06/20/2013 Page 1 of 5 Grant Routing and Authorization Form Sponsored Programs and Research Instructions Purpose: The Grant Routing and Authorization Form (Routing Form) is used to inform internal reviewers of information necessary to complete the review process. This form is also used to document authorization to submit the proposal to the sponsor agency. The Routing Form is for internal use only and is not submitted to the sponsor. The original is maintained in the official grant file in the Sponsored Programs and Research Office (SPAR). Step 1: Once a proposal is complete and ready to be submitted, the Routing Form should be completed and submitted to the Department Chair and the Dean by the Principal Investigator. The complete proposal package (Abstract, Narrative, Budget w/Justification, Letters of Support) should be attached to the Routing Form. Step 2: After both the Department Head and the Dean have reviewed and approved the proposal, the complete package is submitted to the Sponsored Programs and Research (SPAR) Office which will review the proposal and resolve any questions with the Principal Investigator. The Principal Investigator should allow at least one week for this final review process, submitting the proposal to SPAR at least 7 work days prior to the submission deadline. Step 3: The SPAR office will obtain the approval of the Provost. Step 4: Once approved by the Provost, the proposal may be submitted to the sponsor agency. Step 5: Submission of Grant Federal Grants – Electronic Submission: These are normally submitted electronically and must be submitted by the SPAR office. It is the PI’s responsibility to provide SPAR with electronic copies of all information to be submitted to the Sponsor. Paper Submissions: If a grant is submitted via US Post Office, UPS or Fed Ex, it is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator (PI) to make the necessary paper copies and submit the proposal in time to meet the submission deadline. If the PI needs assistance in this process, the SPAR can assist in making the necessary copies and in mailing the proposal – as long as sufficient time has been allowed for this process. Paper submissions completed with less than 24 hours to submit are the sole responsibility of the PI to submit once all necessary approvals have been received. Careful attention must be given to deadlines on paper submissions, as to whether the proposal must be received by the sponsor by the specified date, or postmarked by a specific date. Also, some sponsors specify methods of delivery, for example the NEH will not accept proposals sent by the US Post Office, but rather specify that the delivery must be by a carrier requiring a signature to post. Note: All proposals or applications for external funding must follow this review process regardless of whether the proposal is to be submitted in paper format or electronically and regardless of the amount of the proposal or the sponsor. 06/20/2013 Page 2 of 5 Grant Routing and Authorization Form Sponsored Programs and Research A. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION SUBMISSION DEADLINE PROJECT TITLE: : POSTMARK by SPONSOR AGENCY: RECEIVE by TYPE OF SPONSOR: FEDERAL - CFDA #: ; STATE; OTHER ELECTRONICALLY by ANTICIPATED START DATE: TYPE OF PROJECT : RESEARCH INSTRUCTION YEARS PUBLIC SERVICE/OUTREACH NEW PROJECT – FIRST SUBMISSION TYPE OF SUBMISSION: PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: EMAIL: PROJECT PERIOD: OTHER: NEW PROJECT – RESUBMISSION CONTINUATION DEPARTMENT: PHONE : LOCATION WHERE THE PROJECT WILL TAKE PLACE: B. THIRD PARTY PARTICIPATION (Note: A collaborative agency is when both Winthrop and the other agency jointly submit the proposal and will both be shown as recipients. A pass through, or sub-award is when an external agency submits the proposal, receives the award and then sub-awards all or a portion of the funds to Winthrop.) Is Winthrop collaborating with another institution on this project? Yes Yes No No Name of Collaborating Institution: Contact at Collaborating Institution: Who is the lead institution?: Phone: Are funds being passed to Winthrop through another agency or institution? Pass through agency: C. PROJECT PERSONNEL – CURRENT EMPLOYEES – Classified and Unclassified Positions POSITION (Name & ID # if known) PI Co-PI - Winthrop ID# % Effort for: Spring Fall Year Dual Employment Summer Pay Source of Funding Grant Winthrop Other 06/20/2013 D. Page 3 of 5 PROJECT PERSONNEL – NEW POSITIONS (FT = Full Time; PT = Part Time) (Attach a separate schedule if needed) POSITION TITLE E. POSITION DESCRIPTION STATUS FT PT # of New FTE Amount Grant Winthrop Other FINANCIAL INFORMATION FIRST YEAR PROJECT FUNDING GRANT FUNDS TOTAL PROJECT PERIOD SOURCE OF MATCH FUNDING – State the funding source for each of the cash and in-kind matching contributions. Also