PHYSICAL REVIEW A 70, 034102 (2004) Special relativity and reduced spin density matrices Cezary Gonera, Piotr Kosiński, and Paweĺ Maślanka Department of Theoretical Physics II, University of Łódź, Pomorska 149/153, 90-236 Łódź, Poland (Received 28 October 2003; published 22 September 2004) We derive the general formula for Lorentz-transformed spin density matrix. It is shown that an appropriate Lorentz transformation can produce totally unpolarized state out of pure one. Further properties, as depurification by an arbitrary Lorentz boost and its relation to the localization properties are also discussed. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.70.034102 PACS number(s): 03.65.Pm, 03.65.Ud, 03.30.⫹p It has been shown that special relativity imposes severe restrictions on quantum information processing (for a review, see Ref. [1]). In fact, the number of properties important from this point of view should be reexamined if relativistic corrections become important. This can be easily seen by studying the simplest case of free relativistic particle with spin. It appeared that the reduced density matrix for its spin is not covariant under Lorentz transformations and spin entropy ceases to be the relativistic scalar [2,3]. The decrease in spin purity caused by Lorentz transformations is related to the spatial localization of the wave packet observed in the rest frame and any localized pure state with separate spin and momentum in the rest frame becomes mixed when observed from moving inertial frame [4]. The modifications enforced by special relativity are even more drastic for two- and many-particle systems [5–7], both in massive and massless cases. An important property here is that the entaglement between momenta can be transformed by Lorentz transformation to spin and vice-versa; only the joint entaglement is a Lorentz invariant notion [8]. The properties of relativistic transformations suggest that the protocol for quantum communication should be appropriately changed. In this paper we consider again the single particle with spin one-half. The general formula for Lorentztransformed Bloch vector is derived. Then, three applications are presented. First, we rederive the following result [4]: any boost applied to the pure spin state gives a mixed state. Second, the explicit example of general relation between depurification and localization [4] is given. Finally, we prove that the pure state can be transformed to the state arbitrarily close to the totally depolarized one. Consider quantum relativistic particle of positive mass m. The space of states carries an unitary irreducible representation of Poincare group and is spanned by 兩p , 典- the common eigenvectors of four momentum and fixed (say, third) component of spin in the rest frame. Their scalar product reads 具p⬘, ⬘兩p, 典 = 2p0␦共3兲共p − p⬘兲␦⬘ 兺 冕 具 ⬘兩 典 = U共A,0兲兩p, 典 = d 3p a⬘共p, 兲a共p, 兲. 2p0 共4兲 兺 D⬘„w共p,A兲…兩⌳p, ⬘典; 共5兲 ⬘ here ⌳ = ⌳共A兲 is the Lorentz matrix corresponding to A, D-unitary irreducible representation of the SU共2兲 group while w共p , A兲 苸 SU共2兲 is the so-called Winger matrix defined by w共p,A兲 = b−1共⌳p兲Ab共p兲. 