Biomass equations and data for forest stands and shrublands of the Eastern Alps (Trentino, Italy) P. Gasparini1, M. Nocetti1, G. Tabacchi1 and V. Tosi1 1 Forest and Range Management Research Institute, I.S.A.F.A. - C.R.A.-, Villazzano, Trento, Italy _______________________________________________________________________ Abstract Studies on estimation of forest biomass have gained greater importance in the last decades because of the rise of the general interest in the subject of climate change, particularly regarding the increase of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. Biomass equations are a useful instrument to calculate the carbon stored in the forests. The present contribution describes the development of prediction equations for above-ground tree phytomass and stem volume, shared out by species and species groups, of the forest stands of the Province of Trento, Italy. Tree phytomass was divided into four components: stem and branches; slash; dead portion; stump. Additive equations for each component and for the total tree phytomass were performed. Some negative values predicting volume and phytomass in small dimensional classes were observed especially for black pine, Swiss stone pine and beech, but it does not limit the operative use of equations. Furthermore, a preliminary investigation on aboveground phytomass of some shrub stands is presented. _______________________________________________________________________ Introduction The topics related to the estimation of forest biomass have always had a great importance in the scientific community because of their significance for the study of terrestrial ecosystems. In the last decades, the attention on phytomass issues has risen as a consequence of the need for assessing the carbon stored in the forests as required by the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the following obligations under the Kyoto Protocol (UNFCCC, 1997). The participating countries to the Protocol are invited to develop practical and accurate procedures to account carbon stocks and stock changes in forests. Therefore, many efforts have been made to implement the techniques of monitoring and estimating this resource (Brown, 2002). The “Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry” by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2003) supports the methodologies which measure or estimate the biomass and then convert it to carbon. Furthermore, according to the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (MCPFE) the first criterion for the sustainable forest management is the “maintenance and appropriate enhancement of forest resources and their contribution to global carbon cycles”. Two of the Pan-European quantitative indicators defined at the last MCPFE Conference in Vienna (MCPFE, 2002) are related to the forest biomass: the indicators 1.2 “Growing stock” and 1.4 “Carbon stock of woody biomass and soil”. A precise estimation of forest biomass and a continuous monitoring of this variable are therefore crucial to report on the sustainability of the forest management. The need for evaluating the biomass and consequently the carbon stored in forest ecosystems as an important resource from economical and political point of view, has led to a higher attention in monitoring and estimation issues. Consequently, many authors have developed new biomass equations and have studied their applicability. Besides, helpful databases containing different equations for several regions and tree species have been developed (Ter-Mikaelian & Korzukhin, 1997; Araújo et al., 1999; Zianis & Mencuccini, 2004). The aboveground tree phytomass is a considerable component of the total forest ecosystem biomass and two are the main methods to evaluate it. The most accurate one is undoubtedly the direct measurement, which consists in weighing the tree biomass in the field. This method is however destructive and extremely