August Meeting Minutes August 14th, 2013 10:00am-12:00pm University Center 330/331 Welcome & Call to Order President Singleton called the meeting to order at 10:00am. Roll Call Secretary Maggie Linder took attendance. Attendees: Jay Bruns, David Crowley, Kristine Csorosz, Matt Filer, Molly Fishburn-Mathew, Gary Hagler, Chuck Harris, Natalie Hiller-Claridge, Lisa Marie Hyslop, Maggie Linder, Becky Maier, Maria Mangold, Roger McDonald, Sandi Nelson, Kathy Reeves, Hannah Singleton, Sara Smith, Jimmy Stevens, Kathie Tattory, Maureen Ward, Angela Weisenburger, Jennifer ZellmerCuaresma, Judy Wellert (Administrative Associate), Darlene Samson (Ex-Officio) Excused: Andi Armstrong, Geri Fox, Michael Maas, Denise May, Jaylene Naylor, Gloria Phillip, Maryann Robison, Brandie Terpe Absent: Kelly Wasson Approval of June Minutes President Singleton presented the minutes of July 10th, 2013. A few edits were recommended by senators. Senator Hyslop motioned to approve, Senator Filer seconded, motion carried. Financial Report Financial Officer Ward provided handouts and reviewed the current Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Expense Report as well as the FY 2014 Proposed Operating Budget for MAFT09. There was some discussion about the telephone fixed costs and the necessity to have a campus phone line as Judy is the only direct contact for Staff Senate. It was noted that the MUSSA meeting mileage reimbursements are hard to budget for as the locations have yet to be determined. Ex-Officio Darlene Samson commented on the new budget layout, explaining that this layout fulfills the financial reporting needs that were determined in past years. Lastly, Financial Officer Ward explained that it needs to be arranged so that all scholarship funds, including payroll deductions, get deposited into the UM Foundation account for Staff Senate Scholarship. Ex-Officio Samson motioned to approve, Senator Weisenburger seconded, motion carried. Old Business Goal Setting and Feedback from Retreat President Singleton explained that the Executive Officer Committee had met and reviewed the feedback from the July meeting’s goal setting break out session. The major theme from the session was professional development. Discussion ensued about professional development and what action to take next. Discussion points included: 1. Does Staff Senate need to do a small survey to find out more information from staff to help guide the Staff Senate’s actions regarding professional development? 2. MUSSA’s request for information, based on a staff survey, of what works well and what doesn’t work well regarding professional development. This information could be presented at the Board of Regents meeting in January. 3. Should Staff Senate provide more communication about professional development opportunities such as the Staff Ambassador program or the Happiness Project on campus. 4. Organizing an ad-hoc committee to collaborate with Cindy Boies to work on professional development. Cindy Boies is tentatively set to be at the September meeting, which will give Staff Senate more information on whether or not this would be a valuable committee. 5. The possibility about providing a scholarship or grant to help staff pay for books or professional development. This led to discussion about the cost of the continuing education classes for professional development and the fact that staff currently receive a 40% discount. New Business New Senator Due to Financial Officer Ward resigning as Staff Senator because of employment relocation to Helena, a Staff Senator position is vacant. President Singleton read aloud an email from Erin Steuer, Outreach and Violence Prevention Coordinator at Curry Health Center, in which Erin expressed her interest in becoming a member or Staff Senate. Erin would serve a one year term in the professional category as she is fulfilling Senator Wards’s term. Senator Crowley motioned to approve, Senator Hagler seconded, motion passed. Guest Speakers Carey Davis and Marcie Briggs, Human Resources Recruitment Specialists Carey and Marcie attended the Staff Senate meeting to discuss WelcomeU. WelcomeU is an online application with the purpose of streamlining, simplifying, and providing a more effective onboarding process for new employees as well as the hiring departments. WelcomeU will enable new hires to “hit the ground running” on the 1st day of their employment as personnel paperwork, including the W-4 and contact information, will be completed via Cyberbear prior to their first day. WelcomeU, in the future, may be used for both work and nonwork study student employees, adjunct faculty, and visiting scholars. Carey and Marcie asked that we provide feedback to them if we hear from new employees or hiring departments. Training will be provided on August 15th from 10:00-11:00 a.m. in UC Room 330/331 or on August 20 th from 2:00-3:00pm in UC 331. Training Sessions will cover the process, tools, and checklists for the onboarding process to ensure success for new hires. Financial Officer President Singleton will serve as interim Financial Officer until a financial officer can be selected. She noted that this position would be an excellent professional development opportunity as it would require budget training, UMDW, processing Journal Vouchers. The Financial Officer’s duties include creating and providing a monthly expense report, making deposits, serving on the Fundraising Committee and Executive Officer Committee, so a time commitment of approximately six hours a month. Interested senators should email President Singleton if they are interested in this position. Diploma Dash Fundraising Chair, Senator Mangold enthusiastically shared details about the Diploma Dash and gave each senator a choice of selecting one of five options to help support the Diploma Dash: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Recruit five runners Volunteer the day of the event Volunteer for a promo event Solicit for donations to get free food for the day of the event Register for the event! Senator Mangold encouraged all senators to get flyers and handouts to share with students and colleagues. Discussion ensued about the price for kids 12 and under to participate in the event. A decision was made to allow kids to register for $10, but to not receive a T-shirt. CVC Upcoming Events The Communication and Visibility Committee has a few upcoming events and passed around a sign-up sheet for volunteers. CVC is holding a Family Swim on August 18 th and is asking for volunteers to help run games such as the coin toss. The Family Swim gives free admission for all UM employees. Welcome Feast is on August 20th and volunteers are needed to man the Staff Senate table. A Ten Spoon Wine Tasting event on Thursday, September 5 th needs volunteers to setup and cleanup throughout the event. Sick Leave Pool, Direct Sick Leave Grant, and Staff Caring for Staff President Singleton provided an overview of the various programs available if a staff member is in need of additional sick leave. The Sick Leave Pool is an opt-in program whereby one gives eight hours sick leave each year, and then can take from the sick leave pool as necessary. The person must be a member for 90 days before they can take sick leave from the pool, with a maximum of 160 hours from the pool per year. Direct Sick Leave Grant is a program that allows employees to donate up to 40 hours of sick leave per year to someone, in need, directly. Staff Caring for Staff is how Staff Senate communicates the need for direct sick leave grants. Rita Garland is the contact person and will talk with the employee in need, and then notify Judy Wellert to send out an email for the request. Employees wishing to donate hours must maintain at least 40 hours of sick leave. Also, employees must take a full week off of leave without pay before one can use donated sick leave. Combined, between the sick leave pool and direct sick leave grant, an employee can only receive 160 hours per year. Committee Reports No further discussion or reporting was needed for either the Communications and Visibility Committee or Fundraising Committee. Technology Solutions had a meeting this past month to discuss goals (per Senator Nelson) though chair, Senator Naylor, was not in attendance. University committees are waiting for work groups to finalize decisions. It was determined that more research was needed before the University could finalize the budget. Senator Maier was able to provide some insight into the work group she is serving on that is getting more information on the different student populations (Missoula College, undergrad, etc.). President Singleton reported on the Resource Allocation Committee that is assessing academic affairs. She explained the matrix they are using for assessment purposes, and noted that the committee has invited Deans from various departments to share their matrix for industry standards, staffing, and other benchmarks. Closing Meeting adjourned at 11:37 p.m. Next meeting: September 11th, 2013 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. University Center 330/331