KRELF meeting 2.11.14 Does Dan at SBS need to attend?

KRELF meeting 2.11.14
SRC solar proposal…Peter and Tom to meet w/ Brian Fruit at SRC to work out logistics of solar panel.
Does Dan at SBS need to attend?
Tuition waiver…need to be enrolled in 6 credits? Is there a price range? Or could KRELF specify number
of credit hours that it would pay for? Eva to investigate w/ Rosi
Discussion around whether the position should be funded by a percentage or a dollar amount. Sam was
concerned that, if the dollar amount in terms of revenue dropped too low, that we wouldn’t have
enough to give the SC any time at all when there is a greater need for outreach and education around
Robin thinks that we should crunch some numbers and try to figure out what some amounts would be
at particular percentages over different amounts of time.
Eva needs to set a meeting w/ Rosi to figure out exactly how much is in the fund right now. How much
can be allocated? This will be posted to the website. Dates for the spring KRELF cycle need to be
determined. ER to put together various scenarios for savings. Committee will need to review the
scenarios and make a decision about saving. Need to investigate scenarios of tuition waivers for ASUM
SC to see if KRELF can afford to cover the waiver within the 12.5%.
Friday, May 2 – final approval of proposals
Final proposals w/revisions submitted by April 25
March 28- first submission deadline
Feedback from committee by April 11
Revised proposals due by April 25, committee reviews last week of April