4/12/2010 Consequences of Obesity and Respiratory Respiratory Health Obesity The Medical Update Group Burrenchobay Hall University of Mauritius 07.04.2010 Dr H K Makker DM FRCP Consultant Chest Physician September 10, 2008 himender@makker.freeserve.co.uk NAT--CON, New Delhi NAT University y College g London Hospital p 1 4/12/2010 Respiratory Consequences of Obesity z 20th Century C t Fi Firstt Half H lf –Respiratory R i t infections/ Tuberculosis z 20th century second half –smoking related respiratory diseases –COPD, Lung Cancer z 21ST Century Respiratory consequences of obesity 2 4/12/2010 3 4/12/2010 Prevalence of Smoking in World 4 4/12/2010 Prevalence of Smoking in England Prevalence of smoking is declining in England 5 4/12/2010 Prevalence of Smoking in India 17% of Smokers in the World are in India 30% of men smoke in India 6 4/12/2010 Obesity (Globicity) z World -400 Million (WH0 2006) z Developed world -7% of Disease burden (WHO 2002) Stroke, CHD –33% z Hypertension –60% z Western Europe –63% of Heart attacks z 7 4/12/2010 Prevalence of obesity in the UK z Obesity rates (BMI of more than 30 kg/m2) z z z England 23% and 24% Scotland 22% and 26% Wales 17% and 18% z Deaths 30,000/year z C t NHS 70 billion Cost billi 8 4/12/2010 Prevalence of Obesity in the World Prevalence of obesity is very high in Western World but also rising in other parts of the world 9 4/12/2010 Prevalence of Obesity in Mauritius (WHO) Males Age 25--74 25 Sample Size (n) Prevalence (%) 1,555 34.7 Females Age g 25--74 25 Sample p Size ((n)Prevalence ) ((%)) 1,794 45.6 10 4/12/2010 Obesity--BMI Obesity z W i ht in Weight i Kilo Kil per square meter t off h height i ht z z z (Weight) kg/ (Height m)2 (75) kg/ (1.75m)2 = 25 BMI (WHO) z z z z 20-25 2025--Normal 25--30 Overweight 25 30--40 Obese 30 >40 M Morbidly bidl obese b 11 4/12/2010 Obesity –Body Fat Measurement z B d ffatt >30% Body 30% men, 25% iin women Sophisticated Tests z z z z CT scan MRI scan D l energy X Dual X--ray absorptiometry b ti t (DXA) Simple Test z z Skin fold test Bioelectric impedance analysis 12 4/12/2010 Obesity -Fat distribution z A t i l site Anatomical it z z z z Neck Chest Abdomen Anatomical planes z z Subcutaneous Visceral 13 4/12/2010 Obesity -Fat distribution Vi Visceral l Abd Abdominal i l Obesity Ob it (Central Obesity/ Male--type or apple type) Male z Metabolic syndrome (Insulin resistance) z Cardiovascular Risk Waist (>102 cm in men and >88 cm in women) or Waist/hip (>0.9 for men and >0.85 for women) 14 4/12/2010 Respiratory Consequences of Neck Obesity Upper Airway Narrowing Imaging-MRI Normal Obese •Reduction in upper airway size size, shape and volume •Floppy 15 4/12/2010 Respiratory Consequences of Thoracic Obesity Physiological effects Subcutaneous Fat Thoracic Compliance (Stiff) ERV FRC VC Muscle Fat Weak+ increase in load 16 4/12/2010 Respiratory Consequences of Abdominal Obesity Physiological y g Effects Visceral Fat Diaphragm FRC=closing volume Closure of small airway Basal atelectasis V/Q mismatch Hypoxia ypo a Subcutaneous Fat 17 4/12/2010 Respiratory Consequences of Thoracic and Abdominal Obesity P l Pulmonary Physiology Ph i l Summary Reduction in FRC z V/Q mismatch at bases z Reduced respiratory muscle strength and endurance z Increase work of breathing z Reduced Pulmonary Reserve 18 4/12/2010 Respiratory Consequences of Thoracic and Abdominal Obesity At Rest Cli i l Features Clinical F t z Symptoms z z Examination z z z z z Nil Tachypnoea yp Reduced chest wall expansion Dullness on Percussion at lung bases Reduced breath sounds at lung bases CXR z Raised diaphragm, p g , small and g grey y lungs, g , apparent pp cardiomegaly g y 19 4/12/2010 Respiratory Consequences of Obesity - Exercise z High cost of breathing Breathlessness on exertion z z z Obese vs. non non--obese 80% vs. 16% Proportion to BMI Disproportionately p p y high g if associated COPD and asthma Unexplained breathlessness on exertion z z z No associated respiratory symptoms Normal cardiocardio-respiratory examination Mild extraextra-pulmonary restriction. 