Geog rap hic I n for ma tion S ys tem s Training Prog r a m GIS & GPS Applications in Forestry Face-to-Face — Instructor Led Register today Phone: 1-855-GIS-UWSP (or) 1-855-447-8977 Fax:1-715-346-3372 Visit the GIS Center on the web Overview: GIS & GPS Applications in Forestry explores the utility of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to acquire, manage, analyze, and visualize spatial data for a variety of integrated forestry management tasks for the urban forest and working timberlands. After taking this course you will be able to: • Identify and acquire existing GIS data resources from the internet. • Manage and modify data file formats, projections, and coordinate systems. • Read and author metadata important to understanding data utility. • Assess and measure change to a forest from natural or man-made disturbances. • Use GPS to acquire and encode data for working timberlands. • Build a customized geodatabase for acquiring, managing, and analyzing forest conditions. • Utilize field computers, GPS and mobile GIS software. • Develop trouble shooting skills and the ability to research technical solutions. Who Should Enroll: • Foresters with some prior GIS education or workplace experience. • GIS analysts and managers who need to better understand how GIS and GPS workflows fit into forestry operations. • Foresters with little GIS experience are encouraged to enroll for this workshop with a GIS analyst from within their organization.1 Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems Register with the GIS Center at 1-855-GIS-UWSP Registration Deadline: Part 1: February 21, 2014. Part 2: March 28, 2014. Workshop Format: Face-to-face workshop, instructor led. Continuing Forestry Education Credits: To be announced GIS Software Used: ArcGIS™ version 10.2. ArcPad™.2 GPS Hardware Used: Trimble™ Nomads and various GPS antennas.2 Course Location: Treehaven Field Station: W2540 Pickerel Creek Road, Tomahawk WI, 54487 Course Agenda and Costs: Topic Date Part 1. Day 1. ArcGIS overview and GIS data Monday, Feb 24, 2014 acquisition. Working with projections and coordinate systems. Managing metadata. Cost $900 Part 1. Day 2. ArcGIS Geodatabase essentials. Building geodatabases for forestry and headsup digitizing. Monday, March 10, 2014 Part 2. Day 1. Mobile GIS techniques. Loading geodatabases using ArcPad for Mobile. GPS navigation and encoding the GIS database. Monday, March 31, 2014 $1050 Part 2. Day 2. Forest inventory - encoding the GIS database. Monday, April 14, 2014 Part 2. Day 3. Forest stand evaluation, valuation, reporting, and mapping. Monday, April 28, 2014 Register for both Part 1 and 2. $1450 First individual registers at the full course cost. Additional individuals from the same organization register at a 25% discount (when registering together). WCF and ACF members receive a 15% discount. Additional software including SoloForest, SilvAssist, T-Cruise, and RTI are available to explore during this course. Additional hardware packages are also available to explore during this course (Laser and ultrasound measuring devices, the Nomad, Flint, Forge, and Juno field computers, and various GPS antennae). Instructor: Kevin Burns has over 30 years of consulting experience working with forest landowners. Kevin is responsible for land management activities at the 1,400 acre Treehaven demonstration forest. As CNR forestry faculty, he coordinates research, supervises student projects, and instructs forestry and GIS courses. Kevin also has experience researching and designing custom forest inventory and analysis solutions using various technologies. Phone: 715-346-2461 Email: Register Three Convenient Ways: 1. U.S. Mail - Complete the registration form on the next page and send with payment to UWSP GIS Center 2001 Fourth Avenue, Stevens Point, WI 54481 2. Fax - Complete the registration form on the next page and fax it with payment to UWSP GIS Center at 715-346-3372. 3. Phone - 1-855-GIS-UWSP (or) 1-855-447-8977 Registration Form GIS & GPS Applications in Forestry: □ I want to register for the full five-days—$1,450 □ I want to register as an additional individual from my organization at a 25% discount—$1087.50 (each individual should fill out a separate registration form) □ I am a WCF or ACF member and applicable to receive a 15% discount —$1232.50 (each individual should fill out a separate registration form) Check Desired Course Options □ I want to register for the following. □ Part 1—$900 □ Part 2—$1050 □ Treehaven Lodging & Meals—Not included, but available. Contact Treehaven at 715-453-4106. Total Course Fees: _________________ Name (F/MI/L): _____________________________________________________________________________ Work: Professional Title/Organization/Company _____________________________________________________________________________ Company Address/City/State/Zip _____________________________________________________________________________ Phone( )__________________Fax ( )_________________ Home: Address/City/State/Zip _____________________________________________________________________________ Phone( )_____________Fax ( )____________E-mail: ___________________________ Special needs, specify: _________________________________________________________ Payment: Make checks payable to UWSP. P.O. #: _________________ UWSP Acct. #_____________ □ Visa □ Mastercard □ Am. Expr. □ Disc. Credit card number: | | | | | - | | | | | - | | | | | - | | | | | Expiration date: _________ Name on card:______________________________________ Cardholder’s signature: _______________________________________________________ What is your billing address above? □ Home □ Work If billing address is different from home or work address, indicate billing address here: Organization/Company ____________________________________________________________________________ Billing Address/City/State/Zip ____________________________________________________________________________