state the method used to compute the indirect cost included in the budget. $ $ (Include Indirect Cost in totals for Grant Funds) $ $ $ $ INDIRECT COST RATE USED: WINTHROP CASH MATCH WINTHROP IN-KIND MATCH OTHER CASH MATCH OTHER IN-KIND MATCH TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET INDIRECT COST BUDGET DOES THE SPONSOR REQUIRE COST SHARING AS A CONDITION OF RECEIVING AN AWARD? YES NO If yes, describe the cost sharing requirement: If no, and you have included cost sharing in the budget, justify this inclusion: WHO WILL SERVE AS THE PROCURMENT CARD LIAISON: Name: Winthrop ID #: F. SUB-CONTRACTS OR SUB-AWARDS Yes No Will any of the grant funds be sub-contracted or sub-awarded to other entities (Sub-recipients)? If yes, list each sub-recipient and amount of contract below. G. FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Will this project require new or renovated space or facilities? If yes, explain what is needed and how this will be funded. Will the University be required to purchase any new equipment that is not covered in the project budget in order to conduct this project? If yes, explain: Will there be any equipment installation cost not covered by the project budget? If yes, explain: Will there be any Central Technology needs of additional servers, data storage, programming or other IT requirements above that currently used within the department? If Yes, explain: 06/20/2013 Page 4 of 5 H. CONTINUING OBLIGATION AFTER GRANT ENDS: Yes I. No COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATIONS Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Is there an obligation to continue this project, including the provision of space, after the grant funding has ended? If yes, explain below how the continuation of the project will be funded. No No Will this project involve research with human subjects? Pending IRB Approval IRB Protocol # IRB Approval Received on Exemption Received on Will this project involve research with vertebrates? Pending IACUC Approval IACUC Protocol # IACUC Approval Received on Will this project involve the use of Biohazardous materials? Pending BioSafety Approval BioSafety Protocol #: BioSafety Approval Received on Do any of the project personnel, their spouse, dependent children or any staff member associated with this project have any financial interest related to the work to be conducted under this sponsored project? If yes, complete and attach the Disclosure of Financial Interest for Sponsored Projects form for each individual with a financial interest Will this project result in the development or creation of intellectual property, defined as any product, new or useful process, or idea resulting from scholarly or creative activity regardless of whether it is eligible for protection under provision of copyright, patent or trademark law? If yes, complete, submit for approval and attach to this document a copy of the “Intellectual Property Rights Policy Form.” related to this activity. 06/20/2013 Page 5 of 5 ASSURANCE OF THE PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR and CO-INVESTIGATORS I certify that: 1. I am not delinquent on any federal debt; 2. I am not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from current transactions by a federal department or agency 3. I have not and will not lobby any federal agency on behalf of this award. 4. I will abide by all applicable policies and procedures of Winthrop University, the State of South Carolina and the grantor. 5. I will accurately disclose program progress, results, expenditures and revenue to Winthrop University and to the grantor. Financial Disclosure Statement: I certify that I have read and understood the Winthrop University Policy on the Disclosure of Financial Interest. I have attached a Disclosure of Financial Interest form for any financial interest I, my spouse or a dependent living in my household, has in relation to this proposal. Signature of Principal Investigator / Date Signature of Co-Investigator / Date Signature of Co-Investigator / Date Signature of Co-Investigator / Date ASSURANCE OF DEPARTMENT HEAD AND DEAN (If more than one department or College, then all departments heads and/or Deans must sign) I certify that the attached proposal fits the department’s overall program and objectives. Adequate space, technology and other resources are available or have been included in the proposal budget to conduct the project. The professional time allotted is realistic and within College guidelines. Signature of Department Head / Date Signature of Dean / Date Signature of Department Head / Date Signature of Dean / Date APPROVAL OF PROJECT AND AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL TO SPONSOR AGENCY Sponsored Programs and Research Date: Vice President for Student Life Date: Vice President for Finance Date: Provost Date: