The Green Index: A GIS-based approach for assessing the quality of a community’s green infrastructure Center for Land Use Education Across the country many communities are taking a new look at their parks, trails, active recreation, and conservation areas to see how these elements can help to contribute to their community’s overall physical, economic, and environmental health. While these elements aren’t new to community planning, increasingly they are being viewed more holistically as part of a system rather than as individual projects. This system is now widely referred to as green infrastructure. The term green infrastructure acknowledges our community’s open space network as being similair to that of the gray infrastructure system of roads, sewers, and utilities. This comparison with other public investments is based in large part on the many benefits provided by green infrastructure. It provides ecological benefits such as protection from flooding, Very High (60+) essential habitat for organisms, erosion High (45-60) control, and improved air quality; social Moderate (30-45) benefits, serving as a vital gathering place Low (15-30) for for community events and recreational Very Low (0-15) opportunities, and improving the health and happiness of those living in close proximity; and economic beneftis such as increasing property values, and helping businesses to recruit employees who may otherwise look elsewhere. The benefits are clear, but Green Index Score how can these benefits be quantified This tool can help idenand compared within and between tify relative difference in municipalities? This report highlights green infrastructure sera process within GIS which allows for vice. Figure 1 shows the identification of green infrastructure results of the GIS analysis service levels for individual identifying areas well municipalities, and can also for served and underserved comparisons with other communities. by green infrastructure. July 2012 Figure 1: Results of spatial analysis 1 Green Infrastructure- Definition and Methodology This analysis uses common GIS data layers, available to almost anyone, to analyze and compare the green infrastructure of two adjacent municipalities: the city of Stevens Point, Wisconsin and the village of Plover, Wisconsin. We focused the analysis on four key areas: water filtration and retention, recreation, native habitat, and connectivity. These areas provided a fairly comprehensive assessment of what most professionals consider green infrastructure to be, and meet either the ecological or human criteria of the definition laid out by Benedict (below). What is Green Infrastructure? “An interconnected network of green space that conserves natural ecosystem values and functions and provides associated benefits to human populations.” (Benedict, 2002) Figure 2: Diagram of essential green services Since green infrastructure focuses on the green space in our communities, the analysis would apply these key areas on a parcel by parcel basis. First, a weighted value was assigned based on whether each of the four areas provides for either ecological services (10), human services (5), or both (10+5=15). A higher score was assigned for ecological services, because after a site has been developed, it loses much of its ecological integrity and habitat value permanently. An example of a score of 15 would be water filtration and retention services. It provides for human needs, as we require clean drinking water and flood retention, and for ecological needs as organisms rely heavily on water for survival while wetlands and lowlands provide unique habitat to a diverse array of organisms. Human and Ecological Services A. Water Filtration and Retention (15): Water filtration and retention is essential to the health of ecosystems and also to decreased sewer and flooding repair costs. Wetland areas are vital ecosystems and also serve as essential drainage and filtration basins. Upland areas provide these same services, but to a lesser degree. B. Recreation (5): Recreation was assigned only a score for human services. Without open spaces to use and enjoy, people would be very limited in their recreational opportunities. These provide a space for people to come and enjoy the outdoors, and provide a convenient meeting place for neighborhood citizens. C. Native Habitat (10): For a healthy ecosystem, native vegetation is essential. Organisms rely on native species to survive, and invasive replacements or unnatural habitats make for poor substitutes. D. Connectivity (15): Connectivity is essential for the diversity of organisms, and for access and transportation needs of people. A connected network of green space is far more valuable than a scattered, disconnected array of open spaces. 2 Each of these four key areas were added together. Next, preservation and size were used as multipliers to determine a final score for each parcel (figure 3). These two factors were used as multipliers as they are relevant to both human and ecological needs, and a multiplying effect emphasizes their importance, as highlighted in the key multiplier box. The green index value (GIV) identifies which parcels best serve their cities. With a scoring system now completed, common GIS data layers were identified that would address all variables within the equation. Key Multipliers E. Preservation: This was dependent on whether the parcel was designated to be preserved perpetually into the future, in which case it received a score of 2, as opposed to a score of .5 for parcels which may be developed in the future. Cities proactive in the preservation of their open spaces see a huge benefit as compared to those that haven’t as the preserved parcels will continue to provide benefits well into the future, whereas unpreserved parcels will lose those benefits after development.. F. Size: Large areas provide far greater service, both for humans and especially for ecological needs, than do smaller ones. It was determined that subsequently larger areas with desired attributes receive higher scores than smaller parcels. ”Large core areas” as defined later in this document, were given a score of 3.5, with areas seeing no core area receiving a 1. Figure 3: Equation applied to all “green” parcels 3 Process within ArcGIS The following data layers and steps were used in the GIS process. For more information on the full process used, contact the Center for Land Use Education at the University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point. 