October Meeting Minutes Welcome & Call to Order Roll Call

October Meeting Minutes
October 9th, 2013 10:00am-12:00pm
University Center 332/333
Welcome & Call to Order
President Singleton called the meeting to order at 10:00am.
Roll Call
Secretary Maggie Linder took attendance.
Attendees: Andi Armstrong, Jay Bruns, David Crowley, Kristine Csorosz, Matt Filer, Molly
Fishburn-Mathew, Geri Fox, Gary Hagler, Maggie Linder, Michael Maas, Becky Maier, Maria
Mangold, Denise May, Jaylene Naylor, Sandi Nelson, Gloria Phillip, Kathy Reeves, Maryann
Robison, Hannah Singleton, Erin Steuer, Jimmy Stevens, Brandie Terpe, Angela Weisenburger,
Jennifer Zellmer-Cuaresma, Judy Wellert (Administrative Associate)
Excused: Chuck Harris, Natalie Hiller-Claridge, Lisa Marie Hyslop, Roger McDonald, Kelly
Approval of August Minutes
President Singleton presented the minutes of September 11th, 2013. Some edits were suggested for the
final version. Minutes were approved.
Financial Report
Financial Officer Hagler presented the Financial Statements for September. Future Financial Statements
will be available via Drop Box in an easy to access format (PDF). Senator Hagler and Judy Wellert met with Cora
McAlpine, fund coordinator at UM Foundation, to discuss the scholarship account this past month. Moving
forward, Judy and Gary’s goal is to come up with exact questions for Business Services and determine how best
to move funds so they are in the appropriate place in the Business Services and UM Foundation accounts. The
accounting for the Diploma Dash is finalized (table below), and Rosi Keller will move those funds to the UM
General Fund in October. Financial Statement was approved.
Registration Revenue from Diploma Dash
80% split to General Scholarship Fund (MFI119)
20% split to Staff Senate Scholarship Fund (MAF100)
UM Minutes
President Singleton shared that University President Engstrom is encouraging groups to begin meetings with UM
Minutes. This is an opportunity for members to share ongoing and upcoming events, successes, and stories.
Senator Crowley shared about the annual Fall Surplus Sale that Facility Services holds, and although it has
already happened for this year, it is a great opportunity to get household and office equipment. Senator Maier
shared her office’s success in the Homecoming Desk Decorating contest, and Senator Linder reminded everyone
about UM’s T-Shirt contest that features the M Pulse.
New Business
Day of Dialogue
A representative from the Day of Dialogue committee handed out postcard size flyers and shared
information about the 8th Annual Day of Dialogue. Day of Dialogue events begin on November 5th with
a screening of Girl Rising, a movie about education for women around the world and a performance by
Black Violin. Day of Dialogue is on November 6th, with events all day. A list of events can be found
online at umt.edu/dod. The representative noted that an online sign-up is available for anyone that would
be interested in volunteering at the event.
Cindy Williams, Vice President of Development for the UM Foundation and Kent McGowan,
Director of Financial Aid
The proceeds for the General Scholarship Fund raised by the Diploma Dash were ceremonially presented to Kent
and Cindy with a “big check” and a short speech from Fundraising Chair, Senator Mangold. A photo was
taken with the fundraising committee and Senators that volunteered on the day of the event.
Committee Reports
Senator Fox reported that she has been communicating with Jessica Allred at the Missoula Food Bank to work on
the Can the Cats food drive. CVC’s upcoming event is set for October 22nd at 6 p.m. at Title Boxing. Reflecting
on past events, CVC feels the Ten Spoon Winery should be an annual event, and wants to encourage more social
activities such as lawn games during the event. The Lawn Chair Luncheons this past summer went well, but more
interactive games and crafts would encourage more attendance. There was also discussion about getting more
involved in homecoming events and possibly doing a float. CVC may hold a family skate at Glacier Ice Rink this
winter, has tentatively set a January movie date night, and plans on participating, for the second year, in the
campus wide caroling group.
