LEAF 2015 Wisconsin School Forest Awards Nominations now being accepted!

LEAF 2015 Wisconsin School Forest Awards
Nominations now being accepted!
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2015 School Forest Awards. These awards recognize individuals and
organizations that have provided leadership for local school forests. LEAF (the Wisconsin K-12 Forestry Education
Program) will recognize individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to school forest programs.
To nominate a candidate, complete the following requirements listed below. All nominations are due by January 15,
2016. Awards will be presented in the spring at a time arranged within the honoree’s local school district or community.
Nomination Categories: (Nominees in any category can be individuals or organizations.)
Do you know an outstanding teacher or group of teachers in your district who have worked above and beyond
to make the school forest an exceptional learning environment for the students?
School Administrator (Superintendents, principals, curriculum directors, any school administration official, etc.)
Is your school administrator incredibly supportive of the work being done at your school forest? Does your
administrator encourage and champion the forest’s use for student learning?
Resource Professional (Foresters, educational or environmental organizations, park or agency staff, natural
resource managers, Extension agents, etc)
Are you fortunate to have a resource professional who is available to help answer questions, provide guidance,
or help sustainably manage your school forest property?
Community Member (Citizens, volunteers, community organizations, etc)
Would your school forest program be a wonderful resource for your school without the help of a local
community member?
Has a student or group of students done outstanding work at your school forest to further the environmental
education programming or sustainable forest management within your district? If so, let’s honor them for their
hard work, dedication, and passion at the school forest!
Nomination Requirements
Provide each of the following…..
 Completed School Forest Award Application Form. Include a thorough description of the nominee’s involvement
with programs, projects, or initiatives that have advanced the school forest program. Include how many years
the nominee has been involved with school forests and in what capacities. Also include any professional
development, curriculum and resource development, student involvement, networking and outreach,
management, and/or fundraising opportunities the nominee has been involved with for the school forest.
Include as much detail as possible…showcase your nominee’s worthiness to the reviewers!
 Reference letters from individuals who are familiar with the nominee’s environmental education efforts.
Recognition of Awardees
Nominees chosen to receive a 2015 School Forest Award will receive an engraved plaque, recognition on the LEAF
School Forest website, and formal recognition within their own community.
Send all required application materials (listed above) by January 15, 2016 to:
School Forest Awards Program, c/o Gretchen Marshall, LEAF, 800 Reserve St. – Room 110 TNR, Stevens Point, WI 54481
Questions? Contact LEAF at 715-346-2633 or Gretchen.Marshall@uwsp.edu
School Forest Award Application Form
Please use one copy of this form for each application in an award category.
Make additional copies or use additional paper as needed.
Check the award category you submitting a nomination for:
___ Teacher
___ School Administrator
_ __ Resource Professional
___ Community Member
Nominee Information
Name _________________________________________________
Title ___________________________
School District ________________________________________________________________________________
Home Address _______________________________________________________________
City _____________________________________ State _____________ Zip _______________________
H Phone ____________________ W Phone __________________ Email ________________________________
Nominator Information
Name _________________________________________________
Title ___________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________
City _____________________________________ State _____________ Zip _______________________
H Phone ___________________ W Phone __________________ Email _________________________________
Nominator Signature
List 2 references who are aware of the nominee and would support this nomination.
Reference #1
Name _____________________________________
Contact phone number_______________________
Reference #2
Name _____________________________________
Contact phone number_______________________
For publicity purposes, please provide the following information:
Nominee’s local newspaper ______________________________________________________
Nominee’s regional newspaper ___________________________________________________
Nominee’s Qualifications: Complete the following information.
How many years has the nominee been involved with the school forest program? ______________
List at least three contributions or efforts the nominee has made to further the school forest program.
Listing as many contributions as possible will help the award reviewers determine the appropriateness
of the nominee for this award.
Describe how the school district has benefited from the nominee’s contributions listed above. Give
the award reviewers an excellent picture of what and how this nominee has helped your school
district’s school forest program.
What notable qualities make this nominee worthy of the award?
What is the approximate number of students and community members directly affected by this
nominee’s school forest efforts: ________ students ________community members _______teachers
This form and other required application materials should be completed in their entirety and sent to:
School Forest Awards Program, 800 Reserve Street – Room 110 TNR, Stevens Point, WI 54481
They can also be emailed to: Gretchen.Marshall@uwsp.edu or faxed to: 715-346-4698
Applications must be received by January 15, 2016