time requiring, and therefore it is usually limited to little areas and samples of small size. The indirect method applies two major means: biomass factors and prediction equations. The so called Biomass Factors are used to convert the volume values (usually the stem volume or the merchantable volume) into biomass values, or to expand (Biomass Expansion Factor) the biomass of parts to the total tree biomass (Jenkins et al., 2003; Lethonen et al., 2004; Levy et al., 2004; Van Camp et al., 2004). Prediction equations instead link easily measurable variables to the standing volume and the tree phytomass (Alemdag, 1980; Crow & Laidly, 1980; Satoo & Madgwick, 1982; Snowdon, 1985; Parresol, 1999; Zianis and Mencuccini, 2003; Fattorini et al., submitted). Phytomass equations are particularly useful and easy to apply when the independent variables are diameter at breast height and height, two basic attributes used in each national forest inventory. It allows to estimate forest biomass of large areas with quite little efforts. The above mentioned instruments and methods are of basic importance for experts involved in the annual reporting of carbon stocks and carbon stock changes for the Kyoto Protocol. They also give basic information to politicians and decision makers useful to monitor sustainability of forest management and its effects on global carbon cycles. This paper presents volume and phytomass prediction equations for seven species and two groups of species covering the whole species range of the Alpine region. The study also includes a first collection of data on the aboveground phytomass of the main shrublands of the region. Actually, shrub biomass is an important element of natural ecosystems, nevertheless there is a lack of information about it in Europe, since reliable quantitative data at regional or even national level are not available yet. Material and Methods Study area Data were collected in the Province of Trento, North-East of Italy (46°04' N, 11°08' E). It is a mountainous area in the Alpine region (elevation from 100 m to 3,500 m above see level). The territory of the Province (about 622,040 ha) is mainly covered by forests, approximately 65%. Coniferous stands are predominant, being spruce the more common forest species. Fir, larch, Scots pine and Swiss stone pine are also very widespread. Hardwood species form usually mixed stands (spruce-fir-beech stands, hornbeam-black and Scots pine stands) and they grow mainly in the southern part or in the valleys. High forests prevail, but coppices are present too (about 20%), and the public ownership is predominant (almost 80%). The climate of the region is an alpine climate, with cold and dry winters, cool summers, rainy springs and autumns. The annual average temperature is 10-11°C and the average precipitation is about 1,200 mm annually. In the southern part, near Lake Garda, the climate shows Mediterranean features. Sampling methods As a consequence of methodological and cost-related aspects the selection of sample trees followed a model-based design rather than a rigid design-based sampling procedure (Cunia, 1965; 1979a,b; 1987a,b). Indeed, there were three conditions to be met: to obtain a representative sample of the population of interest, to have a sufficient sample for the regression analysis and to reduce the operational difficulties and the high costs of field measurements. The procedure adopted provided a partition of the population into several dimensional classes, that is diameter – diameter at breast height – and height classes. A selection proportional to the strata, would have provided a sample with many small trees compared to large ones, because of the relative higher frequency of small trees in large area stands. On the other hand, in a model-based sampling it is necessary to have a high number of items in the larger dimensional classes, because of their high variability. The last option (modelbased