About the Program Loca on The workshop is designed for zoning board members with varying levels of experience. Other interested persons are also encouraged to a end. The workshop is intended to provide informa on about the decisions made by the zoning board and the procedures and legal standards that apply. Northern Great Lakes Visitors Center 29270 County Highway G Ashland, WI 54806 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT WORKSHOP Presenters: Lynn Markham is a Land Use Specialist with the Center for Land Use Educa on (CLUE). CLUE is a collabora ve effort of the University of WisconsinStevens Point and the University of Wisconsin-Extension. Topics of Interest: Please send sugges ons for topics that you would like to see covered at the workshop to lmarkham@uwsp.edu. Workshop Fee: The cost of the workshop is $25, which covers the cost of the workshop, materials, and lunch. Handbooks: Par cipants may purchase a copy of the Plan Commission Handbook or the Zoning Board Handbook for $15 apiece. While they are not required to a end the workshop, we recommend that all members have access to a copy. The handbooks may be viewed or downloaded at no cost from our website: www.uwsp. edu/cnr-ap/clue/ Bayfield County Robert Schierman Director of Planning & Zoning Telephone: 715-373-6138 Center for Land Use Educa on Telephone: 715-346-3783 Fax: 715-346-4038 Email: landcenter@uwsp.edu Website: www.uwsp.edu/cnr-ap/clue/ February 20, 2015 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center 29270 County Highway G Ashland, Wisconsin Sponsored by: Bayfield County Planning & Zoning An EEO/AA employer, the University of Wisconsin Extension provides equal opportuniƟes in employment and programming, including Title IX and American with DisabiliƟes (ADA) requirements. Requests for reasonable accommodaƟons for disabiliƟes or limitaƟons should be made prior to the date of the program or acƟvity for which it is needed. Center for Land Use Education Registra on Form Register online at hƩp://bit.ly/1yFI0yt or mail the printed registraƟon form to the Center for Land Use EducaƟon, 800 Reserve Street, Stevens Point, WI 54481. RegistraƟon is due by Tuesday, Feb. 17. Contact informa on: Organiza on________________________ Contact Person _____________________ Address ___________________________ City, State, Zip ______________________ Telephone _________________________ Email _____________________________ Local government affilia on (circle one): county| city| village| town of:________ Workshop A endees (First and Last Name) Zoning Board Workshop Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center, Friday, February 20 Who should a end? • • • • New and con nuing zoning board of adjustment and appeals members Town, city, village, and county governments and elected officials Planning and zoning staff Others interested in zoning issues 10:30 AM Introduc on & Par cipants’ Topics of Interest 10:45 AM Role of the Zoning Board • • Role of zoning board is to act like judges When should a zoning board member recuse himself or herself? 11:00 AM Zoning Board Decisions - The Basics • • • • • • Variance 3-step test: unnecessary hardship, unique property limita on, and no harm to public interest Administra ve appeals Condi onal uses Once tes mony is collected, how does the zoning board deliberate? What needs to be included in a zoning board decision? Why are zoning board decisions appealed, overturned? 12:30 PM Lunch (catered) Total order for all a endees: Workshop fee: Qty____$25 each Plan Commission handbook: Qty____$15 each Zoning Board handbook: Qty____$15 each TOTAL: $_________ Method of payment (select one): ____ Check enclosed $____________ Payable to Center for Land Use EducaƟon ____ Bill local government unit at the above address Return form to CLUE by Feb. 17. 1:15 PM NR 115 (WI Shoreland Protec on Program) and How It Has Changed 2:00 PM Shoreland Variance Exercise: Would you grant the variance? 2:45 PM Ques ons? 3:00 PM Adjourn