July Meeting Minutes Welcome & Call to Order Roll Call

July Meeting Minutes
July 10, 2013 10:00am-12:45pm
Phyllis J. Washington Building, 241
Welcome & Call to Order
President Singleton called the meeting to order at 10:00am.
Roll Call
Secretary Maggie Linder took attendance.
Attendees: Andi Armstrong, Jay Bruns, David Crowley, Kristine Csorosz, Matt Filer, Molly
Fishburn-Mathew, Geri Fox, Gary Hagler, Chuck Harris, Natalie Hiller-Claridge, Lisa Marie
Hyslop, Maggie Linder, Michael Maas, Maria Mangold, Roger McDonald, Jaylene Naylor,
Sandi Nelson, Gloria Phillip (late), Kathy Reeves, Hannah Singleton, Sara Smith, Kathie Tattory,
Brandie Terpe, Maureen Ward, Angela Weisenburger, Judy Wellert (Administrative Associate)
Excused: Denise May, Maryann Robison, Jimmy Stevens, Kelly Wasson, Jennifer ZellmerCuaresma, Becky Maier
Absent: Darlene Samson
Approval of June Minutes
President Singleton presented the minutes of June 12, 2013. No discussion. Senator Crowley motioned
to approve, Senator Fox seconded, motion carried.
Financial Report
Financial Officer Ward provided handouts and reviewed fiscal year 2013 expenses. In FY13, the Staff
Senate had a credit at The Bookstore of approximately $400 that was used to pay for office expenses, so
those expenses are not reflected in the budgeted expenses. The executive officer committee is
investigating cost savings opportunities for the coming year. Additionally, Financial Officer Ward
would like to establish a budget so Staff Senate funds are used more prudently and charges are allocated
into the correct accounts.
New Business
ELI Homestay
Senator Smith shared information and provided a handout about the ELI Homestay Program. There are
two opportunities in August to provide housing for Japanese visitors. Senator Smith can be contacted for
more information.
New Senator Orientation
Robert’s Rules of Order
Senator Ward overviewed and provided a handout summarizing Robert’s Rules of Order. Robert’s Rules
of Order are used by Staff Senate to help the meeting flow and ensure that Staff Senators take turns and
communicate professionally.
Senator Responsibilities
Administrative Associate, Judy Wellert, reviewed the obligations of a Staff Senator including attending
meetings for the full two year term, serving on one Staff Senate and one university committee, and
sharing and representing staff viewpoints of the classification they represent. She also explained the
policy for excused absences and noted that if a senator cannot commit to these duties, they may need to
Guest Speakers
Carey Davis and Marcie Briggs, Human Resources Recruitment Specialists
Carey and Marcie prepared a “Tell Us Your Story” handout that was distributed to senators prior to the
meeting. The handout asked each senator to answer:
What attracted you to the University of Montana as an employer?
What did you expect to experience in your position?
What surprised you after you started your job?
Why have you stayed?
They facilitated a discussion, also intended as an icebreaker, which allowed each senator to share an
answer to one of these questions. There was great diversity in the responses from senators and the hour
long discussion familiarized everyone with each other. President Singleton asked that any responses that
were not handed in at that time be emailed to her by July 17th.
Lucy France and Maria Cole, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Discussion
Lucy France and Maria Cole discussed the new tutorial, “The Discrimination Prevention Tutorial”, that
all university employees will be required to take via Moodle in the coming year. Maria went into great
detail about the structure of the tutorial explaining, tentatively, that it will include two videos and a few
scenarios and questions that employees can respond to based on the information they have learned. Lucy
and Maria encouraged us to provide feedback on the tutorial so that they can continue to develop and
improve the training information. Additionally, the office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action
will provide alternatives to the online tutorial such as department training sessions that will facilitate
discussion of the policies. Lucy and Maria asked us to share any ideas that might encourage employees
to take the tutorial promptly.
Goal Setting Breakout Session
The senators separated into six groups to discuss three primary topics: last year’s goals, concerns raised
by the 2012 survey, and ideas for this year’s goals. President Singleton and Vice President HillerClaridge asked that groups not only identify an issue that should be addressed, but provide specific
recommendations and solutions. They also stated that they want to empower committees and support
putting solutions in to action during the next year. The executive officers will review each group’s
discussion and task committees with putting recommendations in to place.
Staff Senate provided lunch.
Committee Breakout Session
During lunch, a representative from each committee took a few minutes to overview the purpose, duties,
and goals of their committee for the upcoming year. Senators were encouraged to sign up for the
committees. After lunch, senators separated into committees to discuss activities, review committee
goals, and arrange meeting times for the upcoming year. Committee membership is listed below:
Outstanding Staff Award
Geri Fox, Chair
Kelly Wasson
Brandie Terpe
Sandi Nelson, Chair
Kris Csorosz
Mike Maas
Roger McDonald
Gary Hagler
Bylaws Committee
Matt Filer, Chair
Gloria Phillip
Lisa Marie Hyslop
Maggie Linder
Technology Solutions
Jaylene Naylor, Chair
Jay Bruns
Chuck Harris
Sandi Nelson
Survey and Assessment
Jaylene Naylor
Chuck Harris
*Chair TBD
Maria Mangold, Chair
Jimmy Stevens
Maureen Ward
Mike Maas
Kathie Tattory
Angela Weisenburger
Roger McDonald
Maggie Linder
Communications and Visibility
Andi Armstrong, Co-Chair
Geri Fox, Co-Chair
Jimmy Stevens
Mike Maas
Molly Fishburn-Matthew
Sara Smith
David Crowley
Matt Filer
Kathy Reeves
Nominations and Elections
Denise May, Chair
Lisa Marie Hyslop
Gary Hagler
Executive Officers
Hannah Singleton, President
Natalie Hiller –Claridge, Vice President
Darlene Samson, Ex-officio President
Maggie Linder, Secretary
Maureen Ward, Finance Officer
Andi Armstrong, Public Affairs Officer
Geri Fox, Public Affairs Office
Maureen Ward, Fundraising Officer
Meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m.
Next meeting: August 14th, 2013 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. University Center 330/331