Mansfield The 1992 and in a

The 1992
An exploration of the historical and cultural
background of our view of Nature and how that view
has shaped environmental attitudes and policy in a
world often divided by conflicting values rPrra-rrli~,
Professor Merchant is best know n for her study of the concept
ofNarure in Western thought and history. Her widely acclaimed
The Death of N awre: Women, Ecology, and the Scientific Revoltttion
was first published in 1980 and has been subsequently translated
into Japanese, German, and Italian, with a second ed ition appear·
ing in 1990. Her mostreq:m work, now in press, is Radical Ecology:
The Search/ora Livable World . Building upon undergraduate work
in chemistry, physics, a nd philosophy at Vassar and a yea r of
graduate work in physics atthe University of Pe nnsylvania, Pro·
fessor Merchant went on to complete the Ph.D. degree at the
University of Wisconsin, Madison in 1967 in the histo ry of science wi th a mi nor fie ld tn
philosophy. Since 1979 she has taught at the University of Ca lifornia, Berkeley, where she
has been Professor of Environmental History, Ph ilosophy, and Ethics, in the Department
of Conservation and Resource Studies since 1986.
Pro(essor Susski nd holds two prominent positions, one as Professor of Urban and Environmental Planning at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, and the orher as Director o f the MITHa rvard Public Disputes Program at the Harvard Law School. He
served as Head of the MIT Department of U rban Studies and
Planning fTOm 1978-1982 and as the Executive Director of the Program on Negot iation at Harvard Law School from 198Z- l986. Professor Susski nd se rves as Principal Associote to Enviro n menta l
Resources Ltd. in London and :ts Manager of Public Dispute
Resolutio n Se rv ices at ENDISPU TE, Inc., in Cambridge,
Massachusetts. Susskind is the sen ior author of Brec1king the lmpa.sse: Conscnsut~l Approaches
co Rc$0/t·rng Pr1blic DisfJutes, 1987 and se nior editor ofM1T's En·vironmental /mpacr Assessment
Hel"iel!', an internationa l quarce rl y. Susskind is also wid ely known as the creator of a ra nge
ofintcraccivc simulations, including thc"The National Energy Policy Game;• which was staged
by UM graduate students a nd facu )ty at the Lubrccht Experimental Forest Facility as parr
of the 1992 Mansfield Seminar.
PAT WILLIAMS Firsr elected to Congress in 1978 and rc- elected to his seventh
term in 1990, Pat Williams is rhc Democratic Co n gress man
representing the Western District of Montana. He is now in his
fou rth term as the Majority Deputy Whlp for the House
Democratic leadership. From 1983 through 1988 he was a m~mbcr
of rhe House Budget Comm ittee and Chairman of irs Human
Resources Task Force, and since 1989 he has served on the National
Parks and Public lands Subcommittee of the House interior Committee. Born in Helena and raised in Butte, Williams gradul;lted
from the Univc r icy of Denver ln 1961. He was elected to the Montana House o fRcpreseQtatives in 1967 and later served for t hree years as Executive Assistant to then Congressman Jo hn Melcher before being eJected to the U.S. Congress himself.
Representative Williams was recenrly endorsed by che Sierra C lu b for his "environmental
leadership;' in_cluding his efforts to preserve the Montana landscape for furure generations.
RON MARLENEE Representative Marlenee is serving his eighth term in the U.S.
House of Representatives, representing the Eastern District of
Montana. His constituency covers the eastern two-thirds of Montana where farming interests are strong. Representative Marlenee
operates, with his brother, Marlenee's Big Sky Ranch, a wheat
and cattle ranch near Scobey, Montana. He is the ranking
Republican Minority Member of the Wheat, Soybeans and Feed
Grains Subcommittee on the House Agriculture Committee. Mr.
Marlenee is also the Ranking Minority Member of the National
Parks and Public Lands Subcommittee on the House Interior
Committee. Within that House committee he also serves on the Subcommittee o.n Mining
and Natural Resources. In his first bid for public office in 1976, Mr. Marlenee won an overwhelming victory. Since then, as a representative of the "people of the land;' Mr. Marlenee
has spoken out vigorously on behalfof Montana's farming communities and hunting interests.
