FRONTISPIECE. Three-striped Warblers (Basileuterus tristriatus) were studied in the northern Andes of Venezuela. Temperate and tropical parulids differ strongly in life histories. Three-striped Warblers have smaller clutches, longer incubation periods, lower nest attentiveness, longer off-bouts, and slower nestling growth rates than most temperate species. Water color by Don Radovich. Published by the Wilson Ornithological Society VOL. 121, NO. 4 December 2009 PAGES 667–914 The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121(4):667–678, 2009 BREEDING BIOLOGY OF THE THREE-STRIPED WARBLER IN VENEZUELA: A CONTRAST BETWEEN TROPICAL AND TEMPERATE PARULIDS W. ANDREW COX1,3 AND THOMAS E. MARTIN2 ABSTRACT.—We document reproductive life history traits of the Three-striped Warbler (Basileuterus tristriatus) from 146 nests in Venezuela and compare our results to data from the literature for other tropical and temperate parulid species. Mean (6 SE) clutch size was 1.96 6 0.03 eggs (n 5 96) and fresh egg mass was 2.09 6 0.02 g. The incubation period was 15.8 6 0.2 days (n 5 23) and the nestling period was 10.5 6 0.3 days (n 5 12). Males did not incubate and rarely provided food for females during incubation. Females had 57 6 2% (n 5 49) nest attentiveness (% of time on the nest incubating), which caused egg temperature to commonly become cold relative to development. Both adults fed nestlings and feeding rates increased with nestling age. The growth rate constant for nestlings based on mass was K 5 0.490, which is slower than for north temperate warblers. Predation was the primary source of nest failure and only 22% of nests were successful based on a Mayfield daily predation rate of 0.048 6 0.006. Our literature review indicates parulids differ strongly in life histories between temperate and tropical/subtropical sites with species in the tropics having, on average, smaller clutches, longer incubation periods, lower nest attentiveness, longer off-bouts, and longer nestling periods. Received 11 October 2008. Accepted 6 June 2009. Life history strategies often show strong differences between north temperate versus subtropical and tropical sites (Moreau 1944; Lack 1947; Ricklefs 1976; Martin et al. 2000, 2006, 2007; Martin 2004), although the extent of differences varies among phylogenetic groups (Fierro-Calderón and Martin 2007, Martin and Schwabl 2008). Wood-warblers (Parulidae) include a diversity of species across latitudes and 1 Division of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri, 105 Tucker Hall, Columbia, MO 65211, USA. 2 USGS, Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, Avian Studies Program, 205 Natural Science, University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812, USA. 3 Corresponding author; e-mail: appear to show strong latitudinal patterns in life history traits (Martin et al. 2000, Martin 2002, Auer et al. 2007). The wood-warbler genus Basileuterus, comprised of 20 species, is a particularly widespread group distributed from Argentina to Mexico with records reaching as far north as southern Texas and Arizona (Dunn and Garrett 1997). One species is endangered (B. griseiceps), but most others are common throughout their range and are of low conservation concern (IUCN 2006). Little is known about the life histories of most species despite their broad distribution and relative abundance. Basic information including nest descriptions and clutch size is lacking for many species (Curson et al. 1994). 