design), however, would have been very expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, it was decided to draw a sample with roughly the same number of items in each dimensional class (Ouellet, 1983). The trees measured came partly from fellings done during ordinary silvicultural practices and partly from addressed cuttings required to fill in the lack of samples in some dimensional classes. For the aboveground shrub phytomass, sample plots were subjectively selected inside the shrub stands. Data were distributed by shrub type according the classification used in the National Forest Inventory of Italy (INFC, 2003). Measurements The measurement of the aboveground biomass of the trees was performed through a mixed geometric-ponderal survey. Before felling, stem diameter, over bark at breast height, was measured. Once cut down, stump height and tree height were recorded, then stem and branches with a minimum diameter of 5 cm were sectioned and each section was considered as a truncated cone for volume calculation purposes. When logs or branches had the shape very dissimilar to a truncated cone, the fresh weight was recorded. The green parts of the crown (twigs with a maximum diameter of 5 cm) were cut up and divided into three groups: twigs with a diameter between 3 and 5 cm, twigs with a diameter between 1 and 3 cm and twigs with a diameter smaller than 1 cm. Dead branches of whatever size were gathered as a fourth group. Total fresh weight of the green parts of the crown and the weight of the dead portion were measured in the field. The volume of small samples of stem and branches was determined in laboratory by the water immersion technique and samples from each part of the tree were oven-dried at 105°C for 48 hours, until no further weight loss could be measured. Finally, the field data of volume and fresh weight were converted to oven-dry equivalents. Because of high costs and operational difficulties to get separate measurements of foliar and wood components, an aggregate value for crown phytomass was determined. Therefore, the data collection was carried out only when the deciduous species were fully leaved, whereas for the evergreen the season was not relevant. Concerning the shrub phytomass, mean height and crown cover (by means of a regular grid of point) were measured in 9 m2 square plots, then all shrubs of the plot were cut and weighed. In laboratory, samples of some kilograms were oven dried to find out the dry weight to fresh weight ratio. The total fresh weight was finally converted to dry weight. Analysis The measured trees were distinctively considered by species and species groups, obtaining 9 categories. By the regression analysis, prediction equations for stem and branch volume and aboveground tree phytomass were developed for each category. When the tree phytomass was considered, the model provided a prediction of four distinct components: stem and branches with a minimum diameter of 5 cm, slash with a maximum diameter of 5 cm, dead parts and stump. The independent variable adopted was the product of the square diameter and the total height, adding, if necessary, another independent variable, which consisted again of tree diameter and height, raised to the power of 1 or 2 and combined in all possible ways. The addition of the second variable and its characterization were determined by the standard error values of the regression coefficients and the residual distribution, as well as by dendrometric indications, such as impossible predicted values and trends of dependent variables not fitting the expectations. The most suitable regression equation for each species or species group was applied to both phytomass and volume variables prediction. To calibrate the phytomass equations, the technique of multivariate multiple linear regression was used. One equation for each component and for the whole tree phytomass has been developed, maintaining