Books Found In Dacus Library Note: This is not a comprehensive list of resources available in the Dacus Library that discuss sustainability. Because understanding sustainability is complex and ever changing, it is recommended that anyone researching sustainability conduct his or her own search for additional resources. Environment & the State of World 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Taleb, Nassim. Steingraber, Sandra. Leopold, Aldo. Carson, Rachel. Robbins, John. Lovelock, J.E. Spooner, Alecia M. Goleman, Daniel. 10. Diamond, Jared. 11. Menzel, Peter. The Black Swan. Living Downstream. (Book and Movie) A Sand County Almanac. Silent Spring. Diet for a New America. Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth. State of the World (1984 – 2009?) Environmental Science For Dummies Ecological Intelligence. Collapse : how societies choose to fail or succeed. Material World (0versized) Q375 .T35 2007 RC268.25 .S74 1997 QH81 L56 1970 QH545 P4 C38 TX371 R62 1987 QH313 L68 HC59 S734 EBook EBook HN13 .D5 2005 GN406 .M45 1994 Designing for a New Future 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Durning, Alan Thein. Brown, Lester. Speth, James Gustave McDonough, William. Putnam, Robert D. Berry, Wendell. Chick, Anne. Edwards, Andres R. Van der Ryn, Sim. Keith, Lierre. Goleman, Daniel. 13. Rappaport, Ann. 14. Kellert, Stephen R. & Wilson, Edward O. 15. Wilson, Edward O. 16. Johnson, Spencer. 17. Chen, Ellen M. 18. Capelli, Lucas. 19. Walker,Stuart. How Much is Enough? GF75 D88 1992 Plan B 4.0. HC79 E5 B7595 2009 The Bridge at the Edge of the World. HC79.E5 S6652 2008 Cradle to Cradle. TD794.5 .M395 2002 EBook A Better Place to Live. Bowling Alone. HN65 P878 2000 The Unsettling of America. HD1761 B47 Design for sustainable change. NK1520 .C48 2011 The Sustainability Revolution. EBook Ecological Design. GE170 V36 1996 The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, & Sustainability. EBook Ecoliterate: How Educators Are Cultivating EBook Emotional, Social, and Ecological Intelligence. Degrees That Matter EBook Biophilia. QH75 W534 1984 GF21 B56 1993 Consilience. B72 W54 1998 The One Minute Manager. HD31 B527 1982 Tao Te Ching. BL1900 L26 E5 1989 Self‐sufficient City: NA9053.E58 S45 2010 Envisioning the Habitat of the Future. Sustainable by Design: TS170.5 .W45 2006 Explorations in Theory and Practice. Equity, Trade, & the Environment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Meadows, Donella. Hawken, Paul. Hawken, Paul. Korten, David C. Schumacher, E. F. Korten, David C. Grover, Jan. The Limits to Growth: the 30‐year update. Natural capitalism. The Ecology of Commerce. The Post Corporate World. Small is Beautiful. When Corporations Rule the World. Food HD75.6 .M437 2004 HC106.82 .H39 2000 HD60 .H393 1993 HD2731 K67 1999 HB171 S384 1975 HD2326 K647 2001 TX360.U6 .F62 2008 Social Equity & Government 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Bliese, John Ross Edward. The Greening of Conservative America. Chomsky, Noam. Keeping the Rabble in Line . Woods, Kerri. Human Rights & Environmental Sustainability. Alexander, Michelle. The New Jim Crow. Bell, Bryan. Good deeds, good design Bell, Bryan. Expanding architecture: design as activism. Sinclair, Cameron. Design like you give a damn Maniates, Michael The Environmental Politics of Sacrifice GE 180 B57 2001 P85 C47 A3 1994 K3240 W665 2010 KF9223 .A933 2010 EBook NA2543.S6 E96 2008 NA2543.S6 .D397 2006 GE170 .E5774 2010 Sustainable Design 1. 2. 3. Alexander, Christopher. Lopez Barnett, Dianna. Williams, Daniel Edward. 4. Mendler, Sandra. 5. Fuad‐Luke, Alastair. 6. Farr, Douglas. 7. Bell, Bryan. 8. Gissen, David. 9. Thorpe, Ann. 10. Fuad‐Luke, Alastair. A Pattern Language. NA2500 A445 1977 A Primer on Sustainable Building. NA7117.5 L66 1995 Sustainable Design: NA2542.36 .W548 2007 Ecology, Architecture and Planning The HOK Guidebook to Sustainable Design NA2542.36 .M46 2006 Design Activism: NK1390 .F83 2009 Beautiful Strangeness for Sustainable World Sustainable Urbanism HT241 .F37 2008 Expanding Architecture: Design as Activism NA2543.S6 E96 2008 Big and Green: NA2542.36 .B54 2002 Toward Sustainable Architecture in 21st Century HC79.E5 T486 2007 The Designer’s Atlas of Sustainability EcoDesign: The Source Book TS171.4 .F73 2009