ZONING BOARD Loca on About the Program

About the Program
Loca on
The workshop is designed for zoning
board members with varying levels of
experience. Other interested persons are
also encouraged to a end. The workshop
is intended to provide informa on about
the decisions made by the zoning board
and the procedures and legal standards
that apply.
Town of Winchester Town Hall
8522 Park Way
Larsen, Wisconsin 54947
Presenters: Lynn Markham is a Land Use
Specialist with the Center for Land Use
Educa on (CLUE). CLUE is a collabora ve
effort of the University of WisconsinStevens Point and the University of
Topics of Interest: Please send
sugges ons for topics that you would
like to see covered at the workshop to
Workshop Fee: The cost of the workshop
is $25, which covers the cost of the
workshop, materials, and a light dinner.
Handbooks: Par cipants may purchase a
copy of the Plan Commission Handbook
or the Zoning Board Handbook for $15
apiece. While they are not required to
a end the workshop, we recommend that
all members have access to a copy. The
handbooks may be viewed or downloaded
at no cost from our website: www.uwsp.
Direc ons: From Hwy 45, go east on County
Road II. Turn le onto Park Way. Des na on
is at 8522 Park Way.
Winnebago County
Catherine Neiswender
Community Development Educator
Winnebago County UW-Extension
Telephone: 920-232-1972
Center for Land Use Educa on
Telephone: 715-346-3783
Fax: 715-346-4038
Email: landcenter@uwsp.edu
Website: www.uwsp.edu/cnr-ap/clue/
An EEO/AA employer, the University of Wisconsin
Extension provides equal opportuniƟes in employment
and programming, including Title IX and American
with DisabiliƟes (ADA) requirements.
Requests for reasonable accommodaƟons for
disabiliƟes or limitaƟons should be made prior to the
date of the program or acƟvity for which it is needed.
January 29, 2015
5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Town of Winchester Town Hall
8522 Park Way, Larsen
Winnebago County, Wisconsin
Sponsored by:
Winnebago County and Outagamie County
Center for Land Use Education
Registra on Form
Zoning Board Workshop
Register online at hƩp://bit.ly/1pISJ7C
or submit the printed registraƟon form
to the Center for Land Use EducaƟon by
Monday, January 26.
List name of a endee(s) and note if they
would like to order a Plan Commission
(PC) or Zoning Board (ZB) handbook. The
handbooks are op onal purchases.
Workshop A endees
Thursday, January 29
Town of Winchester Town Hall, Larsen, Wisconsin
Time: 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Who should a end?
New and con nuing zoning board of adjustment and appeals members
Town, city, village, and county governments
Elected officials
Planning and zoning staff
Others interested in zoning issues
5:30 PM Zoning Board Roles and Responsibili es
Purposes and processes of zoning
Authority and roles of the zoning board
Recommenda ons about overlap with other local officials
What needs to be included in a zoning board decision?
Total order for all a endees:
Workshop fee:
PC handbook:
ZB handbook:
Qty____$25 each
Qty____$15 each
Qty____$15 each
TOTAL: $_________
Local government affilia on (circle one):
6:15 PM Light Supper
6:30 PM Variances
Variances: the 3-step test
Walk through: Would you grant a variance?
county| city| village| town
8:00 PM Other Zoning Board Decisions
Condi onal uses and administra ve appeals
Open ques ons & answers
Method of payment (select one):
8:30 PM Adjourn
____ Check enclosed $____________
Payable to Center for Land Use EducaƟon
____ Bill local government unit at:
Name _____________________________
Address ___________________________
City, State, Zip ______________________
Telephone _________________________
Email _____________________________
Contact Informa on
Center for Land Use Educa on
800 Reserve Street, Stevens Point, WI 54881
Telephone: 715-346-3783
Fax: 715-346-4038
Email: landcenter@uwsp.edu
Website: www.uwsp.edu/cnr-ap/clue/