AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Sonja E. Raven for the degree of Master of Science in Rangeland Resources presented on May 3, 2004. Title: Describing the Thermal Regimes of Two Northeastern Oregon Streams Abstract approved: Redacted for Privacy arson Michael M. Borman Two tributaries of the south fork of the Burnt River, near Unity Oregon were studied during the summers of 2000 and 2001 to determine water heating and cooling patterns. Hourly temperature data were recorded for air, water, and soil parameters at four elevations 150m apart on Barney and Stevens Creeks. Both creeks shared the same geographic attributes but were found to heat quite differently. These differences may be attributed to differences in discharge, exposure time, temperature gradient, and vegetative cover. Lags between peak heating of air and water were evident on both creeks, with slight differences. Lags between air and water during the cooling cycle were not as evident, particularly on Stevens Creek. Although differences between the creeks' thermal regimes were apparent, equations showed strong association between maximum air temperature and maximum water temperature, with minimum air temperature also showing strong association with maximum water temperature on portions of Stevens Creek. Stepwise regression analysis established a strong relationship (R2 0.69-0.9 1) between maximum air temperature and peak water temperature change (the maximum temperature change recorded in a 2 hour heating period between 5am-5pm). An equation to predict water temperature change in a given day, based on derivatives of air and water temperature also showed strong fit and good predictive ability on both creeks. Thus while each creek was different and responded to its thermal environment, certain air temperature variables had strong association, regardless of differences between creeks. © Copyright by Sonja E. Raven May 3, 2004 All Rights Reserved Describing the Thermal Regimes of Two Northeastern Oregon Streams by Sonja E. Raven A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Presented May 3, 2004 Commencement June 2005 Master of Science thesis of Sonja E. Raven presented on May 3, 2004 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy -M.rofe sor, representing Rangeland Resources Redacted for Privacy Co-Major Professor, representing Rangeland Resources Redacted for Privacy Head of the Department of 'angeltnd Resources Redacted for Privacy Dean of the te School I understand that my thesis will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my thesis to any reader upon request. Redacted for Privacy Sonja E. Raven, Author ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS So many people have been a part of this project from the beginning, and I am so grateful to them. Thank you to the professors at the University College of the Cariboo in Kamloops, BC, for the incredible undergraduate education I received and their complete support of my dream to pursue my Masters at OSU. Thanks to John Buckhouse for inviting me to OSU, and his wonderful wife Vicki for being my Corvallis Mom. Gratitude and thanks go to Mike Borman and Larry Larson, my two major professors, for taking me on and giving me this wonderful opportunity as well as all their support, guidance and understanding. Kudos and thanks to Dave Thomas, minor professor and statistician par excellence. I will always be grateful for your tireless patience in unraveling the mysteries of SAS and statistics for me - you are a saint. Special thanks to George Taylor for being part of my committee and helping to support and guide me. Thanks to Dr. James Males of Animal Sciences for serving as my Grad School Representative. Thanks to the faculty and staff of the Department of Rangeland Resources for helping me to further my education with excellence. Special thanks to the graduate students of the Range Department. You were always there for me, whether I needed to laugh or cry - and you are all pot-luckers of superior talent! The Burnt River Irrigation District and members of the surrounding community also deserve special mention. To the district: your proactive attitude is a credit to you, as is your Irrigation District Manager, Jerry Franke. To the district and community: I so appreciated all the support and interest you showed in my project. You are a fine group of people and I am privileged to have known and worked with you. Cheryl Bradford of the USFS also deserves special recognition for her kindness to me and her helpfulness with this project. A huge loving thank you to Pat and Jerry Franke - my American parents. Thank you for welcoming me into your lives and hearts. Your generosity, kindness and love are gifts I treasure. And I will always be grateful for the installation of the shower at the office!! But Jerry, I really think you need a few more cats! For all my friends "back home" in Canada, thank you for your belief in and support of me - I have missed you all. A special thank you to Kathy Lowson, for her tremendous help in editing my masterpiece!! And for all my friends here in Oregon - how lucky I am to have gotten to know you, and how I will miss you all when I'm gone. My family has been with me through thick and thin, and I would never have made it without them. For my amazing sister Karen Raven - friend, confidante, shrink and field tech extraordinaire. Our mother never would have believed we could live in a 24-foot travel trailer (for not one but two summers!) and live to tell about it! Those two summers were the best. And hauling rocks for you was a privilege! For my mother, Betty Raven, for her steadfast belief in me, and her wisdom when I really needed it. For my father, Arne Raven, for his incredible unstinting love and support of me - this is as much yours as mine, Dad. And finally, my wonderful husband Wade Whibley, who helped me spread my wings and soar with his steadfast devotion, constant emotional (and technical!) support, and unwavering belief in me. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 LITERATURE REVIEW 3 THE PROCESS OF HEAT TRANSFER Meteorological, Hydrological and Other Variables 3 3 Meteorological Variables 4 Hydrological Variables .6 Other Variables Influencing Heat Transfer in Streams .7 THE THEORY OF EQUILIBRIUM TEMPERATURE .9 PREDICTION OF STREAM TEMPERATURE 10 Solar Radiation .10 Air Temperature 10 CONCLUSION .12 STUDY AREA MATERIALS AND METHODS DATA COLLECTION DATA ANALYSIS 16 .. 16 18 Objective 1: Determining the Influence of Elevation, MonthlYear, and Stream on Thermal Environment .19 Objective 2: Describing Diurnal Air and Water Cycles 19 Objective 3: Modeling Variables Strongly Associated with Maximum Water Temperature .20 Objective 4: Developing a Predictive Equation for Water Temperature Change .22 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .24 OBJECTIVE 1: DETERMINING THE INFLUENCE OF ELEVATION, MONTH/YEAR, AND STREAM ON THERMAL ENVIRONMENT 24 Results Elevation 24 24 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Month Page 27 Year 27 Stream 30 Discharge, Velocity and Area 32 Distances, Gradients and Exposure Times 33 Tributaries and Vegetation Differences 35 Discussion .36 OBJECTIVE 2: DESCRIBING DIURNAL AIR AND WATER CYCLES Results .40 40 Air Temperature Patterns .40 Heating Cycle 40 Cooling Cycle .. . .48 Water Temperature Patterns Heating Cycle .51 .51 . Cooling Cycle Discussion .57 . .60 OBJECTIVE 3: MODELING VARIABLES STRONGLY ASSOCIATED WITH MAXIMUM WATER TEMPERATURE 62 Results .62 Discussion 69 OBJECTIVE 4: DEVELOPING A PREDICTIVE EQUATION FOR WATER TEMPERATURE CHANGE 72 Results Discussion SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS OBJECT1VEI: DETERMINING THE iNFLUENCE OF ELEVATION, MONTH/YEAR, AND STREAM ON THERMAL ENVIRONMENT .72 77 .. .79 79 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page OBJECTIVE 2: DESCRIBING DIURNAL AIR AND WATER CYCLES 80 OBJECTIVE 3: MODELING VARIABLES STRONGLY ASSOCIATED WITH MAXIMUM WATER TEMPERATURE .81 . OBJECTIVE 4: DEVELOPING A PREDICTIVE EQUATION FOR WATER TEMPERATURE CHANGE 82 BIBLIOGRAPHY .84 APPENDICES 90 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page Diagram of the process of heat transfer to and from a stream .3 MapofStudyArea 14 Diagram of 450 v-notch weir 17 Mean air, water, and soil temperatures by months and years for Barney Creek, 2000-2001 28 Mean air, water, and soil temperatures by months and years for Stevens 29 Creek, 2000-200 1 Mean air, water, and soil temperatures by elevations for each stream, month, and year 2-hour period air temperature changes with average hourly air temperature at beginning of each 2-hour period, for 1370-m Stevens Creek July 2000 . .31 .41 2-hour period temperature changes for air, Barney Creek July2000 43 2-hour period temperature changes for air, Stevens Creek July2000 44 2-hour period temperature changes for water, Barney Creek July2000 52 2-hour period temperature changes for water, Stevens Creek July2000 Scatterplots demonstrating fit of prediction model for Barney Creek 2000 Scatterplots demonstrating fit of prediction model for Stevens Creek 2000 . .73 74 LIST OF TABLES Table Maximum, minimum, and mean air temperature data, as well as historical air temperatures for the Burnt River area Page 15 Partitioning the influence of the fixed effects of stream, elevation, year, and month, as well as their interactions, for each parameter 25 Regression coefficient estimates for elevation in °Celsius/150 m elevation decrease . .26 Discharge, velocity, and area for both creeks 33 Distances, gradients, and exposure times for water on both creeks 35 Frequencies of when peak air heating occurred across elevations on Barney Creek, both years 46 Frequencies of when peak air heating occurred across elevations on Stevens Creek, both years 47 Frequencies of when peak air cooling occurred across elevations on Barney Creek, both years 49 Frequencies of when peak air cooling occurred across elevations on Stevens Creek, both years 50 Frequencies of when peak water heating occurred across elevations on Barney Creek, both years 55 Frequencies of when peak water heating occurred across elevations on Stevens Creek, both years . . .56 Frequencies of when peak water cooling occurred across elevations on Barney Creek, both years .58 Frequencies of when peak water cooling occurred across elevations on Stevens Creek, both years .59 Table of variables strongly associated with maximum water temperature, for Barney Creek, year 2000 63 Table of variables strongly associated with maximum water temperature, for Stevens Creek, year 2000 64 Summary of the models explaining maximum water temperature on Barney Creek 2000-2001, including model R2, coefficients of the variables, and their SEs .67 LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Table Page Summary of the models explaining maximum water temperature on Stevens Creek 2000-200 1, including model R2, coefficients of the variables, and their SEs .68 Barney Creek 2000, showing fit of model, mean absolute deviation in °C (with SDs in brackets), and variable coefficients (with SEs in brackets) 75 Stevens Creek 2000, showing fit of model, mean absolute deviation in °C (with SDs in brackets), and variable coefficients (with SEs in brackets) 76 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix Page 2-hour period temperature changes for air, Barney and Stevens Creeks, July and August 2000 and July and August 2001 91 2-hour period temperature changes for water, Barney and Stevens Creeks, July and August 2000 and July and August 2001 Tables of variables strongly associated with maximum water temperature for both creeks in 2000 and 2001 Scatterplots showing the fit of predicted versus observed values for both creeks in 2000 and 2001 Tables showing fit of the model to predict maximum water temperature change, by elevation, for both creeks in 2000 and 2001 .. 100 109 ...1 14 119 LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES Figure Page 2-hour period temperature changes for air, Barney Creek July2000 92 2-hour period temperature changes for air, Stevens Creek July2000 .93 2-hour period temperature changes for air, Barney Creek August2000 .94 2-hour period temperature changes for air, Stevens Creek August2000 .95 2-hour period temperature changes for air, Barney Creek July2001 ..96 2-hour period temperature changes for air, Stevens Creek July2001 ..97 2-hour period temperature changes for air, Barney Creek August2001 .98 2-hour period temperature changes for air, Stevens Creek August2001 .99 2-hour period temperature changes for water, Barney Creek July2000 101 2-hour period temperature changes for water, Stevens Creek July2000 102 2-hour period temperature changes for water, Barney Creek August2000 103 2-hour period temperature changes for water, Stevens Creek August2000 104 2-hour period temperature changes for water, Barney Creek July2001 105 2-hour period temperature changes for water, Stevens Creek July2001 106 2-hour period temperature changes for water, Barney Creek August2001 107 LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page 2-hour period temperature changes for water, Stevens Creek August2001 108 Scatterplots demonstrating fit of prediction model for Barney Creek 2000 .115 Scatterplots demonstrating fit of prediction model for Stevens Creek 2000 .116 Scatterplots demonstrating fit of prediction model for Barney Creek200l .117 Scatterplots demonstrating fit of prediction model for Stevens Creek200l 118 LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES Table Page Table of variables strongly associated with maximum water temperature, for Barney Creek, year 2000 110 Table of variables strongly associated with maximum water temperature, for Stevens Creek, year 2000 111 Table of variables strongly associated with maximum water temperature, for Barney Creek, year 2001 112 Table of variables strongly associated with maximum water temperature, for Stevens Creek, year 2001 113 Barney Creek 2000, showing fit of model, mean absolute deviation in °C (with SDs in brackets), and variable coefficients (with SEs in brackets) 120 Barney Creek 2001, showing fit of model, mean absolute deviation in °C (with SDs in brackets), and variable coefficients (with SEs in brackets) 121 Stevens Creek 2000, showing fit of model, mean absolute deviation in °C (with SDs in brackets), and variable coefficients (with SEs in brackets) 122 Stevens Creek 2001, showing fit of model, mean absolute deviation in °C (with SDs in brackets), and variable coefficients (with SEs in brackets) 123 DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to my father, Arne Raven, for giving me wings and showing me how to use them. You are a fine man, and I am proud to be your daughter. DESCRIBING THE THERMAL REGIMES OF TWO NORTHEASTERN OREGON STREAMS INTRODUCTION Water quality issues continue to be at the forefront of ecological concerns in the state of Oregon, particularly with regard to stream temperatures. In order to better understand how streams heat in northeastern Oregon, a study was continued to make a closer examination of the diurnal air and water cycles on two headwater streams in the Burnt River drainage in Baker County. Prior research had established general elevation effects of these two streams, but an examination of how streams function over a day-long period was expected to lead to a determination of some of the important variables having a strong relationship with water temperature. Closer examination of the diurnal cycles would show how the air and water temperatures fluctuate over the course of a 24-hour period, allowing us a more detailed understanding of when and where peak heating or cooling occurred for each parameter. Elevational influences could also be examined, to see if they followed the same general pattern established in previous research by Meays (2000). Our study of two creeks in northeastern Oregon will allow us to examine the diurnal cycles of both creeks, and further determine variables most strongly related to water temperature increase thus gaining a better understanding of the thermal regimes governing these two streams. 2 LITERATURE REVIEW THE PROCESS OF HEAT TRANSFER The physics of stream heating are governed by four main processes: conduction, convection, radiation, and advection. Conduction is the process by which heat energy is transferred from molecule to molecule within or between substances (Ahrens 1998). Convection is defined as "the transfer of heat by the mass movement of a fluid (such as water and air)" (Abrens 1998). Kreith (1958) states that convection is the most significant method of heat transfer between solids and liquids. Radiation is the transfer of energy between two objects of differing temperatures that are separated in space, with the energy flowing from the object having a higher temperature to the one having a lower temperature (Strahler and Strahler 1992). Radiation may either be longwave radiation (atmospheric radiation) or shortwave radiation (solar radiation). Atmospheric radiation has wavelengths between 4-21 jtm, with the majority between 8-14tm, while solar radiation wavelengths range between 0.2 - 1.2 jim, with most between 0.4 and 1 .2jim. Advection is "the transfer of heat by horizontally moving air [or water]" (Ahrens 1998), and also the movement of heat within the water itself. One example of advection is any heat within precipitation that falls into a stream that may add heat to the stream (LeBlanc et al. 1997; Raphael 1962). These four processes are directly related to the first and second laws of thermodynamics: Law 1: "The total energy of the universe is constant.. .therefore energy carmot be created or destroyed" (Silberberg 1996); Law 2: "Every energy transfer or transformation increases the order of the universe" (Campbell 1993); or to paraphrase Kreith (1958) energy moves from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. 3 In terms of cooling, streams primarily lose heat through the process of evaporation, which is the change in state of the water from liquid to gas (LeBlanc et al. 1997). The energy required for this change in state may come from other sources, including the air (Ahrens 1998). Not only is heat lost during the phase change from liquid to gas, but any heat contained within the water that is evaporated is also removed (Raphael 1962). Also, streams give off heat by radiating longwave radiation back to the atmosphere (Sinokrot and Stefan 1993; Smith and Lavis 1975; Raphael 1962). Figure 1. Diagram of the process of heat transfer to and from a stream. S1PtE.t) CI-UCT o SR Meteorological, Hydrological, and Other Variables: The physics of stream heating are heavily influenced by meteorological, hydrological, and physical variables. For example, conduction heat transfer with the streambed is of primary importance in shallow streams flowing through exposed areas, especially if the streambed has a low albedo (Brown 1969). Convective heat 4 transfer between air and water is influenced by wind speed, atmospheric pressure, and any temperature gradient that might exist between the two (LeBlanc et al. 1997) Advection plays a role when there are additions of cooler water (eg: precipitation, groundwater inputs etc.) to a stream with warmer temperatures (LeBlanc et al. 1997; Raphael 1962). Meteorological Variables: Radiation, in either longwave or shortwave form, can also have a significant impact on water heating (LeBlanc et al. 1997; Sinokrot and Stefan 1994; Stefan and Preud'homme 1993; Smith and Lavis 1975; Swift and Messer 1971). Beschta (1997) and Mosley (1983) believed that longwave radiation from the atmosphere is approximately equalized by back radiation from the stream during the course of an entire diurnal cycle, thus they considered shortwave radiation to be the primary source of heat to stream systems. However, not all shortwave radiation is absorbed by the stream: air bubbles and suspended sediments serve to scatter some of the radiation, while some is also reflected from the surface of the water itself (Raphael 1962). Also, differing wavelengths of light penetrate and heat water differently. For example, while much of the shorter wavelength solar radiation is able to penetrate the water column to a depth of 30 feet (Sellers 1965; Buttolphl955), it is not associated with significant heating of the water (Hollaender 1956). It is the 7001,000 nanometer (nm) of near infrared radiation and >1,000 nm wavelength of ambient radiation that is responsible for the majority of heating which occurs in the top four inches of the water column (Sellers 1965; Buttolphl9S5). Other meteorological variables influencing temperature dynamics within a stream include: cloud cover, (Sinokrot and Stefan 1993; Dingman 1971) relative humidity (Stefan and Preud'homme 1993;Dingman 1971) solar radiation (Beschta 1997; LeBlanc et al. 1997; Larson and Larson 1996; Stefan and Preud'homme 1993; 5 Beschta and Taylor 1988; Mosley 1983; Feller 1981; Brown and Krygier 1970; Levno and Rothacher 1967), air temperature (Constanz 1998; Mohseni et al. 1998; Webb and Nobilis 1997; Larson and Larson 1996; Brown and Binkley 1994; McRae and Edwards 1994; Ward 1985; Dingman 1971; Levno and Rothacher 1967), and wind speed (Sinokrot and Stefan 1994; Stefan and Preud'homme 1993; Dingman 1971). These meteorological variables influence the physics of stream heating in the following ways: cloud cover directly impacts the amount of solar radiation reaching the stream (Sinokrot and Stefan 1994; Mosley 1983; Pluhowski and Kantrowitz 1963). Relative humidity is tied with air temperature in influencing evaporative processes - as the temperature of the air increases, the surrounding atmosphere is able to hold more moisture, which makes possible an increase in the evaporative heat transfer from stream to air (Mohseni et al. 1998). Solar radiation reaching and absorbed by the stream obviously has a direct impact on the amount of heat radiated to the stream, and air temperature is tied to the convective transfer of heat to the stream. Amount of wind can also have a significant impact on the evaporative losses from a stream (Dingman 1971). Many researchers (Larson and Larson 1996; McRae and Edwards 1994; Sinokrot and Stefan 1993; Needham and Jones 1959) have indicated that water temperatures follow air temperatures closely, with peak water temperatures lagging behind peak air temperatures. According to Edinger et al. (1968), meteorological variables are largely responsible for this time lag. Stefan and Preud'homme (1993), found this lag to be depth1discharge dependent, showing a lag of only four hours in shallow rivers approximately 0.6 m deep, to a lag of up to a week in deeper (4.5 m) rivers. This corroborated findings from the study by Edinger et aL (1968). 