Scientist, prolific writer, and political consultant, Dr. Shiva is internationally know for her advocacy of the environmental concerns
of the indigenous peoples of South Asia. Among her books are
The Violence of the Green Revolution: Ecological Degradation and
Political Conflict in Punjab, 1991, Staying Alive: Women, Eco/Qgyand
Survival in India, 1988, and Forestry Crisis and Fore~try Myths, 1987.
Trained initially as a particle physicist, Dr. Shiva completed her
Ph.D. at the University of Western Ontario in 1978 with a dissertation on the "Hidden Variables and Locality in Quantum
Theory." Since returning home to India she has become increasingly more active as an environmentalist, directing the Workshop on Women, Health and
Ecology in Bangalorc:, organized by th e Oag Ham ma,rskjo ld Foundation, and more recently
se rving as Coordinator of the Re sea rch Fou.n dation for Science, Technology and Natural
Resource Planning, in Oehra Dun, India. Shiva has delivered keynote addresses at major
onfcrencc:s on the themes of susminable development, rainforest protec tion, and the
greenhouse cr isis in thirteen d ifferenr cou ntries.
BRUCE BABBIT Gov. Babbitt's national leadership on environmental issues had
already begun during his tenure as Governor of Arizona from
1978-1987, and it became well known during his candidacy for
the Democratic Party nomination for President in 1988. Babbitt
graduated from the University of Notre Dame where he was student body president. As a Marshall Scholar, he received an M.A.
degree in geophysics from the University of Newcastle in England
and subsequently graduated from the Harvard Law School in
1965. As a Parmer in the law firm of Steptoe and Johnson in
Phoenix, his law practic:'c is principall y in the area of natura l
rcsource·s, wa ter law and environm ental regulat ion. Mr. Babbitt's advocac y on behalf of
environmental concerns led to the passage of a water quality act in 1986, which the Los Angeles
Times has described as perhaps "the nation's toughest law to protect underground water."
Mr. Babbitt's lecture is the twenry-second Mansfield Lecture in International Relations, funded by
the Unit•enity of i\·1oncana Fotmdacion .
Monday, May 18, 3:00, University Hall Rm. 210
"Environmental Dispute Resolution in Montana"
Panel Members: Lawrence Swskind, Gordon Bennett, Howard Toole, Matthew McKinney, Dave Jackson [moderator] Tuesday; May 19, 3:00, University Hall Rm. 210.
"Nature, Indigenous Peoples, and Environmental Policy:'·
Panel Members: Vandana Shiva, Carolyn Merchant, Bonnie Craig, Daniel Decker, Bruce Jennings [moderator] INTRODUCTIONS, COMMENTS AND
Gordon Bennett, Distria Judge, Helena (retired), Dispute Re.solucioh Mediator .
Arnold Bolle, FOrmer Dean, School of rorestry, UM
· :·,,_·
Bonnie CTaig, Direcror of Nari~.:e American, UM, farmer Tribal Judge. far
Blackfeet Tribe, Browning, Montana Daniel Decker, Al:rDmey at Law, Charlo, Montana, Salish-Kootenai Tribal Aanmey 1982-1992.
