CORNELL UNIVERSITY College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management Declaration of INTENT To complete the Minor in Business for Engineering Students This declaration is intended to signal the interest and INTENT of an Engineering student to pursue the Minor in Business for Engineers offered in the Dyson School. Once the declaration of INTENT is registered in the Minor database, students receive notification and are officially considered part of the program. Students declaring the INTENT to Minor benefit in a variety of ways: • Have preference in the AEM courses that are offered in the minor* • Receive invitations to special extracurricular events related to business and engineering. • Have access to advice and guidance on the minor. • Learn about new offerings and/or new optional courses. To complete the Minor, students must pass all the required courses in good stead, with no grade lower than a C-­‐. Once all coursework is submitted, students should submit the Application to Certify Completion of the Minor. *(except where restricted to AEM majors only). Note: Although the Dyson School supports the goal of students completing, no penalty is applied for students who cannot for any reason complete the minor. Name: Expected Graduation Term: Phone: Net ID: Local Address: Cornell ID: Credit hours completed: Cumulative GPA: Intended Engineering Major: Advisor: Course Plan With the Declaration of Intent to complete the Minor, students must submit an initial plan. This is not intended as a binding schedule, but rather as a way to plan ahead for completion of the Minor. See course website for the courses that are accepted in each subject area. Course Course # to fulfill the requirement Semester/Year Introductory Microeconomics Statistics Introduction to Business Management Marketing Finance Accounting Email or hand in to Nancy, 425 Warren Hall,