Unofficial Transfer guide for Social Science and Humanities Classes (Updated Fall 2013) Transfer guide is meant to aid in the selection of humanities and social science courses. However due to constant changes in curriculm and occasional changes in general education requirements at universities, it is impossible to guarantee transfer at the time of registration. Requirements for each institution COD 1-4 courses from humanities (H), fine arts (FA), or social sciences (SS) 0-3 courses can be from humanities (H) or fine arts (FA) 0-3 courses can be from social sciences (SS) UIC 1 course from creative arts (CA) 1 course from understanding the past (UP) 1 course from understanding U.S. Society (US) 1 course from understanding the individual and society (IS) 1 course from world cultures (WC) A course found in multiple categories may count as the requirement for either of the categories, but not as the requirement for both. UIUC 1 course from western cultural studies (WCC) 1 course from non-Western/U.S. minorty cultural studies (NW or US) 2 courses from humanities (LA or HP) 2 courses from social sciences (BSC or SS) A course found in multiple categories may count as the requirement for either of the categories, but not as the requirement for both. UIUC has a foreign language requirement for the Bachelor's degree. You must complete third course in a sequence. This can be completed either in high school, at College of Dupage, or at UIUC. The foreign language courses do not count as credits for either the AES or the BS degrees. NIU 1 course from humanities and the arts (H) 1 course from the arts (A) 1 additional course from humanities or the arts (H, A, or HA) 2 courses from social sciences (SS) 1 course form interdisciplinary studies (IDP) Multiple courses that transfer to NIU as the same course will only count as one credit. No more than 2 courses can come from the same department gen ed credit SIU 2 courses from humanities (H) 2 courses from social sciences (SS) 1 course from fine arts (FA) 1 course from multicultural studies (MC) Multiple courses that transfer to SIU as the same course will only count as one credit. Social Science courses must be taken from two different departments SIU also requires a course in Human Health for the Bachelor of Science degree. It is recommended to take it at SIUC. Bradley 1 course from western civilization (WC) 1 course from non-western civilization (NW) 1 course in fine arts (FA) 1 course in human values (HP or HL) 2 course in cultural diversity or social forces (SF) IIT gives credit for up to 3 gen ed courses 1 course from Humanity (H) 1 course from Social Science (SS) 1 course from humanity (H), social science (SS), OR other (O) Speech is only taken at NIU, SIU, and Bradley eventually. They should not be taken at COD since they don't count toward the associates. ENGLI ENGLI ENGLI ENGLI ENGLI ENGLI ENGLI ENGLI ENGLI ENGLI ENGLI ENGLI ENGLI ENGLI ENGLI ENGLI ENGLI HISTO HISTO HISTO HISTO HISTO HISTO HISTO HISTO HUMNT HUMNT HUMNT HUMNT PHILO PHILO PHILO PHILO PHILO PHILO RELIG RELIG RELIG RELIG RELIG RELIG 1130 1150 1151 1152 1153 1158 1159 1160 1161 1165 2220 2221 2223 2224 2226 2227 2228 1110 1120 1160 2205 2220 2225 2230 2235 1102 1103 1105 1110 1100 1110 1116 1120 1125 1150 1100 1110 1120 1150 1155 2160 COD Course/Area Intro to Literature Short Fiction Novel Poetry Drama Bible as Literature Greek Mythology Native American Lit Multicultural Literatures of US Literature and Gender Brit Lit: to 1800 Brit Lit: 1800-Present Amer Lit: Col-Civl War Amer Lit:Since Civlwar Masterpcs of World Lit Mod European Lit Shakespeare Western Civ Until 1600 Western Civ Since 1600 World Civ since 1300 East Asian Civ Hist & Culture China Hist/Cult Russia Hist & Culture Japan 20th Century World Intro Hum: Idea/Value World Mythology Non-Western Arts & Cultrl Diversty Introduction Ethics Environmental Ethics Logic Critical Thinking World Religions Intro Religion Intro Bible Old Test Intro Bible New Test World Religions Asian Thought Judaism,Christianity,Islam H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H, FA H, FA H H H H H H H H H H H H UIC Course/Area ENGL 101 CA ENGL 105 CA CA ENGL 103 CA ENGL 104 CA ENGL 115 CA IS, UP ENGL 112 CA, US CA, US IS, CA CA CA CA CA, WC CA, WC ENGL 107 UP, CA HIST 100 UP, WC