Creating C re a t i n g the

U n i v e r s i t y
t h e F u t u re
2002 Annual Repor t for the College of Forestr y and
the Oregon Forest Research Laborator y
2002 Annual Report
College of Forestry & Oregon Forest Research Laboratory
Table of Contents
Vision Statement
From the Dean
Return on Investment
College of Forestry Finances
FRL Research Finances
Fish and today’s forestry
Thinned forests,
healthy forests
The skinny on rings
The high cost of
natural disasters
Examining private
forests worldwide
Reaching out to the world
Actively managing
fire-prone forests
Wolves—helping with
aspen recovery?
One-stop shopping for
environmental information
Outdoor recreation; a new
program serving Oregon
Managing for biodiversity:
What have we learned?
Better land management:
A one-day mini-college
Faculty & Staff Awards
Forest Engineering
Forest Resources
Forest Science
Wood Science & Engineering
Undergraduate Education
Degree Programs
Degrees Awarded
Student Clubs
Graduate Education
Degree Programs
Degrees Awarded
Oregon Forest Research Laboratory
Grants and Contracts
Research Cooperatives
Other Cooperative Research Programs
Extended Education, Outreach, & Support
Our Vision:
Our Mission:
TO EDUCATE AND ENGAGE the next generation of scholars, practitioners, and users of forest resources
TO C ONDUCT distinctive problem-solving and research on forest and related resources
with others
Our Values:
FORESTS and their functions, products, and values, sustainable for current and future generations LEARNING as a
passion, through teaching, research, experience, and extended education COLLABORATION across disciplines,
institutions, and perspectives PEOPLE in the College community, diverse in faculty, staff, students, and ideas,
nurtured through communication and mutual respect SERVICE to the people of Oregon, the nation, and the
Our Products:
GRADUATES who are lifelong learners and capable problem solvers, reflecting the diverse communities they serve
SCIENCE that provides research-based knowledge, technologies and tools to solve problems and shape the future
that provides extended education, technical assistance, policy advice, and training
INFORMATION that is sound and scientifically based for a well-informed citizenry
From the Dean
Forestry to match the future
atural resources define Oregon’s essential character.
Oregon’s first peoples—among the wealthiest huntergatherers the world has ever known—sustained their
cultures on the abundant natural resources of this area. This
wealth of resources has fueled the development of Oregon’s
economy and culture ever since.
Today these natural resources continue to attract people and
investment into the state. While agriculture and forestry no
longer dominate Oregon’s economy, they’re still a substantial
part of Oregon’s prosperity and culture, and they support
diverse and productive ways of life. The continued vitality of
Oregon’s natural resource economy is fundamental to prosperity in every corner of the state.
Oregon can rightly claim leadership in forest management and
How can Oregonians create this future? The Oregon State
University College of Forestry and the Oregon Forest Research
Laboratory (FRL) can help. Our strengths and assets make us one
of the world’s premier forestry academic institutions:
▲ We have protected and sustained these forestlands through enlightened land-use planning
and Forest Practices Act rules.
▲ Our research, conducted under the auspices
of the Oregon Forest Research Laboratory, is
world-renowned for its quality and relevance.
The new knowledge and technologies we
produce lift yields, lower costs, create new products, and improve environmental performance.
▲ We have a highly developed and efficient
industry infrastructure.
▲ Our scientists are highly regarded for their
research, teaching, and public outreach.
▲ We educate forestry professionals, carry out
research, and provide public services at one of
the nation’s foremost forest resource colleges.
▲ We attract the brightest and best forestry
students from around the world.
▲ We have some of the world’s most productive
and diverse forests.
These are tough economic times. Oregon faces challenges in
maintaining and increasing the vitality of its natural resources
sector. But we see a very bright future. Oregon’s forest products
are globally competitive and could fetch higher value in the
marketplace. They could be produced at higher productivity
and lower cost. New natural resource-based businesses could be
created, offering high-wage jobs and high-export-value products. Penalties could be replaced by incentives for managing
forestlands sustainably. The public could better understand the
role of private, state, federal, and other public lands in providing a
mix of forest products and values.
▲ We have active alumni and constituents who are
highly supportive of our programs.
▲ We have world-class facilities and forest properties that enable us to deliver first-rate educational programs and conduct innovative research.
▲ We are ideally located near a wide array of forest
ecosystems, from coastal forests to mountain
forests to forests of the high desert.
▲ We are neighbors and collaborators with other
stellar research organizations, including the
USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest
Research Station, several national forests of the
Pacific Northwest Region, the H.J. Andrews
Experimental Forest, the USGS Forest and
Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, the
USDI Bureau of Land Management, and the
EPA’s Environmental Research Laboratory.
This Annual Report showcases the College of Forestry’s and
Oregon Forest Research Laboratory’s accomplishments from
July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002. So please read on! We
begin with a few of the ways we’ve made returns on Oregon’s
investment in us. After a summary of our financial picture, we
offer photo essays that show only a few of the exciting teaching,
research, and outreach projects we have going. In the pages that
follow, you’ll find news from our four major programs, faculty
awards and honors, names of our graduates, details about our
research projects, and all the other activities and accomplishments of this vibrant place.
On behalf of the College of Forestry and the Oregon Forest
Research Laboratory, I wish all our constituents, stakeholders,
and friends a sustainable and prosperous future.
Hal Salwasser
Dean, College of Forestry
Director, Oregon Forest Research Laboratory
▲ We are part of Oregon State University, a major
academic and research institution, which provides access to a broad portfolio of courses, curricula, and programs.
The College of Forestry and the Oregon Forest Research Laboratory
have assets and strengths that can build Oregon’s capacity and help
make prosperity a reality for citizens throughout the state.
Return on Investment
▲ Impact on Instruction. Faculty with Forest Research
Laboratory (FRL) research appointments at OSU
integrate new knowledge from their research projects
into the classes and student laboratories. More than 480
graduate and undergraduate students directly benefit from
the biological, social, and environmental research carried
out by FRL scientists.
▲ Contributing to Oregon’s Economy. Faculty of OSU’s
Forest Research Laboratory conduct research in the forest
and forest products, biological, social, and environmental
sciences for the economic, social, and environmental benefit of Oregon. For every appropriated dollar invested,
FRL scientists earn $5 in external funding. About 300
FRL research projects this year will benefit Oregon’s $10
billion forest and forest product-related industries.
▲ Providing Public Service. The Institute for Natural
Resources (INR) is new this past year. The INR links faculty researchers at OSU, Portland State University, and the
University of Oregon with Oregon policy-makers, educators, agencies, and natural resource stewards. The INR is
slated to become the “One Place” for scientific information on climate, watersheds, wildlife, forests, grasslands,
soils, and the human relationship with the natural environment.
▲ Improving Technology. A team of College of Forestry
(CoF) scientists is evaluating a new synthetic rope as a substitute for wire rope in the logging industry. Early studies
indicate significant promise for improvements in logging
safety, worker ergonomics, and economic efficiency.
▲ Examining Logging and Fish Habitat. CoF scientists
established a new multi-disciplinary, cooperative research
program to evaluate the effects of contemporary forest
management practices on aquatic habitat and fish populations, and thus to strengthen the scientific foundation for
forest practices regulation in Oregon.
▲ Better Culverts. CoF scientists have completed research
and outreach programs leading to improved engineering
design guidelines for stream crossing structures that are
being implemented by federal, state, and private land
managers to improve migratory fish passage.
▲ Reducing the Risk of Wildfire. CoF faculty are conducting a study in Jackson County to assess fire risk in public
and private forests and opportunities to reduce the risk
through active forest management. The outcome will be
an educational tool for public forest managers, county officials, and educators to use to estimate economic and ecological outcomes of selected forest management strategies.
▲ Saving Time in Forest Operations. CoF faculty completed a new computer model that optimizes timber
sale layout and the efficiency of forest operations and
develops plans in less than 25% of the time required by
conventional methods.
▲ A New Plan for State Forestlands. CoF faculty are
developing a forest planning methodology to assist the
Oregon Department of Forestry in developing a new
strategic plan for the Elliott State Forest.
▲ Exploring Ecosystems for Better Management. More
than 100 research projects involving senior scientists from
13 departments and 5 colleges at OSU are in progress on
the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest. The Forest Science
Department plays a major role in the leadership of this
program. These projects contribute significantly to our
understanding of how natural disturbances, climate
change, and forest management practices affect carbon
cycling, biodiversity, and watersheds of forested landscapes.
▲ Reducing Losses from Swiss Needle Cast Diseases. The
Swiss Needle Cast Cooperative is developing forest management techniques expected to save millions of dollars
lost to growth reduction on Douglas-fir.
▲ Educating about Biotechnology. Much controversy
surrounds the use of biotechnology to improve food
and fiber productivity. To better inform OSU students
and the public on issues in biotechnology, including
how this methodology works and its benefits and
Return on Investment
potential pitfalls, faculty in Forest Science and in the
College of Science recently initiated a course in“Issues
in Agriculture and Natural Resource Biotechnology”.
engineers, and specifiers to properly design and site
treated bridges in a way that ensures the environmental
safety of our rivers and streams.
▲ Improved Seedling Production. This year marked the
20th anniversary of the Nursery Technology Cooperative
(NTC). Over 60 studies by the NTC have led to many
improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of nursery operations in the Pacific Northwest and in the survival
and growth of planted seedlings. The value of this research
is reflected by the longevity of the NTC, which includes
23 members representing private and public agency
seedling nurseries and tree-growing organizations.
▲ Reducing the Impact of Earthquakes. WS&E faculty are
testing sections of houses with earthquake loads similar to
those likely to occur in Oregon (subduction-zone earthquake) to improve design and performance of homes and
to reduce economic losses in natural disaster.
▲ Protecting Trees from Douglas-fir Beetle Infestation.
Collaboration between faculty in the Department of Forest
Science and scientists of the USDA Forest Service Pacific
Northwest Research Station has led to the development of
MCH, a chemical produced by male Douglas-fir beetles
that naturally repels further beetle attack of trees. Artificially
formulated MCH has proven to be very effective in protecting high-value trees or stands from attack without resorting
to pesticides.
▲ Environmentally Friendly Adhesives. A Wood Science
& Engineering (WS&E) faculty member has developed a
new type of wood adhesive that gets stronger after it has
been exposed to water. This new adhesive is derived from
natural soybeans, rather than the more traditional synthetic formaldehyde glues. A patent application has been
filed and several commercial manufacturers are exploring
potential uses.
▲ Adding Value to Small Logs. Faculty in WS&E
identified alternative processing techniques that can
increase the value of small-diameter timber by over
75% to encourage stand management techniques
that will reduce forest fire danger.
▲ Making Treated Wood Safer. A WS&E-led team
measured leaching of wood preservatives from treated
timber bridges into waterways. The information is
being used in a nationwide model to enable regulators,
▲ Assessing Health Risks of Indoor Molds. WS&E
faculty, working closely with health specialists, produced
a white paper on the relative risks associated with indoor
molds and have devised effective solutions for this
problem for use by homeowners and contractors.
▲ Helping Private Forestland Owners. Corporate mergers
have led to shrinking competition for logs, reducing
income potential for private landowners. A faculty team is
researching solutions to address small-landowner concerns
and have created a new log-buyer database to improve
market access for private forestland owners.
▲ Innovative Learning Methods. An innovative new
book on forest products marketing, coupled with a
web-based virtual tour and a new series of industry case
studies, has significantly improved student learning.
This book has been adopted for use in marketing
courses at five universities so far.
▲ Making Manufacturing More Competitive. WS&E
faculty are working with several small- to medium-size
wood-product manufacturers in Portland to help them
adopt “lean” manufacturing practices that enhance their
efficiency and improve their competitiveness in the global
▲ Clarifying Certification. Extensive publications and targeted outreach education by OSU faculty have helped
Oregon’s private, public, and corporate landowners make
informed decisions concerning forest certification plans.
This work is widely used by Oregonians seeking to gain
credit for their high-quality land management practices.
College of Forestry Finances
Consolidated Forestry Funding: Education,
Research, Extended Education
Federal Formula Funds
Endowments & Gifts
Millions of Dollars
Millions of Dollars
Forestry Education Funding
Forest Revenue
Harvest tax
State General Funds
& Tuition
Grants and Contracts
& Gifts
Forest Revenue
State General
Funds & Tuition
Forestry Extended Education Program Sources of
Funding, FY2002, Total $3.38 million✝
Forestry Education Sources of Funding,
FY2002, Total $3.4 million
& Gifts 13%
RREA Federal Funds 3%
Federal Funds 6%
Revenue 35%
State Generated Funds
(Extension) 53%
Grants 14%
Tuition 22%
Conferences 24%
State Appropriation (Higher Ed) 30%
Education & General Funding to CoF, FY 1990-2003
Millions of Dollars
Thousands of Dollars
Forestry Scholarships, Gift-Funded
State Appropriation
& Tuition (Actual)
State Appropriation
& Tuition (Adjusted,
Base Year 1990)*
✝Total excludes approximately $46,000/yr per Agent that Oregon counties provide for general support.
*Indexed to Implicit Price Deflator, U.S. Department of Commerce
FRL Research Finances
Total Research Funding
Forest Revenue
Federal Formula Funds
Millions of Dollars
Endowments & Gifts
Oregon Harvest Tax
State General Funds
FRL Appropriation
Grants & Contracts
Sources of Funding, FY2002,
Total $18.7 million
Federal Formula Funds 4%
Grants & Contracts, FY2002,
Total $11.4 million
EPA 5%
Forest Revenue 3%
McIntire Stennis
Endowments & Gifts 6%
USDA 38%
State Agencies 8%
Oregon Harvest Tax 12%
NSF 9%
State Generated Funds
Other 10%
(FRL Appropriation)
Grants & Contracts
Co-ops 12%
USDI 12%
Legislative Appropriations & Harvest Tax Revenues, FY 1980-2003
State Appropriation
Millions of Dollars
State Appropriation
(Adjusted, Base Year 1980)*
Harvest Tax
Harvest Tax
(Adjusted, Base Year 1980)*
*Indexed to Implicit Price Deflator, U.S. Department of Commerce
Fish and today’s forestry
ince the 1960s, Oregon has taken great strides to improve
laws and regulations that protect the quality of forest and
stream habitats. However, little research has been conducted
to monitor the effectiveness of these regulations. “As a result,”
says Arne Skaugset (Forest Engineering), “forest practice rules
are being developed based on research results of logging practices
30 to 40 years old—many of which would be illegal today.”
Believing contemporary information should be available to
inform management and policy decisions, Skaugset and colleagues at OSU, along with partner agencies, started the
Hinkle Creek Research and Demonstration Area Project this
year. The project studies current harvesting impacts on paired
watersheds on Roseburg Forest Products’ land. “What we’re
going to do,” says Skaugset, “is evaluate the effects of contemporary forest management practices on fish populations.”
Using two streams in the same basin, the research team will
study the impacts of harvesting on one and, at the same time,
monitor the control stream.
Through demonstration sites open to the public, the Hinkle
Creek study will increase awareness and understanding of how
forests can be effectively managed and still protect fish. With
this understanding, current laws and regulations in Oregon
will continue to improve.
