"n , <1IIIS IS". OffKIM PIIlKA1IOH. . T.. COlISTlTVTIOII PIOPOSEll1'm 1971-1912 .lIIlTllHA'CONSTI1l1rIOllM CONY'Alllm __ AS AOOPTiD OH .UCH 22, 19n I :" IT5PUlLlQAnoN IS IEQUtIID a\'lOlAP'IH'29t1. 197' lAWS Of MONTANA. AS 1t.ItM'1IIBlI. ItMOMADIPOSSWf IT AN ""IONIATtON., , . . MOHTANAI.EGI5lA~ @/JroPOJ'.o(/ I 1972 CONSTITUTION JlJrtlu! STATE/!/ MONTANA 'OFF.tCIAt TEXT WtTH'EiXPlANATION Submitted by the Montana Constitutional Convention • THU..P-RDP-OS&D i:ONSTITUTION Will BE , ';;!SUBMITTED' TO 'Ht'VoiERS'OF-.olnANlFJ(f~ I SPECIAL ELECTION ON JUNE 6, 1972 Rare Room Book KF" 9401 1972 .R1 TABLE OF CONTENTS t"iiIIHIi&D(:ICINftTVTD'I ~ lin wnw..-.:MI , --.. .urn:u: ~ACI' wrrII ftK lmn:Dn.nD I .uma.&a-tJe:I.AJlATKlI\IOP' JlIGInI .unkU: IQ-GI:JCEIIAL 00¥ZJtI'0IDrI' .uma.&JV~AfUlIUJCTIOMI ~ .uma.II: y_TKaUIGR.ATURI:. .uma.I Vl-THEDD:\IftVt. .uma.II: VIJ-THa.lUOlCL\RY .uma.& vm-JlICVI:fftJI: A1'fD ~ •••.• • • .__ • ._·_. ._._. .H.HHHH •• H H __• It • ....H.H.H •• 12 11 14 • _ ~ I . , C O ~ & . a .umo..aS-lDUCAnlI'IAMlI'laJCI.AIG:lI m • • u . WOftA " " " " ..,-.y A/'ID a::aJGIJn ..... .uma.& lS-'ON""""" AND MAttaAl. JtaOUN:a . ..... CDIEIW.......... .urn:u:JlII--Ila'AlmlDl'nAICD~_ .uma.&D1 .uma.&UY~~ ftIlAlWnOfII ....... u __ • p _ _ 11 __ • .........."."............. ----_._-_." .H. " Da.•• ,n.AM)~orTHI: alfCnTTVnCIftAL . ._.• _._H ~ H"'....H. It I!ROPOSEDJ1!1nCON5TlTUTION FOltntE;$fAnOF~ONJA 2 .. ~X.~~~.~T~9~J;H~i'~l;I;~~ "AGAINST" THE HOPOSIQ {-I'~, , CONSTITUTION. l:,l.... i:: .:.! :::l it,1 i' THtS uu.oT HAS FOUl SECTIONS. IN THE FlR5T SlCTION THE YO"I WIU. HAW T" OfIIIOnUNfTY TO VOTE "fOl" 01 Of.,.. THEItIAFTEI FOLLOW THIEl SEPARATElY SUIMJTTED CONSTITUTIQNAl PIOPOSITIONS. , . . VOlll MAY SELECT I!ITHEI AlTERNATIVE ON PIOI'05mOH NO.2. T* ~TlI MAY von POI 01 AGAJNST'~ THilD AND FOUITH NOI/OSITtoNS. THE THill AlB.NAII ISSUES DO NOT AfRCT THE PIESINT CONSTITUTION•• ADOPTID IV A M.UOIItY., Of THOSE VOTING AT THE ELECTION f*V Co. lION IS ADOf1B>. THE wiu BECOME EfRCTIVI ONlY • THE PIOf05ID CONSTlTU- von. SHOULD von ON AU FOUl QUESTIONS RlGAIDIISS OF WHETHER" VOTES POI 01 AGAINST' ,.' THE PRON>SED CONSTITUTION. .., SAMPLE BALLOT OfRQAlIAUOT ....._ --......- .........." ..4' . Mr ..,...,.. 11""" ,.. ,..,..,.0 '1 ,.."...... .. .. o FOR o AGAINST the proposed Constitution. the proposed Constitution. • , . . NOPOSID CONSTmntoN WIll INQUDl A IICAMIUl It MevMs) lIGtSlATUII UNllSS A MAJOllITT Of THOSE VOTING IN THIS BlCTION VOTI POI A UNICAMIUL (1 .......) IBHSlATUIIIN tHUlE 1. -------==--'=~~ 1---1 2. o 2A. FOR. unicameral house) legislature. o 2a. FOR. blcemeral (2 houses) legislature. (1 o o o o 3A. FOR allowing the people or the legislature to authorize gembllng. 3S. AGAINST allowing the people or the legislature to au- thorize gambling. 41.. FOR 1Il._1Il penally. 411. AGAINSTlh._lh penally. 'ROPOSED 1972 CONSTITUTION FOR THE ST~ TE OF MONTANA ~ISTORY AND HIGHLIGHTS OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTION ...... ........ .. _........, ,... .. ...,.......... _ - _-...... .................... , .. ~ ............ '. HISTOty .......,.......... ,... --.,......,.,.,.... _ .".. -,... _ *. , ...... .... ' " -- _ -...WlI .. _ .......... _ .. ~ .• __ II ' r! zr.,.,,, ..c....""'M" • .............,......... w..--......._ r _ .. ~ . - - . ... ~ c . . ... ---~_ ~'" n..t_ -- _ ~ I "'1 " ........... I ~c " ~ .. _ ................... _ __ 0 5_ -.... ........ ., *'IW -. ............ ..... n. II?" '-... lIoJ dot " . . . _ n.t .. a-. ... .. . . . ., ......... 0tW0w1. _ .. on. ............." .... m. .... '·....,11.._1 -~ t .., ~_ ., .. _ l' 5 _ I.......--...,. 0'5 . . . . . . . ~ e..t.r._~ AIW • •.,. _ ........ ., 0-... ., . . 0 - . . ... .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . WIlIllIIldGll _ ,,- "~ tw_ till '_..... . . . ~ R...w. 5~"'" 0" ---..,. ~,......., . . . . . . ~tl,I& " twlftl~ .. . ~.I o . .' .5 ...... O. . "_ _ ~ ... _.",......~ ~ -..... ............... ............................... . ............ ----_ -5' c ~ . _ ~ _ ~ ..... c-... 011""""'1, 1m, _ . . . . . _ AItddlI ..... lftI-rtn C 1I7 r 5 .. . . . . ..-dI . e.-.... 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',....IItI..a~ PROPOSED 1972 CONSTITUTION FOR THE STATE Of MONtANA PAGE 4 _ ~r-..-o _ _ t:o.I ~ "" .'. MIl d1.ulc1_ crIIIllAaI~· ........... 1•• 4. ...., J ...... okrida. kt'- &. .. n -... ..w.- _ .._::l_ __ "' .... ....... 5 1. _., " ,., ?I .. .... .--01 ....... ..-..- T_tJI. -_ ..... ,.." "')IIllN tJI.lIoe..-. _ -.....01 " - t ... ,.." IKt* f, " . . . . . - . . . i1 _ _ . - . - J........... .. _.lIloctIOlll. ~oIllw...,.,-._ II .,\oWM"' .... o:itIIMI ....... ~ ............. "' . . .~'I'~llI ! ........... . . - - I ~ - . l . _ ..01 ...".--. .... u. Ooll.tJI. . . . . _ _ ...... _~,. ' ..... (N. ,..,..01 __ .... --...._,...~ .....,..... bJ ......... ~,· c ,., ',.......fI r! ~ ~ TlIII,.- ....,.. l.-e-.. _ _ttl ' _ ..... eu.llllliooool .. po*kla l.s. 1IGIdI""_...... II. _ 1·( _ ..... ----...., ....1. ~ .. __ no. _ .... )llIIClr 114' TlIII BoI.nI of ~ ~tIII ...-.. I : lWooll1M _ . . _ _ ....... 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TlIIIM Iu . . . . . . ...-r u.o_ .. ...,._ P--. _ ~ It ''i'y ......, I. ~ It!!ity ~. - _ w.-u.....,s,-. ~ ............. I. P • r- .. ,... ..... ,. ........... - * - ' 11 tpaWlw- _............. I.' Pri-.,. ill.- .. ~ .. ~_""'1IIIlallJ"""""'''''7. !W~ 011I. . . "'.... .,~.,~ pelf.., ..wdIiI ' , : __ ...... ~.,...SctieB •. ~r-"-o : ....... .., _ _ _l_~ --"~~I. R..-..r-.--e (WIItM Depul.-" UIIor _i1 ..-_ ,...: -.a till ...... . . , . _ IWr ..............'" laIl........,.,............... ....--., ....... ~-~~.~--- ~.~ -.of .. ~ wllllltt .... ~ _ . .. _ ........ ~...,--- .... ~_ "'''1 , -....- .. ........, R8IcI8IlI of • dtJ or oo-t:J ... ,.,. II_II ' , . U.dIIl!ldor...-_", .....-. _ t "-.lIol;tJI.~ "" _. .....-"" ...... 1IotIIoI7. .......... i:M.....,...,"'.. _ .... _"' .. ..... 01 6aoW.., "1aIdIIC'" --- . _ ..... _ ... 'not MelW 1lIIi l'dIipo 1 ,_llMIrIN~; lilt .. 10 JlfO"\CIt ilOeq_ ....... Ie ,...,ad dot __ Se:t'- I. dioi-.d .. ".........., . . . . . . l. r:a.-.01 ............. - ... ~.....- o:tt-. .......... I e - . -All . . ~-""","""""""01"""'_ _ ..... ~ 1n . . . loIcoil _ _ ..,_ - ....... ...,. .... .... l_t'HICI- t I""fIGMI "" IItIPfiW ,.cl., . . . ., . . . . . . ._ .,.-' : __ - - . S ' O - I . l . .. n.. ........ .,........... ~" .. 'p_ -~. PAGl5 ROPOSED 1972 CONSTITUTION FOR THE STATE OF MONTANA INTRODUCTION THE PROPOSED 1972 CONSTITUTION Of THE STATE OF MONTANA APPEAlS ON THIS AND THE fOLLOWING PAGES. TN: OfFIOAl TEXT IS PRINTED IN BLACK. FOUOWING IAat SECTION "RINTED IN BlUE IS INfOIMATION. COMPARING , . . I'IOPOSED CONSTJTUTION WITH THE CONSTITUTION OF 1J". THE PHIASE " I I " COHSTITUTtON" MEANS THill" C0NSTITUTION AS AMENDED. The CONSTITUTION of the STATE OF MONTANA .As odopted &y tboC.,",itvt;'ncrI Conve"'io,, Malch 22, 1912. • PREAMBLE w. the peoplti of Montano~grol.fulto God for the quiet beauty of our Itotto, thit gronde...r of 0"" moun'oins, the YOltne5S of 0\,11 rolling plains. and deJirirIQ to improYe the quality of life, eqvality at opportunity and to Meur. tN blenings of liberty for this Grid futur. ",nerotion. do ordain Gnd e,tgblish this constitution. Preamble is 1JeIIJ. The old Preamble is deleted. ARTICLE I COMPACT WITH THE UNITED STATES All provisions of the enabling oct of Congre" (approved Februory 22, 1889, 25 SIal. 676). as om.nd.d and of Ordinonu No.1appended to the Constitufton of the state of Montono and approved Februory 22, 1889, including the agreement and declaration that all londs owned or held by any Indian or Indion tribes sholl remain under the absolute jurisdiction and canITol of the congress of the United Stoles, continue in full force and effect until revoked by the consent of the United States and the people of Montano. Make it dear that the new constitution does not affect any agreements made with the United State GO'Vemment when Montllnll lim. be<'aJnf' a stllte. 0: •• .' PAGE 6 PROPOSED 191.2 CONSTITUTION FOR THE STATE Of MONTA ARTIClE II DECLARATION OF RIGHTS ..... ... .. _ ..-.. . . . . ,. P'IlalIIOIII . . . . . . I.,...,....~ ....... Al II .u.....-.., III • • ,*"",_ • ..., ....... lor"', fOOd, IH'" .................... .......... -. IO of . . ,... .... ........-: .. ,.,.~. .......... "......It..-....., ..,......,IM-.... ~1._it clU-·. ..,...,..............-.-.. ........................ n.,..,..~ - . . . . , ... ' '; 5 -.,. • • ....- _ " " " . . , .., . '""Ill ....._ . G_ _. _ Nt """ .............. ....,t ..... . . ---.., u - . t - Oftd 10 dtt~ lM """ to fomI 01..-..-. •• •,...11I,.,. " ...... ''; l' .. ..,. !'Iew,....w.o. .-tiolt.. "'" '" o.t,o.. III 1M doloew.Io .-Ill.. _ 100I..... . -- ....,.. _ ....', nth'. _ ., - . . . _ ..........- .............. ..- .,._-"'11_ ................................. ......... -..... ................. • ...... tlIrw ....... , . . ,....,~ .... (,.-..u.u..~ ,.. ~ 6eJ1 Jim . .• l:Id WOdoll -. ....... --..,.,. •• ,.... . . . . . - 111I1 . . - - - . - . _ • .. '-io--...."'IM ....., _ » ......... ...... » ....tIM ..... .,.._ • ...... .,...-r ~ • . . . . . , . . . , -.c _»..----... ... cliIiWII-. . . . . . . . . . . ....1 ....., ...,....,.." ,.. ......, ....... ...Nit .... .......................................... .......... .....-. . 'ftOH.1IJIftC& '" ..., ...-. "....... :7 : _ Iltt . . . . » ..... ......,.._ . . . . . . . . . . .' I C ' • :: ., 0Kial~.~ • • 1M • .....i 1 - , _ ~ -----"- ....... A.Mo ... _~.,.......-r ...,.... 2Qli_tIot _1 IWI'lI , . . ...,.. . . . Idiow _1'loJ'eoo _ .....,... -""" - . . . lib...,.. ...... ..... n.IK&~.u. ..........- . ~ .... ....... n&alCMI ......w,........ UlJGIllN hw-a.. _ _. • • -..........._t_._-. ~1 Nit _ _ """'"'" ..... _ . ..,.,... . . . . IS, WAn: 1UUBt'T1'O aft' •• """-. • ...... ..... ........ ,... ,..,.. ..... MY. . . r\fllt • • • • . _ - . . . . .. . . - Mol..- ............ .. _ _ . . . Ie """ • • proleOC ... .... ""'*- till _ -. ne. ........,'- 1.1fil. • ..... U.lUGftTO . . . . oUMI ....-wr 10 --we. ,.u. . - ,...,",...,..tr. """ . . . . . ..,,..-. .. """ 11' lIIf_ "'-. 11'1 ... Mi • _ ~..,,... ..,-ho_ ........ . . . . . . . . . ~ ...... Pill.IllI....... WeoMicotlol ..-,.,....,~ I' .... ~.AlRlDLY -- -- _ ...-rdl..,,..,..• .tW.t .... ..",...... ,... _.........,.....tli .. If .11I. dlI.. ... . . . ., .w1 • • _ _ 11.._..,. CS ...... .. tlhdln.., II.~ ...... " . .- ' . tIlt • • • AHDIaIUlIJ:I n. ... : Nit . . . . . IL .... ..,"' .... ....... • . . . . at. 1dGIrr. . ..,.1tICr ,., ..... ." IIIri-r ,...,.. • • • c:.n. .. JOIIIIet _ _ _ . . . . . . . ...-.:--.,. IIiooor_Mo.... M.lltI . _ ~ _ ... .... --,....-_ .... ................... .......• ~ " -'to............. ........... I' ,.. ....... _ , . . . ___ --. .. ., .,.. ,..... . ' ..... .... MQ.ft III,... ,.... 1 • • • • .....- the,...,..._,.,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .&MMf ... -",-11I • ~ 'fIIIIodflU .... '"~-.s ...,.., .....1 ,.,..., • • ................. ......,.,......., • .........-.................. ,........................ . ,.,.,...-_ __...10............... '_ . ....................... ...... ...-.. ....... ........... ..,... ,... ......- .........--.,-.. "--'., - • • • • ." • • ...'--.... ................,...,..., ........ ........."' . , ... .....N.ADULY ...... ......................... IiIooI __ . . . . . . ......... • • ... ...- • ~ _ • ~.­ .. ...................., ......... ~ ~...,. Eqr.