667 668 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY N Vol. 121, No. 4, December 2009 Reproductive traits including incubation period, nest attentiveness, and nestling growth are described for even fewer members of Basileuterus or other parulid genera (but see Skutch 1954, Ghalambor and Martin 2001, Martin 2002, Auer et al. 2007). The dearth of information from the Tropics and the suggestion that Wood-warblers may show strong latitudinal patterns make them an important group to study for improving our understanding of latitudinal patterns in life history traits. We describe the reproductive biology of the Three-striped Warbler (B. tristriatus) in northern Venezuela. This warbler inhabits the understory of mature and second growth forests from 800 to 2,700 m elevation in Costa Rica, Panama, and in the Andes from Venezuela to Bolivia (Hilty 2003). Nest and clutch sizes have been described in both Ecuador and Costa Rica (Greeney et al. 2005, Jablonski et al. 2006), but no other reproductive traits have been documented. We provide detailed data based on 146 nests in a montane cloud forest in Venezuela during 2002– 2006. We also present a review of the current literature for all parulids and compare our results to other species throughout North, Central, and South America. METHODS We searched for nests from March to July, 2002–2006, in Yacambú National Park in Lara, Venezuela (09u 429 N, 69u 429 W). This mountainous park on the northernmost edge of the Andes is characterized by second growth and mature tropical forest. The park ranges from 500 to 2,200 m and our field sites occurred from 1,350 to 2,000 m elevation. We located nests via systematic and behavioral searches, and monitored them every 2–4 days, except at stagechanging events (laying, hatching, fledging) when we monitored nests daily or twice daily (Martin and Geupel 1993). Nest, egg, and nestling measurements, and behavioral data were collected following Martin et al. (2000, 2006, 2007) and Fierro-Calderón and Martin (2007). We measured egg mass (g) and nestling growth using ACCULAB (Elk Grove, IL, USA) portable electronic scales with an accuracy of 60.001 g during early incubation (days 0–2) for egg mass and every other day (starting on day 0 or 1) for nestling growth. Growth rates for non-experimental nests were calculated following Remeš and Martin (2002), and nest predation and survival rates were calculated following Mayfield (1961, 1975) and Hensler and Nichols (1981). Nesting season length was estimated as the middle 90% of nest initiations (exclusion of earliest 5% and latest 5%) following Martin (2007). We used video cameras to measure parental behavior for 6–8 hrs starting at dawn during incubation and nestling phases. Nest attentiveness (% of time on the nest incubating) was calculated for each nest as the number of minutes on the nest/total minutes video-monitored. We calculated the incubation period as the number of days that lapsed between the day the last egg was laid and when the first egg hatched (Briskie and Sealy 1990). We calculated the nestling period as the number of days that lapsed from when the first egg hatched until the first nestling fledged. Egg temperatures (uC) were measured for B. tristriatus by inserting thermisters on the first or second day of incubation into the center of one egg in each nest through a small hole sealed with glue (Weathers and Sullivan 1989). The wire was threaded through the nest and connected to a HOBO Stowaway XTI datalogger (Onset Corporation, Bourne, MA, USA) that recorded temperatures every 12–24 sec for 5–7 days per nest (Martin et al. 2007, Martin and Schwabl 2008). Ambient temperatures were measured over the same periods using a shaded probe near the nest. We also measured egg temperatures for Red-faced Warblers (Cardellina rubrifrons) in northern Arizona using the same methodology (Martin et al. 2007). We searched the literature for life-history data for all species in the Parulidae with which to compare our results. We first consulted The Birds of North America data base (Poole 2005) and supplemented these data with those from other literature. We calculated weighted means for clutch sizes, incubation periods (days), and nestling periods (days) when multiple mean values and sample sizes were provided, or when only raw data were available. We recorded a range of values when means could not be reliably calculated; these were excluded from analyses when we compared temperate and tropical/ subtropical species. Statistical Analysis.