Thinned forests, healthy forests
or the young forests that cover vast portions of the Pacific
Northwest, the message is clear: thin is in. Thinning of 40to 60-year-old forests can benefit the development of oldgrowth characteristics and the diversity of plants and animals—
but only if methods are used that protect shrubs, hardwoods,
and large or old trees.
According to John Tappeiner (Forest Resources), a forestry professor and retired USGS forest scientist, millions of acres of oldgrowth forests in the Pacific Northwest were clearcut in past
decades and densely replanted with uniformly spaced tree
seedlings. These dense, young forests were being grown primarily
for high yields of wood. There is a wide range of evidence suggesting that thinning will enable these young forests to achieve the
character of the old-growth forests they replaced. Scientists have
found that old-growth trees apparently grew at low density and in
more open conditions than today’s plantations.
Other research has shown that thinning dense young forests can
also improve biodiversity, especially when shrub stems, hardwood
trees, and old remnant conifers are left intact. Diversity and abundance of mosses and lichens—especially those important as food
for wildlife—forest songbirds, caterpillars, and other insects were
greater in thinned young stands and old-growth stands than in
young, unthinned stands.
“Taken together, these studies suggest that thinning may have
positive results for plants and animals if the methods used
protect shrubs, hardwoods, large trees, and old trees,”
Tappeiner says.
The skinny on rings
rees grow by adding annual rings around their cores. The
rings may be thin, as in suppressed trees from crowded
stands, or fat, as in trees from a well-tended plantation, or
somewhere in between.
Does size matter? Because wood with thinner rings is denser,
thin rings have been assumed to mean better-quality wood.
Says Barbara Gartner (Wood Science and Engineering), “Big
rings have a bad rap, because in the past, big rings were only in
the juvenile wood. With today’s silviculture, we can have big
rings in the mature wood, too. Unfortunately, we don’t know
how growth ring width per se affects the quality of wood.” For
example, Gartner and her colleague Randy Johnson of the
USDA Forest Service were unable to say whether changes in
wood density in trees infected with Swiss needle cast resulted
from narrow rings, or from changes in the fundamental properties of the wood. There was no information on small rings
from healthy trees of the same age for comparison.
Now, in a project called GRINCH (growth rings per inch),
funded by a $150,000 Forest Service grant, Gartner and
Johnson are studying the relationships between the width of
growth rings and the quality of Douglas-fir wood. The study
will pay off in providing an index for wood quality that is easily used on the spot by tree growers and log buyers.
The high cost of natural disasters
ost residential and many commercial structures in the
United States are made of wood—a point of pride to people at the College of Forestry. But these buildings are not
always designed to withstand extreme natural hazards.
“Disasters like Hurricane Andrew in 1992 and the Northridge
earthquake in 1994,” says David Rosowsky (Wood Science and
Engineering), “reminded people how vulnerable our existing
building inventory is to natural disasters.”
Rosowsky’s research program focuses on the performance and
safety of wood frame structures built in high hazard regions.
His particular interest is in the design of structures to better
withstand natural hazards such as earthquakes and hurricanes.
Current building codes are focused on ensuring “life safety”
for the people occupying the structures. This is certainly a
paramount goal, but recent natural disasters have pointed to
the significant costs that can be incurred even when loss of life
is minimal. A new and emerging design paradigm, called performance-based design, considers objectives in addition to life
safety that can lessen these enormous costs. Such an approach
to structural design “places more responsibility on the engineer,”
says Rosowsky, “but also promotes innovative solutions—new and
more efficient ways to combine materials and structural forms.”
Examining private forests worldwide
n American Samoa, lands are traditionally held in common by
an extended family, or aiga. Each aiga has its appointed chief,
the matai, whose duty it is to manage these lands, resolving
family quarrels and seeing that resources are distributed fairly.
That’s fa’asamoa—the Samoan way, says Jeannette Tuitele-Lewis
(Forest Science), a master’s student in John Bliss’s class, “Private
Forests in Society.”
But times have changed. American influence has pervaded
Samoan society, and fa’apalagi—the outsider’s way—is
replacing fa’asamoa.
To show the effects of these changes on her family’s homeland,
Tuitele-Lewis prepared a PowerPoint presentation and a live
videoconference with a Samoan “talking chief ” named Mika
Malala Misa, who is also an Extension agent. The privatization
of formerly communal land, says Malala Misa, is important
because it represents a shift of power from clan chiefs to
individuals. Some Samoans see it as an erosion of traditional family ties. Others say Samoa has to change with the times.
Tuitele-Lewis and her fellow students are examining issues
like this in other parts of the globe, too. Says Bliss (Forest
Resources): “We heard firsthand from a ranch family in
Australia, a country facing Aboriginal land claims, also a
Brazilian ranch family feeling threatened by land-reform
demands, a Native American with a keen sensitivity to the loss
of tribal lands over the last century. Hearing these stories
brought to life the relevance of struggles over land ownership
to the understanding of global natural resource issues.”
Reaching out to the world
nternational partnerships are
proving to be a powerful tool
for increasing knowledge and
understanding of global issues.
Many FRL scientists are involved
with international research initiatives and educational programs
on several continents. For example, Badege Bishaw, Robin Rose,
and Bart Thielges (Forest
Science) have conducted workshops on agroforestry and
community forestry in Africa.
Collaborating with Russian
foresters, Mark Harmon and
Olga Krankina (Forest Science)
examine carbon dynamics in
Siberia. Loren Kellogg’s innovative International Forest
Engineering Institute will bring a
wide range of forestry practitioners from around the world to
Oregon. Dean Salwasser has a
long-standing collaboration
with the Wildlife Institute of
India, and the College has signed
an agreement with the Indian
Council of Forestry Research
and Education. These and other
collaborative efforts demonstrate
our leadership in addressing
complex issues worldwide.
Actively managing fire-prone forests
his past summer, the worst forest fire season in Oregon
in almost 50 years grabbed national headlines and left
land managers groping for science-based solutions.
They’ll find good advice in Fire in Oregon’s Forests: Risks,
Effects, and Treatment Options. The book, just out from the
Oregon Forest Resources Institute, makes a case for active
management of fire-prone forests—thinning, pruning, mowing, and prescribed burning—in a way that safeguards their
environmental values.
Because of logging and fire suppression over the past century,
“Oregon’s forests, particularly those in the southern and eastern part of the state, are outside their historical range of conditions,” says Stephen Fitzgerald, Deschutes County’s OSU
Extension forester and the book’s lead author and editor, “and
the forests are adding biomass faster than in the past, when
low-intensity fires swept through periodically.”
Wolves—helping with aspen recovery?
uaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) is the most widely
distributed tree in North America—it once covered our
continent from inland northern Alaska to Mexico, and
from Newfoundland to the Great Lakes region. The distinctive
tree with the trembling leaves still paints many a hillside gold
in the fall, but the population has been shrinking over the past
century. This loss has been dramatic in Yellowstone National
Park. Why? Bill Ripple (Forest Resources) and recent doctoral
degree recipient Eric Larsen (Geosciences) think it has something to do with elk, which browse on aspen, and with wolves,
which preyed on elk in great numbers until wolf populations
were extirpated early in the 20th century.
Ripple is conducting research on whether elk populations are
booming because fewer animals fall prey to wolves, and, if
that’s true, whether elk are responsible for making the aspen
disappear. He is now studying whether the reintroduction of
wolves into Yellowstone Park will relieve browsing stress on
seedlings and saplings and thus insure the survival of aspen
and other hardwoods.
Wolves not only prey on elk, but their presence may help keep
elk away from risky habitat. Elk in Yellowstone may have historically avoided foraging in certain aspen stands and along
streams used frequently by wolves. Since the reintroduction of
wolves, aspen, willows, and other hardwoods have begun to
grow and expand in some areas, particularly along streams.
This may help floodplain and channel restoration and provide
improved habitat for beaver, fish, birds, butterflies, and
numerous species of wildlife.
One-stop shopping for
environmental information
here’s a lot of scientific information around. But it’s scattered among researchers, universities, and agencies. The Institute for
Natural Resources, headquartered at OSU, is pulling a wealth of data together into a single, independent “store-front” where
customers can ask questions, propose studies, provide opinions and advice, and learn about Oregon’s natural resources.
The Institute’s Information Office will house and link a host of analytical and modeling tools. The Research Office will facilitate
interdisciplinary research on Oregon’s environment and natural resources. The Policy Office will offer independent analysis of environmental and natural resource issues and help policymakers identify the strengths and weaknesses of various choices.
“This Institute brings people and natural resources together,” says acting director Hal Salwasser, Dean of the College of Forestry.
Outdoor recreation: a new program
serving central Oregon
utdoor recreation contributes to personal growth,
interpersonal relationships, and therapeutic activities.
Not only that, it’s a growing career field. The new
Outdoor Recreation Leadership and Tourism program
being offered at the OSU Cascades Campus in Bend will
provide students with the necessary skills to develop and
manage recreation and tourism programs and enterprises in
this fast-growing niche in Oregon’s economy.
Becky Johnson, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs in the
College of Forestry, explains, “This program is focused on
directly serving the Central Oregon tourism industry. With
the new campus in Bend, we are dedicated to serving the
needs of the community.”
The program combines forestry and health and human performance curriculums to prepare students to work in the
fields of outdoor adventure programming, outdoor and
experiential education, applications of outdoor recreation
to special populations, international ecotourism, and commercial recreation enterprises.
Managing for biodiversity: What have
we learned?
ecause of concerns about endangered species and loss of biodiversity, forest managers have been designing strategies over the
past decade for managing forests to protect plants and animals while permitting harvest of forest products.
But to what effect? Steve Radosevich and Leon Liegel (Forest Science) of the Sustainable Forestry Partnership are heading a team
of scientists from three universities to find out just that. “Right now we don’t know whether these practices that are intended to
enhance forest biodiversity are really working,” Radosevich says, “and, if they are, we don’t know which ones work best.” Using
surveys, modeling and “futures analysis,” the project team will compare different strategies on various forested landscapes. “This
research is intended to determine the most valuable strategies and help managers calculate the costs and benefits of managing
for biodiversity,” says Radosevich.
The project is funded by a $250,000 grant from the National Commission on Science for Sustainable Forestry, awarded to
scientists providing practical approaches to sustainable forestry.
Better land management:
A one-day mini-college
n 2002, the first Saturday in April saw the 11th anniversary
of what has become a landmark event in the Portland area.
It’s Tree School at Clackamas Community College. Tree
School, started by OSU Forestry Extension agent Mike Bondi
(Forest Science) in 1991, is the largest woodland-owner educational event in Oregon.
“It’s a one-day mini-college for our clients,” says Bondi,
“focusing on educational topics to improve the management of
their lands.”
The event drew 575 people in last April—four times the number that came in 1991. Says Bondi, “Most people come from
Clackamas County, but some come from other parts of
Oregon, also Washington, California, Canada—even Florida.”
Some faithful attendees plan their yearly vacation around Tree
School, he says.
Topics range from forest history to capturing escaped Christmas
tree plantations to the politics of land management. “The entire
design is to give land owners information that they can actually
go back to their properties and use,” said Bondi.
This past year, a new Tree School was begun in Douglas
County. Tree School South was held in Roseburg in June and
attracted 175 attendees.
Faculty & staff awards
DARIUS ADAMS, professor, Forest Resources, appointed to the scientific advisory board of the Finnish Forest Research Institute.
PAUL ADAMS, professor, Forest Engineering, named 2002 Forester of the Year by the Oregon Society of American Foresters.
BARBARA BOND, associate professor, Forest Science, a Dean’s Award for excellence in advising, mentoring, and undergraduate
and graduate instruction. JIM BOYLE, professor, Forest Resources, the Aufderheide Award for excellence in teaching.
GRETCHEN BRACHER, graphic artist in the Forestry Communications Group, a Dean’s Award for outstanding service to the
CASNER, and TOM DOWLING, who developed the College’s strategic plan, a Dean’s Award for exceptional special service.
Forestry Media Center, JEFF HINO, MARK REED, JUDY SITTON, and DAVID ZAHLER. a Dean’s Award for outstanding service in extended and continuing education. EVERETT HANSEN, professor, Botany and Plant Pathology and adjunct professor,
Forest Science, selected as a Fellow of the American Phytopathological Society. KATHY HOWELL, then associate director of the
Computing Resources Group, a Dean’s Award for outstanding service to the College. MANUELA HUSO, faculty research assistant in the Forest Science department, a Dean’s Award for outstanding service to the College. ROYAL JACKSON, associate professor, Forest Resources, the Julie Kliewer Award for excellence in mentoring. REBECCA JOHNSON, professor and associate dean
for instruction, an Oregon State University Women of Achievement Award. SANDRA LEWIS, office manager in the Forest Science
department, a Dean’s Award for outstanding service to the College. JEFFREY J. MORRELL, professor, Wood Science and
Engineering, a Dean’s Award for excellence in research and scholarship. DAVE MYROLD, professor, Crop and Soil Science
and adjunct professor, Forest Science, named a Fellow of the Soil Science Society of America. STEPHEN H. SCHOENHOLZ,
associate professor, Forest Engineering, selected to be associate editor of the Southern Journal of Applied Forestry.
JOHN SESSIONS, professor, Forest Engineering, appointed Faye and Lucille Stewart Professor of Forestry Engineering; named
vice-chair of the National Indian Forest Management Assessment Team for the Second Decadal Assessment of Indian Forests by
the Intertribal Timber Council; appointed to the Washington State Department of Natural Resources Technical Committee for
Calculation of the Sustainable Harvest Level; reappointed to a three-year term as associate editor for Silva Fennica, the Finnish
Journal of Forest Science; and an invited lecturer for the Environmental Studies Lecture Series at the University of Oregon.
LAWSON (JEFF) STARNES, assistant director, College Forests, granted Certified Forester status by the Society of American
Foresters. STEVE STRAUSS, professor, Forest Science, inducted into the Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering (ASE)
Mentoring Hall of Fame. BART THIELGES, associate dean for research, the Oregon State University International Service Award
for his contributions to the internationalization of the university. JIM TRAPPE, professor, Forest Science, named Distinguished
Mycologist by the Mycological Society of American.
