September Meeting Minutes Welcome & Call to Order Roll Call

September Meeting Minutes
September 11th, 2013 10:00am-12:00pm
University Center 332/333
Welcome & Call to Order
President Singleton called the meeting to order at 10:00am.
Roll Call
Secretary Maggie Linder took attendance.
Attendees: Andi Armstrong, David Crowley, Kristine Csorosz, Matt Filer, Molly FishburnMathew, Geri Fox, Gary Hagler, Natalie Hiller-Claridge, Maggie Linder, Michael Maas, Becky
Maier, Maria Mangold, Denise May, Roger McDonald, Jaylene Naylor, Sandi Nelson, Gloria
Phillip, Kathy Reeves, Maryann Robison, Hannah Singleton, Erin Steuer, Jimmy Stevens,
Brandie Terpe, Kelly Wasson, Jennifer Zellmer-Cuaresma, Judy Wellert (Administrative
Associate), Darlene Samson (Ex-Officio)
Excused: Jay Bruns, Chuck Harris, Lisa Marie Hyslop, Angela Weisenburger
Approval of August Minutes
President Singleton presented the minutes of August 14th, 2013. Minutes were approved.
Financial Report
There was no Financial Report at this time, but Financial Officer Hagler provided an update on his
transition into the Financial Officer position. He has completed Banner training, and determined
contacts for the UM Foundation account and MAF Account in Business Services. His goal is to provide
monthly statements for August before the next meeting and to look at consolidating all scholarship funds
to the foundation account. As of September 10th, the Diploma Dash’s revenue is $1,150.
Old Business
Diploma Dash
Fundraising Chair, Senator Mangold, announced that Diploma Dash volunteers will meet on September
12th at 10:00am at the VanBuren Street footbridge to finalize plans for the event. Senator Mangold
provided an update on the event plans noting that Human Resources has graciously donated
refreshments and food to participants for the Diploma Dash, emergency response personnel have been
finalized, and a notary is available if needed.
Professional Development Discussion
President Singleton and Vice-President Hiller-Claridge have decided that Staff Senate already has
enough committees and obligations, and that creating a new committee to address professional
development would be overcommitting the Staff Senate. Discussion ensued, including:
 Researching if staff are eligible for financial aid as opposed to students.
If the Scholarship Committee could investigate setting up different equity or a flat rate grant to
assist staff with professional development or text books.
The possibility of requiring a scholarship or professional development funds recipient to
volunteer hours with the Fundraising Committee.
How Staff Senate may not fund, but could help share information about professional
development and support staff so that they can take advantage of available professional
development on campus.
New Business
Announcements and New Senator
Staff Senate welcomed new Senator, Erin Steuer.
Judy Wellert passed around a list of campus committees so that Senators could review the list and
confirm that the information and Senator participation on committees is up to date.
Bill, Executive Director of UMAA, and Dori Johnston, made a donation of $50 to the Diploma Dash in
honor of Senator Fishburn-Matthew and Senator Weisenburger’s commitment and work with Staff
Senate and the Diploma Dash.
Guest Speakers
Cindy Boies, HRS Training and Development Officer
Cindy has been in her position for a year and a half. To this point, her ongoing work has been focused on
WelcomeU and she is now looking at doing training for departments to help onboard their staff and provide tools
for these departments to do so. Tools primarily include best practices via checklists. Cindy would like to
implement a mentoring program and facilitate networking among staff members. She noted that the Prevention
Discrimination Tutorial is ongoing and encouraged Senators to complete their tutorial. Looking forward, Cindy is
currently working on developing a four part training for supervisors that would discuss topics including emotional
intelligence, conflict resolution, and communication. Cindy encouraged Senators to provide ideas and also to
share programs that one has attended and thought were effective. She discussed how campus has a wealth of
knowledge, but we need to encourage “specialists” to share their information and provide trainings. Cindy has
compiled information about all the professional development opportunities and made it available at
Cindy is a resource for seeking training and assisting staff with benchmarking, career ladders, and how to
advance, and encouraged people to contact her if they would like to discuss how to get skills in order to advance.
Candi Merrill, SELL Training and Development Officer
Candi oversees sponsored courses, winter session, and summer session in SELL. SELL currently provides several
types of personal interest programs and is expanding its professional development courses. Although the primary
reason for offering these courses is for community members, the courses are a great benefit for UM Staff, and
SELL is offering a 40% discount to current UM Staff. As the courses offerings progress, SELL would like to offer
more certificate programs, and break up courses into multiple sections so that they could be more affordable for
staff members. Discussion ensued about the cost of the SELL courses and how Staff Senate could help make them
more affordable for staff members, such as helping setup payroll deductions to pay for the courses or through
scholarship funds. Senator Mangold motioned for Senators to brainstorm about donating funds to a scholarship to
help professional development or think of other ways to help staff pay for professional development. Candi noted
that SELL offers free Brown Bag Session that provide a preview for the courses, and encouraged Senators to
provide suggestions for course topics.
Committee Reports
Communications and Visibility Committee (CVC) reported on their August events. The family movie night have
about 100 attendees. They also held a Lawn Chair Luncheon and Ten Spoon Winery Event. Upcoming events for
October include a free class at Title Boxing.
Kris Csorosz reported that the Sustainability Committee met yesterday to review the committee’s goals. The
committee has prepared 5-6 short papers detailing the various options to help reach those goals including solar
and wind power that will be presented to President Engstrom. Also, the committee will hope to be involved in the
planning of the new Missoula College building.
Natalie Hiller-Claridge reported on the University Council. During the council’s meeting, President Engstrom
spoke about the Missoula College. They are heavily looking at the Broadway location due to its close proximity
and potential three million dollars cost savings because of the existing roads and infrastructure. The East
Broadway location would also be less restricted for architecture, and the East Broadway acreage is equivalent to
other potential locations. Another environmental assessment will be conducted once a location is finalized.
Senator Phillip encouraged Senators to take the Cost Savings Survey by September 20th. Once results are
compiled, results will go to President Engstrom and president’s office.
Senator Maier reported on that the Strategic Enrollment Management Council is revising the report from the
Planning and Budgeting Office. They are assessing grad, undergrad, and Missoula College student population.
President Singleton reported on the Resource Allocation Committee explaining that the Planning and Budgeting
Office is going to model what sectors would receive so that the resource allocation will be correct.
Senator Steuer reported on the University Council for Student Assault. The committee is working on a climate
survey that will address myths and facts about what students know and how they feel within the student
community. The survey will be available to students on Moodle. Additionally, the Department of Justice has
asked for information about reporting requirements, so the council is looking at the best way to make reporting
requirements available via one click on the main UM homepage.
Meeting adjourned at 11:54 p.m.
Next meeting: October 9th, 2013 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. University Center 332/333