the additivity of the single equations in relation to the comprehensive one (Cunia & Briggs, 1984; Fattorini et al., submitted). Whereas, for the volume equation the technique of univariate multiple linear regression was applied. To solve the problem of heterogeneity of the error variance in linear regression, the weighting function νi = (di2hi)k was employed and the coefficient k was always taken to be 2, according to a widely accepted simplification (Cunia, 1964; Meng & Tasai, 1986; Gregoire & Dyer, 1989; Williams & Gregoire, 1993). The regression analysis was performed by means of the weighted least squares method. The analysis of shrub data was performed by means of correlation between aboveground phytomass and height and crown cover. This preliminary examination was aimed at investigating the further possibility of developing biomass equations for shrub phytomass. Results On the whole, 343 trees were selected and measured for this study. As already mentioned, the items were nearly homogeneously distributed into the different dimensional classes, as shown in table 1. The number of sampled trees measured for each species or group of species sorted by diameter classes are given in table 2, while some statistics are given in table 3. Table 1 Diameter classes (cm) d<12.5 12.5≤d<22.5 22.5≤d<32.5 32.5≤d<42.5 d≥42.5 Total Number of trees sampled in the several dimensional classes. h<10 51 28 2 81 10≤h<15 25 45 17 4 91 Height classes (m) 15≤h<20 20≤h<25 25≤h<30 1 31 6 21 16 3 15 14 5 10 17 11 78 53 19 h≥30 1 7 13 21 Total 77 110 60 45 51 343 d: diameter; h: height. Table 2 Number of sample trees measured for each species or group of species sorted by diameter classes. Diameter classes (cm) d<12.5 Picea abies Abies alba Larix decidua Pinus sylvestris Pinus nigra Pinus cembra Fagus sylvatica Ostrya carpinifolia Quercus ilex Quercus pubescens Fraxinus sp. Castanea sativa Acer sp. Salix sp. Other hardwoods Total d: diameter 11 8 4 6 5 4 4 1 9 4 8 3 3 2 5 77 12.5≤d<22.5 22.5≤d<32.5 32.5≤d<42.5 16 13 12 13 11 9 10 5 6 2 2 7 4 110 16 3 6 5 11 6 8 3 1 1 60 15 7 5 6 3 3 4 2 45 d≥42.5 24 9 6 8 4 51 Total 82 40 33 30 30 30 30 9 15 6 10 13 3 6 6 343 Table 3 Minimum, mean and maximum values of diameter and height of trees measured for the equation development. Diameter (cm) Picea abies Abies alba Larix decidua Pinus sylvestris Pinus nigra Pinus cembra Fagus sylvatica Ostrya et al. Castanea et al. Min 7.9 8.9 7.7 8.4 8.9 7.7 9.5 5.1 6.7 Mean 31.2 27.3 26.1 21.3 22.4 28.8 26.3 12.4 15.6 Height (m) Max 61 55.5 53.9 40.6 35.9 56.3 56.5 31.6 38.4 Min 2.8 7.5 5.6 6.4 5.6 4.5 9.3 5.5 5.8 Mean 22.7 16.9 16.6 12.6 12.2 14.2 16.3 10.2 11.3 Max 35.8 26.8 24.9 20.8 20.9 22.2 22.3 17.7 21.7 The main tree species of the study area, the first seven ones listed in the tables 2 and 3, had a sufficient number of items to develop single species regression equations. The remaining species were grouped to develop two different prediction functions, one for hornbeam, oaks, ash and false acacia, called Ostrya et al. group, and the other one for chestnut, maple and other hardwood, called Castanea et al. group. In table 4, six equations for each species and species group are given, one for each dependent variable: stem and branch volume (V); stem and branch dry weight (w1); slash dry weight (w2); dead portion dry weight (w3); stump dry weight (w4); total aboveground dry weight (wtot). The equations, the corresponding sample size (N), R2 adjusted values and standard errors (SE) are listed in the above mentioned table. Table 4 Volume and biomass equations for each species and species groups. N R2 adj SE V = 4.37664 + 2.848·10-2 d2h + 1.165·10-2 dh2 82 0.991 162.64 w1 = 2.5338 + 9.5351·10-3 d2h + 6.2893·10-3 dh2 82 0.972 71.32 82 Equation 2 Picea abies y = b1 + b2d h + b3dh 2 -3 2 -3 w2 = 5.4653 + 8.1739·10 d h - 5.8838·10 dh 2 0.702 82.10 -1 -4 2 -4 2 82 0.692 13.34 -1 -4 2 -4 2 82 0.794 7.25 82 0.965 128.63 40 