Senator Mangold reported that the Fundraising committee will meet tomorrow, October 10th, to plan for future
Senator Csorosz reported that the UC Board has set a tentative meeting for next month. Also, Shipping Express
will be moving to its new location next to Shear Perfection before the end of the semester.
Senator Csorosz reported that the ADA Committee is continuing work on the policy for IT to ensure accessibility
for documents and classroom media. Campus community members can attend a class, provided by IT Central,
that teaches how to do reports, presentations, and PDFs so they are accessible. In regards to accessibility for the
new Missoula College location, new parking on the other side of the street will be for park-and-ride and long term
parking, and the parking next to building will be for ADA and accessible parking. Senator Csorosz explained the
testing of the stamped brick pattern in front of the Lommasson Center, and discussion ensued about the brick walk
ways in the Oval and in front of the Lommasson Center and what the best solution would be for resolving the
accessibility issues. Comment was made about contacting the Historical Society in regards to the historical value
of the bricks, as well as the need to have public commentary about this decision. Barb Denman is taking
comments in regards to the decision about the bricks.
Senator Csorosz reported on the Sustainability Campus Committee. With the Smart Buildings Initiative passed,
each building will be measured on how much power it is using, and any cost savings or sustainability measures it
takes. Senator Csorosz also explained that to save energy, the University must use renewable energy, such as
recycling and saving on power, or carbon offsets, traded or bought, in order to be “energy efficient” to reach the
goal of being carbon neutral. The Sustainability Campus Committee has been preparing simplified write ups that
review campus sustainability efforts and the differences in the options (geo-thermal, biofuel, off-campus wind
mill) to be presented to administrators and the community. In regards to sustainability for the new Missoula
College location, planners are reworking the building to fit the East Broadway site. During discussion among the
Senators, the idea to ask custodial staff about what surfaces can be used with green cleaning products was brought
up and Senator Csorosz said she would pass that recommendation on.
Senator Nelson reported that the Scholarship Committee met last week. The committee discussed continuing the
same type of scholarships to dependents, and then also providing scholarships to staff. A primary concern arising
from their discussion was any implications changes may have with the UM Foundation account. The scholarship
committee wants to ensure it is aligning its goals with the mission of Staff Senate. For spring, the plan is to
continue with the same criteria as in the past per the bylaws. The two scholarships that were not claimed for fall
will remain in the scholarship fund. Senator Mangold asked that the amount for the unclaimed scholarships is
documented in the Financial Statement for documentation purposes.
Senator Maas reported on University Council on Student Assault. The primary concerns of the committee regard
Petsa 2.0 and the quantity of students that haven’t taken it. The committee did some focus groups over the
summer, and the report was presented to administration. Focus group participants were primarily made up of
student athletes, greek life members, and RAs with the goal of getting more information about people’s
perception of PETSA and various trainings these groups have attended. A climate survey to get more information
from students will be conducted before moving forward. It was noted that only new incoming students are
required to take it and will need to do so before Spring Registration.
President Singleton reported that Bookstore Board of Directors meets twice a semester in the evening. Topics may
address textbook sales, Griz Gear, and other related matters. There is an opening for this committee, and the
person in attendance needs to provide lots of information on customer service and feedback.
Senator Phillip reported that the Cost Savings Committee had 332 responses to the survey they recently
conducted. The committee will meet this week to start looking at the responses.
President Singleton reported that the Quality of Life Committee will be meeting to discuss what they can do to
improve employee quality of life and work/life balance.
Senator Mangold shared that the College of Arts and Sciences faculty searches have been frozen due to budgetary
issues and explained that Wintersession course offerings are limited, so seats will fill quickly.
President Singleton reported there is an opening on the Drug and Alcohol Advisory Committee and asked if there
were any volunteers. Senator Crowley volunteered to serve on the committee.
President Singleton also shared that Title IX responders training is available. There is half-day training available
this upcoming Monday and Tuesday from 8am-12pm, and recommended the training for anyone that has front
line correspondence with students. More trainings are planned for mid-November and early-January.
Meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Next meeting: November 13th, 2013 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. University Center 332/333