- '-dI!II _ .... u. AI . . . . . . . 11I ~ ~_. a . . - .... "'- ~ • ..,.,.IUI.....- ill ....... 10 ~ ~ • 1Io . . . . ., ., IMcMI..-r lOOt'" cdIilI .. . . - - . loIiollillpmlllt .... ..,... ..... .,»_.. .....,. 1 • "'- _ _ 1IIt oIoort.- .. - . . . . . 1_-"I~taIt KI"I dl> • ..1'01I(') .....- - . ..... _ 10 _ 1IIt.~ .lIdlocll ~ lor I"jurift <a--' b, oIlin.b ...d "",....,._ tMrtof .- . . . . II. ~CllIltI"UI -.. • • .. - . PAGET IOPOSED 1972 CONSTITUTION FOR THE STATE OF MONTANA 1_ _ IoIliooo aIIl>oM<lu.. oI ..... ~ .. M ~ i "'tftelI Ot . . . . . . ~,...,....1M! Ilw writ (do!r 10 _ lot ~ '"' • ,..,. I "'""" *""iIoId1 . . , 1dIlnlinI1IO , . -*11_. ~ ....... _Ial ~ npuofl ~-.edolro-. R~ --OI~ ....., ................ dIIlltI:t-. __ .,. " ,~ =nf '1 ,.,. ! ...-.:., _liIM .. _ " ...,.It.. ~- • _ .......,. .. _ ..,. ~.Iie ...... $$!"-f.,. .. I$MII ...... , ,..,.... en-.....-... f .. Al llt __ • • ,.. III,..,.,.,.". ,., . . ..__"'..... _lIItU"""5btet 1oo "'...-c>.. ,.. ~"" "'"""'"""'"'" ,...,.,.,... lIIlty IIW..,,.,.........__ 1-7..,. lf .. cdIIIIIIIl.~. . _ CIIfIIlol----. ..... ,.................. • • -. •• .......... ,. , InrIItIa -- ... ...... ..,._ ' 1 _ llIMo 1/11 .-....... - • ., ....... ,' _ a aYlUAHOlIfftUl.,.naK5Ul'AaY .....n.e --.or .. ..." ......_,......,.., . ",...;_ ................ _ - . . . I," .........lllllooI bJ~ "''- dol...t· ...u lie IIlrid . . . 7 ,..,... . . loo ,......,...,. 10., to l I - * .... ftWIISon• • • _ it' • • ;.-. -.. 'lIP 01 Mot, _ _ • . . . . . , loo _ ~ .,.. IfhwL • U ,..,..~.- _,_lie . . . . _,_ ...... n . ~. . -.r " . ....... • .... ..,_ ..,. _ , Nt II> . .,.... JW'IlJul .. ....,. ........ aaa.q1AlC'lllM ; ,.......,.~ • • 0 _ tMt" w..iaI .. , . ........ etIIlI . . eli • ...",..... Ire.-.I* -*to MOl. -.let ...... _IOIft ,,~ ~ -. dotI ~ - . . - . .. .... -""" .. .......... ,.......,. __ . . . . . 11. lEI !"lIlT FACTO, c.u&f,'nOP'I" 0lIfrft'UCII, ~_. _..,..lriIolwlllRl.,., ~ • • • • '~ -..... .................. _ . _................. ...... ..........- . .......--- .... ... _ . ......u. ftlAL n 10_.. - . 1 . . . . • • tl111>1 1 K\lonI •_ _ .1Md "'" fl'O'll . - . 10 -..... .._ ....... 1Jleol .. ..,.)INIIttIoa. _ I_ _ '-lM-e \nell _ . . . - IlfllG* ~- .... ~ .." .. ~ , . . . _ .. . . . . . . .. . - No ,.... ' _..... ~-~ .u~nGl\IAMl~ .. .-.... .. _ - . """"""" lie fII..,_... .".a. ..._ oft-."""'" ..,. -.. • • Rouo., metIIod I. 1_ .......,t__ of "''''lC ............ .,. "-1foieoeI .-oot: .... a.. ....-.w.,. ~_ eIIA .... .,.~ .....-ru,'I1Illl'I.,.......... ..." .. _- . _.Iie"""_ ....... ftUIlIN AJeDamNr.ar.a._ ,.. ..... ...-.,... ........... _ ...,. .. ..... u. -.rGIIT'TIlIKClJI'AumD~ - _ ... . ..............* ' - . .. ....................................-1:. • ldenPicallO I_ .........IOIliool $o1ipe"1Ito of. _110_110 r_lmpliooo......lI _I,.. I\Pt ·.. . . ................ IOM . . . . . . . IUGIft'II arftIE CI:INVJt'ft:D .- Ywi ...... ,....... .. ,.... . . "' ............ .................... , d ,...ritIWo _ _ .... ..,. • • • _ . . . . 1foieoeI _ _ I.- _ • • n.e , • ..... ..,. .. ~ _lIS"""''' --.,Ia.l ""'--. ..... ....... .-kUoiI ... m _ _ . - . . , . ..... Dtktri _ _ " , . .-aJt_ IlIal depW' IioIII _, 100 utd II' trW If lilt wtl _ _ poe it i. --- R~ ...... !Nt 01 _ ......,. ii MftOI ..... loci.".,.....; 1Ii:e_~ ............... .. ..- ......., . . ~ 11II_ _ -' _ ... 1""'*...,.elJ _ -.-_ . . . . Ilnt _ _'"'_illIII- , .......... " - _ _ 1IlfI»od I~ .. _ ; _~: .... w. ...... _: .... eerw. lie Iioio oWtilI".,. • • ....... ....-zrtr DCIiUIN K...-n",..~ ........ olI_ . . - . . . .. ,_ ...-elnIloII • .." )6en\H:M1CI1_.-.I"'_ ilktllitallo .... ...---...,. 1l([Ill -~....... •• • _ .... eo_"' ..,.... .., »_ .. .-..~,.,"' ..-- . . . . . K. lI'fENUtID,lYllD lUG"" • .. "'~ ... Mt.... ~ ! ... . .... - ,... , ......... ..... ........VIl:DISEH. ...,IttWGMEN, AMD ... n.e ........... _ ..... ....-.. _..,............ ., 1SlIl'' ' ' ' . _ _ - .M ......... 'b ,....-- ..,. ..,..e_ 1Oft .. . - . ... td ..... Uuon _ lot bII .........nlnf'<l ,.,u bt ..... rnlIu""'"" I ~ of rho lo"'UIl '.lldI II ."" .... ~ ", 11M' _ ' " n _not .tt.......·, 'I • • • _ p _ .1I<>w1", 1lPb4"'" l<> __...... ........ ""'...........-. .not ~~ ... nr 11......)1_, , to ,.,.~ ~~ - ......... N: R_.......- .. I....._ . _ ....,.~tIW..,_ . . .., .... _ "-'_"Ulla 11M_, 5 PAGES PROPOSED 1972 CONSTITUTION FOR THE STATE OF MONTAN ARTICLE III _ ........ ......... -_ GENERAL GOVERNMENT ...... 4.NlUTmt 1IIn. TLe ........ .......--"' .. _ I I .......... ~,.. _._ -o. .. ,.,...1IIOOfIIOllt .... 6IlIiIIdN ~ t ' ..-,..NttlOI --'4. ; - ...,.,.,... litwL (11 IMiIIlift . .................. "' ...-...okI\dI ..........,.... ..... - .-It..... ",..,. "" .-.a..... bDll<l>ft 10< 6eport..-.. iii..;.......... I'" II..... bnlltMo 01 ..... ~ lho2tdfopo""-U ,ft I"'notnllmr~"" III n.. ~., "' ... _ .. ......, ~ .. 1M WIiIIlh'e ,.... _ Ift« .............. ... "'" • ... • ... ·PN!*' .. '.. .,-..1" ,1 ......_ . - . . .0>$ "' ...... _. .... n........, .,ot --III..., ..... IIjId (II ~--. . . . . 100 ..... ~ . . . . . It .. IridL H",oeo , " t'lItISl,llIt_ a,. '-'lilt p r _ ""k~_",..........-toM_C'd"" n. 'II ~ _ . _ _ of ., _ _." ----.w.n..,._ ... ", ..... __ ..... ........, ..- 1$,.- d1d_ ....... ~ __ .u.. ., .... • dI.... 5Mn_ ..... oI_k_,....... 1 . - _ • • -- ,...,now.,1WIIIl .... • • ~ flllIiia """" • ,.. _ """ .. T10NAL REVIIIOH, """" XIV. ""..,mj ...... _. ._1_ ... .....-... _-......... .-.....-..........• • • ,-"_..-.sllil"'_"~_ ""' _ ~ .....t. GAIIII:aJNG _ _.._ IM .....I _ - . _ _ .... ....... ,..-,... It It ____ ... .. "_..,I~,.....,w _ ~ --.......... -,._ --_.-' - . _ ,.. .- Alt.-fII ........ - - . ... ( l I f t - . . - -_. MlOs 1M _ - . . _ Mob> . ARTICLE IV • • , . . - . Ie 10........ 01 1_ ~ <_,IM!"""" ",P..... .. SUFFRAGE AND ELECTIONS Mlu.s..,.............,_ I I ,...01._...._ _ _,....;.tM.., .. ...u.*"- .... _ _ .. ('.. _IIs.s-1.. quAUi'1ED r:u:cnNl . . . . . I. I.ULO'I' AI ~ ~U._ .fId lw n.lI..n"ll . - - PIIlI_ to '"'.~ b, )'llo 01 "'" l!i«1on ,. III or llIt Jctuloll......In"'" I""",, 01 .... of .Iot tIortun WI ZI , 01 tM _ l _ e - b l _ .........I..... m..-_ . • .... ollie lM<lOfII.....- .. U. ~....,.rw ot.~ 011 .,.. -. ., .. I ~ I'l'I"W Illt let ,.... .-..n. 1Ib ....:M! . . . . . .., _ . , lIfllraI I ,.-t ... ............... fII . . UoiIMlI _ . . e-ollt.... "" . . _... fII ..-._ . Ic..J1.- No _ .,..etoJ ...,.., _._ . . .fII . --- "'" ll"'_~,"'" MIt hl'""lllOt .. ' .,..-......... "' .. _ _ .. lIN~., til ... lid """""' ..... ,. OA.TII01'CJn'1C'E ..,lld ., .......-w __ of ...-,. _",JIJ",llot"""'" .... _ . - " . . . . . -- ,.,.....or~ )';O . . . . . ~ .. C"'....., ....-... • ...... fte . . . . ""~ .,... 1M earld . .. . . oI_mot _ _ _ _ IIf""l - • .-.. . . - . , " " .... IIIl • • . . . - " ' ... ~" "'foo'III"I n. ~ 'rnm ~ , . . _...... 1It ,.... toooI '" IhP _ ,.. _ ~ ~J'" of tIoI 0IlI0m, - . .. '" IIlII ~ •• 1 _ .. I• 4-r ........ . "" ...- _ ~~ .. " '.. - . . . .. _1omoctI_ .,.... __ ..-ot. ,.,.~ ..-lified _ _ _ . . . fot. I1 ioorJ II. s-aJ iNlllotiola 0< II of - . . - . II dNrmlMd lwio • by._. , , _ 1_ . - .__ .-..., ........... _...-1........-. ~ _e-_~_ . . . . - . .. - - ,11 .. _ fII . . ..,... StIll. ~ t• •_ ............, ..... nur.... J_.lnl· ~S. ru:c:nllNS on. . . . . . . . . -'*.., ..... < ... 'I'ROPOSED 1972 ,cO:NSTlTLiTJoN , ,'i/GE9 ~oii THE '~TAT.E o~ MQNTANA "" Nod>t.,.e>ftPt In P'lmllllf. " ,I ' ·. ,. ,. P.,...... Rftbn I . CONlilvtioa, • IfCilillliYe • • R""," 1 . e'OIlSlll_ bJ prcMdinc thot • fel....·lriptlo . . . . . . ol,....io._b<'Oolly~ alt"Nl'>'inc _ _· .. tb~ thlln _llll6onll tflO~i 01 roqlli... ..-.11 w1i".~ affected "'''lU1d iJI ~ wi..........1 In .Dd - " . 'N1lftI _ _I)' to t'OOIII'I7 WItII /Moral Teqlll..--a it Is nllldl ...... to> dIMte 1lle II_ lIl&n 10 . _ ' " «On. _lea • -rme. It qIIIiIW ...iII . . . IfI lIleeo- . . Ilil._. s.:- _'""'" ""';"1IJ lul""'-" .., .... lo pnMdo lor 1"Ol" rtIIi plIoot 01 .olI"1-.. tIM!f than in liooft at U,,", and 01 .Iertio•. ~ I. **"" .. ~ ..... _1( ;ooIllaI .... --.~ . . . . . . . . .llIIIIIiII . . . , ... 1nadl .. 1Ile,.... • RDlILT ( r Il:UX'f'IONI III all tIIettIoolI IIeId bJ ItIt peopIIt. lilt per-. or ~ NtlIiWtc "II. . It\IIIlbtr <II. 'f'Dtft 1baIl ... cIfdand tliomd. ....... EUGWUM' FOIl. PtJ-..c (RI7'It'E ,.., ................ oIlIlWe ...... 1. I'IIIVI18GC..... AJ.Jtar to..,. ,.wkaftlNacept. • • • , . ~tutinn ~ Voter ","""""" I""" IITftl. <h'rine lloe ooti"C _ _ ..._ dwi"C """" bme he eommilll fftoony .... blftdo 01 """'" • • • ARTICLE V THE LEGISLATU RE ,~"", . . . . ,. POIfU ANDITItUtTtlU _ .......................TW,..,._.. 'I\e. .Iift,... b -.I'.. lleIW-t...'aMiIdllI 01. H~ _I¥ 1_ ..-Itwlioft by ~ ~ ftqWI.........u I""" distnct or ,... 10 oil ne. New pn>ri_ wl\idl woWd require filii", ..... n· by eIfttion If tho ...-- In- ~ ......, 'ppoiM· _ I I ia r<er "","It:d _lhIalldri..... luIC.~ui'e_ tIrIiIaIl'ftIlIM . - - _ ialllallft IIId ~ • • • ...... 1.Ol*PI:I'M.lTlllN Ne ........ ""'""" 10 IIJIImm&. J:IodI . . 1lIt ..,.111 Ita tile . . . .""' . - - . - peow\deolt "' , zq _tIM. • • ....... l1li: - . . . ., lIM ~ .............. _ , 1:- • fNwu.. • • • rw-p.......... Ior ....._ . . . _oI~I__ I,.., , I', '" ~ .. ........-,... a&t'IIINMe ..- . "ii . . . . . . . . Ill _. ~'.'""._ .. _ ...,...--. " ~-,.... • ..... tMII. _u- ...... a.- No cIuI ............. In ... 1M pnI'I'IoW ~ . ., '-t 1M H N1t . . ._ -_,.,- . - of lIM co-IJ' lilt ...... 1I1t _ _ aDorpull .. • ~ to' _ oIItddI _ u . . _ ~ . • ltlI,.... ."....... • ..,l1li, II .. ., • lOt'" • • • ""' ...,. -,.. ...... _11I.IW'ICi..... .,;, . .., ., "' ., ...,.,._ ..........--. ., ., ...... .,-. ,.... ......... ,.. ., ..., ..,.,,., ...., ., ...... ., ""'.......-.., - - :...... ... ..lIaiiIIilI-. .w .,. .....-... .................. Ilr., .......... . . .. .......... _ - ..,~ ; ' . . . . . . .MI . • • • .. .... .... ~ Ik_~., · • hn \ecWatu.... moy _ ~ L.psIaI~"" "' the f<W'tII(lt moy n.U • tpecial oessiool ~ .... .-.m.. _ .. ~"- __ ...... III1le...- ...,. ... brIadI .. tie . . ~ II..,. . . .pMI ... ..,...,:II ........ II ... ~ • ...... !hIon 10 "'ci"'tl~ do,.. buI flI/l ~ IMI r~­ ............. _ ..... ...... ~ II · ..... . , ~ p............ QMiu........ booIr·· don MIl _ tJw ~I"'" is ,ft oonIin_ oessiool WI .-no, 1M iepsIat... IIu Iepl ~ "'.. -~ 1M ~Wr ~.lt lfill_....,...•• n....I ill". It lolll*t....._ , . . I 10_ _ IT oIlil1 _ lor Ii"';"" 1_ ......ut.6ooI by ..sdi... ftCIuhtnltftt 1or'''''-lmN lor_IOn. . . . . .4. ",~ftltNI ........ lMIItlNITV 1t .,IIle _ .. ... .............. ......................... . .... ... _ .. o.MI' .. • • • • eo i .... ... 1M ~ . . . . It. ~'IIllN.vePaOC:l!MJU IIIEldl ......... ..,"' IIIIlk-.a " - .... ... ill ........,..... -peoriIlo4"'..... A~Ia t_ ..... nw"'..-w~ • • • • __ .. ,..... .. b7 ......,.,_.. . . . . . _.._11........,. -.,. .. ..,. ... ........... ......-..: ...... 1.... ~ _ ill £adI ~ • EIdI _ _ ..,. i11 /MfWIl ... ,.viti • ... . ., .. Ita ........ Ql A~ ~_• ....-.A-.I~---- PAGE 10 PROPOSED 1972 CONSTITUTION FOR THE STATE OF MONTANA ......... ........."......., .... _... _ - ...-... _...,.... lJl,.. ....... ..,.....- ~ .. ~ .,..t-.pdt. ..... ~ _ ..... ~ (41,..~..,.~1~......u_ oca. .... ~ ,........, 1IIlO- .... .--... ~waIdI tll ~ ..,.."..,. __ c-.I: .. 1M . . . . .-.ti4 . . _ _ ..... • . • ~ • " I, • ....... - .,. ~ _ ...,. _,... • br _tllliooo ,... . . . . iII rr-r ... lit .. ....... ~---. • 11-. tIoII_· _ • • _.