WP 96-14 October 1996 Working Paper Department of Agricultural, Resource, and Managerial Economics Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853-7801 USA A Unique Measure of the Welfare Effects of Price Support Programs for Corn on Family-Farm Households by Size Distribution by Tebogo B. Seleka and Harry de Gorter - It is the policy of Cornell University actively to support equality of educational and employment opportunity. No person shall be denied admission to any educational program or activity or be denied employment on the basis of any legally prohibited dis­ crimination involving, but not limited to, such factors as race, color; creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, age or handicap. The University is committed to the maintenance of affirmative action programs which will assure the continuation of such equality of opportunity. L A Unique Measure of the Welfare Effects of Price Support Programs for Corn on Family­ Farm Households by Size Distribution Tebogo B. Seleka and Harry de Gorter Abstract On- and off-farm employment offamily farm members has been a permanent phenomenum in U.S. agriculture. In this paper, a family-farm model is extended to include both on- and off-farm labor supply decisions for farm-households in the U.S. com sector. A unique empirical measure of economic welfare is developed to analyze the effects of government price support programs. Traditional welfare analysis of farm programs ignores on- and off-farm employment decisions by focusing only on 'producer surplus' at the aggregate sector level. We determine that the appropriate measure of welfare for the farm-household includes the 'laborer's surplus'. Theoretical results are derived to show that conventional analysis overstates the benefits of farm price supports because of the tradeoff between producer and laborer's surpluses. Empirical simulations indicate that the laborer's surplus is a significant share oftotal farm-household welfare, especially for smaller farm sizes that comprise the majority of com farmers in the United States. Results also show that the government programs may have been misdirected if the goal has been to improve the farm income situation because the few large farms gain much more in aggregate than smaller farms. - A Unique Measure of the Welfare Effects of Price Support Programs for Corn on Family­ Farm Households by Size Distribution Introduction On- and off-farm employment of family members has been a permanent and important economic phenomenum in American agriculture (Gardner, 1992; Ahearn and Lee, 1991). Off-farm participation by households increased from 30 percent in 1929 to 53 percent in 1982 (Ahearn and Lee, 1991). The proportion of households working 200 or more days per year increased relatively faster than other categories, from 6.3 percent in 1929 to 34.6 percent in 1982. Table 1 shows that off-farm income is a significant proportion of total household income. In 1986, an average U.S. farm household earned about $20,212 or 46 percent of total household income from off-farm sources. Off-farm income was relatively more significant for smaller farm sizes. Households with annual sales of less than $40,000 generated $22,534 or 96 percent of their total income from non-farm sources. Large sized households with annual sales of $250,000 and above generated $17,562 or five percent oftheir income from non-farm sources. The middle income groups with annual sales of$40,00-$99,99 ($100,000-$249,999) generated $13,780 ($12,602) or 13 percent (10 percent) oftheir total income from non farm sources. Data for 1989 portrayed a similar picture (Gardner, 1992). Table 2 indicates that household labor represents a significant input in com production. The data shows that owned (unpaid) labor is utilized on the farm more than hired labor. Small sized! offfarm participants (non-participants) spent $1.10 ($2.54) per hectare on hired labor, compared with $41.09 ($49.35) per hectare on unpaid labor. Medium sized! off-farm participants (non-participants) spent $3.92 ($3.17) per hectare on hired labor, compared with $26.13 ($29.34) per hectare on unpaid r-' labor. Large sized households spent more or less equal amounts on hired and owned labor. 1 Traditional analysis on the social costs of fann price support programs focus only the 'producer surplus' offann-finns at the sectoral level (Nerlove 1958, Wallace 1962, Gardner 1983, Floyd 1974, Gisser 1993). However, much research has recognized the importance of off-fann income (Huffinan 1977, Ahearn and Lee 1991, Gardner 1992, Nilsen 1977,) and the need to study household off-farm labor supply behavior (Sumner 1982, Huffinan and Lange 1989, Lass, Findeis and Hallberg 1991). Multiple job holding is an integral component of fann-household optimization. The inclusion ofon- and off-farm labor supply decisions by family fann members requires the use of fann­ household models in analyzing the welfare economic effects ofgovernmental price support programs. The purpose ofthis paper is to overcome two major limitations of the literature so far on the welfare economics offann price supports. First, we extend the fann-household model to develop a unique welfare measure denoted as laborer's surplus (Nakajima, 1986) to include the effects of on­ and off-farm labor supply decisions by family farm members. Own family labor is very significant for the majority of households both as an input in the farm production process and as an off-fann income generator. The concept of laborer's surplus is integrated with the conventional producer surplus analysis of the fann-finn. The implications of the analytical framework developed in this paper are highlighted by an empirical application to the price support program for com in the United States. Second, we use this unique framework to evaluate the distributional economic welfare consequences of government policy across fann size. The results show that the conventional analysis overstates the benefits of price supports because of the tradeoff between the conventional producer surplus and the concept of laborer's surplus integrated into the fann-household model in this paper. Empirical simulations indicate that laborer surplus is a significant share oftotal farm-household welfare, especially for medium and small 2 ­ farm sizes that comprise the majority of com fanns. Sectoral analysis of the current literature masks the true consequences and distributional benefits from fann programs, especially if the primary purpose of price support is to solve the 'fann problem' of low fann incomes and rates of return in agriculture (Gardner, 1992). The Analytical Model We employ the basic agricultural household model where a family faces a labor market to hire-in or hire-out labor at a market wage rate (Singh, Squire and Strauss, 1986, Nakajima, 1965; 1986). Variants of the same model have been developed and employed as a basis to empirically estimate off-fann labor supply functions for particular U.S. fann households (Huffinan and Lange, 1989; Sumner, 1982; Lass, Findeis, and Hallberg, 1991). The agricultural household model is a relevant tool of analysis for the economics of fann households since it combines household production, consumption and labor supply decisions into a single conceptual framework (Huffman, 1991). Consider a fann household producing a single commodity Q for a given unit price P. Suppose the fann household faces a competitive labor market in which to hire-in or hire-out labor at an exogenously given wage rate ofW. The household maximizes utility of money income I and leisure L, defined as U(I,L). Utility is maximized subject to the fann production constraint Q(r;K), the time constraint T=L+U and the money income constraint I=V+[pQ-Wr]+wu, where T represents total time endowment, U denotes total quantity of owned labor devoted to all work (fanning and off-fann), V is property (exogenous) income, r denotes total fann labor input (both owned and hired), and K denotes a fixed fann production input (say land). The objective function and the first order conditions for utility maximization may be 3 - summarized as l max [U(I,L) - A(I - V -PQ(r;K) - W(T - L- I))] 1',1.,1,). PQp(I" ;K) =W (I a) I' = V+[PQ(r';K)-Wr']+W(T -L .) (I b) U (I' L .) L ' =W (I c) UI(I' ,L .) where Qp(r';K) is the marginal product oflabor, UL(I ',L .) denotes the marginal utility of time and UI(I •,L .) = A is the marginal utility of money income. Since this model consists of a two-staged recursive process, the household first maximizes farm profits as indicated by condition 1a. This is the case since L, I and A are not among the arguments of equation 1a. This behavior resembles that of the farm-firm whereby the sole motive is profit maximization. Equation la is consistent with the farm-fum's optimization where labor is utilized up to a point where the value of marginal product of labor is just equated to the market wage rate. In the second stage of the recursive structure, the household maximizes utility where conditions lb and Ic are simultaneously solved for L' and f, subject to the solution from condition 1a. 2 1 Note that the farm production constraint and the time constraint were substituted into the income constraint to yield a single constraint problem. 2 From the first order conditions, equation 1a is solved independently of equations 1band 1c, meaning that the production side of the model is separable from the consumption side. Optimal 4 ­ Figure 1 is the graphical counterpart of the model where the farm-household hires-in labor and Figure 2 depicts the household hiring-out labor. In panel (a) of Figure 1, the curve UU' represents the utility function, VvT is the total value product curve and AA' is the money income constraint. In panel (b), the curve GvMP is the value of marginal product curve and CC' is the marginal valuation offamily labor curve. 3 Farm profits are maximized at point Q in panel (a) and at point q in panel (b), where the value of marginal product is just equated to the wage rate. Therefore, the producer's surplus is measured by the distance DQ in panel (a) and by area PS in panel (b). Utility is maximized at point L' in panel (a) and point E in panel (b) where conditions Ib and Ic hold (the marginal valuation offarnily labor CC' equals the market wage rate W). Total wages are W'ELT and total owned labor cost is ELTC. The laborer's surplus is the residual area LS. Economic surplus is area PS+LS, which is the sum of the producer surplus and the laborer's surplus (Nakajima, 1986). The household depicted in Figure 1 enjoys OL units ofleisure and employs Tq' units oflabor on the farm. Since the time endowment is OT, the household hires-in labor of q'L units for farm use. Figure 2 is similar to Figure 1, with the exception that the household hires-out labor. Farm profits are maximized at point Q in panel (a) and point q in panel (b) where the producer's surplus is recorded at distance DQ or area PS. Utility is maximized at point L' in panel (a) and point E in panel values from equation Ia are then used in Ib and Ic, to solve for L" and 1". Note that short-run farm profits (the square bracketed term in condition 1b) are fixed by the time the stage two solution is determined. 3 At any given point along the curve CC', the marginal valuation offamily labor (MVFL) is derived by CC'=UdUI . The MVFL curve is not identical to the labor supply curve (Nakajima, 1986). The supply curve of any commodity is independent of the price of the commodity in question in that it should not shift due to a wage rate change. Instead, a wage rate change should lead to a movement along a given labor supply curve. Contrary to this, the MVFL curve would shift in response to a wage rate change. That is, there are numerous MVFL curves, each corresponding to a particular wage rate (Nakajima, 1986). 5 - (b) where the laborer's surplus is area LS. 4 Economic surplus is thus measured by the sum ofPS and LS. The household enjoys OLunits of leisure and utilizes Tq' units oflabor on the farm. Since OT is the total time endowment, the household commits Tq' units of owned labor on the farm and hiresout Lq' units to off-farm work for wages. Indeed, the producer's surplus measure will understate actual economic surplus in the case where a farm household is a combination of a laborer's household and a farm-firm. This will be the case irrespective of whether or not household members participate in off-farm markets, as evident from Figures 1 and 2. Economic Effects of a Price Support We illustrate the importance ofusing a farm household framework in farm policy analysis with an example of a price support. In Figure 3, the pre-policy farm profits are maximized at point p in panel (a), where Tfunits ofhousehold labor are devoted to farming. This is also evident in panel (b) where the value of marginal product of labor hk intersects the wage rate line WW' at point q. Household utility is maximized at point x, where 01 units ofleisure are consumed. In panel (b), utility is maximized at point e where the marginal valuation (cost) of family labor sr intersects the wage rate line WW'. The household devotes Ifunits of time to off-farm work in both panels. The pre-policy producer's surplus is hqW and the laborer's surplus is W'es. Hence, the pre-policy economic surplus is hqes. The introduction of a price support leads to a shift in the total value product curve from vt to vt' in panel (a). This corresponds to a shift in the marginal value product curve from hk to hk' in panel (b). Now the household maximizes farm profits at point p' in panel (a) and q' in panel (b) where Laborer's surplus is based on the sum of owned labor devoted to work (both off-farm and on-farm). Therefore, even where there is no off-farm work, the laborer's surplus still has to be measured as in Figure 1. 4 6 -•. Tf units of household labor are devoted to farming. As a result, household labor devoted to farming increases by fP units. Farm profits are now higher and the household's money income increases, leading to a shift in the budget constraint from ag to algI in panel (a). Utility is now maximized at point x' where it has increased from uu' to vv'. As a result, leisure consumption is increased from 01 to 01' units in both panels. Time devoted to off-farm work declines from M=lfto M'=l'f units. s The producer's surplus increases by hqq' (from hqW to hq'W), and the laborer's surplus declines by see' (from Wes to We's).6 Total economic surplus change ofhq'q-see' in panel (b). What this implies is that an increase in the price of the agricultural commodity causes the household to increase its producer's surplus and to reduce its laborer's surplus from working (both on and off the farm). Therefore, when the equilibrium is perturbed by a price support, the marginal benefit from farming tends to exceed the marginal benefit from working. This causes the household to make a trade-off between the two surpluses, until the marginal benefit from farming is just equated to the marginal benefit from working (both on and off the farm). It then follows that the gain in the producer's surplus must be greater than the loss in the laborer's surplus (hqq'>see'). If this was not the case, there would indeed be no incentive for the household to make a trade-off between the two surpluses. S See Seleka for complete formal comparative statics results. 