1. Parcel Identification Open space parcels, including parks, vacant land, and undeveloped land from a county land use layer were identified first. All parcels within ¼ mile of the municipal boundary, or 5 minutes easy walking distance, were included in the analysis as these areas still provide essential services to the municipalities. Figure 4 highlights all the vacant parcels and parks included within the analysis. GIS Processes: Select by Attribute and Select by Location 2. Water Filtration and Retention Analysis Soils data from the NRCS and wetlands data obtained from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources were used in this step. This data provides key insight into where water storage and infiltration occurs in upland and lowland areas. Each soil type was assigned a score based on infiltration and retention quality of the soil. If the area had Figure 4: Parcels included in analysis wetland properties, it was it was assigned the maximum possible score of 15 points. Non-wetland areas were assigned a score based on general ability to hold pollutants and allow for water percolation. Soils such as loam, which do well in filtering pollutants, but also have adequate percolating properties, were provided with the highest score of 10 for upland soils. Other soils, such as sand, which are primarily valuable for only filtration, received the lowest score (2). Soils with a mixture of sand clay, and silt were given a score between 2 and 10 depending on their balance of the two properties. After assigning a value to each soil type, an average of the all the values was calculated to find a final parcel score. Figure 5 depicts the final output for a portion of Stevens Point. GIS Processes: Soil and Wetland to Raster > Extract by Mask > Cell Statistics (Maximum)> Reclassify to Rank > Zonal Statistics (Average) Figure 5: Filtration/ Retention Services 4 3. Recreation Analysis Using the initial land use layer, the recreation analysis identified areas that were open for recreational use by citizens. Park property received an additional 5 points, as it is readily available for public use, while vacant land recieved no points as it is not as available for public use. Processes: Select > Feature to Raster > Reclassify > Zonal Statistics (Majority) Figure 6: The basic process used to obtain a habitat score 5. Connectivity Analysis Two different factors contributed to the connectivity score. Riparian corridors were identified using stream, river, and water body data within GIS. As water provides increased habitat potential, and likely a buffer from other land uses, organisms are more likely to frequent these areas and use them as a travel corridor to other areas. All parcels adjacent to these water bodies were assigned 10 additional points. The second factor identified was connectivity from a human standpoint. Using similar methods to the riparian corridors, we identified parcels that had a “regional” recreational trail either passing through or running adjacent to them. In the case of Stevens Point and Plover, this trail is known as the “Green Circle Trail.” Parcels along this trail were assigned an additional 5 points. Map 3 highlights a portion of the green circle trail as an example of the final output for human connectivity. Factor Calculations Some data were restricted to a 30 meter cell size. Therefore all raster layers were made uniform to that size. This limited the accuracy of calculatons for small parcels, and all parcels below 2700 meters (3 pixels) were eliminated from the analysis. It is likely that parcels of this size would have minimal recreational or ecological value to begin with. 4. Native Habitat Analysis Percent canopy cover was used to evaluate native habitat for the area. Canopy cover was appropriate because in pre-settlement times, the Portage County area was traditionally almost entirely forested. The canopy cover layer lists what percent of the area is covered by forest canopy. These percentages were split into categories of ten, with 90-100% recieving a value of 10, and 80-90% a 9, etc. The canopy cover for the entire site was averaged to find a score. Figure 6 highlights the general process used to obtain this score. It highlights how areas with high canopy cover (dark areas on bottom layer) received higher scores than those with lower percent canopy cover. Processes: Zonal Statistics (Average) > Reclassify to Rank > Zonal Statistics (Majority) Figure 7: A portion of the green circle trail running through Stevens Point; increasing connectivity for recreational purposes. The water connectivty used the same methods. Processes: Create Buffer > Convert to Raster > Zonal Statistics (Mean) > Reclassify to Rank > Zonal Statistics (Majority) 5 6. Preservation Analysis The preservation analysis assigned a score of 1.25 to those parcels that were preserved perpetually as green space, such as parks and public lands and 0.75 to those that were not preserved, such as vacant parcels. Vacant parcels were assigned a value below 1 because the possibility of development in the future detracts from their score. These values were simply assigned manually after export into Microsoft Excel since it made use of the same data as in the recreation analysis. Process: Same as step 3 Vacant lot for sale in Plover, WI 7. Size Analysis A landscape fragmentation tool was used for this step which makes use of the national landcover database obtained from the U.S. Geological Survey. The tool identifies large, medium, and small core habitats along with patch and edge environments. Landcover types that were seen as “un-fragmented” were classified into a different category from those that were considered “fragmented.” These were then put into the fragmentation tool which classified them into habitat areas. The following scores were assigned to each average habitat area: Large core area (2.5), medium core area (2.0), small core area (1.75), perforated (1.5), edge (1.25), patch and other (1). Next, an average of the different habitat types was taken on a parcel by parcel basis to determine the final assigned score. It should be noted that the use of this tool skews the analysis to areas with better habitat and subsequently more passive recreational uses. Process: Reclassify > Landscape Fragmentation Tool > Zonal Statistics (Mean) > Reclassify > Zonal Statistics (Majority) > Final Size Rank Figure 8: Simplified diagram portraying the fragmentation analysis 8. Parcel Calculations and Results We exported the table from ArcGIS into Microsoft Excel and we applied the equation listed in figure 3 to calculate a final score for each parcel. While it is highly unlikely, a possible theoretical score of 140.625 