6 Hydrological Variables: Hydrological variables, particularly the discharge, velocity, depth, and size of stream, as well as coldwater inputs such as those from groundwater sources or cooler tributaries can also exert a significant influence on the heat dynamics of a stream system. Discharge, depth, and size of the water body are all closely correlated to the volume of water to be heated. Streams with lower flows experience a lower thermal inertia (Stefan and Preud'homme 1993), which means they are much more responsive to small changes in the heat status of the surroundings. As such, they respond rapidly to any increase or decrease in the ambient heat of the surroundings (Ward 1985; Mosley 1983; Vugts 1974; Swift and Messer 1971). The less water in the stream, the less energy it takes to raise its temperature (LeBlanc et al. 1997). Mathematical relationships indicate that water temperature increases inversely to depthlflow (Amaranthus et al. 1989). Brown and Krygier (1967) indicated that shallow streams with low flows are likely to respond with more significant changes in thermal regime, and Beschta and Taylor (1988) reported that "low flows are associated with higher water temperatures." Ward (1985) found that the small streams he studied showed rapid temperature changes of 3°C or greater per hour, strongly supporting the hypothesis that discharge is particularly significant to heating changes within a stream. A sensitivity investigation performed in the study by LeBlanc et al. (1997) found that stream discharge had the greatest impact on stream temperature, which supported findings by Smith and Lavis (1975). However, LeBlanc et al. (1997) cautioned that the choice of variables to be analyzed can strongly influence the sensitivity analysis results, and that different geographic areas may produce different results. Velocity of water directly affects the exposure time of water to heating variables as the water moves downstream. If the water travels through a combination of shade 7 and exposed areas, the faster it moves the less time it is exposed to heating elements. It stands to reason that the longer the water is exposed to warmer air, soil, or solar inputs, the greater the likelihood of a temperature increase (Larson and Larson 1997; Amaranthus et al. 1989). Width of the channel is directly related to how much surface area is exposed to heating components; the wider the channel the more area available to exchange heat (LeBlanc et al. 1997). Groundwater inputs can serve to dampen the effects of any temperature elevation (Stringham et al. 1996; Meisner et al. 1988; Ward 1985; Mosley 1983; Vugts 1974; Brown et al. 1971). Side channel inputs, depending on their temperature and discharge relative to the main stem, can serve to reduce the impact of heat additions to streams (Swift and Baker 1973; Brown et al. 1971). Other Variables influencing heat transfer in streams: Stream temperatures are also influenced to varying degrees by a variety of natural factors. These include: vegetative and topographic cover (shade), aspect, elevation, ambient soil temperature, and actual exposure time of the water to heating elements (Mohseni and Stefan 1999; Constanz 1998; Amaranthus et al. 1989; Beschta and Taylor 1988; Meisner et al. 1988; Fowler et al. 1979; Smith and Lavis 1975; Meehan 1970). Shading of streams, either through vegetative cover or topographic features, interrupts the passage of radiant energy from the sun, thus reducing solar heat transfer to the stream (LeBlanc et al. 1997; Meisner 1990; Gray and Edington 1969; Brown and Krygier 1967). It is important to note that water absorbs little radiation from the visible spectrum ( while the top four inches of the water column 8 absorbs the radiation from the near-infrared (0.7-1.0 ixm) and ambient (>1gm length) spectrum primarily (Buttolph 1955). Many researchers have attributed changes in stream temperature regimes to the presence/absence of vegetation (Beschta 1997; LeBlanc et al. 1997; Brown and Binkley 1994; McRae and Edwards 1994; Amaranthus et al. 1989; Beschta and Taylor 1988; Ward 1985; Brown et al. 1971; Meehan 1970; Brown and Krygier 1967). The presence of vegetation covering the stream also reduces nighttime longwave radiation from the stream, which decreases the nighttime cooling of streams (Swift and Messer 1971). The orientation of a stream also has a direct effect on the amount of heat available to reach the water (LeBlanc et al. 1997; Pluhowski 1970). Pluhowski (1970) found that east-west oriented streams received 7-19% more solar radiation than north-south oriented streams. LeBlanc et al. (1997) further clarified this phenomena using 3D modeling, and determined that north-south streams received solar insolation of a greater intensity, leading to higher maximum temperatures, but east-west streams received solar insolation for a longer time period, meaning whatever maximum air temperature they achieved remained for a longer period. As one moves to higher elevations, the density of the surrounding air decreases (Hidore and Oliver 1993), which means the air doesn't retain heat as effectively as it does at lower elevations (Meisner et al. 1988). Also, air temperatures and vapour pressures are lower (Hidore and Oliver 1993) which leads to more rapid loss of heat due to evaporative processes as well as a decrease in absorption of radiation (Meisner et al 1988). This then results in less accumulation of energy during the day, and increases the speed of thermal cycling within the environment (Larson and Larson 1997). Soil temperatures themselves may play an important role, depending on the substrate of the channel (Castro and Hornberger 1991; Meisner et al. 1988). As the water in 9 the channel is able to percolate into the channel bed and move subsurface, the temperature of the soil, if lower than the water temperature, may be able to reduce the temperature of the water (Constanz 1998). THE THEORY OF EQUILIBRIUM TEMPERATURE: Hydrological, meteorological, and physical variables all interact in heating a stream. The concept of 'equilibrium temperature' (Dingman 1971; Edinger et al. 1968) helps to weave these variables together, particularly the importance of any gradient that exists between air and water temperatures. Edinger et al. (1968) stated "a body of water exchanges heat with its surroundings by short- and long-wave radiation, conduction, and evaporation." The gradient between the air and the water temperature determines how rapidly heat will be transferred to or from the water (Law 2 of Thermodynamics): a steep gradient results in much faster heat transfer than a small gradient (Larson and Larson 1997). Dingman (1971) indicated that surface water temperatures are constantly being driven to an equilibrium state "where there is no net exchange of energy with the atmosphere." This occurs at a rate that is proportional to the difference between the actual surface water temperature and the equilibrium temperature (Dingmanl97l). Equilibrium temperature is usually not equal to the ambient air temperature because not only is the equilibrium temperature dependent on conductive and convective processes, but it is also related to current relative humidity, wind, and the effects of solar inputs (Dingman 1971). Thus ambient air temperature and surface water temperature form the endpoints of the potential equilibrium temperature. 10 PREDICTION OF STREAM TEMPERATURE: Solar Radiation: Solar radiation has been thought by some to be the principal driver of the heat budget for many streams. Brown's (1969) paper outlining a temperature prediction model for small streams is widely cited, and is one of many energy budget models (LeBlanc et al. 1997; Sinokrot and Stefan 1994; Sinokrot and Stefan 1993; Mosley 1983). This particular model assumes that solar radiation is the primary source of heat transfer to exposed streams, and the effect of air temperature is negligible (Brown 1969). For the particular streams surveyed in the coastal region of western Oregon, with reach length of 2000 feet or less, this model worked well (Brown 1969). LeBlanc et al. (1997) found in their study on Long Island, New York, that solar radiation was the most important variable when attempting to determine predicted water temperatures. This was then tied into the amount of vegetation present (shading possibilities), with the statement that "water temperature is very sensitive to stream shading" (LeBlanc et al. 1997). The benefits attributed to shade have been stated frequently, with many studies relating the effects of vegetation removal to increased stream temperatures (Dong et al. 1998; Brown and Binkley 1994; Lynch et al. 1984; Feller 1981; Swift and Baker 1973; Swift and Messer 1971; Brown and Krygier 1970; Brown 1969; Levno and Rothacher 1967). However, Levno and Rothacher (1967) also stated that on heavily shaded streams, ambient air temperature will be driving any temperature increase in the water, with their study showing surface water temperature increases of up to 20F. Air Temperature: A number of studies show increases in stream temperatures primarily attributed to air temperature alone. Needham and Jones' (1959) study in the Sierra Nevadas found that air temperature had a significant impact on water temperatures in that location. 11 McRae and Edwards (1994), in their study of four streams in northern Wisconsin, found that air temperature played the dominant role in determining the stream thermal regime even when sites were located near sources of groundwater. Conversely, the Webb and Nobilis' (1997) study in north central Austria found a decreasing relationship between air and water temperatures as the impacts of groundwater and shade became more apparent. Air temperature is also particularly important in streams with low discharge (Mohseni and Stefan 1999; Stefan an Preud'homme 1993; Smith and Lavis 1975); Stefan and Preud'homme (1997) found an increasing linear relationship between ambient air temperature and corresponding water temperature as discharge decreased. A number of studies (Mohseni and Stefan 1999; Mohseni et al. 1998; Stefan and Preud'homme 1993) have looked at the mathematical relationship between air and water temperatures. Stefan and Preud'homme (1993) concentrated on linear equations to explain the relationship, focusing on temperatures between 0 and 200 C. They achieved accuracy within 1°C on shaded low-flow streams, and within 2°C on wider, higher-discharge streams. Mohseni et al. (1998) then developed a non-linear model to predict stream temperatures from air temperatures. They discovered that the relationship was better described by an S-shaped curve, with linearity between air and water temperatures falling generally between 0 and 20°C, and sometimes as high as 25°C. When they tested this model, they found 89% accuracy with 99% confidence. Mohseni and Stefan (1999) explained that air and water temperatures are non-linear (nearly flat) at temperatures <0°C because the presence of ice inhibits heat transfer, and cooler groundwater temperatures dampen the response of the stream to heat transfer. At higher temperatures (generally >20°C) the relationship is also non-linear because evaporative cooling heavily counteracts the amount of heat transfer to the stream (Mohseni and Stefan 1999). 12 It also appears that location of the study may be more important than previously thought, as differing locales often produce much different results (eg: Webb and Nobilis 1997; McRae and Edwards 1994; Vugts 1974). Ward's (1969) model, with solar radiation as the primary heat source, was found to be accurate on short reaches of streams in western Oregon, while Walker and Lawson (1977) in Australia had good results using air temperature as the primary heat source in their predictive model. What seems most reasonable is that it is a combination of all heating variables, with particular emphasis on solar inputs and ambient air temperatures that results in temperature change in stream systems. Levno and Rothacher (1967) believed that both of these variables were working together to alter temperatures in streams. Sinokrot and Stefan (1994) corroborated this, with their sensitivity analysis showing both air and solar radiation as the dominant factors. However, the amount of stream exposed to direct sunlight can strongly influence which variable or factor dominates. Levno and Rothacher (1967) found that under dense cover, air temperature tended to dominate as the source of energy input to the stream. CONCLUSION: Each stream is subtly different from another, and it is important to be mindful of this when attempting to determine what the most significant heating variable may be. This study will allow us to compare the thermal regimes of two creeks in adjacent drainages, one heavily forested, one not, and analyze the heating patterns of each. It is hoped we can then determine the relationship between air temperature, in combination with other variables, and the thermal regime of each of these creeks. 13 STUDY AREA The study area is located in the Burnt River Drainage near Unity, in Baker County, Eastern Oregon. The Burnt River Drainage encompasses approximately 2849 square kilometers (Mangelson 2000), and supplies water for livestock, irrigation, and recreation purposes. This study focuses on Barney and Stevens Creeks (Figure 2), adjacent north-facing drainages that drain into the South Fork of the Burnt River. Study site elevations range from 1370 meters to 2010 meters at the headwaters of Stevens Creek, and from 1370 meters to 2192 meters at the headwaters of Barney Creek. There is a significant difference in the vegetation component of the two creeks. Barney Creek was the site of a large wildfire in 1989, and has no mature standing tree cover over its upper reaches. Shrub and tree cover increase at lower elevations (below 1500 meters), but the stream is still exposed to direct solar radiation during some part of the day. Trees at lower elevation are predominantly Ponderosa pine (Pinusponderosa), shrubs include bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), dogbane (Apocynum spp.) with spiraea (Spiraea betul?folia) nearer the creek. Forbs and grasses included monkey flower (Mimulus lewisii and Mimulus guttatus), strawberry (Fragaria virginiana) and heart leaved arnica (Arnica cordfolia) with pine grass (Calamagrostis rubescens), and some seeded Timothy (Phleum pratense) and wheatgrasses (Agropyron spp.). Although immediately adjacent to the burned area, Stevens Creek did not burn and is well vegetated along the entire length of its reach. Its tree component consists mainly of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) with some young larch (Larix spp.) in the understory and shrubs included spiraea (Spiraea betulfolia). Forbs included prince's pine (Chimaphila umbellata) heart leaved arnica (Arnica cordifolia) and some bunchberry (Cornus canadensis). Pine grass (Calamagrostis rubescens) predominated the grass component. 14 Figure 2. Map of Study Area. S Legend Station Location5 Stevens Creek /'\/ Barney Creek Label De1iititioii/Eleation Label Definition/Elevation STOI STO2 STO3 STO4 Station . 370m Station 2. I 525ni Station 3. 1675m Station 4, 1 830m [3AMOiJTI-1 STHW Headwaters of Stc cns ('r. 2u2 in I3A3 Mouth of Barney Cr. Station I. I 3Thrn Stanon 2. I525m First Side Channel. Station 3. (i75rn Second Side Channel. I 765m BA) BAu2 BSC BAfl4 L3HW I RH \\2 I Station 4, I 83i1)iii First Headwaters of Barney Cr 21 Second Hcadwaters of Barney Cr. 21 15 A study quantifying the amount of vegetative and topographic cover on both creeks using Hemiview equipment determined that Barney Creek had approximately 20% cover, while Stevens Creek had in excess of 80% cover (Krueger 2001, pers. comm.). Temperature data (in °F) taken from the Unity Ranger Station for the years 2000 and 2001, as well as historical averages spanning the period from 1948 to 2003 are summarized in the following table: Table 1. Maximum, minimum, and mean air temperature data, as well as historical air temperatures for the Burnt River area. Maximum (°F) Minimum (°F) Mean (°F) July2000 91.3 44.2 68.2 August2000 93.1 43.6 68.6 July2001 90.6 43.6 67.3 August2001 94.5 45.3 70.1 Historical July 85.7 47.7 64.4 Historical August 84.8 45.2 63.4 As the data show, maximum air temperatures for the two years of the study were generally much warmer than the historical average, as were mean air temperatures, while minimum temperatures were generally one to two degrees Fahrenheit lower than historical averages. Precipitation data, also from the Unity Ranger Station, indicate that precipitation levels were much lower than historical averages, with July and August of 2000 recording 0.00 and 0.73 inches respectively. July and August of 2001 recorded 0.28 and 0.00 inches respectively, compared to historical mean levels of 0.57 in July and 1.05 inches in August, with historical data spanning the time period from 1948 to 2003. 