Forest Engineering
Paul W. Adams
Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1980
Professor; Extension Forest Watershed Specialist
Robert L. Beschta
Kevin Boston
Steve Bowers
Ph.D., University of Arizona, 1974
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1996
M.F., Oregon State University, 1993
Professor Emeritus
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor; Extension Forester, Lane County
George W. Brown
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1967
Professor, Former Dean Emeritus
Tom Edwards*
B.S., Oregon State University, 1984
Project Engineer/Operations Forester, College Forests
John J. Garland
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1990
Professor; Extension Timber Harvesting Specialist
Loren D. Kellogg
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1986
Jim Kiser
M.S., Oregon State University, 1992
Brian W. Kramer
M.S., Oregon State University, 1993
Senior Instructor
Dave Lysne*
M.F., Oregon State University, 1980
Director, OSU Research Forests
Jeffrey J. McDonnell
Ph.D., University of Canterbury,
New Zealand, 1989
Professor; Richardson Chair in Forest Operations and
Watershed Sciences
Glen Murphy
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1987
Bob Parker
M.S., Oregon State University, 2000
Assistant Professor; Extension Forester, Baker County
Steve Pilkerton
M.F., Oregon State University, 1989
Interim Director, Student Logging Program
Marvin R. Pyles
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1981
Associate Professor
John Sessions
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1979
Distinguished Professor; Stewart Professor of Forest Engineering
Arne Skaugset
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1997
Assistant Professor
Lawson W. Starnes*
M.F., Oregon State University, 1984
Assistant Director and Operations Team Leader, College Forests
Stephen Schoenholtz
Steven Tesch
Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1990
Ph.D., University of Montana, 1981
Associate Professor
Professor, Department Head
Michael Wing
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1998
Assistant Professor
* College Forests faculty with appointments in Forest Engineering
Forest Engineering
The Forest Engineering Department ( is recognized for excellence in student education, creative problemsolving research, and innovative extended education. Faculty engineers, hydrologists, and forest scientists apply engineering and forestry
principles to solve complex forestry problems and support sustainable forests. Faculty and graduates provide knowledge, methods, and
skills to design and carry out safe, economically viable, environmentally responsible, and socially acceptable forest resource operations.
▲ For undergraduates, provide 1) an engineering education
within a forestry context, 2) a broad education that supports
professional growth, 3) the practical skills to add immediate
value to employers, and 4) a pathway to professional licensing
as engineers and land surveyors.
▲ For graduate students, provide graduate education concentrations in forest engineering, forest operations, and forest
hydrology to educate future generations of scholars, scientists,
and professionals. Graduate students serve as a foundation for
the department’s research program.
▲ Promote a research program that is mission-oriented and seeks
to help solve land management problems by discovering new
scientific knowledge, applying scientific principles to solve
problems, and developing innovative decision support tools.
▲ Provide outreach activities that serve society through
Extension and continuing education programs. Serve diverse
clientele and provide lifelong learning opportunities for professionals, landowners, the public, and policy makers.
✔ Completed a major curriculum revision to position the
undergraduate program for both forestry and engineering
✔ Completed an SAF accreditation visit that resulted in reaccreditation of the undergraduate FE program for another 10 years.
✔ Faculty devoted substantial energy to preparation for an
Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)
accreditation visit in October 2002.
✔ Resolved a challenge from the Oregon State Board of
Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying (OSBEELS)
over the quality of FE program and access for graduates to
professional licensing exams. Graduates now have access to
the Fundamentals of Engineering exam and, with appropriate coursework, the Fundamentals of Land Surveying exam.
✔ Established a new Watersheds Research Cooperative to evaluate the effects of contemporary industrial forest practices
on water quality, aquatic habitat, and fish populations. This
coop has strong linkages to the OSU Fisheries and Wildlife
Department and the FRESC Program of the USGS.
✔ Established the new Stewart Endowed Professorship in
2001, after a gift from the Faye Stewart estate. John Sessions
was named as first Stewart Professor.
✔ Dedicated a new teaching laboratory in Peavy Hall as the Sam
Konnie Family Forest Surveying and Road Design Laboratory.
✔ Established new Gibbet Hill Graduate Fellowships in Forest
Engineering after receiving a pledge for $90,000 annually
for five years from the Gibbet Hill Foundation.
Steve Tesch
Department Head
Forest Resources
Darius M. Adams
John F. Bell
Max Bennett
Pete Bettinger
Ph.D., University of California,Berkeley, 1972
Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1970
M.S., Oregon State University, 1993
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1996
John C. Bliss
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1988
James R. Boyle
Michael J. Cloughesy
Norman E. Elwood
William K. Ferrell
Ph.D., Yale University, 1967
M.F., Oregon State University, 1983
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1984
Ph.D., Duke University, 1948
Stephen A. Fitzgerald
M.S., University of Idaho, 1983
Richard A. Fletcher
Thomas J. Gallagher
David W. Hann
Richard K. Hermann
Jeffrey C. Hino
Geoffrey M. Huntington
Royal G. Jackson
M.B.A., Oregon State University, 1977
Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1977
Ph.D., University of Washington, 1978
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1960
M.S., University of Oregon, 1979
J.D., University of Oregon, 1986
Ph.D., University of New Mexico
Edward C. Jensen
K. Norman Johnson
Rebecca L. Johnson
Professor; Director, Instructional Development
Professor; Associate Dean, Academic Affairs
William J. Ripple
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1989
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1973
Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1984
M.S., Utah State, 1975, M.B.A., Portland State
University, 1989
Ph.D., University of Washington, 1990
Ph.D., University of Washington, 1965
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1987
M.A., California State University,
Long Beach, 1987
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1984
Hal Salwasser*
Barbara A. Schrader
Bo Shelby
Bruce A. Shindler
John C. Tappeiner II
Joanne F. Tynon
John D. Walstad
David Zahler
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1979
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1998
Ph.D., University of Colorado
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1993
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1966
Ph.D., University of Idaho, 1994
Ph.D., Cornell University, 1971
M.S., Oregon State University, 1996
Dean, Professor
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Professor, Department Head
Chal G. Landgren
Claire A. Montgomery
David P. Paine
A. Scott Reed
Mark D. Reed
Professor Emeritus
Assistant Professor; Extension Agent, Jackson-Josephine Counties
Assistant Professor
Professor; Starker Chair in Private and Family Forestry;
Associate Department Head
Professor Emeritus
Professor; Director of Outreach Education
Associate Professor; Forest Management Extension Specialist
Professor Emeritus
Associate Professor; Extension Agent, Deschutes, Jefferson,
Crook, Grant Counties
Professor; Staff Chair, Benton County Extension Service
Associate Professor; Leadership Specialist, OSU Extension Service
Professor Emeritus
Senior Instructor
Associate Professor
Professor; Extension Agent, Columbia and Washington Counties
Associate Professor
Professor Emeritus
Professor; Executive Associate Dean
Senior Instructor
* Joint appointment in Forest Resources and Forest Science
Forest Resources
Contemporary natural resource management requires broad knowledge and a multifaceted perspective. The Forest Resources Department
( places great importance on providing students, natural resource managers, and the general public with an understanding of how society’s actions can change our forested landscapes and what they provide—both now and in the future. Our programs of
instruction, research, outreach, and service reflect this breadth of knowledge and strategic vision. Furthermore, we place a premium on
developing both technical and integrative skills among our faculty and students that will enable successful long-term management of
forests and related natural resources. We believe that a rigorous, diverse education helps develop responsible citizens and professionals capable
of making sound decisions that will sustain forests and the benefits derived from them. Our vision, goals, and objectives help realize this belief
and support the overarching mission of the College.
✔ Received renewed accreditation by the Society of
American Foresters for our degree programs in Forest
Management, Forest Recreation Resources, and
Master of Forestry.
✔ Completed a review of our graduate program by the
OSU Graduate School.
✔ Completed a comprehensive review of all of our programs by a USDA Cooperative State Research,
Education, and Extension Service (CSREES) panel.
✔ Updated and streamlined our courses and curricula to
gain more relevance and efficiency.
✔ Maintained a high level of productivity in our
research, extended education, and service functions.
The recent evaluations of the Forest Resources Department were quite
positive and complimentary. According to CSREES reviewers, we’ve
compiled a “distinguished record of achievements in forest economics,
management and policy analyses, silviculture, and recreation resource
management” (CSREES Report, 2002). Our current goals are to
maintain this level of excellence while further strengthening our faculty, staff, and student ranks. We’ll also build on our partnerships with
other OSU departments, the new Cascades Campus at Bend, and a
variety of external collaborators. The current biennium promises to be
one of change, challenge, and opportunity. We are poised to vigorously participate in this dynamic process.
Jack Walstad
Department Head
✔ Remained engaged in a variety of international, forestpolicy, and professional activities.
✔ Prepared a departmental Staffing Plan and Strategic
Plan to chart future direction and initiatives.
Forest Science
W. Thomas Adams
Glenn Ahrens
Thimmappa Anekonda
Barbara Bond
Michael Bondi
Amy Brunner
Efren Cazares-Gonzales
Kermit Cromack Jr.
William H. Emmingham
Gregory M. Filip
Mark E. Harmon
John P. Hayes
David E. Hibbs
Ph.D., University of California, Davis, 1974
M.S., Oregon State University, 1990
Ph.D., University of CA, Berkeley, 1992
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1992
M.S., University of Canterbury, 1977
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1990
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1992
Ph.D., University of Georgia, Athens, 1973
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1974
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1976
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1986
Ph.D., Cornell University, 1990
Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1978
Stephen D. Hobbs
Ph.D., University of Idaho, 1977
Glen T. Howe
Lisa Ganio
Beverly Law
Michael Lefsky
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1991
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1989
Ph.D., St. Petersburg Forest Academy,
St. Petersburg, Russia, 1986
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1990
Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1997
Dan Luoma
Christine C. Maguire
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1998
Ph.D., Rutgers University, 1983
Douglas C. Maguire
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1986
Richard Meilan
Michael Newton
Tara Nierenberg
Logan Norris
Paul Oester
Klaus Puettmann
Steven R. Radosevich
Robert W. Rose
Darrell W. Ross
Phillip Sollins
Steven H. Strauss
Bart A. Thielges
David P. Turner
Richard H. Waring
Brad Withrow-Robinson
Ph.D., Iowa State University, Ames, 1990
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1964
M.S., Oregon State University, 1996
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1969
M.S., Oregon State University, 1977
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1990
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1972
Ph.D., North Carolina State University, 1980
Ph.D., University of Georgia, Athens, 1990
Ph.D., University of Tennessee, 1972
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1985
Ph.D., Yale University, 1967
Ph.D., Washington State University, 1984
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1963
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 2000
Olga Krankina
Professor, Department Head
Associate Professor; Extension Agent, Clatsop County
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Professor; Extension Agent, Clackamas County
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Professor Emeritus
Professor; Extension Specialist, Forest Protection & Pathology
Professor; Richardson Chair in Forest Science
Associate Professor
Professor; Associate Dean for Research;
Associate Department Head
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor; Edmund Hayes Professor in
Silvicultural Alternatives
Associate Professor
Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus
Professor; Extension Agent, Union County
Associate Professor
Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Professor; Associate Dean
Assistant Professor
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Assistant Professor; Extension Agent, Yamhill County
Forest Science
The Forest Science Department ( provides strong programs in graduate education, research, and outreach in a broad
range of disciplines pertaining to the processes, culture, and productivity of forest landscapes and resources. The Department’s research spans a
range from fundamental, including projects investigating the impacts of environmental change on ecosystem function, to applied, including
projects aimed at enhancing forest productivity through tree breeding, improved reforestation practices, hardwood silviculture, and tolerance to
Swiss Needle Cast disease. Applied research is conducted primarily by the Department’s seven research cooperatives.
▲ Add to the body of knowledge of the physical and biological
processes of unmanaged and managed forest ecosystems.
▲ Educate future scientists, teachers, and forest practitioners.
▲ Inform discussions of public policy related to natural
resources to help society cope with the pressing issues of forest health, productivity, conservation, and sustainability.
✔ Ranked among the top three departments in the University
in securing research funding, with grants and contracts
exceeding $6.2 million this year.
✔ Took the lead in a College-wide initiative to develop the
Oregon Forest and Wood Productivity Enhancement
Program. During its first year the Program sponsored an
Intensive Forestry Research Summit attended by 80 participants, formed the Intensive Forestry Research Advisory
Committee, developed plans for a series of workshops on
Young Stand Management and Utilization, and started work
on a High Yield Forestry Symposium to be held in early 2004.
✔ Hired Doug Maguire as Extension Silviculture Specialist and
holder of the Hayes Family Professorship.
✔ Hired Glenn Howe, geneticist, who is the new Director of the
Pacific Northwest Tree Improvement Research Cooperative.
✔ Dr. Beverly Law was recently named Science Chair of the
Ameriflux Network of 80 research sites in North and South
America. These research sites maintain instruments that
measure CO2 fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems and are crucial
to understanding global warming and its effects.
✔ Using a chemical (MCH) naturally produced by male
Douglas-fir bark beetles, Dr. Darrell Ross and colleagues at
the USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station
have developed a way to protect high-value trees from
Douglas-fir bark beetle attack. Applications of artificially
formulated MCH are now being used throughout the
western United States.
✔ The Nursery Technology Cooperative celebrated 20 years of
research that has significantly improved forest nursery and
regeneration practices throughout the Pacific Northwest.
✔ Researchers in the Swiss Needle Cast Cooperative have discovered two different lineages of the Swiss Needle Cast fungus.
The finding implies that different management approaches
may be necessary to combat the disease.
Tom Adams
Department Head
Wood Science & Engineering
Terry Brown
Ph.D., Colorado State University, 1975
Professor; Extension Specialist
Charles Brunner
Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1984
Associate Professor
Jim Funck
Ph.D., Iowa State University, 1979
Associate Professor
Barbara Gartner
Ph.D., Stanford University, 1990
Associate Professor
Rakesh Gupta
Eric Hansen
Philip Humphrey
Joe Karchesy
Ph.D., Cornell University, 1990
Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1994
Ph.D., University of Wales, 1982
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1974
Associate Professor
Associate Professor; Extension Specialist
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Scott Leavengood
M.S., Oregon State University, 1994
Associate Professor; Extension Agent, Washington County
Bob Leichti
Ph.D., Auburn University, 1990
Associate Professor
Kaichang Li
Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1996
Assistant Professor
Thomas McLain
Ph.D., Colorado State University, 1975
Professor; Department Head
Mike Milota
Associate Professor
John Punches
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1984
Ph.D., SUNY College of Environmental Science &
Forestry, 1986
M.S., Virginia Tech, 1993
Jim Reeb
Ph.D., Texas A & M University, 1991
Associate Professor; Extension Specialist
David Rosowsky
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1990
Professor; Richardson Chair in Wood Engineering & Mechanics
John Simonsen
Ph.D., University of Colorado, 1975
Ph.D., SUNY College of Environmental Science &
Forestry, 1971
Associate Professor
Jeff Morrell
Jim Wilson
Associate Professor; Extension Agent, Douglas & Lane Counties
Wood Science & Engineering
The Department of Wood Science & Engineering ( is a multidisciplinary program that blends
science, engineering, business, and technology in educating students and professionals, conducting applied and fundamental research,
and disseminating objective, timely information. Our mission focus is on helping society meet a growing demand for wood and other
forest products in an environmentally sound and sustainable manner that benefits Oregon and the world. The WS&E Department offers
undergraduate and graduate degrees, conducts research, and has an active outreach education program.
▲ Expand the wood science knowledge base, especially in the relationship between silvicultural and environmental factors and
tree growth and wood properties, and in the manipulation of
wood fiber properties for advanced composite materials.
▲ Improve manufacturing efficiency and add value to forestbased products through computer-aided manufacturing,
improved drying, characterizing and minimizing environmental impacts of production, and use of environmental
marketing and other business strategies.
▲ Develop innovative new processes and products, especially
with engineered wood-composite materials, adhesive systems, and wood treatment methods, and explore the potential for useful pharmaceuticals from forest residues.
▲ Extend service life of wood-based products through improved
preservation of wood products, discovery of new wood
preservatives and treatment methods, and better understanding of degradation processes.