-,jInlf ..,.n.- • ~ ..-0]1 ,.. IoMJIO ....... • • ~ I .... _ .......11. Da"hlIf:nNG AND API'OI!,'IIllNII!:HI' ..... IldOIoII __""- _ III ",. -r 6trirtI _• oA.w.l ., dIIlft ... a.altC ........., .......... DcIIo_ ......... 4WIktI, _Iw~. ~ . . . _ i t . . ,...., " .. ...t.-Id., ""~~ ~ """_of~._"lIo ....... ItI ~ . . . . . . . _ .. - - ' - , . . 1M PIftJ'. n.ta. ~ .1lllIIitleIl. lIIIJI .... IN Ib ....... _",~"",,,"1roIo tl'14H"Ne-,rn . . .. . . - ' '1' ...... _ _ Alter. n""" ...... --..t'fl'M"" .,...... ~ ~~Ion"........r 121~1. (lINoclllo 111_(21110 ...... - . " ' ............ (J1R",,- .,..m,t.o ...... -.-.. ~ , . , . . .. .., ~'""'*~ . 1_ _ t _ " " ' ~ t I o I " ' ~ f _ ....KUIIiI _ ,....--. 441 Nltw,....,- ... ....., ......... d w ~ _ .. . . - _ ,,_~ - ..... "'" ...... II) N o ~ " oIlaII M ' " _......-, eMIttIll6t. ... .. ,.,.. . . . . a.,.,..Mil, *"' " .. . DcIIodlll!lL'l ........ ............ o f ~ .....,. Ill"" .... " .. ,........ ...... .01 ~ _ " ~ of Ilftdlllolu._" ~W _ _ ..,.IN,... . . . . . . INIIliICIIol ............ ....... IL LOCU.AND.uua.U:Cl:II..AftllN ...... Il.-.u "'IiiI .....,_ .--..lU _..........-.,..IIIiI.. IM.......,. ..-_ . "'._.. r:..,. .. -. . ...-..u. .--. o. III A 1II8lIlI "" 1IcIII1d'" 1 ~Id"._""-''''''''' ~ ---_.. til .. _ .. ..,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~"".,.. ~ III n . . ~... _ I t I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Itolppo' .... w.. . . (SIEJldlIIoII., .. ~ .... "1!t.II...,• ..., _ ~ ..." , . . - . III Ita lido. II..,. ....... ill ..,. -:t II . . .,....., III ...tI .. IlIeId II ...... ............,_ .t, A,.....a ~ II; ... --....,. ......... ..-.... *"""..._......, ..., ..,.M""" e...ki. " _ -.~~ $ ....... i "- $ . __ . ~ !not 1211.. ..-er _ 11)_,......~_~.e.. .. . . - - 1 ..."..- _1 . . . ",*-,1;.1. _ _ $"IlI~_""'-""_ ail' ...... .... • • (\J New kit "''C!t--. __ iii.. triou T>.o __ diJI"",," _ •• 1 -...nol .... ~ . . _ • as"~ ~br""· Itl _ ..,.otlw ..-yof _ _ II .~ ,....,oftIft _..,.1lI n.. .-.oJI,....we ....... __.......... "'10_'" I ...,..-.et. . _ •• '-CIMclI.OUowjlll. ~1Il .,. 1tI ....... l L ~ "'M 1_ _6le _'f III ""......- ........... _,.....a -*1 ..... ••• ..,.~ ...,....,*_ 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wliMI • ............. .....,." . . . . . - - '. . . -.rt I M . . . . - _ .... ~ 'I ................. _ . a - - o f • ~ ................... ~~ii.-.:::.==.-: _ ,r . • ARTICLE VI _....... THE EXECUTIVE . _...... ......,. .. ........ ..................... ...........-"',....... _._ .....-.~ ,.... (II 1adI III &.5 -. _... .......-_-...- ,... wtlidl . . . . ~ ,..... _ 1 • R . . - .......\lI.l>ONI( JUt .. 01 tUtf t..-rft. eunoiMft, .I>CIUtf _ _ _ 'not al'lifto obll ...... I. 1M 10. AI DIfi"" - - " _ . - . III "",QI_ 1_ _ hI- - ........ ..._f_tIooI ........ ......... .., ..... _ .... M~.., s..ua • ......... ...... ... """'"'"',..... ..... r«j"~ 11II" kit -mo')' of -.roeU~ ~ r«jui.........t. 11I11 tIftdi..." fo, IUomf1 ,..,. ..1 bot Idmltltd (0 ~ IIw kit Ii-.. ,.,.n _ tupm... ~ <1...11- .-... 0('" _.-- - ..... • ~~bolow .....- OoIJc-..·~IIJ"".-"""'" . . . . . 1. No,... " . . . - .... "~~ • • ~IIIl . . ' - " -,...-,..... ......-. ,,~ ~ ... ~,,-. IIl ..... _ . _,...... _,......,--... ...... .- 1I1-, ...... wIlII .. . . .,.,.., - . . , ....,.. .. pIWIIee ...... 01",. ....... , M ' d _ ill d . ..... ..... ... Ilft,...,w-..... " ._ • ~ 11 .. ......, IIN.-..,. • . ..... 1.D\ma ",~'IIllM -.....-. .....,." -....., M • • , . . " ...... 711 • . - " . . u.ooI ' , .. III ""......-. ....,~ ........ III ,..wk •• """"It_ _t4 .. _.-.... • . . . -~ _ _ ....,..-nL ............... ...., lor RfO.... 1_ -- __----_ ~I. II',..~ ~.~ .., • . 71' III .. "" ...... ., .. III • ....,. of _ -.... ., .."" ... f41",....,..,...a ... "" . ........ ..,. n.._......- ......,. ---......-"" ............. • ......- lif ,.. .... . IIlidIIl , . . . . , ........ 11I .., _of . " ........ .....-.., . of . . _ ... PAGEn PROPOSED 1972 CONSTITUTION FOR THE STATE OF MONT ANA III ~...,: rimt of,...lIIItndIoe. ..... 1M ....... ........ -.t. ...... _JIl'I"'WIlI"".... . . .. . IlOIlby __ 11M _ _ __ 1II . . _ . . ..,.lIlI . . ..w (2) 1M . 0I1ho ~I • ne .,...... ~ appoMt, _jtct 10 -a...1lOIl .,. "'Ie. II ofIIeen JlOU'lMd .... 11I tIIIa....cltllloll • . . . .~ • tIetb II lilt IItIlIrwiaa Jft"'Waal 1lW. ",.,. _ ....... ..w IIMmdolIM .....-'11_ ..... _ . - e d b y aw...--. Only dianet II JuboectioIlltl wbidl Is ' - pn:w;. .... .uo.;", .......1_ lO ...ke Hulenant ..,...emor fd limo. PeWtoo proori_ tMtlif<o_1 """"""'" tit pI'lelIIdent of _teo • • ..,. .... Reoioa . . ~tlliorl. ConIi_ P"""ft of p~ 10 can fJI"iaI ........ of 1M . .I.... Mt ... _a IliII""H' 10 limit "",,)KIa 10 be~ . IS) " • >'MIJltJ' _ _ III ...,. M:lI oIlll:e ..... UIt iIIWI· t... 10 .... 10 ............ 1M .,...... . . . appaiIot. qlllllfled ,.... tIIttoor,. lllt duIlII tNreoI ..tiIlllt oflIef II IIlIed by .~IIIIlC'Gftfi ...IIoiII. (4) Ii. Pft*l not oonl'Irmed ..,. 11M _Ie f.... oIlll:e _ 1IlII. aeepllI III !WI__ III apI. lor _ oflIef II the _1itIIIGa. • be.ppointed 10 lIIat oIlll:e ..... 11M JrcldI" ...,-.IL PAltDONI 1....,11110I11I ...... dlHta. _ci~''''''''''''"''''.-It!lfoa and 1orltI- """"_led ...... I. 0llMPENIlA'ftON (l) • om-. III lH ........ MDdI *all ........ _!lei • n...-- ..., paII ....... ..-... . . . . . . pi" 1 _. .)ocIIo~,.......c..,.ioI .... • • ,....w.t.,.R. *"'" ofllar 01 IIw 1wadl -.r aoow IfIOther p.wk oIfa IMInI .... lJ) b' taDIIoWe 1 - , ... tQlClItIft Of ~ ~Iioa W-:Iion U.... 1Iw ~ ~...,. ~ .PI'oiftU '-'* of tho til deport· menta, 5Ullia"t to ..... M .....1I..... lIoOOl N<> dII"1" n· ~ in uamma, In"""-tioftS 1IIInIl 13). SubIt<ctioft (41 jf ...... ptOrioiIonJlOOkibltlllC ~«IPpoor>\· _ of PO"- proriouol)' te fro- MJ OIlIer 10"" _ •• ....,. He...,. M I .,. pIWIe ~darI .. '" torm. '.. .. .. .. (11 ...... pn>riIIoft, ReriIeI I . fOftIl/t....... Soloria ....,. bt 1ft· ........... ......, o/firial ""'1 not r«ei>'o Ihtn _ _\II.,. err """ _ ... 1M. OM \MIl om.... ~ '·P"C· n. pemor _ . u. ~ 01 ..... - " I M _ . . . _ . , It ....... tlmea, lift aw JatIIiIt... 1.........1lOIl a n d - . c l _ _ tw ............ _ " . . .... 1IIbaI/t 10 1M JePalat,,",.t I lime flaIIlby"'" . . . . . IlW 11M __fIiIllaoal period ..Ul", btlIlo *tall .... all opmtboC fuIk 1M .....-I qpanditmw ..... IltimaIM:l _ _ " lIlI 'I1M~ .....:. &. 1'1I£AHC't IN OPPICZ *-_tb7 of......-, • .,. _- Iat.....____ '" _ of . . . . . . Ulloltl ~ ~ ..IM,.... ~a r.hft~ \(I lll.,.,... ~ .. ....... """ . . tIId III ....... ..... of.-.-. N.~"" ... • • • of 101...."" it ....ndatofy that Gowemor _nil boodl"l kcla.. t~"'. OtI!oenriI!lIOdIa ......... lft p1Im....r, .-t,.....J tlectIoIIo. no.. • ......_~pNnItr. .ak~"'lII......... fII ... ................ _....,.....ll ,...__ ..., ..... ..-r'" ....... 0) 'hi fIIilII:lI _lIlaIl ~ 0111 abIHodIet ~ "till .... aeepI u.o. tIofIIlptIId '" ...... * • oWI . . ,..,. MllmIi. no.,.......a-= t ioI<:W11101IMIllilllaIofttf 01 1M ftftIJII lIlf7 ""' .. till IIet.-l ..-..e. 0I11l1 United SII fM , <:11II ..,. put or II of 1M '-ICI ~ 10 1M ~ 01 tlw 1..-.. _ ....... prot«! ~I<! IIId JI"Jpl!t]P 1ft _01'1I . (I) ........ MIDGET Ii.ND MESSAGES ,..."..aIIlofoI,...__ .\llIM I~. ...... "'"1 loP ........ for InotlIer offleo witllolll ... tIM,.~.~lIJlow, ROO'I... I," eorutillltio>ll l>oord <II " , , _ IlIflIitllill'f'l"'\deollor b' law. onll 10 tho boord 01 prioo<l ....... milOioMn '..-hidI i. dlrf.nct ' ,..,joel" ." ..... ~ U/U ... ofIkeof .... - - . . " ' • \(I * • • !.lit ph.... at' "*-lIon III reprdin. proteolioft ••1Id property SUboectIoII (2' ........"" .... ~r Incllt" quabrltlliono '« ~1iI til If ........ of -mary ...... .-..,.,.ml. .... lIlt..... ,.,..1 1 ' 'of fIllIIk iIIMIdIooI ~ _ _ 117 """'*1.~.,. IIotllllt .... _ ..w ..,.aI Iod.cll. _ I I ... ......... , . . , . - tieded 10 1II • MIiIIlMlIft· \ell WIllI .... ~ of tIM _ k1r.-llldl .... , . - . - . _ •• • _ _ 1_ eonstltlltiool .,. rbulillC mtIlIod 01 rollinl _.....,. II oflltof of Iinlenonl flM'mor kMl~ <OOIfimutiGol no ..... rtqllllNd lor .ppo;nllMflll 10 no .....ndeI in otIieft lilted, .....1•. VE'I'01"OWEJt t 1Ia""". . (2) no ~ ..,. m-tl1aJ IIUI .. IM ~ wlIII til, .. tl' 1 1f1M'"PIII_~ 1M1IlI. ....--I.. lit IlIoa.It ....... _ .. 1M "III" IM IorIllt-...n1l-. 1IlI . . . - - . . . . . . Nt_ I WI lor t ....... -....... m u 1ft« "'pt ..... , •• DI7.umoH1t ..... (-. .u IlIIIoWotntM ~ . . . . . - - . _ .,!!tIee of . . aatIthoe ., ...- ....... .no-r .-.L IfIIIlfrlIIIend , '_ ...-.,. of pta, of paWIo .. ....... . . ......., . . . . . . I"IIpIl'tlN , - " " - .......-. oM .......... N dDc'ated II'J In IIIIlIlIlIlllt _ ... IIlI.» pr\JIdfIII-'-' '" prII'I'kIt • GnIel1J .,...... ...... ~ of ... "'.....-.T~ IVJ 'd _ _' _ _ ........ -.l_"'"1l- ...,.w-....... I l l ' " lilII 1Ir 1M "" 1 ·lDtIle _-U tlf7loIC,.... poMI • I _I 10 tile UIlIiId Stat-. «IftIIltatt_, ..... tM., IIIIlIalllaIM I"",""""" -.·aIIaIIIN.-...c· IaoI ID . . . . . - .... lilt ....... If I l l ' " 11II _ . . WI wIlIIbI dar-after lIIM III1l1 .... 10 wIlIIbIl5 tile It ... ~ ne...-_" IIlI."' . . JecWat-..-IdII . .~"lola_ 011 • _ ..-~IIM It r-4tIIrdf 01 1M ~ ..... CoD U 1M 1oiIWa1_ 11I IM....-.. Ion IlIlII. ............ 1M bII wtIIt lib _ tIotrefor 10 1M . . . . . . . """""" ~ ..... 1IlI ~..,._ICI ..-....,. lilII .. ftICIId. ....... lSI 1IlI ......... ..,. nIo l c - III .""".....Wiwi 1IiIIa. uoI III . . IlllCMm Ibe ~ aIIIII be tlw __ • •pee _ 01 _ ~..,. • 1In1ell_1~ • • • I" • Clair 1 l ' I _ cba.... iIl:lll...,._ _ rpni. ..1.>001 •• _ e IdoptK by 1M pmplf 1ft Nottn>- ~.I"'. ~ ([) _i," torJSlitllUool I i . _ _II 10 u.s. 0"" Norlt..... ......utlltloru onll l~· ~"" ~ ...., be paoaeol .,jlllwl ao--'I iii· ........ PocUt ,nIo alt.. adjollrmDotlt n ...llated. SIoMeoloo<Il2I _ prorioiI,lq. ""u.,endll<lr)' <flO"_. w. ~ to ret..... billa .,jib ~ 10< """"tel. N<> dIa,. In ~ I~) ~ !of 1""",. ..... P.".IIIOII il ~ (41 lor fftOIIoer>irlI I" ~'I'd""~lIItil_ .....J. AI'PGIHrtNG I'OWZIl. 1M (]) Ti. prvrided 1lW1lI1Il.'dotI' ..,. ..., .... ~ _ I N _ b J• . . . . ~ ~ .,. . . ......,.- . .jttt • . -..... III U Illa ...-_ . . ...6_ 10 oIaq-'IfMd ...... till ~ ..."... lot 1M oll'Ioe"' _ _ ......... Ior 1M" - . U IIlI . . . _o4ect WIa I D _ oll'Ioe lor..,. adMr _ , tIoe ~ eo_.-c .... " actIaI ...cIltM ..... -..tII IMiIO"W' _ _ '....... __ ....."... -e.:tla'" M:lI -. . . ..,.."' ......... (2)ne..-~ . . . . nq_ _ .. wdti"I..,. . . ......-. AftorIlM ......... ... M., . . . " - 1M _ '- _ 1Iou.-.tlft ""',.,\lIoe .....-... _.actI.. ~. eSllle . . . _ '" actI.. . . - tIlI...- .. ........... be-.alO( I , IIM ...... _ 1M Ilottoll*""'" 10 tMcIlIIlaa" IIltIlke. TM 1o _ "'aelirlI ..... _...tIl Iho "_IMtAllMloI~1lke. 1IBIaeIII..-- et) .... atIGftIl' a-. tIlI..-.c ......... , II .., .-u to.-It .. 1M ~t_ tIMb -.n_ decIantiaa IMt tIM ~ It ... cIIIIlaa 01 WI 1M I\IIIOlewMtMrHIt . (Sl U.. MIblM- _ _ by ~ _ " Ita ICI dlarIlIJ'JII 1M ,.".en ...... SI'" an. .............. tIlIt I M . - - " oIWI ...... IM . . . __...--.._ .aCIloI....-·""-"-,.... ..... 1D ........... ,.... tH ......... tta.-aIU; ID tH JoPIat- WI....tu. ......... _ • ioeIIlIiIy alaII. . . . . _ ... powm cIIIIlaa., WI ..... -.ttItioIllda,., _ _ ~...,.....--otlwr_1Ir_.. _oIltII 11 tIM _ .. .......... !IIolIe-at...- *II 10 . ......... (t)11 tIoe ....., *II _ _ ., . . . - - _ _ .-at ..,. _ 011 tloa. -.c-t ..-.-. ..-.,0Ill>a _ , acept If ...