General Education Committee Minutes, 11/17/10 Members present: E. Adams, J. DeBoer, J. Edwards, A. Lawson J. Luckowski, J. Rabinovitch, D. Sloan, T. Thibeau, N. White Members absent:, D. Reisenfeld Ex-Officio Present: E. Johnson The minutes from 10/28/10 were approved. Communication: The next meeting will be December 9th. Business Items: Follow-up for each of the general education groups was discussed. The list appended was approved. III: Language The NAS courses proposed require significant revision and will likely be resubmitted by next year. IV: Expressive Arts Revised syllabi language for the art courses was received. An acceptable justification for offering MUSI 304 at the 300 level was also received. V: Literary & Artistic The form for NAS 202 was not filled out correctly (the current criteria and learning outcomes were not used) and will need to be resubmitted. The form for MCLG 315 was also not filled out correctly. The Committee was concerned that the course was not appropriate for general education because it requires background in the major. VI: Historical and Cultural Professors Eglin and Shearer approved the courses. VIII: Ethics and Human Values The proposal for AAS 374 was withdrawn. Although BUS 291 was revised, it was not approved. Adequate follow-up responses were received for the other courses. IX: American & European A revised form was submitted for JOUR 110 and it was approved. XI: Natural Science RECM/ FOR 246 is a field course taught during summer session in Australia. Although the course meets the criteria and learning outcomes, the subcommittee wasn’t sure it was appropriate for general education due to the travel expense and compressed format. After discussion the course was approved. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. Department Art Art Art Art Art Art Music Anthropology Course ART 215 ART 223 ART 229 ART 235 ART 240 ART 233 MUSI 304A SSEA 102 Title Photography I Fine Art Ceramics I Sculpture I Painting I Printmaking I Sound in the Natural World Introduction to South and Southeast Asia Group IV: Expressive Arts IV: Expressive Arts IV: Expressive Arts IV: Expressive Arts IV: Expressive Arts IV: Expressive Arts IV: Expressive Arts VI: Historical & Cultural History Women in America from the Colonial Era Through the Civil War Women in America from the Civil War to the Present VI: Historical & Cultural MCLL HSTA 370H/ LS 370Hz/ WGS 370Hz HSTA 371H/ LS 371Hz/ WGS 371Hz MCLG 195 VI: Historical & Cultural Anthropology ANTH 403 Environment and Nature in the Classical World Ethics and Anthropology Davidson Honors College Forestry HC 320 Research Portfolio Seminar FOR 489E Philosophy PHL 210E Ethics, Conservation , and Forestry Moral Philosophy Davidson Honors College Journalism HC 122 E Ways of Knowing JOUR 110 News Literacy Forestry RECM/FOR 246 Natural History, Ecology & Environmental Management of South Queensland History VI: Historical & Cultural VIII: Ethics & Human Values VIII: Ethics & Human Values VIII: Ethics & Human Values VIII: Ethics & Human Values VIII: Ethics & Human Values IX: American & European XI: Natural Science