Faculty Library Committee Meeting Minutes 3/8/10 Members present: Ex-Officio present:

Faculty Library Committee Meeting Minutes 3/8/10
Members present: D. Affleck, B. Brown, J. Burroughs, C. Exley, K. James, A. Klene, N.
Vonessen, A. Xue
Ex-Officio present:
Members absent/excused: Dean Allen, S. Guihemotonia, R. Guthrie, M. McHugh
The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair Elect James
The minutes from 2/8/10 were approved.
Library Updates
 Professor Brown disseminated handouts (gate counts during opening and closing hours per
day by semester/ proposed hours for the next academic year and summer). After careful
analysis of use patterns, the Library is proposing to revise its hours slightly. Currently the
Library is open until 2:00am M-Th. This would change to 1:00am. Saturday hours would
change from 10:30am -6:30pm to10:00am -8:00pm and Sunday hours would change from
10:30am -2:00am to 10:00am -1:00am. Holiday/Special Hours, Winter Session and summer
hours were also slightly revised. The proposal will go to the dean for final approval. The
library is open 111 hours per week, which is pretty high compared to UM’s peer institutions.
The usage patterns are evaluated every year.
Several Library Liaisons attended a Graduate Student Association meeting to get feedback
from graduate students regarding how the library can meet their needs. One suggestion was
to offer more workshops on topics such as grant writing and to have computer labs reserved
for graduate students. There are study rooms/carrels, and lap tops reserved for graduate
students. The library will do more outreach to target graduate students and keep the dialogue
ongoing. The GSA provided the library with graduate students’ emails. It will also post a
list of discipline specific library liaisons.
There are several Managing Your Research Workshops offered in March. The workshop
will teach students how to use the citation management tools EndNote Web or RefWorks.
It was questioned whether the library had any experience using Zotero. It is a free, open
source alternative to the other citation management tools and has a higher level of
integration. It may be beneficial for a library representative to attend a developer workshop
to plan for future use.
Business Items
Professor Burroughs demonstrated the Summon Serial Solutions search tool. The library
upgraded to the new system today and is still testing how well it is mapping to the collection.
The tool has a higher level of functionality than the previous system and is fairly intuitive to
use. It can search approximately 95% of the University’s journals. The Library will get a
report of journals not covered and make it available. It is able to search beyond the library’s
holdings as well. Members were asked to use the tool and provide feedback. It was
suggested a short demonstration video be created to help students learn how to use the
system effectively.
Members asked what they should be looking for in the accreditation report. The
Accreditation Team may want to meet with the Faculty Library Committee, so it would be
helpful for members to know what is contained in the report. The report provides evidence
that the library is doing what it is suppose to be doing. The Committee is an example of
communication and consultation with the faculty.
Good and Welfare: none
The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.