—Means are reported with 61 standard error (SE) for all data and sample sizes reflect numbers of nests sampled. We used SPSS Version 15.0 (2006) for all statistical tests. We used analysis of variance (ANOVA) to test for temporal changes in nest attentiveness (% time on Cox and Martin N BREEDING BIOLOGY OF A TROPICAL WARBLER 669 FIG. 1. Temporal distribution of nest initiation dates (date the first egg is laid in a nest) for the Three-striped Warbler among weekly (7 day) intervals. the nest) and mean on- and off bouts during incubation by separating the stage into three categories (early, 2–3 days; middle, 5–7 days; late, 12–14 days). We used least-significant difference tests (LSD) to conduct post hoc tests when ANOVA results were significant (a # 0.05). We used linear regression to test for relationships between temporal changes in parental behavior during the nesting stage (e.g., brooding effort, feeding rates). We examined distributions of lifehistory trait data for temperate and subtropical/ tropical warblers using a Shapiro-Wilks test. One or both of the distributions departed from normality for most life-history traits, so we used non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-tests to test for differences in life-history traits between temperate and subtropical/tropical warblers (Zar 2010). RESULTS Nest and Eggs.—We found 146 nests in 5 years of field work. Three-striped Warblers build a small, domed nest with a side entrance. The inside of the cup measured 5.08 6 0.08 cm in diameter and 3.38 6 0.10 cm in height, while the outside diameter and height averaged 11.46 6 0.38 cm and 7.29 6 0.35 cm, respectively. Nests were on the ground (n 5 146) on a steep slope or bank, built into leaf litter or under the base of saplings and small trees. Nests were frequently placed in the forest interior but some were built into exposed roadside banks, culverts, and drainages. Dates of nest initiation (i.e., first egg laid) ranged from 8 March to 25 June across years (Fig. 1). Nests were usually initiated after 10 April (n 5 103), although three nests were initiated in March; two of these were from the same individual in consecutive years based on color-banding. The median date of nest initiations was 16 May (Fig. 1). The nesting season lasted 68 days (Fig. 1). Eggs were white with irregular brown spots. Fresh egg mass (measured between day 0 and day 2 of incubation) was 2.09 6 0.02 g (n 5 90), which represented 17.7% of adult female body mass (11.80 6 0.18 g, n 5 33). Five of 96 clutches had one egg (5%), one had three eggs (1%), and the rest had two eggs (94%), yielding an average clutch size of 1.96 6 0.03 eggs. Incubation Period.—The incubation period averaged 15.8 6 0.2 days (n 5 23) and was longer than for north temperate parulids, which averaged 12.2 6 0.1 days (n 5 32 species; Table 1). Males did not incubate and rarely provided food for incubating females, averaging 0.03 6 0.02 trips to the nest/hr (n 5 29) during early incubation (days 2–4) and 0.06 6 0.04 trips/ hr (n 5 14) during late incubation (days 11–16). Nest attentiveness averaged 57 6 2% (n 5 49) and was slightly lower than for other tropical parulids, which averaged 64 6 1% for 15 species. Nest attentiveness was much lower than for north temperate parulids, which averaged 77 6 1% (n 5 31 species, Table 1). Attentiveness changed over the incubation period for the Three-striped Warbler (ANOVA, F2,46 5 6.4, P 5 0.004); nest 670 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY N Vol. 121, No. 4, December 2009 TABLE 1. Reproductive