16 MATERIALS AND METHODS: DATA COLLECTION Air, soil, and water temperatures were recorded hourly during July and August of 2000 and 2001 using Stowaway ® XTI temperature loggers. Loggers were installed at 1370, 1525, 1675, and 1830-rn elevations on both Barney and Stevens Creeks. Air temperature loggers were enclosed in solar radiation shields and attached to the north side of trees adjacent to the creek. Soil temperature loggers were enclosed in submersible cases and buried 0.30 rn below ground, adjacent to the creek, in non- saturated soils. Temperature loggers enclosed in submersible cases were placed in the deepest free flowing water available at each site. Tributary water temperature information was collected at 1766-rn and 1583-rn elevations on Barney Creek. Comparisons made between tributaries and rnainstem indicated no difference in temperatures. There were no tributaries on Stevens Creek. Stream velocity and discharge for each site were estimated using a Pygmy® ST1 Flow Meter, at a depth of six-tenths of stream depth (measured from surface) and an AquaCaic® 5000 (version AQCUG.7a). The Pygmy® meter measured flow, and the AquaCaic® counted revolutions of the Pygmy® meter and calculated velocity and discharge. As the 2000 season progressed, water levels in Stevens Creek became too shallow to accurately collect flow data with the pygmy meter. Low runoff levels in the spring of 2001 resulted in low flows on Stevens Creek, again resulting in the pygmy meter being unable to record flow effectively. V-notch weirs were constructed of 1.9 cm thick Plexiglas (Figure 3). The weirs were generally 0.60 m wide (depending on the width of the creek at each station) and 0.45 m high, with a 90-degree angle v-notch in the center. These were placed in the creek at an 17 established cross section, leveled, and the edges and bottom dammed with plastic sacking and mud. The water backed up behind the obstruction and flowed through the 90-degree v-notch. When the water level equilibrated, a measurement using a staff gauge was taken. This measurement was then converted to cubic feet per second using a standard conversion Table (USBR 1997, p. A9). Further conversion to cubic meters per second was done using the conversion factor of 0.028317; all measurements were recorded in metric. Figure 3: Diagram of 45° v-notch weir. level Reach distances between stations were calculated from Digital Ortho Photo Quad (DOPQ) maps using the following methods. Station points were recorded with a Trimble® Pro-XR (model TSC1) GPS unit and overlayed using ArcView Version 3.0 on to DOPQ maps (Scale: 1:24,000). The maps were obtained from the USGS. Each creek was digitized as a separate overlay. ArcView 3.0 was then used to calculate reach distances on the DOPQ maps. 18 DATA ANALYSIS Stowaway® temperature data were recorded hourly and analyzed for July and August 2000 and 2001. Data were imported into SAS (version 8.0), where each reading was rounded to the nearest hour. Times from :00 to :29 were rounded back, and times from :30 to :59 were rounded forward. Daily maximum, minimum, and mean temperatures and times for each, as well as total net heating or cooling (per day) for each parameter (air, water, and soil) were then calculated. Days when the data loggers were downloaded were removed from the datasets, as we would not have a complete data set for that day. Each month had a total of two days missing except for July 2000, when there were three download days. The other exception was Stevens Creek at 1370-rn elevation during August of 2001. This station dried up on the 26th so there are seven days missing for that month. Analysis of daily heating and cooling cycles was performed on air and water parameters only, as diurnal fluctuations within the soil parameter were too small (generally <1.25°C) to facilitate meaningful analysis. A full diurnal cycle was set from Sam to Sam, with the heating portion consisting of 5am to 5pm, and the cooling cycle consisting of 5pm to Sam. When temperatures from the previous day were required for maximum water temperature analysis, we altered the daily cycle to read from 5pm to 5pm. In this way we were able to obtain minimum temperatures from the previous day, so that we could evaluate their influence on maximum water temperatures the following day. Each heating and cooling cycle was broken down into 2-hour increments, to further pinpoint time of day when peak heating and cooling occurred, and to determine whether periods within each cycle were the same. Peak heating change was identified as the maximum temperature change recorded within a 2-hour period of the heating cycle. Peak cooling change was identified as the maximum amount of cooling during a 2-hour period of the cooling cycle. Time of peak (the 2-hour period 19 in which maximum heating or cooling occurred), temperature at peak, as well as temperature change during the peak 2-hour period were also calculated. Statistical tests were performed using the SAS (Version 8.0) software packages. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was performed using PROCMIXED, with days as blocking factor, so as to alleviate problems of serial correlation. PROCREG was used for stepwise regressions. Statistical significance was set at the 0.05 level. Objective 1: Determining The Influence of Elevation, MonthlYear, and Stream on Thermal Environment. ANOVA was run to partition the fixed effects of month, year, stream elevation, and their interactions. By determining whether there was a month, year, stream, or elevation effect we were able to structure analysis of subsequent hypotheses accordingly. That is, stream, elevation, and month were analyzed separately for each year, as these effects were generally found to be significant. A linear regression then tested mean daily air, water, and soil temperatures as a function of elevation. All R2s were adjusted for day-to-day variation, meaning that after day-to-day variation was accounted for, the parameter 'elevation' explained X% of the remaining variability. Objective 2: Describing Diurnal Air and Water Cycles ANOVA (PROCMTXED) with mean separation and days as blocking factor was used to test whether each 2-hour period within the air heating and cooling cycle yielded the same amount of temperature change. Heating and cooling cycles were analyzed separately for each elevation, each month of each year, and each creek. The same procedure was then followed to test whether 2-hour periods within the 20 heating and cooling cycle for water resulted in equal amounts of temperature change Fisher's LSD was used to determine which periods were different from each other. ANOVA (PROCMIXED) with days as blocking factor, was used to test temperature change during the peak periods (described as the 2-hour period of greatest positive or negative temperature change) for heating and cooling to determine whether the amount of heating and cooling was the same at each elevation. Water and air heating and cooling cycles were analyzed separately for each month and year, on each creek. ANOVA (PROCMIXED) with days as blocking factor was used to analyze whether timing of peak temperature change differed across elevations. Time of first peak was defined as (the 2-hour period during which the greatest positive [for heating] and negative for cooling] temperature change occurred. Fisher's LSD was used to determine which elevations were different from each other. Water and air heating and cooling cycles were analyzed separately for each month and year, on each creek. Objective 3: Modeling Variables Strongly Associated with Maximum Water Temperature. Stepwise regression was performed to determine which variables were most strongly related to maximum water temperature. Each elevation on each creek, for each month and year were analyzed separately. "Current day" for this objective is defined as the 24-hour period between 5pm and 5pm. "Previous day" includes data from 5am to 5pm of the day before the current day. Variables were chosen based on examination of current water temperature literature, as well as variables of interest to the author. 21 The pool of variables to choose from included: > maximum air temperature from the current day (5pm-5pm) - the highest temperature reached during the current day; > air temperature change during the peak 2-hour heating period of the current day (Spm-5pm) amount of air temperature change within the 2-hour period that experienced the highest temperature of the current day; > minimum air temperature from the previous day - the lowest air temperature from the previous day; > total air cooling from the previous day - the net amount of air temperature change experienced during the cooling portion of the diurnal cycle (5pm5 am); minimum water temperature from the previous day - the lowest water temperature from the previous day; total water heating from the previous day - the total amount of water temperature change experienced during the heating portion of the diurnal cycle (5am-5pm); total water cooling from the previous day - the total amount of water temperature change experienced during the cooling portion of the diurnal cycle (5pm-5am); In order to utilize data from the previous day, we altered the "day cycle" from the normal 5am-Sam cycle, to Spm-5pm. This allowed us to have the minimum temperature data included within a one-day cycle, as maximum water temperature was always achieved prior to 5pm, as were maximum air temperature and peak air heating. 22 Objective 4: Deriving a Predictive Equation for Water Temperature Change. Stepwise regression using PROCREG with selection option R2, was performed to determine variables for a predictive equation for water temperature change. We chose a number of air and water characteristics from the pooi of data collected, from which the SAS stepwise regression program could select the best subsets that would predict the net daily change in water temperature. Variables were chosen based on examination of current water temperature literature, as well as variables of interest to the authors. "Current day" for this objective is always defined as the 24-hour period between 5am and 5am. Variables for the main pool included: > net air temperature change during the 24-hour period (5am-5am) of the current day ("airday"); - how much the air temperature changed over the course of the current day (5am 5am) > maximum air temperature reached during the current day ("maxair"); > minimum air temperature reached during the current day ("minair"); > total net air temperature change during the 24-hour period of the previous day ("airday_1 ") - how much the air temperature changed over the previous day (Sam-Sam) > maximum air temperature reached during the day before - from 5am to Sam of the previous day ("maxairl ") > minimum air temperature reached during the day before - from Sam to 5am of the previous day ("minairl ") > maximum water temperature recorded during the current day ("maxwat") > minimum water temperature recorded during the current day ("minwat") 23 maximum water temperature reached during the day before - from 5am to 5am of the previous day ("maxwatl") > minimum water temperature reached during the day before - from 5am to 5am of the previous day ("minwati") > water temperature change from the day before - from 5am to 5am of the previous day ("watday 1") - how much the water temperature changed over the course of the previous day The diurnal cycle was still considered to run from 5am to 5am, however, data from the previous day's cycle were also included so the important variables from the previous day could also be selected. To select the best subset or variables to describe daily net water temperature change, we balanced a Cp statistic of 4 with the smallest BIC (Bayesian Information Criteria) statistic. The choice of a small BIC statistic was used because there was a belief that the model involved some, but not all of the variables. Using a Cp statistic as well, allowed us to account for the trade off between bias from excluding potentially important variables, and the extra variance from including too many variables. This was performed at each elevation on each creek for each year. These subsets of variables were scrutinized and the five most common among all elevations for both creeks and both years were selected. Thus "maxair", "airday", "minair", as well as "minwat", and "watday" from the previous day were retained and the others dropped. We then ran a multiple linear regression to test the model and determine fit. Using cross validation, we determined what the predicted value of a case would be when that case was left out of the model. We then plotted actual versus predicted values, to determine accuracy of the model in predicting various water temperature changes over a one-day period (Sam-Sam). 24 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: OBJECTIVE 1: TO DETERMiNE THE INFLUENCE OF ELEVATION, MONTH/YEAR, AND STREAM ON THERMAL ENVIRONMENT. Results: Elevation: Partitioning of data set variation by month, year, stream, and elevation determined temperatures were strongly associated with elevation differences (Table 2). Linear regressions were developed to determine the association between mean daily air, water, and soil temperatures with elevation (Table 3). All model slopes indicate that temperature (°C) values increase with every 150 m decrease in elevation. Stevens Creek had a greater rate of temperature increase per 150 m decrease in elevation than Barney Creek. Differences in the rate of temperature increase ranged from 0.2-0.4°C for air temperatures, 0.9-1.0°C for water temperatures, and 1.0-1.5°C for soil temperatures. These results are comparable to those found by Meays (2000). Table 2. Partitioning the influence of the fixed effects of stream, elevation, year, and month, as well as all their interactions, for each parameter. WATER Effect Stream Elevation streambyelevation Year AIR Denom DF F-value Pr>F Denom DF 763 6895.77 <.0001 763 763 <.0001 763 5836.04 467.50 120 yearbystream yearbyelevation yearbystreambyelevation SOIL Pr>F Denom DF <.0001 763 F-value 2731.90 2266.13 <.0001 <.0001 763 88.21 <.0001 10.56 0.0015 120 0.18 0.6686 763 0.02 0.8953 763 66.65 <.0001 763 1.11 0.3440 763 5.65 0.0008 758 763 3.99 0.0078 763 1.09 0.3512 758 Month 120 2.12 0.1479 120 4.30 120 month by stream 763 5.92 0.0152 763 0.28 0.0404 0.5947 758 monthbyelevation 763 21.47 <.0001 763 6.64 0.0002 758 month by stream by elevation 763 0.37 0.0090 763 4.67 0.0030 758 yearbymonth 120 0.62 0.5465 120 0.5771 0.62 0.4312 763 0.1185 0.0790 0.31 763 2.47 3.09 120 year by month by stream 758 60.75 <.0001 yearbymonthbyelevation yearbymonthbystreambyelevation 763 1.23 0.2980 763 2.26 0.0802 758 1.20 0.3073 763 0.44 0.7223 763 0.42 0.7407 758 0.70 0.5511 WATER Variance Components (Error) Parameter Day (year by month) Residual AIR Variance Components (Error) Estimate 2.1064 0.2234 Parameter Day (year by month) Residual SOIL Variance Components (Error) Estimate 10.8245 0.1401 Parameter Day (year by month) Residual Estimate .8499 .0541 Pr>F 758 F-value 200021.80 <.0001 758 11644.90 <.0001 758 7917.33 <.0001 120 0.56 0.4541 758 12.69 0.0004 68.89 71.69 <.0001 24.37 70.52 135.37 44.05 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 26 Table 3. Regression coefficient estimates for elevation in°Celsius/1 50 m elevation decrease. Barney Stevens 2000 (July) 2000 (July) 'slope water air soil 1.46 0.66 0.73 SE 0.03 0.05 0.09 p-value <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 R2* 0.97 0.71 0.42 Barney 'slope water 1.29 air soil 0.74 0.85 SE 0.03 0.05 0.08 p-value <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 R2* 0.95 0.71 0.54 1.03 1.70 'slope water air soil Barney Stevens 2001 2001 (July) SE 0.06 0.04 0.11 p-value <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 R2* 0.95 0.91 0.73 2.11 0.96 2.11 R2* SE 0.05 0.04 0.11 p-value <.0001 SE 0.06 0.03 0.10 p-value <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.95 0.96 0.79 SE 0.06 0.03 0.09 p-value <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.95 0.92 0.86 <.0001 <.0001 0.95 0.89 0.82 (July) 'slope water air soil 2.36 Stevens 2000 (August) 2000 (August) 1.40 0.70 0.38 SE 0.03 0.04 0.09 p-value R2* <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.95 0.76 0.20 Barney 'slope water air soil 2.42 1.12 1.84 R2* Stevens 2001 2001 (August) (August) 'slope 1 'slope water air soil water 1.29 air soil 0.67 0.51 SE 0.03 0.05 0.08 p-value <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 R2* 0.95 0.69 0.32 'slope water air 2.21 soil 2.01 0.97 R2* Slope = temperature change in °C/150 m decrease in elevation = proportion of remaining variation (after accounting for day-to-day variation) accounted for by elevation, ie: elevations accounts for X% of the remaining variation. 27 Month: Month was not a significant source of variation for water temperature (Table 1). Month x stream and month x elevation were both significant. Mean monthly air and soil temperatures were different. Mean monthly temperatures were greater in August than in July for both parameters over both years and across both creeks (Figures 2 and 3). The month x elevation interaction was significant for air and soil as well as the month x stream interaction for soil. Year: Results from the analysis of variance (Table 1) indicated that yearly differences were not significant for air, but air in combination with stream, and air in combination with elevation were highly significant. Soil followed a similar pattern; year was not significant alone, but the interaction of year and stream, and year and elevation were statistically significant. The opposite pattern emerged for water: yearly differences were statistically significant, but not the interaction of year and stream or year and elevation. Figures 4 and 5 summarize the mean temperatures for air, water, and soil across months and years for Barney and Stevens Creeks. Figure 4. Mean air, water, and soil temperatures by month and years for Barney Creek, 2000-2001. Mean temperatures, Barney Creek 1525m Mean temperatures, Barney Creek 137Gm 2000-2001 2000-2001 20 - 20 18 - 18 16 (I) 14 o rrean water temperature 12 0 C) rrC)an soil temperature a) 10 C) C) 0) C) 0 rrwari water temperature o sean air temperature 10 o swan soil temperature - C) 6 O C) O rrean air temperature 161412- 6- o 4a, 4 2Ju y 2000 August 2000 Ju y 2001 July 2000 August 2001 August 2000 2000-2001 2000-2001 C) 0 August 2001 Mean temperatures, Barney Creek 183Gm Mean temperatures, Barney Creek 1675m (0 July 2001 Month and Year Month and Year 20 18 18 - 16 1614- o rrean water terrperature 12 W 0 rrean air temperature 10 rrwan soil temperature 0)6 141210- O mean water temperature 0 sean air temperature (0 G) - C, 6- C) mean soil temperature C) C) 0 4 - 2 2 July 2000 August 2000 July 2001 Month and Year August 2001 July 2000 August 2000 July 2001 August 2001 Month and Year 00 Figure 5. Mean air, water, and soil temperatures by month and years for Stevens Creek, 2000-2001. Mean temperatures, Stevens Creek 1370m Mean temperatures, Stevens Creek 1525m 2000-2001 2000-2001 20 - 18 - 18 - 16 1614a' 12ta 0 10 a' (a 14 El rrwan water terijerature (a 12 - tO swan water teriperature 0 rman air teriperature 0 10 o swan air terrperature sean soil tenperature a' - 6- a' 04 0 (a a' a' 0) a) 0 20I 8642- sean soil terrperature 0 July 2000 August 2000 July 2001 August 2001 July 2000 Month and Year August 2000 July 2001 August 2001 Month and Year Mean temperatures, Stevens Creek 1675m Mean temperatures, Stevens Creek 1830m 2000-2001 2000-2001 18 16 16 14 - 14 12- (a 12 O sean water terrperature (a (J 10 o sean air terrperature 0 (a a' swan soil terTgjerature a, 0) (a a' a' 0) a' a) 0 0 2 o sean water terrperature a' 10- o swan air teriperature 86- swan soil terrperature 42- 0 July 2000 August 2000 July 2001 Month and Year August 2001 July 2000 August 2000 July 2001 Month and Year August 2001 30 Stream: Results from the analysis of variance (Table 1) indicated that stream differences were significant for each of the three parameters. In all cases, mean air temperatures across elevations on Barney Creek were greater than mean air temperatures on Stevens Creek by 1-2°C. Mean air temperatures always exceeded mean water temperatures on both creeks by 1.5-2°C across all elevations, with a general trend of larger differences occurring at higher elevations and smaller differences at lower elevations. A notable difference between streams was evident at the upper three elevations of Stevens Creek, where mean air temperatures exceeded mean water and soil temperatures by a wider margin than found on Barney Creek (Figure 6). Mean water temperatures were greater on Barney Creek than at corresponding elevations of Stevens Creek, by 1-4°C. The difference between Barney and Stevens Creek mean air and water temperatures decreased in the downstream direction. Mean soil temperatures on Barney Creek followed the same pattern as air and water, exceeding soil temperatures on corresponding elevations of Stevens Creek by 3-4°C, with the exception of 1370-rn. In this case, the mean soil temperatures on Stevens Creek exceeded those at the same elevation of Barney Creek by approximately 0.5-1°C. Differences between the two creeks' mean soil temperatures were fairly constant at all elevations. Mean soil temperatures exceeded mean water temperatures across all elevations on Stevens Creek, and this was also the case for Barney Creek, with the exception of 1370-rn elevation, where mean water temperatures were greater than mean soil temperatures. Figure 6. Mean air, water, and soil temperatures by elevations for each stream, month, and year. Mean air temperature 19 - a--- Barney July 2000 18 Barney August 2000 -A-- Barney July 2001 - Barney August 2001 -.--- Stevens July 2000 Stevens August 2000 -.-- Stevens July 2001 -.-- Stevens August 2001 1413 12 1830 1675 1525 1370 6evation Mean water temperature 17 e--- Barney July 2000 16 Barney August 2000 15 a-- Barney July 2001 14 Barney August 2001 -.-- Stevens July 2000 Stevens August 2000 -.--- Stevens July 2001 C) 10 Stevens August 2001 9 8 7 1830 1675 1525 1370 Elevation Mean soil temperature a-- Barney July 2000 - 0 Barney August 2000 a-- Barney July 2001 a--- Barney August 2001 -.- Stevens July 2000 14 - Stevens August 2000 -.--- Stevens July 2001 -.