Al) ' y /r y 1 r l -, 1 tI fir ny . a .. I', ° IA # rf 1 ' E , la z I' - r\ c ,' ', In rJ ;L 'Ii lid -, E ? ' 1 . ., ' ' ` 1 rt-a 4 .° [ ,, " I: ' ° , :1411 fi ,w'tya - 71'.1 December 1952 1 r 1K j ,-tea RESEARCFL,-NOTE NO,: 9- ° r Y L a .. IM 4 ' >: ; ' sir I I K 1 1 r.) .2 A r 1 .. E._ 4 y.r u f E ..I Pn' fo .. r, , '' j. 17 Kv n .- QI:4 . 4' J rl f M UR I' - -=a I ..c. q1tr _ . ,n Ir r, . d_, ° 'rr`.' 11/1+/VP L I .Yi- ..' 1- ,, , .. '` G t "; 1 Jai Ue' - +AJ 1 . 1' y t".. -} 1 ' err '' E-t, r t fl i °:t :/ - LS. { Y: ,ylA v.lrf it E o Research p.Y. °"9a ,F. r r r .A 1 -t E@. 4 I } r gX111, u 'k " , .- - ,_..J 4 ' , O''y a J{ ,' ., .'s1.. -r I'*-,r« c . ' ' 5I' r, .. - : ! n '{' SP f ' t k 4 l' iF - 'rh ..,sE fl r. CY rv _j 1r n'47 1 , WLL 7. I. nY . y.. ., t a ! 1h .- 1 .. Yr/.Y .c,j4t 7 X .i r EI i ,.r _ r `t?Irr \ " +E, ,% { r. r - 1 G .I r > _ } Lj /+i'a' T1, a7_ {`I .. r - n. I If L44 , -,,, .I '" a r .1 µ 'tT. ;puaeeer Stt2 gl,;; , t Sal.e1,B,.pregpn ' r"' .' f1 U ' 51 - -' J 1A 1 i 'r{ c .I'F' TAT'E BOARD OF 'ORES - T.v.,'- -a'fiF ,: . L, 1. , - 4 (30 e;r ' c George Spaur, Dick Berry, F1CIsea 'c11. Dire d h r.' ° ? ^ P E ,,r. ' h_. 4 ' . i' .'1 ,.l..lx j` .! :.. k .ar N.1 l r.l ar ' ft l !T' :e . d r' -_ r!) ,, r ° Y \ . 1 al i. r o-- '', ' r/.. .1 , ' r'W 4 [ 1 r T[J '. - 1 Jam. DAr'N BEER E 4 i I< F ' E S -;fir"f' ' ' ' II 1' ti . ll`"Z 41 ! 2. - ' r 1 I 'aE` I 'd r I [ r . .c} r .' . 1 x III- r t Y , 'c ^, n. 'E1F - P y 71 ! ,J - ES'' + '1 4 'a1 `'-'11 F (' n ' i iRT.CLI}7, PER ACRE ON I' ; Ys - rr1+ i + 1' t '' 11 n , r4 c t - hy' I ,II`r E ' F: ll- },'y+ vya['ER OF .(-L} .- >7TC G.'. 5i REPdON9{TP_0F` x7HE°,,CKTNG'PEFif,f 1 f '/w a ,,' rE ' ,111( ` r -°.'.a /, !I 4 pa tl:l. This repoA madre-= assltrl.e ,,by fltnds der 8d ` hroug Wthe Forest Research and .'° y1 ' a,v - , ®.ntalTT'ax. Aa.t .af 1 L.1 . I, 1J r } G ' Ir is .r--, :a " it 7° rat i.:-ia t l a r+ c { n1° . f u. '! dW I . 7- r - +s iI - t 911 ` - '+d. ' - . -. -r =..=.i ,} 7: -} - __a _ . c V. ! ''' 9 - I «a a. {I .. 1 ,1? lE v 'q t ,. '},' J, rr !3w' 'S +` c . (w r I --lilt /1 - ,L ,YUr.- -- R 1 ..y..IL`°_ F .. - _ 4w c ,.+ w L: -ta u. INTRODUCTION In January 1949 "Research Bulletin No. 1 --- A Study of a Stocking Survey System and The Relationship of Stocking Percent as Determined by This System to Number of Trees Per Acre" was issued by the Oregon State Board of Forestry. The curves found in that publication made possible the conversion of stocking percent to number of trees per acre. The curves have seen considerable use since that time and have been found to be quite reliable. The curves, however, were constructed from data taken in the field on areas which were restocked from natural seed source and were found to be inaccurate when applied to areas which were restocked as a result of artificial broadcast seeding either by hand or by aerial methods. At the time Bulletin No. 1 was published there was not sufficient data to be found anywhere in the Douglas fir region to permit the construction of a curve for areas restocked by artificial means. There has, however, since that time been sufficient experimental work and actual projects in direct seeding so that this type information is now available. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The purpose of this study is to develop a curve on which the conversion from stocking percent" to number of trees per acre can be made. It will apply only to Douglas fir in Western Oregon which has been established from some type of artificial broadcast seeding. *The stocking percent referred to in this publication is that derived from the use of the stocking survey system employed by the Oregon State Board of Forestry and explained in detail in "Research Bulletin No. 1, January 1949". REVIEW OF LITERATURE This note supplements "Research-Bulletin No. 1, Oregon State Board of Forestry, January 1949". STUDY AREAS Approximately 13,000 acres of direct seeding are represented in the 43 samples used for the construction of the curve. the majority is in the "Tillamook Burn". Of this acreage The intensity of sampling varied from 120 to 480 milacre samples to a forty acre subdivision. CONSTRUCTION OF THE CURVE Field Data Table I Sample , No. Milacre No. 1 Plots Milacre Total Number Found Stocking % of Trees Per Acre No. Milacre I Total Trees Plots Stocked 1. 660 209 341 31.7 517 2. 692 71 101 11.3 146 3. 932 150 192 16.1 206 4. 568 73 85 12.9 150 5. 1828 226 263 12.4 144 6. 544 148 191 27.0 351 7. 616 145 174 23.6 282 8. 464 87 124 19.0 267 9. 452 77 122 17.0 270 10. 240 67 111 27.9 463 11. 240 82 122 34.2 508 12. 240 90 144 37.5 600 2 Sample No. No. Milacre Plots No. Milacre Plots Stocked Total Trees Milacre Total Number Found Stocking % of Trees Per Acre 13. 480 47 62 9.8 129 14. 692 61 74 8.8 107 15. 688 56 70 8.1 102 16. 456 79 125 17.3 274 17. 1040 81 97 7.8 93 18. 1084 183 253 16.9 233 19. 116 22 32 19.0 276 20. 308 49 63 15.9 205 21. 308 57 77 18.5 250 22. 516 61 80 11.8 155 23. 444 39 48 8.8 108 24. 1280 65 74 5.1 58 25. 320 22 26 6.9 81 26. 300 115 265 38.3 883 27. 320 16 18 5.0 56 28. 320 36 57 11.3 159 29. 204 21 24 10.3 118 30. 640 112 157 17.5 245 31. 960 133 187 13.9 195 32. 800 135 184 16.9 230 33. 1120 135 167 12.1 149 34. 320 23 28 7.2 88 35. 320 26 30 8.1 94 36. 320 26 30 8.1 94 37. 320 17 18 5.3 56 38. 700 106 157 15.1 224 3 Sample Total Number of Trees Per Acre No. No. Milacre Plots No. Milacre Plots Stocked 39. 880 137 157 15.6 178 40. 1120 69 77 6.2 69 41. 880 233 371 26.5 422 42. 280 29 34 10.4 121 43. 640 40 42 6.3 65 Total Trees Fo und Milacre Stocking % Sample Using the above data a free hand curve was drawn and balanced. The standard error of estimate was number 26 was omitted by inspection. computed (See Table II). All remaining samples fell within 21 times the standard error of estimate so that the original curve became the final curve, and no further adjustments were necessary. The curve was completed by addi- tion of fiducial limits of 12 and 2; times the standard error of estimate and a straight line curve representing the practical lower limit of the number (See Table III for cal- of trees per acre for any selected stocking percent. culation of fiducial limits.) STEPS IN THE COMPUTATION OF THE STANDARD ERROR OF ESTIMATE Table No. II Sample No. % Stocked Milacres No. Seedlings Per Acre Computed No. Seedlings Per Acre (Est. from Curve) Deviations Deviation % (Deviation 1. 31.7 517 487 + 30 6.2 38.44 2. 11.3 146 145 ? 1 .7 00.49 3. 16.1 206 218 - 12 5.5 30.25 4. 12.9 150 169 - 19 11.2 125.44 5. 12.4 144 160 - 16 10.0 100.00 4 2 No. Seedlings Per Acre I'Iilaeres No. Seedlings Per Acre Computed (:Est. from Curve) 6. 27.0 351 399 - 48 12.0 144.00 7. 23.6 282 339 - 57 16.8 282.24 8. 19.0 267 265 + 2 .8 00.64 9. 17.0 270 233 r 37 15.9 252.81 10. 27.9 463 415 + 48 11.6 134.56 11. 34.2 508 533 - 25 4.7 22.09 12. 37.5 600 600 0 0.0 00.00 13. 9.8 129 122 7 5.7 32.49 14. 8.8 107 108 1 .9 .81 15. 8.1 102 98 4 4.1 16.81 16. 17.3 274 238 36 15.1 228.01 17. 7.8 93 95 - 2 2.1 4.41 18. 16.9 233 232 + 1 .4 .16 19. 19.0 276 265 + 11 4.2 17.64 20. 15.9 205 217 - 12 5.5 30.25 21. 18.5 250 256 - 6 2.3 5.29 22. 11.8 155 153 + 2 1.3 1.69 23. 8.8 108 108 0 0.0 00.00 24. 5.1 58 56 4 2 3.6 12.96 25. 6.9 81 83 - 2 2.4 5.76 26. 38,3 883 617 T 266 5.0 56 55 1 1.8 3.24 28. 11.3 159 145 + 14 9.7 94.09 29. 10.3 118 132 - 14 10.6 112.36 30. 17.5 245 242 + 3 1.2 1.44 Sample No. 27. % Stocked 2 Deviations t . 5 Deviation % (Deviation %) Omit by inspection No. Milacres No. Seedlings Per Acre Computed 31. 13.9 195 186 9 4.8 23.04 32. 16.9 230 232 2 .9 81 33. 12.1 149 156 7 4.5 20.25 34. 7.2 88 85 3 3.5 12. 25 35. 8.1 94 98 - 4 4.1 16.81 36. 8.1 94 98 _ 4 4.1 16.81 37. 5.3 56 58 2 3.4 11.56 38. 1..5.1 2 24 2"11 4 20 9.8 96,04 39. 15.6 178 211 - 33 15.6 2 43,36 40. 6,2 69 70 - 1 1.4 1,96 41. 26.5 422 390 + 32 8.2 67.24 !; 2 10.4 121 133 12 9.0 81.00 43 6.3 65 73 8 11.0 1 21.00 'Sample % Stocked Noe Seedlings Per Acre (Est. from Curve) 2 Deviations Deviation % - (Deviation %) 2 410.50 + 262 - 287 The standard error of estimate is computed by the formulad u =f4.(d%) ill vrhere.-;'u is the standard error of estimate, _(d%)2 is the sum of the squared deviations in percent and N is the number of samples. V/ 2410.50 --- j'u\/ 57.39 7.58 42 6 l1X-lu= 11.37 2 Xdu=18.95 FIDUCIAL LIIIIITS Table No. III 1 AVE 4 5 6 u 2; u 2X3 2X4 3 2 l; 8 7 Upper lz 2 5 5 55 11.37 18.95 6 10 61 10 127 11.37 18.95 14 24 141 15 202 If tl 23 38 20 280 11 1! 32 25 364 30 Lower 12 2-5 9 10 Upper 21 Lower 22 2+ 6 2- 6 65 45 113 151 103 225 179 240 164 53 312 248 333 227 41 69 405 323 433 295 452 51 86 503 401 538 366 35 550 63 104 613 487 654 446 40 650 74 123 724 576 773 527 4 USE OF THE CURVE The Curve is the final result of the study. It can be used to convert percent of stocking to number of trees per acre on areas restocked by artificial broadcast seeding. Inasmuch as the curve is based on samples from Douglas fir seeding in western Oregon it rill be of most use in this area and with this species. stocking. The data available will support conversions