traits of temperate and tropical parulids. Only species with data available for multiple life-history traits are included. Species Temperate species Blue-winged Warbler (Vermivora pinus) Golden-winged Warbler (V. chrysoptera) Tennessee Warbler (V. peregrina) Orange-crowned Warbler (V. celata) Nashville Warbler (V. ruficapilla) Virginia’s Warbler (V. virginiae) Northern Parula (Parula americana) Yellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia) Chestnut-sided Warbler (D. pensylvanica) Magnolia Warbler (D. magnolia) Black-throated Blue Warbler (D. caerulescens) Yellow-rumped Warbler (D. coronata) Golden-cheeked Warbler (D. chrysoparia) Black-throated Green Warbler (D. virens) Townsend’s Warbler (D. townsendi) Blackburnian Warbler (D. fusca) Yellow-throated Warbler (D. dominica) Grace’s Warbler (D. graciae) Kirtland’s Warbler (D. kirtlandii) Prairie Warbler (D. discolor) Palm Warbler (D. palmarum) Bay-breasted Warbler (D. castanea) Blackpoll Warbler (D. striata) Cerulean Warbler (D. cerulea) Black-and-white Warbler (Mniotilta varia) Mean clutch size Mean Nest Mean incubation attentiveness on-bout period (days) (%) duration (min) Mean off-bout duration (min) 4.37 10–11 5.00 10–12 5.59 7–8 4.54 12.6 80 49 12 4.71 11–12 73 39 14 3.57 12.3 73 31 3.94 12.5 79 4.08 11.3 3.88 Mate feed? Mean nestling period (days) Nestling growth rate (K) Referencesa Y 9.3 0.559 1, 2 9–10 Y 1, 2, 4 0.654 1, 3, 5 11.3 1, 6, 7, 8 Y 9–11 1, 6, 9 11 Y 11.4 1, 7, 8 21 6 Y 10–11 1, 6, 10 78 36 10 Y 8.4 11.0 75 23 7 Y 10–11 1, 6, 11, 12 3.96 12.0 70 17 7 8–10 1, 13 3.80 13.0 72 31 12 3.86 12.8 77 25 3.90 12.1 74 37 13 3–5 12.0 78 50 15 5.70 12.5 3–5 7.4 0.579 Y 8.6 Y 12.6 15 Y 10.5 1, 16 10.0 0.647 1, 2, 6, 14 0.736 9.9 72 21 8 1, 3, 6 1, 3, 6 17 Y 1, 6 3–5 12.0 3.20 10–12 4.63 14.2 82 51 11 Y 9.4 0.547 1, 3, 6 3.92 12.0 77 55 15 Y 9.6 0.507 1, 3, 6 4.59 12.0 Y 12.0 5.43 12–13 80 18 5 Y 10.5 4.32 11.5–12 77 19 6 Y 9.5 83 50 10 Y 10.4 1, 21 Y 8–12 1 3.60 11.4 4–6 10–12 1 Y 1 1 1, 6, 18, 19, 20 0.538 1, 6 Cox and Martin N BREEDING BIOLOGY OF A TROPICAL WARBLER 671 TABLE 1. Continued. Species American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla) Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotaria citrea) Worm-eating Warbler (Helmitheros vermivorum) Swainson’s Warbler (Limnothlypis swainsonii) Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla) Northern Waterthrush (S. noveboracensis) Louisiana Waterthrush (S. motacilla) Kentucky Warbler (Oporornis formosus) Mourning Warbler (O. philadelphia) MacGillivray’s Warbler (O. tolmiei) Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas) Hooded Warbler (Wilsonia citrina) Wilson’s Warbler (W. pusilla) Canada Warbler (W. canadensis) Red-faced Warbler (Cardellina rubrifrons) Painted Redstart (Myioborus pictus) Yellow-breasted Chat (Icteria virens) Mean clutch size Mean Nest Mean on-bout incubation attentiveness duration (min) (%) period (days) Mean off-bout duration (min) Mate feed? Mean nestling period (days) Nestling growth rate (K) Referencesa 3.89 10–13 82 23 5 Y 7–9 0.613 1, 3, 6 4.55 12.5 56 18 14 Y 10.0 0.654 1, 3 4.82 13.0 Y 9.0 1 3.22 13.9 78 59 16 Y 9.9 1, 6, 22 4.31 12.2 85 110 19 Y 7.9 0.473 4.11 12.0 75 30 10 Y 9.0 5.00 12.7 79 35 9 Y 10.8 1, 3, 6, 23 1, 3, 6, 24, 0.590 25 4.12 11.0 Y 8.4–9.5 3.71 12.0 75 39 Y 8.0 1, 6, 27 4.12 12.5 77 22 Y 10.4 1, 8, 15 3.99 12.0 80 49 Y 9.8 3.61 11.0 4.11 11.9 81 22 5 Y 4.37 12.0 85 32 7 Y 4.16 12.8 75 37.4 10.5 Y 11.1 3.15 13.2 75 Y 13.0 3.68 11.6 74 Y 8.9 1 11.0 1 13.0 30, 31 Subtropical and tropical species Colima Warbler (Vermivora crissalis) 3–4 Flame-throated Warbler (Parula gutturalis) 2.00 Crescent-chested Warbler (P. superciliosa) 2–3 Tropical Parula (P. pitiayumi) 3.14 Adelaide’s Warbler (Dendroica adelaidae) 2–3 Masked Yellowthroat (Geothlypis aequinoctialis) 3.10 Grey-crowned Yellowthroat (G. poliocephala) 2.70 13 8.5 16 60 45 15 12.0 16.0 61 27 17 13+ 68 20 10 13.3 12.8 26 61 22.5 0.537 1, 6, 26 1, 3, 6 8–9 1 10.2 1, 6 1 1, 7, 8, 28 0.557 1, 3, 29 30, 32 13.0 50 0.680 1, 3, 6 32, 33 34, 35 17.7 9.7 8, 36, 37 11.0 38 672 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY N Vol. 121, No. 4, December 2009 TABLE 1. Continued. Species Red Warbler (Ergaticus ruber) Pink-headed Warbler (E. versicolor) Slate-throated Redstart (Myioborus miniatus) Brown-capped Redstart (M. brunniceps) Collared Redstart (M. torquatus) Two-banded Warbler (Basileuterus bivittatus) Pale-legged Warbler (B. signatus) Golden-crowned Warbler (B. culicivorus) Rufous-capped Warbler (B. rufifrons) Black-cheeked Warbler (B. melanogenys) Three-striped Warbler (B. tristriatus) Buff-rumped Warbler (Phaeothlypis fulvicauda) Wrenthrush (Zeledonia coronata) Red-breasted Chat (Granatellus venustus) Mean clutch size Mean Nest Mean on-bout incubation attentiveness duration (min) (%) period (days) Mean off-bout duration (min) 3.00 16.0 66 2–4 16.0 71 20.0 8.0 2.72 14.4 67 37.6 18.2 2.60 16.6 67 33.1 17.4 2.50 15.0 74 28.5 9.8 3.00 14.8 62 46.1 22.6 2.60 16.6 65 30.3 16.5 2–4 62 44.0 2–4 66 2.00 Y Mean nestling period (days) Referencesa 10–11 39 10–11 30, 31 11.8 Y Nestling growth rate (K) 12.6 0.522 40, 41, 42 8, 30, 36, 37 13.0 40 Y 10.9 8, 36, 37 Y 12.5 8, 36, 37 26.0 10+ 32 44.0 23.0 12.0 32 62 29.0 18.0 45.7 35.0 1.96 15.8 57 2.00 16–19 68–74 2.00 2–4 Mate feed? 14.0 32 Y 10.5 0.490 43 Y 12–15 31 17+ 30, 44 45, 46 a 1. Poole (2005), 2. Remeš (2006), 3. Remeš and Martin (2002), 4. Canterbury (1990), 5. Holmes and Nixon (2000), 6. Conway and Martin (2000), 7. Palacios and Martin (2006), 8. Martin (2002), 9. Knapton (1984), 10. Graber and Graber (1951), 11. Lawrence (1948), 12. Tate (1970), 13. Nice (1926), 14. Holmes et al. (1992), 15. Martin unpubl. data, 16. Jennifer Reidy (pers. comm.) 17. Matsuoka et al. (1997), 18. Harrison (1984), 19. MacArthur (1958), 20. Mendall (1937), 21. Oliarnyk and Robertson (1996), 22. Thompson (2005), 23. Peck and James (1987), 24. Eaton (1958), 25. Robinson (1987), 26. Vicki McDonald (pers. comm.), 27. Cox (1958), 28. Martin (1995), 29. Marshall and Balda (1974), 30. Curson et al. (1994), 31. Skutch (1954), 32. Skutch (1967), 33. Di Giacomo (2005), 34. Bond (1930), 35. Spaulding (1937), 36. Auer et al. (2007), 37. Martin et al. (2000), 38. Martinez et al. (2004), 39. Elliott (1969), 40. Skutch (1945), 41. Ewert (1975), 42. Collins and Ryan (1994), 43. This study, 44. Hunt (1971), 45. Vega Rivera et al. (2004), 46. Grant (1964). attentiveness during early incubation was similar (LSD, P 5 0.70) to the middle period, and both were less (LSD, P 5 0.026) than during late incubation (Fig. 2A). This change was caused by a dramatic reduction in length of off-bouts over the incubation period (ANOVA, F2,46 5 7.1, P 5 0.002; Fig. 2B). On-bout duration showed a marginal decline in late incubation (ANOVA, F2,46 5 2.7, P 5 0.081, Fig. 2B). Both on- and off-bouts were relatively long for the Three-striped Warbler. On-bouts averaged 45.7 6 2.5 min (n 5 49) (Fig. 2B), but averaged 37.2 6 3.4 min (n 5 31 species) and 31.4 6 2.5 min (n 5 13 species) for temperate and tropical species, respectively. Off-bouts averaged 35.0 6 3.1 min (n 5 49) (Fig. 2B), and 10.6 6 0.7 min (n 5 30 species) and 17.0 6 1.6 min (n 5 12 species) for temperate and tropical species, respectively. These long off-bouts caused egg temperatures of Three-striped Warblers to reach cold levels relative to development (Fig. 3). In contrast, the Red-faced Warbler, a north temperate relative, kept egg temperatures higher despite much colder ambient temperatures (Fig. 3). Egg temperature of the Three-striped Warbler averaged 33.93 6 0.47u C over 24-hr periods from 27 days of sampling across seven nests (with an overall mean taken from means of each nest), while the mean temperature for the Red-faced Warbler was 35.75 6 0.18u C (n 5 3 nests, 7 days). Nestling Period.