共6兲 Moreover, b共p兲 is the standard boost [9]: b共p兲 = m + p0 + p · 冑2m共m + p0兲 . 共7兲 The counterpart of Eq. (5) for the wave functions reads a⬘共p, 兲 = 兺 D⬘„w共⌳−1p,A兲…a共⌳−1p, ⬘兲. 共8兲 ⬘ Note that for the case of spin one-half, D(w共p , A兲) = w共p , A兲. The Wigner matrix has the following properties [9]: (i) if A 苸 SU共2兲 , A+ = A−1, the corresponding Lorentz transformation is simply a rotation and 共9兲 w共p,A兲 = A, (ii) if A 苸 SL共2 , C兲 represents pure boost corresponding to the four velocity u = 共cosh , sinhn兲, i.e.: 冉 A = A+ = exp − 冊  n· , 2 共10兲 the relevant Wigner element can be computed to be 共2兲 冉 冊 冉冊 冉冊 ⍀ ⍀ ⍀ + i sin e · , w共p,A兲 = exp i e · = cos 2 2 2 e⬅ where 1050-2947/2004/70(3)/034102(3)/$22.50 冕 兺 Unitary irreducible representation of the Poincare group [more precisely—its universal covering ISL共2 , C兲] is given by 关A 苸 SL共2 , C兲兴: 3 dp a共p, 兲兩p, 典, 2p0 共3兲 is the corresponding wave function. The scalar product reads 共1兲 and p2 = m2. An arbitrary state can be expanded in terms of basic vectors as follows: 兩典 = a共p, 兲 ⬅ 具p, 兩典 70 034102-1 pÃn , 兩p à n兩 ©2004 The American Physical Society PHYSICAL REVIEW A 70, 034102 (2004) BRIEF REPORTS sin⍀ = 2关共1 + u0兲共p0 + m兲 − u · p兴兩p à u兩 , 关共1 + u0兲共p0 + m兲 − u · p兴2 + 兩p à u兩2 cos⍀ = 关共1 + u0兲共p0 + m兲 − u · p兴2 − 兩p à u兩2 . 关共1 + u0兲共p0 + m兲 − u · p兴2 + 兩p à u兩2 共11兲 entz boost causes depurification [4]. Assume the reduced spin density matrix in the rest frame describes pure spin state. Using rotation invariance to put the polarization vector in the direction of third axis we can write Equations 共11兲 can be, equivalently, summarized as follows: w共p,A兲 = 共1 + u0兲共p0 + m兲 − u · p + i共p à u兲 · . 共12兲 关2共1 + u0兲共p0 + m兲共m + up兲兴1/2 Let us now consider the relativistic spin − 21 particle. The spin density matrix can be written in terms of Bloch vector : = 21 共1 + · 兲, = Tr共兲. ⬘ = 冕 d 3p a共p, 兲a共p, ⬘兲, 2p0 共14兲 while the Bloch vector is given by = 冕 d 3p + a 共p兲a共p兲, 2p0 where we denoted a共p兲 = 冋 册 a共p,1兲 a共p,2兲 共15兲 共16兲 . Let us now apply Lorentz transformation and calculate the corresponding reduced density matrix. To this end it is sufficient to find the new Bloch vector 共兲 = 冕 = e3 = d 3p + a 共p兲w+共p,A兲w共p,A兲a共p兲. 2p0 共17兲 共兲 = 冉 冊 冉 i i w 共p,A兲w共p,A兲 ⬅ exp − ⍀e · exp ⍀e · 2 2 1 − 2共  兲 = ⫻共e · 兲e 共兲 = gives 共兲 = 冕 d 3p cos ⍀a+共p兲a共p兲 + sin ⍀关a+共p兲a共p兲 ⫻ e兴 2p0 + 共1 − cos ⍀兲关e · a+共p兲a共p兲兴e 共19兲 with e and ⍀ defined in Eq. (11). Equation (19) provides the general expression for Lorentz-transformed Bloch vector. It looks rather complicated but appears to be quite useful. However, before making use of Eq. (19) we shall use Eq. (17) to show that any Lor- 冕 d 3p 兩a共p,1兲兩2e共p兲, 2p0 共22兲 冕 d 3p 兩a共p,1兲兩2关1 − 共兲 · e共p兲兴. 2p0 共23兲 冋冕 册 d3 p cos ⍀兩a共p,1兲兩2 e3 . 