▲ Increase efficiency in the use of wood-based materials, especially through a better understanding of the benefits and
limitations of wood as an engineering material; improve
engineering design methodologies to reduce costs while
maintaining safety.
✔ Renamed Wood Science & Engineering in December 2001
to better reflect the evolving nature of faculty programs and
✔ Renamed the graduate and undergraduate degrees to Wood
Science and Wood Science and Technology, respectively.
✔ Added new undergraduate options in Bio-Based Composites
Manufacturing, Forest Products Marketing, Wood Industry
Environmental Health and Safety Management, and Wood
Industry Production Planning and Quality Control.
✔ Hired a full-time recruiter to improve student enrollment.
Demand for our graduates continues to outstrip supply by a
wide measure.
✔ Received approval for continued formal accreditation of the
BS degree program by the Society of Wood Science and
Technology (SWST), one of only 10 such programs to
achieve that status in the United States.
Tom McLain
Department Head
Undergraduate Education
Degree Programs
Bachelor of Science
Forest Engineering
Forest Management
The Forest Engineering undergraduate program provides an engineering education within a strong forestry context, founded on fundamental principles in forest science and engineering science that
enable students to develop the skill and knowledge required for
planning and designing engineered forest operations that achieve
forest management objectives. Specifically, the Forest Engineering
undergraduate program provides fundamental coverage of the following: physical and biological aspects of soil and water resources,
surveying and measurement of land and forest resources, analysis
and design of the forest transportation system, analysis and design
of harvesting operations, forest land management, and operational planning principles.
The Bachelor of Science in Forest Management is a broad-based
education with the goal of preparing students to be successful forest managers. Graduates must understand biological and physical
processes occurring in forests, the social and economic forces that
influence policies and actions affecting forests, natural resource systems, and management of forest resources for multiple use and
multiple values. The Forest Management core curriculum includes
basic courses in biological, physical, and social sciences, as well as
professional courses designed to prepare students to manage forest
resources. Strength in a related field can be obtained by selecting a
listed option or minor in a field such as forest harvesting, forest
products, soils, philosophy, public administration, range management, recreation management, statistics, or wildlife.
Forest Engineering/Civil
The FE/CE program is a unique double-degree program that
results in the graduate’s receiving two Bachelor of Science Degrees
upon completion, one in FE and one in CE. The CE degree is
earned through the College of Engineering.
Forest Recreation Resources
The Bachelor of Science in Forest Recreation Resources provides a
strong liberal education oriented toward management of natural
resource-based recreation, and the social science and communications aspects of forestry and natural resources. Managers of wildland recreation resources are primarily concerned with human uses
of forests, and they must blend an understanding of social and biological sciences with management practices to provide the desired
recreation opportunities on those lands. The Forest Recreation
Resources curriculum includes the study of natural resources,
recreational users of these resources, and recreational opportunities. Students must complete an approved option that will
strengthen planning and management with private and public
organizations. Approved options include Cultural Resource
Management, Earth Information Science and Technology,
Environmental Resource Interpretation, Forest Resources,
Landscape Design, Law Enforcement, Public Administration,
Resource Planning, Sociology, and Tourism.
Degree Programs
& Demographics
Natural Resources
Wood Science & Technology
The Natural Resources degree program provides a more broadbased approach to the study of natural resources than most traditional degree programs. The curriculum is designed to produce
graduates who can understand a wide range of natural resource
issues, work with experts in a variety of resource fields, and deal
with social and political components of resource management. The
Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources is offered jointly by the
College of Forestry and three other colleges on campus:
Agricultural Sciences, Liberal Arts, and Science. It provides a
broad-based exposure to topics surrounding land, water, forests,
fauna, and the international aspects of these natural elements with
human cultures. Natural Resources graduates are well prepared for
careers in fields such as land use, water resources, environmental
policy, and related endeavors. Students acquire knowledge and
background in physical and biological systems, mathematics and
statistics, natural resource policy, economics, and decision-making.
This degree also prepares them to be well-informed citizens who
are cognizant of the broad issues surrounding natural resources.
Options are Agroforestry, Arid Land Ecology, Forest Ecosystems,
Geosciences and Natural Resources, Human Dimensions in
Natural Resources, Law Enforcement in Natural Resources, Native
Americans and Natural Resources, Natural Resource Education,
and Watershed Management.
The Bachelor of Science in Wood Science and Technology is
accredited by the Society of Wood Science & Technology and
offers students several options to tailor their program to specific
interests. All students acquire a solid foundation in the anatomical,
physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of wood and a good
understanding of mechanical and chemical processing technologies. Marketing, communication, and problem-solving skills are a
key outcome of the curriculum. Graduates continue to be in high
demand, and all who seek employment find jobs. Options within
the BS degree program are Bio-based Composites Manufacturing,
Forest Products Marketing, Wood Engineering and Science, Wood
Industry Environmental Health and Safety, Wood Industry
Management, and Wood Industry Production Planning and
Quality Control. Students in the management and marketing
options may simultaneously earn a Minor in Business
Administration. Students in the Wood Engineering and Science
option may earn a science or technology minor.
International Studies in Forestry
This bachelor’s degree is obtainable in conjunction with another
undergraduate degree offered by the University. For example, a
student could earn both a Bachelor of Science in Forest
Management and a concurrent Bachelor of Arts in International
Studies in Forestry.
FE 66
FE/CE 19
M 252
F 90
FM 83
FP(WSE&T) 15
FRR 64
Freshman 28
Transfer 46
Returning 269
Oregon 284
Out of State 56
International 2
NR 92
Non-Degree 3
The College of Forestry has a generous scholarship program thanks to many alumni and other donors. The following scholarships
were awarded to undergraduate students during the 2001-2002 academic year:
Robert Aufderheide Memorial Scholarship: $2,000
James T. Krygier Memorial Scholarship: $500
Autzen Scholarship: $3,000
Charles Lord Memorial Scholarship: $5,000
Rex Brown Scholarship: $1,500
Catherine Cox Merriam Scholarship: $1,500
George Brown Scholarship: $1,000
Mitchell Scholarship: $1,000
Gordon & Helen Carlson Scholarship: $2,500
Oregon Logging Conference Scholarship: $1,500 (2)
Bob & Beverley Cooper Forestry Scholarship: $600
Oregon Societies of American Foresters Scholarship: $2,000–4,500 (2)
George M. Cornwall Memorial Scholarship: $1,000
Kurt Jon Peterson Memorial Scholarship: $1,000
Joe Crahane Memorial Scholarship: $3,600
Plywood Pioneers Association Scholarship: $1,000
Harold A. Dahl Memorial Scholarship: $500
Albert Powers Memorial Scholarship: $3,600
Gordon A. & Priscilla E. Duncan Scholarship: $1,000–2,000 (7)
W.R. Randall Memorial Scholarship: $2,500 (2)
Forestry Alumni Scholarship: $500–2,000 (7)
Richardson Wood Science Scholarship: $1,500–$3,000 (10)
Forestry Legacy Scholarship: $200–3,000 (8)
Janet K. Ayer Sachet Scholarship: $1,500
Harold "Bud" Freres Memorial Scholarship: $3,000
Harold Scritsmier Scholarship: $1,500 (2)
Jay B. Hann, Jr. Scholarship: $2,000
Vance P. & Dorothy D. Shugart Forestry Scholarship: $1,800 (5)
Dorothy D. Hoener Memorial Scholarship: $5,000 (14)
C. Wylie Smith III Memorial Scholarship: $3,600 (2)
Lance & Patricia Hollister Scholarship: $1,800
John R. Snellstrom Memorial Scholarship: $1,500 (2)
Green Peter Hoo Hoo Club Scholarship: $3,600
Joseph Strehle Scholarship Award: $750
Portland Hoo Hoo Club #47 Scholarship: $1,000
Eula M. Ten Eyck Memorial Scholarship: $1,500 (2)
Willamette Hoo Hoo Club Scholarship: $3,000
Glenn & Josephine Thompson Scholarship: $1,000 (10)
JELD-WEN Scholarship: $2,000
Wakefield Family Scholarship: $1,800
Kearns Scholarship: $1,250
Wolfson Scholarship: $500
Keniston Scholarship: $750
Wood-Based Composites Center Scholarship: $2,000 (2)
Konnie Scholarship: $1,500 (2)
Degrees Awarded
Forest Engineering
Paul Roger Barron. Cum Laude
Joshua Richard Blankenship. Magna Cum Laude
Cheryl Lynn Bright. Magna Cum Laude
Jeffrey Alan Brown
Christina Louise Castelanelli
Paul Kornel Cocker
Forrest Lee Costales
Jefferey Adam Drago
Jason Len Hatfield
Erik James Huffman
Daniel Edwards Hunyada
Matthew James Melcher
Joshua Paul Miller
Brian James Mize. Magna Cum Laude
Alyson Nicole Piwowar. Cum Laude
Caleb Keegan Ralls
Ricardo Rodriguez
Macrina Seraphim Savko. Cum Laude, International
Marshall Webster Schraeder
Kirstin Lee Stein
Ryan Robert Strain
Michael John Warren
Natural Resources
Craig Patrick Baxter
David Leighton Carter
Orvie Allen Danzuka
Mark Franklin Ditzel
Christopher Miles Francis
Amie Elizabeth Huish
Dawn Marie Loomis
Luke Saguaro Martinez
Joshua Paul Munk
Jennifer Pavone. Cum Laude
Maggie Kathleen Reeves. Cum Laude
Jessica Samples
William Magee Lawrence
Forest Recreation
Cody Alan Lesniak
Bret Cecil Barker
Rashawn Tama-Sweet. Cum Laude
Olaf Nickoli Sather
Kelley Marie Boak. Cum Laude
Toby James Van Altvorst
Claude Henry Smith III
Sunrise Moonshadow Coulter
Nicholas Steven White
Amelia Dee Dexter. Magna Cum Laude
Jeffrey Jon Wolfe. Cum Laude
Timothy Michael Farris
David Thomas James
Jennifer Christine Laughman
Forest Management
Zachary Seth Jarrett
Wendy Ann Joslin
Aaron Daniel Aasen
Kirk William Koehler
Chet Alan Behling
Gradon Richard Leiblein
Donald Phillip Everingham
Brian Jay Malicki. Magna Cum Laude
Andrew John Hopkins
Heather Anne Marren
Nathan Mark Hunter
John Howard Newport
Eric Joseph Jorgensen
Christi Lynn Oliver. Magna Cum Laude
Kevin Joynt
Nathan Alan Pearson
Brent Richard Keller. Magna Cum Laude
Martha Charlotte Willand
Sarah Dessie Litwin
David Jonathan Woolley
Megan Joan Slothower. Magna Cum Laude
Paul Michael Stormo. Magna Cum Laude
Wood Science &
Ezra Eric Butera
Nicole Dawn De Veny. Summa Cum Laude
Jon Bryan Jensen. Cum Laude
Tyler Jon Kuenzi. Magna Cum Laude
Trevor James Ostby
David Michael Schmidt
raduates from the College of Forestry have gone on to work
or to pursue further education across the nation. Many are
now employed in a variety of jobs in both the public and private sectors. Sixty-seven percent of our 2001 graduates returned
our annual employment survey to the College. Of those 67%,
53% are now employed in permanent positions within their field
of study, while another 40% have obtained part-time or other
employment or have decided to pursue further education.
Forest Engineering and Forest Engineering/Civil
Engineering majors gained private employment as logging
engineer assistant, surveyor, engineer, operations supervisor, forest
engineer II, area field engineer, civil engineer, and associate forest
engineer. Once again, our surveyed forest engineers boast 100%
employment after graduation.
Forest Management majors gained employment with private companies as forester, forest engineer/forester, and cross-country ski guide. They also gained employment in public agencies as
county forester, engineer/project specialist, crew supervisor, and
forestry technician.
Forest Recreation Resources graduates gained employment in the public arena as outdoor recreation planner, lead
forestry technician, recreation technician, park guide/interpreter,
and natural resources specialist I.
Natural Resources majors gained employment with private
employers as quality control manager, marine scientist, and animal
caretaker. They gained employment with public agencies as forester
1, reforestation management technician, wildlife biologist, cartographic technician, forestry technician/GIS assistant, park ranger
and Americorps volunteer.
Wood Science & Technology majors gained employment
as division product manager and quality-control lead in private
companies. They also gained employment in public agencies as
wilderness ranger/wilderness resource manager.
Student Clubs
Forestry Club is an informal social group that provides a means
for interaction between different majors within the forestry profession and promotes student interaction and activities connected to
forestry. The club organizes and sponsors numerous intercollegiate
events, including a logging sports team, a forester’s ball, woodcuts,
and charity events.
Natural Resources Club is focused on supporting the
interests of Natural Resource majors. The club invites speakers to
meetings and organizes activities to give students opportunities to
become connected to the professional world. These activities include
volunteering for The Nature Conservancy in the restoration of a
coastal headland and a restoration project within McDonald-Dunn
Research Forest.
The goals of the Society of American Foresters
Student Chapter are to promote professionalism in the field of
forestry, encourage interaction between professional foresters and
students, provide opportunities for taking part in active forest
management projects, and help educate the public about forest
resources and their management. Society of American Foresters
activities include facilitating mentorships, managing a Christmas
tree farm, hosting guest speakers, participating in community natural resource education, and traveling to state and national SAF
Founded in 1934, the American Society of
Photogrammetr y and Remote Sensing
(ASPRS) is a scientific association serving over 7,000 professional members around the world. The OSU ASPRS student
chapter is a club for students who are interested in photogramme-
try, remote sensing, GIS, and mapping. The club anticipates
meeting once a term or more to listen to recognized speakers who
are involved in spatial research.
The aim of this student chapter of the national Forest
Products Society is to encourage a spirit of fellowship
among Wood Science & Engineering students, faculty, and industry personnel and to promote awareness about forest products and
forest products issues. Activities include social events, guest speakers, an annual ski trip, and field trips to local industries and mills.
Forest Recreation Club is an activity-oriented club
focused on having fun in the outdoors. Club members participate
in outdoor adventures and service projects that give back to the
community. Outdoor activities include day hikes, mountain biking, rock climbing, spelunking, skiing, snowboarding, and
overnight trips. Club members participate in trail maintenance on
the McDonald-Dunn Research Forest. The goal of this club is to
learn to appreciate the out-of-doors through recreation and volunteer work.
Xi Sigma Pi is the national Forestry Honor Society, chapters of
which exist at forestry schools throughout the United States. The
Zeta Chapter was established at OSU in 1921. The aim of the group
is “to secure and maintain a high standard of scholarship in forest
education, to work for the upbuilding of the profession of forestry,
and to promote closer relations among earnest workers engaged in
forest activities.” Examples of Xi Sigma Pi projects include Beaver
Open House, tutorial services, overseeing yearly faculty awards for
teaching and mentorship, and a spring field trip to observe current
forest management practices.
Graduate Education
Degree Programs
Master of Science, Master of Forestry, Doctor of Philosophy
Forest Engineering
practice. The emphasis is on defining and solving problems related
to forest ecosystems and management.