--_Ille Ille ,.......c 10 tIlIa ~tIIIioa. If) "' .... ~ .. U _8delllellbt Jlf'O"WIIIIl (ll __ tlMn • • ..-.,.10 1M ollke 01...-, 1M _ * I I IN tIM....-. no .... ....- .......... llJt#tIrIllc JODWrI01 tIw ollkt of...-- oaIy" UIt pm. ad ......... __ ".Ill!..... "die ..,.--. £:II:ePC AI aIWnrIw pIV'Ilded ill UIla~• ...... 14. suca:s5JON ~11.llP!ll1U.~ tI"Ilewoer 11M . . . - ......... It ill 1M ,.... IfIIeraI. M PROPOSED 1972 CONSTITUTION FOR THE STATE OF MONTANA PAQE12 rw. JIIIl'riIiDdI 1.1,:.1 e-.t__. U ~ -.n. It diIq-'i6ed. . . . . ........ . - . . . . - - lata_ It.,..... -~ ~ _ .... _ .. _-........... .... .. lllt ........ iII.-I*lO" 0.,. _ .....-to-.... .,.,..aI ..... ..,.-.,. __ .lllt....- Br. ......... -- . . . . .... ...--. "-- CD • .,,..,..,.~ (I) • ..,. tN. .. ~ ponril:r6JMMolllllr ~ ........... U lIIIr MoIl_.,...".- _ . . . . Il. N'ODUnlI'I .. _ tlIIIIl . . . - . - ................. GIO¥DlNlla ron....-..., ...-- .. - . . . . . _ . . ,....._ ........ _lllt ... ....,.~ ..... "' . . - . t N ..... .,. . ~ . . . . III ARTICLE VII THE JUDICIARY ....... t. Dm'lUtTCOUln'JUIUJDICTION ....... I. ItIDICLU.I"OWEa n.,..w,..... - . ...... -.,IIIIIlleot.-no. ..,. • ~ llJ 6. _.. • • _..- .-do _ _ .. • .. ~ ,.,.. .....-. ......... _ -- Mra .., ...... _<llwt ~_"'.".. ---. ...., ... ~M.,.,. ~ ""M4c...... III a.._..,... ~ .. ..- 6Olll_1III ~I111 ....6Olll_• ..,W........ .,.M, , (11,.......-_ " ......... -.. ,....... .. ..,._ .,.....- K ontlI • ..,. .. ~..,. . m n.. ..-aI...........,.NIItNl_ --- ... ... -. *"... ,....,.....Iof dot toad-:t ., III ..-..llelI. RM ., ,....... III _ppronllly Iloo \4) .. • • til NIt doaott - . .. ,.._. II' _ ..-.. .,...net IJl C. .'" _ _m. ~,....... wlll$ ............. ~ 10 . .ru ......... IM._ POW" II <listnel II) . . . . . . . Itlt7 ......., .rorncn "THE I'ZACC __ Jll"G"'IdIIIf~_.TWo tll No C'llIftp - . ....._ . lZl No ..... _ _ .. , - 1S1_ s.,r-e-" ..... ~ a...,.. - . .. w dIIII..,...,. "' , .e ..,w......,.a.,._.,., _ '" CDJ _ . , cr-..ol COR - _ .. ..., • m n..,..-_ ........ _dIW J3Illn- ... , . . . . .............. ..,. _ _ IM . . . . . . IIII11a.A......, .... I"" ..... wMdl_ ~ _.)IIIk-..... (l)A....-c .., "',.... ..--~ ~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.... fll ty .. 106 . .. . . . - _ . . . -.e ... _.tr.tt "' ......... ~., • Only,,,,,,,,, • of _ ,. . . ~.--- u.MilI _.... *•• _ ." .... ,._,__ lllonft " - DrioIet ........ II'!' If/at.,.. -r - lit ~ '""~oI_ . ... _1IIIIII1Ior -'*" of 1M P"M'" """ ~ Ioor u.. eot'"IlIlI'll 1........... lit ,"'"""'_.. ,J,No!'too_f'K<!I'I " ' _ No ................ . . . e-n...._ -.....l " - . -$0..."'"""" - .. Illt III til . ._ _ joolee _ I'N"I... _ ..... , .... _. ........- _ (II TIlII i~ 100 . . _ ............ '" ........ , . . . - _ ~.,. - - - . . . diW ~~~ElICI1l W CU no. 1ieIWI trido_ ,....w. *"II oI'oIOt Illt . .lit )IIdiciII . . dlOUICt. Ddl . U ... diW .. W~., . . _ . _MlllIOl 1re _ a ....,., _ _ ... Ire . . . . ..-....fenI.. ""*"• ......., JUDw::u.L OI!T1UCTl . - .... .,-:1' .. 4lolrid;_ efJIt'thot i i : bi:ieIt _ ... 11 • .......,., ............ _ • n<f1II '" C.. mmor. tlllroo'l WpllllO<, '0 ,........... """",,", 01 ""'...... '" ".. """vkl' .... M'!'d '"" of.." P"M'" 1ft . . --. -. -.......... "" ....... • • • • .......",. II _ , . _ _ " ' _..... _ _ ~ tIIIIIlre,.w .. ~.,._, dlorIIoc""oI olI\cI:. Ire . . , . . _ _,...., , . . . ., . . . - .. •• T _ .. atlkoe fot IdifMI~· ,..,,~.., III Ire ",...,*,.... ,........,.,._ ""*" ............... ..... (I) ......,..1 iIIIII _ ....,. ,...."'CIIIIIIIJ. ............... alUIITOIlc.vaAftOIII _0. .....,. TEJtMlAMlPAY lIoIt 1Iiarl. • • .- , ... _dille .... - ' I.... Jo-tr ~ttJ""_ III tIooN Ire ~ II 01 . . ,... ..111 "' , , tl 4Ioald ..... tr-._.-, ..... a.- ................ Mmol III .. pa"" oIl111r W-_,._IIor .., 1111 ~ lotbbt- In ~ of tile _ rWs.-.-c iutI' no. dIiIf ........ ~ ~ ...... ~ I0 ... lJllt..,. ..... tIIIalft.lIoIt • ..... L . .aa. 0DUIn' J\OO!DIt'ftIH .... a.r IIMIoW ?or ,.... -'" ..... _ -"~-- ..,. tmI...,. ad Ire . . . . ....... - . . .. ..,. ..... tr-. . . . . . . . . _ ....-..·_ ·1fIIIIIotIIL t1..... (I) CD TM6Olll-"'" dM_-. ....... 11_ _ . '_ _ 111_ . . . . . . . ,,,._, ~ ~III..- .1rWI_ ..... '~-. .. W,.." .. ...,...a It.1a ~ ... '" tqIiCJ'. • ..,. 11..- 1_ _ lily......., ~ _ .......... • ..,.w ... ,........... . -......... _ _....... ............................ ....... ,.... .. ........, ...... tr-._.....,,.... ..... lIiMct . . . . . . . . . . NllIfIICC III n.4iobSrt.-_ q . l ~ CllIIiMI ......... . . . , d'IiI_ _MM (ll U." 1M II.. tlctiIoIlft.- _ . . . . . - . . . _ M ............. lIoIf«'t .mce...,~ odoor ilia. IlIe lMotIld . . I!III . . . . IIolI '" IIlIi oIiklI _ .. lM _ pIootttI. 1lIoI1IIlIDt. U IMtI II _ tlctiIoI...- lot .,.,., . . _ l1li . . . . . . . . . . . . .,1' I, _ , . . . PAGElS PROPOSED 1972 CONSTITUTION FOR THE ST ATE OF MONTANA ..........."'.... . . . IooIIIt nJiod (I)u of IIllt Itate Of cIltrid 10 IfIll'O'"' 01' It ~JIrMd• ..-.tlIIl!r aI«'lloB ... doftlllltra.u.- . . . "' ......... Iortlolatace. (J) Ne~~,....IIIIakt~~IItIIlI . .. 1dt ........ ~IloII.. ...,.""-~.. - - .. ~ - ' T i n......... ...me.,-...".... otMrwloe"""" t-lIo ill ..... ,adIll! lSI ~ II ........ _ ~«dIoUk.t _ ........,..1Ie .... WI .............. • • • • tWo~, ... Itw .p' , _ I lor paIItIr:II partJ. i.tce....,. ~ pnwi......, A lOOt "'" IOf Inr othor pWIic ofllre. 0' M out oIlt1l. for ,no... tIuln ., Ill,... ill..,..., Io,.w. orldlllftlcot 'II'ItIliII 1M . - . jIJIlIc.- (4) . . . . - _ .. .. .. .. EY..,. IItMr )iIdItI ..... ftIIdI. <tuIllI .. !.em of oIlleo ill 1M Rmou 1 . dlItdcl,~, -.tIIp, pr.::lllt'l, eIeded or ~ated. ~tutiorl CooIlerted eloictIOII of }Io:I(.. ia lOOt cba"lfd.....'"" il • i""," ,n offi~ don not bI~ a" oppIIMfIt in a" oIoo:tiofI boil ""......IlI 1M! put Oft 1M bllIoI onm1 oro! 1M peopIf aslIelI 10 .ppron or rejod Ill",. U ~ed. 1M p«nOf appoinlJ anotIMr ~_ WhftI tMn! ill (I\JdI.os dNth . . . . . . .tioII) 1M JO«""" """'nll I ~l l>uI doe oot Ill'" UftIimiled ~ 0( IIwyM U ~ . '" ".co......,. (Il R~oeo ,. . alnItJlution. He m-' o:t>ooto IIIllppolnl~ Imm I .... 0/ 110"'''_ ...d 1M appoin_ mllJl 1>0 """. dIJ or _ ill wIlidl'" II '" '" 1_ ronslitution by .... klne raoenry Itqu' ........nl. lot ""ndidola for di.trict toIIn ~ oIup tht 111M II lor OIlprtiM ,""un and b1~"''' rtquimnmla. Roquimnent for f~ re... of law ~ IinMdb1thtlftll_!Iew toqlllfftMP\ ~!Iew {to R"""" 11l8li col'4titutioll b1 "","",peoUy allowlnc tnftl ftpenor (Sl Only dIo..,.. op«Ir;.,.jly prvhibi\<' j.... lrom lIoldi"l o!f;no in, pobu..1 po.. ty. (4) Norllantt ~ ,nan......... · ~ •. 4IlIAUI'ICA'nONI CIl A . . . . of 1M t1aiWd Illata -.trio .... _did .. 1M ... _ ,.,. ~ ..-.n \alIIllc aftIee It oII"We 10 lIot . . . "' ....... _jooollceorclltrid-'.,....ll ....lMd 10 1M pnctIot .. In ill MOIII.om lor . . . . 1M! ,.... prior 10 a. .... ..,.,+ 1._or . . . . . ~ I D d ~ adlerco-tl ~ 110 prO'flOloI "" Inr. ...........of'"'" IedI.- I'. f'Oll.F1'3TUI\E 01 J11DIClALPOIIf1OI'I ,.., IlokItr '" • )IIdkiaI pMlloa 10<1_ IbM pooItklIIlIT" tMr ll"llar u tiertl9'I ",blk oIlIc'l ottMr Illaa. jooIIclal ..... tio<IOI"....,1IbMtlf hultM_Ior_lIIarleo _ _ .... ..". .. .. .. .. ~ p«M""". A judlcul ItIlI<brdl .................. .... i.... bf(:a_ 01 d1011bilny ...., mvatip'f _ o. Md lllbo\<. 6<)f$ not prrf<>rm hlJ _ ~ 1M rornmimo!Iron ............... 1<> thf! "'\WfM <:O<l" tIul, thf!.i~llf ...tIM,~ . .....,en<lfd Of .... -~ ARTICLE VIII • REVENUE AND FINANCE -'" Impioo--. •• _ _ ..... tu . . . ,...,.... Reo1 ... lilt """,,11'"';"" by '''''''';''1 ""...I<> _ , 01 fq 1lu11Ofl .IId .1lIt. _n1 of """"hzatiOfl U , ..... frft to "'mnin. 1M m<:tbnd of ,""";nll'l""Pf'1' 1.0. rq... llulion . . . . 1.1'AXI't1l\POII:S _,do T.- *"II M lfoHd b7 ......1..... Iar pOIbI<: PIIrplM1· • '""'RfI • • I" \11>II • ...... L 1'AXPOWBIlIl'tU.lr:NAllLl 01" . =- • 1M - - ~ '" • No "".nl" O<'qlt ," V.m.... , G.....nIHl thr ..."", .....M!d ,,"11M' .,11 br uM!d by.1l ~1i"l'llIhon' ~ • • ~I 10 p- pnooWeo:lllT II•. • m R _ m.. ~...weII! ....... '-'.-.I __ .-.I ..... _ l ~ . . . . . . . aDd_laI8}OII ....... ..... MIll 0CI>er 10 pnipIi 011"'" ~ -.II 1M' ... I I . . . . . . . . . lIT tM t.., af\ft ..-cIOIIfltol.olll&rily ~MII"'-' OGWytor: ,.) P.,-.tll oIIllptioao ~,...... ,......, MIl "',... ~ - . r - __ lIr\dIIOI. ltol...,...."'...,..dIy.......... or....... lIpP:Ibit,.-,aDd ....... tMnIwtI.. '" JlI"IP"tr RidrllIlo be taxed .. 1M _ ...... .. IQGIIWAY IlEVENUI: ~ ...,.•. . - . . . . . L PROPERTY1'AXADMlNIS'I'IlATION all • _ . .. .. Now tKtion wlIidl bnu" 'M POW'" '0 ._1 tumptoono .1 <Ii"'..... iOfI of ..-, . . . . . •• IlQUA1.VALlJA'rtOf'I IulaC ~ *"II fIl"OI'BlJ ~ II)' 1M *Ie. .. ,n ~"'.,u AI 1M' •• "", RO'Vloioh ...._ """1""" Sprftr"",Dy,..,..t> lI.. tion 01 ,",,"lot m· ....... in _ _ property IfId of """""1,,,,,,,,,,,_ dlstl'!el dIorce- 0/111' ...... p<. luftS. t'OIICnded-r/. . .. .. . ,. . constil"tion mIkft i, rnandatooy U>o' all prop. My tilled in I _ i l l to' "" ell........ r""" 1.0'" ~ ....,.litlllioll by rii Ii "".... ....... I<> pIIrtirIoLI. ki",," of ~ ,'''''' .. ~ tile, Iireur 1_. ...cI i _ \Pal 11I<1 """lin.... ,M "'1.1i~ PfI'ff" 10 drt~"" •• w It...... no.,....... III IU -.u _ '" ......uy a.-tlte:I dIofftlol. ........ PROPEIlTY1'AXEXEMPftONS (1ITIlelrll.t_lNf ....... 1Iom _ _ ' (I) Prvperty 111M Uaited SUIts, 1M *llt, _1*, dtilll, - - . od>ool dIItrId:l, -*JIII......-~. . Plllllir Iiblar""' ......,. ......If: lllterat ill -... property may be taxed .... ,.ttly. (bll...u~'" piIftty pabIk d>arity. ~ aDd pIKe '" MrlalIIOt . - 01" prtnW 01" ~ pnI&. ,alar aDd propert)' __ eIId~, ... 801" --&-I~. '" JInlPffIJ'. (2) Tk , llIIIlorIIe . . .U- '" apoEioIl IBt. . - . 6IUlcb lor capic.I h..... O.-U aDd tIM ... ~ ... 1Oot tlorno(. It ...., .......... tIM _ _ '" """"'" I« (e),.., oUNr IId oblIptiollo OII~,~ ..... oDd bdfICeo· lcl E " ' - - "'1lICIt""IY 1IfetJ'.dm« ........ arlit praDOtIoa, MIll ~ NIIctiOII-. (J) s-tI _ ..,. be appropriated .... otbfo",.,...1Iy • 1Juw.fIftbo_ '" tM ......... " ' - " _ _ '" tM ..... ,~ • • II...,.." l~ ,tnfII<ln'I;ohl to the ,_ronooIUlion b· ""m"","l! mol.., wIIi<1o ...l,..:oti•• r_ ltom Ih, ........ B'n. p",."_. b\ 'lM"h.d'''l! \or:or l""''''.n....." "'"" ,lid .I~ .,........ ~,."w.... Iftl P"'t"""" i r dn,·•• rducolJOfl p<'fm,... bk ,,"" ' .. p",,"""''' . PAGE 14 19~2 PROPOSED _........... .., ......... _ • ..-.n rbol_ .-- ..,. If"" CONSTITUTION FOR THE STATE OF MONTANA .__.............. •..,._-w.-......_. Reoooet _ ..... t. aAUNaI:D IlIDGft w.- low ..,. • • • ......,..--......... ,... .................. 1.4" ....-. (Il,...~ .....- .......... jIIMt . . . . . . . . . . . . . _lOOOlI. ........ .. NoIw,_ .., ... IIJIIil _ _.. ~ • ~~~.-.. ..,.,.,n_IJ 10 Ioo~ lilt """, "rei _ .. I : ' ....... • • • Ia_.w EaoIl ...---.... --. ...,... . .., _ -. ~ (101 ...., ~ " . - . - ..... -,.-1IIojIiIIl iII ~ ,..-,..." .. _-~." _.itI 1I1i"olllk lor .. "111ft ..-- ' 111""' 1 _ Oelll M... IoaI ...·,.n'lJl'ltfttal Itftlltle wi8 H ott by thonbrll..- ........l _ H~.,. I~ ",M ""'f'dItIM J_.. . . . . , - - . ..- . ti ..... ....... ....... ..,.. 1It .~ LOCAL~Kft ne • ....... .,....." --. ........ r::.,. --.""'_-.. .........-.1I11III....,. -.................... . . . . . _ 1 ' M ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . ,....... • • ........-- ~ ..... Il.lHVIlnIIDft'fW"*M:"" .....-- ............ "" _........ . • ...-~-~ . . . .,. TAl: APPEAU .._.., ~ UIilolol-."--" __" _ ....... , ., . . lII¥iIIII __ _ , t .......... ~,.., ..... ..,. . . lIIoilell~. • __ 101 s.tI ..,. ... --'.1\aIlI ....... - • . . . . . 11. lIII!:OI' LOAN I'lUlIl%DlII AI 1oo..-.. rrt. . . 6IlIt . . . _IIIl _....,." ..,.- ., ............- _ • Ia~.· • _ ..-- _ • ..,._ . , ..... ..... 2/2_ . . . . ~ . ~ _ o t _.- •• .. .._...... n.......-......,. ......."' ............... .-._..-_...,.. ,_ _1 ....... 1M II I , , - . Nti.._I 1_ IC....-ponIC-'. " " " " " - IIroM ... . . 1_ oM lnloenltJ _ _ . . . . ., '" ..-.....,. ill inI_ ban.. 'l..clty .......... _~ It"o:'t.. ""'" tt '" . . . . . I.. . . . - . -..I.~ . . .......-.-..,...,..... E-., ... . . . . 11. ITlUtT 40C0UJft'~ ~_.---..,. -..,.~_ ..- ...,. ...-·· "'"_ 110 ...... " ' _ 1 loonowol.., __ ....., -,. qllldw . ... ,..-.. ..,.., .. lly ... " • ARTICLE IX ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES . . . . . 1. PMftIt'nOl'oI.vm ............. _10 -" Cb1'M S ' '., _ _• 1lIO\'DIDI'I' (lIn._ ..... ,... . '111..-. .. ........ ,....._ .............. ..-........ . . ~ • • ~ =:5 . . . . . ,....,.. ...- IS' "'"' - - .. ,.....-'..- .... "-',--.-tiooI1 ..,. til ... _ .1.1Zll....,.. OJ'" ........ " . . _ • . . , . _ ........ ............... -...., •• iU D01"'16C ~ _.....-~.....- ......... .. ..,-rlII t r\IIIl" ...,. _ .-on t4)1'1III ..... IoIW .. M --. 1IIdoI_ . . . . L 1Q;(L.\IIU'I1OH U9I, • __ _ . -. _ - ~ it JIIIlII/IIIIl _ _ 1IIIlllIIrt .. 1IjIIfII'lIPfII ..,. ... .. - . . ...... --.~ ... ~ _ Nr" , ." ,..1rW$ ....... ....................... -"' -.--.. ................ _.111 ., .. _ ......,. ............... - . QI AI ~..,. tM tIld"ll of MNnI _ ... "" ..-d. 1'M 1liIlloIM" ..... povoIodf ~.. nq..... _ . - 4 .................. _ - - " ' - _ . _. If II ... _ ..............tftItnl.-~.IIoaI . . . . . 1. ~ Mlbjlrttt -- -... _.......14 .. $ '.-'.,-,.... ,t. (l)1'1III_ . . . _ W I l _ • .., ~ '1'."'"'.....- ,...__ II"..... ...... ttllM_"'_'" .t· .... _......,..,..._ ..... .-..... ......11. ..,. ClIne • ~ ;. ~ lJ.tltJ.-.._IIo:sl ....... I'I'ATEDUT K-...1_ _ I_~..-fIClor•• nlliolod .-. ...... ..... 4.CULnMI.L~ tl.- ....... _ ...,....., I ..... ~fC ~ jIi_.-. ..d.......- , . . . . . - ................ .... . - . . . . ~ ........ o:*onL .... -.u.- .... - ... _1IIMoIl~1or ................... of _ rICbU IIIll . . alIbliIIo • .,..- "' .. ".-IJIIl• • 1oclol l PROPOSED 1972 CONSTITUTION FOR THE STATE OF MONTANA PAGE IS ARTICLE X EDUCATION AND PUBLIC LANDS .,.. ..,n.---... .............'" ne c.-... .. ........,-, "' ... • • • • ....• ,........,n.ne.....- ... ..,.. ElllICA'nOfUI. ~AU AND DtmD ..... I. (II ,..,. ....ioootit .,....,.... ................. 1M . . -...clMaI l~ Ill . . . ...... Eot-II1 ., .-......l ..,...t1llilJ' II . ..-01 III . . . ~." t.t. ......~_ ., ... " - " - ~ ODd It.--lled ilIlU odoalloMl • """"*, "'ICI tlw,... '14loI ., tWrcd-.llllUlril1. lJl ne .,-tI INI ... lJ' ,............,. ---.,. ne ........ odow.".,...~,... ..,. RMtt I . _,Iu,,,,,, by ~nl JP«t1if IontIf '·,ft propor!lOII or - lriMk;' _ l1li ......... _ "' If 1M "'*'01""" "'_'1 ......,. . . ......,. n...I _ • • • • R...-_ _ ~ _1bR. _ _ .. ., . . - --I~ OfBO'.... • ·IoftMAIt ... "'*- ... opeofIaolIo...,... ne,... 1Io,..ud..,. UIolteoI IlI (2l LIoIdI III LIoIdI __ .............. ... ..,....... UIIiIeIl . . . . ...., _ r- .. U-"ooI " .- --. -. R........l • • • • ~ .................... ----. 01 Ecluc:o~llor ....... """'" """ 1 pnlblems U.... I . ~llltJon, ~ II ,.. _ WI "'I'ft"Uf U.. ftlIft tlhnlionll . , - , EIdI '" llw two PfV" p<JIOtIl . . . . _"'1~oppoo ••"".".1llo ......-' .. 1 . _ _' TlN ....- ........,tIot......,............ . . - 1ftIII ...." I,d"", oro '" tIlkII - - . . . IIIIN_ .. l . M _ 1 .. JaIIUCA'IIGfIlI ,....~TIl»I fIlWtilM _ • I .. _ _ .. - ~.-........ ..... ~ _onn. • • • - 1Mn_ "' II) .....,.. . . . . t. -aAIZtOl'LAHDlWftMI........ ,.. ...... ...,n" • _- -..lII *-t.-... . . . _fa_ .... ... ""'1. 'not ............. .-... • ~ I . ~m.u"" iIo" IdduIf; JUI~ 'd of."" • • _fIII .. ~ ~ - . . Ind _nf ,'" p;.... IIIAlI __ ...,;,.. '" "' • 1"""'_ __ "'_ 01..- "'.1 Of' DUCAnoN ....... ...........,-.. ............................................ .................. .....-, ...., .. ..._ ,....,A ...................................... ., .., "'.......-...................,Ioe_..... ....... -....... ......... ... ............. III,.,..,...." ~ _ 111 ~..-- __ llln.n ~ fIIIlliIIMt" a-H fill .. ....................... ,...- ~ ~ ..... ,... ... ..... .....,. . . ....., ~ · ........ iIIr lIIne ,.... .............................. ,.,...a 1'lIlII .............. frIM .... _ m'"''not~ _-- -.. ........... Me . . ,.....1 I ........ ,-,\,_-.-,,,,,. • ...- - . .. . . . - ............... 0IItil . . . . - W _. _ I""i6oI ... _. .., ... w,--", ..-.. IJI 1.WUd -. ~ .. _ .. ~ - . ... _ ~...-..- _ I.,.u~ ~"' .... ....... _ ..,,,, -........ _·1 ............ .:tt.......,c ...... .., ~ _ ~ ..... I -.".,. ............... ,"" . -.-... --.."',...--poiII .,PMI "' .... PUID UYDdIE ..,"'.-oI'" • ..... Wl'le MoC ..... 1. nmJe ...... . _--_. ..... "'_ ...,...... ....... _ .................. ..,.. _ I I . "'*M:LUGiftWT,~ ..,...... I...", ...... 00>6 ......... .....,..,... dIo"ll~ It..... -*' _ _ .....-..IT .... ' '0 lon' boonll '" "'lu, '" ;• .-lIlu h.., 111>1 .1fn>Oft lor "'boo! dt>.n<1 Mf~ bo ."dn.. . 1M .....,"' . . ~ No.......,..-."'~_ 15«tialllJoIAltJ "" VIII !If;VE/'4UE AND F1I'1ANCt: lnr tloo 1,MlI•....0t.lMr taIIOCIl. ...-r1UCTfturn:D • ..- ,.,.. .., .. . . - '" • • • • _n _ ~ pubII< """""1 inrlootlf otIIft 10_ '" ~ '0 to ...................... "' ......._ ~-~ • ""' 1hooilJ ... loy _ _ nllM HI' *........,... ..................................... .., ............. ..................... _""Ioe -........""""""' ......... ..,.......... • ......,..,.. 1'IlIIII ~ ..... . . . 'not -~ . . . 'not ioolIowt _ ........"'" 10 ,""' .001 No ........ "'~ II ,.......... - - , . " , -.k . . - . , ...-..,.-. --.- --...- ............. ..... "'. ITAftlNWE&l.n.- w, .~, ........ I"!'Y.... '1lllI ("\.... '".''''''to,"""'"' ........,.. ....booM .....,.'nl • ..,. pon<l<I I ..... • ..,. • _ ...........,a--. ~~Pt/N)IN\'JlIIlAft f • odoooIlIJlIlenl ..... I """II" f'IIl 1"II 0I11....,u 01 H,,.... Edlntion. to tIM ..,Mnil, _ lftIl Tho t..., boonls ,~I""" boof'll fBi)of'll ..-lllllOft b<>lpoftfy."1 UlMkeonI o ~ ... lO Pl'opoNd at<lIO~ ...... ............. I • ........ "'" CftIOllIlI _ ....'" IRoI'" 01 PlIloItr EoNco~' '" tho pooblo< • ... ..-III.., _Ioe ........ -*t.Nt . . 1ot -._... _ .... Ioe ,.....-. "".,,... ..... _ _ ...... pnlll:Iool . IiIIojI 1.. • ..II ,..,..bolJ Nt ,...... • • ' """'" I . , . . ..., W . . . n .....,. • ne,...... . ... 'not......-......... fIII .....- _ _ III . . ... ...-01....,... ....... .....,.IIot .. c.-... ... _ ,...Ioootr-'* -....---"' ......... -...... (n AI. .... .-...,.., . . . . . 1. 11 _ tIlAl~ _ . ~ . -"' • _..,ct.a. .............,......,....... _. IJ.• _ - . , . - - ' _ _ _ . - . . . . .. ......, .p&tI"",.,ct.a.-..' 1-. --.. ...... _ _ _"'""*' . - n l _. _ IIIAI "'_ 11-. • •,.....,. ~. ... "" . . . . . "',.....,......,n. ............."' ... -. .. --...- ~"' ...... "' ..... .,~_ .,..... ..,. .,. _ c.lo'Il. ...... ---.- fIII".rr ........ IJI~-"- . ....... .....,.. . . . ...,. itl AI ~ ~1n.n ..."'\loone -. 01 lIi&bet I I ~. .........................,Ioe .,.. "'n.OlIoIr lfF+ioCiw _,..,..... :t\..... wlIidI .... ftoM no. ____.. .-0.. --... .,.._ ............ 1.-1. nr-utlll»OOLnJND ~I.~ .................. ..- ........to-..,,... -... _ !II I II I_ III ne ...... *'"""~ ............. - . .jed"" ... _ . . . . . 1. AID,. . . i ED TO UltT.uu..urt JC*iCIU.. ,..., 0I .... t lel 'not '" '.nel21' Io~ tIuol lilt , _ lot f'l'IIUw, .~ ....d 110 IllowInl a.atnbllllOlll '" ,nltl'al .,u. ,......, ~ « '01 ......._fI'IWa'Ilot.. ""':0 roqu,nl\ll dislnblOl"'"10 ~ 10 1M n.~ (!oI1d_ boll ........................................... ..,- _.....,.10"""'........... _ ~ .... ................. . .- oIiIllm_ ..... ~ ..... alneltlle .. - ...... "' ... .... -..... o.lo . . . . . . ._ _ . ~ ... ~1Iwt n ... ,._ ~ _ ~ b-., • _ ... "' ...·Mf ....., • _ a11ft111 .......,sw... .... ,...... ""'"", io . • • I .J _ _ .. .. ... .-..-..01.....,...~t., .raI ....... _ _ "'" ~-..,. ... ....,. PROPOSED 1972 CONSTITUTION FOR TH£5TATE OF'MONTANA PAGE 16 ARTICLE XI LOCAL GOVERNMENT ~ s.m.1. DEPINITION ~4. ........ ind..... boot iI..t~ .... ia.d 11I• . - . . . .... ~ dCIII ud 1_. 0tIMlt local pl!fllllWtlt be established "" .... tl' .. JDeaI.....-_wlU-NIf.......-po-. _ tile loAowioIC e-N poowers; !.II ... lIo:orpcnled dty III" - . . _ tIot po-.oIll1lU1ici· PBI-r-ntiOB PllI ~,~Im.ud otlNt fIO""l'I proftded III" iIIIplied..,. . lb'" ~ 11M 1m•• clInlBlo~.ud otIIer pow. en ""'"""" III" iIIIplie<I '" te' 0IMr Ioo:aI ......- IlIlib III......... """;dK '" 'not lmII "Ioal ......._ _II.. .,. . .. . .. Nro- P"O'"l''''' driln'''lI tho: t~rm "Ionl ~""..... IMfIt ,,",," 10 ,...11Ide ..... nI,... rtll.....<1 In...... .., GENZllALPO'II'EIlS tl'~pll'Wftlol ...........edcitl<lllllCl_.IICI ......... • COUNTIIS T1IoI ~ of tilt _ .... tIloM lbIoI_ DOl 110II.1. of ralifiati<ln 01 llliI _ . ~ (Oldy lMMIdolJ 118' be - . - or toUty _I ll'MSftrret ...w a""",,",, "" • IIlIjority of llIoM ~ .. lIoe..-stion b1-.i1 counlJ alltort.... •• ~'''''''1Iy 0ftIJ'!'- • • _........ ,. • Ul U. . . proIIll:ll1ool "" ... or ctoIrtolr•• 1oc:II ~ l'I"''' ..mo:-ol..,. ......... ot IafiIllMlwlllr., ..,.~.,.... • ..,.,.....uI1)', _ III" - . r t CIIher IDcaI ~ ..ato,"""'" iIiIlricb, 1M _ , or 1M u. . . - - . a)TlM~""""'GIl' __ """'-oalI_J.1ll' IDIli1floN or .......... '-1..... 11 to<lo to. Id 1luoIfIII" N,",,' "'.....,"" .110.......... ~,.".,.t" Ilnnl ~b u••_.<I""n",..t... In" Ollie, polO'.... to 10<11 ",",'ct. mcntoM. or __ '" ..,. • _~. 12111 ... ~t_ ....... Jll'I'>ridie-"'~1ll' J..,I.lm. ...,....,.lot~..,. etdIer: 101 IlIItIMed '" pcIlIioa ia tile JDeaI ~ _I III" CGIIIbiIllIioll 01 WIitI: ... fOflJISOP'OOYEI\NIUNT lI:U """"*__ .. II' TIIIt ............ . - . - . . o0oi pnoeeMw lor ~1caI ioot'otpotatinc. dMoIJ1LDI. diIooIriolI Hdl .... u 4 . . . , T1IoI 1oIioIal1ft .... prvride Hdl opllGuI or __ lIooir aM.er.tiY<! oI . . . of ....,Iodopt.---. _ _ -.eIl1llli1 .. ~ .......,.••_ 6olm..,.....jIlIrity olllloM 011 1M ~ 'I' o..~ iacIuotII. boot II _ l\MlIe:l 10. tM 01 110_ ......,. -.l1llolWrl. • deftJond .-.... I dorII of dIIrid - ' - • ......,. .nar.,.• 1btriII.• tr--w. I _ • • ......,. ~ of of.-,......- ......... --..- ,......-.....-. '"'" lWleI I - , I , lloa of _ . " . . ...... prorideIl "" n. TM Board of - , _ " I ...., .......aidItt two .-:II Clfl\tft. Tlw Baa.... of two Of _ _ ~..,,...... )oiatotkt ..... lortliotdedlGa of _ lIIIlloo:YIlO pert_ tM of aIIl' Mdo oftireI i. tIloM _,,~ -- . ,'Ii"- . .. pr<r<UfOOI d"~'1Ij[ "'"'* . 10,10101." 10 ..... eo- ..,. 1M .- IIocIl' 01 1M JDeaI ......._ • • ,.........,_.10 """~ ......,""'."" , _ w;lh OIl1M' "",to oIl1""fl'11_ I,," ...........".U.Ift,-O. s....- t. 1NJ'ftA1n'E AND un:RI:NDlM ,.... ,.lDIIiItiw ........ . . . """" Ill' ..tI1ocaI.....--. tile""" quUfled *'rton '" ..tI or"""*""lIoM 01 ..... (,II 0Iartft' pI'O'riIlonIlIStlIbtilllh,. a«Blm.Irclobu.... _ Mtnlllillnu... _ I ' t PllI orpniIalioll.I't...,..nor Ie ..._ • • .'Iew pftIVI......11ow1.. _ til TIM ......... ....., ~ pt'f'llll1I!IIc I 1oc:II ..-at ..1I 1II" 1IoM II wIil:Ilo frII_, IIIopt. -.I 11I" ..u'fO'Ct_ cllIMr willi ... Ippnnl 011 -JoritJ oil'*- ooti. . . . . . . q--.o. TlM 1ftceiIIIfts....., .. '-I-.ppovnI 01. dlIlUr Ill" ~ ... ~ALooon:RATION ...., ....... i. lIElI-GOVt:IINIlENTOl.UI'I;I;1tI •r ~..~f1•• oIffl.... ""n 1.1 """PIRie ia,. . . . . . "''''' ~ ~ , ot ... • R........... lin <"0"'101 .... '.... b' ''''lUI'''''' 01\1\....jMi<y .1 ,.....011., to .ppro... """,ntr ••• 1 'w boundlol\' rloan,., IlI!lt"""'t,tut>oll_...... lIWljonl) pow." not AI ,..,....,,10.,.1 ........."'••11. ..-finlly ......'". .w. IIIoU H~I>mI1~. s..- Z. PR"'iIion IllowinfIloelIl ~ .nito to . .~ _en WIlli lilt SlItuad .. h.t¥o.U • New lbo ~ . 1M • ,..,..;oi.... <Iitoorti.. loJ1ol11lo," "' ,.•• mi· .....10 tho pOW" 10 inll>al. kal or<li...1Itft II! pI!I.ltMln or 10 pd,looII 10 l'OI. . . Of _ _ ~ to," knl ....,,- • r.;~ ".........,., tiI,...,"C lccI"'I"~ I. PI" ..... ¥<>I '0 -rn theI, _n ........ 01 PflTl- '.-H...,.. "'.," <han , ",.. <han., ,..,..;_ tf>Il("Cml"l Ilru<l"~ 01 1 fOYCmmcnl. WOlOld l.h , , ~ _ ' 1 .......cmine JH"l<'C'hlra 10' lotIl ....... t. VOTER ItI:VIE'II' Of' I.oOCALGoO'YEIt/'IIIENT ~ ...............H... III TlM wItIiI "..0I1M~ GIlIMo WI- ,......,.......... 1bI IoCIIIp___ . . or U .. '" -'II Ilo Itf'CtBI't ond 1IIIlIBI_~ GIl....-at 1o IIIlotol . . tonltlM . . ....." *tioII. (lJ". 1lIIII ,.......... __ .-y leD".. III« tIot Ilrot . . . . . t , ....... 1. .u~1'OWEA1I 1'<""'''' aJ· •:,,"';':'~ '::,"",~ :.,"':.t":".::. ~':;t=tJ f:"~ I,,"1IIIInc U.. oIftlf<l orf_b Itot'" 1-...:. """ntito may apft to.Ie<l"", nlli"",11O 0«\'.' ",.11· t...... nt... ra OflK'e wllloin .....11I,.. 'f•• ub;'" 10 '-"'<1",,,,, 01' ........ . toni.,.. I ... ...,u,.. ....... . . , - . -• .,.,...._~lll'tIoiICIIlIIIIit ........ 'No ......... IIaI ' ..... I' " • • • ' dlorwr ~...-. " • • • p.......... , . New 8y 1t7~ 1M "';lIIto•• most ei'• I'l!IicIento tile """"n... lylO "01. OIl ...hcth., or JlOI 10 <ha.... \Mi. form 01 10""'''''''''1. lows m-. N JliIIHd rcq.. n.. kal fonno oI ...... mmcnllO bc .,..... ..... n11 ........ Ied ....,. ,... ,..... .. IoeaJ • -. ---'---* .> ' • rt,......., ......., ~. ~. ' ARTIQEJW DEPARTMENtS AND INSTITUTIONS . . . . . 1.... IIJC\lLTUJIE \II TlM 1ePW ....., .... ...n .......... ~ ~ ""....,.~ lJ) s,.w IwnIl ( _ If Acrl,......... *,",+iMlkaa .. ,.... lor. _ li...-k oM _ .,.w- ..... ..,. : tlllei lor ..... .-..t. 11II ~ coatnI"", ~"""'ItloIi.,... ...--It}' ~ ...-.. R_ ..-.u-. ,..,...If,...... tloa, -.do...... -,",,_11M *""" ... lot _ • • • ....... u-. * d' 1t."lOa I " ~OIUUI~t,,,,, p"".",.. INI. <Ie,.nmcnt or Il"CIlt ••• w,n foe ·n. 10 ,,",*n .......to in I,," ""'11I"-. bnn"" 0..1.., ~f......... 10' """""......... 01 .,,; U.," 0. , ""'oIot"~ to P""',• ....,....,. k>, ., Iture ,I' R.";... 1. . r<HI,tJllll_ b} ...' ...... ne th._ rial IIIllllery- on b....lod 10 .~ ......11.'. to bc tlw botnoH'it 01 boI~ Dcict.. 10 ' lIm.'" \rI-,-.IIow"" ref.,....... f", lIlTlM ................. Ior.~GIlI.lilllc I I ........ _......,.,......,!tl7u ""'Ill' .......' C'IIIftnMoIIll' u.a_. .m-paW"'._... . ,.rt -.1I'InIt_........... ... ,.... ...._ ..,. ...... tWo..m_ ond 111 .. .. indoMI,,"" "" _,' ... u.a.-nl ....... ..,..,~.wort. Nil- (IfII4IlI" 1ft- PROPOSED 1972 CONSTITUTION FOR THE STATE Of MONTANA 1. No ........,. n«pI 11\ "'"1-""""" oIl1bor wiU be _ ., .ra......... v........... tbat 01 u.. 2IIl cIopoll_ ..,Ioe-". _ OIP_ .. _ --IIIJ ~ . . . . S.1P8m'VIKlNl AND AlSllTAfrQ fIOd..,. Ino:tldaC 1a- ..,-Ioe ~ \If ~ ~ .... III ... ~ .....,n~ .. .,- 1t."tJ. -.. "'_'11, n. ....... ....a.-... ........., .... -"'I_ ..,. _ WInIllSot. lor 11M ... ",...,.. t-...,. 11' No ....... ..-pI ill cn-,.IDoelNo f'lkl'. ....... lCIl4*lf~ tne 01 IIlItiIIItioaI.l III Ne- povri• ... \lIM • ,..,... III 1Mtit......., eum.t aD riIl>U arfPt U!ooII1Iwl1 ~bIe becI_ 01 1M f<IlIli-.t Illd IllIIt .. rlCbU Ill! IlI\OftIIlioIr, IOI'fll ...... 1M ,..,... It ~ . \11 ~ 1_ mnolll*iolo ""'do lUI. IllII IN " - . 1 ~ .. _ prao;deweltoJ'l!. R...... _ _ It IIPlollw\tP- r.w. .., . . . . ..,.c ", tbf ... 0. . ."" bnllC!l (lfn.ItI dItIII . . . . ,..... PAGE 17 ..... . . . . ..... lailift ... ~ ~ IlIt ~. """"'" or pl'OI'klo weIIu.:. I ....-.bi.tion 01 \lot twlt _ ARTICLE XIII GENERAL PROVISIONS ..... 1. ~ALCOIQ'OIlA'ftONI ~ . .............................. ,.........,. . . . . • ..,..r .......mn. ...,.,.- JI"D'I"'o ~ (111M .... wWcIo d ~.c ,.. 11M""" S ItOlO be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (lJ Corpcnk dIuWI .~ • - ""<",n,,, ,reo.' ~~t"'" lei ~ P"V'i_. ",. 1lIi1lW.. _ mort t..... """,",",,1IlI....ni<t of . . . . . .......,..lIlIl. .lolon W CIO>ft JI'IbW off""'" I .~. t'IOSt<>ft'leI1 .1 hftrl"" borlG<f IIrt poobbc R";c., .........._ t:\l~lr """~";." ..oulcl ~ wod UI oupporIlIrt o(f;c., .... 't '. . ;.tll. . . ItI ..... -1IlIlIIt:r iII,...a III ...,,...... • • ptO";_ off"'" UI • ~L tlM......- •...,. ..... ....... IALoUlY ODMMJ.-oH .... ~ ~ .lltlll .... &iDifiiiOHLAWI noe .... . .. . . .. .............. ......chot ....... . ... . .. 'I' So ..... --.... in Jlamnllr. it· NN- pItWl. _ roq .. nftC 1M 1ofi.1.1l.... to .... """'_ p""e< 10.... New ~ pro/IlbollnJ ..... . . ..,1lId tcld pbi6lift.o pt.It ,..,nl..t1O ,s, ~ J~ provioion ~uin .. .......mill... _ WCioI.r.... UI <''''~ I w<MIl<l ""QUl .. t.l) o<heotulft rOt iudIn. JooVslo\lm Ind Uf<U\J,"" olli<llb ...... a:JNIUIma~ Ill""'''' ...,. ,-,.c n.~""'.-wr _..mc:e .. _ _ aeatIq ___ iII ~ • ..,. ok ~ . TM....01 ......... lIy.lIIplII:iIItu . . . . . . _ _ P""'We"",.... ................... .. .. . . .....- ........ OODEtlI"r:nK:! tk ....._ ,....... ..... ..,.-"""*....., ---... ....................... .cIIb ~ . .. .. . . . . .. ~ ~ ARTICLE XIV CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION . . . . 1. OONnmmONALCONVEH'ftOH 'not iepoIot.N, ..,. .. ~ . . . III -.cWnk III loll 1M .............. _ CIt _ llodift, . , . " ' " Ii. . ..-.k to liIe .,.alkd oIodGn Illt q....... III ~ tllonJ . . . . . . . rimlled ~ 10 ~.Jta', or..-.l tIiII -.....- u.. .. IlIl 'not..,...,., 0I . . .-u Nrtl!J' 1M IN pet!IlOlIIo Ills ~ ..... (11_ doe ..-... to be .-..ued lit doe coatitlltioD. .. lIonol _ _ ioo m.... .". "",pie II \eIIt -.. Uecl 10 _ ""''Y till , . of 1M . . . .. ........ •• CALL OF 00M'EHfI0H • I. ~ pr_n. Enoble P'!"pIf' '0 ......lllutoonal ...."e.U_ • ~tion 10 coli. lt<! ~ ----"----"'"1"" 111 Tbr people IIIitiolift petitio> eli ...... 1M oetTeIar7 of IUIe 10 . .lIIIit IG lilt q..utd eIe<ton 1M q - * 1Il~. ... lkn ",,"U lie ... lMIIIIIIilld ~ 10 ",",", oller, or .nMnd \lib ......cltlIIkIn. 1'be politioII Iiptd ..,. 01 leu! ltft ~ III 1M qoWifJed derton of IIrt 1U1e. Tho! .. /lIbtr "'U lid.... M . . . ttll ptrl'eIIIIl '" 1M q..tlr>ed IIoocton I. _ .. "'~thoof lM~disuW:t/;. . "'.1Ie u.- 1,._...... nwMlllbft' llt Iloo _ """, - " ··.nlitnirecl"' '0 «>nol""'-""' !>Ilk" it rleo' lhll 1M ~.t.tu"' coo"'" coli I <OMIl' "11"""1...,,,,~""ro,ti ... U . . .jurity" Ufl.-tlft. llIt .. IMt .. IM qulllkoliollo l qootIllooI_ hi lilt lIM CIIIIIAc tMrwGf lItl. ~ ... 1IodJ at IN ....._ . nt llt IN A_ .. tk It/clleIl: q_' fic:atlIIoIo req"l'tCIlor dediooI .. llIt. .I nt ......_ ... ~........ ~ IIoe clIllpla..,. lIe ueed _ , ~ . . . . I. PERIODIC SUBMISSION U doe ......... 01 1lolcIi .........cioot • _ ...-uecI dwi". .lrl' ptriod pnI'rided by 1I... t 1M 1If"'ftl ...... Ulellll~. _ .. """"* ~ .... oi I · ~..... , . . , .... plK-. nod In tilt _ disuW:t/; • .....tm Itedy detenaini.. tllr lIlIlIlber III oIMnriIe It IbaIlllt Sllbllllittfd .. I. 1M t~ reo' !oJ. ,..rs, • R....... l • .-Itltion \..fal... l .... ""'II MlICf rni'" ,,~. . l'OftJ\lluuonal ........,1\tiocI ~tos ... el«lool on ~ni ..n Dr ,-.,.rUSln buiI '1l1li <'OIIOli IUIJOn not erpIocll on th" poIIIl. M",u.1II SU .......... C<>o>>t twIol """'"f'ft!ioon dt!tpl... mllll "'" on port"O" .. , I ~ It llIt tk _tim oIllIt "'Ia. ~ PROPOSED 1972 CONSTITUTION FORTNE ST ATE Of .MONT ANA PAGEl. . .. • ,.. 0al7 ..... lbot M .......-.......,. III III MtCitII. . . II a.. ..-.... Ibt-"..,.. ..... .." __ ..... 1"'701 1&I • tI . . _ _ e . . ~ . ..11) , . . , . . . . . I ........ 1..m.Io 8e6oft....-.........._..... ..... --mill'" ~ A _ """"'*' v lor IlIIiItc IIIIIoorwIM ~.,. ... -...... -_. ........,,, ~ ,..-.... -. .,.. ,........ -..c· .,. -..-.u-."' ...,. .... ....................... ---. . ---~ .. ..,.M ~ "....IIor., .... "'. ~, __ .. ... • IAPIM.... ...,....,., ••..., 1 ' _ '" I • • • • .. ..,.~. ' _- ..... ... T_ "",,",," - . . . , . ...... ~ I.. .....,. ..wa._ • lMlIi . . .... IIo ~ PCftnlIfII ....... . "'--- ""' "' .,,..,..,....... .... ., ..,. .... "'...- • • • • _ 1 _ 1 • ..-.-... .,. . . . . of t-.tlli .. 1OIal ...........' IItloft 11oo" -.w..'" _ ..... for July eU...;.. dar_ lor Illlfrwl......u _ .. . ............. """' .. ~.on.., a --...w.~ 11. . - - . , . . " ' . . ~,......... c.a , _. bliOlIIo ..................... ... , . " . _ _ U- .. .., . . . . . . . . . . . .....ciCIlIIM . . . . Inl .., .. JIob' . . ...." r ..... 1. 0lIHYDn10I\I DU7WI If . .................................... ................. ......--- .,......... ...,..., • Ilt ... -..,nI~U " " - • put II • • • ... "..... ~..,. $ ... ,,~ _ ,....... IN IIWIaIllo ill . . . . . . . . . . If IlOt ...... ' ....." 1'l'I"'W- Ill ....... 1I11il. . . . . . . . . . . ,..,... ...... ..,..-...., ........ OATIl, YAoCoVDD tWo~. .....". ........"....te.. _ ~ ~ ..... L AMEfClIOl'ft' . " LEGlL'nYE iliI'. . . . . . . .... ..10.-'" '" .....,. .. _ . W,.... _ 10 .--..l '" ...... . - . 1& _ lI.... Ifttr fiectlon 1M tIIoI IIor ~ OIl potell..-titllUooo lie /odII W1t1111 iii -..... . .. .. . ...._" ,.... .,_.. _ _....... .. ..... n.ar-.. ...... t. AIIfDOIIII:M' no 1N"rUoTIVII: til,.. ..,. ....,.. ::~~~-~;;; t ' ~ r!?f . . .... h ' I II -----*---.,. ,..... .... ~ ,.- ..... Ill __ .. - . . . . Zl _ ... -_..... .......... .1IIoII6lIiIll _ .......................... ,1','P ' .......,~ • .. ..... 11_" • • •• ,.'-~ TRANSITION SCHEDULE -- .,,_-.. ...,.,.,... ........................... ... t_v . . _ c.... ,.. .. """"' 0.. -,"' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "' .... C 'Pt' SlclIoa I. Aft*nliICI ~ DoR s.cu- J. ~ ~ D M e s.cu- I. ~~"'~"'RlPII ..... t. T__ "'J""" s..- _ .. .,.....-. ,.r __ ... .. IU - "-'- P"' .. rtJ4 .... _ ~\II . . . oftIctJ-rl . ....... "' ........ . . . . . 1. PIla.I:aln:OI"BIlAnoH,.DEClAIUftOH • fU._ • • .... IutJ _ • • 1M 1M ~ • n ...... m.te..,..,.... nptf . . . . . . . -'>tIdt ...,. _JoIr P. 1m. h _ _ s\J'~IfI\llflm_l_ .._. 751 . . . _ ......•..._ ' .... _ _ . . . . . . 1i:If; . '11 "'" _ ,..... ... . . . liMlll _"'_,... .. --."' . . • ___ .. e-.lT...-. .... Ill",",,"", 1f ~ .... Mf ..... ~ · ........................... ... ..,."'*""D ..... ~ . .IIIC---. . . . - I.. " - '" lAiIfIMIn ~ _ _~ oftftt ~ • • • UI If tIM _~ Ind nedistrlcllnc ~ beco.... ef{f(In't Iller tIM 1r74 .... oIatI" tIot _ . , ............... lllIItt ....w .... ~ II. I"'. 01 toe.- 1. Anlrlo Y " . . ...... f"f!fJtww r-n 1tt:I_ .....- _ _ tMrtooI . . . . . . ...,tww,.. ... _~--,.._ - _.,tIle_.... ....... .. _............ ClENI:llAL~ (ll .,.. ......... ~., .. ,..,... ~DAft: . . . . L ...........nZDD s-t'-. (IDIIllI'lIj ""'*1""""'" '" "'*"" ..-.......,.1,Jm. • • N I......... ""TII"",.., .... y. 'IIQl; LI:IC:l:SLATtlIlZ, .... • • p~...w. ... _ p 1ftd .... ~ 01 '" Jtcl*I .....w .. ,"«Il..Jln_" l. 1m TIot fftIlIlOniol",_ ......... ~ «>o>kl til..... IPJIOIftleol ..,. 1M 1m Iq1slalwre Ind ~ III pi," IG UIf lr74 ~llIJl' _ . . . . . . ftUII 01" JUIlIQAI;y ....... ... _Jo::lIooo, . . ~'" C 5 5 _ _ .-.e.. ..-_......-. ...-. • • _ -- , ...... 