—The nestling period was 10.5 6 0.3 days (n 5 12). This period length was similar to north temperate relatives, which Cox and Martin N BREEDING BIOLOGY OF A TROPICAL WARBLER FIG. 2. Average (A) nest attentiveness, and (B) on- and off-bout durations across three periods of incubation for the Three-striped Warbler: early (days 2–4), middle (days 5–9), and late (days 11–16). Sample sizes reflect numbers of nests. averaged 10.0 6 0.2 days (n 5 28 species), but less than for other tropical species which averaged 11.9 6 0.3 days (n 5 11 species; Table 1). The amount of time that females spent brooding nestlings declined (r 5 20.91, P , 0.001) with age of nestlings (Fig. 4A). Both males and females provisioned nestlings, and rate of visits to the nest to feed young increased with nestling age (r 5 0.87, P , 0.001; Fig. 4B). Nestlings weighed 1.70 6 0.07 g (n 5 8) on hatch day and 11.50 6 1.01 g (n 5 9) when the eighth primary feather broke its sheath (i.e., pin break) between days 6 and 8. Growth rate constant (K) for the nestling period based on nestling mass (Fig. 5A) was greater than when based on tarsus (Fig. 5B), and resulted in an estimated asymptote of 13.50 6 0.47 g, which was higher than mean mass for adult females (11.80 6 0.18 g, n 5 33). The growth rate based on mass (K 5 0.490 6 0.030) was slower than for north temperate parulids, which averaged K 5 0.591 6 0.018 (n 5 15 species; Table 1). 673 Nest Survival.—Twenty of 146 nests were abandoned before the nest was finished being built or an egg was laid and did not contribute to nest survival analyses. Another 18 nests were excluded because of effects by researcher activities. Twenty-four of the remaining 108 nests fledged young, 18 were still active when monitoring was discontinued at the end of the season, and 66 failed yielding a total of 1,258.5 days of exposure. Predation was the source of failure for 60 of the 66 failed nests with the remaining six nests failing due to weather, abandonment, or unknown reasons. The overall daily predation rate was 0.048 6 0.006, and the total daily survival rate was 0.948 6 0.006. Daily predation rates were 0.027 6 0.019, 0.042 6 0.007, and 0.070 6 0.015 during egg-laying, incubation, and nestling stages, respectively. The overall nest success based on a total nesting period of 28 days was 22%. Subtropical/Tropical vs. Temperate Species.— Differences between the Three-striped Warbler and temperate species paralleled trends observed from available data for other tropical/subtropical and temperate parulids (Table 1). Clutch size for tropical parulids averaged 2.53 6 0.12 eggs (n 5 14), which was lower than the mean clutch size of 4.20 6 0.10 eggs (n 5 38) for temperate species (U 5 0, P , 0.001). Mean incubation period for tropical warblers was 14.9 6 0.4 days (n 5 13), which was longer than the mean period of 12.2 6 0.1 days (n 5 32) for temperate species (U 5 29, P , 0.001). Females of tropical species had lower nest attentiveness during incubation (64 6 1%, n 5 15) than temperate species (77 6 1%, n 5 31) (U 5 21, P , 0.001). This was a result of offbouts that averaged 18.4 6 2.0 min (n 5 13), which was longer than the mean value of 10.6 6 0.7 min (n 5 30) for temperate species (U 5 61, P , 0.001). Mean on-bouts averaged 32.4 6 2.5 min (n 5 14) for subtropical/tropical species, similar to the mean value of 37.2 6 3.4 min (n 5 31) for temperate species (U 5 192, P 5 0.54). The mean nestling period for subtropical/tropical species was 11.8 6 0.3 days (n 5 12), which was longer than the mean value of 10.1 6 0.2 days (n 5 28) for temperate species (U 5 53.5, P 5 0.001). The mean growth rate based on mass (K 5 0.506 6 0.016, n 5 2) for tropical species was marginally different from the mean value (K 5 0.591 6 0.018, n 5 15) for temperate species (U 5 3, P 5 0.073). 