graduate students (work with graduate school and SPARC) Increase # of TAs, RAs Increase stipend & tuition support for TAs, RAs Increase public/private research & traineeship opportunities Professional development for graduate students • Promote support for the Meet benchmarks for faculties Center for Teaching Faculty Fellow Program Excellence and the Center Stipend program/recognition for Faculty Leadership Provost CTE/CFL Spring 2016, Onward State University Gifts/Grants 30 EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 3. Advance Research and Scholarly Activities (continued) • Increase extramural funding to $30M by 20-21 from $12M today through greater grant seeking, new areas of focus and use of alternative sources of funding 2013-14: $12M 2020-21: $30M AVP, Research Deans/Directors/ Chairs Provost Yearly goals State University Gifts/Grants • Target dissemination of scholarship to high quality discipline-specific outlets Increase contributions to high quality outlets and venues AVP, Research Deans/Directors/ Chairs Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants • Build strong financial incentives for applied research and scholarship from internal and external sources Research and library committee should define metrics Cabinet Faculty Senate Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants 32 EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Undergrad. Studies USAC Graduate School Deans/Directors/ Chairs Spring 20162020 State University Gifts/Grants Objectives/Drivers 4. Foster global learning and research • Enhance curricula to strengthen students’ global thinking and awareness • Increase number of and support for students who study abroad Increase number of courses offered as part of University Studies curriculum to fulfill the “Living in a Global Society” requirement. Increase number of courses at the graduate level that include a specific focus on global issues. Increase by 5% the proportion of full-time undergraduates who participate in creditbearing study abroad each year. Develop opportunities to increase number of graduate students participating in international experiences related to their field of study. AVC for International Programs Graduate School Deans/Directors/ Chairs Spring 2016 - 2020 State University Gifts/Grants 32 ENABLE/PLACE GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 3. Increase post-graduation career placement and graduate school admission rates, with emphasis on Fortune 500 companies, NGOs, Govt. agencies, and top graduate schools. • Associate Director of Employee Relations target prospective employers/agencies • Strengthen role of preprofessional advising among faculty to enhance success placement • Develop alumni networks in key markets and companies • Grow job recruiting fairs opportunities through partnerships with other campuses in the system • Grow number of graduate school admission workshops • Grow number of graduate school fairs • Monitor success data by academic unit and provide support across all schools/colleges At least 90% employment or graduate/ professional school enrollment rates 6 months after graduation Number of Fortune 500 companies recruiting Number of NGSs and agencies participating in career events Number of employers contacting UNCW online Number and quality of graduate schools at graduate fairs VCSA Career Center Alumni Relations Deans Faculty Pre-Professional Advisors Immediate State University Gifts/Grants 34 ORGANIZE/ENGAGE GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 3. Organize and capitalize on key community partnerships, campus strengths and employee interests to increase community, regional and global impact and enrich student experience • Partner UNCW knowledge and resources with those of the public and private sector to: - Enrich scholarship, research and creative activity - Enhance curriculum, teaching and learning - Prepare educated, engaged citizens - Strengthen democratic and civic responsibilities - Address critical societal issues - Contribute to public good Enhanced scholarship/creative activity Enhanced curriculum, teaching and learning Prepared educated and engaged citizens Strengthened democratic and civic responsibility Address societal issues Awards for community and scholarly engagement, for faculty, students, staff and community partners National recognition as an engaged university (Carnegie Foundation; Honor Roll; etc.) Enhanced visibility of CE activities and recognitions Chancellor Cabinet OCE Deans/Directors/ Chairs Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants 39 FUND/BUILD GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 7. Fundraise for a Great University (continued): Align Donor Support with Strategic Priorities • Great students Scholarships/assistantships/ fellowships Student Programs VCUA Deans/Directors/ Chairs Chancellor By 20-21 State University Gifts/Grants • Great faculty and staff Chairs/professorships/ fellowships/faculty and staff professional development and support VCUA Deans/Directors/ Chairs Chancellor By 20-21 State University Gifts/Grants • Great programs Academic Disciplines Student Programs Community Engagement Athletics VCUA Deans/Directors/ Chairs Chancellor; AD By 20-21 State University Gifts/Grants • Great facilities Buildings/labs/classrooms Athletics Student Support By 20-21 State University Gifts/Grants • Great names Naming opportunities to honor philanthropic leadership (Facilities, Scholarships, Professorships, Programs, etc.) VCUA, VCBA, AD, Provost, Deans Chancellor VCUA Chancellor Trustees By 20-21 University 53 Next Steps Incorporate input from open forums, survey responses, and email Preparation of abbreviated public version Incorporation into Installation Address Implementation, monitoring, and revisions (“a living document”) 21 Questions & Comments Your input is also welcomed through an online survey (https://selectsurvey.uncw.edu/SelectSurveyNET//TakeSur vey.aspx?SurveyID=96KHlm753) or through email (strategicplan@uncw.edu) 22 23 SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS • • • • • • • • Faculty and Staff Teaching/Applied Learning Academic/Research Programs Student-Centered Approach Coastal Location/Campus Environment Culture of Collegiality and Support Community Engagement Student Support Programs WEAKNESSES • Impacts of Non-competitive Salaries/Benefits • Faculty/ Staff Workload and Support • Progress of Diversity Efforts • Leadership Turnover • Shared Governance and Transparency • Ambiguous Campus Identity or Vision • Aging/Insufficient Infrastructure • Underutilization of Technology OPPORTUNITIES • • • • • Promotion of Distinctive Characteristics Expanded and Enhanced Academic Programs Potential For Strategic Partnerships Enhanced Technology and Online Education Strong Foundation of Applied Learning, Community Engagement and Study Abroad • New Avenues for Funding, including Growth • More Inclusive Climate for Diverse/International Students, Faculty, and Staff THREATS • • • • Inflexible and Inadequate Funding Non-competitive Salaries/Benefits Competition From Other Schools Competition From Online Programs and Other Learning Environments • Negative Perceptions of Higher Education • Student Costs and Market Competitiveness • Unnecessarily Burdensome Regulation 3 VISION UNCW will be recognized for student, community, and global engagement and for a culture of excellence in all endeavors. MISSION The University of North Carolina Wilmington, the state’s coastal university, is dedicated to the integration of teaching and mentoring with research and service. Our commitment to student engagement, creative inquiry, critical thinking, thoughtful expression and responsible citizenship is expressed in our baccalaureate and master’s programs, as well as doctoral programs in areas of expertise that serve the state needs. Our culture reflects our values of diversity and globalization, ethics and integrity, and excellence and innovation. VALUES EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY STUDENT CENTERED COMMUNITY ENGAGED DIVERSITY INNOVATION STRATEGIC PRIORITIES ATTRACT/RETAIN EDUCATE/RESEARCH ENABLE/PLACE ORGANIZE/ENGAGE FUND/BUILD 4 OVERVIEW OF STRATEGIC PRIORITIES AND GOALS ATTRACT/ RETAIN 1. Attract high quality, diverse students, faculty and staff 2.Ensure a diverse and inclusive culture and a global mindset throughout the university 3.Increase retention and graduation rates 4.Retain diverse and high quality faculty and staff EDUCATE/ADV. RESEARCH ENABLE/PLACE 1. Foster collaborative 1. Advance campus partnerships to university enhance advising and academic student support programming 2. Prepare students for post2.Enhance graduation success applied 3.Increase post-graduation learning career placement and 3.Advance graduate school admission research and rates scholarly activities 4.Foster global learning and research ORGANIZE/ENGAGE FUND/BUILD 1. Engage campus and community with targeted internal and external communications strategy to ensure effective introduction, implementation, monitoring, and long-term success of the strategic plan 2. Analyze and streamline marketing efforts to effectively identify, package and share the university’s story internally and externally 3. Organize and capitalize on key community partnerships, campus strengths and employee interests to increase community, regional and global impact and enrich the student experience 4.Incentivize, support, recognize and reward community/scholarly engagement activities by faculty, students, and staff 1. Ensure the state continues to support the institution 2. Strategically grow enrollment without sacrificing quality and access 3. Ensure Auxiliary Services provide value to students and the university 4. Ensure Athletics are academically sound, financially sound, and in full compliance 5. Maximize opportunities for fiscal sustainability and institutional efficiencies in order to reinvest strategically 6. Increase extramural research funding 7. Fundraise for a great university: comprehensive campaign, best practices, and alignment of donor support with strategic priorities ATTRACT / RETAIN GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives / Drivers 1. Attract High Quality, Diverse Students, Faculty and Staff STUDENTS Develop a comprehensive enrollment management plan to attract increasing numbers of high quality, diverse students in each of the following categories, as discussed in later slides: • Freshmen • Transfers • Graduate • Military-affiliated • Online • International The last three categories are incorporated within each of the first three, but should be tracked and targeted for growth separately. Completion of plan Annual updates AVP, Enrollment Management AVC, International AVC, DE Military Coordinator OIRA Cabinet Deans/Directors/C hairs Ongoing State University CITI ATTRACT / RETAIN GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives / Drivers 1. Attract High Quality, Diverse Students, Faculty and Staff Freshmen • Increase # of recruiters • Increase # of recruiting scholarships • Focus on distinctiveness • Target key high schools • Enlist centers • Expand Honors Transfers • Enhance relationships with community colleges • Increase bilateral articulation agreements • Increase out-of-state transfers • Enlist centers to enhance diversity of transfers Annual: 2,024 2,500 Avg SAT: 1,190 1,250 ACT: [set target] Class Rank: [set target] HSGPA: [set target] Annual: 1,420 2,000 Increase percentage with AA degrees Increase number of hours completed Increase transfer GPA AVP, Enrollment Management Provost Deans/Directors/ Chairs AVP, Enrollment Management Provost Deans/Directors/ Chairs Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants 7 ATTRACT / RETAIN GOALS OWNER(S) METRICS TIMING FUNDING Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants Objectives / Drivers 1. Attract High Quality, Diverse Students, Faculty and Staff Military • Increase degree offerings in the Onslow Extension Program • Increase the number of online offerings • Expand and enhance relationships with military bases • Enhance support services Online • • • Establish unit with new leadership Launch new strategic programs Ensure high quality online offerings Total: 800 1,500 Monitor/meet the UNC Best Practices matrix Total: 1,582 3,000 Coordinator Provost VCSA Deans/Directors/ Chairs AVP, Enrollment Management AVC, DE Dean, Graduate School Provost Deans/Directors/ Chairs AVP, Enrollment Management 8 ATTRACT / RETAIN GOALS OWNER(S) METRICS TIMING FUNDING Objectives / Drivers 1. Attract High Quality, Diverse Students, Faculty and Staff International • Increase recruitment from G20 countries • Expand partnerships • Recruit at international student fairs and through quality national programs • Build infrastructure to accommodate growth Graduate • Seek more tuition waivers, assistantships, and other financial support • Build support structure for graduate students • Leverage distinctive and new graduate programs to attract quality graduate enrollment Total: 350 Total: 1,700 1,000 2,500 AVC, International Ongoing Programs AVP, Enrollment Management Deans/Directors/ Chairs Cabinet State University Gifts/Grants Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants Dean, Graduate School AVP, Enrollment Management Provost Deans/Directors/ Chairs/Faculty/ Staff 9 ATTRACT / RETAIN GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives / Drivers 1. Attract High Quality, Diverse Students, Faculty and Staff Faculty • Identify high quality faculty who demonstrate commitment to university core values • Competitive salaries (80% to 100%) of market and start- up packages • Increase distinguished/ endowed professorships Schools: Top 100 (U.S. News) Quality of Scholarship Diverse Applied Learning Global Mindset Engaged Research/Scholarship support Provost Deans/Directors/ Chairs On Demand State University Gifts/Grants Cabinet On Demand State University Gifts/Grants Staff • Create opportunities for advancement • Offer competitive salaries (80% to 100% of market) 10 ATTRACT / RETAIN GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives / Drivers 1. Attract High Quality, Diverse Students, Faculty and Staff • Ensure full funding for projected enrollment growth, including sufficient numbers of and compensation for faculty and staff, academic support, library, institutional support, and facilities Future budgets and master plan should lay out the resources required to support enrollment increase Monitor and improve the student-to-faculty ratio and the student-to-staff ratio Cabinet Yearly/ 5year rolling forecast starting with 2016 – 2017 State University Gifts/Grants • Maintain safe, functional, efficient, sustainable, and aesthetically pleasing campuses and facilities Incorporation into and completion of campus master planning process Appropriate funding levels Feedback from prospective students, students, faculty, staff, and visitors Trustees Cabinet Business Affairs Physical Plant Student Affairs Athletics Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants 11 ATTRACT / RETAIN GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives / Drivers 2. Ensure a diverse and inclusive culture and a global mindset throughout the university STUDENTS • Expand articulation agreements with community colleges to grow the number and diversity of transfers • Increase scholarships for underrepresented groups • Continue to close the gap in retention/graduation rates Thought, Gender, Color, Sexual Orientation of each cohort Funds for scholarships Retention and graduation rates for underrepresented groups AVP, Enrollment Management Dean, Graduate School AVC, International AVC, DE Military Coordinator Deans/Directors/ Chairs Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants Diverse slate required of every open position Human Resources Hiring Supervisor Cabinet Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants FACULTY/STAFF • Ensure diverse search committees and a diverse pool for open positions • Expand learning opportunities for cultural competency • Intentional programming to support and highlight inclusion and diversity 12 ATTRACT / RETAIN GOALS OWNER(S) METRICS TIMING FUNDING Objectives / Drivers 2. Ensure a diverse and inclusive culture and a global mindset throughout the university INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS • Dedicated recruiting structure/student fairs • Focus on G20 countries • Partnerships • Selective use of agents • Expand ESL • Engage national programs (e.g., Mexico) • Hosting infrastructure Total: 350 1,000 Deans/Directors/ Chairs Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants Total: 900 1,500 AVC, International Deans/Directors/ Chairs Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants STUDY ABROAD • Partnerships • Faculty engagement • Promotion/marketing 13 ATTRACT / RETAIN GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING 2020-21 State University Gifts/Grants Objectives / Drivers 3. Increase retention and graduation rates • Develop retention/student success committee comprised of faculty, staff, and administrators to study and implement best practices • Benchmark UNC system schools and peers • Enhance “living and learning” communities • Implement and monitor “Freshmen On-Campus” requirement Increase freshman to sophomore retention from 85% to at least 90%, by 2020-21 Increase four-year graduation rate from 52.5% to 55% Increase six-year graduation rate from 70% to at least 75%, by 2020-21 Maintain or improve the six-year Student Success & Progress Rate of 94.7% (College Portrait) Increase graduation rate for community college transfers (with associates degrees) from 77% to 80% Success rates for international students Success rates for militaryaffiliated Success rates for graduate students Continue to reduce disparities in retention and graduation rates Cabinet Deans/Directors/ Chairs AVP, Enrollment Management AVC, Int’l. Military Coordinator OIDI 12 ATTRACT / RETAIN GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING 2020-21 State University Gifts/Grants 5-year plan, with annual monitoring State University CITI Objectives / Drivers 4. Retain Faculty and Staff • Measurement of goals and targets for competitive salaries • Use of merit and equity Funds • Foster professional development • Be a “family friendly workplace” that focuses on well-being • Develop a trailing spouse program Retention rates Progress toward salary targets (80% to 100% of market) Responsiveness to and progress on annual “Top 10” recommendations from Staff Senate and recommendations of Faculty Senate Annual review/evaluation processes, consistent with the classification/position of the employee Provost VCSA Human Resources Deans/Directors/ Chairs Staff Senate Faculty Senate • Commit a portion of future tuition increases (CITI) and other sources as available to address faculty and staff salary issues (competitiveness, merit, compression, inversion, retention, correct banding and reclassifications, etc.) Working targets: 2016-17: 80% market By 2018-19: 90% market By 2020-21: 100% market CITI committee Bd. of Trustees Cabinet 12 EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 1. Advance University Academic Programming • Develop, gain approval, ensure funding and launch new degree programs that enhance the educational experience of students and meet market needs Cameron School of Business MS, Business Analytics (online) Executive MBA (online) MS, Finance/CFA (online) Dean, CSB Dean, Graduate School Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants College of Arts & Sciences BA, International Studies (online) BA, Digital Arts Dean, CAS Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants College of Health & Human Services MS, Athletic Training MS, Nursing (Family Nurse Practitioner Option) BS, Physician Assistant MS, Nursing Education (online) Dean, CHHS Dean, Graduate School Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants 18 EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 1. Advance University Academic Programming (continued) • Develop, gain approval… (continued) Watson College of Education MS, Workforce Education Development MS, Digital Literacy MS, Leadership in Community Colleges Dean, WCE Dean, Graduate School Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants • Ensure current (Ed.D and PhD in Marine Biology), newly approved (PhD, Psychology and Doctor of Nursing Practice) and future doctoral programs (PhD in Marine Sciences etc.) meet or exceed expectations for enrollment and quality Quality of intake (GRE’s, other) Progression to comps and dissertation Graduation within 4 to 6 years Placement at good institutions Allocation of adequate institutional resources for metrics above Increase pursuit of diversity enhancement grants and other funding (e.g., NSF IGERT) Deans/Directors/ Chairs Dean, Graduate School Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants 19 EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 1. Advance University Academic Programming (continued) • Pursue cross-campus and cross-system joint programs that enhance student career opportunities Potential programs: - MS, Nursing Practice & MBA - MFA & MBA - PhD, Marine Sciences with ECU Deans/Directors/ Chairs Dean, Graduate School Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants • Enhance and expand strategically online offerings at both undergraduate and graduate levels Double # of offerings by 20-21 Ensure ADA compliance Focus expansion efforts on state needs Support Quality Matters reviewers Improve infrastucture AVC DE/Online Deans/Directors/ Chairs Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants • Bring to scale a teaching assistant program to assist with large classes Training for all relevant faculty Fund assistants in large classes Review workload structure with large classes Deans/Directors/ Chairs CTE/CFL Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants 20 EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 1. Advance University Academic Programming (continued) • Ensure existing and new centers expand quality educational offerings, enhance academic reputation and promote community engagement Meet/exceed set objectives Provost AP, Research Deans/Directors/ Chairs Annual State University Gifts/Grants • Educate by role modeling: Launch UNCW Distinguished Speakers’ Series Number of students in attendance Credits earned if applicable Chief of Staff VCUA Provost Chancellor Fall/Spring State University Gifts/Grants 22 EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 1. Advance University Academic Programming (continued) • Retain accreditation • Increase academic content in UNI courses • Ensure existing and new centers expand quality educational offerings, enhance academic reputation and promote community engagement Achieve successful outcome of 5th year SACSSOC report in 2019 Affirm support for QEP and its institutionalization Increase # of faculty instructors Meet/exceed set objectives Provost Vice Provost Accreditation coordinator ETEAL director Provost Dean of Undergraduate Studies Deans/Directors/ Chairs Marilyn Sheerer Research Office Deans/Directors/ Chairs 2013-20192023 Yearly goals Annual State University Gifts/Grants State University Gifts/Grants State University Gifts/Grants 26 EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Undergraduate Studies (ETEAL & Honors) CTE/CFL Office of Institutional Research HIP Task Force Career Center Spring 2016, 2020-2021 State University Gifts/Grants Objectives/Drivers 2. Enhance Applied Learning • Increase support for faculty-mentored student research and scholarship and other applied learning experiences, including ETEAL Collect baseline data on student participation in applied learning Work with Task Force for Enhancement and Equity of HIP Identify specific metrics: - number of activities - awards to support activities - student deliverables Increased funding for ETEAL Funding initiatives: - 172 funded ETEAL supported pedagogy initiatives by 2018 - 95 Graduates per cohort by 2018 with Honors - Increase research scholars to 45 by 2018 - Increase high-impact practice opportunities by 7% by 2018 - On-campus internship opportunities 28 EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 2. Enhance Applied Learning (continued) • Increase support for faculty involved in applied learning activities Chancellor’s Scholarship Awards (to parallel Chancellor’s teaching Awards) Investigate possibility of providing recognition through compensation, and review and assessment Chancellor Provost Deans/Directors/ Chairs Fall 2016 ongoing State University Gifts/Grants • Evaluate the future organizational structure for support of Applied Learning (including a Director for the Applied Learning initiative) Directorship Vs SACSSOC upcoming review Institutionalization and broadening of current ETEAL initiative Provost Dean of Undergraduate Studies By Fall 2016 State University Gifts/Grants 29 EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Career Services Registrar’s Office Undergraduate Studies Deans/Directors/ Chairs Fall 2016 , Onward State University Gifts/Grants AVC, DE/Online University Learning Center Graduate School SPARC Fall 2017 State University Gifts/Grants Objectives/Drivers 2. Enhance Applied Learning (continued) • Increase percentage of Aim for 90% of students to include at UNCW undergraduate least 1 example of High Impact students who experience Practice (HIP) by 20-21 High Impact Practices (HIP) Increased funding for every student Applied Learning, with who wishes to participate special emphasis on Increased # of diversity & reaching diversity, on-line, & nontraditional students involved nontraditional students • Increase support for graduate students (work with graduate school and SPARC) Increase # of TAs, RAs Increase stipend & tuition support for TAs, RAs Increase public/private research & traineeship opportunities Professional development for graduate students • Promote support for the Meet benchmarks for faculties Center for Teaching Faculty Fellow Program Excellence and the Center Stipend program/recognition for Faculty Leadership Provost CTE/CFL Spring 2016, Onward State University Gifts/Grants 30 EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 3. Advance Research and Scholarly Activities • Increase flexibility in Investigate current/possible determining faculty workload policies and workload assignments at assignments the unit level Ensure dept. flexibility & accountability in adopting flexible workload assignments that meet the unit mission. • Increase campuswide resources available to advance scholarly activity • Increase intramural support to UNCW Provost Deans, Directors, and Chairs Conduct needs analysis of extant resources and faculty TT access Increased supplemental funding based on findings of needs/resource analysis. Provost Deans, Directors, & Chairs CTE/CFL Office of Research Increase number & quality of submitted proposals Maximize reinvestment of F&A to support scholarship & research Provost Office of Research Deans, Directors, & Chairs Spring 2016 – Spring 2017 Spring 2016 – ongoing Spring 2016 – ongoing State University Gifts/Grants State University Gifts/Grants State University Gifts/Grants 30 EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 3. Advance Research and Scholarly Activities (continued) • Ensure appropriate staffing of support units for sponsored research and scholarship across campus Provide support & infrastructure for grant-seeking opportunities and grant administration in all areas. Consult with BA, AA, and faculty to identify units that require staffing (in areas such as travel, purchasing, and hiring) Provide appropriate infrastructure through OfficeTT of Community Engagement to support engaged scholarship, service-learning and outreach Increase ITS infrastructure capacity and flexibility to support research. Office of Research Academic Affairs Business Affairs CMS Office of Community Engagement ITS Spring 2016 - ongoing State University Gifts/Grants 30 EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS OWNER(S) METRICS TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 3. Advance Research and Scholarly Activities (continued) Increased opportunities to interact with funding agencies (initial review groups, review panels, councils, and boards). # of funding opportunities pursued that include provisions for student training grants. Increases in bridge funding for faculty with established track record in obtaining grants. Increase # of efforts to facilitate collaborations among faculty with collaborative or synergistic interests. Increase new lines of support for projects in emerging areas of excellence, with emphasis on multidisciplinary approaches (e.g., faculty advisory committees, seed funding for projects) • Increase access to funding opportunities for research/scholarly activity Office of Research CMS Colleges and Schools Deans, Directors, and Chairs Spring 2016 - ongoing State University Gifts/Grants TT 30 EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 3. Advance Research and Scholarly Activities (continued) • Enhance outreach, education, and policy interactions outside UNCW, to allow for pursuit of additional scholarship opportunities and transfer of findings Participation in policy advisory boards and think-tanks Engage with federal, state, and local governments Publicize UNCW’s efforts and successes Increase community relationships through education activities Increase community engaged scholarship in a sustainable TT fashion Office of Research Colleges and Schools CMS Chancellor’s Office Provost’s Office Advancement OUR Dean of Undergraduate Studies Spring 2016 – Spring 2020 State University Gifts/Grants 30 EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 3. Advance Research and Scholarly Activities (continued) • Ensure institutional policies do not inhibit grant and research activity • Provide residential living support for visiting faculty and scholars Reexamine F&A distribution policies Reexamine Supplemental Pay caps and effective policies Streamline submission & compliance processes Reexamine business processes to remove burdensome requirements AVP Research Provost Business Affairs General Counsel Spring 2016 – Spring 2019 Identify location for affordable visiting faculty and scholar TT housing Develop appropriate policies for use of above Business Affairs AVC for International Studies Spring 2016 – Spring 2017 State University Gifts/Grants State University Gifts/Grants 30 EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 3. Advance Research and Scholarly Activities (continued) • Increase extramural funding to $30M by 20-21 from $12M today through greater grant seeking, new areas of focus and use of alternative sources of funding 2013-14: $12M 2020-21: $30M AVP, Research Deans/Directors/ Chairs Provost Yearly goals State University Gifts/Grants • Target dissemination of scholarship to high quality discipline-specific outlets Increase contributions to high quality outlets and venues AVP, Research Deans/Directors/ Chairs Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants • Build strong financial incentives for applied research and scholarship from internal and external sources Research and library committee should define metrics Cabinet Faculty Senate Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants 32 EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 3. Advance Research and Scholarly Activities (continued) • Encourage/support filing for patents, copyrights, or licensing, as appropriate. Verify if UNCW is competitive. Patents filed/issued per year Copyrights filed/issued per year Licensing agreements Clear IPR Commercialization process AVP, Research Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants • Attract top research faculty with grant seeking skills/Encourage current faculty to acquire them • Incentivize facultyresearchers to bring results to classrooms Number of new faculty with grant seeking skills Number of faculty developing grant seeking skills AVP, Research Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants number of faculty translating research to classroom AVP, Research Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants 33 EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS OWNER(S) METRICS TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 3. Advance Research and Scholarly Activities (continued) • Increase access to funding through traditional and nontraditional sources NSF NIH Other federal agencies Foundations Corporations AVP, Research Provost Deans/Directors/ Chairs Spring 2016 • Identify areas of excellence and of interest to the state and invest to create “waves of excellence” or “game changing research” (e.g., Marine and Coastal; Data Analytics) More faculty More post-docs More investment outcomes AVP, Research Provost Deans/Directors/ Chairs Fall 2016 2017 greater State University Gifts/Grants State University Gifts/Grants 35 EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Undergrad. Studies USAC Graduate School Deans/Directors/ Chairs Spring 20162020 State University Gifts/Grants Objectives/Drivers 4. Foster global learning and research • Enhance curricula to strengthen students’ global thinking and awareness • Increase number of and support for students who study abroad Increase number of courses offered as part of University Studies curriculum to fulfill the “Living in a Global Society” requirement. Increase number of courses at the graduate level that include a specific focus on global issues. Increase by 5% the proportion of full-time undergraduates who participate in creditbearing study abroad each year. Develop opportunities to increase number of graduate students participating in international experiences related to their field of study. AVC for International Programs Graduate School Deans/Directors/ Chairs Spring 2016 - 2020 State University Gifts/Grants 32 EDUCATE/ADVANCE RESEARCH GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants Objectives/Drivers 4. Foster global learning and research (continued) • Provide needed transition support for international students • Create opportunities for faculty & staff from UNCW and international universities to teach and research overseas and at UNCW, respectively Increase direct lines of academic and community mentoring by faculty and students Increase number of faculty & staff from UNCW and international universities who teach and research abroad & here, respectively Identify & provide needed transition support for international faculty and staff working at UNCW AVC, International Programs Deans/Directors/ Chairs Cabinet AVC, International Programs Deans/Directors/ Chairs Provost 32 ENABLE/PLACE GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 1. Foster collaborative campus partnerships to enhance advising and student support • Enhance collaborative advising/support structures between UC, professional advisors, Housing/Res Life staff, and faculty • Enhance/Incentivize academic advising and improve training • Assess on-campus housing needs (including living-learning communities) as part of 5-year master plan exercise • Utilize software to track students and apply early intervention as needed. • Enhance tutoring of traditional and online students Pro Advisor to Student Ratio: 1: 175 Faculty Advisor to Student Ratio: 1:20 number of early alerts Tutoring metrics 1st-Year Retention Rates Graduation Rates Provost VCSA Enrollment Management University College HRL Career Center Deans/Directors/ Chairs University Learning Center AVC of DE Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants 30 ENABLE/PLACE GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Provost VCSA Enrollment Management University College HRL Career Center Deans/Directors/ Chairs Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants Deans/Directors/ Chairs Provost VCSA Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants Objectives/Drivers 2. Prepare students for post-graduation success • Increase student participation in careerrelated activities • Increase student use of career exploration software; track through alumni status • Increase campus career events and job fairs • Ensure every student has a personal brand plan prepared by the end of freshmen year number of students using career exploration software Participation rates at Career Events and Job Fairs Attendance at career readiness and preparation events. • Ensure students are exposed to concepts of ethics/integrity and the Seahawk Respect Compact while at UNCW number of students exposed to both ethics/integrity programs and the compact 30 ENABLE/PLACE GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 3. Increase post-graduation career placement and graduate school admission rates, with emphasis on Fortune 500 companies, NGOs, Govt. agencies, and top graduate schools. • Associate Director of Employee Relations target prospective employers/agencies • Strengthen role of preprofessional advising among faculty to enhance success placement • Develop alumni networks in key markets and companies • Grow job recruiting fairs opportunities through partnerships with other campuses in the system • Grow number of graduate school admission workshops • Grow number of graduate school fairs • Monitor success data by academic unit and provide support across all schools/colleges At least 90% employment or graduate/ professional school enrollment rates 6 months after graduation Number of Fortune 500 companies recruiting Number of NGSs and agencies participating in career events Number of employers contacting UNCW online Number and quality of graduate schools at graduate fairs VCSA Career Center Alumni Relations Deans Faculty Pre-Professional Advisors Immediate State University Gifts/Grants 34 ORGANIZE/ENGAGE GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 1. Engage campus and community with targeted internal and external communications strategy to ensure effective introduction, implementation, monitoring, and long-term success of the strategic plan • Ensure process captures input and endorsement from all key constituencies with clear owners for execution • Determine organization, infrastructure, and processes to implement, integrate and monitor the strategic/master/budget plans Use of campus and off-campus communication vehicles to share plan/timeline, invite input Illustrate presence of working groups representing all key constituencies throughout process Use of campus forums and survey to encourage input Creation of abbreviated plan brochure for community outreach Assignment of responsibilities Development of dashboard metrics Cabinet OUR Spring 2016 State University Gifts/Grants Cabinet Deans/Directors/ Chairs OIRA HR Beginning spring 2016 State University Gifts/Grants 36 ORGANIZE/ENGAGE GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 1. Engage campus and community with targeted internal and external communications strategy to ensure effective introduction, implementation, monitoring, and long-term success of the strategic plan (continued) • Use strategic plan numbers to guide formulation of the master plan and future budgets Enrollment targets for freshmen, transfers, graduate students, online students, international students, and military-affiliated students Cabinet Spring 2016 State University Gifts/Grants 37 ORGANIZE/ENGAGE GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 2. Analyze and streamline marketing efforts to effectively identify, package and share the university’s story internally and externally • Capture the university’s impact and designate “home”/host for that data • Initiate regular review of collective CE activities to identify storytelling opportunities Inventory of key constituencies Stories and impact data of engagement and scholarship Recognition of engagement and scholarship Chancellor Cabinet OCE OUR Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants 38 ORGANIZE/ENGAGE GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 3. Organize and capitalize on key community partnerships, campus strengths and employee interests to increase community, regional and global impact and enrich student experience • Partner UNCW knowledge and resources with those of the public and private sector to: - Enrich scholarship, research and creative activity - Enhance curriculum, teaching and learning - Prepare educated, engaged citizens - Strengthen democratic and civic responsibilities - Address critical societal issues - Contribute to public good Enhanced scholarship/creative activity Enhanced curriculum, teaching and learning Prepared educated and engaged citizens Strengthened democratic and civic responsibility Address societal issues Public good Awards for community and scholarly engagement, for faculty, students, staff and community partners National recognition as an engaged university (Carnegie Foundation; Honor Roll; etc.) Enhanced visibility of CE activities and recognitions Chancellor Cabinet OCE Deans/Directors/ Chairs Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants 39 ORGANIZE/ENGAGE GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 4. Incentivize, support, recognize and reward community/scholarly engagement activities by faculty, students and staff. • Actively promote CE activities throughout the year both on- and off-campus • Centralize opportunities, recognition, and updates to better represent and disseminate information. • Encourage and support appropriate adjusted work schedules. • Incentivize and reward employees for CE efforts and managers for encouraging CE efforts Selected key initiatives: - Art for the Masses - Athletic youth camps - Business plan competition - Feast Down East - Dropout Prevention Coalition Selected key units: - Swain Center - CIE - CMS - Local Surf Rider Foundation - ETEAL - OIDI - QENO - OSLE - OLLI Ongoing Community Engagement (CE) CE Advisory Board Human Resources Deans, Directors and Supervisors Provost Office OUR State University Gifts/Grants 40 FUND/BUILD GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 1. Ensure the State Continues to Support the Institution • Inform legislators, the public and the media about the positive economic impact of UNCW with help from trustees, administrators, faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends Ensure key legislators are fully informed about UNCW’s needs and its economic impact Update economic impact of UNCW regularly Provide quality constituent service Chancellor Provost/VC’s Govt. Relations Univ. Relations Faculty Senate President/Reps Staff Senate President/Reps Student Leadership Immediate and ongoing State University Gifts/Grants • Work, together with the system, to educate the voters about the reasons to vote yes on March 15 (Connect NC) Approval by voters of the Connect NC project; i.e., $66M for the new Allied Health building Chancellor Chief of Staff Gov’t. Rel. Univ. Relations Trustees Campus comm. SGA Community Partners 1st Quarter 2016 Gifts/Grants 43 FUND/BUILD GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 1. Ensure the State Continues to Support the Institution (cont’d) • Advocate for the UNC Policy Agenda and UNC Budget Requests (likely to include enhanced carry-forward authority, regular funding for repairs and renovations, and other items of great importance to UNCW Identify key advocates, including trustees, who can assist in delivering appropriate messages to the legislature Legis. Liaison Chancellor Trustees UNC General Administration, Board of Governors, and sister campuses Immediate and ongoing State University Gifts/Grants 44 FUND/BUILD GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives / Drivers 2. Strategically Grow Enrollment Without Sacrificing Quality and Access • Use the state Enrollment Growth Model to appropriately resource the university 12-Cell Matrix for every new investment – faculty, staff, library, other support Provost VCBA AVP, Enrollment Management OIRA Deans Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants • Focus growth/efforts on key audiences – freshmen, transfer, military, online, international and graduate – balancing tuition/fees with financial aid Selected growth by audiencegenerated revenues without impact on SAT, retention and graduation Provost AVP, Enrollment Management VCBA Ongoing State 45 FUND/BUILD GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 3. Ensure Auxiliary Services Provide Value to Students and the University • Continue managing auxiliaries contracts and investments soundly and manage distribution of net revenue to support strategic priorities of the university Distribute $600K in FY 2015-16 Increase auxiliary distributions commensurate with enrollment