A Smart Grid Architecture for Supporting Open Access to Power Grids H. W. Ngan The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Abstract -- Smart Grid is the application of modern information, communication, and electronics technology to the electricity delivery infrastructure. It has been shown that traditional grid design for securing reliability and trade-offs between lines and plants economically can no longer satisfy new role of power grid in competitive market environment. Following deregulation of the electricity supply industry, the role of power grid has changed profoundly including a need to provide open access to all generators of large and small scale of which the grid is simply not designed for. In the paper, some key elements of smart grid and its architecture are outlined so as to show how it allows for a multitude of energy services to support open access to the grid in a competitive power market environment. under regulation. Not only that a new regulatory paradigm for the grid is emerging, the way the grid is designed and operated can no longer fulfill its new role such as to allow open access and allocated available capacity for all generators in a nondiscriminatory manner. The new role of the grid has extensive implications for its design, operation and management. Keywords: Smart Grid, Power Market, Open Access I. INTRODUCTION Power Grid has long been regarded as the backbone providing vital links between electricity producers and consumers. In its traditional form, the power grid by design is based on slow responding mechanical switches and without sufficient intelligence to monitor and control the substation components fast enough to cope with the dynamic changes ahead. Since the late 20th century, many technological innovations are emerging paving the ways to develop the power grids towards the end that meets the future needs of different stake holders smartly. The interactions among all parties concerned are infused into the power grids under the smart grid vision underpinned by the bold programme of research and development taken place in the U.S. and Europe. Power grid is expected to be transformed into one with "smarter" capabilities that can integrate a multitude of distributed energy resources, uses solid state electronics to manage and deliver power, and employs automated control systems and so termed "smart grid" with typical applications at all level as shown in Figure 1. In an open competitive environment, the structure and regulation of the electricity industry has changed profoundly. The core of change involves allowing competition in the construction and operation of power generation and leaves the transmission of that power over the grid remain Figure 1 Smart Grid Application (Source from EPRI) In this paper, the basic problem due to changes on the role of the grid and how smart grid helps to solve the problem will be discussed. Architecture of the smart grid and its strategic implementation are outlined. II. NEW ROLE OF TNANSMISSION GRID Over the last 20 years, changes in the basic structure of the electricity sector have created challenges to the traditional operation of power systems. Changes in the technology of electricity generation have gradually led to the opening of electricity generation to more competition. Open access to the transmission grid for generation from new technologies such as combined cycle combustion turbines, cogeneration and wind power becomes more urging in need. When the power system is in vertical integration mode, transmission system operators are primarily responsible for maintaining the delicate balance of 1 supply, demand, and transmission capability, second by second. Transmission system operations are organized into "control areas", whose control area operators must continuously balance electricity demands with electricity generation while keeping power flows over individual transmission lines within specific limits for system operating reliability. Upon generator deregulation, the grid is required to provide open access for all generators which are smaller in capacity but more efficient and distributed. However, the grid is really not designed to receive power in small or large capacity at what the grid sees as the user end of the system. Also, the consumer devices are almost passive for they take as much power as they need from the grid and do not otherwise communicate with or change in response to grid conditions. III. SMART GRID ARCHITECTURE To cope with the changes, the smart grid vision for the market has evolved in recent years through the work of various consortiums and early adopter efforts at utilities. The essence of the smart grid lies in digital control of the power delivery network and two-way communication with customers and market participants. The grid infrastructure as illustrated in Figure 2 provides an overall view of the changes. Smart Grid Energy Management Systems, Smart Meters, Automated Demand Response DER Microgrids, Ancillary Services (e.g. VAR control) Distribution Distribution Transmission Central Generation Basic Data Exchange Substation Distributed Control Customer Loads Enhanced Data Exchange Little Data Exchange DER Centralised Control Grid Infrastructure Customer Loads Passive Operation Today Distribution Automation Substation Substation Automation Transmission Wide Area Monitoring Systems Central Generation Figure 2 Changes on Power Grids The new infrastructure will allow for a multitude of energy services, markets, integrated distributed energy resource, and control functions. The basic structure of a smart grid architecture consists of the following elements: A. Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) AMI systems support two-way communications with customers while supporting secure, encrypted, and reliable system wide communication for distribution automation represent an enabling foundation for the smart grid. Increasingly, utilities will engage customers through two-way energy/information portals and through other automated means. This could, in the future, create a fully functioning marketplace with automated computer agents tied to home automation systems responding to price signals. B. Distribution Management System The focus of achieving cost savings and improved customer service lies in distribution management systems (DMS) that provide real-time response to adverse or unstable conditions. In a smart grid, software programs must provide self-healing functionality in order to instantly detect and react to power disturbances with minimal customer impact. C. Distribution and Substation Automation The smart grid will require functionality such as control center supervision, area-wide solutions and visualization with centralized modeling. Implementations should leverage installed infrastructure and deploy a model-based, scalable approach to automation, providing a more practical and cost-effective solution that ensures that current hardware isolated and disconnected restorative grid technology gives way to true reactive, softwaredriven intelligence with central or distributed control. D. Simulation and Optimization Through advanced simulation and optimization schemes, the utility of the future will reap cost savings and operational performance benefits not previously achievable. The ability to analyze automation and budget scenarios will drive smart grid planning and performance even further. E. Enterprise Business Intelligence Overlaying these intelligent distribution system technologies is the enterprise business intelligence derived from system data and analytics. This key piece of smart grid operations provides the highlevel presentation and ability for interpretation of grid data and decision support through real-time dashboards and historical analysis. Data is 2 transformed into actionable information and a bridge is built between IT and operations. The key attributes of the smart grid can be summarized as listed below: • The grid will be ‘self-healing’ in the sense that sophisticated grid monitors and controls will anticipate and instantly respond to system problems in order to avoid or mitigate power outages and power quality problems. • The grid will be more secure from physical and cyber threats. Deployment of new technology will allow better identification and response to manmade or natural disruptions. • The grid will support widespread use of distributed generation. Standardized power and communications interfaces will allow customers to interconnect fuel cells, renewable generation, and other distributed generation on a simple "plug and play" basis. • The grid will enable customers to better control the appliances and equipment in their homes and businesses. The grid will interconnect with energy management systems in smart buildings to enable customers to manage their energy use and reduce their energy costs. IV. CASES ON POWER MARKET SUPPORT In an open competitive power market, existing power plants are allowed to change their output level in a time frame of 10 minutes interval, often dramatically altering the direction of power flows over the course of hours. Power traders can agree to sell power from a plant to a load far away. We have to create a grid which has high interoperability with rich support of information technology. It allows multiple networks, systems, devices, applications or components to exchange information and to use that information effectively for action with little or no human intervention. Figure 3 illustrates the architecture of the power grid for supporting applications at all levels, essentially a high throughput of electricity, money and information as required in a competitive market. One example of illustration can be referred to the Portland General Electric’s Dispatchable Standby Program in which it networks on-site backup generators in sites such as office buildings and public facilities and make them as standby capacity to meet peak power demands. The utility is responsible to install communications, control and switching equipment on customer owned generators, and provide maintenance and fuel. In return customers allow the utility to run generators up to 400 hours per year. The program aims to supply 100 megawatts of peaking capacity and now has 38 MW on line or under construction. Figure 3 Architecture Enables the Smart Grid (Source: from EPRI) Real-time monitoring – Sensors are embedded throughout the grid from generators and power lines through