Faculty Bio

Faculty Bio
Faculty Bio Template
Contact Info
 Bonnie Billingsley
 Professor
 Link to department homepage:
 205 War Memorial Hall
 -Office phone number: 540-231-8206
 Email: billingsley@vt.edu
 Link to any social media accounts you use professionally
PDF of your most recent curriculum vita (preferred)- send electronically to
****Do not include any information you prefer not to have available online (i.e.
home address ,etc).
Left Sidebar
All fields are bullet points, title case
 Expertise: areas you’ve published or studied extensively (2-5 words each, limit 5)
1. teacher induction
2. teacher retention
3. teacher working conditions
4. inclusive leadership
5. teacher education
 Professional Activities: current committees, organizations you work with, or
responsibilities (2-5 words each, limit 5)
1. Committee to develop High Leverage Practices for Special Education Teachers
2. Research Committee, Teacher Education Division Council for Exceptional
3. Committee Member, Council for Exceptional Children Professional Standards and
Practice Committee. (2014 - Present).
4. Editorial Boards Exceptional Children, Teacher Education and Special Education,
Journal of Special Education Leadership
Education: Degree and institutions, e.g. Ed. D. Virginia Tech
Main Page Column
 Re search Interests: 2-5 areas of research you’re interested in doing now (1-2
words each); use general, common terms that might be popular search keywords
1.. teacher induction
2. teacher development and preparation
3. teacher working conditions
4. Inclusive leadership
Awards and Honors: (limit 3) recent or notable awards
1. Teacher Education Award (Teacher Education Division of Council for Exceptional
Children with Pearson), 2014
Selected Publications: Books—limit 2, Textbooks—limit 1, Edited Books—limit 1,
Articles—limit 4, (If no other publications, add papers)—limit 4,
1 Billingsley, B. Brownell, M., Israel, M. & Kamman, M. (2013). Survival Guide for
First-Year Special Education Teachers, Jossey Bass: San Francisco, CA
2.. Billingsley, B. (2005). Cultivating and keeping committed special educators: What
principals and district administrators can do (pp. 1-230). Corwin Press:
Thousand Oaks, CA. (co-published with the Council for Exceptional Children).
Edited Books
1. Crockett, J., Billingsley, B., & Boscardin, M.L. (Eds.). (2012). Handbook of
Leadership & Administration for Special Education, Routledge, Taylor-Francis: New
York, NY.
1. Rock, M. & Billingsley, B. (2013). From Metaphorically Speaking to Acting Boldly,
Teacher Education and Special Education, 37(1), 71-76.
2. Billingsley, B., Israel, M. & Smith, S. (2011). Supporting New Teachers: How Online
Resources and Web 2.0 Technologies Can Help. Teaching Exceptional
Children, 43(5), 20-29.
3. Billingsley, B. (2010). Work contexts matter: Considerations for improving new
special educators’ experiences in schools. The Journal of Special Education
Leadership, 23(1), 41-49.
Recent chapters
Rock, M. & Billingsley, B. (2015). Who Makes a Difference! Next Generation Special
Education Workforce Renewal. In B. Bateman, M. Tankersley, & J. Lloyd. (Eds). Issues
in Special Education.
Billingsley, B. & McLeskey, J. (2014). Principal leadership for effective inclusive schools. The
Handbook for Inclusive Education. Routledge, Taylor-Francis: New York, NY.
Billingsley, B. Crockett, J.C., & Kamman, M. (2014). Recruiting and retaining high quality
special education teachers and administrators. In Sindelar, P., Brownell, M.,
Lignugaris-Kraft, B., & McCray, E. Handbook for Research on Special Education
Teacher Preparation, Routledge, Taylor-Francis: New York, NY.
Fall, A.M., & Billingsley, B. (2011). Disparities in work conditions among early career
special educators in high- and low-poverty districts, Remedial and Special Education
32(1), 64-78.