--- Stevens August 2001 1830 1675 1525 Elevation 1370 32 Discharge, Velocity, and Area Table 4 summarizes discharge, velocity, and cross-sectional area at permanent locations along both creeks. Calculations are based on 7 to 14 measurements (measurement number varies with stream width) taken across the permanent cross- section locations. Discharge on Barney Creek ranged from 1.8 to 4.6 times greater than Stevens Creek in 2000. Lower flows occurred on both streams in 2001 and Barney Creek discharge was 5.5 to 11 times greater than Stevens Creek. Stevens Creek discharge in 2000 was 2.8 to 7.6 times larger than in 2001. Barney Creek discharge was 1.2 to 2.3 times greater in 2000 than 2001. Velocities decreased in 2000 and 2001 as the season progressed from mid July to late August. Barney Creek was generally wider than Stevens Creek, with the greatest difference in widths seen at the lowest elevations. 33 Table 4. Discharge, velocity, and area for both creeks. 2000 Stevens 1370-rn Date Discharge (m'/s) Stevens 1525-rn 2 Area(m) Stevens 1675-rn Stevens 1830-rn Velocity Discharge Area Velocity Discharge Area Velocity Discharge Area Velocity (m/s) (ms/s) (m) (mis) (oils) (m) (mis) (mIs) (m-) (oils) 7/15/00 0.0084 0.04 0.2100 0.0149 0.07 0.2129 0.0107 0.05 0.2140 0.0038 0.06 0.0633 7/28/00 0.0112 0.09 0.1244 0.0078 0.05 0.1560 0.0099 0.04 0.2475 0.0021 0.05 0.0420 8/09/00 0.0029 0.03 0.0967 0.0063 0.06 0.1050 0.0077 0.03 0.2567 0.0017 0.04 0.0425 0.0048 0.05 0.0960 8/21/00 2000 Date insufficient flow Barney 1370-rn Discharge Area (or) (m3/s) insufficient flow Barney 1675-rn Barney 1525-rn insufficient flow Barney 1830-rn Velocity Discharge Area Velocity Discharge Area Velocity Discharge Area Velocity (oils) (nr) (oils) (m3/s) (m) (oi/s) (nT/s) (m) (oi/s) (m3ls) 7/13/00 0.0669 0.19 0.3521 0.0368 0.13 0.2831 0.0318 0.10 0.3180 0.0115 0.05 7/29/00 0.0600 0.16 0.3750 0.0328 0.13 0.2523 0.0268 0.09 0.2978 0.0074 0.03 0.2467 8/10/00 0.0231 0.09 0.2567 0.0238 0.10 0.2380 0.0194 0.07 0.2771 0.0060 0.03 0.2000 8/22/00 0.0299 0.13 0.2300 0.0143 0.07 0.2043 0.0361 0.16 0.2256 0.0029 0.01 0.2900 2001 Date Stevens 1370-rn Discharge (m'/s) Area (ni) Stevens 1675-rn Stevens 1525-rn Velocity Discharge (mis) (mis) 0.2300 Stevens 1830-rn Area Velocity Discharge Area Velocity Discharge Area Velocity (nr) (m's) (mis) (m) (m's) (m7s) (m2) (m/s) 7/13/01 0.0033 0.08 0.0407 0.0052 0.04 0.1377 0.0030 0.12 0.0259 7/26/01 0.0020 0.07 0.0305 0.0039 0.03 0.1132 0.0023 0.11 <0.0013 0.06 <0.0205 0,0202 <0.0243 <0,0013 0.05 8/15/01 insufficient flow 0.0018 0,02 0,0783 <0.0013 0.08 <.0160 <0.0013 0.04 <0.0308 8/27/01 dry <0.0013 0.01 <0.1327 <0.0013 0.12 <.0105 <0.0013 0.04 <0.0316 2001 Date Barney 1370-rn Discharge (mis) Area (or) Barney 1525-rn Barney 1675-rn Barney 1830 rn Velocity Discharge Area Velocity Discharge Area Velocity Discharge Area Velocity (oi/s) (rn') (oils) (mis) (m) (oils) (m3/s) (rn') (m/s) (m3/s) 7/05/01 0.0423 0.24 0.1763 0.0298 0,15 0.1987 0.0326 0.11 0.2964 0.0105 0.05 0,2100 7/14/01 0.0388 0.27 0.1437 0.0375 0.17 0.2206 0.0300 0.12 0.2500 0.0079 0.05 0,1580 7/27/01 0.0224 0.24 - 0,0933 0.0320 0,16 0.2000 0.0234 0.10 0.2340 0.0056 0.03 0.1867 8/16/01 0.0198 0.24 0.0825 eqpt failure 0.0127 0.08 0.1588 0.0042 0.03 0,1400 8/28/01 0.0102 0.07 0.1457 insufficientflow 0.0194 0.08 0.2425 insufficientflow note: velocity calculated using the equation V=Q/A, with Q=discharge, and A=area Distances, Gradients, and Exposure Times: Table 5 summarizes the distance within each stream section, the gradient associated with each section, and approximate exposure time for the water based on the stream velocities presented in the previous table. Overall, Barney Creek had a longer total distance than Stevens Creek. Section distances between the upper three elevations 34 were shorter for Barney Creek and much longer between the two lower elevations. However, approximate exposure time for Barney Creek remained shorter than Stevens Creek throughout the study due to the greater velocities associated with larger stream discharge. In 2000, exposure times on Barney Creek ranged from 67 minutes to 244 minutes (approximately 1 to 4 hours). Slightly longer exposure times (due to lower discharge and velocities) occurred in 2001, ranging from 93 minutes to 251 minutes (approximately 1.5 to 4.5 hours). In contrast, Stevens Creek 2000 exposure times varied from 148 minutes to 514 minutes (approximately 3 to 9 hours). The much lower discharge in Stevens Creek in 2001, coupled with minimal velocities, had a profound impact on exposure times. They ranged from 324 minutes to greater than 3624 minutes (approximately 5.5 hours to 2.5 days). All exposure times are considered to be a rough approximation since they are based on 'typical' stream cross-sections and single point-in-time velocity measurements. However, they do offer some insight into the exposure times that occurred during the study. 35 Table 5. Distances, gradients, and exposure time for water on both creeks. 2000 Date S1370-S1525 Distance (us) S1525-S1675 Gradient Exposure (%) Time1 (mm) Distance (us) S1675-S1830 Gradient Exposure (%) Time1 (rain) Distance (m) Gradient Exposure (%) Time' (mm) 7/15/00 2677 5.60 210 2285 6.56 178 1296 11.57 341 7/28/00 2677 5.60 286 2285 6.56 154 1296 11.57 514 8/09/00 2677 5.60 425 2285 6.56 148 1296 11.57 508 8/25/00 2677 5.60 465 2285 6.56 too shallow 1296 11.57 too shallow 2000 Date B1370-B1525 Distance (m) B1525-R1675 Gradient Exposure (%) Tinie' (mm) Distance (m) B1675-111830 Gradient Exposure (%) Time1(min) Distance (rn) Gradient Exposure (%) Time' (mm) 7/15/00 2995 5.01 176 2155 6.96 t76 1168 12.84 85 7/29/00 2995 5.01 198 2155 6.96 198 1168 12.84 79 8/10(00 2995 5.01 210 2155 6.96 210 1168 12.84 97 8/22/00 2995 5.01 244 2155 6.96 244 1168 12.84 67 Gradient Exposure (%) Time1 (mm) 2001 Dale S1370-S1525 Distance (us) S1525-S1675 Gradient Exposure (%) Time' (miii) Distance (m) S1675-S1830 Distance (m) Gradient Exposure (%) Time' (mm) 7/t3/01 2677 5.60 324 2285 6.56 1472 1296 11.57 >1054 7/26/01 2677 5.60 394 2285 6.56 1888 1296 11.57 >889 8/15/01 2677 5.60 570 2285 6.56 >3627 1296 11.57 >701 8/27/01 2677 5.60 >336 2285 6.56 >2380 1296 11.57 >684 Gradient Exposure (%) Tim& (mm) Distance (m) 2001 Date B1370-B1525 Distance (m) 81675-B1830 131525-B1675 Gradient Exposure (%) Time' (miii) Distance (us) Gradient Exposure (%) Time' (rain) 7/05/01 2995 5.01 251 2155 6.96 121 tt68 12.84 93 7/14/01 2995 5.01 226 2155 6.96 144 1168 12.84 123 7/27/01 2995 5.01 250 2155 6.96 153 1168 12.84 104 8/16(01 2995 5.01 eqpt failure 2155 6.96 226 1168 12.84 139 8/28/01 2995 5.01 too shattow 2155 6.96 148 1168 12.84 toO shallow Exposure time was calculated by dividing distance between stations by the velocity recorded at the higher elevation station, and then dividing the result by 60 to obtain minutes. Tributaries and Vegetation D?fferences: The Stevens Creek drainage contained no tributaries. Barney Creek had two tributaries. Discharge from the Barney Creek tributary located at 1 768-m elevation was roughly equal to main stem discharge. The second Barney Creek tributary, located at 1530-rn elevation, had approximately 1/3 the discharge of the main stem. 36 No measurable increase in main stem temperature could be attributed to either Barney Creek tributary. This result was in agreement with results observed by Meays (2000). Hemiview data gathered during the 2001 field season determined that view-to-sky differed dramatically on the two creeks. Generally, Stevens Creek had less than 20% view-to-sky due to topographic and vegetation obstruction. Barney Creek had 80% or more view-to-sky with minimal topographic or vegetation obstruction (Krueger 2001, unpublished data [pers. comm j) Discussion: Elevation has been associated with the thermal patterns of the environment and stream temperature (Larson and Larson 1997; McRae and Edwards 1994; Meisner et al.1988; Ward 1985; Raphael 1962). A portion of the increased air temperature associated with decreasing elevation can be associated with the adiabatic process where atmospheric compression always results in warming (Ahrens 1993). The air density decreases associated with increasing elevation, decrease the effect of the atmosphere (absorption and re-radiation of long-wave radiation) and modify thermal patterns at the earth's surface (Hidore and Oliver 1993). As a result, air and ground temperatures are generally cooler at higher elevations and warmer at lower elevations. Similarly, stream temperatures have also been shown to increase naturally as water flows downstream through a warming environment with a greater increase seen in creeks with lower discharge (Zweinecki and Newton 1999). The values and patterns in our data were consistent with those found by Meays (Meays 2000). 37 Stevens Creek drainage generally showed greater increases in temperature per 150 m decrease in elevation than that found in Barney Creek drainage, for all parameters. LeBlanc et al. (1997) indicate that the abundance and type of vegetation cover will impact the pattern of energy retention within a watershed by modifying the pattern of radiation absorption and emission. Given the observed differences in vegetation structure found between Stevens and Barney Creek drainages one should anticipate that as temperature patterns migrate toward a thermal equilibrium that differences within the drainages would become apparent. Stream temperature is also influenced by exposure time, the time that a parcel of water is exposed to a thermal environment before leaving an area. In July 2000 and 2001, the approximate exposure time for Barney Creek was 50% and 20% of exposure time observed on Stevens Creek. When exposure time is taken into account, Barney and Stevens Creek were warming 0.5°C/h in July 2000 and 0.4°C/h in July 2001. Exposure time likely influenced August 2000 and 2001 stream temperature patterns. However, exposure times in those months exceed the length of the daily heating cycle, making a direct comparison inappropriate. The findings that monthly mean temperatures were different for air infers that weather patterns differ from month to month. Similarly, we see a difference in mean monthly soil temperatures, but not in mean monthly water temperatures. The interaction of month and stream was significant for water and soil, but not for air. This indicates that mean monthly weather patterns were behaving similarly on both streams, that is, the streams were experiencing the same weather patterns. This is understandable, given that both creeks share the same aspect, orientation, and watershed. Mean monthly water and soil temperature patterns were different on each creek, likely attributable to stream characteristics and vegetation structure differences found within each drainage. 38 Yearly mean air temperatures were not found to be different, and the month and year interaction was insignificant. Weather patterns were similar both years and months in the sense that August air temperatures were warmer than July air temperatures in both years. Response of water and soil showed similar monthly patterns each year (August temperatures generally wanner than July temperatures); however mean water temperatures were different year to year. A portion of the water temperature variation is likely attributable to differences in discharge and exposure time. While both streams shared the same general geographical attributes (aspect, orientation, and locale), they were very different in their discharge, depth, and cover characteristics. These are the likely reasons that the fixed effect of stream was significant. Mean air temperatures on Barney Creek were greater than those on Stevens Creek. This is likely due to drainage wide differences in the drainage basin and vegetation structure, with Barney Creek being more exposed than Stevens Creek. However, the rate of air heating with decreasing elevation was similar between the two creeks. Mean water temperatures on Barney Creek exceeded those at corresponding elevations on Stevens Creek. Given that mean air temperatures were higher on Barney Creek, and findings that water temperatures tend to follow air temperatures closely (Sinokrot and Stefan 1993; Stefan and Preud'homme 1993; Needham and Jones 1959), it stands to reason that mean water temperatures on Barney Creek would exceed those found on Stevens Creek. It is of interest to note that the rate of temperature change per 150 m drop in elevation was greater on Stevens Creek between 1830-1675-rn elevations and between 1525-1370-rn elevations than on Barney Creek. This can be attributed to differences in discharge, exposure times, and temperature differences within the thermal environment. Discharge on Stevens Creek was generally at most half that of Barney Creek. Streams with lower flows tend to respond more rapidly to increases in temperature (Le Blanc et al. 1997; Adams and Sullivan 1989; Beschta and Taylor 1988; Mosley 1983; Smith and Lavis 39 1974; Swift and Messer 1971). Exposure times on Stevens Creek, while rough approximations, indicated that water parcels on Stevens Creek were exposed to the thermal environment within individual stream sections for longer periods of time than equivalent water parcels on Barney Creek. In addition, temperature differences between air and water were greater on Stevens Creek than on Barney Creek (see Appendix 1). Raphael (1962) noted that greater temperature differences between the air and the water (with air being warmer than water) were associated with greater water heating. It stands to reason then that the increased exposure time and temperature gradient between air and water would be associated with greater water temperature increases for Stevens Creek. Mean soil temperatures on Barney Creek generally exceeded those found at the same elevations on Stevens Creek, with the exception of 1 370-rn. Here, Barney Creek actually dropped in temperature between 1525 and 13 70-rn, while Stevens Creek increased dramatically (by 4°C or greater) between these two elevations. The decline in mean soil temperature seen at Barney 1370-rn elevation may be attributable to the presence of additional vegetation structure in the lower portion of the drainage. The higher mean soil temperatures seen on the upper portion of the Barney Creek drainage may be a result of greater exposure to direct solar insolation particularly at 1525-rn, where the bowl-shaped topography would serve to concentrate heat. It has been shown that soil temperatures in non-shaded areas tend to be greater than those areas having vegetative cover (Pluhowski and Kantrowitz 1963). Vegetative cover, coupled with the limited air movement common in these areas serves to limit energy inputs to the ground surface (Fowler et al. 1979). Soil temperatures generally were lower than air temperatures at corresponding elevations, except at Stevens Creek 1370-rn, where soil temperatures actually exceeded air temperatures by approximately 0.5-1°C. 40 OBJECTiVE 2: DESCRIBING DIIJRNAL AIR AND WATER CYCLES. Results: Air Temperature Patterns: Daily heating and cooling patterns were divided into 12-hour cycles containing 6 two-hour periods for analysis. The analysis for elevation and month indicated that 2hour periods within the heating and cooling cycles for air were different (p<O.0001) on each creek. Figure7 shows a typical 24-hour cycle for air temperature, broken into 2-hour periods, with the corresponding average hourly air temperature at the beginning of each 2-hour period overlaid as a line graph. Heating Cycle: The four elevations on Barney and Stevens Creek had differing amounts of peak temperature change in each month studied (p<O.0001). Figures 8 and 9 show the 2hour period temperature changes for air in July of 2000 for each creek (graphs of results for both creeks and years are contained within Appendix 2). On Barney Creek the peak period of heating occurred between 7-9am with decreasing amounts of heat accumulation occurring over the remainder of the 12-hour heating period. The pattern was consistent regardless of month or elevation. Air heating was greatest at the 1675-rn site where temperature increases were 1°C or more higher than all other sites. On Stevens Creek the peak period of heating occurred one period later (9-1 1am) than on Barney Creek and the greatest heating occurred at the lowest elevation. Differences observed between Barney and Stevens Creeks appeared to be related to differences in air movement and surface heating. The open exposure of the Barney Creek basin favored a rapid warming of the ground surface, concentration of direct Figure 7. 2-hour period air temperature changes with average hourly air temperature at beginning of each 2-hour period, for 1370-rn elevation Stevens Creek July 2000. Peak period temperature changes, and corresponding average hourly air temperatures for Stevens Creek at 1370-rn in July 2000. r 30.00 - i 25.00 U) C) I-U) Peak air temperature change per 2-hour period Average hourly air temperature at beginning of each 2-hour period 20.00 15.00 - C) Cu C, 0 U) 10.00 a) E a) C) V 5.00 0.00 -5.00 F- -10.00 - 14) '-'0) c) '- - N- - 0) C) '4) r- '4) - Time of day - ('1 th c) - '4) c) 42 solar radiation near the 1675-rn site during summer, and a basin-wide pattern of air circulation that favored afternoon and evening breezes. By contrast, the forest canopy of Stevens Creek modified basin heating patterns by dampening surface air circulation patterns, elevating solar interception from the ground surface into the tree canopy, and providing different absorption characteristics. These differences appeared to cause peak heating to occur later in the day on Stevens Creek and the amount of heating within the basin tended to increase with decreasing elevation. Figure 8. 2-hour period temperature changes for air, Barney Creek July 2000. Temperature changes without a common letter (black) are significantly different (p<O.05). Mean amount of peak heating/cooling without a common letter (starred, blue) are significantly different (p<O.O5) across elevations. Barney Creek 1525m, July 2000 Barney Creek 1370m, July 2000 12 Mean amount of peak, heating: 7.46°C A* 10 a) ( 6 Q 4 .-, A 8 ) a) a) 2 (I) a) a) C) a) (0 0) -6 -8 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -7.45 °C E* 6 0 -4 . C 0 -2 Mean amount of peak, heating: 10.59°C B* 8 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -6.89°C E F* B A 10 LII C, .21 12 (C F E F E F B 4 2 0 -2 (7, (0 C.) E period (time of day) a) a) 2 Wa) U (P (0 (0 -6 -8 -10 (0 0) 0 E E F 0 0 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -6.38°C F* B 4 LC) 0 a--C -2 .21 -4 L Mean amount of peak, heating: 7.90°C A* A 8 C5 C (7, -4 C) C B 4 U) .21 10 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -7.61 °C F.* O .-. Barney Creek 1830m, July 2000 12 Mean amount of peak. heating: 10.27°C B* 6 6 -8 C C (0 C.) E G F G -10 period (time of day) E G Barney Creek 1675m, July 2000 C) E F -8 -10 H A 10 c 0 period (time of day) a) B -6 G -10 12 C ID -4 E B period (time of day) E E Figure 9. 2-hour period temperature changes for air, Stevens Creek July 2000. Temperature changes without a common letter (black) are significantly different (p<O.05). Mean amount of peak heating/cooling without a common letter (starred, blue) are significantly different (p<O.05) across elevations. Stevens Creek 1370m, July 2000 12 A Stevens Creek 1525m, July 2000 12 Mean amount of peak, heating: 10.43°C A* 10 a) Ca 2 .- B B = (C' -4 4- ,) (C' -4 Ca c o C.) (0 7' O PS) -4 PS) PS) ,) Mean amount of peak, cooling: -4.78°C F* B 6 G E E 2 a) p B C LIE] 0 -2 G - -1 (C' (C' -4 E F E H Stevens Creek 183Gm, July 2000 12 Mean amount of peak, heating: 6.98°C B* 10 a) Mean amount of peak, cooling: -5.48°C FC* A 0) a) 0) 8 (a 6 C A 6 B 4 -c C C 0 D (7, --4 (i.) (C' C.) (7 ;7' (0 -4 PS) Co G -8 0) 0 -2 -4 E G - L;I F E E (a Mean amount of peak, cooling: -5.85°C EC* A B B 4 2 LiE] 0 -6 H G period (time of day) Mean amount of peak, heating: 6.75°C B* 10 Ca (f.) (C' F Stevens Creek 1675m, July 2000 -4 --4 -10 12 -2 ' (7 G period (time of day) 2 (i.) -8 -10 ca C D -6 F F -8 p C.) F -6 A U0 4 C D E 0 -2 0 C o Mean amount of peak, cooling: -6.32°C E* 6 4 Mean amount of peak, heating: 7.49°C B* 10 8 -6 C C C (0 (0 ((5) (5) (7' (0 ((7' -4 D F F -8 -10 -10 period (time of day) period (time of day) E D D 45 Tables 6 and 7 illustrate the timing and frequency of peak heating for air on Barney Creek and Stevens Creek across both years. LSD significance indicates that timing of peak heating was different across certain elevations within a month, unless otherwise stated. If not statistically significant (ie: p-value not less than 0.05), pvalues are given. 46 Table 6. Frequencies of when peak air heating occurred across elevations on Barney Creek, both years. July 2000 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Barney time (%) 1675-rn frequency time (%) time 92.86 3.57 7-9 8571 9-11 64.29 25.0 5-7 7-9 9-11 11-13 10.71 11-13 7.14 7.14 11-13 7-9 A 1830-rn frequency AB frequency time (%) 3.57 BC .. 5-7 7-9 (%) 35.71 60.71 13-15 3.57 C . .::1 ,. August 2000 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Barney time 7-9 (%) 9-11 72.41 17.20 11-13 10.34 A 1675-rn frequency time 7-9 9-11 (%) 65.52 34.48 A 1830-rn frequency time 7-9 frequency (%) time (%) 100.00 5-7 7-9 3.45 93.10 3.45 9-11 B B July 2001 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Barney tirne 7-9 9-11 11-13 13-15 1 (%) 1675-rn frequency time (%) time 5-7 7-9 77.78 7-9 88.89 7.41 7.41 7.41 11-13 13-15 3.70 A 9-11 7.41 A 1830-rn frequency 11-13 15-17 (%) 3.70 85.19 3.70 3.70 3.70 frequency time 5-7 7-9 (%) 3.70 85.19 9-11 7.41 13-15 3.70 A A August 2001 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Barney time 7-9 9-11 1 A (%) 62.96 37.04 1675-rn frequency time 1830-rn frequency frequency (%) time (%) time (%) 7-9 92.59 5-7 7-9 5-7 7-9 9-11 7.41 9-11 3.70 92.59 3.70 3.70 92.59 3.70 B B 9-11 B note: letters different from each other indicate difference in time of first peak across elevations within a month, not across months (p<O.O5) (time of first peak is defined as the first time in the cycle where the maximum amount of heating was recorded) 47 Table 7. Frequencies of when peak air heating occurred across elevations on Stevens Creek, both years. July 2000 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Stevens time 7-9 9-11 11-13 (%) 28.57 64.29 3.57 1675-rn frequency time 7-9 9-11 11-13 (%) time 17.86 75.00 7.14 5-7 7-9 9-11 11-13 A A 1830-rn frequency (%) 3.57 25.00 64.29 7.14 A .. .) . ... frequency time 5-7 7-9 9-11 11-13 13-15 A .. (%) 3.57 14.29 75.00 3.57 3.57 . August 2000 1370-rn 1525-rn Stevens time 7-9 9-11 1 (%) 20.69 79.31 A 1675-rn frequency frequency time 7-9 9-11 11-13 (%) 10.34 86.21 3.45 1830-rn frequency time 7-9 9-11 11-13 (%) 20.69 75.86 3.45 A AB frequency time (%) 9-11 11-13 B 93.10 6.90 July 2001 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Stevens time 7-9 9-11 11-13 13-15 (%) 22.22 62.96 1675-rn frequency time (%) 7-9 9-11 29.63 62.96 13-15 15-17 3.70 3.70 11.11 3.70 A AB 1830-rn frequency frequency time 5-7 7-9 9-11 11-13 13-15 (%) 3.70 time (%) 48.15 29.63 3.70 7-9 9-11 3.70 74.07 3.70 18.52 14.81 A 11-13 13-15 B August 2001 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Stevens time (%) time 7-9 9-11 8.70 91.30 7-9 9-11 A 1675-rn A (%) 14.81 85.19 1830-rn frequency frequency time 7-9 9-11 A (%) 18.52 81.48 frequency time 7-9 9-11 11-13 (%) 14.81 81.48 3.70 A note: letters different from each other indicate difference in time of first peak across elevations within a month, not across months (p<O.O5) (time of first peak is defined as the first time in the cycle where the maximum amount of heating was recorded) 48 Cooling Cycle: A consistent pattern of temperature change during the cooling cycle was not apparent across years and months on Barney Creek: elevation differences were present in 2000 but not in 2001. in general, cooling was greatest at the middle elevations, with the largest amount of cooling at 1675-rn in July and at 1525-rn in August for both years. The period of greatest cooling occurred between 19-2 1 h at all elevations with the exception of the highest elevation studied. The timing of peak cooling at 1830-rn elevation was almost always different from the lower elevations, beginning between 17-19 h and extending into the 19-21 h period. Higher elevations with an open exposure are likely to be subject to more rapid thermal cycling (Larson and Larson 1997). Air density decreases with elevation, reducing the ability of the air mass to absorb and emit longwave radiation (Meisner et al. 1998). Tables 8 and 9 illustrate the timing and frequency of peak cooling on each creek. Similar to the pattern seen on Barney Creek, Stevens Creek showed the amount of temperature change during peak periods to be different across elevations in 2000 (July p-value = 0.001, August p-value <0.000 1) but not in 2001 (July p-value 0.10, August p-value = 0.12). Air cooling on Stevens Creek generally began between 1921h, but often continued into later periods. Figure 9 shows the amount of air temperature change seen during the cooling cycle for Stevens Creek 2000. Cooling at the two lowest elevations was greatest between 19-21h. Cooling at the upper two elevations began between 17-19 h and continued through 19-2 1 h. 49 Table 8. Frequencies of when peak air cooling occurred across elevations on Barney Creek, both years. July 2000 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Barney time 17-19 19-21 21-23 (%) 7.14 75.00 17.86 A 1675-rn frequency time 17-19 19-21 21-23 23-1 A (%) 3.57 78.57 14.29 3.57 1830-rn frequency time 17-19 19-21 21-23 (%) 7.14 75.0 17.86 A frequency time 17-19 19-21 21-23 (%) 35.71 60.71 3.57 B August 2000 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Barney time 17-19 19-21 (%) 3.45 93.10 time 19-21 21-23 23-1 1675-rn frequency (%) 93.10 6.90 1830-rn frequency time 21-23 (%) 13.79 75.86 6.90 1-3 3.45 17-19 19-21 frequency time (%) 17-19 79.31 19-21 17.24 3.45 21-23 3.45 A A A B July 2001 1370-m 1525-rn frequency Barney 1830-rn frequency frequency time (%) time (%) time (%) time (%) 17-19 19-21 21-23 11.11 17-19 19-21 21-23 11.11 17-19 19-21 25.93 70.37 17-19 19-21 37.04 55.56 23-1 3.70 23-1 3.70 3-5 3.70 66.67 22.22 - 23-1 1 1675-rn frequency A 77.78 7.41 3.70 A A A August 2001 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Barney time (%) time 17-19 19-21 21-23 96.30 3.70 1675-rn frequency 19-21 21-23 (%) 22.22 74.07 3.70 A frequency time (%) time (%) 17-19 19-21 21-23 7.41 17-19 85.19 3.70 3.70 21-23 59.26 37.04 3.70 23-1 A 1830-rn frequency A 19-21 B note: letters different from each other indicate difference in time of first peak across elevations within a month, not across months (p<O.O5) (time of first peak is defined as the first time in the cycle where the maximum amount of cooling was recorded) 50 Table 9. Frequencies of when peak air cooling occurred across elevations on Stevens Creek, both years. July 2000 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Stevens time 17-19 19-21 21-23 23-1 1-3 1 (%) 10.71 57.14 25.00 3.57 3.57 A 1675-rn frequency time 17-19 19-21 21-23 (%) 17.86 60.71 17.86 23-1 3.57 AB 1830-rn frequency time 17-19 19-21 21-23 (%) 35.71 53.57 10.71 BC frequency time 17-19 19-21 21-23 (%) 53.57 42.86 3.57 C August 2000 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Stevens time 19-21 21-23 1675-rn 1830-rn frequency frequency frequency (%) time (%) time (%) time (%) 10.34 89.66 17-19 19-21 21-23 6.9 89.66 3.45 17-19 19-21 44.83 51.72 17-19 19-21 37.93 58.62 1-3 3.45 1-3 3.45 A A A A July 2001 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Stevens time 21-23 (%) 25.93 48.15 18.52 1-3 7.41 17-19 19-21 A 1675-rn frequency time 17-19 19-21 21-23 23-1 (%) 22.22 59.26 14.81 3.7 time 17-19 19-21 21-23 23-1 1-3 A 1830-rn frequency (%) 40.74 48.15 3.70 3.70 3.70 A frequency time 17-19 19-21 (%) 48.15 48.15 3-5 3.70 A August 2001 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Stevens time 17-19 19-21 1 21-23 AB (%) 43.48 52.17 4.35 1675-rn frequency time 17-19 19-21 21-23 A (%) 22.22 74.07 3.70 1830-m frequency time 17-19 19-21 21-23 B (%) 55.56 40.74 3.70 frequency time 17-19 19-21 21-23 (%) 66.67 29.63 3.70 B note: letters different from each other indicate difference in time of first peak across elevations within a month, not across months (p<O.05) (time of first peak is defined as the first time in the cycle where the maximum amount of cooling was recorded) 51 Both creeks were similar in times of peaks and amounts of cooling, however Stevens Creek appeared to have cooling more spread out over the 4-hour period from 19-23 h than did Barney Creek. This is likely associated with the insulative effect of the closed forest canopy. In other studies, forest vegetation has been shown to delay radiation losses overnight (Le Blanc et al. 1997; Swift and Messer 1971). The higher elevations on both creeks also showed similar patterns of earlier evening cooling compared to lower elevations. Water Temperature Patterns Water temperature patterns were similar across both creeks. Peak amounts of heating decreased with increasing elevation. The heating period typically was concentrated into two periods while cooling was extended over longer periods of time. Heating Cycle: Water temperature change during peak heating periods was different across all elevations on Barney and Stevens Creeks for both years (p-values <0.000 1). Figures 10 and 11 show the 2-hour period temperature changes for water in July of 2000 for each creek (graphs of results for both creeks and years are contained within Appendix 3). Figure 10. 2-hour period temperature changes for water, Barney Creek July 2000. Temperature changes without a common letter (black) are significantly different (p<O.O5). Mean amount of peak heating/cooling without a common letter (starred, blue) are significantly different (p<O.O5) across elevations. Barney Creek 1370m, July 2000 Barney Creek 1525m, July 2000 6 A Mean amount of peak, heating: 4.40°C A* A a, Mean amount of peak, cooling: -2.46°C E* C., sc-) B C t!a, .2 Co -1 r.') (°) -2 (5 E E -3 G F F D E F B 0 C 0 1 E -i 01 C.) -2 -3 H H period (time of day) period (time of day) Barney Creek 1830m, July 2000 Barney Creek 1675m, July 2000 6 6 Mean amount of peak, heating: 2.94°C (:* 5 4, C) a, Mean amount of peak, cooling: -0.80°C F* (5 A (.) 01 -4 -4 0) Mean amount of peak, cooling: -2.43°C E* C 3 (l) 0) C A 4 .c B Mean amount of peak, heating: 3.82°C B* 5 Q, o 3 Mean amount of peak, heating: 2.32°C D° 5 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -1.39°C C 4 A 3 A B C C C C (0 (0 C..) (;') 01 -4 £ G C F F £ E E E C period (time of day) period (time of day) F D F D D Figure 11. 2-hour period temperature changes for water, Stevens Creek July 2000. Temperature changes without a common letter (black) are significantly different (p<O.05). Mean amount of peak heating/cooling without a common letter (starred, blue) are significantly different (p<O.O5) across elevations. Stevens Creek 1370m, July 2000 6 a) 5 C 4 C) -c A 3 C., a) Wi C) - Wa .i 5 C 4 -C B C.) 2Q B -. a) C) Mean amount of peak, cooling: -1.55°C E * B Stevens Creek 1525m, July 2000 6 Mean amount of peak, heating: 4.22°C A* Mean amount of peak, healing: 1.36°C B* Mean amount of peak, cooling: -0.60°C F* 3 A E F C D 1'.) '__-1 . 03 2 D n (() (0 E E E E D -3 C.) C) Mean amount of peak, cooling: -0.49°C F* A C E E-C 4 C F G G F G Mean amount of peak, cooling: -0.34°C G* 0 A B B B .- D --4 2 F -C 3 -1 E 0) Mean amount of peak, heating: 0.91 °C ('* 5 a) G) . ('3 Stevens Creek 183Gm, July 2000 6 4 - - period (time of day) Mean amount of peak, heating: 1.05°C BC* 5 O2 a) E a)1 (i.) ('3 G Stevens Creek 1675m, July 2000 6 -C ( -4 period (time of day) C, C (C) E E -4 a) --4 -4 01 a) i3 B C E0 1 (0 -1 C -'I (0 -;J (.0 (11 (0 (() ( - ('3 ('3 C.) F E ) (7 a) a)1 -1 D A C E = a)Q ((fl 4 -4 (0 () ((Y( .;-4 ( F F F -4 period (time of day) N,) ((.) F F F -4 N) - 0) CM 3 ,, a) F E period (time of day) F F F 54 On Barney Creek the greatest amount of water heating occurred at 1370-rn elevation and declined approximately 1°C with each 150 m increase in elevation, with the lowest amount of heating occurring at 1830-rn. On Stevens Creek the greatest amount of heating occurred at 1370-rn elevation (4-5°C) with higher elevations having temperature changes of 1-1.5°C. The time of peak heating on Barney Creek was different across elevations in August (2000 and 2001 p-values <0.0001), but not July (2000 p-value 0.067; 2001 p-value = 0.306). In July the time of peak heating was concentrated between 911 h with a tendency for heating at the 1830-rn and 1370-rn elevations to shift into the 11-13 h period. In August the pattern continued with heating at 1830 and 1370m elevations concentrated in the 11-13 h period; mid-elevations remained in the 9-11 hperiod. The time of peak heating on Steven Creek did not differ across elevation with the exception of August 2001 (p-value = 0.006). During the majority of the study, the time of peak heating occurred between 11-13 h across all elevations. The August 2001 exception resulted from an increased frequency for the time of peak heating at the lowest elevation to shift into the 13-15 h period. Tables 10 and 11 illustrate the timing and frequency of peak heating for water on Barney Creek and Stevens Creek across both years. LSD significance indicated that timing of peak heating was different across certain elevations within a month, unless otherwise stated. If not statistically significant (ie: p-value not less than 0.05), p-values are given. 55 Table 10. Frequencies of when peak water heating occurred across elevations on Barney Creek, both years. July 2000 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Barney time (%) time 1830-rn 1675-rn frequency (%) frequency time (%) 11-13 32.14 64.29 9-11 11-13 75.00 21.43 9-11 11-13 64.29 28.57 15-17 3.57 15-17 B 3.57 15-17 7.14 9-11 A AB frequency time 7-9 9-11 11-13 13-15 15-17 (%) 3.57 28.57 57.14 7.14 3.57 A August 2000 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Barney time (%) time 9-11 3.45 96.55 9-11 11-13 11-13 1 A 1675-rn frequency (%) 79.31 20.69 B 1830-rn frequency frequency time time 9-11 (%) 79.31 11-13 20.69 11-13 13-15 9-11 (%) 10.34 86.21 3.45 A B July 2001 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Barney time 9-11 11-13 13-15 (%) 48.28 44.83 6.90 1675-rn frequency time 9-11 11-13 13-15 (%) 75.86 17.24 6.9 A A 1830-rn frequency frequency time (%) time 9-11 11-13 13-15 72.41 17.24 9-11 10.34 A 11-13 13-15 A (%) 55.17 34.48 10.34 August 2001 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Barney time 9-11 11-13 13-15 1 1 A 1675-rn frequency (%) time 3.45 93.10 3.45 7-9 9-11 11-13 13-15 B (%) 3.45 75.86 17.24 3.45 1830-rn frequency time (%) frequency time 7-9 9-11 11-13 B 55.17 44.83 9-11 11-13 13-15 (%) 3.45 17.24 72.41 6.90 A note: letters different from each other indicate difference in time of first peak across elevations within a month, not across months (p<0.O5) (time of first peak is defined as the first time in the cycle where the maximum amount of heating was recorded) 56 Table 11. Frequencies of when peak water heating occurred across elevations on Stevens Creek, both years. July 2000 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Stevens time (%) 1675-rn tirne (%) 1830-rn frequency frequency time (%) frequency tirne 7-9 9-11 11-13 13-15 15-17 3.57 89.29 3.57 3.57 1 11-13 92.86 15-17 7.14 AB 9-11 10.71 9-11 11-13 13-15 15-17 B 64.29 21.43 3.57 11-13 (%) 3.57 3.57 92.86 A August 2000 1370-rn 1525-m frequency time Stevens 11-13 (%) 100 A 1 July - 2001 1370-rn tirne 11-13 13-15 Stevens time 9-11 11-13 13-15 1 (%) 96.55 3.45 A (%) 3.45 89.66 6.9 A frequency time 11-13 13-15 1675-rn frequency time 9-11 11-13 13-15 A (%) 96.55 3.45 A 1525-rn frequency 1830-m 1675-rn frequency (%) 6.90 86.21 6.90 frequency tirne 11-13 13-15 A 1830-rn frequency time 9-11 11-13 13-15 (%) 93.10 6.90 (%) 3.45 93.10 3.45 A frequency time 9-11 11-13 13-15 A (%) 17.24 79.31 3.45 Augu 2001 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Stevens time (%) time 9-11 11-13 13-15 A 1 79.17 20.83 1675-rn frequency 11-13 13-15 B (%) 3.45 89.66 6.90 1830-rn frequency time (%) frequency time 9-11 11-13 B 100 11-13 (%) 6.90 93.10 B note: letters different from each other indicate difference in time of first peak across elevations within a month, not across months (p<O.05) (time of first peak is defined as the first time in the cycle where the maximum amount of heating was recorded) 57 Cooling Cycle. Peak water temperature change during the cooling cycle on Barney Creek was different across all elevations and both years (p-value <0.0001). The amount of peak cooling decreased with increasing elevation and resulted in a high-to-low elevation difference of 1-1.5°C. Cooling was generally concentrated in the 17-19 h and 19-2 1 h periods with no difference in the amount of cooling taking place during either period. Differences in August 2000 and 2001 show a tendency for the time of peak cooling to become more concentrated in the 19-21 h period at both the 1830-rn and 1370-rn elevations. The amount of peak water cooling on Stevens Creek decreased with increasing elevation and range from 0.3 to 1.7°C. The cooling was typically spread across several periods with each period having similar amounts of temperature loss, making a determination of peak cooling meaningless. Tables 12 and 13 illustrate the timing and frequency of peak cooling for water on Barney Creek and Stevens Creek across both years. LSD significance indicates that timing of peak cooling was different across certain elevations within a month, unless otherwise stated. If not statistically significant (ie: p-value not less than 0.05), pvalues are given. 58 Table 12. Frequencies of when peak water cooling occurred across elevations on Barney Creek, both years. July 2000 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Barney tirne 17-19 19-21 21-23 1-3 1675-rn frequency time (%) 7.14 85.71 3.57 3.57 17-19 19-21 21-23 (%) 53.57 39.29 7.14 time 17-19 19-21 21-23 23-1 A 1830-rn frequency (%) 67.29 7.14 21.43 7.14 AB B frequency time 17-19 19-21 21-23 23-1 1-3 (%) 42.86 25.00 21.43 7.14 3.57 A August 2000 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Barney time 19-21 1675-rn frequency (%) 100 time (%) time 17-19 68.97 31.03 17-19 19-21 1830-rn frequency 19-21 (%) 89.66 10.34 frequency time 17-19 19-21 21-23 A B July 2001 0 C - 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Barney (%) 37.93 58.62 3.45 1675-rn frequency 1830-rn frequency frequency time (%) time (%) time (%) time (%) 17-19 20.69 17-19 17-19 72.41 6.90 19-21 55.17 37.93 17-19 19-21 21-23 41.38 51.72 6.90 21-23 6.90 21-23 41.38 34.48 20.69 3.45 21-23 19-21 19-21 23-1 A A A A August 2001 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Barney time (%) time 17-19 19-21 1 1 A 100.00 1675-rn frequency 19-21 BC (%) 51.72 48.28 1830-rn frequency time 17-19 19-21 B (%) 68.97 31.03 frequency time 17-19 19-21 (%) 44.83 51.72 23-1 3.45 C note: letters different from each other indicate difference in time of first peak across elevations within a month, not across months (p<O.O5) (time of first peak is defined as the first time in the cycle where the maximum amount of cooling was recorded) 59 Table 13. Frequencies of when peak water cooling occurred across elevations on Stevens Creek, both years. July 2000 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Stevens time (%) 17-19 42.86 21.43 25.00 7.14 3.57 19-21 21-23 23-1 1-3 A 1675-rn frequency time 1830-rn frequency time (%) (%) frequency time 17-19 19-21 21-23 23-1 1-3 3-5 10.71 35.71 21-23 35.71 21-23 23-1 42.86 1-3 3-5 39.29 17.86 7.14 23-1 1-3 3-5 10.71 B (%) 28.57 28.57 17.86 10.71 7.14 7.14 A B August 2000 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Stevens time 19-21 21-23 (%) 68.97 31.03 time 3-5 1830-rn frequency time (%) 19-21 21-23 23-1 1-3 A 1675-rn frequency 41.38 37.93 21-23 23-1 1-3 6.90 13.79 3-5 B (%) 3.45 41.38 34.48 17.24 3.45 frequency time (%) 17-19 13.79 34.48 34.48 10.34 3.45 3.45 19-21 21-23 23-1 1-3 3-5 A B July 2001 1370-rn 1525-rn frequency Stevens time 17-19 19-21 21-23 23-1 (%) 24.14 34.48 27.59 13.79 time 19-21 21-23 23-1 1-3 3-5 1 1675-rn frequency A B 2001 1370-rn 1525-rn 3.45 24.14 20.69 34.48 17.24 19-21 21-23 23-1 1-3 3-5 B (%) 6.90 34.48 17.24 24.14 17.24 frequency time (%) 13.79 17-19 19-21 21-23 48.28 31.03 1-3 6.90 A - frequency Stevens time (%) August 1830-rn frequency time 17-19 19-21 21-23 23-1 A (%) 12.50 4.17 45.83 37.50 1675-rn frequency time 19-21 21-23 23-1 1-3 3-5 B (%) 6.90 48.28 17.24 13.79 13.79 1830-rn frequency time 19-21 21-23 23-1 1-3 3-5 C (%) 3.45 20.69 17.24 20.69 37.93 frequency time 17-19 19-21 21-23 23-1 1-3 3-5 A (%) 10.34 48.28 13.79 20.69 3.45 3.45 note: letters different from each other indicate difference in time of first peak across elevations within a month, not across months (p<O.O5) (time of first peak is defined as the first time in the cycle where the maximum amount of cooling was recorded.) 60 Discussion: In this study, peak water heating lagged behind peak air heating in a maimer similar to that reported in other studies (Stefan and Preud'homme 1993; Walker and Lawson 1977; Needharn and Jones 1959). On Barney Creek this margin was between two and four hours, with the 4-hour lag being the most prevalent at 1370 and 1830-rn. When 2-hour lags were evident, peak air heating occurred between 7-9 h and peak water heating occurred between 9-11 h. The 4-hour lag showed peak air heating between 7-9 h and peak water heating between 11-13 h. This difference was associated with the greater amount of air temperature change being observed during the 7-9 h period at the two middle elevations. A larger increase in air temperature at that time would result in a greater temperature gradient between air and water and a faster rate of water heating (Larson and Larson 1997; LeBlanc et al. 1997; Mosley 1983; Dingman 1971; Raphael 1962). On Stevens Creek, peak water heating tended to lag peak air heating by two hours. In this case, peak air heating occurred between 9-11 h (2 hours later than Barney Creek), and peak water heating occurred between 11-13 h. Data from the cooling cycle on Barney Creek indicated that air and water were most commonly experiencing maximum cooling during the same time period (no lag) across all elevations. Exceptions could be found at both of the mid elevations where water was observed entering a peak cooling period before air, and at the 1370-rn elevation where water cooling was observed lagging behind air cooling. Data from Stevens Creek appeared more widely scattered with no real pattern of cooling evident. As stated earlier, most of the patterns of heating and cooling appeared to be attributable to a number of factors, including the drainage basin exposure, patterns of air movement, and the amount of exposure time. On these two creeks, air temperatures were responsive to weather patterns and the absorption characteristics 61 of their respective drainage basins, with rapid changes often evident. Water temperatures are buffered from rapid fluctuations due to mass and specific heat characteristics (Ward 1985), and relate more to the daily trends of air temperature than patterns of rapid fluctuation. In this study the data support the findings of several researchers that small size streams that lack thermal buffers are responsive to the surrounding thermal environment (Stefan and Preud'homme 1997; Sinokrot and Stefan 1993; Smith and Lavis 1974; Swift and Messer 1971). 62 OBJECTIVE 3: MODELING VARIABLES STRONGLY ASSOCIATED WITH MAXIMUM WATER TEMPERATURE: Results: Stepwise regression was used to determine variables most strongly related to maximum water temperature. Results for 2000 are summarized in Tables 14 and 15. Summaries for both creeks in 2001 are contained in Appendix 4. A reminder that for this objective, "current day" is defined as the 24-hour period between 5pm and 5pm. "Previous day" includes data from 5am to 5pm of the day before the current day. Definitions of each variable to enter the model are as follows: > "max air temp. current day": the highest air temperature reached on the current day; > "peak air heating change, current day"; the change in air temperature during the 2-hour period of the heating cycle with the greatest heating; > "mm. air temp, previous day": the lowest air temperature reached on the previous day; > "air cooling, previous day": the net air temperature change during the cooling portion of the diurnal cycle (Spm-Sam); "mm. water temp. previous day": the lowest water temperature recorded during the previous day; > "water cooling previous day": the total water temperature change during the cooling portion of the diurnal cycle (Spm-5am). 63 Table 14. Table of variables strongly associated with maximum water temperature, for Barney Creek, year 2000. Barney 1370-rn, July 2000 Variable max air temp, current day water cooling, prey, day mm. water temp, prey, day Barney 1370-rn, August 2000 Variable max air temp, current day mm. water temp, prey, day Barney 1525-rn, July 2000 Variable max air temp, current day air cooling, prey, day Barney 1525-rn, August 2000 Variable max air temp. current day mm water temp, prey, day Barney 1675-rn, July 2000 Variable max air temp, current day air cooling, prey, day peak air heating change, current day Barney 1675-rn, August 2000 Variable max air temp, current day mm water temp, prey, day Barney 1830-rn, July 2000 Variable max air temp, current day peak air heating change, current day air cooling, prey, day Barney 1830-rn, August 2000 Variable max air temp, current day mm water temp, prey, day Partial R2 Prob F .8414 .0446 .0243 <.0001 .0077 .0264 Partial R2 Prob F .7803 .0796 <.0001 .0011 Partial R2 .8472 Prob F .0296 <.0001 .0313 Partial R2 Prob F .8200 .0723 <.0001 .0005 Partial R2 Prob F .8648 <.0001 .0052 .04 12 .0169 .043 8 Partial R2 Prob F .8248 .0926 <.000 1 <.000 1 Partial R2 Prob F .8954 .0351 .0304 <.0001 .0030 .0006 Partial R2 Prob F .8264 .1149 <.000 1 <.0001 64 Table 15. Table of variables strongly associated with maximum water temperature, for Stevens Creek, year 2000. Stevens 1370-rn, July 2000 Variable max air temp, current day nun water temp, prey, day peak air heating change, current day Stevens 1370-rn, August 2000 . Vanable max air temp, current day mill water temp, prey, day Stevens 1525-rn, July 2000 Variable max air temp, current day mm water temp, prey, day water cooling, prey, day Stevens 1525-rn, August 2000 . Variable mm air temp, prey, day max air temp, current day peak air heating change, current day mm water temp, prey, day REMOVED mm air temp, prey, day water cooling, prey, day Stevens 1675-rn, July 2000 Variable max air temp. current day mm water temp, prey, day Stevens 1675-rn, August Variable mm air temp, prey, day max air temp, current day Stevens 1830-rn, July 2000 Variable max air temp, current day mm water temp, prey. day Stevens 1830-rn, August Variable mm air temp, prey, day max air temp, current day mm water temp, prey, day REMOVED mm air temp, prey, day water cooling, prey, day Partial R2 Prob F .8712 .0387 .0260 <.0001 .0056 .0082 Partial R2 Prob F .7670 .1372 <.0001 <.0001 Partial R2 Prob F .9048 .0796 .0031 <.000 1 <.000 1 . Partial R .0349 2 Prob F .02 16 <.0001 <.0001 .0087 .0244 .0799 <.0001 Partial R2 Prob F .9054 .0723 <.0001 Partial R2 Prob F .8535 .0824 <.000 1 <.000 1 Partial R2 Prob F .9006 .0779 <.0001 Partial R2 Prob F .8147 .1088 .0235 .0070 .0186 <.0001 <.0001 .0040 .0948 .0039 .8272 .1092 .0 166 .009 8 .0056 <.000 1 <.000 1 On Barney Creek, maximum air temperature from the current day entered the model first in every case, for both years. The coefficients of determination were higher in July for both years than in August, with August 2001 exhibiting the lowest R2s (0.4670-0.6683). Improvements in model fit by the entry of a second variable in July for both years accounted for an additional 3-4% of total variation. In August 2000, 65 maximum temperature from the current day was always followed by the minimum water temperature from the previous day, which improved the R2 by 7 - 12%. In August 2001, only the upper two elevations had a second variable enter: at 1675-rn air cooling from the previous day improved fit by 8%, and at 1830-rn minimum water temperature from the previous day improved fit by 15%. Model improvement through the addition of a third variable was minimal in both years. The Stevens Creek models for July 2000 and 2001 also selected maximum air temperature from the current day as the first model variable. Minimum water temperature from the previous day was the second variable selected but only improved fit by 4 - 8%. Any variables to enter third resulted in an insignificant increase in R2 (less than 3%). August 2000 (1370-rn) had maximum air temperature from the current day enter first followed by minimum water temperature from the previous day. Models developed for the upper three elevations in August 2000 had minimum air temperature from the previous day enter first, with maximum air temperature from the current day entering second. Any variables to enter third in Stevens Creek models resulted in an insignificant increase in R2 (less than 3%). Generally, models for both creeks selected one variable as an index of the heating cycle and one variable for the cooling cycle. The models generally indicated that maximum water temperature was strongly related to maximum air temperature from the current day. Minimum water temperature was a common second variable selected in model development.. The exceptions to the selection of maximum air temperature as first variable were found on the upper three elevations of Stevens Creek in August of 2000 and the two middle elevations in 2001. Tn these cases, minimum air temperature from the previous day dominated as first to enter, but the second variable to enter also greatly improved fit of the model and was often maximum air temperature of the current day. 66 An interesting pattern to note is that coefficients of determination for the first variable to enter the model were consistently lower in August compared to July, in both years, across all elevations of both creeks. On Stevens Creek, the reduction in fit for August compared to July, of the first variable to enter the model was between 4-15%, with one instance of 33%, while on Barney Creek, it was between 20-36%. Concurrently, there was an increase in impact of the second variable to enter, which strengthened the R2 by at least 7% and as much as 35%. Tables 16 and 17 summarize the variable coefficients that explain maximum water temperature. Models developed for Barney and Stevens Creeks (16 per creek, 32 in total) had coefficients of determination >0.8 with the exception of three models on Barney Creek, which range from 0.46 to 0.71, and two models on Stevens Creek which were .079 and 0.68. 67 Table 16. Summary of the models explaining maximum water temperature on Barney Creek 2000-2001, including model R2, coefficients of the variables, and their SEs. B1370 Intercept Max air Coefficient and (SE) 2.36 (1.68) 0.50 (0.05) -0.54 (0J8) Coefficient and (SE) 2.84 (1.46) 0.50 (0.05) -0.17 (0.07) Coefficient and (SE) 0.67 (1.10) 0.48 (0.05) -0.19 (0.06) Coefficient and (SE) 2.91 (0.70) 0.41 (0.04) 0.23 (0.07) Coefficient and (SE) 9.91 (1.14) 0.47 (0.04) Coefficient and (SE) 9.32 (1.07) 0.45 (0.04) Coefficient and (SE) 7.28 (0.83) 0.37 (0.03) July 2001 Variable Coefficient and (SE) R2 = 0.8918 Intercept Max air Peak air heating change 6.84 (0.60) 0.42 (0.04) -0.24 (0.11) July 2000 Variable R2 = 0.8860 Intercept Max air Water cooling prey, day B1525 July 2000 Variable R2 = 0.8768 Intercept Max air Air cooling prey, day B1675 July 2000 R2 = 0.9060 Variable B1830 July 2000 = 0.9305 Variable B1370 July 2001 Rz= 0.8240 Variable B1525 July 2001 R2 0.8285 Variable B1675 July 2001 R2 0.8456 Variable Intercept Max air Air cooling prey, day Intercept Max air Peak air heating change Intercept Max air Intercept Max air 151830 August 2000 Variable Coefficient and (SE) R2 = 0.8599 Intercept Max air Minwat prey. day 9.12 (1.13) 0.30 (0.05) 0.38 (0.10) 131370 B1370 August 2001 R2 = 0.6090 Variable Coefficient and (SE) 10.39 (0.78) 0.25 (0.04) 0.35 (0.09) Coefficient and (SE) 6.36 (0.70) 0.26 (0.04) 0.45 (0.09) Coefficient and (SE) 4.51 (0.54) 0.22 (0.03) 0.55 (0.08) Coefficient and (SE) Intercept Max air 11.91 (1.80) 0.38 (0.06) B1525 August 2001 R2 = 0.4670 Variable 151525 August 2000 Variable R2 = 0.8923 Intercept Max air Minwat prey, day 131675 August 2000 Variable R2 = 0.9174 Intercept Max air Minwat prey, day 151830 August 2000 Variable R2 = 0.9413 Intercept Max air Minwat prey, day Intercept Max air 151675 August 2001 R = 0.7173 B1830 August 2001 R2 = 0.8166 Variable Intercept Max air Air cooling prey, day Variable Intercept Max air Minwat prey, day Coefficient and (SE) 12.93 (1.94) 0.31 (0.07) Coefficient and (SE) 5.11(1.76) 0.36 (0.05) -0.15 (0.06) Coefficient and (SE) 5.24 (1.01) 0.27 (0.03) 0.35 (0.08) 68 Table 17. Summary of the models explaining maximum water temperature on Stevens Creek 2000-2001, including model R2, coefficients of the variables, and their SEs. S1370 July 2000 Variable R2 = 0.9099 Intercept Max air Minwat prey, day S1525 July 2000 = 0.9844 Variable Intercept Max air Minwat prey. day S1675 July 2000 Variable R2 = 0.9777 Intercept Max air Minwat prey. day S1830 July 2000 R2 0.9785 S1370 July 2001 = 0.7906 S1675 July. 2001 R2 = 0.8941 1.75 (0.30) 0.21 (0.02) 0.49 (0.06) Variable Coefficient and (SE) Intercept Max air Minwat prey, day 1.56 (0.26) 0.12 (0.01) 0.58 (0.06) Variable Intercept Max air S1525 July 2001 = 0.9115 Coefficient and (SE) 2.22 (1.15) 0.46 (0.14) 0.44 (0.14) Coefficient and (SE) 1.44 (0.31) 0.26 (0.02) 0.50 (0.05) Coefficient and (SE) Variable Intercept Max air Peak airheating change Variable Intercept Max air Mm air prey. day S1830 July 2001 Variable R2 = 0.8244 Intercept Max air Peak air heating change S1370 August 2000 Variable R2 = 0.9042 Intercept Max air Minwat prey, day S1525 August 2000 R2 = 0.9368 Variable S1675 August 2000 R2 0.9360 Variable S1830 August 2000 R2 0.923 5 Intercept Mm air prey. day Max air Intercept Mm air prey. day Max air Variable Intercept Minairprev. day Max air Coefficient and (SE) 8.89 (1.10) 0.42 (0.04) S1370 August 2001 R2 = 0.6875 Coefficient and (SE) 6.22 (0.45) 0.44 (0.03) -0.55 (0.08) Coefficient and (SE) 6.58 (0.36) 0.15 (0.02) 0.18 (0.04) Coefficient and (SE) 5.88 (0.22) 0.16 (0.02) -0.17 (0.04) SI525 August 2001 R2 = 0.8955 Variable Intercept Max air Water cooling prey, day Mm air prey. day Variable Intercept Mm air prey. day Max air S1675 gust 2001 R2 = 0.8789 Variable S1830 August 2001 R2 = 0.9005 Variable Intercept Mm air prey, day Max air Intercept Max air Minwat prey. day Coefficient and (SE) 6.45 (0.92) 0.30 (0.04) 0.45 (0.08) Coefficient and (SE) 4.08 (0.70) 0.39 (0.05) 0.22 (0.03) Coefficient and (SE) 5.36 (0.51) 0.33 (0.03) 0.14 (0.02) Coefficient and (SE) 5.58 (0.29) 0.14 (0.02) 0.09 (0.02) Coefficient and (SE) 3.39 (3.00) 0.34 (0.07) -0.86 (0.24) 0.22 (0.10) Coefficient and (SE) 6.61 (0.70) 0.35 (0.03) 0.16 (0.02) Coefficient and (SE) 6.25 (0.63) 0.28 (0.03) 0.14 (0.02) Coefficient and (SE) 3.24 (0.41) 0.10 (0.01) 0.50 (0.05) 69 The coefficients indicate that an increase of 1°C in the current day maximum air temperature was associated with an increase in maximum water temperature that ranged from 0.22°C to 0.50°C on Barney Creek, and from 0.10°C to 0.46°C on Stevens Creek when other model variables were held constant. Where minimum air temperature from the previous day resulted in the best fit, (Stevens Creek) a 1°C increase in minimum air temperature from the previous day was associated with an increase in the maximum water temperature of between 0.14°C to 0.39°C, holding all other variables constant. Discussion: Air temperature has been shown to have a strong relationship with water temperature (Mohseni et al. 1998; Brown and Binkley 1994; Sinokrot and Stefan 1994; Sinokrot and Stefan 1993; Smith and Lavis 1974; Levno and Rothacher 1967; Needham and Jones 1959), particularly in streams with lower discharge (Stefan and Preud'homme 1993; Smith and Lavis 1974). Stefan and Preud'homme (1993) explained that water responds to air more directly in lower flow streams because the thermal inertia of the water is relatively low due to the relatively little amount of water present. As seen with our study, maximum air temperature was always strongly related to maximum water temperature on Barney Creek, being the first variable to enter our model, and having a large coefficient of determination. With Stevens Creek, maximum air temperature was first to enter at the lowest elevation, and usually second to enter at the upper elevations in August. In terms of maximum and minimum temperatures, Barney Creek was generally warmer than Stevens Creek, with maximum air temperatures within 0.14 to 2.96°C, minimum air temperatures within -1.03 to 1.67°C, and minimum water temperatures within -0.042 to 2.65°C of Stevens Creek. Maximum water temperature was fairly similar at 1 370-m, with Barney Creek between 1.85 to 2.67°C warmer than Stevens Creek. However, at the three upper elevations of Barney Creek, maximum water temperatures ranged from 5.5 to 8.17°C 70 greater than those on Stevens Creek at corresponding elevations. These lower maximum water temperatures on Stevens Creek may account for the increased importance of minimum water temperature from the previous day in the model, and indicate the potential influence of a thermal buffer affecting these three stations. The buffer may be related to over-night cooling, the temperature, volume, and location of the water source, and/or the velocity of the stream flow at the higher elevations. Another variable of importance was minimum air temperature from the previous day, which often entered first in August of both years for the two middle elevations of Stevens Creek. This may be due to the inverse relationship between peak air heating and elevation seen on Stevens Creek; as elevation increased, peak air heating values decreased, thus the influence of the minimum air temperature would be greater at higher elevations. This inverse relationship was not seen on Barney Creek, and we did not see minimum air temperature from the previous day playing a significant role in the model statements for Barney Creek. Differences between July and August models on both creeks, including changes in the influence of the second variable to enter may be attributable to differences in meteorological patterns from month to month. Model coefficients indicate maximum air temperature has a very similar relationship with water temperature on both creeks, regardless of creek differences in vegetation cover, discharge, exposure time, and other parameters. That weather influences affect the water temperature of both creeks in a like fashion would seem likely, as both creeks share the same aspect and watershed. Maximum air temperature had a very strong relationship to maximum water temperature on all elevations of Barney Creek and at the lowest elevation of Stevens Creek. The upper three elevations of Stevens Creek however, showed that minimum 71 air temperature from the day before dominated as the variable most strongly related to maximum water temperature. Our findings were consistent with other researchers who have shown that air temperature has a strong relationship with water temperature (Mohseni et al. 1998; Brown and Binkley 1994; Sinokrot and Stefan 1994; Sinokrot and Stefan 1993; Smith and Lavis 1974; Levno and Rothacher 1967; Needham and Jones 1959), particularly in streams with lower discharge (Stefan and Preud'homme 1993; Smith and Lavis 1974). The significance of minimum air temperature on the upper three elevations was likely attributable to the influence of groundwater seeps. Groundwater inputs have been shown to depress diurnal fluctuations in stream temperatures (Walker and Lawson 1977; Smith and Lavis 1974; Vugts 1974), with water temperatures thus not tracking air temperatures as closely (Webb and Nobilis 1997). Coefficient values for model variables indicated a smaller increase in minimum air temperature from the previous day affected the same response in maximum water temperature as a larger increase in maximum air temperature, holding all other variables constant. 72 OBJECTIVE 4: DERIVING A PREDICTIVE EQUATION FOR WATER TEMPERATURE CHANGE: Results: A reminder that "current day" for this objective is always defined as the 24-hour period between 5am and Sam. "Previous day" for this objective is the 24-hour period from 5am to Sam of the day prior to the current day. The five variables selected from the pool of 11 variables outlined in the methods section included: > "airday": net air temperature change during the 24-hour period (5am-Sam) of the current day - how much the air temperature changed over the course of the current day; > "maxair": maximum air temperature reached during the current day; > "minair": minimum air temperature reached during the current day; > "minwat_1" minimum water temperature from the previous day; > "watdayl ": water temperature change from the day before - how much the water temperature changed over the course of the previous day. Fixed stream models were developed using the five selected variables. The coefficients of determination associated with the models ranged from 0.68 to 0.91. Figures 12 and 13 show the fit of predicted versus observed values for both creeks in 2000, with dashed lines indicating fit within 0.5°C and solid outer lines indicating fit within 1°C. Graphs for both creeks in 2001 are contained in Appendix 5. Figure 12. Scatterplots demonstrating fit of prediction model for Barney Creek 2000; dashed lines indicate agreement within 0.5° C, solid outer lines indicate agreement within 1° C. - Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Barney 1370m, yr 2000. Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Barney 1525m, yr 2000. predicted predicted __- Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Barney 1675m, yr 2000. __- Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Barney 1830m, yr 2000. V w > w U) .0 0 predicted predicted Figure 13. Scatterplots demonstrating fit of prediction model for Stevens Creek 2000; dashed lines indicate agreement within 0.5° C, solid outer lines indicate agreement within C. Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Stevens 1370m, yr 2000. predicted Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Stevens 1675m, yr 2000. predicted Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Stevens 1525m, yr 2000. predicted ____---Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Stevens 1830m, yr 2000. predicted 75 Tables of coefficients for the models for each creek in 2000 (Tables 18 and 19) are provided to indicate how each variable in the model had a differing influence across elevations and creeks, along with the corresponding R2 and absolute deviation for each model. Tables for both creeks in 2001 are contained in Appendix 5. Table 18. Barney Creek 2000, showing fit of model, mean absolute deviation in °C (with SDs in brackets), and variable coefficients (with SEs in brackets). Elevation (m) R2 (%) Mean absolute deviation (°C) Variable Coefficient Barney 1370 87.58 0.3977 (0.2777) Barney 1525 79.31 0.4 146 (0.3350) Intercept airday maxair minair watday 1 minwat 1 Intercept airday maxair minair watday 1 Barney 1675 74.51 0.4096 (0.3274) Barney 1830 75.37 0.38 10 (0.2856) 0.5667 (0.6721) 0.3388 (0.0340) 0.0493 (0.0238) 0.0962 (0.0720) -0.0314(0.1182) -0.2567 (0.096 1) 0.9665 (0.7063) 0.1981 (0.0330) 0.0879 (0.0309) 0.1535 (0.0497) -0.2725 (0.1142) -0.4680 (0.0823) 1.5077 (0.6896) 0.1434 (0.0337) 0.0511 (0.0335) 0.1936 (0.0532) -0.3605 (0.1326) -0.4951 (0.0905) 1.4141 (0.5667) 0.1244 (0.0324) 0.0601 (0.0301) 0.1557 (0.0480) -0.3571 (0.1337) -0.4670 (0.0878) minwati Intercept airday maxair minair watday 1 minwatl Intercept airday maxair minair watday_1 minwati 76 Table 19: Stevens Creek 2000, showing fit of model, mean absolute deviation in °C (with SDs in brackets), and variable coefficients (with SEs in brackets). Elevation (m) Stevens 1370 Stevens 1525 Stevens 1675 R2 (%) 68.66 89.43 82.70 Mean absolute deviation (°C) Variable 0.6 144 (0.8436) Intercept airday maxair minair watday 1 minwat 1 Intercept airday maxair minair watday_1 minwat 1 Intercept airday maxair minair 0.2296 (0.2000) 0.2436 (0.1837) watdayl minwat 1 Stevens 1830 83.01 0.1192 (0.1179) Intercept airday maxair minair watday_1 minwat 1 Coefficient -0.1274 (0.7465) 0.1926 (0.0374) 0.1633 (0.03 87) 0.0783 (0.0437) -0.2784 (0.1168) -0.4840 (0.101 1) 0.9519 (0.3737) 0.2292 (0.0247) 0.0538 (0.0184) 0.1780 (0.0447) -0.1884 (0.1043) -0.3823 (0.0633) 1.0889 (0.3978) 0.1599 (0.0243) 0.0281 (0.0189) 0.1443 (0.0387) -0.1851 (0.1239) -0.3360 (0.0702) 1.3629 (0.3681) 0.0885 (0.0146) 0.0 148 (0.0101) 0.0709 (0.02 18) -0.1650 (0.1301) -0.3398 (0.0811) 77 Discussion: Three variables used in model development were descriptive of air temperature characteristics. Increases in those variables were associated with an increase in water temperature change. This result agreed with observations by Sinokrot and Stefan (1993), Mohseni and Stefan (1989), and Smith and Lavis (1974) Levno and Rothacher (1967), Needham and Jones (1959), that identified a positive association between air and water temperature. In this study, net air temperature change was dominant among the three air temperature variables. Its influence tended to be greatest at lower elevations and decreased at higher elevations as the stream source was approached. The positive association between air and water temperature was consistent across years and streams, however the magnitude of the association varied and appeared to reflect differences in weather patterns and/or other local environmental conditions, such as air circulation patterns. Stefan and Preud'homme (1993) and Smith and Lavis (1974) provided some support for this observation noting that streams having lower discharge will have lower thermal inertia and tend to be more strongly influenced by air temperature and other local environmental factors. The remaining two variables used in model development were descriptive of water temperature characteristics during the previous day. These attributes were negatively associated with water temperature change. Water temperature change during the previous day was dominant in model development and generally appeared to be greatest at higher elevations and decreased at lower elevations as stream and water temperatures moved toward thermal equilibrium. These attributes appeared to be descriptive of changes that were taking place in the buffering capacity (temperature) of the stream. In this case an increase in both water temperature change and 78 minimum temperature during the previous day appeared to be reflecting adjustments in stream temperature patterns to a warming summertime environment. 80 tend to follow air temperatures closely (Sinokrot and Stefan 1993; Stefan and Preud'homme 1993; Needham and Jones 1959). Mean soil temperatures on Barney Creek generally exceeded those found at the same elevations on Stevens Creek, with the exception of 1 370-rn, which may be attributable to the presence of additional vegetation structure in the lower portion of the Barney Creek drainage. Upper elevations of Barney Creek experienced greater exposure to solar insolation, particularly at 1525-rn elevation, where the bowl-shaped topography served to concentrate heat, while at 1370-rn elevation there was some vegetation structure present. It has been shown that soil temperatures in non-shaded areas tend to be greater than those areas having vegetative cover (Pluhowski and Kantrowitz 1963) which, coupled with the limited air movement common in these areas, serves to limit energy inputs to the ground surface (Fowler et al. 1979). OBJECTIVE 2: DESCRIBING DIURNAL AIR AND WATER CYCLES. Studies have shown that water temperatures track air temperatures with a lag of hours or days, depending on discharge (Stefan and Preud'homme 1993; Walker and Lawson 1977; Needham and Jones 1959). Both creeks in our study corroborated these findings. Barney Creek had a time lag of 2-4 hours, with 4 hours most prevalent at either extreme of elevation. Peak air heating was between 7-9 h and peak water heating fell between 9-11 h for the 2-hour lag, and 11-13 h for the 4-hour lag. Stevens Creek showed a 2-hour lag with peak air heating two hours later than on Barney Creek (9-11 h) and peak water heating between 11-13 h. Lags between air and water peak cooling periods weren't particularly evident on either creek. Middle elevations on Barney Creek at times showed water cooling commencing one period before air cooling, and occasionally air cooling began one period prior to water cooling at lower elevations. No lags or patterns in cooling were apparent on Stevens Creek. 81 Most of the patterns of heating and cooling appeared to be attributable to a number of factors, including the drainage basin exposure, patterns of air movement, and the amount of exposure time. On these two creeks, air temperatures were responsive to weather patterns and the radiation absorption characteristics of their respective drainage basins, with rapid changes often evident. Water temperatures are buffered from rapid fluctuations due to mass and specific heat characteristics (Ward 1985), and relate more to the generalities of air temperatures than patterns of rapid fluctuation. In this study the data support the findings of several researchers that smaller streams have less thermal buffering capacity and are more responsive to the surrounding thermal environment than larger streams (Stefan and Preud'homme 1997; Sjnokrt and Stefan 1993; Smith and Lavis 1974; Swift and Messer 1971). OBJECTIVE 3: MODELING VARIABLES STRONGLY ASSOCIATED WITH MAXIMUM WATER TEMPERATURE. Derivatives of air temperature were seen to have strong association with maximum water temperature, and strong predictive ability of water temperature change. Our findings were consistent with other researchers who have shown that air temperature has a strong association with water temperature (Mohseni et al. 1998; Brown and Binkley 1994; Sinokrot and Stefan 1994; Sinokrot and Stefan 1993; Smith and Lavis 1974; Levno and Rothacher 1967; Needham and Jones 1959), particularly in streams with lower discharge (Stefan and Preud'homme 1993; Smith and Lavis 1974). Maximum air temperature showed a very strong association with maximum water temperature on all elevations of Barney Creek and at the lowest elevation of Stevens Creek. At the upper three elevations of Stevens Creek however, minimum air temperature from the day before dominated as the variable most strongly related to maximum water temperature. Each of these two air temperature variables help to 82 establish the thermal gradient on a particular stream. Whichever one is more dominant in terms of influencing the thermal gradient will be seen to have the strongest relationship with maximum water temperature at a particular elevation. OBJECTIVE 4: DEVELOPING A PREDICTIVE EQUATION FOR WATER TEMPERATURE CHANGE. Five variables were identified and tested in their ability to predict water temperature change in the current day. They included: net air temperature change for the current day, maximum air temperature for the current day, minimum air temperature for the current day, minimum water temperature from the day before, and water temperature change from the day before. R2s ranged from 0.69-0.9 1. The strong fit of our model across both creeks and all elevations as well as its ability to predict accurately within 0.5 - 1°C indicated that these variables are useful in determining the potential water temperature change in a given day in this system. Air temperature variables have a direct effect on the thermal cycling evident on a particular creek. What is generally evident is that maximum air temperature has a greater influence on thermal cycling at lower elevations, and minimum air temperature tends to have a greater effect at higher elevations. Thus these two variables have a strong impact on water temperature change. 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Temperature changes without a common letter (black) are significantly different (p<O.05). Mean amount of peak heating/cooling without a common letter (starred, blue) are significantly different (p<O.O5) across elevations. Barney Creek 1525m, July 2000 Barney Creek 1370m, July 2000 12 10 A Mean amount of peak, cooling: -6.89°C EF* B 4 2 '- . r,) 12 10 8 Mean amount of peak, heating: 7.46°C A* 0) = C 00 4 2C1) D LI[ (n 93 -4 -6 -8 Mean amount of peak, heating: 10.59°C B* Mean amount of peak, cooling: -7.45°C E* Ca D 0 A (31 -4 E'- (0 (J (0 C'.) E F E F E -2 -4 B B C D 0 (;fl F'.) 0) (31 -2 -4 G E E F -8 -10 H G period (time of day) Barney Creek 1830m, July 2000 12 A Mean amount of peak, heating: 10.27°C B* 6 0 C 4 Q) a) LI A 8 0) B Mean amount of peak, heating: 7.90°C A* 10 ' Mean amount of peak, cooling: -7.61 °C E* (0 (0 E Barney Creek 1675m, July 2000 0 - F period (time of day) 8 6 4 2 c -6 F -10 12 10 B Mean amount of peak, cooling: -6.38°C F* B C C 2 Wa) (0 N) (-.3 D -6 -8 E D D -4 -6 -8 -10 -10 period (time of day) C.) E G G E E F period (time of day) NJ Figure 15. 2-hour period temperature changes for air, Stevens Creek July 2000. Temperature changes without a common letter (black) are significantly different (p<O.O5). Mean amount of peak heating/cooling without a common letter (starred, blue) are significantly different (p<O.05) across elevations. Stevens Creek 1370m, July 2000 12 A Stevens Creek 1525m, July 2000 12 Mean amount of peak, heating: 1043°C A* 10 8 a) Mean amount of peak, cooling: -6.32°C E* B B 6 0c5' 4 cl) G) 2 a) 0 -2 Mean amount of peak, heating: 7.49°C B* 10 C D D E .- p F') '.0 (.) 0) 8 u3 6 4 - C) 2 C =E -4 a) J&) CO (0 F -6 F -8 G E O) CO Mean amount of peak, cooling: -4.78°C F* B B C ELIJ (;j (0 -8 E H Mean amount of peak, heating: 6.98°C B* 10 a) Mean amount of peak, cooling: -5.48°C FC* A 8 A 6 B 4 C C A -,o 0 D U) w B 4 2 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -5.85°C E6* B 6 c 0 -6 H E F Stevens Creek 1830m, July 2000 12 Mean amount of peak, healing: 6.75°C 8* 10 -4 G period (time of day) Stevens Creek 1675m, July 2000 -2 F') -10 12 2 F') F G period (time of day) G) (0 C_J, -6 F G -10 G) F.) (i.) (0 4 E C D 0 -2 U' A C C C 0 (0 CD (0 (0 F') E G (0 C-.) G F E .2 E -4 -6 H F') F F D -8 -8 -10 -10 period (time of day) period (time of day) E D D Figure 16. 2-hour period temperature changes for air, Barney Creek August 2000. Temperature changes without a common letter (black) are significantly different (p<O.05). Mean amount of peak heating/cooling without a common letter (starred, blue) are significantly different (p<O.05) across elevations. Barney Creek 137Dm, August 2000 12 a Cl) B 8 B 4 2 10 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -7.50°C E* D ' 0) 8 Ca 6 C D B 2 (0 () 0) -4 01 E- (131 - (0 -2 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -8.63 °C F* C F -8 F (0 01 0) (0 - period (time of day) Barney Creek 183Dm, August 2000 A 12 Mean amount of peak, heating: 11.73 °C C 10 8 Ca 6 Cn Ca "- 0) 2 Mean amount of peak. heating: 9.53°C B* a) Mean amount of peak, cooling: -7.33°C E* 0) C 00 4 B C D 6 ca C D w B C C D 2 E F 0 -2 (0 (0 N) -4 Ca A 10 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -7.37°C E* 4 -6 -8 -10 ±j F') (0 (1° °) G E F 0 E F') (0 (7, 0.) F H -4 01 - -6 -8 ri = c C..) (;) ) C.) F G H -10 period (time of day) E F period (time of day) Barney Creek 1675m, August 2000 C F H -10 12 0 C -8 C -10 0) 0 -6 -6 a) D E Q a) Mean amount of peak, heating: 9.75 °C B* A 00 4 C E-2 C) Mean amount of peak, heating: 8.58°C A* A 10 00 Barney Creek 1525m, August 2000 12 period (time of day) 0 0 E E D Figure 1 7. 2-hour period temperature changes for air, Stevens Creek August 2000. Temperature changes without a common letter (black) are significantly different (p<O.O5). Mean amount of peak heating/cooling without a common letter (starred, blue) are significantly different (p<O.05) across elevations. Stevens Creek 137Dm, August 2000 12 A Mean amount of peak, heating: 12.30°C A* 10 a, C) 0& =a, Cl) E 2 F Mean amount of peak, cooling: -5.28°C F* C) E D (0 (0 (0 4 6 a B o5 4 0 4 (C N) a, a, C) caiI- p N) F E G F C 0 E C;,' '74 (0 F -6 G -8 -10 B 00 4 (a -4 -6 ' E (0 - D U) a, n - C.) (0 C.) (0 B 6 C 0c3 4 C D Mean amount of peak, cooling: -6.17°C E* 8 C) C a B 6 E' E F (;7 7.1 (0 N) r-i 1 C;.) N) (0 = (f,) (0 E F D H G 2 E (I,' .iI- -4 -6 -8 -8 -10 -10 period (time of day) 0 E E - C) C.) C.) F H r1 Mean amount of peak, heating: 8.09°C ('* A 10 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -5.55°C F* 8 0-D -2 C,' Stevens Creek 183Dm, August 2000 12 Mean amount of peak, heating: 8.77°C BC* A 10 Q)G) H C.) period (time of day) Stevens Creek 1675m, August 2000 12 2 G ri C.) -10 period (time of day) C) fin (0 N) C.) -4 . G B 0 - E H 2 0w OD -2 I') C.) H Mean amount of peak, heating: 9.83 °C B* a, C C 6 A 10 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -6.53°C E* B Ca Stevens Creek 1525m, August 2000 12 (0 (0 T C.) (Cr. (,' 7.1 (0 N) r1 r-1 C.) N) (0 C.) F H ' H period (time of day) G F E F 'C Figure 1 8. 2-hour period temperature changes for air, Barney Creek July 2001. Temperature changes without a common letter (black) are significantly different (p<O.O5). Mean amount of peak heating/cooling without a common letter (starred, blue) are significantly different (p'<O.05) across elevations. Barney Creek 1370m, July 2001 a) 0) C c O 6 D E C C C 0 D 0 -2 PH C,,) 0) -4 N,) - (0 -6 r1 F G -8 -10 H I P1 0) (in F E G F B B 4 i-n -4 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -6.11 °C EF* 6 0 Mean amount of peak, heating: 8.77°C B* 8 B 2 - 0) A 10 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -5.55°C E* A 8 4 Barney Creek 1525m, July 2001 12 Mean amount of peak, heating: 6.90°C A* 12 10 C 2 C 0 El -2 -4 C() (0 0) -4 G A 8 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 (0 N) Li N.) N) - C,) 'J ) (() D 0 0 E -8 period (time of day) Barney Creek 1830m, July 2001 12 Mean amount of peak, heating: 10.25°C ('* 10 0 CD E Barney Creek 1675m, July 2001 2 - -;'1 -10 12 4 ((0 -6 period (time of day) 6 C Mean amount of peak, cooling: -.6.76°C F* B C B C D C D 0) 8 ca 6 C 05" 4 B C Mean amount of peak, cooling: -5.37°C E* A B B C C 2 n (0 C,, -1 Mean amount of peak, heating: 6.01 °C A* 10 a, (0 C,) ()) Cfl (0 '-4 n ri ±J (0 H H period (time of day) ) E F G 0' G F LI - P1 C,,) C) (in E 0 E Wa) 0--0 -2 -4 (0 0) C Li El ((,) ((0 (7 -'4 N) [- El D D 0 C,,) C.) -6 -8 -10 Li N) E F period (time of day) Figure 19. 2-hour period temperature changes for air, Stevens Creek July 2001. Temperature changes without a common letter (black) are significantly different (p<O.O5). Mean amount of peak heating/cooling without a common letter (starred, blue) are significantly different (p<O.O5) across elevations. Stevens Creek 1370m, July 2001 Stevens Creek 1525m, July 2001 12 A 12 Mean amount of peak, heating: 7.91 °C A* 10 10 C w 0) C Mean amount of peak, cooling: -5.73°C E* 0) C 6 00 40 2 00 4 E D - = LI Co T () C7 - (0 r') F'.) H 2 0) 0 B 0 G C.) -4 E G of peak, cooling: -4.42 °C FG* B C E F (i.) T&) H Mean amount E 7, F'.) G H G) of peak, heating: 6.05 °C B* A 6 c 0 E A Mean amount El Eli C,) CD y (0 (7, F -6 (3 -8 H H F G E F -10 period (time of day) period (time of day) Stevens Creek 1830m, July 2001 Stevens Creek 1675m, July 2001 12 12 Mean amount of peak, heating: 6.03 °C B* C c 0 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -4.62°C C 0) A 6 0 C 2 E B C C 0 CD °o w 6 2 -6 CD C C 0 D El CD CD -7 <C -4 B LIII CD .2 B 4 El 0 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -4.88°C EC* A 0) A B 00 4 Mean amount of peak. heating: 6.14°C B* 10 10 N.) - C.,) F H H G F E F -4 -6 CD (;) (7fl 07 4 G (5 -10 -10 period (time of day) ED () (7) CD C.,.) -8 -8 LI Co period (time of day) F E F E 0 E Figure 20. 2-hour period temperature changes for air, Barney Creek August 2001. Temperature changes without a common etter (black) are significantly different (p<O.05). Mean amount of peak heating/cooling without a common letter (starred, blue) are significantly different (p<O.O5) across elevations. Barney Creek 1370m, August 2001 Barney Creek 1525m, August 2001 w 2 - C) Mean amount of peak, cooling: -7.22 °C E* B 6 00 4 Eu, .-. A 8 ) 8 C) C (0 C D F o3 E (0 (7, 0) II P (i,) cO (7, G G G H H 'H r Mean amount of peak, cooling: -7.30°C E* 6 B C 4 2 -4 -6 -8 -10 . a, Mean amount of peak, heating: 8.90°C B* A 10 10 C -C 12 Mean amount of peak, heating: 7.45 °C A* 12 0 0 ri 0 -2 (7, 0) 0) -4 F -6 F A _ a, a,a, D -2 B C) 8 Ca 6 0 B C C 1" ci.) (7, D 4 2 (7, <0 .4 I..) <0 -6 -8 a Mean amount of peak, cooling: -7.05 °C E* 0) a Barney Creek 1830m, August 2001 12 Mean amount of peak, heating: 7.93 °C AB* 10 6 00 4 Eu period (time of day) Mean amount of peak. heating: 11.53°C C* 8 Wa, 0) E F G -10 period (time of day) E F H Barney Creek 1675m, August 2001 10 ' 0) E G -8 -10 period (time of day) 12 D 0 0 E E E-" -2 (0 -6 . D -4 -8 -10 A Mean amount of peak, cooling: -7.01 °C E* B C D C D E E F L (0 (7, F) 7, (C (7, --4 _(i.) 0) (7, 0) <0 I K PT J period (time of day) H F I G G H Figure 21. 2-hour period temperature changes for air, Stevens Creek August 2001. Temperature changes without a common letter (black) are significantly different (p<0.O5). Mean amount of peak heating/cooling without a common letter (starred, blue) are significantly different (p<0.O5) across elevations. Stevens Creek 1370m, August 2001 Stevens Creek 1525m, August 2001 12 A 12 Mean amount of peak. heating: 11.43°C A* 10 ' 8 0) Mean amount of peak, cooling: -6.33 °C E* B 2 0 0--c a) C D C C D E:J C;,) CD 0) 1') CM C') E -6 6 U 4 2 G -8 E F B C E 0) CO C;) (0 0 C,) -4 , I- 6 2 E,o 0) 0-t E-" -2 -6 Stevens Creek 1830m, August 2001 12 Mean amount of peak, heating: 7.60°C ('* 10 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -5.69°C F* B A Mean anlount of peak, cooling: -5.89°C EF* 8 0) B °0 4 C D D (;T P C,) (,) 0) F B 00 4 ..- F G period (time of day) Mean amount of peak. heating: 8.57°C BC* 8 0) C-) F Stevens Creek 1675m, August 2001 A N) H period (time of day) 10 9, CM -8 -10 -10 12 0 -6 E G B - 0) p ('3 CD CM Ca C, = LI -2 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -5.62°C F* 0) B 6 Mean amount of peak, heating: 9.12°C B* A 10 c, 0) CD 9, CD G C') G 2 GQ) C') E F E D = LI C,) Cr C,) F , E F E E -4 -6 -8 -8 -10 -10 period (time of day) C D C.) ()1 (0 9, F',) '3 CD J period (time of day) H C F F H G C 100 APPENDIX 2. 2-hour period temperature changes for water, Barney and Stevens Creeks, July and August 2000 and July and August 2001. Figure 22. 2-hour period temperature changes for water, Barney Creek July 2000. Temperature changes without a common letter (black) are significantly different (p<O.05). Mean amount of peak heating/cooling without a common letter (starred, blue) are significantly different (p<O.O5) across elevations. Barney Creek 1525m, August 2000 Barney Creek 1370m, August 2000 A 6 a) 5 C) B Mean amount of peak, heating: 5.51 °C A* A C) Mean amount of peak, cooling: -2.93°C E* C B -C -c O_ 3 C 2 C 0 2 E ID a) F F E 0-w 0 LI Qa) Q Ev -.4 .i ___-1 (0 (0 C'.) CD -2 F -3 LI -4 (0 (7, C-) -2 H H F Ca C..) Mean amount of peak, cooling: -1.95°C F* B a) 5 C 4 0) Mean amount of peak. heating: 2.37°C D Mean amount of peak, cooling: -1.35°C G* Ca o 3 C B 3 C.) C A 0 U) C a) 0 E Et, a)- - a) -1 -2 -3 (0 a) CM C) E-0 a)- ('7, () -1 a) CD F I H G F E Cc E F LI C;n .4 -.-j (0 ((7 C..) --4 (0 - -3 H I -4 -4 period (time of day) G I Barney Creek 1830m, August 2000 6 Mean amount of peak. heating: 3.37°C C* A J period (time of day) Barney Creek 1675m, August 2000 4 C-) CD H -4 6 C) -4 J period (time of day) 5 (7, -3 G G -4 a) Mean amount of peak, cooling: -2.87°C E* 4 °.. 3 Ca 4- Mean amount of peak, heating: 4.60°C B* 6 a) period (time of day) H F Figure 23. 2-hour period temperature changes for water, Stevens Creek July 2000. Temperature changes without a common letter (black) are significantly different (p<O.05). Mean amount of peak heating/cooling without a common letter (starred, blue) are significantly different (p<O.05) across elevations. Stevens Creek 1370m, July 2000 6 Mean amount of peak, heating: 4.22°C A* A 0) = 4 C, 3 'L) 1 a =&) Ev A E F a,) D __-1 3 SO.) 0'O . Mean amount of peak, cooling: -0.60°C F* 4 0 B C . 0) (a B Mean amount of peak. heating: 1.36°C B* 5 a, Mean amount of peak, cooling: -1.55°C E* B Stevens Creek 1525m, July 2000 6 2 E i3 E E E E C 0 0) a, (5 (0 (71 Ni - Ni - E F G 0) - E F 0 -3 -4 c-n F G G G -4 period (time of day) period (time of day) Stevens Creek 1675m, July 2000 6 Stevens Creek 1830m, July 2000 6 Mean amount of peak. heating: 1.05°C BC* 5 0) ((fl ((s) (0 -1 (.0 B C C, Mean amount of peak, cooling: -0.49°C F* 4 Mean amount of peak, heating: 0.91 °C C 5 a, Mean amount of peak, cooling: -0.34°C G* 4 CD o 3 C E A 3 A B B B a, w1 D E 01 ((b) Ni Ni E F 0) F E ) - a, F E (0 (0 01 C D o.w0 A - (i,) (II -' --4 -(0 -(0 Ni Ni - Ni F F F .4 -4 period (time of day) Ni - () C.) F F 0) 71 0) F F period (time of day) - F Figure 24. 2-hour period temperature changes for water, Barney Creek August 2000. Temperature changes without a common letter (black) are significantly different (p<O.O5). Mean amount of peak heating/cooling without a common letter (starred, blue) are significantly different (p<O.O5) across elevations. Barney Creek 1525m, August 2000 Barney Creek 1370m, August 2000 A 6 a C, 5 Mean amount of peak, heating: 5.51 °C A* B A Mean amount of peak, cooling: -2.93°C E* u,_._ o__ 3 Q-, 0 .2 U) 2 C).CØ) 0 D F E (0 -.4 -i (0 (;) (.4 -.4 -2 -3 -4 F F H F ; -2 CC -3 G G H D E '-1 I'.) ('7, -4 (0 (0 C,) A 4 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -1.95°C F* B 3 1 0) C.) C __-1 D U) 0) A Mean amount of peak, cooling: -1.35°C (* C E F Wo -.4 (0 F CC -3 3 H -4 period (time of day) G F E 1 (7, .2 (.) a) B 02 - a)Wi D E 4 C D.C)Q , Mean amount of peak, heating: 2.37°C D* 0) C . C) F Barney Creek 1830m, August 2000 6 Mean amount of peak, heating: 3.37°C ('* CC C.) 0 H period (time of day) Barney Creek 1675m, August 2000 5 (7, Ni -4 -4 6 C) (0 J period (time of day) C) Mean amount of peak, cooling: -2.87°C E* C wo C 2 U) C) B 4 CC .-. Mean amount of peak, heating: 4.60°C B* 6 a) 0) C (0 -2 -3 -4 ('7, (.4 D (4) (7, (0 G H I period (time of day) H G F Figure 25. 2-hour period temperature changes for water, Stevens Creek August 2000. Temperature changes without a common letter (black) are significantly different (p<0.05). Mean amount of peak heating/cooling without a common letter (starred, blue) are significantly different (p<O.05) across elevations. Stevens Creek 1370m, August 2000 Stevens Creek 1525m, August 2000 6 A 6 Mean amount of peak, heating: 5.23°C A* 5 a, C) Mean amount of peak, cooling: -1.64°C E* 4 '5 B O2 4 C) 3 A (0 -j -4 (0 N) N) F G H H G D F C-) 2 E (0 - () G F G F G -4 period (time of day) Stevens Creek 1675m, August 2000 Stevens Creek 1830m, August 2000 6 6 Mean amount of peak, heating: 1.22°C ('* 0, Mean amount of peak, cooling: -0.52°C G* 4 Mean amount of peak. heating: 1.25°C C* 5 a, 4 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -0.37°C H* 3 0 O2 A cn F G'l G a, C O2 B C D . C, -4 (0 -2 -3 1 E F D B A C - E 0.w0 (0 C', a' a, 4 D period (time of day) (5 (31 i3 G -4 0) C E (0 C-) F -3 B G D -2 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -0.64°C F* F U) D .___-1 c 2O C PD, Mean amount of peak, heating: 1.57 °C I3 a, 0) Cfl - (0 (P N) - N) () F E G G - G 0 (C" G E F -2 -3 01 (0 (31 -4 -4 (0 G N) N) N) (C-' c) G F H H H G - H -4 -4 period (time of day) - ( N) period (time of day) C,) - C,) ', E F Figure 26. 2-hour period temperature changes for water, Barney Creek July 2001. Temperature changes without a common letter (black) are significantly different (p<O.O5). Mean amount of peak heating/cooling without a common letter (starred, blue) are significantly different (p<O.05) across elevations. Barney Creek 1370m, July 2001 Barney Creek 1525m, July 2001 6 C) C) C.) 6 Mean amount of peak, heating: 4.53°C A* 5 C) A 4 o C B B 3 C G)i C) C B a-C) (0 -1 N) C') C.) cb .& (7' C.) -2 --4 N) C') 01 0 D E F F G F F F F E-ø C) CD -3 LII (0 -.1 0 = 4 C) G C.) a) C) C 'V B Mean amount of peak, heating: 2.26°C D* 5 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -1.22°C G* 4 A 3 C.) B C C DCl) Hi E0 C) C) C5 -3 C C) .- Wi D El -4 -2 C (P CD C.) 01 - G C.) a) C.) G F G i .2 E 0 D F E F CC C 0 B El o-Wo E m N) N) CD CD 'P (I.) C.) (11 CD C7fl -I N) CD period (time of day) N) -3 (;) N) F H H 0 H period (time of day) (,) C,) - -4 -4 F 0 Barney Creek 1830m, July 2001 6 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -1.69°C F* 3 F 3 H I period (time of day) Mean amount of peak. heating: 2.96°C C* A (0 H -4 Barney Creek 1675m, July 2001 5 --4 N) -3 period (time of day) C) N.) CD CD -2 -4 6 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -2.46°C E* 0 B 0 A 4 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -2.44 °C E* 3 Mean amount of peak, heating: 4.01 °C B* 5 0) A 0 F E F Figure 27. 2-hour period temperature changes for water, Stevens Creek July 2001. Temperature changes without a common letter (black) are significantly different (p<O.O5). Mean amount of peak heating/cooling without a common letter (starred, blue) are significantly different (p<O.O5) across elevations. Stevens Creek 1370m, July 2001 6 A 0) 0) 4 Mean amount of peak, heating: 1.35°C B* Mean amount of peak, cooling: -1.45°C E * Mean amount of peak, cooling: -0.55 °C F* B 3 C., C U) . a, E ID 1 a0 Stevens Creek 1525m, July 2001 Mean amount of peak, heating: 4.28°C A* A 0 ID E E (P .2 C CD CD 2 -J i3 (.) CD G G G F E E G F F G -4 period (time of day) O2 Cl) E C <,, - B -3 a, C 4 o 3 a, B A D E B 4- cp ;-J -2 Mean amount of peak, heating: 1.91 °C B* Mean amount of peak, cooling: -0.45°C F* 4 CD -4 - N) CD - ID 0 E -4 ) () E Mean amount of peak, cooling: -0.32°C 6* O2 wi C, A B ID C C 0 = EJ ((fl (i.) N) E C Stevens Creek 1830m, July 2001 6 Mean amount of peak, heating: 1.14 °C B* 5 C, C period (time of day) Stevens Creek 1675m, July 2001 6 a, B -.1 Ci.) CD B C E CD I- -1 0 -2 E -3 -J (n CD C.) CD .) .7.) CD E F F'.) F') - N) - F F -4 period (time of day) EJ F') (p C.) - 0 0 E E C.) D F period (time of day) o Figure 28. 2-hour period temperature changes for water, Barney Creek August 2001. Temperature changes without a comnion letter (black) are significantly different (p<O.O5). Mean amount of peak heating/cooling without a common letter (starred, blue) are significantly different (p<O.05) across elevations. Barney Creek 1370m, August 2001 6 U) 6 Mean amount of peak, heating: 580°C A* B 5 a, Barney Creek 1525m, August 2001 A Mean amount of peak, cooling: -289°C E* °_... C 3 w C ( 4 U_ 3 A B Mean amount of peak, cooling: -2.91 °C E* C 2 D 4- F E a) 1 C E D &a)0)0 Q.0 0 Ea CP (i.) CD C.) -2 - (11 C.) C.) CO CD r') 1'.) CO a 0 -4 F H period (time of day) Barney Creek 1675m, August 2001 Mean amount of peak, heating: 2.22°C I)* U) 4 A CO C) A C) C Ca -C Mean amount of peak, cooling: -1.99°C F* 3 E U a) - C)U)0)1 a) Li E CO i3 C) C.) H B B C D CD CO U) C.) H A 0)0 <0 CO 2 A 3 C) D 1 Mean amount of peak. cooling: -1.30°C G* 4 B C . Barney Creek 1830m, August 2001 6 Mean amount of peak, heating: 3.19°C C* 5 E F F G H period (time of day) 6 C) F-..) -4 J I C.) C'.) (7, -3 0 CD 31 CO -2 F H H L:J -1 .2 I- 0 -3 0) Mean amount of peak, heating: 4.75°C B* 0 F F F 2 C.) CY --4 CO N) E G G -4 -4 period (time of day) C.) period (time of day) F F E E Figure 29. 2-hour period temperature changes for water, Stevens Creek August 2001. Temperature changes without a common letter (black) are significantly different (p<O.O5). Mean amount of peak heating/cooling without a common letter (starred, blue) are significantly different (p<O.O5) across elevations. Stevens Creek 1525m, August 2001 Stevens Creek 1370m, August 2001 6 A 5 C) Co o B 3 0 a) C) E 0 D a) Wo E (P a, a) (0 I.- 0 -2 Co a) 4(5 F -3 0 3 A B (I) a) E -1 Mean amount of peak, cooling: -0.62 °C F* 4 (5 C U)2 Wi 0) C B Mean amount of peak, heating: 1.77°C B* 5 a) Mean amount of peak, cooling: -170°C E* 4 C 6 Mean amount of peak. heating: 4.89°C A* G G H H G F F Wi F D 0)0 Li 7' = -1 -) (0 C) J C.) H -2 (p Ni - Ni C.) F F G G - () F F G G (f,, G Stevens Creek 1830m, August 2001 Mean amount of peak, heating: 1.40°C C* 0) 0) Mean amount of peak, cooling: -0.46°C G* 4 3 C) 02 C B Mean amount of peak, cooling: -0.35 °C 11* 4 3 A C E F B D E Mean amount of peak, heating: 1.27 °C (: 5 A a) aQ -(0 E 6 0) ! wi -;J period (time of day) Stevens Creek 1675m, August 2001 4- -- -4 6 0 ( (P period (time of day) C C -3 -4 0) C B 0 LI C,, CO CO - C E Li 0) - -;i (0 D (P Ni - E Ni 0) (7' - (.) E E N.) (0 -(0 (P Ni G H H E -4 period (time of day) 0) F period (time of day) G H G F C H G H 109 APPENDIX 3 Tables of variables strongly associated with maximum water temperature for both creeks in 2000 and 2001. 110 Table 20: Table of variables strongly associated with maximum water temperature, for Barney Creek, year 2000. Barney 1370-rn, July 2000 Variable max air temp, current day water cooling, prey, day mm. water temp, prey, day Barney 1370-rn, August 2000 Variable max air temp. current day mm. water temp, prey, day Barney 1525-rn, July 2000 Variable max air temp. current day air cooling, prey, day Barney 1525-rn, August 2000 Variable max air temp, current day mm water temp, prey, day Barney 1675-rn, July 2000 Variable max air temp, current day air cooling, prey, day peak air heating change, current day Barney 1675-rn, August 2000 Variable max air temp, current day mm water temp, prey. day Barney 1830-rn, July 2000 Variable max air temp, current day peak air heating change, current day air cooling, prey. day Barney 1830-rn, August 2000 Variable max air temp, current day mm water temp. prey, day Partial R2 Prob F .84 14 .0446 .0243 <.0001 .0077 .0264 Partial R2 Prob F .7803 .0796 <.000 1 .0011 Partial R2 Prob F .8472 .0296 <.0001 Partial R2 Prob F .8200 .0723 <.000 1 Partial R2 Prob F .8648 <.000 1 .04 12 .0169 .0052 .0438 Partial R2 Prob F .8248 .0926 <.000 1 <.000 1 Partial R2 Prob F .8954 .0351 <.000 1 .003 0 .03 13 .0005 .03 04 .0006 Partial R2 Prob F .8264 .1149 <.0001 <.000 1 111 Table 21: Table of variables strongly associated with maximum water temperature, for Stevens Creek, year 2000. Stevens 1370-rn, July 2000 Variable max air temp, current day mm water temp, prey, day peak air heating change, current day Stevens 1370-rn, August Variable max air temp, current day mm water temp, prey, day Stevens 1525-rn, July 2000 Variable max air temp, current day mm water temp. prey, day water cooling, prey, day Stevens 1525-rn, August 2000 . Variable air temp, prey, day max air temp, current day peak air heating change, current day mm water temp, prey, day REMOVED mm air temp. prey. day water cooling, prey, day mm Stevens 1675-rn, July 2000 Variable max air temp. current day mm water temp, prey, day Stevens 1675-rn, August 2000 . Variable mm air temp, prey, day max air temp, current day Stevens 1830-rn, July 2000 Variable max air temp. current day mm water temp, prey. day Stevens 1830-rn, August Variable mm air temp. prey, day max air temp. current day mm water temp, prey, day REMOVED mm air temp, prey, day water cooling, prey, day Partial R2 Prob F .87 12 .03 87 <.000 1 .0260 .0056 .0082 Partial R2 Prob F .7670 .1372 <.000 1 Partial R2 Prob F .9048 .0796 .0031 <.0001 <.0001 <.000 1 .0349 2 Partial R Prob F .8272 .1092 .0166 .0098 .0056 .0216 <.000 1 Partial R2 Prob F .9054 .0723 <.0001 <.0001 Partial R2 Prob F .8535 .0824 <.0001 <.0001 Partial R2 Prob F .9006 .0779 <.0001 Partial R2 Prob F .8 147 <.0001 <.0001 .0040 .0948 .0039 .1088 .0235 .0070 .0 186 <.0001 .0087 .0244 .0799 <.000 1 <.000 1 112 Table 22: Table of variables strongly associated with maximum water temperature, for Barney Creek, year 2001. Barney 1370-rn, July 2001 Variable Partial R2 Prob F .8240 <.0001 Partial R2 Prob F max air temp, current day .6090 <.000 1 Variable max air temp, current day Variable Partial R2 Prob F .8285 <.0001 Partial R2 .4670 Partial R2 Prob F .8456 <.000 1 Partial R2 Prob F .6402 .0771 <.0001 Partial R2 Prob F .8695 .0223 <.000 1 Partial R2 Prob F .6683 .1482 <.000 1 max air temp, current day Barney 1370-rn, August 2001 Barney 1525-rn, July 2001 Barney 1525-rn, August 2001 Variable max air temp, current day Barney 1675-rn, July 2001 Variable max air temp, current day Barney 1675-rn, August 2001 Variable max air temp, current day air cooling, prey, day Barney 1830-rn, July 2001 Variable max air temp, current day peak air heating change, current day Barney 1830-rn, August 2001 Variable max air temp, current day mm water temp, prey, day <.000 1 Prob F .0 172 .0359 .0002 113 Table 23: Table of variables strongly associated with maximum water temperature, for Stevens Creek, year 2001. Stevens 1370-rn, July 2001 Variable max air temp. current day Stevens 1370-rn, August Variable max air temp. current day water cooling, prey, day mm air temp. prey, day Stevens 1525-rn, July 2001 Variable max air temp, current day peak air heating change, current day mm water temp, prey. day Stevens 1525-rn, August Variable mm air temp. prey, day max air temp, current day mm water temp, prey, day peak air heating change, current day REMOVED mm air temp, prey, day Stevens 1675-rn, July 2001 Variable max air temp, current day mm air temp, prey, day Stevens 1675-rn, August Variable mm air temp, prey, day max air temp, current day mm water temp, prey, day Stevens 1830-rn, July 2001 Variable max air temp, current day peak air heating change, current day mm water temp. prey, day Stevens 1830-rn, August Variable max air temp, current day mm water temp, prey, day air cooling, prey. day peak air heating change, current day Partial R2 Prob F .7906 <.0001 Partial R2 Prob F .465 8 .0003 .0179 .0319 .1334 .0882 Partial R2 Prob F .754 1 .042 7 <.0001 <.0001 .0001 Partial R2 Prob F .7 114 .1841 <.000 1 .0366 .00 18 .0101 .008 0 .0633 Partial R2 Prob F .7899 .1042 <.0001 <.0001 Partial R2 Prob F .7068 .1720 <.000 1 .1573 <.0001 .095 5 <.0001 .026 1 .0 194 Partial R2 Prob F .7034 <.000 1 .12 10 .0004 .0296 .04 15 Partial R2 Prob F .5474 <.000 1 .3531 .0 157 .0 180 <.0001 .0493 .0226 114 APPENDIX 4 Scatterplots showing the fit of predicted versus observed values for both creeks in 2000 and 2001. Dashed lines indicate fit within 0.5°C and solid outer lines indicate fit within 1°C. Figure 30. Scatterplots demonstrating fit of prediction model for Barney Creek 2000; dashed lines indicate agreement within 0.5° C, solid outer lines indicate agreement within 1 ° C. Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Barney 1370m, yr 2000. -- predicted Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Barney 1675m, yr 2000. __- Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Barney 1525m, yr 2000. predicted __- Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Barney 1830m, yr 2000. 3 predicted predicted Figure 31. Scatterplots demonstrating fit of prediction model for Stevens Creek 2000; dashed lines indicate agreement within 0.5° C, solid outer lines indicate agreement within 10 C. Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Stevens 1370m, yr 2000. __- Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Stevens 1525m, yr 2000. . picted - Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Stevens 1675m, yr 2000. predicted predicted __- Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Stevens 1830m, yr 2000. predicted Figure 32: Scatterplots demonstrating fit of prediction model for Barney Creek 2001; dashed lines indicate agreement within 0.5° C, solid outer lines indicate agreement within jO C. Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Barney 1370m, yr 2001. predicted __- Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Barney 1675m, yr 2001. predicted __- Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Barney 1525m, yr 2001. predicted __- Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Barney 1830m, yr 2001. predicted Figure 33: Scatterplots demonstrating fit of prediction model for Stevens Creek 2000; dashed lines indicate agreement within 0.5° C, solid outer lines indicate agreement within 10 C. Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Stevens 1370m, yr 2000. predicted Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Stevens 1675m, yr 2000. predicted Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Stevens 1525m, yr 2000. --predicted Scatterplot of predicted vs observed values testing fit of prediction model for Stevens 1830m, yr 2000. predicted 119 APPENDIX 5 Tables showing fit of the model to predict maximum water temperature change, by elevation, for both creeks in 2000 and 2001. 120 Table 24: Barney Creek 2000, showing fit of model, mean absolute deviation in °C (with SDs in brackets), and variable coefficients (with SEs in brackets). Elevation (m) R2 (%) Mean absolute deviation (°C) Variable Coefficient Barney 1370 87.58 0.3977 (0.2777) Intercept airday maxair minair 0.5667 (0.672 1) 0.3388 (0.0340) 0.0493 (0.0238) 0.0962 (0.0720) -0.03 14 (0.1182) -0.2567 (0.096 1) 0.9665 (0.7063) 0.1981 (0.0330) 0.0879 (0.0309) 0.1535 (0.0497) -0.2725 (0.1142) -0.4680 (0.0823) 1.5077 (0.6896) 0.1434 (0.0337) 0.0511 (0.0335) 0.1936 (0.0532) -0.3605 (0.1326) -0.4951 (0.0905) 1.4141 (0.5667) 0.1244 (0.0324) 0.0601 (0.0301) 0.1557 (0.0480) -0.3571 (0.1337) -0.4670 (0.0878) watdayl Barney 1525 79.31 0.4146 (0.3350) minwat 1 intercept airday maxair minair watday_1 Barney 1675 74.51 0.4096 (0.3274) Barney 1830 75.37 0.3810 (0.2856) minwat 1 Intercept airday maxair minair watday 1 minwati Intercept airday maxair minair watdayl minwatl 121 Table 25: Barney Creek 2001, showing fit of model, mean absolute deviation in °C (with SDs in brackets), and variable coefficients (with SEs in brackets). Elevation m R2 % Mean absolute deviation (°C) Barney 1370 Variable Intercept Airday maxair minair watdayl Barney 1525 75.55 0.5118 (0.4863) minwat 1 Intercept airday maxair minair watdayl minwatl Barney 1675 83.67 0.3671 (0.368 1) Interce.t Coefficient 1.3562 (0.7637) 0.4053 (0.0330) 0.0 140 (0.0210) 0.2103 (0.0703) -0.1711 (0.0957) -0.3222 (0.0883) 1,5416 (1.0033) 0.2046 (0.0366) 0.0620 (0.0285) 0.1821 (0.0603) -0.3410 (0.1187) -0.4602 (0.0978) 0.43 10 (0.8775) maxair minair watdayl minwat I Barney 1830 81.30 0.3738 (0.3464) Intercept airday maxair minair watday 1 minwat I I s': 1.7623 (0.8013) 0.2063 (0.0354) 0.0419 (0.0233) 0.1540 (0.05 13) -0.1832 (0.1225) -0.4223 (0.0930) 122 Table 26: Stevens Creek 2000, showing fit of model, mean absolute deviation in °C (with SDs in brackets), and variable coefficients (with SEs in brackets). Elevation (m) Stevens 1370 R2 (%) 68.66 Mean absolute deviation (°C) Variable 0.6144 (0.8436) Stevens 1525 89.43 0.2296 (0.2000) Intercept airday maxair minair watday 1 minwat 1 Intercept airday maxair minair watday 1 minwatl Stevens 1675 82.70 0.2436 (0.1837) Intercept airday maxair minair watdayl Stevens 1830 83.01 0.1192(0.1179) minwat 1 Intercept airday maxair minair watdayl minwat 1 Coefficient -0.1274 (0.7465) 0.1926 (0.0374) 0.1633 (0.0387) 0.0783 (0.0437) -0.2784(0.1168) -0.4840 (0.1011) 0.95 19 (0.3737) 0.2292 (0.0247) 0.0538 (0.0184) 0.1780 (0.0447) -0.1884(0.1043) -0.3823 (0.0633) 1.0889 (0.3978) 0.1599 (0.0243) 0.0281 (0.0189) 0.1443 (0.0387) -0.1851 (0.1239) -0.3360 (0.0702) 1.3629 (0.3681) 0.0885 (0.0146) 0.0148 (0.010 1) 0.0709 (0.0218) -0.1650 (0.1301) -0.3398 (0.0811) 123 Table 27: Stevens Creek 2001, showing fit of model, mean absolute deviation in °C (with SDs in brackets), and variable coefficients (with SEs in brackets). Elevation (m) Stevens 1370 R2 (%) 91.36 Mean absolute deviation (°C) 0.3396 (0.3171) Variable Coefficient Intercept airday maxair minair 1.4561 (0.6548) 0.4081 (0.0357) 0.0204 (0.0189) 0.2282 (0.0658) -0.1908 (0.0925) -0.34 18 (0.0860) 2.0168 (0.5559) 0.2266 (0.0260) 0.0251 (0.0142) 0.2013 (0.0433) -0.1 878 (0.0972) -0.4064 (0.0675) 1.6445 (0.4333) 0.1765 (0.0240) 0.0330 (0.0130) 0.1473 (0.03 14) -0.2038 (0.0957) -0.3791 (0.0617) 1.5149 (0,3327) 0.1053 (0.0126) 0.0011 (0.0069) 0.0860 (0.0173) watday_l minwat 1 Stevens 1525 88.14 0.2781 (0.2536) Stevens 1675 88.10 0.2345 (0.2006) Intercept airday maxair minair watday_1 minwatl Intercept airday maxair minair watdayl minwatl Stevens 1830 87.40 0.1305 (0.0869) Intercept airday maxair minair watday 1 minwatl -0.1258(0.1017) -0.3077 (0.0583)