HIST 101 UP, WC HIST 106 UP, WC UP, WC UP, WC UP, WC UP, WC UP, WC IS, CA UP, CA, WC CA, WC CA, WC, US PHIL 100 IS PHIL 103 IS PHIL 102 PHIL 101 IS IS,WC IS, UP, WC IS, UP IS, UP WC UP, WC UP UIUC Course/Area LA LA LA ENGL 101 LA LA RLST 101 LA CLCV 115 LA, WCC LA, US LA LA ENGL 209 LA, WCC ENGL 210 LA, WCC ENGL 255 LA, WCC ENGL 256 LA, WCC LA LA LA HIST 141 HP, WCC HIST 142 HP, WCC HP, WCC HIST 120 HP, NW HP, NW HIST 260 HP, WCC HP, NW HP LA LA LA, NW LA PHIL 101 HP PHIL 105 HP PHIL 105 HP PHIL 102 HP PHIL 102 HP HP, NW HP RLST 201 HP HP HP, NW HP, NW HP NIU Course/Area ENGL ENGL 110 110 FLCL 271 HIST HIST HIST 110 112 171 PHIL 102 PHIL PHIL 101 102 PHIL PHIL 105 170 PHIL 170 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H* IDP H H H* H H H* H SIU Course/Area ENGL 121 H H H H H H CLAS 230 H ENGL 205 MC ENGL 205 MC H H ENGL 204 H H ENGL 204 H ENGL 121 H H H HIST 101a H HIST 101b H HIST 101b H EA 102 H EA 102 H H EA 102 H HIST 112 SS H CLAS 230 H PHIL 103a H FA PHIL 102 H PHIL 104 H H PHIL 105 H PHIL 105 H HIST 202 MC H H H HIST 202 MC PHIL 308i MC H IIT H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H O O O O H H H H H H H O H O O O H O O Bradley HL HL HL HL HL HL NW HL HL HL HL HL HL HL HL HL WC WC NW NW NW NW HP HL NW SF HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP COD Course/Area Intro Visual Arts Art Hist I: to 1300 Art Hist II: 1300 to 1750 Art Hist III:From 1750 Intro Non-Western Art Intro to Film Art Film as Literature Intro Humnt: the Arts Music Appreciation Intro American Music Intro World Music Theater Appreciation Cultural Anthropology Practical Anthropology Peop&Cultures of World Principles of Economics Macro and Global Econ Micro and Global Econ World Geog:Westrn Wrld World Geog:Eastrn Wrld Economic Geography Cultural Geography Urban Geography U.S. History to 1865 U.S. Since 1865 Hist & Culture Africa Hist/Cult India U.S. Since 1945 Intro Political Sci American Politics Comparative Politics World Politics General Introduction to Sociology ART ART ART ART ART ENGLI ENGLI HUMNT MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC THEAT ANTHR ANTHR ANTHR ECONO ECONO ECONO GEOGR GEOGR GEOGR GEOGR GEOGR HISTO HISTO HISTO HISTO HISTO POL S POL S POL S POL S PSYCH SOCIO SOCIO SOCIO SOCIO 1100 2211 2212 2213 2214 1135 1154 1101 1100 1104 1115 1100 1100 1105 1130 2200 2201 2202 1100 1105 1120 1130 1140 1130 1140 2210 2215 2260 1100 1101 2203 2220 1100 1100 1120 2210 2215 SOCIO 2220 Sex Rel, Marriage & Family Sociology Sex, Gender & Power Social Problems Racial & Ethnc Relations FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS UIC Course/Area AH 100 CA AH 110 CA CA CA CA, WC CA ENGL 102 CA CA MUS 100 CA CA CA, WC THTR 109 UP, CA ANTH 101 IS, WC IS, WC IS, WC IS, US ECON 121 IS, US ECON 120 IS, US IS, WC IS, WC GEOG 161 IS, WC GEOG 151 IS, WC US HIST 103 UP, US HIST 104 UP, US UP, WC UP, WC UP, US POLS 190 IS POLS 101 IS, US POLS 130 IS, WC POLS 184 IS, WC PSCH 100 IS SOC 100 IS, US SOC 224 IS, US SOC 105 IS, US SOC 225 IS, US SOC 245 IS, US UIUC Course/Area LA ARTH 111 LA LA LA NW, LA LA ENGL 104 LA LA MUS 130 WCC, LA MUS 132 LA MUS 133 NW, LA LA SS SS SS SS ECON 103 SS ECON 102 SS SS SS, NW SS SS SS HIST 171 HP, WCC HIST 172 HP, WCC HIST 110 HP, NW HIST 130 HP, NW HP PS 100 SS PS 101 SS PS 240 SS PS 280 SS PSYC 100 BSC SOC 100 SS SS SS SS SOC 273 SS NIU Course/Area ARTH 282 ARTH 291 ARTH 292 ARTH 293 MUSC 220 THEA ANTH ANTH 203 220 220 ECON ECON ECON GEOG GEOG GEOG 261 261 260 202 202 204 HIST HIST 260 261 POLS POLS POLS PSYC SOCI 100 260 285 102 170 A A A A A AH AH A H SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS H H SS SS SS SS SS SS - SIU Course/Area AD 101 FA ART 207a H ART 207b H ART 207c H FA CP 101 FA ENGL 307i FA FA MUS 103 FA MUS 203 MC FA THEA 101 FA ANTHR 104 SS ANTHR 104 SS ANTHR 104 SS ECON 113 SS ECON 241 SS ECON 240 SS GEOG 103 SS GEOG 103 SS GEOG 103 SS GEOG 103 SS SS HIST 210 MC HIST 110 SS SS SS HIST 110 SS SS POLS 114 SS SS HIST 112 SS PSYC 102 SS SOC 108 SS SOC 223 MC SS SOC 215 MC SOC 304i MC IIT O O O O O O H O O O O O SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS H H O H SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS Bradley FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA NW SF SF SF SF NW SF NW NW SF SF SF SF SF SF - SS -