growth, revenue growth, CPI, and market factors VCBA VCSA AD Provost Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants • Leverage the UNCW brand and increase licensing revenue to support strategic priorities of the university Distribute $100K in FY 2015-16 Increase licensing distributions commensurate with brand growth VCBA VCSA AD Provost OUR Gen. Counsel Ongoing University 46 FUND/BUILD GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives rivers 4. Ensure Athletics Are Academically Sound, Financially Sound, and in Full Compliance • Ensure all studentathletes meet academic standards and expectations and that teams are conference competitive • Establish, monitor, and meet targets for athletics revenues, by source • Enhance fundraising • Enhance efficiency in athletics • Ensure compliance with NCAA regs./Title IX/etc. • Complete and maintain a strategic plan for athletics GPA’s, retention and graduation in line with university’s NCAA Metrics Financial metrics with regular monitoring Regular reviews of compliance Current strategic plan AD VCBA VCUA Provost Chancellor Ongoing University Student Fees Gifts/Grants Ticket Sales Other revenues 47 FUND/BUILD GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 5. Maximize Opportunities for Fiscal Sustainability and Institutional Efficiencies in Order to Reinvest Strategically • Consider and leverage current and future debt refinancing opportunities directing interest savings to strategic goals 2016-17 $500,000 2017-18 $500,000 2018-19 $500,000 2019-20 $500,000 2020-21 $800,000 VCBA VCUA VCSA General Counsel 5-year plan, with ongoing review University Associated Entities • Review business practices to minimize internal regulatory burdens • Provide tools to faculty and staff for efficient and effective risk management and compliance Reduced administrative and regulatory burdens Efficient and effective risk management and compliance Provost VCBA VCSA General Counsel Ongoing University 48 FUND/BUILD GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives / Drivers 5. Maximize Opportunities for Fiscal Sustainability and Institutional Efficiencies in Order to Reinvest Strategically (cont’d) • Ensure that all relevant non-academic centers and institutes are selfsustaining Require five-year sustainability plans for each relevant center and institute, to at least reach break-even status Provost VCBA Academic Deans AP, Research VCUA Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants • Evaluate and monitor campus procurement policies and explore additional collaborative purchasing arrangements with state, sister institutions, and vendors Reinvestment of savings (target goal of $800,000 by 2020) Business Affairs Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants 49 FUND/BUILD GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 6. Increase Extramural Research Funding • Increase university financial support for research through increased capacity and expertise in SPARC Hire experienced FTE who are proven collaborators to work with current faculty and increase research opportunities Provide faculty/staff training Provost AP, Research Dir., SPARC Hiring over 2 years State University Gifts/Grants • Aggressively identify new sources of research funding (corporations, foundations, etc.) % of Non-Traditional-Funding per year Vs. funding from NSF, NIH, etc. Provide faculty/staff training AP, Research Dir., SPARC University Advancement Immediate and Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants • Achieve $30M of sponsored research by 2020-2021 2014-2015 $12.0 M 2020-2021 $30.0 M AP, Research Dir., SPARC Deans/Directors/ Chairs/Faculty Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants 50 FUND/BUILD GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 6. Increase Extramural Research Funding (cont’d) • Build grant seeking capacity by: - grant writing training - financial/recognition incentives - hiring people with grant writing skills - use successful grant recipients to assist others Additional workshops Provide faculty/staff training List of incentives Profile of new hires Provost AP, Research VCBA Dir., SPARC Deans/Directors/ Chairs Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants • Increase licensing opportunities and distributions 2014 – 2015 $50,000 2020 – 2021 $200,000 AP, Research Dir., SPARC Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants 51 FUND/BUILD GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 7. Fundraise for a Great University: Comprehensive Campaign and Best Practices • Mount a comprehensive campaign to attract philanthropic support to build a great university Develop a goals and timelines through analysis of prospect pool and fundraising data (working target: $100M) Identify funding priorities, targets and naming opportunities for the comprehensive campaign to support great students, faculty, programs, and facilities VCUA Chancellor Provost Deans/Directors AD Trustees and other boards Immediate and ongoing State University Gifts/Grants • Continue to incorporate best practices into the university’s fundraising programs Meaningfully engage, recognize, honor, and cultivate alumni and friends Call on prospective donors with frequency and intentionality Target communication and marketing toward building institutional support Chancellor VCUA Deans/Directors/ Chairs Ongoing State University Gifts/Grants 52 FUND/BUILD GOALS METRICS OWNER(S) TIMING FUNDING Objectives/Drivers 7. Fundraise for a Great University (continued): Align Donor Support with Strategic Priorities • Great students Scholarships/assistantships/ fellowships Student Programs VCUA Deans/Directors/ Chairs Chancellor By 20-21 State University Gifts/Grants • Great faculty and staff Chairs/professorships/ fellowships/faculty and staff professional development and support VCUA Deans/Directors/ Chairs Chancellor By 20-21 State University Gifts/Grants • Great programs Academic Disciplines Student Programs Community Engagement Athletics VCUA Deans/Directors/ Chairs Chancellor; AD By 20-21 State University Gifts/Grants • Great facilities Buildings/labs/classrooms Athletics Student Support By 20-21 State University Gifts/Grants • Great names Naming opportunities to honor philanthropic leadership (Facilities, Scholarships, Professorships, Programs, etc.) VCUA, VCBA, AD, Provost, Deans Chancellor VCUA Chancellor Trustees By 20-21 University 53