September Meeting Minutes Welcome & Call to Order Roll Call

September Meeting Minutes
September 10, 2014 10:00am-12:00pm
TODD 204
Welcome & Call to Order
President Linder called the meeting to order at 10:03am.
Roll Call
Attendees: Andi Armstrong, David Crowley, Matt Filer, Molly Fishburn-Matthew, Rozlyn Haley, Grace Harris
(excused to leave early), Jefferson Heath, Natalie Hiller-Claridge, Rochelle Krahn, Maggie Linder, Mike Maas,
Becky Maier, Maria Mangold, Denise May, Shaunagh McGoldrick, Paulette Nooney, Gloria Phillip, Chelsey
Porter, Angela Weisenburger, Jennifer Zellmer-Cuaresma (excused to leave early), Judy Wellert (Administrative
Excused: Kris Csorosz, Maryann Dunbar, Geri Fox, Chuck Harris, Lisa Marie Hyslop, Kathy Reeves, Brandie
Terpe, Renee Valley
Absent: Denise Nelson
Minutes of August Meeting
Rozyln Haley will send comments to Judy Wellert regarding changes to the Digital Coffee Pot concept to provide
clarity. The Scholarship Committee will meet to discuss the number of scholarships to be awarded per year and
thus request a change from motion PASSED to motion TABLED. With these changes, the minutes were
Financial Report
Rochelle Krahn reported that the Scholarship Committee’s request for $3,000 can be met by moving funds from
the CVC fund to the Scholarship fund. The BOR charges from the May meeting have cleared UMDW, thus the
note on the financial report is inaccurate/outdated.
Staff Senate Committee Reports
Bylaws and Resolutions Committee
SB 1 14/15 will be tabled until the newly-formed Professional Development ad hoc committee (Chair: Rozyln
Haley) has met and the Fundraising Committee can clarify some language. All resolutions must be submitted to
Gloria Phillip for numbering.
Communication and Visibility Committee
Andi Armstrong reminded senators about the September 11 lunchtime presentation about the UM Dining Garden.
Fundraising Committee
Volunteers are needed for staffing tables for the purpose of selling raffle tickets during the week of September
15th. Chair Mike Maas recognized Grace Harris for her donation of Homecoming football game tickets for the
New Business
Executive Committee
Maggie Linder clarified the role of resolutions and the process by which resolutions will be amended and ratified
by Staff Senate. Staff Senate committees affected by resolutions will meet in order to contribute a collective
voice at the wider Staff Senate meeting. In order to allow enough time for feedback and comments, Senators who
author resolutions must submit them to the Bylaws & Resolutions Committee (to Gloria Phillip) for numbering.
The Bylaw & Resolutions Committee will then distribute the resolution to Senators 1-2 weeks before the monthly
Senate meeting. Senators may contact the resolution author with comments, questions, and concerns. Senate
Committees may contact the author with collective comments, questions, or concerns.
Motion proposed that CVC review the Internal Communication plan (presented by guests at the August meeting)
and possibly draft a resolution in support of the plan. Motion PASSED.
Guest speaker
Lucy France solicited feedback regarding the Operating Policy Procedures & Operating Policy Aug 2014 draft.
ASUM has approved the draft. Faculty Senate will discuss it and vote on it in October. After France clarified the
difference between policy and procedure, Senators recommended two changes to the draft: a clarification of how
to determine who the appropriate “Responsible Office or Administrator” is (perhaps by cataloging the various
individuals into a single grid or other user-friendly format as an online resource for campus), and provide a
timeline for reviewing existing policies (new policies will be reviewed at a minimum every three years). With
these changes, motion proposed that Staff Senate support the Operating Policy Procedures & Operating Policy.
Motion PASSED.
Moodle Discussion
Motion proposed that the Technology Solutions Committee research various options available for storing Staff
Senate documents and providing an electronic format for sharing information. Two viable options are Moodle
( and UM Box ( After researching
options, the Technology Solutions Committee will make recommendations to the Senate with the priority of
accessibility. Motion PASSED.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:46am.
Next meeting: October 8, 2014, from 10 a.m. – Noon at the University Golf Course Club House