Bitterroot College Program Steering Committee Meeting Minutes of Meeting June 22, 2010

Bitterroot College Program Steering Committee Meeting
Minutes of Meeting
June 22, 2010
Attendees: John Robinson, Committee Chair; Victoria Clark, BCP Interim Director, Royce Engstrom,
Kimberly Mills, Deb Morris, Rick O’Brien, Dixie Stark, Lynn Stocking
Public Attendance: None
The meeting was called to order by John Robinson at 3:10 p.m. on June 22, 2010, in the Ravalli County
Commissioners Meeting Room in Hamilton, Montana. No message of introduction presented by John
Review and approval of minutes for the May 25, 2010, postponed until the July 2010 Committee
New Business
Educational Planning
(1) Carlotta Grandstaff’s Community Conversations Summary—attached. Victoria Clark reviewed
in the absence of Carolotta Grandstaff. Points of interest recognized in review included: the
interest in courses being offered via online delivery, courses in ‘political science’ being offered,
transportation from the Bitterroot Valley to Missoula, the Bitterroot College Program being a
clearing house for a variety of academic and student services internal and external to the
University of Montana. Additionally, the programming and the Ravalli County Job Corp was
reviewed as presented with discussion related to the Health Informatics program and the
certification being sought through the program.
(2) Maas Data Analysis Document.
Related Information and Discussion: Victoria submitted the Maas Document to the Strategic
Planning subcommittee. She suggests that the Maas group look harder at the Ravalli County 2year students across the MUS system. Royce Engstrom asked if there were any surprising
insights regarding the report with Victoria responding gender of students who are willing to
commute (female) and those willing to move (male); enrollment and opportunity for enrollment
growth in Ravalli County; and enrollment and facility growth.
To Kimberly Mills question regarding statistics Victoria may have seen or patterns recognized,
Victoria responded that ‘nontraditional’ students who begin with onsite courses and in the
second year (and with success) will entertain taking online courses. John Robinson suggested
that onsite courses are confidence building for students especially nontraditional students and
that onsite courses allow individuals to ‘see’ each other, to know that there are others who are
in the same situation, and allows confidence building. Royce Engstrom suggests that there are
many changes in distance learning that support and will support individuals and offer similar
opportunities for students.
Organizational Planning
(1) Strategic Planning Subcommittee Information
Related Information and Discussion: Subcommittee is approaching planning as a 5-year plan for
the UM Bitterroot College program. At the end of the five years assess the current model and
determine the intended results and the accomplishments.
Rick O’Brien requested information from Royce Engstrom as to the model of the program with
Royce’s response including that the program and model is ground breaking and could ultimately
be a model for the state. Royce further indicated that state policy makers are interested and
watching in the development of the Bitterroot College Program.
Further Rick identified the need for ‘permanence’ of the programming in the Bitterroot and the
critical nature that the ‘program’ carry that message of permanence.
Royce Engstrom identified intent to complete a plan during the early part of Autumn Semester
2010 with a presentation to the Board of Regents when the meeting is held in Missoula in
November 2010.
Interim Director’s Report
Operational Issues
Discussed noncredit course offerings current status and future intent
 Noncredit currently being offered by the Ravalli County Economic Development group
 BCP will actively engage in offering Veterans Upward Bound ‘mini-courses’ during
autumn semester 2010. Funding for these offerings is through cooperation with Lori
Borth and through a TRIO grant from MSU-Billings
Discussed marketing of courses through use of a ‘saturation’ postcard.
 Recognized the mini-grant from Allegra Printing for $400 which will support printing
 Royce Engstrom recognized the cost effectiveness of using a postcard for marketing and
suggested Victoria contact (1) Jed Liston for input and (2) UM Campus Printing and
Graphics regarding general formatting standards and printing policy and guidelines.
Discussed the status of the Office Manager position for the Bitterroot College Program—the
process, intended scope of work, and the associated wage rate.
Presented information regarding the current Bitterroot College facilities which included:
 Acquisition of new furniture
 Pursuing cost of wireless access for more efficient use of computers
 Smoking Policy and student related issues at the current facility
Related Discussion: Current ‘smoking’ policy is addressed in a UM policy; Tobacco Free
campuses is a future policy which will be a policy for all UM campuses. Kimberly Mills
identified that such a policy would be a student supported policy. Victoria Clark
questioned how to enforce such policy with suggestion from Royce Engstrom of taking a
softer approach to enforcement and using ‘education’ regarding policy because the
Bitterroot College Program is about education.
Deb Morris identified information available at the state level regarding the Montana
Tobacco Prevention initiative; Deb is a Quit Montana representative. Currently, there is
a difference of mission and approach to smoking/nonsmoking at the RCEDA facility
between the folks associated Job Service, RCEDA, and the UM Bitterroot College
That PEP Talk is being offered on a regularly scheduled basis in cooperation between Literacy
Bitterroot and the Bitterroot College program was reported by Dixie Stark.
Summer Course Offerings
 Summer course enrollment identified in an accompanying report indicated actual
(duplicated) count as 52 students.
 Lessons learned relate to more course and program information used in the planning of
the summer session offerings as a priority and then individual prospective student or
returning student interest.
Autumn 2010 Course Offerings
 Accompanying report of enrollment at the meeting date with 135 (duplicated)
student count.
Prospective Student Information Sessions and New Student Orientations
 Currently UM BCP Information Sessions are offered on a regular basis.
 New Student Orientations will be offered on a regular basis as a stand alone for
individuals taking courses only in Hamilton and as a supplement to the Orientations held
in Missoula for those individuals taking courses in both Hamilton and Missoula or only in
Missoula but living in Hamilton.
Textbook Sales
 Needs to be handled differently
 Systems need to be reviewed and changed
 Textbook Buy Back not currently offered needs to be included
Related Discussion: Royce Engstrom requested information as to whether local
bookstores had been contacted regarding selling textbooks; Victoria responded that it
is the case that local vendors had been contacted and identified some of the issues
currently identified with that as a consideration.
Student Representative Report
Kimberly Mills as the student representative reported including information related to:
 the Phi Theta Kappa chapter in the Bitterroot as a “sister” chapter to the UM College of
Technology chapter; there is an expense associated with becoming a chapter and
initially Kim will speak to Dixie Stark regarding some possible funding opportunities.
 Governor’s Best Scholarship
 Northwest Healthcare Scholarship
 Steering Committee Student Representative position
Related Discussion: Kim Mills recognized the need for two (2) students being identified
as student representatives as was the original intent at the creation of the Steering
Committee. While two representatives were identified initially, primarily one student
has taken on the representation.
Victoria recognized the need for a policy and procedure to be developed related to
student representation on the committee. Royce Engstrom suggested that the
appointment be a one year appointment with reappointment as many times (with no
limit) as remains positive for the student(s) and committee. Other committee members
suggested other forms of appointment such as 2-year committee appointment,
staggered appointments.
Commendations to Kim Mills came from Rick O’Brien and from John Robinson with the
whole of the committee echoing commendations.
 Meeting Adjourned.