could be achieved. Without the two multipliers, a score of only 45 would be possible. The maximum score for any parcel within the Stevens Point/Plover area was 85.31 with an average of 23.06. The lowest score was 0.94. When comparing the two adjacent municipalities, Stevens Point recieved a much higher average score than did Plover: 24.12 compared with 15.59. It should be noted that these calculations do not account for parcels outside of the municipal boundary, which could change the scores to some degree. See figure 1- Kriging Results 6 9. Kriging Analysis and Results It is clear that some parcels score far better than others, but how did these differences in score affect the surrounding community? We answered this question through the use of a “kriging analysis.” Using each parcel score, a Kriging analysis interpolates values through an averaging technique applied to the entire map surface. This allowed us to identify areas within the city that are underserved and well served by their green infrastructure. An equal interval classification scheme was applied, as seen in the legend of figure 1, in order to identify well served and underserved areas. This analysis accounted for all parcels, even those outside of the municipal boundary. Kriging Kriging interpolates a surface based off of the values assigned to points, the number of points in a given area, and the distance between points. The following diagram shows how two points, in this case representing two different green infrastracture values which are an equal distance apart provide the same weighted area. Adding a third point (at right) of similair value creates a larger area for that value. The diagram below is only a general explanation whereas the entire kriging process is more complex. An equal interval classification scheme was applied to identify well served and under-served areas of the city. Areas exceeding 60 points were considered to be well served, as this far surpasses the possible 45 points if recreation, habitat, water filtration and retention, and connectivity are all present. We compared the two cities based on the percent area that lies within each of the designated classes. Figure 9 highlights the differences in areas well served and poorly served by green space. Plover has no areas within its municipal boundary that are highly or very highly served by Green Infrastructure. Furthermore, only five percent of the village is aquately served. Stevens Point on the other hand, has about twenty five percent of its area within those three categories. Figure 9: Service comparison between Stevens Point and Plover Discussion Differences between each municipality can be explained with further investigation of the data. Plover does not have the canopy cover found in Stevens Point, especially in its vacant parcels. The area directly to the east of interstate 39 in Plover is largely unmaintained agricultural fields with little or no ecological value. Stevens Point also has more wetlands, providing higher values for water fitration and retention services. Plover can take measures that may not be reflected in the score, but would still help improve drainage for the village (eg bioswales, rain gardens, etc.). The most apparent difference between the two municipalities is the number of vacant parcels and parks along major waterwarys, along with the trails connecting them. Each town has a river running through it; Stevens Point with the 7 Plover River, and Plover with the Little Plover River. Both of these water bodies drain into the Wisconsin River, which provides a corridor for both municipalities. Stevens Point has a much larger, connected area of preserved land surrounding the Plover River. If Plover had a more extensive park system in place along the Little Plover River, they would see a large improvement in service to that area. One area that both Stevens Point and Plover could improve is the park system along the Wisconsin River. This area sees surprisingly low values, primarily due to the lack of ecological services the area provides and the fact that much of the land is not preserved. The area also suffers due to its industrial past, but could be improved upon in the future. Wisconsin River Corridor Implications The green index tool can go a long way in helping municipalities in their management of green infrastructure. It allows them to Wisconsin River identify where their open space parcel Corridor stands in comparison to others, making for better management decisions for each individual parcel. The tool also allows for the identification of areas well served and Figure 10: Differences in preserved land surrounding the two underserved by green infrastructure in the rivers is quite apparent in aerial photographs areas surrounding each parcel. Comparison across municipalities is also possible. Obviously it will not always be possible for a city to reach extremely high levels of service, especially in large cities where the ecological landscape has been heavily degraded, but it allows for a fairly efficient process to compare municipalities of similar population and size and identify areas in need. The UW- Stevens Point Center for Land Use education is looking to automate this tool so that municipalities can plug in the neccessary data to understand their green infrastructure needs, and also to compare between cities. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Analysis and document prepared by William Risse, Research Assistant and Aaron Thompson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Land Use Specialist, UW-Extension Center for Land Use Education, 2012. We gratefully acknowledge the the thoughtful review of Dan Mcfarlane and Rebecca Roberts, UW- Extension Center for Land Use Education, and Jeff Hartman, Portage County GIS specialist. Benedict, Mark A. “Green Infrastructure- Smart Conservation for the 21st Century.” Renewable Resource Journal Fall.2002: 12-17. Web. Benedict, Mark A. The Green Infrastructure Approach: Principles from Past to Present. Wash ington D.C.: Sprawl Watch Clearinghouse, 2001. Web. Forman, Richard T. “Some General Principle of Landscape Ecology.” Landscape Ecology 10.3 (1995): 133-42. Web. Parent, J. (2009) Landscape Fragmentation Analysis (version 2). Developed with the support of the Center for Land Use Education and Research (, and the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment at the University of Connecticut (http://www. A special thanks to Andrew Weidner, the UW- Stevens Point Schmeekle Reserve staff, and William Risse for providing photographs for use in this publication.