2p0 共24兲 For ultrarelativistic observer,  → ⬁: 冊 共18兲 共21兲 The necessary condition for 兩共兲兩 = 1 is that there exists a subset of positive measure such that a+共p兲w+共p , A兲w共p , A兲a共p兲 has a constant direction if p belongs to this subset. Using Eq. (12) and a共p , 2兲 = 0 one easily concludes that this leads to the relations of the form f共p兲 = 0 with smooth f; however, by standard arguments of differential geometry [10], the set of solutions to such equation has vanishing measure. Let us now analyze Eq. (19). Assume the initial state to have pure spin density matrix. Therefore, we can arrange things so that a共p , 2兲 ⬅ 0. Assume, further, that n = e3; then the last term on the right hand side of Eq. (19) vanishes. Moreover, ⍀共p , A兲 is axially symmetric. If we take 兩a共p , 1兲兩2 to be axially symmetric, the second term also vanishes and cos ⍀ = = cos ⍀ · + sin ⍀共 à e兲 + 共1 − cos ⍀兲 册 d 3p + a 共p兲3a共p兲 e3 2p0 共20兲 where e共p兲 is the unit vector in the direction of a+共p兲w+共p , A兲w共p , A兲a共p兲. Multiplying both sides of Eq. (22) by 共兲 and using 兰共d3p / 2p0兲兩a共p , 1兲兩2 = 1 we get Recalling properties (i) and (ii) of the Winger matrix w共p , A兲 we easily conclude that transforms as standard three vector under rotations while the identity + 册 d 3p + a 共p兲a共p兲 e3 , 2p0 so that a共p , 2兲 ⬅ 0. Now, Eq. (17) can be rewritten as 共13兲 The case 兩兩 = 1 corresponds to pure state while = 0 describes maximally disordered one. Consider the pure state of relativistic particle described by the wave function a共p , 兲. The reduced density matrix reads 冋冕 冋冕 = e3 = 2 共p0 − p3 + m兲2 − p⬜ 2 共p0 − p3 + m兲2 + p⬜ , p⬜ = 共p1,p2,0兲. 共25兲 2 Ⰷ m2 one obtains cos ⍀ ⬇ 0. Taking a共p , 1兲 For p3 ⬇ 0, p⬜ axially symmetric and strongly peaked arround p3 = 0 and 2 = M 2 Ⰷ m2 we can arrange the integral (24) to attain arbip⬜ trary small values; the details can be supplied easily. We conclude that the pure state may be recognized as totally unpolarized by an observer moving sufficiently fast. Although the initial wave function may not seem to be very appealing, our reasoning shows that there are no a priori (i.e., not depending on the shape of initial wave packet) bounds on disorder produced by Lorentz transformations. Consider now the nonrelativistic particle resting in the initial frame: 具p典 = 0 and 兩a共p , 1兲兩2 is supported in the region 兩p兩 Ⰶ m; again we assume that 兩a共p , 1兲兩2 is axially symmetric. Expanding Eq. (25) in powers of p2 / m2 we find 034102-2 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 70, 034102 (2004) BRIEF REPORTS cos ⍀ ⯝ 1 − 2 p⬜ . 2m2 共26兲 Therefore 冉 冉 1 共 = ⬁兲 = 1 − 2m2 冕 冊 兩共 = ⬁兲兩 艋 1 − d 3p 2 共p 兩a共p,1兲兩2兲 e3 2p0 ⬜ 冊 frame everything is nonrelativistic, so all notions of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, including that of position operator, are well-defined. Using Heisenberg uncertainty relations one can rewrite Eq. (27) as 冋 1 1 1 + 8m2 共⌬x1兲2 共⌬x2兲2 册 共28兲 共27兲 which gives the bound on polarization, as seen by ultrarelativistic observer, in terms of localization properties of the state (cf. Ref. [4]). 2 The mean momentum vanishes and 具pជ ⬜ 典 represents the uncertainty of transverse momentum. However, in the rest This work was supported by the Łódź University Grant No. 690. 2 ⬍p⬜ ⬎ = 1− e3 . 2 2m [1] A. Peres and D. Terno, e-print quant-ph/0212023. [2] A. Peres, P. Scudo, and D. Terno, e-print quant-ph/0203033; Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 230402 (2002). [3] A. Peres and D. 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