20 4/12/2010 Respiratory Consequences of Neck, Thoracic and Abdominal Obesity Supine p z Upper airways z z upper airway size Lower airways z z z FRC V/Q mismatch SaO2 (Hypoxia) 21 4/12/2010 Respiratory Consequences of Neck, Thoracic and Abdominal Obesity Supine z Clinical Consequences Anaesthesia z z z z Induction –Hypoxia (Reduced Pulmonary reserve) –Pre Pre--oxygenation yg Intubation Difficult/ Failure of Intubation (Narrow Upper airway) Extubation /Post /Post--operative period – Upper airway obstruction – apnoeas Prolonged bed rest (fracture, illness) z Basal atelectalsis (FRC), Respiratory infections, Respiratory failure 22 4/12/2010 Respiratory Consequences of Obesity: Supine +Sleep z z Sleep Sl (St (Stage related) l t d) Upper airway Respiratory drive z Apnoea z z z longer duration, deeper desaturation Respiratory rate and tidal volume z N t Nocturnal lh hypercapnia i 23 4/12/2010 24 4/12/2010 Obstructive Sleep Apnoea z z C Common – 1-9% Health Consequences z z z z Social consequences z z z z Cardiovascular/ Cerebrovascular Neuropsychological M t lit Mortality Snoring Excessive daytime sleepiness R dT Road Traffic ffi Accidents A id t Under--diagnosed & Under Under Under--treated 25 4/12/2010 GP Sleep Clinic 26 4/12/2010 Management of Respiratory Consequences of Obesity Obstructive Sleep Apnoea z z z z z Continuous Positive Airway Pressure(CPAP) Mandibular advancement splint (MAS) Tracheostomy Mandibular--Maxillary Advancement Mandibular Uvulo--p Uvulo palato--pharngoplasty palato p g p y 27 4/12/2010 Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Management: CPAP 28 4/12/2010 Management of Respiratory Consequences of Obesity Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: UPPP 29 4/12/2010 30 4/12/2010 Obesity Hypoventilation Visilab z Case DB– DB–17.4.44 Pulmonary Function Test Predicted FEV1 3.77 FVC 4.70 4 70 TLC 7.30 FRC 3.58 Actual 1.32(35%) 2 08(44%) 2.08(44%) 4.61 (63%) 2.64(73%) ABG-- p ABG pCO2 9.2,, PO2 7.4,, Ph 7.38,, SaO2 87%,, BE –11 31 4/12/2010 Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome Pickwickian syndrome Presentation z Non-specific symptoms Nonz Fatigue, Hypersomnolence, Impaired Neuropsychological function, Headaches z Acute Hypercapnic Respiratory FailureFailureA&E z Drowsy, z confusion, comatose Chronic Respiratory Failure z Peripheral oedema, Pulmonary Hypertension Cor Pulmonale, CCF 32 4/12/2010 Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome Management -BiPAP Non--invasive Ventilation (NIV) BiPAP Non 33 4/12/2010 Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome Treatment Standard Treatment BiPAP Randomised Trial BiPAP vs CPAP (Piper AJ.Thorax 2008;63 May) z Rationale CPAP simpler simpler, cheaper cheaper, and easier to use than BiPAP z 36 OHS -SaO2>80%, CO2 retention (<10 mm Hg) z Randomised –either CPAP (18) or BiPAP (18) for three months z Both equally effective in improving daytime hypercapnia 34 4/12/2010 Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome Pickwickian syndromesyndrome-Mechanism OBESITY 25% OHS (rare) OSA (1-4%) Normal 35 4/12/2010 Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome Pickwickian syndromesyndrome-Mechanism Co-factors Fat Distribution Neck Size Mandible size and shape Oestrogen/Testosterone OSA (1-4%) + OBESITY 25% Normal 36 4/12/2010 Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome Pickwickian syndromesyndrome-Mechanism OBESITY 25% OHS (rare) Age Gender(F) BMI PFT (VC) 61 yr 30% 40 79% OSA (1-4%) 53 10% 32 91% 37 4/12/2010 Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome Pickwickian syndrome Mechanism z Central Control of Respiratory Drive (Hypoxic and hypercapnic ventilatory response) Prader Willi Syndrome z z Most common genetic abnormality –Obesity Obese PWS vs obese control z z z Hypercapnic response blunted Hypoxic ventilatory response –absent Genetically y Obese mice ((ob/ob)) z z Hypoventilation related to low levels of leptin Correction of Leptin z restoration of ventilatory response to hypercapnia independent of change in BW 38 4/12/2010 39 4/12/2010 Management of Respiratory Consequences of Obesity Weight Reduction Diet z Exercise z Pharmacological (Orlistat, Rimonabent) z Surgical z Psychological: Behaviour Modification z 40 4/12/2010 Outcome of Bariatric Surgery Meta analysis analysis--JAMA. 2004;292:1724 2004;292:1724--1737. z z 136 Studies, St di 22,000 22 000 patients ti t Age A 39 yr, M:F M F 1:3 1 3 Outcomes z z z Weight loss Operative mortality Obesity co co--morbidities z z diabetes,hyperlipidemia, yp p hypertension, yp obstructive sleep p apnea p Outcomes z z z Weight loss 5050-70% Operative mortality 0.10.1-1% 4 Obesity co co--morbidities z Diabetes resolved z Hyperlipidemia improved z hypertension resolved z OSA resolved 77% 70% 62% 87% 41 4/12/2010 Respiratory Consequences of Obesity and their management Summaryy z Reduced Pulmonary ReserveReserve- Increase risk of respiratory complication z Obstructive Sleep Apnoea –CPAP z Obesityy-Hypoventilation Obesityyp Syndrome y –Acute and Chronic Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure-- NIV/BiPAP Failure 42