6The graph depicts a rotation in the marginal valuation offamily labor curve. This was done for graphical convenience. In reality, the sr curve would shift, meaning that the new intersection with the vertical axis would occur at a higher point than point s in Figure 3. Note however that the vertical distance between sr and srI narrows as the amount of work time is reduced. 7 ­. Data and Empirical Application This section presents the data and empirical methodology used in the analysis of the welfare effects oftarget prices and acreage controls on U.S. com farm-households. The fundamental features of the u.s. com price support program analyzed in this paper are fixed target prices, deficiency payments, and acreage limits and set-aside (Gardner, 1992). Acreage set-asides are calculated as a percentage ofa farmer 'base acreage' (determined by a five-year moving average of actual area planted plus setaside). Deficiency payments are calculated on historical acreage and fixed program yields' (Gisser, 1993). However, a key aspect offarm policy is the voluntary nature of the program whereby some farmers opt out, given the cost of acreage limits and set-aside. Most ofthe summary statistics used in this study were obtained from the Economic Research Service (ERS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The data set from which group level summary statistics were derived was gathered by ERS through the 1991 Farm Cost and Returns Survey (FCRS). The summary data obtained were: a) group level average com production cost data per planted acre; b) group level mean values for other pertinent variables; and c) group level income statements for all farm enterprises. Com farm-households were decomposed into three categories based upon sales size: small, medium and large. 7 The three sales class categories were each further subdivided into two groups based upon whether or not individual households participate in otT-farm work. This yielded a total of six groups of farm households. This classification was meant to allow for the determination ofhow prevailing com policies affect the respective farm groups as separate economic agents. The ERS data is contained in Appendix A. Table A.l provides the per acre production cost 7 Small producers are those with annual sales ofless than $40,000 per farm-household. Medium producers' annual sales fall within the range $40,000-$249,999 per farm-household. Large producer are those with annual sales of $250,000 and over per farm-household. 8 - data for each group's representative household. The variables listed in Table Al are self explanatory, and are as obtained from ER~. Group level mean values of other pertinent data are presented in Table A2. The variables are listed as obtained with the exception that hours of operator and hours of other household members were converted from average weekly hours to total hours per year. Table A3 contains income statement data for the entire farm (for all farm operations). Additional statistics were obtained from other sources, which we will document along with the discussion of the model calibration procedure, to which we now tum. A non-linear algorithm ofGAMS was utilized to solve the U.S. com model. Initially, the model was calibrated with acreage controls and the target price in place. The production side of the model, with policy in place, was considered first using Table Al data. Three production factors were distinguished: unpaid (owned labor); land; and all other inputs. The production function for each group level representative household belonging to sales class I and participation class j was a Cobby.. (,). 6 Douglas type, Q ij = Aili/X jj '1<ij g, where A is the efficiency parameter, r represents labor (only owned labor for off-farm participants and all labor for non-participants), X denotes all other inputs (including hired labor for households not participating in off-farm work), K is the quantity ofland, and y, w, and f> are the respective production elasticities. Unpaid labor was distinguished because our interest lies in the time allocation mechanism. It is however worth emphasizing that for households not participating in off-farm work, hired and owned labor were assumed homogenous whereas they were assumed heterogenous for off-farm participants. Therefore, the production coefficient y is with respect to all labor in the case of households not participating in off-farm work 9 and with respect to only owned labor in the case of households participating in off-farm work. s Land was isolated to be able to detennine the effects ofacreage reduction. Other inputs were aggregated into a single input category. These include non-labor variable inputs, operating capital, non-land capital, and capital replacement (Table AI).9 Total fixed cash costs (Table AI) were not included among production inputs. Instead, these expenses were included in the calculation of exogenous income, as we will discuss later. Cobb Douglas production elasticities were approximated as factor shares, imposing constant return to scale (CRS).lO CRS was imposed by dividing expenditure on each factor by total production cost, instead of dividing by the value of output. From Table A2, we used hours worked by the operator and by other household members and the respective percentages of hours used in com production, to calculate owned com hours. The wage rate for each group was then calculated by dividing total value of unpaid labor by annual hours allocated to com production. The production side ofthe model was solved by assuming that, initially, com output, the com The treatment of labor this way was a judgement call. Since those households participating in off-farm work employ hired labor as well, the time allocation mechanism could not be solved if we were to assume homogeneity since the model under such an assumption would not allow for off-farm work and hired labor employment to occur simultaneously. For households not engaged in off-farm work, the assumption of homogeneity seemed plausible since households hire-in labor and do not participate in off-farm work. S 9 As implied earlier, the all inputs category includes hired labor for off-farm participants. A proof of the relationship between factor shares and production elasticities is contained in Tyner and Tweeten (1965). Consider the case ofa Cobb-Douglas production technology. The factor share for input X may be defined as (PxX}/(PQ). A profit maximizing firm would equate 10 the value of marginal product of X to the price of X. Therefore, in this case we can write aQ/ax = PJP. Multiplying both sides of this equation by XlQ yields the elasticity of production Ex = (aQ/aX) * (XlQ) = (PxX)/(PQ) =W. This shows that the factor share is equal to the production function coefficient under a premise that competitive equilibrium reigns and profit maximization is attained. Along similar lines, Y = (Wr)/(PQ). 