Modelling Sitka spruce yield in southern Scotland L. Sing, A. Peace, D. Ray and T. Brown Forest Research, Northern Research Station, Roslin, Midlothian, EH25 9SY, UK. Abstract Models of Sitka spruce yield class for three forests in south Scotland were constructed from site variables using multiple linear regression. Productivity was found to be correlated with accumulated temperature, windiness, soil nutrition and planting year. Yield class maps were generated from the models in a Geographical Information System, and used to predict the commercially viable areas of land in forest plans. Introduction Foresters require yield estimates for forest planning to make good decisions for sustainable forest management, yet the data available to them are often inaccurate, and pre-harvesting surveys are expensive. Empirical models provide an alternative approach to obtaining this information. Previous studies (Blyth & MacLeod, 1981; Worrell & Malcolm, 1990a; Worrell & Malcolm, 1990b) have identified relationships between Sitka spruce productivity and elevation, temperature, windiness, rainfall and crop. This paper presents the results of an empirical yield class model for Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carrière) stands at three inland sites in southern Scotland where it is the main production species. Method Data sampling Reliable measurements of tree growth from mensuration surveys were obtained for three forests (Ae, Wauchope and Craik) in southern Scotland. Growth was expressed as maximum mean annual increment (m3/ha/yr); and the range was divided into yield class (YC) steps of 2m3/ha/yr so that a stand growing at YC14 had a maximum mean annual increment greater than 13 and less than 15m3/ha/yr (Edwards & Christie, 1981). For each location with a measured YC and known planting year, independent site variables were sampled using a Geographical Information System (GIS). The variables are all used in Ecological Site Classification (ESC) (Pyatt et al., 2001; Ray, 2001) which is a knowledgebased decision support system that has been developed to define site types and aid the selection of suitable tree species and/or native woodland. Sampled data includes: 1. accumulated temperature (AT), a summer warmth index measured in day degrees above a growth threshold temperature of 5oC, interpolated from data collected over the period 1961-1990 (Pyatt et al., 2001; Ray, 2001); 2. moisture deficit (MD), in mm, is the peak value of a running balance throughout the summer of monthly evaporation minus monthly rainfall (Pyatt et al., 2001; Ray, 2001); 3. wind exposure, expressed using the Detailed Aspect Method of Scoring (DAMS: (Quine & White, 1993) calculated from interpolated tatter flag data; 4. continentality, a measure of seasonal variability based on the Conrad Index reduced to sea level (Pyatt et al., 2001; Ray, 2001); 5. the edaphic variables, soil moisture regime (SMR) and soil nutrient regime (SNR), were converted from 1:10,000 Forestry Commission digital soil maps using default conversion values (Ray et al., 2003). Elevation, slope and aspect were sampled from a 10-metre resolution Digital Terrain Model (Ordnance Survey, GB). Multiple linear regression modelling Multiple regression was used to fit a series of linear models to explore the relationship between the response (dependent) variable, the measured YC, and the sampled explanatory (independent) variables. Stepwise selection was used with a significance level for a variable to enter or remain in the model set as 0.05. Separate regressions were fitted to the Ae dataset and to the Craik and Wauchope combined datasets; these were programmed into ArcView GIS to produce predicted yield class maps for each forest. Finally, the same approach was used to fit and evaluate a single combined model. Results The sampled variables were observed to have similar values and ranges between the two study areas (Table 1). Table 1. Mean values of sampled variables Variable Number of samples Yield class Planting year Accumulated temperature Moisture deficit Windiness (DAMS score) Continentality Slope Elevation Craik & Wauchope 326 18 1965 1035 75.4 15.4 7.24 7 339 Ae 66 18 1969 1026 63.8 15.2 6.66 10 347 Yield models a) Ae and Craik/Wauchope models The Ae model fitted 78% of stands to within ± 1YC of the measured YC, though there was a lack of fit at both ends of the yield class distribution. The combined Craik/Wauchope model fitted 92% of stands to within ± 1YC of the correct YC. The model was progressively less accurate for sites on which trees were growing below the average YC. Figure 1 shows the GIS YC map for Craik Forest. Figure 1. GIS yield class layer for Craik Forest Sitka spruce yield