Faculty/Staff Members Interested in Advising Student Organizations and Clubs Faculty/Staff Name Dr. Laura Dougherty Assistant Professor in Theatre and Dance Dr. John Holder Adjunct Faculty of Political Science Mr. Thomas Dunham Police Sergeant for Campus Police Mr. Chris O’Neill Tech Director in Dept. of Music Ms. Jill O’Neill Adjunct Professor of Music Ms. Bonnye Stuart Instructor in Mass Communications Dr. Gwen Daley Associate Professor of Chemistry, Physics, and Geology Goals/Interests in Student Orgs Contact Info Professional Activities; Cultural Activities; Service/Advocacy; Leadership; Honorary Orgs; Theatre/Performance; Academic Advancement; Internship; Arts; Gender/LGBTQ issues; Environmental Issues; Immigration Issues More Involvement doughertyl@winthrop.edu 228 Johnson Hall 803/323-4854 Service/Advocacy; Academic Advancement Advising College Democrats and SC Student Legislature, but willing to take on more groups holderj@winthrop.edu 340 Bancroft Hall 803/323-4665 Intramural Sports; Leadership; Fraternities More Involvement Interests Arts/Crafts; Theatre/Performance; Film; Performance Art; Music Fashion and/or Fashion Shows; Cultural Activities; Theatre Performance; Internships Professional Activities; Career Guidance; Cultural Activities; Entrepreneurship; Internships; Communications Arts/Crafts; Intramural Sports; Quidditch; Academic Advancement; Recreation; Gaming; Science More arts related events and groups on campus Dunhamt@winthrop.edu; Good Building 803/323-2214 oneillc@winthrop.edu 129 Conservatory of Music 803/323-4679 More internship opportunities oneillj@winthrop.edu 404 Conservatory of Music 803/323-3797 More outreach to internal students and freshman stuartb@winthrop.edu 225 Johnson Hall 803/323-4537 More Involvement daleyg@winthrop.edu 213F Sims Science Building 803/323-4973 Ms. Emily Tobin RLC in the Courtyard at Winthrop Dr. Duane Neff Assistant Professor of Social Work Intramural Sports; Career Guidance; Leadership; Honorary Organizations; Psychology; Academic Advancement Intramural Sports; Service/Advocacy; Leadership; Cycling Larger student orgs presence on campus. Thinks it would be great to see clubs and orgs outside of club meetings Career Guidance More Involvement Professional Activities; Career Guidance; Leadership; Religious Groups; Technology; Academic Advancement; Entrepreneurship; Health; Fitness; Nutrition Opportunities for students to network with professionals in the community whetstonek@winthrop.edu 316 Withers Building 803/323-2551 Theatre Performance More Involvement sealyj@winthrop.edu Sykes House More Involvement martinjl@winthrop.edu Margaret Nance Hall 803/323-3899 Making Winthrop a place where anyone can find their niche sayerd@winthrop.edu Office of Residence Life More Involvement in the Rock Hill Community sohns@winthrop.edu 210 McLaurin Hall 803/323-2669 Would like to see students more connected with resources from different professors around Winthrop and connect with professionals in the community through their student orgs rademakers@winthrop.edu 210 Withers Building More Involvement Malikua Middleton Employment Manager Human Resources Dept. Ms. Kimarie Whetstone Online Learning Coordinator Ms. Janelle Sealy Financial Aid Counselor Ms. Jessica Martin RLC in Margaret Nance Ms. Dawn Sayer Assistant Director of Rooming Assignments Ms. Sangwon Sohn Associate Professor of Design Dr. Scot Rademaker Assistant Professor in College of Education Arts/Crafts; Cultural Activities; Service/Advocacy; Leadership; Recreation; Gaming Cultural Activities; Service/Advocacy; Quidditch; Theatre/Performance; Recreation; Gaming; Film; SciFi; Comics; Outdoor Activities Arts/Crafts; Fashion and/or Fashion Shows; Cultural Activities; Religious Groups; Entrepreneurships; Internships Intramural Sports; Professional Activities; Career Guidance; Cultural Activities; Psychology; Fraternities tobine@winthrop.edu 101B Courtyard 803/323-1422 neffd@winthrop.edu 136B Bancroft Hall 803/323-2342 middletonm@winthrop.edu 303 Tillman Hall 803/323-2273 Dr. Mark Herring Dean/Professor - Dacus Library Mr. Steve Schuh RLC in Richardson Hall Ms. Elizabeth OswaldSease Dept. Program Assistant in Political Science Dr. Joe Rusinko Associate Professor of Mathematics Ms. Chrissy Catoe Associate Director of the Development Office Dr. Carrie Sanders Assistant Professor in College of Education Religious Groups; College Republicans More student participation herringm@winthrop.edu Dacus Library 803/323-2232 Professional Activities; Career Guidance; Leadership; Fraternities; Recreation; Gaming Would like to see student organizations have a larger presence in the classroom, and would like to see a larger student orgs presence in the residence halls schuhs@winthrop.edu Richardson Hall 803/323-2223 Would like to see growth and development. Would like to see student orgs develop the students the way it helped her as a Winthrop Alumna oswalde@winthrop.edu 346 Bancroft Hall 803/323-2209 Somewhat Interested rusinkoj@winthrop.edu 167 Bancroft Hall 803/323-4643 Arts/Crafts; Professional Activities; Career Guidance; Fashion and/or Fashion Shows; Cultural Activities; Service/Advocacy; Leadership; Honorary Orgs; Academic Advancement; Internships Intramural Sports; Professional Activities; Career Guidance; Cultural Activities; Service/Advocacy; Honorary Orgs; Theatre/Performance; Sororities; Fraternities; Academic Advancement; Entrepreneurship; Internships; Recreation Professional Activities; Leadership; Honorary Orgs; Recreation Career Guidance; Service/Advocacy; Leadership Somewhat Interested Somewhat Interested Misho Dimitrov Programmer Analyst in Info Technology Dept. Technology Somewhat Interested Ms. Kenyatta Wheeler Professional Activities; Career Guidance; Leadership; Sororities Somewhat Interested Dance Somewhat Interested Project Coordinator in Dept. of Social Work Ms. Meg Schriffen Interim Director of Dance catoec@winthrop.edu 208C Tillman Hall 803/323-4903 sandersc@winthrop.edu 145 Withers Building 803/323-2151 dimitrovm@winthrop.edu 001 Tillman Hall wheelerk@winthrop.edu 109 Bancroft Hall 803/323-3389 schriffenm@winthrop.edu 229 Johnson Hall 803/323-4496