Graduate programs in the Department of Forest Engineering lead to
the Master of Science (M.S.) and the Master of Forestry (M.F.)
degrees with concentrations in logging engineering, timber harvesting systems, forest operations, and forest hydrology. The department
also offers Ph.D. concentrations in logging engineering, timber harvesting systems, forest operations, and forest hydrology, and, jointly
with the Department of Forest Science, offers a Ph.D. with a combined concentration in silviculture and harvesting.
Areas of concentration: Forest Hydrology, Logging Engineering,
Our students come from varied backgrounds. Some have undergraduate degrees in forestry, while others are trained in related biological fields. All students are required to achieve competency in
specific areas of forest science and related subjects through undergraduate or graduate courses, independent study, or other means
determined by each student's graduate committee. All graduates
must be versed in broad aspects of forest science as well as in their
own area of specialization.
Areas of concentration: Agroforestry/Sustainable Forestry,
Silviculture/Harvesting, Timber Harvesting Systems
Forest Resources
Degree programs in the Department of Forest Resources lead to
the Master of Forestry (M.F.), Master of Science (M.S.), and
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees. The doctoral program in
Forest Resources is intended for persons seeking careers in teaching
and research. The program emphasizes a strong research specialization while maintaining an understanding and appreciation of
broader management and resource use issues.
Areas of concentration: Community and Resource Development,
Forest Biometrics, Forest Economics, Forest Management, Forest
Management Science/Operations Research, Forest Modeling, Forest
Planning Administration, Forest Policy, Forest Recreation, Forest Social
Science, Forestry, Land Use Planning, Natural Resource Education and
Extension, Remote Sensing and GIS, Silviculture
Forest Science
The Department of Forest Science offers graduate programs leading to the Master of Forestry (M.F.), Master of Science (M.S.), and
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees.
Graduate study in Forest Science is structured for students interested in research and teaching careers or in specialized areas of forest
Forest Biology, Forest Ecology, Forest Genetics, Forest Tree Physiology,
Integrated Forest Protection, Silviculture, Silviculture/Harvesting
Wood Science & Engineering
The graduate programs in Wood Science prepare a new generation
of scientists, engineers, business persons, and practitioners to meet
the global challenges of sustaining societies, natural resources, and
human well-being. Our programs are diverse and multidisciplinary, supported by a broad spectrum of faculty skills and key partnerships with science, engineering, and business faculty on campus. Many graduate students pursue dual-major degrees in those
programs. Career opportunities for graduates have never been better, especially in an industry that is transforming itself within an
expanding global economy. A coming generational transition in
industry, government service, and academic personnel also creates
new opportunities for well-educated professionals to inspire and
guide future change.
Areas of concentration: Biodeterioration and Wood Preservation,
Forest Products Marketing, Materials Science, Process Modeling and
Analysis, Timber Engineering and Structural Design, Transport
Processes in Wood, Scanning Technology/Computer-Aided Processing,
Wood Anatomy and Quality, Wood and Adhesives Chemistry, Wood
Drying and Moisture Relations
Demographics & Fellowships
FE 18
FR 31
FS 61
M 80
F 54
New 26
Returning 108
Oregon 33
Out of State 60
WS&E 24
International 41
The College of Forestry has a generous fellowship program thanks to many alumni and other donors. The following fellowships were
awarded to graduate students during the 2001-2002 academic year:
Lu Alexander Graduate Fellowship: $3,000
Walter A. Gruetter, Jr. Memorial Forestry Fellowship: $500
Catherine Bacon Memorial Graduate Fellowship: $1,000
Dorothy D. Hoener Memorial Fellowship: $5,000 (5)
Lu Berger Fellowship: $1,000
Mary J. L. McDonald Memorial Fellowship: $3,000 (5)
Kim & Te May Ching Fellowship: $1,000
Arnold & Vera Meier Memorial Education Fellowship: $2,500
John R. Dilworth Memorial Fellowship: $1,000
Alfred W. Moltke Memorial Fellowship: $3,000 (5)
James H. Dukes, Jr. Graduate Fellowship: $1,000
Richardson Fellowships: $11,000–$15,624 (6)
Henry Fang Scholarship: $1,000
Jack & Lila Saubert Scholarship: $2,000–$3,000 (7)
Forestry Graduate Fellowship: $500–5,000 (8)
Schutz Family Education Fellowship: $1,500 (2)
Harry & Mildred Fowells Fellowship: $1,000
Bob Tarrant Fellowship: $1,000
Graduate Degrees Awarded
Forest Engineering
Forest Science
Matthew Ryan House: Master of Science
Wayne Ellsworth Elliott: Master of Forestry
Tracie Kirkham: Master of Science
Coreen Ann Francis: Master of Forestry
Charles Kevin Lyons: Doctor of Philosophy
Patricio Javier Alzugaray Oswald: Master of Science
Sarel Francois Oberholzer: Master of Forestry
Maria De Las Mercedes Berterretche: Master of Science
Michele L. Reba: Master of Science
Tina Vaughan Boucher: Master of Science
Ben David Spong: Master of Forestry
Owen Thomas Burney: Master of Science
Forest Engineering/
Civil Engineering
Russell Stanley Smith: Master of Science
Forest Resources
Gabriel Alfred Crane: Master of Science
Stephen DiFazio: Doctor of Philosophy
Maureen Virginia Duane: Master of Science
Douglass Jacobs: Doctor of Philosophy
Jack E. Janisch, Jr.: Master of Science
David John Larson: Master of Science
Stefan Andrew Bergmann: Master of Science
Kirsten Ayn McDade: Master of Science
Sean Canavan: Doctor of Philosophy
Nathan McDowell: Doctor of Philosophy
Melissa Dudley Casteel: Master of Science
Erica Smithwick: Doctor of Philosophy
Elissa Camille Easley: Master of Science
Margo Anora Stoddard: Master of Science
Kearstin Kay Edwards: Master of Science
Alexandra Stuart-Smith: Doctor of Philosophy
Megan Lynn Finnessy: Master of Science
Matthew James Trappe: Master of Science
Abd Rahman Kassim: Doctor of Philosophy
Vivienne Eleanore Vandegrift: Master of Science
Christopher Keyes: Doctor of Philsophy
Jessica E. Leahy: Master of Science
Wood Science
& Engineering
Mark E. Lichtenstein: Master of Science
Andrew B. Chang: Master of Science, Wood Science
John Moore: Doctor of Philosophy
Jean Christopher Domec, Doctor of Philosophy, Wood Science
Derek Nalle: Doctor of Philosophy
Ramon Gonzalez Gimenez: Master of Science, Forest Products
Tami McMillen Torres: Master of Science
Abra Michelle Hovgaard: Master of Forestry, Forest Products
Robert Lawrence Williams: Master of Science
Jeffrey David Langlois: Master of Science, Wood Science
Yoshitaka Kumagai: Doctor of Philosophy
Mark Edward Mankowski, Doctor of Philosophy, Forest Products
Tobias Stefan Siller: Master of Science, Wood Science
Alfred Tjahyadi: Master of Science, Wood Science
Oregon Forest Research Laboratory
esearch at the College of Forestry is conducted through its research arm, the Oregon Forest
Research Laboratory (FRL). The research mission of the College of Forestry is to conduct
well-coordinated, problem-solving research that provides knowledge for the integrated
management of forest resources for multiple values and products that meet society’s needs, with
special attention to social and economic benefits. Research is conducted by the college’s four
departments in five general areas: forest regeneration; forest ecology, culture, and productivity;
protecting forests and watersheds; evaluating forest uses and practices; and wood processing and
products performance. Important research issues being addressed by forestry and forest products scientists include ensuring the sustainability of forest resources, understanding the complex
structure and function of forest systems, and ensuring that forest operations and wood products
manufacturing are environmentally and socially acceptable and economically feasible.
Oregon law provides that the State Board of Higher Education shall “institute and carry on
research and experimentation to develop the maximum yield from the forestlands of Oregon, to
obtain the fullest utilization of the forest resource, and to study air and water pollution as it
relates to the forest products industries. The purpose of the research is “to aid in the economic
development of the State of Oregon” (ORS 526.215, 1961). This research is to be carried out
under the auspices of a Forest Research Laboratory at Oregon State University, and the Board
of Higher Education is directed to “cooperate with individuals, corporations, associations and
public agencies wherever and whenever advisable to further the purposes of ORS 526.215, and
may enter into any necessary agreements therefore” (ORS 526.225).
Today all research by College of Forestry faculty is under the umbrella of the Oregon Forest
Research Laboratory. College research brings in about $11.4 million in grant and contract funding each year and engenders many cooperative and interdisciplinary research projects.
Advisory Committee
Bill Arsenault,
Small Woodland Owner
Dave Bowden (Chair),
Senior Vice President,
Longview Fibre Company
Deborah M. Brosnan,
President, Sustainable
Ecosystems Institute
James E. Brown,
State Forester, Oregon State
Department of Forestry
Linda Goodman,
Regional Forester,
USDA Forest Service,
Region 6
J. Martin Goebel,
Sustainable Northwest
Richard E. Hanson,
Senior Vice President,
Weyerhaeuser Company
Elaine Marquis-Brong,
State Director, USDI Bureau
of Land Management
Russ McKinley, Manager,
Western Oregon Timberlands,
Boise Cascade Corporation
Dallas Stovall, President &
CEO, Bright Wood
Ron Stuntzner
Stuntzner Engineering &
Forestry, LLC
Sara Vickerman, Director,
West Coast Office
Defenders of Wildlife
Grants & Contracts
Forest Engineering
McDonnell, Jeffrey J. Hillslope-Riparian Zone Reservoir
Mixing: A Multi-Catchment Test of a New Methodology for
Predicting Stream Chemistry. National Science Foundation.
Amount: $193,265. Period: 8/1/00 - 7/31/03. Amendment to
an existing grant.
McDonnell, Jeffrey J. The Hillslope Hydrology of Subsurface
Flow Interception by Forest Roads. USDA Forest Service.
Amount: $102,393. Period: 3/18/02 - 2/28/05.
Murphy, Glen E. Appropriate Technologies for the Harvest and
Transport of Small-Diameter Materials: Cost, Production and
Impact Data. Amount: $38,770. Period: 3/19/02 - 2/28/04.
Sessions, John D. Harvest Scheduling and Economic Analysis
Modeling for the Elliot Revision Process: Phase III. Oregon
Department of Forestry. Amount: $30,000. Period: 4/12/02 12/31/02.
Sessions, John D. Northwest Oregon Forest Management Plan
Decadal Analysis (NWFMPDA). Oregon Department of
Forestry. Amount: $100,000. Period: 3/25/02 - 6/30/03.
Sessions, John D. and Peter Bettinger. Jackson County Small
Diameter Tree Utilization Project. Jackson County Board of
Commissioners. Amount: $153,720. Period: 1/1/02 - 12/31/02.
Skaugset, Arne E., III. Designing Hydrologically ‘Transparent’
Forest Roads for Timber Access: The Effect of Road Connectivity on
Watershed Hydrology. National Council for Air and Stream
Improvement, Inc. Amount: $25,000. Period: 7/1/01 - 6/30/02.
Skaugset, Arne E., III. Designing Hydrologically ‘Transparent’
Forest Roads for Timber Access: The Effect of Road Connectivity
on Watershed Hydrology. Part II: The Effect of Road Connectivity
on Fine Sediment in the Oak Creek Watershed. National Council
for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. Amount: $25,000. Period:
10/1/01 - 6/30/03. Amendment to an existing agreement.
Skaugset, Arne E., III. The Role of Perennial, Non-Fish-Bearing
Streams in the Temperature and Flow Regimes of Small, FishBearing Headwater Streams During Summer in Western Oregon.
Oregon Forest Industries Council. Amount: $70,973. Period:
7/1/02 - 6/30/02.
Tesch, Steven D. Center for Wood Utilization Research. USDA
Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
Amount: $288,423. Period: 6/1/01 - 8/31/03.
Tesch, Steven D. Center for Wood Utilization Research. USDA
Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
Amount: $282,620. Period: 6/1/02 - 5/31/04.
Forest Resources
Adams, Darius M. Extensions of Western and Eastern Oregon
Timber Supply Studies. Oregon Department of Forestry. Amount:
$36,006. Period: 1/1/02 - 6/30/03.
Adams, Darius M. Timber Assessment Projection Model
Revisions (TAMM-ATLAS-NAPAP): 2001-2002. USDA Forest
Service. Amount: $160,323. Period: 9/17/02 - 5/31/04.
Adams, Darius M. Timber Assessment Projection Model
Revisions/Part II. USDA Forest Service. Amount: $112,795.
Period: 6/24/02 - 5/31/05.
Grants & Contracts
Bettinger. Peter S. An Evaluation of the Compatibility of Wood
Production and Ecological Integrity at the Province Level. USDA
Forest Service. Amount: $91,000. Period: 7/10/00 - 6/30/02.
Amendment to an existing agreement.
Johnson, K. Norman and Rebecca L. Johnson. Coast Range
Spatial Databases and Economic Analysis. USDA Forest Service.
Amount: $94,000. Period: 9/14/00 - 9/12/02. Amendment to an
existing agreement.
Bettinger, Peter S. Interior Northwest Landscape Analysis
System Mid-Scale Simulation Model. USDA Forest Service.
Amount: $54,603. Period: 9/13/00 - 12/31/02. Amendment to
an existing agreement.
Johnson, Rebecca L. Natural and Anthropogenic Variability in
Northeastern Pacific Coastal Systems: An Integrated Approach to
Understanding Physical and Human Processes that Affect System
Health, Resource Viability, and Management. University of
Washington. Amount: $90,611. Period: 6/1/99 - 8/31/02.
Amendment to an existing contract. Prime Funder: National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Bliss, John C. Collaboration for Sustainable Development:
Activists, Agents, and Academics in Alabama. Auburn University.
Amount: $2,208. Period: 4/1/98 - 8/31/01. Amendment to a subcontract. Prime Funder: USDA Cooperative State Research,
Education, and Extension Service.
Bliss, John C. Toward an Integrated Framework for Research and
Management of Human-Wildland Interactions. USDA Forest
Service. Amount: $65,000. Period: 9/28/00 - 9/30/04.
Amendment to an existing agreement.
Boyle, James R., David A. Zahler, Edward C. Jensen, Darius M.
Adams and Hal Salwasser. Oregon Forests and Forestry in the
Context of the Montreal Process Criteria and World Forests:
Elements for Consideration and Basis for Discussion. Oregon
Forest Resources Institute. Amount: $25,100. Period: 4/1/02 9/30/02.
Johnson, K. Norman and Sean N. Gordon. Decision Support
Model Development, Application, and Validation for the Aquatic
and Riparian Effectiveness Monitoring Plan of the Northwest
Forest Plan. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research
Station. Amount: $39,813. Period: 9/24/01 - 9/30/04.
Johnson, Rebecca L. and Jessica Leahy. Oregon Port Recreation
Survey. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Amount: $23,674. Period:
5/27/02 - 9/2/02.
Maguire, Douglas A. Analysis of CVS Data in Support of
INLAS. USDA Forest Service. Amount: $14,566. Period:
7/1/01 - 6/30/02.
Maguire, Douglas A. Design of Management Strategies for
Achieving Stand and Landscape Structural Targets in the East
Cascades and Blue Mountains of Oregon. USDA Forest Service.