'u ''''' t'IId 01 1M ,...",Ior "'*"" "'" ~ .. l, S. . . I '" Y, TIm UlCILl'iUll:K," IIIC _ _ _ ........ 1nt.1IIIIWJit. . . . . , II 1 P _ _ n. • . . . . .. 1EUaOl"UIGIL&"'" (1)""' ..... "'.~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Ie '" ... (:eM!Mlee . . . . . _ DINIJber 11" . . , . . . 0 .. .. IPtI -.. "' .................... II) A I " " ' ' ' ' ' " " " , " ' ' ' - ' - . ql 5 P_ .......... lM .... tlIoB.( wllldo ..,. _ IfIIMIitttItI • .-w, ... ., 1Ioe . . . . . ...u tWr ..,.. ..... ~wtlltIltaC Mt S· • . . . .1. . . . .n:DEf' ... iP.BDAft • -m""' . .. ., .................... • • '" ... ..... ...,...,. ..,_................. orIwh .".,. __ dftttd • IaIft, _ . . , .............. . - S<~ ,"" P"lpoom <OM'I,'ulilJol tIlo"Jf'J I"" ~h 011...... 01 011 01 ~ ttul p........... IIIIka ,leIN, I/Illl In ~ --. II'" ClIlla*ItJIliOI Mol IIIC 11II ............. ~ c 1P1 AI _ ............... ., __ IIIC....,. .............. ,..w.o"' C ?1?" u-... • • • 1M """""'" _ _ ............ i1 ..... IIOl"~..,. II.. _~.,.-notU ...lo ...... e ... _."~ u...'.....-'....... ... A. finIJ . ~"m.. PROPOSED 1972 CONSTITUTION. FOR THE ST ATE OF MONTANA PAGE 19' _._ .. ADOPTION SCHEDULE .. _..... "' .. ........, ,... __ ........... ,.,.. _.........,-,.... . . . .... 0 rlllIlk:::..., " c.... ~'- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'IS -........ IIMfIIiI .,0 0 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "" It ren _l --.. _ _ . . . . . oI. -- .... ..... I .... n.~ • .. _ .• _ _ "'~"nL" elhdM~I."", m t..-cll_ __ ..... ... _ _ 11. .-, ..........1 1 _ .... ... c~~ . .,. ......, .. IA - - - . 1M - ' - h I ' II ....-.., ef .... ~ ___ ira_" , He ...... ..... ,.......,~ Ne c"",,*,- I _ *"'... ........ _11I -.,.-- .. __ .. ..,. .... ~ w4Moo ....-..-..~ ill ............... """' ._It..,...,. ........ .... _--.. ~ •• o-MICIAnoM Molr _ _ ,.. -tr....., -a-. ......................... ,.I, '''' -"'".,.., ·4 . .... .. ~_ .. _ .. try ,...w.._ ,_.--. ..- .., .. ...;.tt, ................. ..,.~-... ..-... ...... .... .. c-.dI .... '.II •• . ., Ieri..,........,...-... .....--' *"'..,..... ~ t •• _ 60................ ,.., _...,.IM_" 001..,..........no......-.. ... *-ttIo .........,j"' . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . _ F, • ..,. ... . ~ _iII .. _ ....... (3)""' _ _ ............................ loletwno ..... ..... ._"' w..w..o.. no.001..__ __ •• _. -. $ ............ _ n . . m$lONl no. ~""II.. u ~ propooed -..tit-.- II .clopIed Ind I ..... }on\1 /lI1M oomw ' - - I ~lN"" 1--""'1 1ieC· 1JIIt.... lhftI ArUde Y _ IorUI below win lI'OlItdhlle IIIe ~"'t"" II'tl$ oIl11e -elt'Ollool .ncllht bin· -.a! .rUde now .".11... in lito ......,. of thl pro. paM<l ~11Ill0ll 1,.11 tI orin be ..... , I-.~""""' s.- ..................... J 1ectIooe ... I ~ --..... .. ..,. .... ........ -...--. .o.-(.) no. ........... ..,. : I ,.... .... (2I • ...... ...... .............. ~ -..._ ...... M ----..,. .lIC""'" ._. .......... . •. DtlQUlWRCAnoM -............. Y, , . . UlGJILATVlt£. . . lie doloMlI I _. _ ............................................... ............. ..... ~ 110,. : 1tI .uma.z _Ho -....... 10 .... . -.. ..,.-' .. ClClrWBtSAnoM hdo __ ' ' ',1 ",.."...0 .. _,...,.... ... - - s.m- S. "dI_.e- _alia 11oo , I i ' . . ~ .... _ _ •• !WWl:lI .... loti.MaIdl, . . . . . . . . 11 ,.... ... ............. ,,,. _ -._m _ U __ -....... ._ _--,......... ..__ . _ -"<._..._....,.. -""""""'-' .--_ .. ........ .............. _,_ • J..,I,1mil~ (II 10..,. ,.. ~ ..............., .....,. A-.w- ~_".,I.-. • '.111 ...... 4. OUAUPKAnoNS 11' ........ .,. • ....., -< .................................... - . . . .. _ --. IIUt .. ................. .,..e . . - ~ ,~ ...... "' • ......., .. • ~.,. , , . . ...... II . . J_ . . *liIII _ _ ~ ... ! ,.... •• ~ 1IllIO IIKTION ANDTHIIU It_ _.......-.-, w,,_•••',-_. • _ _ *' 1M ~J. (I} ..... (2) I>oft MvtioA by 1._ "- _aw....,. 1rIOIt .. ..,.11. .. lII9 '__ ....... - ~ef"'-a-.. '0 ." Pi ..... ;,.10 ......-ditog•. 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""....,.. ~ .... . iII~_.I-r Io..,._~. ...... -..... ..-. ~ ~ ....,._~...., s.d-:r. I'D . ................... _............. ..,_._ _12It...,_ ................,iII..,. .......... ~ s-tiooo 1. yACHClft . ........ _ _ low . . . ,.."..... He .. ....,.~ --... ~ 11. -...,.. ~ L .. ~ .~ - -.. ..,.~ = p ._ _ • 5 ~ .. ........... _ If ......._ _ PAGE 20 PROPOSED 1972 CONSTITUTION FOR THE STATE OF MONT ANA __ cMioIIo.· .... ..... -- __ --- .. -.. -..- _ ...... _ ...... -.., ............. ..... ..(.1)"'" eIlia . ~ ....... _ .. . ~ _ 50 .. _ ~ ..... ..,. ...., ........ _ _ .......... 4 0 - . - . . 1 . . _ _ llIll ....... _IO ........• '-- ...-,.,_-.111 . . n._ . ~ --.. ......., _._ _ _,..... . 15'n. It, lf~ S. flf:CfIC)t,I AHO eodl .. A _ ..-.. _., ~ lor ,......;.IM .. .... ~ _.iI (~."".., .::.et. ---..~ (11.12). " " ' - . . . . . . . .......l ~.......-:. .. _ ... effioon. ........ - . - - . . _ _~efficooo,""'~"""~ - - - . : by Ioow 0 . . wlIjocl ....,oodro..."r. """..- .-. __ ........ _ " - .:fa. 001oo< F II go ... __ "efIio>o ... _ _ ... ..,..- ..,. . ~ "" -s.c- QltG.foNW,nQH ,...... . . _ ........ .-....1 __ "-_11I--.. • III ..,. .... 5 . oof5. ..... -r " ... ....."c_ ,..-. ___ ._el--..t,,· .~ 121 , I toch ... ito _ ~ AND .... " '00;> .. 1910 _ tho< -to"'l)' 01 .... - . , _ PI',' oitt..,....._.:_ I -.. , .., .---....._, --.....,. _.. ......, I<I)~ ... ,..", _ _-..., .._ _ - - . . . _ ..... Itc ........... __ efiIce, . . r.w. ....-_, ....... _ _•.,. .. , ....thw'" s.-. ;, -'r _~ -.. _ 100.. .-.,.. ........... _........-...--... .. "'(1)n.. "{.tj"" ......... _ ...............--.n. ..............-..-iltoot wWdo .... ........ _ _ "O! 0 - _----.,.- ................. Ioy . ......... ....... "(5),..... - _ _ ......, .... _fly -....."'..-----. ........ ... ~ no.........., .... ........ "'""'-"- .............-01, _ . I ... ~ f _ ..... _ ~ o _.,... o o - O (2) _ _ _. _ I Irict '""" .... ..... ooIoorioy oolocc ..". olooi;oroIioro, .... . . liM _ _, ........ ........"-,......... . ... ' ...,. . . Wllhioo 20 to _ ................. -...... ..,..;" " .... ~ _ - .. - . . _ _.h<Io . . - . - . . . . - . , . AI'" ~ •• ;, .... _obloo. .._ . -..,. .. _ - _... , .. dwoir... oolocc . . liM _ _ "(2J f no. .... ..,..lod""'_.~ l') ~ w.. ... ....,. .. ' - - ' " ' - efiIce ... -.. .........- _ . . . . . t o - ~ to- _ .. .uma.I YID. Rr:VDC\II!; ""n>WCL - --...- _ • .... '''' • • • ... II . . -~ . . . . .- ~It"" ... boIof1! It • . . . . . - ' - II ........... lor ~_-" 44' of _ f. AR1'1Cl.E VI, T1II; EXECUnVL "' "' .... l2r of~l. Aft'nCLI!; VII,1'1d:JtIDIaAlIlY, 1 I I _ 4 1....... 1.AKncu: m ......un1IlDnS AIfD rrcrmvnoNS. Ifl 'n. ......... 1II, Ill, • If _ . . . 1qoUC..... ....,.... 1M _ of hili Wlllo _fi.-iooI iIIl'''_ ol._........ tIlo ..,-- ~ , . - - - - - . . . . . . . .R n._ - ....,..,..--....~ ' .............. ,<1) ~ ,..", • 4" 'n. (II of - " - f ..- .. . ...... .................................. ....,..,.._ ..-.-.. __ .:100.-.. ......... ... ..........., . cIi_', .... ~ t l'lSoll~. . proWoIo ..... _.,.......... ..... _ "'P)' ; .. _ _ .--"t-..I "'- ,.... ......... _ . _~ c..., ... .........., F _0_' ........_ 1'1" .... odo;>oocI .... _ _. no.. .....- _ p .... -.......·--w_liIr.oIJ_;" ' __ ....... - - . . . . .. ..............._t,., ,... llt"'"... -. """'.j (3) M .. 1..' ' ' - _ _ _ .......... ........._ _ , •••• . . - 0 1 - ... -..cl lot ... looc_.. . . . . - . ...... lei"""" 13. lNol'fACHIoI.!NT. (II 1M _ ........... ~~ ........... _ ... ,.,....... lor _ Mo;oct ... 5ocOlooo N, DIIntCniiOAHOAl'fe-l1IONMafT ~ 1>0<0_01 (.... _ _ --.d.... --.....,_Ioo~ ~ ............. ..... ......-.n.olrilolooroll ..... -..o:r _ _ _ _ _ . _ .... looc-.l .... -·-....., ..-01_ ...... _ . "72 _ _ ",",_ I (It ........ ,....w...l_ . . - . - . . ...... .......- '" 1910. " - _ . ..,.. - 10 . . - " two ........ _ _-_. _ ..... _.-- ... ......... _.,. _ --.. _.. -s............... " ,........,._wf Sorcilooo Q. IMI'IACMMINT . . .... . _ oloclooI_ - - - . ., • "'"'-'"'l ...., _ .. . . """"' .., ~ 1. "OWtI: AHO S~ no. • ...--.. .......... _ (lo)~2.SlZI.n..oi n.. . . . . . 110 1, 2. S. 10,13, .... W..... iIoooo<t- _Io~lo ..... n. lOCAl AHOINOAL ~ n o H _ Mido V ., . . C-"vtIM 10 ioo --'"lor"""""""'" ....... ............ .. ....,.- ........., n.-..._.. ... 0Wl.(3j,(<lj,('INo \",,-_ ,....w._.- io ~ _ _ ........ ... ~ '_"'0 __ rn (~ No <I>o"ll' by '""''' ... g'O........ 1009 dod _("""Il"' , _ oM .....-.. .......,"'IM " (3) •• ..... _ ...;.n.,. O __............. _ (2I1 • ~ ..... ioo ofIocoi". I ...... _ . . , ...... 9 - <_._ _ IO ........_ _ iIIl'IIoo ....... ~ 1>1IO ~.11t -...... Eeclo _ . ~. _ oFt:rir;l ... - - " . : ........ ..-. troeo- tIhlrim. ..... >he _ _• feclo clio.................. - - . - ..-01 . . . . . . - ....-,. All ... ........ ......, ........ ".,..,. ~ __ ,.....,..-:. <iIii._. _ '-'-i"""""" '2) - ~ ....._ . ....... ~u..$..c-. . ".' o. ~. . . " . ................... n.. ~ • _ Ii loll '"- - - - . :•• IOMJjcoriCy el ....... .... ,.... J.. UNC·_~ $oocti-. U. IUH8<iDUM (I)'" 19ICl .. Iw--' 1oluI.... lot", .....,. .. _ ..... pioco _ ......... __ ,:os- ... '-'-"'10;. ...-..rr' "'PJn.. ..tnc.-... ................ _ _ '''''0''- o. W_ .. .w.-20-,. .. .. , ~~ ~ ""'Iiftto-........... "'''- _ ..... oeIKt iIo Ito"" _ ,..., ....... .... ~ ..............-_ , ,.... .... Io>;ioIo:ioot ..-01 ..... - ................11........... 1iM ,..-01 of ..,;,.", .., ... ,........ efii<loolo, Iridloo; .... , ~ ......... - - . • ..-.Ioolooo of (11_ .......... ................. (11 ..... Pl _ _ ....... ....-..w..· __ .......... :10 ~- <__........ ..... ......-.-. ... 110_· :10 ..,.. ~ . !he ~ W . .- • • _ . ,.-._- .... -_. _. tilt""'"__•.....,.: II_....-c_ _ ... II 11 .-. III If _nilr .... )A ...... . . . . - iIIl' I .,p;o,,, u.c. ........... lIlo ok!rIIcIa """ If 11oo ,...,.... e-:lf~ II PROPOSED 1972 CONSTITUTION FOR THE STATE OF MONTANA 'JIPfO"'fd bf 1M eIec.ton. l!MII _ _ • 01 ART1CLE W. GENERAL GOVE:RNM:ENr sIWIllo 1'NiDtoI. (I) If Hf*lllf __ JA illl'I'fO""'Ibf Ilot ond II tile tIlm MCtioa. PI'JPIIIC'd e-ltlIliart II .1lPf'O'f'Id llJ.lIoo ... 110 doiIted from . .umcu: W, GmERAL GOVERN· MEZn' . . doe IoIIowIIrc ~ G.UIIlUNG.AI_ III _~ IooIlIooltooII bylM...,.., . If adopted the . .. . --. AJrnO.£ l_1lOUNDA1UES "" tile Uaittol SUI. All'nQJt D_IUUTAIIY fUlSEJty,o\'nONS Coool:onIIIIlilib'l' paoto ...... ~ AJl'nC1.E DS-A IlfJCUIlATION or IUGHTS SeI:tioa ». P!'oorids tllel lIaft 1M _ riPU • c:iti-. 10_ ..... Seot;.a. ProIIIlIitic.-api."'-" 5et'tioll :It. DoodIntiolI Ilol1 ~lItiorIlol proo;.loaI an . . . _. ........ .n- AIl'rKU: V_lZGlSlAT1Vt: DEPAIlTKENT u..-... DELETIONS e-t.,. Section t. Req.... u ~ 01 ""blio: .... -.I 1IIili!IIJ ktlaII I. Gootn« _Ildlr-Ut-dlitf _ AItT1CLI: 1:I-RlGtn'S 0 .. 5UPPRAGE AND QUAUf1CA· TlONS TO KOlJ) oma: Section J. ClIo.oI reoidetIn!becI_ol job«Slat•. Section t. EIeo:tcIn ~ _ mUlW)i' duI)' on 5ectlon a. Military reoidetIn! Me roti........... S«1ion 10. Dilibilil)' oIIiNI. Section II. Eqalfilllto _ _. s.tx. AK'11Q.E :I--nATE lNS'nTtmONS AND PUIlUC IlllllJ). 10 .... ...,t_.1 ........ 25. ~ IboI .... ~tOf)' bill Nt _ bei"C amnoIeII. ScllolI n. lVqoIiNI ~ of.,.,. ... III.lIIIII enfuot 1oI. pnHft« of ~-...... S«tiooIa. Rlq.... ....otr, __ .nd_~UonolkliaIotift IIMNn ud ftDIIIoJ- be ott II,- ..... 5et'tioll 21. PnlWbitI _ .............. bf bill. 5et'tioll 10......... tift ptiIItIIIt requI~. 