Soccer Challenge Activities Grades 3,4,5 1)Toe Touch In this challenge, you will practice touching on top of the ball with one foot and then the other as many times at you can in 30 seconds. .Remember to: Lightly touch it with the bottom of your foot. Keep head up and arms out for balance. Retrieve your ball quickly if it gets away and continue counting. • • • 2) Partner Pass Attack In this challenge, you will practice passing the ball back and forth to your partner. When you kick remember to: Step next to the ball with your non-kicking foot Contact the ball with the inside of your foot or the laces of your shoes Follow through towards your partner • • • When you receive the kick remember to: Pretend like it is an egg and cushion it or trap it See how many times you can pass the ball in 30 seconds to your partner without losing control • 3) Amazing Juggler In this challenge, you will practice keeping the ball in the air using different body parts like your feet, knees, and thighs. Remember to: Find your own space in your dugout area Hit the ball up, not away Don’t touch the ball with your arms or hands See how many times you can tap it without letting it touch the ground. • • • 4) Target Practice In this challenge, you will practice kicking the ball into the goal from the taped line on the floor. Remember to: Step next to the ball with your non-kicking foot Contact the ball with the inside of your foot or the laces of your shoes Follow through towards the goal. Make sure the area is safe and watch out for anyone kicking when you get your ball. See how many times you can kick a goal in 30 seconds. • • • • 5) Throw It In! In this challenge, you will practice throwing in the ball, aiming for the target on the wall. Remember to: Keep both heels on the ground Bring the ball over your head-not off to the sides Watch out when you go to retrieve your ball See how many times you can throw the ball into the target in 30 seconds. • • • 6) Changing Dribble In this challenge, you will practice dribbling the ball and changing direction in your dugout area. Remember to: Lightly tap it with the inside or outside of your foot Keep it close to your body for three steps, then change direction without losing control Look up! • • • See how many times you can change direction while dribbling without losing control in 30 seconds.