674 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY N Vol. 121, No. 4, December 2009 FIG. 3. Representative examples of egg temperature fluctuations over days 3 and 4 of incubation in comparisons of the Three-striped Warbler with a north temperate relative, the Red-faced Warbler. The two dashed lines at the top of each cell represent the optimum temperature zone for development (White and Kinney 1974, Webb 1987). The ambient temperature range over the sampling period is shown in each cell. DISCUSSION The domed ground nests of the Three-striped Warbler we found in Venezuela were structurally similar to those reported in other locations (Greeney et al. 2005, Jablonski et al. 2006) and those built by other members of the genus (Marini and Cavalcanti 1994, Auer et al. 2007). The dome can reduce predation risk by making its contents less visible (Collias and Collias 1984, Auer et al. 2007). Domes may also protect nests from weather in the tropics where heavy rains are common throughout most of the breeding season (Skutch 1967, Snow 1978, Collias and Collias 1984). Three-striped Warblers had low variation in clutch size with 94% of all nests containing two eggs and no nest containing more than three eggs. The only nest from Costa Rica that has been described contained three nestlings (Jablonski et al. 2006), which may indicate geographic variation in clutch size. Warblers at our site had a smaller clutch size than reported for congeners and other parulids in the Tropics and subtropics, and a much smaller clutch size than north temperate relatives (Table 1, also see Martin 1988), reflecting the well-known latitudinal gradient (Moreau 1944; Martin et al. 2000, 2006). The mean incubation period for the Threestriped Warbler was typical of tropical parulids and longer than temperate breeding species, as has been generally observed (Ricklefs 1969, Martin 2002, Martin et al. 2007, Martin and Schwabl 2008). The longer incubation period of the Threestriped Warbler compared to temperate species was associated with lower nest attentiveness and longer off-bouts that yielded cooler incubation temperatures, as seen for other tropical birds (Chalfoun and Martin 2007, Martin et al. 2007, Martin and Schwabl 2008). Temperatures decreased to levels sufficiently low to slow development (White and Kinney 1974, Webb 1987), which explains part of this latitudinal trend (Martin 2002, Martin et al. 2007, Martin and Schwabl 2008). Nest attentiveness during incubation for the Three-striped Warbler was typical of other tropical warblers but on- and off-bouts were considerably longer than for other species. This might reflect a response to high nest predation risk; daily predation rate at our site in Venezuela was higher than for related species in Argentina (Martin et al. 2000, Auer et al. 2007) or Arizona (Martin 2002). Higher predation risk can favor longer bouts to reduce the numbers of trips to the nest (Weathers and Sullivan 1989, Conway and Cox and Martin N BREEDING BIOLOGY OF A TROPICAL WARBLER 675 FIG. 4. Scatter plots of change with nestling age in (A) female Three-striped Warbler brooding behavior (% time spent brooding) and (B) rates that parents visit the nest to provision nestlings (n 5 14 nests). Martin 2000, Martin et al. 2000). Alternatively, longer bouts might reflect greater food limitation and females may require long off-bouts for selfmaintenance (Conway and Martin 2000, Chalfoun and Martin 2007). The nestling period for all tropical parulids spans from as few as 9 days for Masked Yellowthroat (Geothlypis aequinoctialis) to at least 17 days for Wrenthrush (Zeledonia coronata) with the Three-striped Warbler’s nestling period ,1.4 days shorter than the mean nestling period for other tropical species. This may be related to high nest