10 - producer price (the target price), the wage rate, the price of other inputs (Px), acreage, and production elasticities are exogenously given. The price of other inputs was set at unity. Output of a representative fann was computed by multiplying yield (Table A.l) by com acres (Table A.2). The target price of2.75 was used as the prevailing producer price of com for 1991 (USDA. 1992). The pre-policy production side model for a group level representative household contained three equations Yij QIJ.. = A.T.. IJ IJ x..IJ 1<...IJ6 (,)j' y··-I jj (2a) (,) 6·· IJ IJ IJ IJ rYij x..IJ(,)ij-I K·IJ6ij W .. = Py.. A.,r.Y X .. IJK .. 'J IJ IJ _ Px - Pw..IJ A..IJ IJ.. (2b) (2c) where 2a is the production function and 2b and 2c are the two first order conditions for profit maximization, one with respect to labor (owned labor for off-farm participants and all labor for non­ participants) and the other with respect to all other inputs. The model was solved for optimal factor demands (r and X) and the production efficiency parameter (A), using a non-linear programming algorithm of GAMS. Since optimal farm hours of off-farm non-participants reflect both hired and owned labor, per our assumption of homogeneity, the shares of owned and hired labor in total labor cost were used to decompose quantities of labor into hired and owned. Short-run profits from com were derived as total com sales minus the sum of expenditures on all labor and all other inputs (variable production inputs). Production results were then used to solve for the consumption and the off-farm labor supply components. First, hours ofoff-fann work were calculated as annual income from off-farm wage and 11 - salary income (Table A2) divided by the wage rate detennined above. Total hours of endowment were calculated by assuming an average number of workers of 1.6 persons per representative household in each group. This was multiplied by 24 hours per day and 365 days per year to obtain total time endowment T. Other farm hours (non-com) were approximated by deducting time allocated to com from total farm time (Table A2). Hours of leisure were derived as total time endowment minus the sum of off-farm hours, owned com hours, and other farm hours (non-com). Since households engage in other farm production activities (non-com), as evident from the income statements (Table A3), earnings from such activities should be considered to better approximate the household's cash incomes, and total economic surplus. Precisely, restricted farm profits from non-com activities should be included in calculating money income. Therefore, Yij Px = Pu>..IJ A..r.· IJ IJ x..IJ(,)jj-l K·IJ6ij (3) where R nc denotes short-run profits from non-com fanning activities, G denotes gross cash income (Table A3), E represents variable cash expenses (Table A3), TIc- = PQ - wr- -PxX - is optimal short- run profit from com (from the production side) and 0 denotes household time spent on non-com farming activities. Exogenous (property) income (non-wage off-farm income) was computed from Tables A2 and A3 as the sum of net cash income from off-farm business, net cash income from another farm and ranch operation, interest and dividends, and other off-farm income (Table A2) minus the sum of real estate and property taxes, interest and insurance premium (Table A 3).11 As we have noted, fixed cash expenses in Table Al were not included among our various input categories. Hence, we include them here in computing exogenous income. Data in Table A3 includes com data of Table Al and as such fixed com costs of Table Al are a part of those of Table A3. 11 12 - Money income (I) for each representative household was then calculated as I..IJ = 1t~.* +"D.~ +W..U .. +V.. IJ "'iJ IJ IJ IJ (4) where U=T-L denotes total work time by household members (the sum of time spent on all farming activities (com and non-com) and off-farm work time). Next, full income (Y) was calculated as the sum of money income and the value leisure time (Y=I+WT). The Cobb-Douglas utility parameter with respect to money income was derived as the share of money income in full income ( cc = I/Y). Similarly, the utility parameter with respect to leisure was computed as the share of the value of leisure in full income (P = WL * N).12 Next, the market prices of com for the respective groups were determined by diving the gross value ofproduction by yield. From these, the market price of com for the entire U.S. was computed 12 The utility function for a group level representative household was specified as a Cobb­ a p. Douglas type U ij =lij I)L ij I) , where cc and P are the respective parameters. Equations 1band 1c may be rewritten as I..+W..L.. = y .. = 1t~.* +W.. T.. +V.. IJ IJ IJ IJ IJ IJ IJ IJ Pjj I jj =W.. cc.. L.. IJ IJ IJ Assuming that cc ij +Pij= 1, one can use the fact that Pij = l-ccij in the second equation and rearrange terms to obtain cc..IJ (W..IJL..IJ +1..) =I..IJ IJ Using the first equation, one can substitute Yij for the bracketed expression of the above equation and rearrange terms to obtain ccjj=lijN jj . This implies that the elasticity of the utility function with respect to money income may be approximated as the share of money income in full income. Along similar lines, Pfl 1J.. =(W..L.. )N..IJ , which is the share offull income spent on leisure generating IJ IJ activities. 13 ­ as a weighted average of prices faced by the respective groups. Constant elasticity domestic and export demand equations were used as approximations of demand equations. 13 The com domestic and export demand elasticities used were -0.2 and -1.0 (Bullock, 1992). The ratio of com export was computed using the 1991 export volume of 1,584 million bushels and production of 7,475 million bushels (USDA, 1993). This ratio was then used to decompose com output (model derived) into domestic demand and export demand. Using the estimate of the consumer price of com for the U. S. and the estimates ofdomestic and export demand elasticities and the respective quantities demanded, the constant elasticity demand shifting parameters were derived. With the base results determined, we then computed the no policy equilibrium data. Acres set aside were restored to the sector. This would ideally shift the output supply curve of each representative farm household to its no policy level. The no policy equilibrium output Q and output price P were solved endogenously by equating aggregate supply to aggregate demand. The following set of equations were then simultaneously solved for the no policy output and output price € .. U QIJ.. = <I> IJ.. p <1> .. = IJ where E ij ~[ Y _IJ y.. .. W ij _ J w· 1J W I P =(Yij +wil< 1-Yij -wij) X I) l/(l-y-w) U 1) 6·· AK.. I) IJIJ ] (5) is the price elasticity ofsupply, the first equation is the output supply The domestic and export demand equations were therefore defined by Q n = 8 nP 1")D and Q E =8 EP 1")E , respectively. P denotes price, " represents the price elasticity of demand and 8 is the demand shifting parameter. 