0.987 125.38 40 0.982 53.25 40 0.883 46.17 40 0.521 11.08 40 0.627 11.64 40 0.978 52.97 33 0.991 136.95 33 0.965 90.92 33 0.816 29.58 33 0.564 9.77 33 0.807 2.55 33 0.964 86.32 30 0.972 43.15 30 0.961 27.52 w3 = 6.4730·10 + 4.2878·10 d h - 1.0435·10 dh w4 = 1.8324·10 + 6.2237·10 d h - 3.8640·10 dh -2 2 -5 wtot = 8.8297 + 1.8760·10 d h - 8.5316·10 dh 2 y = b1 + b2d2h + b3d2 Abies alba V = -2.7916 + 3.4492·10-2 d2h + 8.3540·10-2 d2 -1 -2 2 -2 w1 = 9.8961·10 + 1.3980·10 d h + 1.4895·10 d -3 2 -2 w2 = 1.6305 + 1.7321·10 d h + 6.8361·10 d -1 -4 2 2 -3 w3 = 8.4530·10 + 4.6052·10 d h - 3.1032·10 d -1 -2 2 2 2 -2 w4 = -1.2302·10 + 3.1463·10 d h + 1.2020·10 d -2 2 -2 wtot = 3.3424 + 1.6487·10 d h + 8.1355·10 d 2 2 y = b1 + b2d2h +b3d Larix decidua V = 8.8267 + 0.3426·10-1 d2h +2.7518·10-1 d -2 2 w1 = 1.7603·10 + 1.9161·10 d h - 1.8211 d -4 2 w2 = -6.1618 - 9.4460·10 d h +2.1432 d -4 2 -1 w3 = 2.243 + 4.5782·10 d h - 1.5684·10 d -1 -4 2 -1 w4 = -4.3937·10 + 1.1090·10 d h +1.5787·10 d -2 2 -1 wtot = 1.3245·10 + 1.8785·10 d h +3.2315·10 d Pinus sylvestris y = b1 + b2d2h V = 2.6374 + 0.4102·10-1 d2h -1 -2 2 w1 = -7.3626·10 + 1.8465·10 d h -3 2 w2 = 2.5406 + 4.2895·10 d h 30 0.746 28.83 -1 -4 2 30 0.671 7.04 -2 -4 2 30 0.813 1.33 30 0.952 30.68 30 0.992 54.40 30 0.984 29.45 w3 = 1.4696·10 + 6.8895·10 d h w4 = 9.4123·10 + 2.8144·10 d h -2 2 wtot = 2.7081 + 2.3724·10 d h y = b1 + b2d2h +b3d2 Pinus nigra V = -5.6704 + 3.1896·10-2 d2h +0.1271 d2 -2 2 -2 2 -1 2 w1 = -3.5712 + 1.4429·10 d h +6.8047·10 d -4 2 w2 = -8.7135 - 6.7203·10 d h + 1.1893·10 d 30 0.845 24.95 -1 -5 2 -2 2 30 0.758 4.44 -3 -6 2 -3 2 30 0.894 1.29 -2 2 -1 2 30 0.974 51.39 30 0.991 129.49 w3 = -6.7033·10 + 4.0558·10 d h +1.0169·10 d w4 = -3.0325·10 + 9.5000·10 d h +4.9177·10 d wtot = -1.2958·10 + 1.3807·10 d h +2.0206·10 d us ce mb y = b1 + b2d2h +b3d2 V = -5.5632 + 3.0080·10-2 d2h +0.1546 d2 w1 = -2.9695 + 1.0066·10-2 d2h +8.4233·10-2 d2 -1 -4 2 -2 w2 = 6.4194·10 - 1.5615·10 d h +3.9256·10 d -6 2 -2 w3 = -1.0563 + 9.7619·10 d h +1.6480·10 d -2 -4 2 2 2 -3 w4 = -4.2908·10 + 3.3702·10 d h +1.4672·10 d -2 2 -1 wtot = -3.4268 + 1.0256·10 d h +1.4144·10 d 2 2 30 0.991 39.67 30 0.901 30.99 30 0.782 12.90 30 0.681 6.21 30 0.990 61.41 30 0.960 290.75 30 0.955 178.08 30 0.881 83.04 30 0.217 11.36 30 0.780 11.28 30 0.956 194.71 40 0.971 21.53 40 0.958 18.47 Fagus sylvatica y = b1 + b2d2h +b3d2 V = -8.015 + 0.3108·10-1 d2h +1.8083·10-2 d2 -2 2 -2 w1 = -3.7197 + 1.9559·10 d h +8.8089·10 d -3 2 -1 2 2 w2 = -5.587 - 1.9468·10 d h +1.5641·10 d -1 -4 2 -3 w3 = -3.2310·10 + 5.0689·10 d h - 3.5765·10 d -4 2 -2 w4 = -1.1678 - 1.0182·10 d h +1.7957·10 d -2 2 2 2 -1 wtot = -1.0798 + 1.8017·10 d h +2.5888·10 d 2 y = b1 + b2d2h +b3d2 Ostrya et al. V = -5.4732 + 0.2448·10-1 d2h +2.3231·10-1 d2 -2 2 -1 w1 = -4.6965 + 1.2034·10 d h + 2.1771·10 d -1 -3 2 2 -1 w2 = 2.7434·10 - 6.8965·10 d h +1.8006·10 d -2 -4 2 2 40 0.770 13.83 -3 2 40 0.340 0.57 -3 2 40 0.631 1.78 40 0.939 29.41 28 0.971 20.61 28 0.952 17.90 28 0.951 16.58 28 0.407 3.56 28 0.637 4.26 28 0.978 15.03 w3 = -9.2522·10 - 3.4284·10 d h + 7.2860·10 d -2 -4 2 w4 = -7.3006·10 + 4.6921·10 d h +3.9370·10 d -3 2 -1 wtot = -4.5877 + 5.2638·10 d h + 4.0900·10 d 2 Castanea et al. y = b1 + b2d2h +b3d2 V = -2.4818 + 0.2788·10-1 d2h + 1.1537·10-1 d2 -1 -2 2 -2 w1 = 2.1616·10 + 1.4282·10 d h + 4.4323·10 d -2 -3 2 -1 w2 = 7.3436·10 - 5.0700·10 d h + 1.5037·10 d -3 -4 2 -2 -2 2 -2 2 2 w3 = -8.7737·10 + 7.8059·10 d h - 3.0046·10 d -2 2 w4 = -9.9791·10 + 7.4754·10 d h + 1.0198·10 d -1 -2 2 -1 2 wtot = 1.8104·10 + 1.0740·10 d h + 2.0189·10 d 2 3 V = dm ; w = kg; d = cm; h = m V: stem and branch volume; w1: stem and branch dry weight; w2: slash dry weight; w3: dead portion dry weight; w4: stump dry weight; wtot: total above ground dry weight; d: diameter at breast height; h: tree height; N: number of items; R2 adj: R2 adjusted value; SE: standard error. In this study, the linear equations did not show notable