November Meeting Minutes Welcome & Call to Order

November Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2015 10:00am – 12:00pm
LC 272
Welcome & Call to Order
President Zellmer-Cuaresma called the meeting to order at 10:06am.
Roll Call
Attendees: Luke Alford, Andi Armstrong, Matthew Cragwick, David Crowley, Kris Csorosz, Cindy Ferguson,
Karin Fried, Mark Fritch, Grace Gardner, Rozlyn Hayley, Jefferson Heath, Rochelle Krahn, Maria Mangold,
Denise May, Shaunagh McGoldrick, Candy Patrick, Gloria Phillip, Caitlin Sager, Edi Stan, Renee Valley, Sarah
Wade, Angela Weisenburger, Kellyn Younggren, Jennifer Zellmer-Cuaresma, Judy Wellert (Administrative
Excused: Kiley Gage, Maggie Linder, Carlie Magill
Quorum Present
Public Comment
Guests: Jodi Moreau from the Alumni Office & Caitlin Freeman from the Veteran Affairs Office
UM Minute
Men’s basketball team won.
Ladies won against Northern.
Shout-out to piano series in the Music Department. Philip Aaberg will be the guest pianist.
Deena Mansour, Associate Director of the Mansfield Center, was chosen by President Obama to attend
the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative Summit as a youth mentor.
Disability Services won the Roving Griz Award for creating an atmosphere of good morale and service.
Approval of September Meeting Minutes
 Denise May was present.
 Minutes approved with that edit.
Financial statement
Senator Linder was not present to answer questions. There were no questions about the financial
statements so they will be recorded.
Resolution – SB 4 15/16
President Zellmer-Cuaresma – After the electronic vote, with 10 in favor and 8 against, President
Zellmer-Cuaresma brought forward a motion to amend the previously adopted vote by striking lines 3335/36 saying the administration should pay for the solar panel project and be reimbursed. At this time,
Faculty Senate supports sustainability generally. ASUM and Samuel Forstag did not forward the
resolution to the Board of Regents due to deadlines. At the November Cabinet Meeting, President
Engstrom spoke to the XO committee about adjusting UM sustainability goals and mentioned President
Obama’s climate action plan which requires MT to reach 46% by 2025.
After discussion, President Zellmer-Cuaresma moved to strike SB 4 15/16. Senator Sager seconded. SB 4
15/16 STRUCK.
Staff Senate will wait until after the Sustainability Committee meeting before moving forward with
anything else at this time. Senator Csorosz will attend that committee meeting.
Discussion of University Policy Process
Staff Senate has some outstanding concerns and ideas about how best to review these policies. How can
the Bylaws Committee best use their meeting time?
Senator Crowley moved to make an ‘Ad hoc Committee’ to review the policies and then report to Staff
Senate as a whole.
Senator Gardner - How many policies are we likely to see?
o We have received 6 since the October meeting.
Senator Phillip – The policies are not proofread, grammar is terrible and Bylaws does not have time to
edit. They should be in better shape before they are submitted to Staff Senate.
Reminder, our job is to address content.
The Ad hoc committee could ensure that Senators who are interested in certain policies are able to review
How can all of Staff Senate have input but the Ad hoc committee coordinates the policy review?
Senator Valley – We can put the policies in UM Box so we can individually review what we choose.
Senator Armstrong – We can have a final electronic vote on policies via Moodle.
Ad Committee will include Senators Csorosz, Cragwick and Crowley.
Senator Haley – Ad hoc committee should assign different senators to policies.
Senator Weisenburger seconded the motion to create an Ad hoc committee to review policies. The motion
passes. Policies will be put in box and Senators will review and comment. The Ad hoc committee will
assign key people to look at certain policies and coordinate final review and comments.
Reports of Standing Committees
University Committees
o Shared Governance
 President Zellmer-Cuaresma reported that they discussed how best to support each other
and what questions do we have for the administration.
o Cabinet Meeting
 Discussed death announcements policy, policies on policies, sustainability and
engaged in open dialogue about the budget forum. President Engstrom is on board
with the need for a customer service initiative and accountability.