13 14 - function for a group level representative farm (Seleka, 1996), the third expression represents group level output supply curve, and the last equation equates market supply with market demand. Total no policy output was then decomposed into domestic and export demand using the demand parameter estimates from above. Then, no policy variable factor usage, short-run profits and output supply quantities were computed. We then computed group level and total economic surplus measures for the no policy scenario (see Appendix B). These were then compared with their base counterparts to examine the effects of policy on the respective households and the distributional effects across the individual groups. Empirical Results Table 3 presents estimates of Cobb-Douglas production technology and utility parameters. As indicated, the production technology efficiency parameter estimates (A's) ranged from a low of 2.225 to a high of3.199. Production elasticity coefficients with respect to labor (y 's) ranged from 0.053 to 0.210. The production elasticity coefficient with respect to other inputs (w's) ranged from 0.570 to 0.712, and varied positively with sales class. Production elasticity parameters with respect to land (l) 's) are within the range 0.216-0.262 and they seemed somewhat invariant across sales classes, with the exclusion ofthose for the large-participating and the medium-participating category. The other four groups produced land elasticities of about 0.22 whereas the medium-participating (large-participating) registered an elasticity coefficient of 0.26 (0.24). Therefore, the data would suggest that these latter groups contain farms with a relatively higher return on land, compared with the other four groups whose land coefficients are smaller and somewhat invariant. Table 3 also presents output supply elasticity estimates ( € 's). As indicated the estimates range from 2.812 though 3.623. 15 - In general, production elasticity coefficients appear to reinforce the previous findings in the literature. Floyd (1965) used an estimate of the share of land of 0.2 and that for labor and capital of 0.8. Rosine and Heimberger (1974) estimated the production elasticities for land within the range 0.1079 (1948) and 0.2158 (1970). The production elasticity with respect to labor (hired and owned) was within the range 0.3918 (1948) and 0.1973 (1970). The land parameter exhibited an upward trend between 1948 and 1970 whereas that for labor declined during this same period. Based upon such a trend and the estimates for 1970, one would conclude that the present estimates are consistent with the results of Rosine and Heimberger (1974). The results of Shumway, Talpaz, and Beattie (1979) were consistent with the findings of Rosine and Heimberger (1974). Gisser (1993) set the CES production function coefficient for land at 0.237 and that for all other inputs at 0.763, in his calibration of the com model (see p.597). Gisser's estimates were adopted from Kawagoe et al. (1986), who estimated the shares oflabor, machinery, land and fertilizer to be 0.403,0.310,0.237, and 0.051, for the time period 1930-80. Utility function parameters are also presented in Table 3. Parameters for money income (a's) fall within the range 0.185-0.836. These parameters increase with sales class, if we separate off-farm participants from non-participants. Within any given sales class, participating households tend to have a higher income share, compared with their non-participating counterparts. A reverse scenario is true for the coefficients for leisure (p's). Within a given participation class, the parameter for leisure declines with the increase in farm size (sales class). And within any given sales class, the leisure coefficient for nonparticipants is higher than that for participants. These results are mainly due to the fact that small-sized farms have lower money income (hence, a smaller share of money income in full income) and that non-participating households devote relatively more time to leisure, compared with their participating counterparts who also devote some of their time to off-farm wage work. We 16 .' are not aware of any published utility parameter estimates in the literature to compare with the present estimates. Most of the coefficients for money income are greater that those for leisure, with the exception of those for the small-nonparticipating group and the medium-participating group. The coefficients for money income and leisure are however almost equal at 0.5 for the medium­ participating group. What may cause concern is the data for the small-nonparticipating group, which registered the leisure coefficient of0.815 and the money income coefficient of 0.185. Is it that these households value leisure that much or is it because of other factors such as the unavailability of off­ farm work opportunities, which could not be captured by the present model? With the paucity of data, as is the present situation, there is no telling as to the likely cause of such an occurrence. It is also noteworthy that, since a single estimate of the number of adults per household was used across the various classes, the coefficient for leisure will be overestimated for households whose time endowment is much smaller than the average and will be underestimated for households experiencing the reverse. This is because we observed work time (farm and off-farm) and then assigned the residual time to leisure. This procedure was nonetheless the most realistic, given the scarcity of data. Table 3 also presents estimates of prices. The wage rate varied across groups of farms, and tended to increase with sales class. That is, the smallest sales class faces lower wage rates, compared with medium-sized and large-sized classes. The hourly wage rate falls within the range $3.58-$5.14. The wage rate estimates are lower than published regional and U.S. estimates. For example, USDA (1992) reports U.S average hourly farm wages for 1991 of$5.62, $5.44, $5.35 and $5.70 for farm employees working during January 6-12, April 7-13, July 7-13, and October 16-12, respectively. An attempt to utilize published estimates in the model calibration exercise yielded variable input data that drastically deviated from observed input usage. Hence, a realistic approach was to utilize the wage 17 ­ rate estimates generated from the model. 14 The price of all other inputs was set at unity. The market price of com was estimated by dividing total com sales by output. As shown in Table 3, the market price of com varied across categories offarms. Precisely, market prices of com fall within the range $2.27-$2.35 per bushel. The com market price for the entire U.S. was recorded at $2.31, which was computed as a weighted average of group level prices. Group level prices fell within the range of published state level marketing prices. USDA (1993) reported prices falling within the range $2.12-$2.90. The U.S. average marketing price amounted to $2.37, and was a few cents larger than the present estimate of $2.31 per bushel. This study has therefore utilized prices that were generated from the summary statistics afforded to us by the ERS (Table A.l), rather than those published in other (USDA) sources. Table 4 presents policy induced changes in endogenous variables and household economic surplus measures. Let us evaluate the effects of this program sequentially. The results indicate that the implementation ofthe program under review has caused an increase in variable farm input usage. The increase in labor F falls within the range 52-216 hours, and it is positively correlated with farm size. The increase in other inputs X falls within the range 530-9,937 units (dollars), and it is also positively related to farm size. Hired labor for non-participants increased by 23 (118) hours from zero hours