Amount: $5,991. Period: 9/25/98 - 12/31/02. Amendment to an
existing agreement.
Maguire, Douglas A. The Dynamics of Coarse Woody Debris on
the Penobscot Experimental Forest. USDA Forest Service.
Amount: $16,500. Period: 8/24/01 - 9/30/03.
Maguire, Douglas A. Interactive Effects of Swiss Needle Cast and
Commercial Thinning on Douglas-Fir Growth and Development
of State Forests. Oregon Department of Forestry. Amount:
$37,089. Period: 10/15/01 - 1/1/02.
Grants & Contracts
Montgomery, Claire A. Modeling Private Nonindustrial Forest
Landowners and Conservation Incentives. USDA Forest Service.
Amount: $4,983. Period: 9/28/00 - 9/27/05. Amendment to an
existing agreement.
Montgomery, Claire A. and Mark Lichtenstein. Modeling Private
Nonindustrial Forest Landowners and Conservation Incentives.
USDA Forest Service. Amount: $52,000. Period: 9/28/00 9/27/05. Amendment to an existing agreement.
Ripple, William J. Predicting Abundance and Demographic
Performance of Northern Spotted Owls from Vegetative
Characteristics. USDA Forest Service. Amount: $54,310. Period:
5/11/99 - 5/10/04. Amendment to an existing agreement.
Shindler, Bruce A. An Evaluation of Public Communication
Strategies for Fuel Management Programs. USDA Forest Service.
Amount: $68,686. Period: 4/15/02 - 12/31/04.
Shindler, Bruce A. Restoration Ecology: A Social Science
Perspective. USDA Forest Service. Amount: $15,000. Period:
8/28/01 - 8/30/03.
Tynon, Joanne F. Crime and Violence: Contested Terrain in Our
National Forests. USDA Forest Service. Amount: $14,000. Period:
5/1/01 - 5/1/02.
Tynon, Joanne F. Day Use of the National Forests in Oregon and
Washington. USDA Forest Service. Amount: $11,216. Period:
5/29/02 - 6/1/03.
Walstad, John D. Regeneration of Understory Trees, Shrubs and
Herbs in Young-Growth Understory Trees. USDI U.S. Geological
Survey. Amount: $5,750. Period: 5/31/01 - 9/30/02. Amendment
to an existing agreement.
Forest Science
Acker, Steven A. Long-Term Ecological Research at the H.J.
Andrews Experimental Forest (LTER 4). National Science
Foundation. Amount: $45,000. Period: 12/1/96 - 11/30/02.
Amendment to an existing grant.
Adams, W. Thomas and Sara R. Lipow. Genetic Conservation of
Pacific Northwest Forest Trees. USDA Forest Service. Amount:
$30,000. Period: 9/16/99 - 9/15/04. Amendment to an existing
Bond, Barbara J. Canopy Processes Research Services. USDA
Forest Service. Amount: $102,520. Period: 1/24/01 - 1/18/04.
Amendment to an existing agreement.
Bond, Barbara J. Collaborative Research: Developing Methods to
Study Age-Related Changes in the Physiology of Forest Trees.
National Science Foundation. Amount: $89,948. Period: 9/1/01 8/31/04.
Bond, Barbara J. Using Isotope Ratios of Respired CO2 in Small
Watersheds as Indicators of Ecosystem Function: A Pilot Study.
National Science Foundation. Amount: $106,949. Period: 7/1/02
- 6/30/04.
Bond, Barbara J. REU Supplement: Using Isotope Ratios of
Respired CO2 in Small Watersheds as Indicators of Ecosystem
Function: A Pilot Study. National Science Foundation. Amount:
$11,950. Period: 7/1/02 - 6/30/04. Amendment to an existing
Bond, Barbara J. Vegetation Water Use in Different Aged DouglasFir/Western Hemlock Stands. University of California/Davis.
Grants & Contracts
Amount: $96,000. Period: 7/1/01 - 6/30/02. Prime Funder:
Department of Energy.
USDA Forest Service. Amount: $2,314. Period: 4/18/01 12/31/02. Amendment to an existing agreement.
Brunner, Amy M., Steven H. Strauss and Richard Meilan.
Development and Validation of Sterility Systems for Trees.
Department of Energy. Amount: $140,222. Period: 1/1/02 12/31/02.
Ganio, Lisa M. Development and Modeling of Multi-Scaled,
Spatially Explicit Landscape Information. USDA Forest Service.
Amount: $224,672. Period: 9/1/00 - 6/30/05. Amendment to an
existing agreement.
Cazares-Gonzalez, Efren. Ecology of Select-Listed Fungal Species
in the Northwest Forest Plan. USDA Forest Service. Amount:
$112,000. Period: 9/17/01 - 8/31/02.
Ganio, Lisa M. Long-Term Ecological Research at the H.J.
Andrews Experimental Forest (LTER 4). National Science
Foundation. Amount: $67,501. Period: 12/1/96 - 11/30/02.
Cohen, Warren B., Robert E. Kennedy and David P. Turner.
Combining Field Measurements and Satellite Imagery with a
Probabilistic Model to Quantify Uncertainty in Modeled
Estimates of Net Primary Productivity. National Aeronautics and
Space Administration. Amount: $22,000. Period: 9/1/99 8/31/02. Amendment to an existing grant.
Ganio, Lisa M. and Matthew J. Gregory. Spatial Analysis of
Variability in Forest Composition and Structure Among
Ownership and Land Allocations in the Oregon Coastal Province.
USDA Forest Service. Amount: $26,236. Period: 8/21/00 8/20/05. Amendment to an existing agreement.
Cromack, Kermit, Jr. Reconstructing Watershed and Meadow
Formation Processes: Geology and Soil Controls of Fire Responses
in the Blue Mountains of Oregon. USDA Forest Service. Amount:
$22,271. Period: 9/2/98 - 9/30/02. Amendment to an existing
Cromack, Kermit, Jr. and Bruce A. Caldwell. Effect of Windthrow
Disturbance on Decomposition-Weathering Feedback. USDA
Forest Service. Amount: $46,996. Period: 8/17/99 - 12/31/02.
Amendment to an existing agreement.
Filip, Gregory M. Swiss Needle Cast Cooperative. Member
Cooperators. Amount: $248,200. Period: 7/1/01 - 6/30/02.
Filip, Gregory M. White Fir Root Disease Administrative Study.
Garman, Steven L. Analysis and Validation of Habitat Suitability
Models. USDA Forest Service. Amount: $75,600. Period: 9/22/00
- 9/11/02. Amendment to an existing agreement.
Garman, Steven L. Characterization of Forest Canopy Structure
and Wildlife Habitat in Western Oregon from Regional Inventory
Data. USDA Forest Service. Amount: $35,327. Period: 9/1/00 9/1/03. Amendment to an existing agreement.
Garman, Steven L. Development of Old-Growth and Riparian
Forests in the Cascade and Coast Ranges. USDA Forest Service.
Amount: $58,000. Period: 8/27/99 - 8/26/04. Amendment to an
existing agreement.
Harmon, Mark E. Long-Term Ecological Research at the H.J.
Andrews Experimental Forest (LTER4). National Science
Grants & Contracts
Foundation. Amount: $1,502. Period: 12/1/96 -11/30/02.
Amendment to an existing grant.
Harmon, Mark E. Long-Term Ecological Research at the H.J.
Andrews Experimental Forest (LTER 4): Schoolyard Supplement.
National Science Foundation. Amount: $15,000. Period: 2/1/02 11/30/02. Amendment to an existing agreement.
Harmon, Mark E. Long-Term Ecological Research at the H.J.
Andrews Experimental Forest (LTER 4). National Science
Foundation. Amount: $60,000. Period: 12/1/96 -11/30/02.
Amendment to an existing grant.
Harmon, Mark E. Long-Term Ecological Research at the H.J.
Andrews Experimental Forest (LTER 4). National Science
Foundation. Amount: $25,000. Period: 12/1/96 - 11/30/02.
Amendment to an existing grant.
Harmon, Mark E. Long-Term Ecological Research at the H.J.
Andrews Experimental Forest (LTER 4). National Science
Foundation. Amount: $203,360. Period: 12/1/96 - 11/30/02.
Amendment to an existing grant.
Harmon, Mark E. Long-Term Ecological Research at the H.J.
Andrews Experimental Forest (LTER 4). National Science
Foundation. Amount: $85,189. Period: 12/1/96 - 11/30/02.
Amendment to an existing grant.
Harmon, Mark E. Long-Term Ecological Research at the H.J.
Andrews Experimental Forest (LTER 4). National Science
Foundation. Amount: $12,000. Period: 12/1/96 - 11/30/02.
Amendment to an existing grant.
Harmon, Mark E. LTREB: Long-Term, Broad-Scale Experiments
on Fine Litter and Root Decomposition: LIDET II. National
Science Foundation. Amount: $60,000. Period: 7/15/98 - 6/30/03.
Amendment to an existing grant.
Harmon, Mark E. and Steven L. Garman. Biocomplexity Incubation Activity: Examining Emergent Behaviors of Landscapes
Using an Integrated Process-Based Perspective. National Science
Foundation. Amount: $1,061. Period: 9/15/01 - 8/31/02.
Amendment to an existing grant.
Hayes, John P. Habitat and Distribution of American Martens in the
Coastal Forests of California and Oregon. USDA Forest Service.
Amount: $7,000. Period: 12/1/99 - 12/31/02. Amendment to an
existing agreement.
Hayes, John P. Influence of Landscape Characteristics on
Abundance and Habitat Use of Bats. USDI U.S. Geological Survey.
Amount: $28,000. Period: 7/1/99 - 9/30/02. Amendment to an
existing agreement.
Hayes, John P. Young Stand Biodiversity Information Transfer.
USDI U.S. Geological Survey. Amount: $12,075. Period: 1/20/98 3/31/02. Amendment to an existing agreement.
Hibbs, David E. Testing and Demonstrating Vegetation
Management Strategies to Obtain Stable, Low-Growing Plant
Communities on Bonneville Power Administration Rights-of-Way.
Western Environmental Consultants, Inc. Amount: $42,242.
Period: 6/11/99 - 6/10/0 2. Amendment to an existing contract.
Hibbs, David E. and Andrew A. Bluhm. Hardwood Silviculture
Cooperative. Member Cooperators. $47,000. Period: 7/1/01 6/30/02.
Grants & Contracts
Howe, Glenn T. and Thimmappa S. Anekonda. Pacific Northwest
Tree Improvement Research Cooperative. Member Cooperators.
$96,000. Period: 7/1/01 - 6/30/02.
Jayawickrama, Keith. Northwest Tree Improvement Cooperative.
Member Cooperators. $252,543. Period: 7/1/01- 6/30/02.
Krankina, Olga N. Changes in Terrestrial Carbon Storage in Russia
as a Result of Recent Disturbances and Land-Use Change. The
Woods Hole Research Center. Amount: $62,000. Period: 9/1/02 8/31/02. Prime Funder: National Aeronautics and Space
Krankina, Olga N. Support of Regional Thematic Workshop:
Remote Sensing of LCLUC in Fennoscandia and Western Russia.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Amount: $12,540.
Period: 3/15/01 - 8/31/02. Amendment to an existing grant.
Krankina, Olga N. and Mark E. Harmon. Driving Forces of Change
in Regional Carbon Stocks: Comparison of the Western Oregon,
and St. Petersburg Region, Russia. National Aeronautics and Space
Administration. Amount: $187,238. Period: 8/15/01 - 8/14/04.
Law, Beverly E. AmeriFlux Measurement Network: Science Team
Coordination. Department of Energy. Amount: $220,395. Period:
9/15/01 - 9/14/02.
Law, Beverly E. Carbon and Water Vapor Exchange in Successional
Stages of Pacific Northwest Forest Ecosystems: Integration of Eddy
Flux, Plant and Soil Measurements. Department of Energy.
Amount: $60,000. Period: 9/15/00 - 9/14/02. Amendment to an
existing grant.
Law, Beverly E. Integrating Microwave and Hyperspectral Remote
Sensing for Estimating Vegetation Structure and Biomass. National
Aeronautics and Space Administration. Amount: $6,849. Period:
3/1/99 - 2/28/02. Amendment to an existing grant.
Law, Beverly E. Using Remote Sensing and In Situ Network
Observations to Evaluate and Improve the Performance of the
Biome-BGC Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Model. National Aeronautics
and Space Administration. Amount: $76,090. Period: 8/1/01 7/31/04.
Law, Beverly E. and Michael A. Lefsky. Regional Carbon Dioxide
Fluxes Over Heterogeneous Terrain. National Aeronautics and
Space Administration. Amount: $114,300. Period: 8/15/01 8/14/04.
Law, Beverly E. and Michael A. Lefsky. Regional Carbon Dioxide
Fluxes Over Heterogeneous Terrain. National Aeronautics and
Space Administration. Amount: $86,368. Period: 8/15/01 8/14/04. Amendment to an existing grant.
Law, Beverly E. and Richard H. Waring. Influence of Climate
Variability on the Productivity and Distribution of Ponderosa Pine
in the Pacific Northwest. National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration. Amount: $96,727. Period: 9/1/01 - 8/31/02.
Amendment to an existing grant.
Lefsky, Michael A. Estimating Canopy Structure, Forest Biomass
and Fire Fuel Loads Using Combined Radar Interferometry and
Lidar. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology.
Amount: $26,000. Period: 1/15/02 - 9/28/03. Prime Funder:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Lefsky, Michael A. Using FIA Plot Data to Parameterize and Assess
Errors in Remote Sensing Models of Forest Cover Type,
Successional State, and Biomass. USDA Forest Service. Amount:
$58,969. Period: 5/8/02 - 4/1/07.
Grants & Contracts
Luoma, Daniel L. Use of Spatial and Temporal Partitioning of
Genetic Variation in Cantharellus formosus to Model Aspects of
Gene Flow in Fungal Populations in Northwest Forests. USDA
Forest Service. Amount: $90,000. Period: 8/28/01 - 9/30/04.
Maguire, Douglas A. DEMO Synthesis: Interactive Responses of
Ecosystem Components to Varying Levels and Patterns of GreenTree Retention. USDA Forest Service. Amount: $100,000. Period:
1/1/02 - 8/16/04.
Maguire, Douglas A. Design of Management Strategies for
Achieving Stand and Landscape Structural Targets in the East
Cascades and Blue Mountains of Oregon. USDA Forest Service.
Amount: $20,000. Period: 1/1/02 - 12/31/02.
Maguire, Douglas A. Interactive Effects of Swiss Needle Cast and
Commercial Thinning on Douglas-Fir Growth and Development of
State Forests. Oregon Department of Forestry. Amount: $200,000.
Period: 1/1/02 - 6/30/03.
McKee, W. Arthur. Research Support for H.J. Andrews
Experimental Forest. USDA Forest Service. Amount: $80,000.
Period: 10/1/01 - 9/30/06.
McKee, W. Arthur and Steven L. Garman. Young Stand Thinning
and Diversity Study. USDA Forest Service. Amount: $62,276.
Period: 8/10/99 - 9/30/03. Amendment to an existing agreement.
