Office Host Re si d e n ce D i r e ct o r Night Host Night Host Re s id e n t As s is tan t S WA R M [1] Name Student ID # Wi n t h r o p Winthrop PO Box or local address Date Submitted Permanent address University Applications will be kept on file for one academic year Campus/Local Phone Cell Phone E-mail address Academic Status: Classifcation Fresh. Soph. Jr. Sr. Grad. Major Minor # of semesters attended at Winthrop # of total hours earned # of hours completed last semester GPA Cumulative GPA # of hours currently enrolled Anticipated graduation date: Availability [Shift hours are 11:00 PM - 7:00 AM] Please circle the nights you are available to work: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Please circle if you may be called for emergencies: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday What is your first date of availability? Do you qualify for work-study? YES NO If hired, each applicant is required to submit a criminal background check from his or her hometown police department.If you do not fully disclose infromaton about your criminal convition history, you will not be hired. NOTE: Omit minor vehicle violations and any offense committed before your 17th birthday, which was finally adjudicated in juvenile court or under a youthful offender law. Conviction of a criminal offense is not a bar to employment in all cases. Each conviction is evaluated individually. Have you ever been convicted of any offense other than a minor traffic offense? If YES, please explain on a separate sheet of paper and attach it to this application. YES NO Have you had or do you currently have any Winthrop University Judicial or Residence Life disciplinary sanctions against you? If YES, please explain on a separate sheet of paper and attach it to this application. YES NO opportunity Division of Student Life Winthrop University Office Host Re si d e n ce D i r e ct o r Night Host Employment Record * Employer Night Host Re s id e n t As s is tan t S WA RM [2] List any previous employment, beginning with the most recent. Dates (from) (to) Address Position Held Phone # Immediate Supervisor(s) Can they be called as a reference? Reason(s) for leaving * Employer Dates (from) (to) Address Position Held Phone # Immediate Supervisor(s) Can they be called as a reference? Reason(s) for leaving * Employer Dates (from) (to) Address Position Held Phone # Immediate Supervisor(s) Can they be called as a reference? Reason(s) for leaving Involvement Please list any organizations, clubs, groups, or community service you have been involved with while attending Winthrop University, or during your senior year of high school (freshmen applicants only). name dates position(s) held, awards 1. 2. 3. cont’d... Division of Student Life Winthrop University Office Host Re si d e n ce D i r e ct o r Night Host References Night Host Re s id e n t As s is tan t S WA R M [3] Please list at least three references. For example: professors, teachers, counselors, RAs, RLC/RDs, or other employers. Please do not put friends or acquaintances as references. name title phone # 1. 2. 3. Certification of Application I agree that all statements in this application are, to the best of my ability, true and correct. I authorize Winthrop University to conduct necessary investigations to confirm statements on this application. If it is determined that any untrue or misleading statement was made, I accept this as grounds for rejection or dismissal. I also authorize and request each former employer, person, firm, or corporation given as a reference to answer any and all questions that may be asked and to give any and all information that may be sought in connection with this application. I understand that information about my work habits, character, skill, and reliability will be used in deciding whether or not I am hired. signature signature Division of Student Life date date Winthrop University