for small-nonparticipating (medium-nonparticipating) households. These households witnessed a transition from hiring-out to hiring-in labor. Therefore, these households would have participated in off-farm wage work in the absence of government intervention. The large- nonparticipating class saw an increase in hired labor ofabout 317 hours, following the implementation 14 As we have noted, wage rate estimates were generated by dividing the value of unpaid labor by the observed quantity of operator and other household labor. Therefore, any alteration of the wage rates generated will certainly alter hours of owned labor devoted to com. 18 - of the policy under review. Fann output increased in response to a net increase in variable factor usage. The increase in farm output is also positively related to farm size, and falls within the range 235-2,868 bushels per fann. Next, short-run fann profits from com PS increased. As evident, the producer's surplus change varies positively with farm size. Small-sized farms record a producer surplus increase amounting to about S200 (S250) for non-participants (participants), whereas large-sized farms record an increase of about S2,445 (participating) and S3,281 (non-participating). Medium-sized farms come second with a producer surplus increase of about S831 (S887) per farm for participants (non-participants). The increase in short-run profits from com then led to an increase in full income. The changes in full income are identical to those for short-run profits as indicated in Table 4 (i.e Y=1t+WT+V => dY=d 1t ; dT=dV=dW=O). The increase in full income further led to an increase in leisure and money income. The increase in leisure falls within the range 30-105 hours, and appears to generally vary positively with class size. The increase in money income is also positively correlated with farm size. Now, since both leisure and owned com hours have increased, with other farming hours and the time endowment held unchanged, off-farm time declined drastically enough to just offset the combined increase in leisure hours and owned com hours (Table 4). Because of the increase in leisure (or the net decrease in total work time), the valuation of owned work labor increased and the laborer's surplus declined as a result. Small-sized farm households registered a laborer's surplus reduction of about S180 per farm, whereas medium-sized fanns experienced a decline ofabout S340. The large sized-participating category recorded a laborer's surplus decrease of S568 per farm, whereas the large-nonparticipating category registered a decrease of S283 per farm. The producer's surplus increase should more that offset a laborer's surplus decrease so that, 19 - in net, this policy would lead to a positive economic surplus change. The results in Table 4 confirm this. The economic surplus change varied positively with farm size. The range was $21 through $2,713 per farm. The results of this section indicate that the conventional analysis producer surplus changes, at the exclusion of the laborer's surplus change, would generally lead to an overstatement ofeconomic surplus change. Therefore, we now have adequate empirical evidence to suggest that, following the convention of sole reliance on the producer surplus change, it would be quite likely to overstate the improvement in household welfare, resulting from any particular market oriented government program. The implication of the distributional effects of the com program are very clear. It is evident that the benefits to small-sized farms are relatively negligible. This class records an economic surplus increase of only $21 ($65) per farm for non-participating (participating) households. The medium­ sized class saw an economic surplus increase of about $494 ($532) per farm for participating (non­ participating) households. Large-sized farms on the other hand saw the highest economic surplus increase of $2, 163 ($2,713) per farm for non-participants (participants). These results would not justify government support, if the overall objective ofgovernment intervention is to improve the well­ being of poor farm families. Therefore, the gains from government activity in the com market appear to be misdirected. Hence, the objective of improving low farm incomes is clearly unrealized. Concluding Remarks The central objectives of this paper were to show that the producer's surplus is not an accurate measure of farm-household welfare and that welfare consequences of farm policies vary across producers. Empirical estimates of the laborer's surplus indicate that the economics of farm households calls for the inclusion of the laborer's surplus in measuring welfare. Two observations 20 ­ can be made concerning the measurement ofeconomic surplus. Ignoring the laborer's surplus would (a) understate the magnitude of welfare currently enjoyed by farm households, and (b) overstate the improvement in welfare resulting from the implementation of any market oriented policy. That is, utilizing only the producer's surplus change to measure economic surplus change (induced by market oriented programs), at the exclusion of the laborer's surplus change, would normally overstate household welfare improvement. The reason is that, market oriented policies intended to increase the producer surplus, would also lead to a reduction in the laborer's surplus, as households reallocate their labor among competing alternatives. These results reinforce the argument that the household can be viewed to allocate its resources in a way that maximizes the sum of the laborer's surplus and the producer's surplus. Therefore, any time a market oriented (producer biased) policy is introduced, the household would make a tradeoff between the two surpluses, in a way that would lead to a net gain in household welfare. In particular, any policy geared towards increasing the producer's surplus would lead to a reduction in the laborer's surplus, but the net effect would be a net increase in economic surplus. We also examined the distributional consequences of the com program among the various groups of farms. The empirical results showed that the U.S. com program aids large-sized farms relatively more than small-sized and medium-sized ones. Moreover, medium-sized farms have seen greater economic surplus improvement, compared with small-sized farms. In point of fact, policy induced improvement in the well-being of small-sized farms is so negligible that economic surplus increases may be safely rounded to zero. A welfare improvement of$21 ($64) per farm was recorded for small-nonparticipating (participating) households. It would indeed be not persuasive to argue that small-sized farms would have been worse offin the absence of the program. These results question whether program objectives are being realized in aiding the poor 21 ­ fanner. Indeed, program benefits appear to be misdirected to households who do not seem to require government support, at the expense of small and more needy farm households. Therefore, the implications ofthese results are a clear indication that government involvement or activity in the U.S. com market needs to be revised/revisited. If the objective is to sustain the poorest farm families in farming, non-market oriented policies such as lump-sum transfers may be more effective since they can target support to the most needy farm-households.. References Bullock, D. 