Meinzer, Frederick C. Functional Convergence and Constraints in
Regulation of Transpiration and Carbon Assimilation in Tropical
Forest Canopy Trees. National Science Foundation. Amount:
$87,326. Period: 7/1/00 - 6/30/03. Amendment to an existing grant.
Meinzer, Frederick C. Water Economy of Neo-Tropical Savanna
Ecosystems: The Impact of Hydraulic Lift, Partitioning of Soil
Water and Changes in Land Use. The University of Miami.
Amount: $60,000. Period: 4/1/02 - 10/31/03. Prime Funder:
National Science Foundation.
Norris, Logan A. Independent Multidisciplinary Science Team
Advisory Committee. Governor’s Watershed Enhancement Board.
Amount: $576,397. Period: 7/1/01 - 6/30/03.
Radosevich, Steven R. Invasive Plant Research Program for Blue
Mountains Demonstration Area. USDA Forest Service. Amount:
$30,000. Period: 10/1/00 - 9/30/04. Amendment to an existing
Radosevich, Steven R. Restoration of Native Plant Communities
Inhabited by Himalayan Blackberries. Montana State University.
Amount: $8,000. Period: 7/1/01 - 6/30/02. Prime Funder: USDI
Bureau of Land Management.
Radosevich, Steven R. Risk Assessment Model for Invasive Plant
Species. USDA Forest Service. Amount: $77,308. Period: 4/23/02 4/30/03.
Rose, Robin. Vegetation Management Research Cooperative.
Member Cooperators. Amount: $134,000. Period: 7/1/01 6/30/02.
Rose, Robin and Diane L. Haase. Nursery Technology Cooperative.
Member Cooperators. Amount: $86,000. Period: 7/1/01 - 6/30/02.
Ross, Darrell W. Developing Methods for Measuring Population
Levels and Assessing the Impact of Gorse Spider Mite on Gorse.
USDA Forest Service. Amount: $25,000. Period: 7 /1/01 12/31/04.
Ross, Darrell W. Landscape Level Assessment of Douglas-Fir Beetle
Outbreaks and Development of Monitoring System for Predicting
Grants & Contracts
Local Population Trends. USDA Forest Service. Amount: $42,462.
Period: 7/20/01 - 12/31/04.
Ross, Darrell W. Natural Enemies of Adelgids in the Western U.S.
USDA Forest Service. Amount: $33,000. Period: 2/1/02 - 2/1/04.
Sollins, Phillip. Development and Validation of Dynamic Global
Vegetation Models. USDA Forest Service. Amount: $140,957.
Period: 9/1/98 - 8/31/03. Amendment to an existing agreement.
Strauss, Steven H., Amy M. Brunner, Jeffrey S. Skinner, Richard
Meilan and Stephen P. DiFazio. Industry/University Cooperative
Research Center: Tree Genetic Engineering Research Cooperative.
National Science Foundation. Amount: $63,000. Period: 9/15/99 8/31/03. Amendment to an existing grant.
Strauss, Steven H. and Richard Meilan. Accelerated Domestication
of Populus. UT-Battelle, LLC. Amount: $50,000. Period: 3/25/02 3/24/07. Prime Funder: Department of Energy.
Strauss, Steven H. and Richard Meilan. Tree Genetic Engineering
Research Cooperative. Member Cooperators. Amount: $200,000.
Period: 7/1/01 - 6/30/02.
Strauss, Steven H., Richard Meilan and Jace Carson. Symposium on
Ecological and Social Aspects of Transgenic Forest Plantations.
USDA Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension
Service. Amount: $17,800. Period: 9/15/00 - 9/30/01.
Turner, David P. Linking In-Situ Measurements, Remote Sensing
and Models to Validate MODIS Products Related to the Terrestrial
Carbon Cycle (Big Foot II). National Aeronautics and Space
Administration. Amount: $24,628. Period: 8/1/01 - 7/31/04.
Turner, David P. Linking In-Situ Measurements, Remote Sensing
and Models to Validate MODIS Products Related to the Terrestrial
Carbon Cycle (Big Foot II). National Aeronautics and Space
Administration. Amount: $123,141. Period: 8/1/01 - 7/31/04.
Amendment to an existing grant.
Turner, David P. Linking In-Situ Measurements, Remote Sensing
and Models to Validate MODIS Products Related to the Terrestrial
Carbon Cycle (Big Foot II). USDA Forest Service. Amount:
$107,993. Period: 12/18/01 - 12/31/04.
Turner, David P and Robert E. Kennedy. Dissertation Research:
Relating Biogeochemical Model Parameters to Climatic Gradients.
National Science Foundation. Amount: $8,037. Period: 6/1/02 5/31/03.
Waring, Richard H. Biodiversity Hotspots in the Pacific and Inland
Northwest Understanding, Mapping, and Managing. Amount:
$33,913. Period: 1/1/01 - 12/31/03. Amendment to an existing
Wood Science & Engineering
Funck, James W., Charles C. Brunner and Johannes B. Forrer. An
Evaluation of Western Hemlock Lumber from Southeast Alaska for
Higher Value Products. University of Alaska Southeast. Amount:
$35,060. Period: 10/1/01 - 9/30/02. Prime Funder: USDA
Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
Gartner, Barbara L. Long-Term Ecological Research at the H.J.
Andrews Experimental Forest (LTER 4). National Science
Foundation. Amount: $7,447. Period: 12/1/96 - 11/30/02.
Amendment to an existing grant.
Grants & Contracts
Gartner, Barbara L. Structure-Function Relationships in Tree Water
Transport. USDA Forest Service. Amount: $75,000. Period: 5/1/02
- 12/31/04.
Gartner, Barbara L. Tree Characteristics and Wood Quality as
Related to Silvicultural Options. USDA Forest Service. Amount:
$61,000. Period: 8/17/98 - 8/16/03. Amendment to an existing
Hansen, Eric N. and Abra Hovgaard. An Assessment of the
Innovativeness of the Forest Products Industry. USDA Forest
Service. Amount: $30,000. Period: 4/15/02 - 6/30/03.
Leichti, Robert J., David V. Rosowsky and Jeffrey J. Morrell.
Durability Engineering of Common Fasteners in Wood-Frame
Structures. USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and
Extension Service. Amount: $115,545. Period: 12/15/01 12/31/03.
Li, Kaichang. Conversion of Soy Protein to a Strong and WaterResistant Wood Adhesive. USDA Cooperative State Research,
Education, and Extension Service. Amount: $87,000. Period:
9/15/01 - 9/30/03.
McLain, Thomas E. Center for Wood Utilization Research. USDA
Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
Amount: $535,643. Period: 6/1/01 - 8/31/03.
McLain, Thomas E. Center for Wood Utilization Research. USDA
Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
Amount: $524,866. Period: 6/1/02 - 5/31/04.
Morrell, Jeffrey J. Oregon Wood Magic - PDX. Oregon Forest
Resources Institute. Amount: $12,543. Period: 1/31/02 - 6/30/02.
Morrell, Jeffrey J. Utility Pole Research Cooperative. Member
Cooperators. Amount: $112,500. Period: 7/1/01 - 6/30/02.
Morrell, Jeffrey J. and Thomas E. McLain. Oregon Wood Magic
Show III. Oregon Forest Resources Institute. Amount: $25,865.
Period: 7/18/01 - 1/31/02.
Rosowsky, David V. Forecasting Change in Hurricane Risk Over
Time. Cornell University. Amount: $48,479. Period: 8/15/01 7/31/04. Prime Funder: National Science Foundation.
Simonsen, John and Jeffrey J. Morrell. Potential Environmental
Effects of Wood Preservatives Used in Timber Bridges. USDA Forest
Service. Amount: $22,470. Period: 11/6/01 - 9/30/03.
Wilson, James B. Stages of Processing Analysis. Consortium for
Research on Renewable Industrial Materials (CORRIM). Amount:
$44,966. Period: 1/1/00 - 12/31/02. Amendment to an existing
agreement. Prime Funder: Department of Energy.
Extended Education
Bondi, Michael C. The Oregon Garden–Rediscovery Forest: A
Unique Educational Opportunity: Phase II. Oregon Forest
Resources Institute. Amount: $10,798. Period: 9/11/01 - 6/30/02.
Fitzgerald, Stephen A. Fire Issues Publication and Outreach
Program. Oregon Forest Resources Institute. Amount: $49,841.
Period: 11/30/01 - 12/31/02.
Reed, A. Scott. Training and Education for Landowners. Oregon
Forest Resources Institute. Amount: $80,050. Period: 7/1/01 6/30/02.
Grants & Contracts
Wolfe, Donald W. Burning Issues: PLT-BLM Fire Education
Program (Oregon). American Forest Foundation. Amount:
$12,890. Period: 7/1/01 - 6/30/02.
Wolfe, Donald W. Oregon Forestry Education Program, Oregon
Project Learning Tree. Oregon Forest Resources Institute.
Amount: $280,000. Period: 7/1/01 - 6/30/02.
Research Support
Johnson, Rebecca L. Analysis of Boater Pass Data on the
Deschutes River. Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation.
Amount: $31,650.00. Period: 2/1/02 - 9/30/02.
Johnson, Rebecca L. Urban Tree House - Alberta Nature Team.
USDA Forest Service. Amount: $32,951. Period: 5/15/01 12/31/01.
Johnson, Rebecca L. USDI Computing Network Support. USDI
U. S. Geological Survey. Amount: $50,000. Period: 10/1/00 9/30/02. Amendment to an existing agreement.
Johnson, Rebecca L. USDI Computing Network Support. USDI
U.S. Geological Survey. Amount: $17,000. Period: 10/1/00 9/30/02. Amendment to an existing agreement.
McLain, Thomas E. and A. Scott Reed. Central Oregon OMEP
Field Engineer. Oregon Advanced Technology Consortium, Inc.
Amount: $4,651. Period: 9/15/97 - 7/31/01. Amendment to an
existing agreement.
Salwasser, Hal. Willamette Basin Conservation Project. Meyer
Memorial Trust. Amount: $100,000. Period: 7/01/02-6/30/03.
Thielges, Bart A. Computer Network Quantitative Sciences
Group Support. USDI U.S. Geological Survey. Amount: $5,000.
Period: 10/1/00 - 9/30/02. Amendment to an existing agreement.
Thielges, Bart A. Technical and Professional Training for the
Development of Survey and Other Than Survey Personnel in the
Fields of Forest and Rangeland Ecology, Wildlife Biology and
System Ecology. USDI U.S. Geological Survey. Amount:
$251,412. Period: 3/18/98 - 9/30/02. Amendment to an existing
Thielges, Bart A., Badege Bishaw and Robin Rose. Institutional
Strengthening Through Natural Resource Management: Creating
a New Paradigm of the Commons. U.S. Agency for International
Development. Amount: $400,000. Period: 9/30/01 - 9/29/03.
Wells, Gail E. Research Plan for DOI-Administered Lands in the
Interior Columbia Basin and Snake River Plateau. USDI U.S.
Geological Survey. Amount: $12,869. Period: 8/28/01 - 3/1/02.
Zahler, David A. and Edward C. Jensen. Forests of Oregon
Double-Sided Poster. Oregon Forest Resources Institute. Amount:
$9,980. Period: 4/1/02 - 7/31/02.
Research Cooperatives
HSC - Hardwood Silviculture Cooperative
(Dave Hibbs)
NWTIC- Northwest Tree Improvement Cooperative
(Keith Jayawickrama)
Research and technology transfer program on the ecology, reforestation, and stand management of Northwest hardwood
species, especially red alder. The cooperators involved are OSU,
B.C. Ministry of Forests, Bureau of Land Management,
Goodyear-Nelson Hardwood Lumber Company, Inc., Gifford
Pinchot National Forest, Oregon Department of Forestry,
Siuslaw National Forest, Washington Department of Natural
Resources-Forest Resources, Washington Forestry Sciences
Laboratory, and Washington Hardwood Commission.
Oversees and coordinates cooperative tree breeding in coastal
forests from California to British Columbia; provides data analysis and data management services for the same; provides expertise
in tree breeding and genetic improvement to members. Members
include OSU, Avery Interests, Boise Cascade Corporation, British
Columbia Ministry of Forests, BLM, Canadian Forest Products,
Ltd., Cascade Timber Consulting, Inc., Crown Pacific, Ltd.,
Hampton Tree Farms, Inc., John Hancock Life Insurance Co.,
International Paper Pacific Timberlands, Inc., Longview Fibre
Co., Menasha Corporation, Miami Corporation, Moore Mill
Timber Co., Oregon Department of Forestry, Plum Creek
Timberlands L.P., Pope Resources, Port Blakely Tree Farms L.P.,
Quinault Indian Nation, Rayonier Timberlands Operating Co.,
Roseburg Resources Co., Simpson Timber Co., South Coast
Lumber Co., Starker Forests, Inc., Stimson Lumber Co., The
Campbell Group, The Timber Co., Timber West Forest, Ltd.,
USDA Forest Service, Region 6, Washington Department of
Natural Resources, and Western Forest Products Ltd.
NTC - Nursery Technology Cooperative (Robin Rose,
Diane Haase)
Research program on nursery management and seedling production and performance, emphasizing reforestation planting
systems. Members include Boise Cascade Corporation,
California State Nurseries, The Confederated Tribes of the Warm
Springs, Hood Canal Nurseries, J.R. Simplot Company, Lava
Nurseries, Inc., Lone Rock Timber Company, Microseed
Nursery, Nu-Gro Corporation, Pelton Reforestation, Oregon
Department of Forestry, D.L. Phipps Nursery, Plum Creek
Timber Company, Roseburg Forest Products, Rosboro Lumber
Company, The Scotts Company, Washington Department of
Natural Resources, L.T. Mike Webster Nursery, Weyerhaeuser
Company, Yakama Nation, and the USDA Forest Service, Pacific
Northwest Region Forests and the J.H. Stone Nursery.
PNWTIRC - Pacific Northwest Tree Improvement
Research Cooperative (Glenn Howe)
Genetics and tree improvement research aimed at increasing the
efficiency and effectiveness of operational tree improvement programs. Regular members include OSU, Longview Fibre
Company, Menasha Forest Products Company, Oregon
Department of Forestry, Plum Creek Timber Company, Roseburg
Resources, Simpson Timber Company, Stimpson Lumber
Company, BLM, Washington Department of Natural Resources,
and Weyerhaeuser Company.
Research Cooperatives
SCFRC- Supercritical Fluid Research Cooperative
(Jeff Morrell)
Substituting supercritical fluids (SCF) for conventional liquid solvents has the potential for allowing protective treatment of woodbased materials that are hard to treat effectively by conventional
methods. The SCFRC seeks to develop the fundamental aspects of
the technology required to make SCF treatments feasible.
Members include OSU, Chemical Specialties Inc.,
TrusJoist/Weyerhaeuser, Janssen Pharmaceutica, and Bayer Inc.
SNCC- Swiss Needle Cast Cooperative (Greg Filip)
The focus of the Swiss Needle Cast Cooperative is to conduct
research on Swiss needle cast of Douglas-fir for forestland owners
in western Oregon and Washington. Members include Boise
Cascade Corporation, Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde,
Confederated Tribes of the Siletz, Hampton Resources, Inc.,
Longview Fibre Co., Menasha Corporation, Miami Corporation,
Oregon Department of Forestry, Rosboro Lumber Co., Simpson
Timber Co., Starker Forests, Weyerhaeuser Corporation, USDA
Forest Service, BLM, Plum Creek Timber Company, and Olympic
Resources Management.