substations and feeders. The real time information stream enables a multiplicity of functions including rapid diagnosis and correction of grid problems, and measurements of transmission lines to determine when they are reaching capacity – Lack of such information means transmission operators must under-use wires to make sure they do not overload. Real-time readings will allow fuller utilization of transmission lines, improving grid reliability and economics. For instant, Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) has pioneered the Wide-Area Measurement System (WAMS) a network of sensors located at substations which provide real-time updates on the Bonneville grid 30 times per second. Updates are coordinated through global positioning satellites and sent to a central computer that analyzes disturbances, provides operators with solutions and monitors the results. WAMS systems now operate throughout the western U.S. Similar monitoring networks are being installed in the Northeast in order to avoid a repeat of the August 2003 blackout. Demand Response – Two-way communications between power providers and customers opens the way to flexibly adjust power to grid conditions. This “demand response” contrasts with the traditional utility system in which supply adjusts to meet all 3 demands. Customers receive financial incentives for cutting power demand at times the grid is under pressure. They can do this by dropping consumption or replacing grid power with distributed generation. Demand response holds power bills in check by reducing the need for peak power generation and wires infrastructure, the most costly pieces of the power grid because they are used the fewest hours. It could also be employed to help prevent blackouts and brownouts. For example, BPA operates a Demand Exchange system which uses wireless and web technologies to alert participating customers when the power system is expected to be under stress, for example, when arrival of a cold front is forecast. Customers respond with bids for demand reductions and receive financial compensation in return. Demand Exchange is being employed on the Olympic Peninsula to shave peaks in an effort to defer the need for expanded transmission capacity. BPA is also signing up local backup generators to offset peak demands. Smart meters – Smart meters record power usage digitally by time of day and report it by telecommunications. This enables pricing that varies between high and low demand periods, providing economic incentives to shift power use out of peaks. Northwest utilities including Puget Sound Energy and Avista have made large smart meter deployments. Following the 2000-2001 West Coast power crisis California instituted a Dynamic Pricing Pilot to test the effects of time-based pricing on peaks. Starting in July 2003 smart meters were installed at 2,500 customer locations and several rate structures were tested. Peak reductions on hot summer days when the grid was most stressed reached 13%. With a large majority of participants expressing a desire to continue, the program remains ongoing. V. CONCLUSION The smart grid, as outlined in this paper, is developed towards the architecture with high interoperability based on application of digital information, communication and power electronic technologies. It assumes the new role of fulfilling the power flow requirement by allowing open access and facilitating competitive market activities to be carried out effectively. Applications of the smart grid infrastructure to meet the needs of the future power market and to support its development are presented in the paper as well. VI. REFERENCES [1] Moore D. and McDonnel D. "Smart Grid Vision Meets Distribution Utility Reality", Report of McDonnel Group, March 2007. [2] Fox-Penner, P., "Rethinking the Grid: Avoiding More Blackouts and Modernizing the Power Grid will be Harder than You Think", The Electricity Journal, 205, pp. 28-42 [3] Ngan, HW "Smart Grid Technology for Power Market Development", Proceedings of the 6th Annual Power Symposium 2007", Power and Energy Section of the IET Hong Kong, June 2007, Invited Paper No. 1, pages 1-5. [4] Potocnik, J., "European SmartGrids Technology Platform, - Vision and Strategy for European’s Electricity Networks of the Future" EUR 22040, 2006 [5] Mazza, P., "Powering up the Smart Grid: a Northwest Initiative for Job Creation, Energy Security and clean, Affordable Electricity," July 2005. [6] Hakvoort, R., "Technology and Restructuring the Electricity Market", International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies, 2000, 47 April, 2000, pp. 390-395 VII. BIOGRAPHIES H.W. Ngan received his M.Sc in 1979, MBA in 1985 and PhD in 1993 from the University of Aston, University of Hong Kong and University of Strathclyde respectively. He has been elected as Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET), and Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (SrMIEEE). He served as Chairman of the IEEE Hong Kong Section in 2003 and 2004. He is now the Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His current research interests include Power Market Reform and Simulation, Smart Grid Modeling and Control, Sustainable Energy Development and Energy Policy Planning. 4