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IS In stage 2, the optimal amount of the laborer's surplus is determined subject to optimal producer's surplus. Therefore, following the first stage, the income constraint (equation I b) may be rewritten as I IJ.. =FI..+W..U IJ IJ IJ.. where (B.2) FI.IJ. =n~·IJ +R~+V ..IJ denotes fixed income and the second term where U..IJ =T..IJ -L..IJ denotes the IJ variable component of money income. Note that Uij=Tij-L ij represents total work time (off-farm and farming time). For a Cobb-Douglas utility function, the marginal valuation (cost) of family labor may be expressed as Q .. = IJ UL(I L) A.. I.. A.. I.. ' = .!J!.--.!L = P 1J IJ U1(I,L) Ct IJ.. L..IJ Ct..IJ (T..-U..) IJ IJ (B.3) Evidently, the marginal valuation offamily labor (equation B.3) is a function of work time (or leisure time) and income. But since money income is also a function ofwork time (or leisure), we can utilize equation B.2 to rewrite equation B.3 as [FI.IJ. +W..(T.. IJ IJ -L..)] IJ =.!J!.[FI..+W.. IJ IJu..IJ ] A .. Q.. =.!J!. IJ Ct.. IJ A .. L..IJ Ct.. IJ T..-u.. IJ IJ (B.4) Equation B.4 indicates that the marginal valuation (cost) of family labor curve is upward sloping with respect to owned work time and downward sloping with respect to leisure, as was drawn IS Note that producer surplus is defined as the triangle-like area above the output supply curve and below the product price line. This area is equivalent to restricted profits in the case where we have concave production functions with respect to variable production factors. This should be obvious because an(p q)/apq=Q(Pq)' From this result, it follows that fQ(P q)dPq= n(p q)' Therefore, integrating the output supply curve should precisely define short-run farm profits. - in Figures 1 and 2. 16 The laborer's surplus can therefore be calculated as _ = W..U.. IJ IJ u.. T·· vFI..+WU.. _ vFI..+W..(T.. -L..) -.!2!f IJ 1JdU.. = W ..U .. -.!2!f IJ IJ IJ IJ a.. T..-U.. IJ IJ IJ a.. L.. fl .. IJO fl .. IJ IJ IJ 1Ji:..I) (B.5) = W..U.. + Pij[Iw.. T.. +FI..VI~ .. -lnT..)+w.h.. -iJl IJ IJ a.. \.. IJ IJ IJ}; IJ IJ IA IJ IJ/J IJ - - - where U=T-L denotes the optimal amount of time devoted to work (farm and off-farm) and L is the optimal amount of leisure time. 17 Total economic surplus for a representative household (ESij)' This can be shown by partial differentiating equation B.4 with respect to leisure or total work time to obtain 16 an = _1![FI +WT]= _ an <0 aL a L2 au where the ij's have been dropped. 17 It is noteworthy here that - U T fFI +W(T-L) dL = -J![(WT+FI)(lnL-InT)+W(T-L)] J!fFI+WU dU =J! a o T-U ai: a L where the ij's have been dropped. Note that this expression denotes total valuation (cost) of family labor devoted to work (all work). Therefore, the laborer's surplus is precisely calculated as total wage income (farm and off-farm) minus total cost of owned labor. Recall that farm work is assumed to be remunerated at the same wage rate as does off-farm work when calculating the producer's surplus. The value unpaid (family) labor was, among other variable inputs, deducted from farm revenues to compute the producer surplus. Thus, the producer's surplus does not capture returns to family labor. The laborer's surplus calculation, therefore, is concerned with measuring net returns to family labor put to work (farm and off-farm).. 25 - Table I Distribution of off-farm income by sales class, 1986. Off-farm income Agricultural Subsector Percent of sector's farms Average $ Total ($000,000) Percent of sectors's off-farm income All farms 100 20,212 44,708 46 100 Sales class Less than $40,000 $40,00-$99,999 $100,000-$249,999 $250,000 or more 73 13 10 4 22,534 13,780 12,602 17,562 36,336 4,053 2,648 1,670 96 37 17 5 81 9 6 4 Source: Extracted from Ahearn and Lee (1991), Table 1.2 I Percent total cash income from off- farm sources Table 2 Corn Production Costs Per Acre Sales Class Variable less than $40,000 (Small) $250,000 and over (Large) Off-farm=Ycs Off-farm = No Off-farm=Yes Off-farm = No Off-farm = Yes Off-farm = No 52,898.10 83.00 64,609.21 88.00 114,215.82 179.00 128,440.54 213.00 26,335.81 53.00 36,905.04 92.00 Average yield per acre Gross value of production 85.69 194.43 80.05 186.48 112.27 256.51 105.85 242.96 119.80 281.04 114.51 266.92 IIired labor Other Variable inputs Total variable cash costs 1.10 113.73 114.83 2.54 106.16 108.70 3.92 122.67 126.59 3.17 127.60 130.77 12.63 138.34 150.97 14.28 156.94 157.97 General Farm overhead Taxes and insurance Total Interest Total fixed cash costs 11.25 16.29 15.91 43.46 16.60 17.15 4.85 38.59 10.77 19.01 17.53 47.31 10.35 18.82 13.03 42.20 8.46 15.87 21.42 45.75 10.61 18.04 18.76 47.42 158.29 147.29 173.91 172.97 196.73 205.39 Gross value of production less cash costs 36.14 39.19 82.60 69.99 84.31 61.53 Capital replacement 21.99 22.04 23.26 25.95 29.13 33.83 Operating capital Nonland capital Net land rent lJ npaid la bor Total economic costs 3.12 10.17 52.78 41.09 271.53 2.96 10.11 54.51 49.35 281.41 3.44 9.33 67.13 26.18 285.73 3.56 10.19 57.26 29.34 286.23 4.11 10.12 64.17 14.35 297.19 4.30 11.23 61.22 13.58 310.79 Gross value production less economic costs -77.10 -94.93 -29.22 -43.27 -16.15 -43.86 Total number of farms (expanded) Total number of farms (sample) Total cash costs Source: USDA, Economic Research Service ~ $40,000-$249,999 (Medium) I Table 3 Parameter Estimates and Prices Sales class Variable less than $40,000 (Small) Production Parameters A 'Y w () t Prices (dollars) Wage rate Price or other inputs Producer Price (weighled AVG = 2.309) $40,000-$249,999 (Medium) $250,000 and over (Large) Off-rarm= Yes Off-rann=No Off-rann= Yes Off-rann = No Off-rarm= Yes Off-rann= No 2.692 0.168 0.615 0.216 3.623 2.977 0.210 0.570 0.220 3.544 3.199 0.102 0.635 0.262 2.812 2.678 0.126 0.651 0.223 3.490 2.225 0.053 0.712 0.235 3.252 2.425 0.099 0.684 0.217 3.608 3.725 1.000 2.269 3.584 1.000 2.330 4.267 1.000 2.276 4.560 1.000 2.295 5.129 1.000 2.346 5.138 1.000 2.331 0.550 0.450 0.185 0.815 0.607 0.393 0.473 0.527 0.836 0.164 0.789 0.211 Utility Function Parameters Ct {3 I Table 4 Effects of the Corn Program (Changes in Exogenous Variables) Sales class Variable less Ihan $40,000 (Small) $250,000 and over (Large) OIT-farm=Yes Off-farm = No Off-farm = Yes OIT-farm = No Off-farm = Yes OIT-farm=No 52 711 1,255 54 529 1,679 23 76 2,014 11,372 110 2,593 1,968 119 143 9,937 1,430 216 7,713 1,598 317 266 14,083,420 235 15,189,250 530 60,553,070 883 113,376,800 2,868 75,542,210 2,528 93,285,190 Time endowmenl Corn hours Olher farm hours OIT-farm hours Leisure hours 0 1,255 0 -1,285 30 0 1,679 0 -1,725 46 0 1,372 0 -1,448 77 0 1,968 0 -2,070 103 0 1,430 0 -1,535 105 0 1,598 0 -1,699 100 Incomes per household Properly Income OfHarm wage income Nel incomes for non-corn Money income Full income 0 -1,285 0 137 250 0 -1,725 0 38 204 0 -1,448 0 504 831 0 -2,070 0 420 887 0 -1,535 0 2,744 3,281 0 -1,699 0 1,930 2,445 250 13,218,070 -185 -9,796,450 0 0 65 3,421,622 204 13,189,160 -183 -11,839,800 0 831 94,934,130 -338 -38,548,700 0 0 494 56,385,420 887 113,968,800 -355 -45,608,700 3,281 86,407,800 -568 -14,966,700 0 0 2,713 714,411,300 2,445 90,246,630 -283 -10,428,500 0 0 2,163 7,981,813 Inpuls: F X Owned hours Hired Labor (non-pari) OUlpUI (bu): Per farm Group Level Welfare Changes PS: Househo/d level Group level LS: Household Group level R: Household Group level ES: Household Group level I $40,000-$249,999 (Medium) ° 21 1,349,313 ° 0 532 68,390,080 t: .