up to 35-40 percent of It is not felt that an extension of the curve beyond that point could be justified. The samples used in this curve represent areas seeded at the rate of 1/4 pound per acre to 1-1/2 pounds per acre. Inasmuch as there was no discernible difference in the ratio of stocking percent to number of trees per acre found in these samples it seems reasonable to assume that for practical purposes the amount of seed broadcast per acre makes no difference 7 i.RMeM.MEe.e..e...neeM.iii.e..e..uraEMON .EMNMM..Oer.R.R.. .raR aa...u.O...... rEa 0. Ml 750 700 65 .. . .....r.... , ®pmmO0.. O.reumm1 i NM... MEMMUN: ............. ................................................ ........Runs .......................r ... .MEMO. .uu errRa._...RN.M NOM.Or..eMMNee.M.. m7mSS7m .MM..... .......RrNe. 0 .RSE. ..a...r. ...e.a.e.e err0 iii Ti:n.rQ .ee.e...eRe..e.NauMer. -.rr ..rM.NM. .NeNN..N...MMEE.Rw e.RR...aera...rMR.s a.reR.e.M.eEe DiR 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!P! M.eer.. r..uMReJe.Oe. rMeeO. .. /i....r0 ............... _::::::::::::::UU:: ...ME'e....a..ra.y /, .e.......e.........E........ + ...0..e.e.0 /eer.. R....!r.t Y.. f7 ae I /iGF / 7 I ea .e.r."ON.NrNE..N.e.e..OR.NNeEo 0.meNReMN.M.a.NNO..MMRRrM m.eL]. ::::Ee::::::::::::ee reer... NNR.uMe..M.rr ®mm7ROU.R.RR.u..u ,_. ..............................rr..rrr.E.rrEr.ErB. . aI / Aa ................OO.R. ., ...rrMRR .e.OOrE.O. /: 550.r.e ........................I....................... ... . ...... ' O.M.N......e............e. .mi rMN.M.eeR / .y r.een.' '. i / ..u.M.EMaEa. /..........N..r A IGi ,"e.eeE. ......rORe'neeeeN.nOr Jr .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 600::::: .. mm ME, ............ .. :M1111111mom 0..,/ 1 .r..r -% . rR /ir ..e.., a MOONS SJO. .........................................................` . I 1111. a, U...NNe 1111 1111 lUUUUU...e.MEN 50 S ........LJ......e[ tell .e a. ear.eeeeeeraRR ................................................... , ®® ...EeerNr.E..y... 450 ..M......r. ....... err.r............. Ie .IU ;t ..00. 000..... . rr ........ rr. qz LU 0. 351 ti ........ immium .........r.....aN.MNNe-y' ..F, Era .......e ....r. a. won:: V ............ 1111I 1 /7II!i!!U!!UU ........ 1111 ...11.11. . 'J o amannommossums i 6 / / UIUUUUUUU::::::I000U , +iO. ....e.o.. .eE w E ON NNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNeN ®mo / Srraa I 4f 25' Or iti ® ENR y Rr05 / / / ........ ................. Essumass ', tin.... : r. e / -FEM. . . '... NONE _ Sam M ' 30 I.. 0:00 Yp 000 ... OR ...... ........................... ee........RM'aaauNOu !,iuuuuuuuuuuuunuar uun RM. a u a .eM '..........4 ..... .....a..............r. rMRerMR..nNe.N.NR. .u, .Muu.EMu.r..uaurmNr .r.// RrN.R N.a uuYuo.u. Hiiiii "' """"""""' e... ..rrr. ....................: I"e.' ".e / eeR.M wommomom 200 ..... ................../_ .NN.eMER 4Ok// uouuua..j/ ......t. r N.ea_ 5'0 i ...................... . /ei 1111 ::....UU............: :::.......... y'//SQ, G 150 ee.e®..... 1111 1111 / / I _/rP- d a LeiNm..e.EEEEaE Rro00........ L.Mm.Re. ..RMNRMeN. } Iree.err ORN..OM...OI-5L r r .ee a.a ' ..... 51r.ErEO..r. ........ ... ............................. I... 'ge ........ ............ ORO.RO.e..OeOR ,_Err .Errr.r rrr ReeErr.r % SOMEONE 0 1111 1111 1111 mmmmmmmmmmmmm ....................................... ...SO....R....a.. ........I....... J/. .................... M.aeNeONr .............e.. ®.rR...R. j.M J. . / RONN0eaMR..MER. nEONENnneNnRM.EOrurn ...a... OEON OEM .rNNRMeNMrr 1111 'tin +/ 1.E. ..NNUNN L.e.e..U.... 'ROME rR rI 400I.NNMRM. SI/ .1 .0 ... e.u t Y _' - "' .......e...rr ....UE.r...a ae.U.Err. A / RATIO OF MILACRE STOCKING PERCENT TO NUMBER OF TREES PER ACRE ON :::::::EMMIM.::::: ARTIFICIALLY SEEDED ACRES :00111:60 :111:01:60:00 00HUMMIN: MOORE uuun.u"uuuu"uanuYuu 0 STATE BOARD OF FORESTRY -SALEM, ORE. e".""".r Ue..e : OREGON 5 10 IS (DOUGLAS FIR WESTERN OREGON) CURVE OFAVERAGE VALUES 20 STOCKING FIDUCIAL LIMITS I'/z HN! UPPER FIDUCIAL LIMIT 2V26u- 25 30 PERCENT 35 40 Manor am 45 SO to the ratio. Financial considerations at the present time preclude a great increase in the amount of seed per acre it would be possible to use. If, however, for experimental reasons an area were to be seeded to 3, , or even 8 pounds of seed per acre and a milacre stocking of 40% or less were obtained it is quite possible that the curve ratio might need some adjustment. Fiducial limits of 1 standard errors of estimate and 22 standard errors of estimate have been placed on the curve for the convenience of the user. The fiducial limits of 12 standard errors of estimate include 86.6 percent of the probabilities within those limits. Fiducial limits of 22 standard errors of estimate include 98.8 percent within those limits. SUM&ARY This research note is being published to make available a curve that can be used to convert from milacre stocking percents to numbers of trees per acre on areas of western Oregon which have been artificially restocked to Douglas fir by some means of broadcast seeding. This report supplements "Research Bulletin No. 1 - Oregon State Board of Forestry, January 1949" which furnished similar curves for use on areas in the Douglas fir type which have been restocked from natural seed sources. The curve, produced here, based on field surveys of approximately 13,000 acres of direct seeding, is usable for the conversion of milacre stocking percent to number of trees per acre for stocking up to 35-40 percent. There is not available at the present time sufficient data to permit construction of a curve for the higher percentages. Fiducial limits of 11, and 22 standard errors of estimate have been placed on the curve for the convenience of the user. 8 These limits represent 86.8 and 98.8 percent of the probabilities within those limits respectively. If direct seeding continues to expand as a forest practice at its present rate and the results of the more successful seedings become available this curve should be, in the near future, enlarged to encompass the higher stocking percents. 9