UM Greek Community Roster Update Directions

UM Greek Community Roster Update Directions
Due Date:
Attached is a roster update form as well as a copy of your most recent roster; compare the attached
roster with your most recent list of members. You only need to update the status of your members, i.e
adding your new members, dropping those who are no longer active, etc.
Refer to the instructions and example below to make changes or updates.
 Write the individual’s name and their Social Security Number or Student ID Number.
 Indicate with an X or a checkmark whether they are being added or dropped from your chapter
 Indicate the member’s current status. Status codes are explained below as well as on the
roster update form itself. The indication of members’ status will help us avoid mistakes as well
as understand them when they occur. It will also allow us to calculate the new member class’s
grade point average in addition to the entire chapter’s GPA.
1. Individual is an active/initiated member (Use definition your national headquarters uses)
2. Individual is a new member/pledge this semester
3. Individual graduated, and is now an alumni/ae
4. Individual dropped or was released from chapter
5. Individual left UM therefore is no longer active
6. Mistake/other (If using this, you must provide a brief explanation)
Please note:
Do your best to organize your members’ status into the first 5 categories and use status 6 only when
you are absolutely unable to assign them a 1 through 5. If you assign a member a status of “6”,
please provide a brief explanation so our records can be accurate. Following these guidelines might
relieve us from roster mistakes that include vague situations such as “the individual doesn’t come
around any more”.
Avoid Common Mistakes!
 For rosters only, we will identify new members as being new members the entire semester.
Do not assign new members “active” or “1” status until the second semester they are involved
in your chapter. In other words, If they join in the fall, do not change their status to “1” until
January or February.
 Do not assign graduating seniors or members who are going alum a “3” until the semester
after they leave. For example, for graduating seniors in the spring, wait until early fall to
change their status otherwise they will not be on your grade report for the spring semester.
 If your chapter is in the process of removing a member, but that process will not be completed
this semester, you may take them off this semester’s roster…especially if you do not want
them to be included on your grade report. However, be very careful when doing this, once you
remove a person using a 3, 4, or 5 status, they can not be added to your roster a later
semester… this will hopefully deter chapters from removing members simply because they
have poor grades.
I have read the above instructions and understand them.
Chapter President (Print Name):