class (b) Combined Ae, Craik and Wauchope model The combined model fitted 92% of stands to within ± 1YC of the observed YC in Craik/Wauchope, and 71% of stands in Ae (Figure 2). Stands that were incorrectly classified tended to be those with a YC towards the lower and higher ends of the range. Figure 2 Fit of combined model in (a) Craik and Wauchope Forests and (b) Ae Forest No. of stands (a) predicted within +/- 1 YC 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 YC (b) predicted within +/- 1 YC No. of stands 25 20 15 10 5 0 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 YC The combined model identified the following significant parameters: warmth - an increase in the AT of 115 degree.days increased growth by 0.5 YC; wind exposure - a reduction in DAMS of 4 units increased YC by 0.5 class; site fertility - compared to Poor SNR sites, there was a growth increase of 0.5 YC on sites with a medium SNR; tree planting year – on the same site type, younger crops had a greater yield than older crops, a 1 YC growth increase was observed over a period of 12 years. Discussion The models show relationships between warmth, windiness and site fertility, as well as a planting year effect. Higher yield classes were measured on warmer sites than cold sites, on more sheltered sites and more fertile sites. These results are consistent with the findings of previous studies (Worrell & Malcolm, 1990b; Macmillan, 1991), and confirm warmth (AT) as the major dependent variable in the ESC model. The results showed that Sitka spruce productivity was positively correlated with planting year and this is also consistent with previous studies (Worrell & Malcolm, 1990b; Macmillan, 1991). Improved silvicultural methods and climatic warming are the most likely causes. The warmth index (AT) was averaged for the 30 year period (1961-1990), and so is not sensitive to any increase as a result of climate change throughout that period. Previous work suggests that the combined effect of increased N deposition, CO2 concentrations and temperature might account for up to half of the observed increases in conifer productivity of the last century (Cannell et al., 1998). Conclusions This pilot study has shown that yield class models can be developed with an excellent degree of accuracy using the variables contained in the Ecological Site Classification. This information is valuable for foresters wanting to develop sustainable management plans without the expense of major field surveys in the Sitka spruce plantations of southern Scotland. The GIS model produces maps of predicted yield that show where spruce is most productive and can be used to consider the appropriate locations for timber production and other management objectives. This approach also provides a cost-effective solution to predicting the production potential of forecast systems. Reference Blyth, J. F. and MacLeod, D. A. (1981) Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) in North-East Scotland: 1. Relationships between site factors and growth. Forestry 54, 41-62. Cannell, M. G. R., Thornley, J. H. M., Mobbs, D. C. and Friend, A. D. (1998) UK conifer forests may be growing faster in response to increased N deposition, atmospheric CO2 and temperature. Forestry 71(4), 277-296. Edwards, P. N. and Christie, J.M. (1981) Yield Models for Forest Management, Forestry Commission, Farnham. Macmillan, D. C. (1991) Predicting the General Yield Class of Sitka spruce on better quality land in Scotland. Forestry 64(4), 359-372. Pyatt, D. G., Ray, D. and Fletcher, J. (2001) An Ecological Site Classification for Forestry in Great Britain. Forestry Commission Bulletin 124, Forestry Commission, Edinburgh. Quine, C. P. and White, I. M. S. (1993) Revised windiness scores for the windthrow hazard classification. Forestry Commission Research Information Note 230, Forestry Commission, Farnham. Ray, D. (2001) Ecological Site Classification Decision Support System. Edinburgh, Forestry Commission. Ray, D.,Clare, J. and Purdy, K. (2003) Applying an Ecological Site Classification to woodland design at varying spatial scales. In: Humphrey, J., Newton, A., Latham, J., Gray, H., Kirby, K., Poulsom, E., and Quine, C. (ed.), The Restoration of Wooded Landscapes, Forestry Commission, Edinburgh. Worrell, R. (1987) Predicting the productivity of Sitka spruce on upland sites in northern Britain. Forestry Commission Bulletin 72, HMSO. Worrell, R. and Malcolm, D. C. (1990a) Productivity of Sitka Spruce in Northern Britain: 1. The effects of elevation and climate. Forestry 63(2), 105-118. Worrell, R. and Malcolm, D. C. (1990b) Productivity of Sitka Spruce in Northern Britain: 2. Prediction from site factors. Forestry 63(2), 119-128.