Saturday, November 7, 2015 Time & Location 8am 8:45am DIGS 114 DIGS 222 Global Issues Water Quality and Biomonitoring in the Río Lagarto, Costa Rica Literature, Visual & Performing Arts Healing, Livelihood, Frozen Lakes, Direction, Mutability: Water in Poetry Regional Interests: the Carolinas Climate Interactions with Water Resources in the Carolinas Stephanie Colburn Laura Gibbs Savannah Moritzky Leigha Stahl Mary E. Martin Jane Smith Susan Ludvigson Evelyn Weeks Alex Muller Amanda Brennan Jenna Hartley Kristen Lackstrom Discussant: Peter Phillips Discussant: Dustin Hoffman Discussant: Simone Camel Winthrop Galleries Opening Remarks in Dina’s Place Registration Posters Session II 10:1511:15am DIGS 221 Registration DIGS 114 Session I 9-10am 10-10:15 Interruption & Performance DIGS 220 Refreshments Literature, Visual & Performing Arts nd Site Specific Dance & Theatre Performance -DIGS 2 Floor Landing and In Between Spaces On Water: Place. Perform. Instigators : Laura Dougherty, Emily Morgan Performers : Dontrell Brailsford Devon DiFederico Mason Diaz Zeke Jones Rachel King Lauren Landers La’Raine Turlington Garret Whiffen Global Issues Water in the World: The Social, Economic, and the Sacred Literature, Visual & Performing Arts “Enabling and Constraining:” Water in Visual Art Regional Interests: the Carolinas Water Quality, Availability, and Economic Realities of the Carolinas Monique Constance-Huggins and Simone Camel “The Social and Economic Impact of Water Scarcity: The case of St. Vincent and the Grenadines” Makala Smith Suzanne Robinson Joan Campbell Sherrel Jones James Holland “Putting an End to the Great Water War” J. Robert Johnson “Stopping the Waters of Life: Ethiopia’s Grand Renaissance Dam and Nile Water Diplomacy” Katherine Metzo “Lake Baikal’s “Pure” Water as a Marketing Meme” Discussant: Peter Judge Laura Dufresne “Water & Rome- from Aqueducts to Fountains” Clara Paulino “Representations of the Sea in Portugal’s Facist Propaganda (1926-1974)” Karen Stock “Pierre Bonnard’s Bathtub as Tomb” Alice Burmeister “Water Symbolism & Political Campaign Propaganda in West African FactoryPrinted Textiles” Alan Hinchman “Creative Solutions to Water Challenges” Steven Davidson “Unspoken: A Tale of Green-washed Democracy” Eddie Lee “Local Government and the Great Drought: How Two South Carolina Cities Addressed The Water Shortage, 2002-2011” Kristin Ramirez “Water Quality Parameters and Aquatic Macroinvertebrates of Manchester Creek, Rock Hill, South Carolina” Discussant: Karen Stock Discussant: Michael Lipscomb Open 9am-5pm Time & Location 11:15-11:30 Performance DIGS 114 DIGS 220 DIGS 221 DIGS 222 Winthrop Galleries Literature, Visual & Performing Arts Dance Performance Dina’s Place Dancing the Dust Bowl and Beyond Choreographer: Kelly Ozust, Dancers: Olivia Bennicase Caroline McDonald Jessica McFarland 11:30-12:45pm Keynote Address & Luncheon Richardson Ballroom Keynote Speaker: Sam Perkins, Catawba Riverkeeper “High Demand, Limited Supply: The Water-Energy Nexus on the Catawba River” Session III 1-2pm Global Issues Water, Access, and Education “The Rocha Nicaragua Project 2007-2015” Simone Camel Ginger Williams Registration Posters Refreshments Jordan Lewis "Impacts of Beach Renourishment on the Distribution and Abundance of E.coli" Discussant: Adam Glover 2:00-2:15 Film Literature, Visual & Performing Arts Skinny Dip: Carl Hiassen, Detective Fiction and the Murder of the Florida Everglades Women & Children Conservation, Ecofeminism and Ethical Reasoning: Considering Women and Children’s Bodies and Water Jennifer Oliver “Finding a Factual Victim in Funny Fiction” Hayley Neiling “The Judgment of the Environment” Laurie Hilburn “ A Woman’s Nature: Ecofeminism in Carl Hiassen’s Skinny Dip” Dana Farrior (for Ashley Causey)“It’s not just for adults: Including children into the discussion about water conservation and accessibility” Emily Carter “India’s Women-Water Gatherers and the Politics of Access” Kristin Kiblinger “Water as Symbolic Resource: Japanese Buddhist Ethical Reasoning on Abortion” Discussant: Laura Dougherty Discussant: Casey Cothran Literature, Visual & Performing Arts Film Dina’s Place Water, A Visual Experience: A Video Focused on The Beauty of Water Artist: Seth Rouser Session IV 2:15-3:15pm Regional Topics in the United States Green Infrastructure, Revitalization, and Sustainability Michaela Bishop and Michaela Dunbar “American Sponge City: Alternative Water Structures” Literature, Visual & Performing Arts Water: Place. Experience. Arts. Kelly Richardson “The Great Shroud of the Sea: Oceanic Imagery in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick” Seth Rouser “Water, A Visual Experience: A Video Focused on the Beauty of Water” Historical Perspectives Use of Water on Alexander the Great’s Campaign Greg Bell “Mirroring Alexander: Water Usage of the Army of First Crusade as It Crossed Asia Minor” Paul Laffredo “The Logistics of Alexander the Great’s Campaign” Open 9am-5pm Time & Location Session IV 2:15-3:15pm CONT’D DIGS 220 Registration Posters Refreshments Avery Davis: “The Los Angeles River: A City’s Urban Heartbeat” Robyn Stuber “Linking Social Sustainability to Sea Level Rise Through Vulnerability in Wicomico County, Maryland” Brent Cagle “Water Resources and Plant-Based Eating: Radical Lifestyle or Reality Check?” DIGS 221 DIGS 222 Laura Dougherty and Emily Morgan “End: Site Specific Theatre and Dance Collaboration” Discussant: Catherine Chang Discussant: Jack DeRochi Discussant: Guy Reel Session V 3:30-4:30pm Session VI 4:45pm5:45pm Regional Topics in the United States California Water Shortages: Causes And Impacts of the Droughts in the Western US Consumer Sciences Family and Consumer Sciences Professionals: A Long History of Involvement in Water Related Issues Scott Werts Robert Stonebreaker Lauren Lintz Asa Walvoort Sue Reichelt Melanie Powley Morgan Gleason Aniysa Raiford Peter Phillips: “Acequia Irrigation as an Example of Sustainable Water Management in Arid New Mexico” Dave Pretty: “Regina Aquarum and Respublica Sancti Petri: Water in Late Carolingian Rome” David Schroeder: “Peace on Mars: Late-Victorian Speculation about the Red Planet and Its Canals” Discussant: Marsha Bollinger Discussant: Jennifer Disney Discussant: Ginger Williams Poster Presentations DIGS 114 Politics & Policy Environmental Discourse, Exploitation, and Geo-Engineering of Water Mass Communications “The Catawba River: Water for Life” (Film) David Dillard-Wright: “Water is Not a ‘Natural Resource’: De-Commodification of the Means of Life” Jesse Perl: “Understanding Environmental Discourses Relating to Water Security” Chris Van Aller “National Approaches to GeoEngineering” Discussant: Stephen Smith 6pm- Winthrop University Galleries Reception Man + Land + Water, Rutledge Gallery LAST FISH ON EARTH: Our Happy Re-Granulated Future, Elizabeth Dunlap Patrick Gallery Historical Perspectives Historical Perspectives on Water Usage, Sustainability, and Representation Aimee Meader Mark Nortz Joie Harrison Kristina Houseworth Rise Murray Posters Katharine Bennett, Brittany Langston, and Kelley Robb “Using a Domestic Water Audit Activity to Increase Awareness of Water Conservation in College Students” Alex Corder “Next-Gen Sequencing for Community Assessment in the Meiofauna: Developing the Database” Jenna M. Hartley, Charles E. Konrad, Margaret Kovach, Jason J. West :“Associations between meteorology and waterborne disease: A spatial and temporal study in North Carolina State” Jordan Alexander Lewis "Impacts of Beach Renourishment on the Distribution and Abundance of Escherichia Coli" Kyle McDaniel "Genetic Confirmation of Temporary Meiofauna in Marine Food Webs" Jesse Perl “Changing Wetlands: The Mesopotamian Marshlands from 1987-2013” Ashley Proctor, Katelyn Passmore, Veronica Williams: “The Shrinking Sea: An Aerial View of Ecological and Economical Collapse” Ariel V. Schoenfuss “University Students’ Attitudes Toward Water Scarcity and their Relationship to Water” Adrienne Schwarte “‘Visualizing’ Water Using Design and Biomimic Marketing For Water Refill Stations” Marilyn Smith “Living Water International: Helping Communities Acquire Clean Water” Leigha Stahl “Creating a microcosm to examine salinity tolerance of Escherichia coli in beach sand ” Robyn Stuber “Linking Social Sustainability to Sea Level Rise through Vulnerability in Wicomico County, Maryland” Water Conference Acknowledgments: Conference Co-Chairs: Ginger Williams and Laura Dougherty Chair of Interdisciplinary Studies: Marsha Bollinger College of Arts & Sciences Special Event Coordinator: Claire Weikle Conference Committee: Alice Burmeister, Simone Camel, Karen Derksen, Jennifer Disney, Matthew Heard, Chris Johnson, Greg Oakes, Clara Paulino Co-Sponsoring Colleges and Departments: Arts and Sciences, Visual and Performing Arts, Biology, History, Human Nutrition, Interdisciplinary Studies, Mass Communications, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Political Science, Social Work, Sociology and Anthropology, The Environmental Sciences Program, the Family and Consumer Sciences Program, the Office of Career and Civic Engagement, The Global Learning Initiative, The Peace, Justice, and Conflict Resolution Studies Program, The West Forum, and Winthrop University Galleries Logo Design: Patrick White