­ r -0 ... (L) .­ ::r: ...0 .c ca ...J J: ....... ­ ~ CJ) ~ :.J ~.:' ...J O' ...J ...-.. --------------;.---------------- 0 .c ::> 0 -- () .. C? :,: -­ 0 t: 0 ~ // > 0 W I i ----'I!.......-·-~---O « E a.. ;' ! / r> OJ aLUooul ~ en 0 .­ I/ / -...a. 'r'"' ~ ~ 0 ... (L) ~ C) .­ u.. - J: '­ o ~------'«--"7>~1r- ~_CJ~~--r-rr"'"7"--""'7'"":()"'-' r- j .t: ...., .­ .0 ~ CJ) -::JC. '­ ::J CJ) :.J ::> i ············· ..J "' () to; -L--~----~o « awooul aJ o .­ E o c: 0 0 __~---,o w C\J ~ :J C) .­ u.. - Ea'i v\ 1M (a) 8a c , .,~~",~, , ---i._ i ~ : ·dL~d , , ,, , , ,' . , o 1 I' l' 1 , (b) $ o 1I' l' 1 ~ Ig " \ 19 ----)V T M' -----. h T Figure 3 Effects 01 a Price Support ~ I Appendix A Data Used in Model Calibration Table A.I Corn Production Costs Per Acre Sales Class Variable less Ihan $40,000 (Small) $250,000 and over (Large) Off-farm=Yes Off-farm = No Off-fann= Yes Off-farm=No Off-farm = Yes Off-farm = No 52,898.10 83.00 64,609.21 88.00 114,215.82 179.00 128,440.54 213.00 26,335.81 53.00 36,905.04 92.00 Average yield per acre Gross value of production 85.69 194.43 80.05 186.48 112.27 256.51 105.85 242.96 119.80 281.04 114.51 266.92 lIired labor Olher Variable inputs Tolal variable cash coslS 1.10 113.73 114.83 2.54 106.16 108.70 3.92 122.67 126.59 3.17 127.60 130.77 12.63 138.34 150.97 14.28 156.94 157.97 General Fann overhead Taxes and insurance TOlal Inleresl TOlal fixed cash costs 11.25 16.29 15.91 43.46 16.60 17.15 4.85 38.59 10.77 19.01 17.53 47.31 10.35 18.82 13.03 42.20 8.46 15.87 21.42 45.75 10.61 18.04 18.76 47.42 158.29 147.29 173.91 172.97 196.73 205.39 Tolal number of farms (expanded) TOlal number of farms (sample) TOIal cash cosls I $40,000-$249,999 (Medium) Table A.I (Continued) Corn Production Costs Per Acre Sales Class Variable less than $40,000 (Small) $250,000 and over (Large) Off-farm = Yes Off-farm = No Off-farm = Yes Off-fann=No Off-fann=Yes Off-farm = No Gross value of production less cash costs 36.14 39.19 82.60 69.99 84.31 61.53 Capital replacement 21.99 22.04 23.26 25.95 29.13 33.83 Operating capital Nonland capital Net land rent Unpaid labor Total economic costs 3.12 10.17 52.78 41.09 271.53 2.96 10.11 54.51 49.35 281.41 3.44 9.33 67.13 26.18 285.73 3.56 10.19 57.26 29.34 286.23 4.11 10.12 64.17 14.35 297.19 4.30 11.23 61.22 13.58 310.79 Gross value production less economic costs -77.10 -94.93 -29.22 -43.27 -16.15 -43.86 Source: USDA, Economic Research Service I $40,000-$249,999 (Medium) Table A.2 Other Pertinent Data Sales Class Variable Small Large On:farm= Yes Off-farm = No Off-limn = Yes on: farm = No Off-farm = Yes On:farm=No 1,575 28 1,907 23 2,663 30 2,938 28 2,880 33 3,123 25 Hours of other household members per year % hours for corn 714 17 647 II 893 15 1,237 12 1,889 26 1,747 14 Other sources of farm income Customs work for others Grazing of livestock Cooperative patronage dividends Sales of farm machinery and vehicles Insurance indemnity and payments Hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation 708 0 72 189 84 0 51 0 140 19 151 0 1,312 46 452 436 698 5 1,049 II 691 214 684 3 4,918 1,918 1,132 310 1,574 0 4,653 390 868 2,200 1,024 27 22,500 500 0 500 500 0 1,750 500 1,750 1,750 12,500 500 0 500 500 0 500 0 500 500 17,500 500 0 1,750 1,750 0 500 0 1,750 500 I 51 4 0 37 2 12 140 12 22 129 12 102 413 41 142 246 32 Hours of operator per year % hours for corn Off-farm income Cash wages and salaries Net cash income from on:larm husiness Net cash income Ihml another farm or ranch Interest and dividends Other off-farm income Acres planted to corn Inigated acres Non-irrigated acres Set-aside acres Source: USDA, Economic Research Service I Medium Table A.3 Income Statement for Farm Business, 1991 FCRS, Corn Version Sales Class Variahle less Ihan $40,000 (Small) Total number of farms (expanded) Total numher of farms (sample) Tolal acres operated Corn acres planted Other crop acres planted Average cash rent per acre Average cash rent and AUM expense Shared rent estimale incl. liveslock Gross Cash Income · · · · I Livestock sales Crop sales Government paymenls Other larm-relaled in<:ome $40,000-$249,999 (Medium) $250,000 and over (Large) Off-tarm= Yes Off-farm = No Off-farm = Yes Off-farm = No Off-farm = Yes 52,898 83 64,609 88 114,216 179 128,441 213 26,336 53 36,905 92 229 51 18 55 2,232 2,293 214 38 28 30 588 1,028 471 157 48 60 8,641 14,425 526 156 45 38 5,642 16,142 1,855 519 50 73 27,764 30,414 1,764 398 148 46 26,990 28,797 Oll~farm= No 20,351 20,842 102,971 110,097 443,771 592,418 7,386 10,492 1,352 1,120 9,875 8,300 1,077 1,590 43,529 47,898 5,681 5,863 53,853 45,026 5,581 5,637 207,108 199,968 20,049 16,646 335,670 214,753 19,921 22,074 Table A.3 (Continued) Income Statement for Farm Business, 1991 FCRS, Corn Version OIT-farm=¥es On~larm=No (>1'1'- farm = ¥ es Off-farm = No OIT-farm=¥es OIT-larm=No 22,808 19,529 81,360 82,518 352,387 454,926 15,838 1,134 1,716 179 1,445 3,776 390 1,600 2,631 561 672 1,433 15,552 910 1,959 114 1,154 4,018 744 1,453 2,456 563 790 1,038 58,709 5,853 10,991 333 4,679 13,257 2,562 4,534 7,144 1,827 2,316 3,666 62,259 5,522 11,456 537 4,489 13,405 3,558 4,783 7,994 2,455 2,498 3,746 269,540 59,370 37,767 1,170 18,139 54,379 25,056 19,392 25,477 7,734 6,696 9,503 377,041 124,265 72,705 1,849 14,166 48,708 32,948 16,419 22,541 12,143 9,631 14,137 -Fixed · Real estate, property taxes · Interest · Insurance premium · Rent and lease payments 6,967 1,125 2,614 940 2,288 3,977 1,576 916 875 610 22,651 2,047 8,806 2,670 9,128 20,258 2,763 8,394 2,947 6,155 82,847 9,198 35,035 7,463 31,151 77,885 8,186 26,898 13,058 29,743 Equal: Net cash farm income -2,453 1,313 21,611 27,580 91,384 137,492 Less: Depreciation Labor, non-cash benefits 3,428 2 2,325 58 10,466 68 11,480 270 28,571 1,405 30,648 2,064 Plus: Value of inventory change Nonmoney income 3,917 2,495 2,049 3,084 2,285 2,667 2,344 2,632 27,222 4,898 11,164 5,053 529 4,063 16,027 20,805 93,527 121,002 Variable Less: Cash Expenses - Variable · l.ivestock purchases · Feed · Olher livestock expenses · Seed and plants · Fertilizer and chemicals · Labor · Fuel and oils · Repairs and maintenance · Machine-hire and custom work · Utilities · Other variable expenses Equals: Net farm income Source: USDA, Economic Research Service I OTHER AoRoMoEo WORKING PAPERS No. 96-05 Economic Growth, Trade and the Environment: An Econometric Evaluation of the Environmental Kuznets Curve Vivek Suri Duane Chapman No. 96-06 Property Taxation and Participation in Federal Easement Programs: Evidence from the 1992 pilot Wetlands Reserve Program Gregory L. Poe No. 96-07 Commodity Futures Prices as Forecasts William G. Tomek No. 96-08 Old-Growth Forest and Jobs Jon M. Conrad No. 96-09 The Economic Threshold With a Stochastic Pest Population: An Application to the European Red Mite Jean-Daniel Saphores Jon M. Conrad No. 96-10 Competitive Electricity Markets in New York State: Empirical Impacts of Industry Restructuring Robert Ethier Timothy D. Mount No. 96-11 Do Participants in Well Water Testing Programs Update Their Exposure and Health Risk Perceptions? Gregory Poe Harold van Es Maxine Duroe Christopher Crossman Timothy VandenBerg Richard Bishop No. 96-12 A Hedonic Approach to Estimating Operation and Maintenance Costs for New York Municipal Water Systems Todd M. Schmit Richard N. Boisvert No. 96-13 The Productivity of Dairy Farms Measured by Non-Parametric Malmquist Indices Loren W. Tauer -