TGERC- Tree Genetic Engineering Research
Cooperative (Steve Strauss, Rick Meilan)
Aims to improve tree species through genetic transformation.
Members include OSU, ArborGen LLC, Boise Cascade, Potlatch
Corporation, Aracruz Cellulose S.A., The Timber Co.,
Weyerhaeuser Co., Alberta Pacific Woodlands, US National
Science Foundation.
UPRC- Utility Pole Research Cooperative
(Jeff Morrell)
The UPRC seeks to improve the performance of wood in electrical utility systems through improved specifications, better inspec-
tion techniques, and development of safer remedial treatments for
in-service poles. Members include OSU, Arch Chemical, Inc.,
Bonneville Power Administration, Pole Care Inc., Dr. Woleman,
GMBH, Genics Inc., ISK Biotech, New York State Electric and
Gas, Osmose Wood Preserving, Inc., Pacific Corp., Pacific Gas
and Electric, Portland General Electric Co., Southern Co., and
Western Wood Preservers Institute.
VMRC- Vegetation Management Research
Cooperative (Robin Rose)
Research program on vegetation management, focusing on plant
competition, vegetation control, and early growth of forest
stands. Members include Cascade Timber Consulting, Champion
International Corporation, Hancock Timber Resources Group,
Lone Rock Timber Co., Longview Fibre, OSU, Pacific Lumber
Co., Pope Resources, Port Blakely Tree Farms, Rayonier Inc.,
Rosboro Co., Roseburg Forest Products, Simpson Timber Co.,
Starker Forests, Inc., The Timber Co., Washington Department
of Natural Resources, Weyerhaeuser Co., and Willamette
Industries, Inc.
WRC - Watershed Research Cooperative
(Arne Skaugset)
The Watersheds Research Cooperative (WRC) was formed to
study the environmental effects of intensive forest management
on water quality, fisheries, and aquatic habitat. The pilot project
for the WRC is the Hinkle Creek Paired Watershed Study and
Demonstration Area (see page 10). Current cooperative members
include Roseburg Forest Products, the Oregon Forest Industries
Council, the Oregon Department of Forestry, Douglas County,
and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Other Cooperative
Research Programs
CFWUR- Center for Wood Utilization Research
(Tom McLain, Steve Tesch)
FPRL- Forest Photogrammetry Research
Laboratory (Jim Kiser)
A USDA-funded research center focused on improving wood utilization, developing new wood products, enhancing processing
and harvesting systems, and other strategies to add value to the
western forest resource. OSU is one of ten universities in the
United States that cooperate in this program.
A research, development, and technology transfer facility focused
on photogrammetry, digital mapping, and image processing. Its
primary mission is to introduce and apply modern photogrammetric techniques to natural resource management. The facility
offers an analytical plotter, image processing equipment, and a
PC-based mapping system tied to digitizing tablets.
CFER- Cooperative Forest Ecosystem Research
(John Hayes)
An integrative research and information exchange program to
address issues of young-stand management, ecology and management of riparian areas, and biodiversity on BLM and other forest
land of western Oregon. The program, funded primarily through
the Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, is jointly
managed by OSU, USGS-BRD, BLM and Oregon Department
of Forestry.
CLAMS- Coastal Landscape Analysis and Modeling
Study (Norm Johnson, Tom Spies)
CLAMS is a cooperative program with the USDA Forest Service
Pacific Northwest Research Station. Its scientists develop tools to
understand patterns and dynamics of ecosystems such as the
Oregon Coast Range and to analyze the ecological, economic,
and social consequences of forest policies of landowners in the
FRESC- Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science
Center (Ronald E. Kirby)
FRESC (USGS–BRD) research encompasses issues of major
importance to the U.S. Department of the Interior, including forest management, wildlife/habitat relationships, and rangeland
restoration in Pacific Northwest ecosystems. Forging solid working relationships with land management agencies in the region is
central to all FRESC research activities, to ensure that the information developed by FRESC researchers is useful in helping
managers make sound management decisions.
INLAS- Interior Northwest Landscape Analysis
System (Pete Bettinger, John Sessions)
Enhances existing and develops new analytical tools to project succession and disturbance dynamics across landscapes and changes
in ecological and socioeconomic systems under varying forest policy or management options on all ownerships in eastern Oregon.
ERSAL- Environmental Remote Sensing Applications
Laboratory (Bill Ripple)
LARSE- Laboratory for Applications of Remote
Sensing in Ecology (Warren Cohen)
Develops and applies remote sensing and geographic information
systems (GIS) technology for the study of forest lands and related natural resource problems. Research topics include landscape
ecology, remote sensing of plant cover, forest landscape patterns,
and wildlife habitat.
Conducts basic remote sensing research, translates remotely
sensed data into mapped ecological information, and fills the gap
between remote sensing and ecological sciences. LARSE is a cooperative program with the USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest
Research Station.
Other Cooperative
Research Programs
LTEP- Long-term Ecosystem Productivity Program
(Bernard Bormann)
A 200-year program of research in the Pacific Northwest and
Alaska with major funding from the Forest Service, the
Washington Department of Natural Resources, the National
Science Foundation, the Environmental Protection Agency, and
Oregon State University. This research seeks understanding of
processes that control the long-term productivity of the land—
including timber, other commodity and noncommodity
resources, and biodiversity—to support sustainable ecosystem
LTER- Long-Term Ecological Research
(Mark Harmon)
A long-term program of research at the H.J. Andrews
Experimental Forest, with major funding from the National
Science Foundation, the Forest Service, and OSU. LTER is discovering fundamental ecological relationships in managed and
natural forests and incorporating them into forest management
SFP- Sustainable Forestry Partnership
(Rick Fletcher)
A program integrating social and biological aspects of forestry
research into strategies for the long-term sustainable management
of forests for a multiplicity of values.
The Aspen Project (Bill Ripple)
Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) is the most widely distributed tree species in North America. Despite its ability to adapt to
disturbance, quaking aspen is declining throughout much of its
native range. The Aspen Project is a continuing research project
at Oregon State University of the study of quaking aspen and its
decline in the western United States.
Extended Education,
Outreach, & Support
College Forests (Dave Lysne, Director)
The OSU College Forests are living laboratories where active
forest management practices provide teaching, research, and
demonstration opportunities for College faculty and students
and others interested in forest management issues. The College
Forests of Oregon State University provide society with:
▲ Improved understanding about forests, forest management
options, and the social, economic, and environmental costs
and benefits of those options
▲ Revenues to support the education program of the College
▲ Close ties to the College and University
▲ Better appreciation for forest resources and values
▲ Better opportunities to observe innovative solutions to forest resource management challenges
▲ Enhanced access to objective and factual forest resource
The College Forests are places of choice for learning and teaching about forest resources and values.
Forestry Outreach Education Office
(Mike Cloughesy, Director)
The Forestry Outreach Education Office at Oregon State
University provides state-of-the-art events that respond to
important issues and educational needs of natural resource
professionals and others. Audiences for these events are typically interested people who are not usually resident at OSU and
who usually are not involved in OSU’s resident instruction
degree programs. Outreach education involves a variety of formats, including short courses, workshops, field tours, institute
programs, colloquia, and symposia. Events are frequently certified by professional societies, and some events are offered for
regular course credit.
Forestry Extension Program (Scott Reed,
Program Leader)
No matter where you are in Oregon, Forestry Extension is here
to help you. Whether you work in the forests or just visit them,
we have programs for you.
▲ Woodland owners and managers. Helping small woodland
owners meet today’s competing demands on forest
resources is part of what we do. By providing the results
of the latest research to landowners, we hope to empower
them to meet their management objectives through sustainable and environmentally sound forestry practices.
▲ Timber companies and wood industry manufacturers.
Sharing knowledge with forest-based industries to make
them more productive and efficient is also part of what we
do. We help by providing information on new technologies, marketing ideas, taxes, and business management.
▲ Loggers and forest workers. Oregon’s timber industry is
facing change. We help those who work in the woods
adapt to a changing world.
▲ General public, educators, and youth. Oregon is a state
with growing demands for all the benefits forests provide.
Managing and maintaining our forests is complex. By
providing information to the public, we help the decisionmaking process by helping people understand different
points of view.
Oregon Forestry Education Program
(Susan Sahnow, Program Coordinator)
The mission of the Oregon Forestry Education Program (OFEP)
is to educate Oregonians about forests and forestry and to prepare
them to make informed decisions, exhibit responsible behavior,
and take constructive action concerning the future of Oregon’s
forests. Project staff and programs focus on formal and nonfor-
Extended Education,
Outreach, & Support
mal educators interested in education and communication
through a series of workshop offerings. OFEP coordinates
training and delivery of introductory Project Learning Tree
(PLT) workshops and advanced staff-development workshops
throughout the state. The Oregon Forest Resources Institute
(OFRI) is a key partner in OFEP delivery and financial support. These programs work with members of the forestry community to coordinate the Oregon Forest Institute for Teachers,
an annual weeklong event to broaden awareness of the complexities of managing diverse forests and forest industries.
research to multiple audiences. We also publish manuscripts
under the Forest Research Laboratory imprint, in three peerreviewed series: Research Contributions are descriptions of
recent research that provide more detail than journal publication usually permits. Papers in Forest Policy provide information to legislators, administrators, and other policymakers to
help them make policy and management decisions. Case
Studies are teaching studies that emphasize and elucidate a
particular concept or principle with real-world data.
Forestry Media Center (Jeff Hino, Director)
Forestry Computing Resources (FCR) is a partnership among
the Oregon State University College of Forestry (CoF), USDA
Forest Service PNW Station (PNW), USGS Forest and
Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center (FRESC), and Oregon
Department of fish and Wildlife (ODFW). CoF personnel are
housed primarily in Peavy and Richardson Halls which are
attached to one another. The USDA Forest Service PNW
Research Station Corvallis Forest Science Laboratory (CFSL),
immediately adjacent to Richardson Hall, houses PNW and
FRESC staff as well as some CoF personnel. ODFW staff are
housed in a separate facility approximately two miles away.
FCR supports this group of educators and scientific professionals joined by proximity and common forestry research
interests. FCR is dedicated to providing the quantitative tools
and information technology needed by our research partners,
faculty and scientists, staff, and students. To better serve the
user community, FCR strives continually to find better ways to
access information, package technology, and both meet and
anticipate the needs of our clients for research, teaching, and
extended education.
The Forestry Media Center (FMC) is a unique instructional
technology center devoted to helping educators solve instructional problems in forestry through the application of innovative communication media. After more than 30 years of producing educational materials, we have developed hundreds of
slide-tapes, films, videotapes, and other learning resources on
a wide variety of forestry topics. These learning resources are
mostly authored by faculty from OSU, or research staff from
the USDA Forest Service, in cooperation with education and
communication specialists from the FMC. They are aimed at a
wide spectrum of forestry audiences: forest researchers, managers, engineers, nonindustrial woodland owners, forestry students, and many others. These materials are available for sale
or rent directly from the FMC.
Forestry Communications Group
(Gail Wells, Director)
The mission of the Forestry Communications Group is to help
College of Forestry researchers communicate their work and to
make the results of College research broadly available. We offer
editing, graphic design, and other publishing services to help
authors prepare their manuscripts for submission to scientific
journals and to help them articulate the results of their
Forest Computing Group (Phil Sollins, Director)
Extended Education,
Outreach, & Support
Forestry Business Office (Scott Ferris,
Business Manager)
The mission of the Business Office is to help students, faculty,
and principal investigators devote the majority of their efforts
to direct learning, teaching, and research activities through the
timely and efficient handling of their administrative, financial,
and business needs. The staff provides centralized College processing and support for purchasing, contracting, travel, human
resources, payroll, grant budgeting and accounting, inventory
management, invoicing, and payables.
Forestry Maintenance and Project Support
(Rand Sether, Director)
This group of multi-talented trades workers provides comprehensive support for College facilities and research activities.
From minor repairs to major remodeling projects, they help
keep classrooms and labs up-to-date and capable of meeting
the changing needs of instructors and researchers. The College
labs contain a variety of machinery and equipment that this
group keeps running in top condition. The group also designs
and constructs unique research apparatus for use in lab or field
Philanthropy (Marianne Barker, College of
Forestry Development Director, OSU Foundation)
As part of the strategic plan completed during the fiscal year,
the College opened a campaign to “grow a better future” by
engaging donors to endow faculty chairs and academic programs, create new undergraduate scholarships and graduate
fellowships, and garner new forest properties for teaching,
research, and demonstration. The goals include gaining 10 new
entities in each category by the year 2010.
Progress towards these ambitious goals during the year included
Robert Mealey’s pledge of $500,000 towards the Robert & Anna
Mealey/Boise Cascade Corporation Endowed Program in Forest
Ecosystem Health. Sam and Roberta Konnie pledged an additional $1,125,000 to benefit programs in Forest Engineering.
Wendell and Barbara Walker continued to support an endowed
program in Forest Extension via a $10,000 gift from their family foundation. Gibbet Hill Foundation committed $450,000 to
provide graduate student support in Forest Engineering along
with continuing support for the Lee Harris Laboratory. A donor
has committed to provide 50 acres of prime timberland through
his estate plan. Dick Dearmond continued to support the
College’s general needs through quarterly gifts from a trust fund.
Eventually, the College will receive the bulk of the proceeds from
the Vida Bullis Charitable Remainder Unitrust, currently valued
at $1,477,047.
By the magnitude of their gifts, these donors make a significant
difference in the College’s ability to fulfill its mission. However,
every gift adds value to the College. During the year, 700
donors made gifts totaling more than $50,000 through the
annual giving program. These gifts helped to provide $375,000
in scholarships and fellowships awarded to deserving students
for the current academic year. In fact, donors provide all of the
scholarships and fellowships in the College of Forestry and
support a key component of the College’s mission—to educate
and engage the next generation of scholars and practitioners.
The extraordinary students, staff, and faculty of the College of
Forestry continue to do work worthy of support by donors of all
capacities. The College gratefully acknowledges all who support
the mission and are helping us to grow a better future.
Page 10, Dick Beeby, Roseburg, Oregon; Page 19, Loren Irving, Corvallis, Oregon; Page 20,
William Leonard, Olympia, Washington; Inside front cover, inside back cover, pages 21, 39,
41 Gary White (; Page 31, Trus Joist MacMillan
Other photographs by Jeremy Appt; Sandra Arbogast, Gretchen Bracher, Jace Carson, Lotties
Fallas-Cedeño, Dasch Houdeshel, Bonnie Johnson, Heather Murphy, Mark Reed, Jane Thomas,
Jeannette Tuitele-Lewis, (OSU College of Forestry); Artville LLC; and public domain
Copies of this annual report are available from
Forestry Communication Group
Oregon State University
256 Peavy Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331-5704
Tel. 541-737-4271
Fax 541-737-4077
This publication was produced by staff of the Forestry
Communications Group at Oregon State University,
College of Forestry