Distance Learning Course
Summer 2007
Instructor: Catherine Harvey
Refer to Orientation Page for course description and how to submit assignments.
Grades will be determined by averaging the number of points in each of the
following categories:
20% for Exercises
20% for Quizzes (Reviews)
15% for Mid-Term
15% for Final Exam
30% for Essays (200 pts)
90-100% =
80-89% =
70-79% =
60-69% =
Essay 1-5 = 25 pts each
Essay 6-13 = 10 pts each
Essay 14 = 95 points
Since attendance is not an issue for this class, unless there are extenuating
circumstances that I become aware of, late assignments will not be accepted.
Assignments should be clearly identified and are due by 3 pm the Thursday of
each week.
Some Exercises have answers in the back of the text. Make sure you check your
own answers. Also, when I check your Exercises I may not actually correct them; I
just want to make sure you did them! I will return completed assignments to a
file in the LRC. If you would prefer that I mail them to you, please let me know
as soon as possible. This, of course, will take more time for you to receive them.
You may use the “Writing Process Worksheet” on Page 7 as a guide for your
essays; however, essays must be typewritten and double-spaced. Please email
essays as an attachment saved in Rich Text Format. Also, every paragraph
should have a clear topic sentence, supporting details, and a closing statement.
Page Two
WEEK #1: June 4-7
Read Chapter 1: Complete all Exercises. Turn in Exercises 3, 5, 6, & 7.
Read Chapter 2: Complete all Exercises. Complete all Reviews. Turn in
Review 2 & 3 (Quiz #1).
Read Chapter 12: Complete and turn in Exercises 1, 2, & 3.
Read Chapter 13: Complete and turn in Exercises 1, 2, 3, & 4.
Read Chapter 14: Complete all Exercises. Turn in Exercises 2 & 3.
Read Chapter 15: Complete and turn in Exercises 1 & 2.
Write and turn in a 5-paragraph, 5-sentence-per-paragraph essay (#1)
entitled, “Who Am I and Why I Am Here.”
WEEK #2: June 11-14
Read Chapter 3: Complete all Exercises. Complete all Reviews. Turn in
Review 2 & 3 (Quiz #2).
Read Chapter 4: Complete all Exercises. Complete all Reviews. Turn in
Review 2 & 3 (Quiz #3).
Read Chapter 5: Complete all Exercises. Turn in Exercises 2, 4, 8, 10,
13, 15, 17, & 19. Complete Review 1 & 2. Turn in Review 2 (Quiz #4).
Write and turn in a 5-paragraph, 5-sentence-per-paragraph essay (#2)
answering the following question, “Why do some people continue to do
harmful things even when there is clear evidence that those things are
WEEK #3: June 18-21
Read Chapter 6: Complete all Exercises. Turn in Exercises 2, 4, 7, 9, &
15. Complete all Reviews. Turn in Review 3 (Quiz#5).
Read Chapter 7: Complete all Exercises. Turn in Exercises 4, 6, 9, & 15.
Complete all Reviews. Turn in Review 1, 2, 4, & 5 (Quiz #6).
Read Chapter 8: Complete all Exercises. Turn in Exercises 1, 2, 6, & 8.
Complete all Reviews. Turn in Review 1 (Pg. 189 only) and 2 (Quiz #7).
Write and turn in a 5-paragraph, 5-sentence-per-paragraph essay (#3)
entitled, “If I Had a Million Dollars.”
Page Three
WEEK #4: June 25-28
Read Chapter 9: Complete all Exercises. Turn in Exercises 2, 8, & 9.
Complete all Reviews. Turn in Review 2 & 3 (Quiz #8).
Write and turn in a 5-paragraph, 5-sentence-per-paragraph essay (#4)
entitled, “My Career Goals.”
Read Chapter 10: Complete all Exercises. Turn in Exercises 4, 6, 8, 10,
12, & 14. Complete all Reviews. Turn in Review 2 & 3 (Quiz #9).
Read Chapter 11: Complete all Exercises. Turn in Exercises 2 & 3.
Complete and turn in Review 1 & 2 (Quiz #10).
Read Appendix A, Pages 452-460: Complete all Exercises. Turn in
Exercises 2. Also, turn in Exercise 3 (Quiz #11).
Write and turn in a 5-paragraph, 5-sentence-per-paragraph essay (#5)
entitled, “My Favorite Person.”
WEEK #5: July 2-5
MID-TERM (15% of your grade)
On Monday, July 2, I will email you the Mid-Term as an Attachment. You must
email it, bring it to the LRC, or mail it back (be postmarked) to me by
Tueday, July 3, by 3 pm. Please let me know how you plan to return the MidTerm to me.
Read Chapter 16: Complete all Exercises. Turn in Exercises 1-4. Also,
turn in Exercise 8 (Quiz #12).
Write and turn in a 100-word Narrative (#6) topic from Page 318.
Read Chapter 17: Complete all Exercises. Turn in Exercises 3 & 4. Also,
turn in Exercise 5 (Quiz #13).
Write and turn in a 100-word Description (#7) topic from Page 333.
WEEK #6: July 9-12
Read Chapter 18: Complete all Exercises. Turn in Exercises 3-5. Also,
turn in Exercise 6 (Quiz #14).
Write and turn in a 100-word Exemplification (#8) topic on Page 350.
Page Four
Read Chapter 19: Complete all Exercises. Turn in Exercises 3 & 4. Also,
turn in Exercise 5 (Quiz #15).
Write and turn in a 100-word Analysis (#9) topic on Page 374.
WEEK #7: July 16-19
Read Chapter 20: Complete all Exercises. Turn in Exercises 3-7. Also,
turn in Exercise 8 (Quiz #16).
Write and turn in a 100-word Analysis (#10) topic on Page 390.
Read Chapter 21: Complete all Exercises. Turn in Exercises 2 & 3. Also,
turn in Exercise 5 (Quiz #17).
Write and turn in a 100-word Comparison and Contrast (#11) topic on
Page 407.
WEEK #8: July 23-26 Turn in these assignments by 3 pm by Mon., July 23.
Read Chapter 22: Complete all Exercises. Turn in Exercises 2, 4, 8, 9,
10, & 11. Also, turn in Exercise 12 (Quiz #18).
Write and turn in a 100-word Argument (#12) topic on Page 429.
Read Chapter 23: Complete all Exercises. Turn in Exercises 1, 3, 5, 6, 8,
9, & 11. Also, turn in Exercise 12 (Quiz #19).
Write and turn in a 100-word Celebration (#13) topic on Page 449.
Write and turn in by 3 pm Tuesday, June 24, a 500-word essay (#14)
on the following topic: “Is life better in a city or in a small town?”
Use your personal observations, experiences, and knowledge to support your
view. Don’t forget topic/closing sentences. Remember, this essay is worth
95 points of your total essay points.
FINAL EXAMINATION (15% of your grade)
On Tuesday, July 24, I’ll email you the Final Examination, which will be very
similar to the Mid-Term. You must email it, bring it to the LRC, or mail
it back (postmarked) to me no later than 3 pm on Wed., July 25.