1"ruWbilI1rwI~........riel of~ofllad. S&1ioa II. or e:rl~ ... t _ SeI:tioa J:2. ~. . all _ _ bilIIlo lie lntrodoINd ill ..... SerliaIII •. ProIIlIIitI deleptilll municipal fIIncUorlllO prioalc OfIIlllDllorII. ~ n. Pr<lllibill InISt fUII4J ill fIOI'IlOQIc borHlI or ""'. i_" SeeIioa II. I'r1IWlIiII Ute aid to raUn::.dI. S«.1lon •. 1'l'oIlo'bM:f ~.. d1imlJllollinc ... minplblll,. df!lb ..-cI tile Itlle. S&1ioa 41. Briller)'oIloplatan. 5et'tioll U. BrIbory 01_ offieiall. 5ec:tioD U. ComIpttolidtllloaool"lon. S«.1lon 44. ProIllbitl ~ from YGli"I on biD In -tlidI1w hal print. ma-t. . ARTKLE YJ-Al'POmoNIIENr AND RD'IlUENrAnoN S«tiooll. ~ 01 roprotOlIlIti~ 10 ed for;" U.s. ConItitolion. ee.cr--thlII ill prorid- AItT1CLE VD-EXI!lLVnVE DEPARTMENJ' $el:tiolI a. SUt. El&mlJoof. Sottioe II. Roq. . . P'lftII aDd ............... 1w _led.rod Iiped bf IO"ft"O'" .rod - . . , . oIllMo, Set1iOIII' ~ ... bf"'-';",oIlio<erI.ndinltituliono. S«tiool •. lloanI 01 SUI. PnoooI CcIrnmioIionoft. .u ...... AfI11C1I: VID-JUIlIQ.U.. Dl7ARTII»nS Set1iOII I. f'rv9IIlooo for",,-Section 4. RoqIliriftCJ_oISoapnmoCowt-.ilr-. $oo:tioII I. f\nll!koctiooo 01 J.ute. SectiGn t. ClortoillMs.,r-e-t. kction U. S.IUp ajudicial diIItric.1I. kction 11. RoqoIira diIItrid - " to H ~ I t " liIDs . . 10 IloId ioIIr _ I ytat. kction II. am. 01 DiIItricI Coart. S«1lon If. eo-tJ MIorIoI1. S«Uon II. T)'l*oI lP'.auWIIIwIdII. Section D. Roq JPfIOIIItIlD bo.... 1t lIII U-. Set1iOII 24. f'Illico" ...-ldpai_. Section:l5. e-rtsolRe<onl. Sert>oo. JI. l1IlIklrm d ....lliPtklIIoI.-tI. Section 17. Styllol . Set1iOII •. Llwud tqUltyu_,-of d:'riI_. S«1ion 12. ""..... lIaIl 01 $lIpnmo e-t ~ . S«Iion M. rw.. _ ill of~ 01 .......1)' IftOnolJ. dert 01 diIbict _ ... lP'1. SectIon ........ pro tompon 01 dlIIricI_. "'!q~ '" 21 lor tfP"H'lb. Ii.- Wit .... -.ton. tArtidt IV '" the .......... nlNll· ~....u. elilible for tile SeI:tioa $. otIoo6tt. ~ 0lI ,., 01 ~t ..... 5et'tioll •. ProocribeIeMCliIIcda_otllilll. SettiooIII. lMl'l.dIClul ......... seroo. 21 JIeqaim tl>tt WllIllo C'OllIIderfcIIrJ «Imminee ond 5edioII I. R d _ 10 • I..,....... If tho propoood C'OIIItiIlI\IOI'l iI o<Ioptt<l .nd tho P'OpleY<ll.I«oill5l tht death ,....~y lMn lllttoftSlltu· lion ... u conwn lilt bl""",,. pn>habolin, tho deaUl ,....11, ...d tht refertn<"l! to "apotal o,tmtel I..... n'n' pUftl$ll>bIo bl' <IfoJIIl' ..,0 ho deIo\od If IIfPllAIo IlrIlot 411 iII.PllfCi"'ed bf. ~I)' 01 JlI'OPOI'fCl e-litlllion ill .PPfOft'II bf lIM aeeton. III'" Ihoft IboII bt • .wed 10 MICtion a. ARTIO..£ PQ:.UDIl.I;-,"", ~_tompIeteiJ'~_ ~ . . . .. It lIM ol«tloot . . If lIM proJ'l'lMd '''''"l1l11ion wiU """Ia,n I are t'" _-.n. ' .... 1oIIowI... ,.......... .ppariItc ill 1M 1_ ~tlltloll artllOllldloclM ill tile proplHd. CIIIaIlil>ltiool '" 1m. ~ of 011 111181 proh,IMUOIIlpilllllU pmbli"l ..1_ U.. people >'OIt to .lIow th.IopIM..... « 11M poopI. to ."""'"'._. taln ,........ 01 pmh~"C II lbo ........ Ipproo. of !hill lulhGrialion lhon profIOIOd <OIlSltMion .-tIl buo ......dod btkn publlnolion lbemor: ......... t. .,.- . . PAGE 2'1 8ec:tion.,.. ... , Satloa 2. PnrriIlcol for """ lint ...Iiooaol Clpital. tloeoleopital. No ~ior_1dioc lIIIliI .. pitaJ'intlomed. S«tion I. I ! h.... todlute S<dloot t. .um<:u::m_REVbltJEANDTAXATlON Section I. RoqIlinlll .. ......,er1ylobttued. S«Iion II. AUOWl"lIi"C~. ~ I. TulltMn 01 _ _ aDd pr<Jl:'ftdI. Section 4. I'roWlIiIsIlllIolMdlolooal.......,.-. Section t. ProIIibilIIaki", pri'l'llol proporqr kIr oorponIoI doobtI. tTbill prohIbltMn II QlOOft'ftI bf lIM u.s. e-it1lliGol.' S«tion t. Two......U ~mib~ onl'f'lP"l17 laHI. S«tion II. IJailonaitycll_. 5ectlon IS. DlUikolStlto~, SeotioIo It. Stalol ~Iorl' IlooIni. SeotioIo 15. CoIIIII)'udSIM...... oI eIllllliallon. Sec:I*l II. Spocifiel _ _ Illd .pportionmonl 01 railroed ..... _.. Sodion 17. DoIw..lIMW'CInI·'praportJ:· 5«IlOIt II. G1fa ~""'I"'WO'" 10 pall ..... AflTIQ.E DU_PUIlUC INDEBTEDNESS Sodion I. Leodi... oIlUlo·'~t. S«tion 2. JlOO.lIOO tIoht limit .... ,1110. 5«Uoa 4. Prvlliblts IIlltt alumina cIIbI oIlooall""'....· 'rol'l S«tion t. 110.000 ~ dobIliJlIIil. S«tion I. Local ptnInIeIlt dobI ~mil. . . . . OIl 1Dt. _. $~ AIt11a.II: X'I--eofU'OlU.T1ON5 O'nIEft TIL\N IIIUNKJP'u' ..... priwI. 'or I<nifI' 00I'P0QIi0N, Section 12. eo--.ledIo_JIlootrlilnlola. 5«tion U. I"toIIIbltI _ptlrtIft ..... 1NntfII:i., ...... or indi.;,s"u. S«tiooI It. ,...."".... III bIIiId . . . , . . .... teopMne am.- _. P'nJhihi1l~0I""~_. ... Sodion II. SUit rtt.iM jrollIdctiooI 01 (OfJIOl'Ilt. pr'lllIOrI)' in _ . . . ta-il wb loroipcorpor.cion. Sodion II. I'nIIIillllI ~.-....IiooblII) S«tiooI 17. Pn*bib . . . . . , I'f'lP"I17 _« '"'at«. Sodion II. Dtfina lIM..-cI ~ _ liaIIiIil* 01 • • . , "~." SodionIl.o-oIpri_............ 5tdiOII Zfl. F'l'oblbllll*'t I\DIII. AIIT1ttJ!: J:VI--eoUNTlES-IIlNOPAl, COlU'OKATlON 'NO""'" 2. ...... Pro'rIIioII tor ,.,..- 01 *'btl . . . _ 5«tioII $ctIIlII ~ ill t. DeUIItd 1"'I"iJiOn .. dMdint _ _ ............ "'diIIridI. AIIT1ttJ!: XVDI-U1lOA t. ProIlibilI ~ior-.rict1IIIor. 5tdiOII 2. ProWlIitI ...,.,... dlikhtI ...... " Sodion In ...... cr-'Idml_. S«Uon t. Reqoi.... ~lotllfoo'nArtide. AJmCLE XI:I--IoIlSC!2UNEOtB StJaIECI'S AND P1J. """'~~ tepIII_ ......,_11..... Section I. .... 5«tion I. ~1IinlII 10 , . bl.. far tcIWII)' officon 10 ~top ~ or offio:s It ....>nIy ... Sodion 7. StlIIm prtftrftdi.dilpoWon 01""'" II ..... S«tioII t. UIniI 011 • ........-. 10 e-i\1ItIon.t """ . . . Ama.E u_son:ouu: .......... 5eo:tiGro; 1·17 Prorit\o$ /or tnlllibon fl'Olb lfmIonaI 10 SUU AItTKLE :lXI_MONTANA TRUST AND lJ!XOAO' " ' - - ART1Cl.E J:IlI_MlLlTARY AFf'AlRS S«tioII2. Roqoi. . bo,,-";ncllMmii~tia Soction I Rqu;.... 1""",,,,"llions .... lIM mi~1I.t ~ ktlaII I. 1n¥J,licIIW corponlol ~ .at i. tflecllI .cIop1iGot001_-.it. . . . ktlaII 2. J'ooHrID .-......,.enteoUrten. Section 4. e-~ torC'llOJlOllllolclire<ton Section 5. RepWioIooinill-*. -, ktlaIIl. ProIIifl;tJt-.lilllti.eflllllroML ~' 5«tion 7. DiotTImi_lJoII ill rill nIoII .• ..." Section I. 1Wl..... _lllllftOllb_of.....cll....... .:~ Section t. Ri&Iot of trIlifttM. ......n _ JIIIbIk: ....,........~" ... Section 10. ReIlric.'l"- .. ......"oI~~ ••: Section II. A............ 01 __ pi ~ S«tionI HI. I"nrnds lor _ _ 01 whictl _ _ • _ -..t •........-- • . . - _ """-in Artint vtU. " ' - " ' " - _ r - • PAGE 22 PROPOSED 1972 CONSTITUTION FOR THE STATE OF MONTANA OFFICERS OF THE CONVENTION """...., flnl VICe President LEO GRAYBILL, JR. JEAN~ JOHN H. TOOLE Easteru District Vice President BROCEM.BROWN MONTANA CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION DREGATES ,,-.tIer 1iY.r, ond c.rtlH .... ·tkO. -DiST. NO.1. Ceun"- of lit Hom, (enlW ...v _ t... c1iviUon 10. catherine Pembertoa' TA "-::IIP.O. b . , 8rwcIII"1' DlST. NO.2. Counti. ef Custer .nd .he Eluolako ~ en"-..to. cIi¥Wen of c.rter Bruce M. Brown DLI Pworl. MIl.- 0tJ IMOl L}'1JW1 W. Choate 11Is.tII ........_ DlST. NO:': COunfMs ,,' o.rfieW, T_N 1-'tucI';"MCeiM; ~.. _" --- Archie O. WUIoll A.W. KIImboot P.O. On_1l, hn1lIl-=' OIST. NO.7. Cevnt. of Stlllwcrt_, c...... and 5euth .f ttMo YeIr«_en•••"'''' enumenltw divisicNl.fSw", 0 - . .. ...- RidIard A. Nuttinc ." . . . Cll1_1 DlST. NO.•. County.f Y.""_t avtholo er....._ •.,. enllmM- .,., cIivklon, Sheph.rd enumeratw division and H_'''' .......t _us enumerator d1¥is1en Olear L. Anderson _ till •. 5.&.. SM1111m C. Louise Cross ... ~ GielMI'I'e*" .......,smt Otto T. Habedank . .'I$I • .1 Russell C. McDonouih s.tllNoorIu,,_./'ll-I..... Cbd Blaylock U.OnMA"'*.-"_ Jean M. 80wmaD G«qe W. Rollins DM hlnl<rw ~~5111l1 Jerome J. CIte DlST. NO.... Countles.f Sh.ridart. _ _ e1t, Dan;.h and Valley leu Fort red•• nd Hin,dal. eMil'" _"merotO. division. ........ "", Magnllll Aasbeim RDcer Wagner _eo.. ......... laJnA_l-.l ...... . . BltII Drift. . . . . Ifle Don Scanlin P.O. . . ~.1liIliap.101 .)llbd!trlet . . . . . . . .1. Mneo-~ P.O.lkII< ... ~ _ , John M. Sdilltz ,.. ...............~.Billiowa·lllI Dave Drum Clark E. Simon 11 IS RMdiff DItot.IliIiafI.UII 1:uI~9tfftl James R. Felt R.J. Studer. Sr. 151'Rlmtodr.RoM.~ .101 :lOll ...., 1li".UII ar- T..... 1lrift.1lilbp 51ll1Z IlGlm. NasII_ sat& DlST. NO.5. Covntles.f Bioine, Phillipa, Fort pecll and HinNiaIe C.,..UI ..." ...."'1•• division•• f Voll.ey lJoyd Bamard .... No. 1'1$, SIal_I Leslie" Joe" Eskildsen P.O. Boo. .......... OIST. NO.9. Count;.. of Moo.h.... Wh_tIond. Golden Volley. Muuel· ..,eli. north of Yello_ton. cemul enUmef'Ot.r division of SWHI Gra.. ond 8uHoio C....k cenlus enumerator dl... ision. H_tley ...... ject ..,umerator di'f'bton and S!'I.ph.rd cenlus ..,umerator di"iUon of y ello_lon• TbomasAsk 11I06!n11 $lNet 111'. ... ~p!llm Don E. BeIcber 1!1I2M Strwt .... ~!lIm • " .PROPOSED 1972 'CONSTITUTION 'FOR lHESTATE Of MOm ANA DISr. NO. 10. e-tiM .. ,.,.,.orMI...."I._, ,,, • ~R.Fomr 1Ul.1,~_ DlST. NO. l1e-n,.,.U.. b e-n.....fOO...tin.ndllaril DlST. NO. 11. ~C.81ta Fred J. Martin BeD E. Btq:, Jr. . . . . . . . . _ _ 11715 J. Maoa Mem.n "'*L . . &1, ..........m as. {Bob)1IaDIoII. Charla B. McNeil ""'" _ P.O RaM, .......... .... ...o... IIl,~_ Jlla- NItI A-.---.1fIU .......... DIST. NO.1'. e-nty ............ ---...alnt_ _ ...._ · .......... ID"-e:r.-.ra-.-,_ ............ 1ltST. NO. 1,. e - t * e f a - 'MaeNaa~ LoaIe_ ,........ ,,-. ..... .. ~~ .,.. . . . IW-._ WiDlem A. 8ufkbentt _".A_~_ Geoffre1 L. Bruier JoIm H.. Toole .u:rT. Loatdori' l• .... _ .n~ DlST. 0i...... NO.1.,1 e.-tl. .. etc.-. RabstB."8l*"NoI* ......_ ... frlDiam H. (BiIiI) Arb: DaaaId RaJ . a W _..... r.w.., o-r ,"-", . . , ........... W_J.Dabood _-.o-t,*_ 8aIdd~ ...... _ ~ .. .-.-~, C'barlts H. Mabone7 ".,0-,.- NI ... a.-............' DIST. NO.1'. e-ty - :1:*- . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ JeH-...4L.wi1&a-t a..t..... _...-_.... ~O..C'*_ ...0. ... l'Z7, ,.......Iflll ..... _ """' ....... ,.......1Ifll o-t . . . . . c;..Nte ett4 ' -...- ~ .....-- . . . . H.McCarfd Ul a. .",..., "11 1.00l . . . . 1I7U • VlrpliI B. 8IeDd ....... Drrtw..0NIIl . . . . . MarilDS. Erdmaaa q._j!lIl_""'*.a-l . . . _ om. Leo Gn,wo, Jr. ......ne. Driao:oU NO. 20. e.-ty .. Sih-1ew al....." ,. ........,,_-a.o.w: ...... _oW.""""" If . . . . . . ._ lJIl NortIl bNlIMrlt., .... 1I'J'f1 Dtn'id L.1IoIlaDd lJIIO-"' ............ _ 11IomaI F. Jort'e "I~"'''''''''''' M,L,.._ *'-901.,.. ' - _ VI!I'Onita SulliYaD tMNIr"'",..., . . . . . . • DIST. NO. '4. e-tt.. .. HiI.a-_u,JIHIth &.s ,..0. ,..".""'" ,,-.dUMrty """"".... hot&...... . . . , 00IiM'-.as RadIea It. Mam.fidd Ed.th V.. 8uIkirll eo:r-..., cedor B. Aronow "0'''''_ VermIWoa ..IM,...,....,. .....- E.M. BertbeiIoa Robert \ -...- ... ,.,...,.,~ lla PlM_1lIot. Noef D. FWtaac ... ~- ,.0 om. .. Cut Ii. Dnil ,.0. . . . . . . . . _ NO. 22. Cevfttyefl.-ll 1'.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _..... om. NO. n. e-...... MinenuII. s-.-. ............ DtST. NO.1 •. e-ty ............ ........ e-...... MoNIe--" ............ JobD H. ADdenoD. Jr. . . m,hlrUoI ..... .. NO.2!. .........- ....._ ...0. . . .1,....,.'"'4 tu"'a-.~ om. _M""" ..O._.. ~_ St......... . . . .LIiO;iiI_ ,.o."m.lMJ_ Marjcwie CIlia . . . .J-,uw.,- PI. lL Harlow ,.o."trr.,.......... -.n ...._.uw,,_ GelIrp H. James ~ 1972 CONSTITUTION ,/iJrtAe STATE if MONTANA OfFICIAL TExt WITH EXPLANATION Vote of,IM Additional Copies F.r Additioncll Copies.f this Official Puhlication, Contact: Montane (onmtutf.... (onwetltion Vot.r Education Commi"" Stott Capitol Hel..., M...... S,.OI Special Constitutional Election June 6, 1972