predation rates; nestling periods and mortality rates are often negatively correlated (Lack 1968, Remeš and Martin 2002). Alternatively, the short nestling period may be a proximate response to greater food availability relative to brood size. Adults with one of the smallest average clutch sizes among tropical parulids may more easily be able to feed young at rates adequate for faster growth and earlier maturity. Young fledged at a mass that exceeded adults. The generality of this result is difficult to assess because growth rates and fledging size for other tropical parulid species are almost entirely lacking. The growth rate for the Three-striped Warbler was slower than that of all temperate warblers for which data are available except the Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla). The slower growth of tropical than temperate birds was noted 676 THE WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY N Vol. 121, No. 4, December 2009 FIG. 5. Relationships of (A) mass, and (B) tarsus length plotted against age for Three-striped Warblers and their estimated growth rates (K) and asymptotes (A). The dashed lines represent the (A) mean mass and (B) mean tarsus lengths of adults (n 5 135). by Ricklefs (1976) long ago, although comparisons of related species in both areas have remained rare. Only two other studies we found provided data on nest predation rates for tropical parulids. The overall daily predation rate was relatively high for Three-striped Warblers at our field site with an estimated nest success rate of only 22%. This was higher than for any parulid at the Argentina site (Auer et al. 2007) and for the Buff-rumped Warbler (Phaeothlypis fulvicauda) in Costa Rica (Skutch 1985). A high predation rate may make it difficult for adults to breed successfully in a given year in addition to its potential to influence clutch size, nest attentiveness, and nestling periods. A species with low nest success could compensate by increasing the length of its breeding season. The breeding season of the Three-striped Warbler was about twice the length of seasons for parulids in Arizona (Martin 2007), but it only nested about 10 days longer than related species in Argentina that had much lower nest predation rates (Auer et al. 2007). The lengthy breeding season did not result in substantially more breeding attempts than in other parulids. Some breeding pairs renested four times following nest failure (WAC, pers. obs.), but north temperate parulids may also renest four times or more (Grzybowski and Pease 2005, Murray and Nolan 2007). More detailed observations on individual pairs of tropical parulid species throughout the breeding season are needed to improve our understanding of how high predation rates and breeding season length affect annual fecundity. The Parulidae include 115 species (AOU 1998). Much attention has been placed on the ecology and evolution of species in North America, but strikingly few data are available for species in Central and South America where the majority of parulid species reside (48 tropical and subtropical species are not included in Table 1 due to lack of available information). The Three-striped Warbler had a smaller clutch, longer incubation period, lower nest attentiveness, longer off-bouts, and a slower growth rate than its temperate relatives. Improving data collection efforts outside of North America will lead to a better understanding of tropical strategies and allow for more robust comparisons of latitudinal patterns. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was made possible in part by support under NSF grants DEB-9981527, DEB-0543178, and DEB0841764 to T. E. Martin. Permit numbers are DM/ 0000237 from FONACIT, PA-INP-005-2004 from INPARQUES, and 01-03-03-1147 from Ministerio del Ambiente. 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