 Senator Mangold urged the administration to make decisions swiftly because
otherwise this current atmosphere will breed malcontent. The cabinet was receptive
to that feedback. All staff should read through our union collective bargaining
agreements. For MPEA, pg. 20 Article 11 is of particular interest – refers to seniority
and layoffs. Staff should arm themselves with knowledge. Be supportive of one
another but be informed.
Senator Haley – Will there be reallocations? Cabinet said Deans will need to
communicate this with employees.
 President Zellmer-Cuaresma and Senator Magnold will be going through comments
received in the email account. These comments won’t change numbers but can
change strategy.
o UC Board – Senator Csorosz attended. They are looking for more students to be on board.
Talk to Nick Hannifin or Jordyn Kronenberg, the ASUM Senators in charge of the UC
committee. List of duties and functions include the master space plan for the UC.
o Senator Weisenburger reported on the University Athletic Committee. There is a new
women’s head coach, Matt Higgins. The Drug and Alcohol Advisory Committee is starting to
reformulate and meet biweekly to identify areas of concern.
o Senator Younggren said the University Library Committee did not meet.
o The Diverse U Committee held its annual 2 day symposium. The lectures went well and
there’s a post analysis meeting next week.
Staff Senate Committees –
 CVC – Tomorrow is the Soups, stories, s’mores and stargazing event from 6-8. Full for
all stargazing shows and volunteers needed to help out.
 Professional Development – Didn’t meet, but have things up in the air and will keep Staff
Senate updated. Have looked at the survey results and plan to have a report in January.
 Fundraising – The 5K is moving along; currently trying to get permits signed. Got the fee
for the race waived thanks to the Mayor. Registration will likely begin after the holidays.
 Judy is picking up Can the Cats crates later.
Budget Discussion
Refer concerned staffers to comment emails
If someone wants to talk face to face, send them to President Zellmer-Cuaresma or Senator Mangold
Questions brought up during discussion:
o How is the budget determined for individual departments?
o Will this affect graduate student assistantships campus wide, or specific departments?
o Is it widely known what students are doing with their degrees after graduation? How much are
they making?
o Should there be an effort to align Enrollment/Career services?
o What are we doing to make ourselves more competitive? What differentiates our recruitment vs.
o How do we get information from students about where/what good customer service is?
o Where is the economic research that could have predicted these budget shortcomings?
Campus wide impacts include motor-pool – transportation for campus is now being outsourced. Causes a
problem for student employees who 18, 19, and can’t drive a rental car.
Keep in mind these are FY17 cuts.
Conversation about the value in raising tuition. What services would be provided with higher tuition?
o There is a freeze on tuition currently from the Board of Regents.
Discussion about “liberal arts” language. We are a liberal arts school and the perception that liberal arts is
not employable is dangerous. Perhaps liberal arts is not the phrase we need to use; today’s constituents
don’t understand the concept and it has a political connotation. This is what the new enrollment
administrator position will deal with – focus on messaging, marketing and building up our liberal arts
Senator Wade - Financial aid is limited and scholarships are getting tighter too.
Cuts equate to $5-6 million.
Senator Crowley recommended a study skills seminar to increase student retention. This could be
addressed in the1st year seminar pilot.
Guest Caitlin Freeman reminded that admissions is not glamorous and very stressful. Many people put
blame put there but it’s misplaced.
EVERYONE is a UM recruiter, this is a campus-wide effort. Don’t play blame game, support each other.
Senator Ferguson said applications have been higher, we just can’t get them here. Bozeman can offer
more money, but is also more expensive and their scholarships last for less time. Bozeman offers quicker
admissions decisions.
UM needs an identity and message consistency.
President Zellmer-Cuaresma brought up the petition asking for vote of no confidence in UM leadership.
This group has not reached out to shared governance.
Educate yourself, know your CBA, share information with staff, encourage dialogue but not negativity.
Continue to push for decisions and accountability.
Closing Business
Senator Haley – Attend the Active Shooter forum tomorrow.
Judy Wellert - Planning is underway for a holiday party during the December 9th meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 11:47am.
Next meeting: December 9th, 2015, 11:00am – 1:00pm (Location TBD)