George Dennison, President, lJ?v(
Ron Erickson, 'Pro{e.s!:nr and fimner Dirr:r:ror, Envi!UT!mental. Program, UM
Tucker Hil~ Dirocror of Public Affairs, Champion Intemational Corporation David Jackson, Professor of rorestry, UM • Bruce Jenning:s, Assistant Professor, Erwi!UT!mental Program, UM
Matthew McKinney, Policy Analyst and FOO/.itarar, DefXlrtment of Natural
Re.soul'O?S and Omseroar:Um, Helena John 0 Mudd, Amrney, Carlingr.on, Lohn and Robinson, Missottla Jon Roush, President, Canpt Consulting, furmer &ard Chairman of Nature
. Omservancy
Ted Schmrlden,· Gooemor of Montana, 1981-1989 James Tumant, Chief of the Division of Natural Resourr;:es, Gia!:ier National Park Houwd Toole, Attmney at Law, Miwula, Member, Montana House of Representatives
Enrironmentnl Ethics md Polic:i
Sunday, May 17, 7:30, Montana Theater
"Nature and Environmental Values: An Historical
Carolyn Merchant
Introduction: ]ames Tilmant Comment: Jon Roush Monday, May 18, 1:00, Montana Theater
"Environmental Values and Dispute Resolution''
Lawrence Susskind
Introduction: Tucker Hill Comment: David Jackson 7:30, Montana Theater'
"Reflections on Nature as· Resource and Home"
Pat Williams and Ron Marlenee
Introduction: John 0. Mudd Moderator: George Dennison
Tuesday, May 19, 1:00, Mo~tana Theater
"Environmental Values in Traditional Societies"
Vandana Shiva
Introduction: Bruce Jennings
Comment: Ron Erickson
7:30, Montana
"America's Role iil Shaping Global Environmental
Policy in the 1990s"
Bruce Babbitt ·
Inriuduaion: Arnold Bolle
:· Com~nt: Ted Schwinden
. ..
The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center
The 1992 Mansfield Conference
The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center at the University of Montana recognizes and
honors the Mansfields' four decades of public service. The inspiration for the Center
derives from Mike Mansfield's distinguished career and rhe two subjects with which he has
long been identified: Ethics in public affairs and Asian studies. Bmh he and his wife,
Maureen, whom he credits as being responsible for many of his successes, are graduates of
the University of Montana. Later, as a member of the UM History Department, Professor
Mansfield expressed his lifelong interest in Asia by introducing courses on Far Eastern·
History. In 1942 he went on to represent Montana for ten years in the US House of
Representatives followed by twenty-four years as a member of the Senate, including many
years as Senate Majority Leader. In 1977 President Jimmy Carter appointed Mike Mansfield
U.S. Ambassador to Japan, a position he also held under President Reagan.
Each year the Center sponsors a Mansfield Conference designed to convene a
distinguished roster of internationally prominent speakers to address a theme of public
interest related to the Center's dual interests in Ethics and Asian Studies. The 1992 Conference focuses on environmental ethics and policy as part of a broader triptych of related
programs, including the 1992 Mansfield Forum and the 1992 Mansfield Seminar, both of
which are coordinated by Professor Richard Barrett. During the Spring Quarter the Forum
has presented a series of weekly public lectures by regional experts on the theme of
"Defining Environmental Values," while the Seminar brought together members of the ··
public and private sector with UM graduate students to explore the Conference and Forum
topics in greater depth. Both local professionals and students have taken advantage of the
opportunity to earn academic credit for participating in the Forum and the Seminar, either
through the Mansfield Center or the University's School of Continuing Education.
Alan Sponberg
Associate Professor &
1992 Conference Coordinator
Philip West
Mansfield Professor of Asian Affairs
Acting Director
Appreciation for their assistance with the
1992 Mansfield Conference is expressed to:
Nick Aemisegger
Mike Alred
Richard Barrett
Mike Barton
Albert Borgmann
Virginia Braun
Will Brooke
Pat Brown
Martin Burke
Gus Chambers
Maureen Curnow
Evan Denney
George Dennison
Maureen Fleming
James Flightner
Todd Goodrich
Jeffrey Gritzner
Charles Hood
Dave Jackson
Stan Kimmitt
Robert Kindrick
Tovah LaDier
Paul Lauren
Sherman l.Dhn
Jim l.Dpach
Alan May
Greg McDonald
Thea McKinney
Alan McQuillan
Lee Meloche
Kurt Menning
Judy Mills
Ray Murray
John 0. Mudd
Heather Pedersen
Laure Pengelly
Sharen Peters
Sherry Petersen
Pi Kappa Alpha
David Purviance
Kristen Rodine
Tom Roy
Matt Sanger
Bill Smith
Dan Smith
B~ian Spellman
John Spores
Sheila Stearns
Pat Sullivan
Howard Terry
Alethea Thiesen
Joel Tickner
Carl Tobias
Neal Wiegert
Ken Willett
Carol Woodruff