“Confederation to Constitution” Study Guide

“Confederation to Constitution” Study Guide
Test Format: 50-1pt multiple choice questions & 1-4pt extended response question
Review Ohio’s Eighth Grade Social Studies Learning Standards: “Confederation to
Constitution” & “Constitution.” (Expectations for Learning- #6, 7, 15)
Review TCI History Alive! The United States Through Industrialism, Chapter 8
“Creating the Constitution” & Interactive Student Notebook 8.
Use Mr. Berner’s Webpage http://www.dublinschools.net/matthewberner.aspxto
complete “Confederation to Constitution” Quizlet.
Define Republic.
Articles of Confederation- What powers did the national
government have & what powers did the national government lack
under the Articles of Confederation? What were the
accomplishments of the national government under the Articles of
Confederation? Why did America make the Articles of
Confederation such a weak national government that ultimately
failed (rope of sand)?
What did the Land Ordinance of 1785 & the Northwest
Ordinance of 1787 do?
What effect did Shays’s Rebellion have on the national
government under the Articles of Confederation?
Constitutional Convention 1787- setting, purpose, delegate
background, rules of order, decisions made…
What does representation based on population mean?
What does representation based on equality mean?
What was the Virginia Plan?
What was the New Jersey Plans?
10. What was the Great Compromise?
11. What was the 3/5 Compromise?
12. What 2 limitations did the delegates make on Congresses power to
control trade? (slave trade, exports)
13. What does the Electoral College do & how does it work?
14. Why was George Washington elected president of the Constitutional Convention?
15. Why is James Madison considered the “father” of the Constitution?
16. Why did Rhode Island boycott the Constitutional Convention 1787?
17. What does Ratification mean & how many states needed to ratify the
Constitution before it went into effect?
18. What is the difference between a Federalist & an Anti-Federalist?
19. What were the main concerns Antifederalists had about the Constitution?
20. What was the purpose of The Federalist Papers?