Earth Science Certificate The Weather Hazards and Preparedness certificate shows the impacts of hazardous weather as related to human activity, business, and emergency management. Physical causes and effects of extreme weather and climate, along with societal mitigation, preparedness, and response to hazardous weather events will be explored. This certificate requires a minimum of 16 credits in program requirements and program electives. Field of Study Code: EARTH.CER Total Credits Required ............................................... 16 to 17 Program Requirements ...................................................... 14 Earth 1111 Climate and Global Change ............................ 3 Earth 1115 Severe and Unusual Weather ........................ 4 Earth 1116 Weather Analysis & Forecasting I .................. 1 Earth 1119 Weather Impacts & Preparedness ................. 3 Crimj 1148 Emergency Management ............................... 3 Program Electives ..............................................................2-3 Select two to three credits from the following courses. Crimj 2130 Disaster Management and Response ............ 3 Earth 1117 Weather Analysis and Forecasting II ............. 1 Earth 2116 Advanced Weather Analysis & Forecasting I . 1 Geogr1151 Geographic Information System I .................. 3 Contact Information: If you are considering this program as an area of study, please contact the Health & Sciences Division office at 630-9422010. Program web site: Program web site: 8/22/16 COLLEGE OF DUPAGE 2015-2017 CATALOG EARTH SCIENCE 1