problems to predict large tree phytomass values. Concerning small trees, for some species the equations predict negative values, but this happens only for very small dimensional classes (diameter of 6-7 centimetres or less) and not for all the equations. Only for beech the problem of negative predicted values affects also larger dimensional classes. (Tab.5) Table 5 Species and related dimensional classes for which the equations predict negative values. (For symbol explanation, see table 4) diameter class (cm) height class (m) equation 5 3-5 w4 Larix decidua Pinus sylvestris Pinus nigra 8 6-7 5 5 related h related h 3-5 3 w2 w2,w3 w1,w2,w3 V Pinus cembra 6-7 5 related h 3 w3 w1 Fagus sylvatica <16 7-8 5-6 <5 <5 related h related h related h some h 3-4 w3 w4 w2 w1 V Ostrya et al. Castanea et al. 8-10 3 w3 Picea abies Abies alba As regards the shrub phytomass, a total of 57 sample plots were examined. Table 6 shows some statistics on shrub stands. For each shrub type, the number of items and the related main descriptive statistics of height and crow cover are given. Table 7 reports on the values of Pearson Correlation Coefficient calculated for the shrub types with a sufficient number of items. Table 6 Minimum, mean and maximum values and Coefficient of Variation (CV) of height, crow cover and dry weight of the several shrub types (n = number of items). Shrub type Subalpine shrubs - Pinus mugo stands (n = 10) - other needle-leaved shrubs (n = 10) - subalpine moor (n = 9) - Alnus viridis stands (n = 12) - Salix stands (n = 5) Temperate climate shrubs - Juniperus stands (n = 2) - Prunus and Corilus stands (n = 5) - other (n = 4) Mean height (m) Crown Dry weight cover (%) (Mg/ha) min mean max CV min mean max CV min mean max CV min mean max CV min mean max CV 1.5 2.1 3.5 0.29 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.23 0.5 0.6 0.9 0.23 1.6 3.4 5.0 0.33 3.2 4.0 4.6 0.16 68.8 87.5 100.0 0.12 75.0 88.8 100.0 0.12 50.0 84.7 100.0 0.20 62.5 94.3 100.0 0.11 81.3 91.3 100.0 0.09 29.1 57.3 92.8 0.30 15.0 25.1 46.1 0.42 9.3 25.0 48.8 0.44 20.4 68.1 119.8 0.42 37.6 69.2 104.5 0.41 min mean max CV min mean max CV min mean max CV 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.00 4.8 5.2 5.8 0.07 3.0 3.2 3.5 0.07 50.0 53.1 56.3 0.08 87.5 96.3 100.0 0.06 62.5 75.0 87.5 0.14 8.2 8.7 9.1 0.08 62.3 85.1 111.2 0.26 8.2 24.8 60.6 0.97 Table 7 Pearson Correlation Coefficient between height and dry weight and between crown cover and dry weight. Shrub type Number of item Subalpine shrubs Pinus mugo stands Other needle-leaved shrubs Subalpine moors Alnus viridis stands Salix stands Temperate climate shrubs Juniperus stands Prunus and Corilus stands Other Total 46 10 10 9 12 5 11 2 5 4 57 Pearson Correlation Coefficient Dry weight – mean Dry weight – crown height cover 0.800*** 0.326* -0.028 -0.225 0.367 0.886*** 0.585* 0.775** 0.707** 0.021 0.865* 0.885* 0.852*** 0.900*** 0.643 0.565 0.178 0.887 0.746*** 0.492*** * 95%; ** 99%; *** 99,9% Discussion and conclusions The form of the regression function most commonly used in biomass studies is the allometric non-linear function (Ouellet, 1983; Pastor et al., 1983/1984; Snowdon, 1985; Tahvanainen, 1996; Ter-Mikaelian & Korzukhin, 1997; Ketterings et al., 2001; Van Camp et al., 2004; Zianis & Mencuccini, 2003; 2004). It is very effective to solve the problem of the nonhomogeneity of the variance of tree biomass and it is a good approximation of the real regression equation, but this approximation can be poor for very small and very large trees. Linear models can be as good as the non-linear ones and, furthermore, they have the benefit to be simple to understand and easy to apply (Cunia, 1979a). Besides the above mentioned benefits, in the present work, the choice of using linear models was determined by the need for deriving additive equations of phytomass components. Thanks to the multivariate multiple linear regression used to calibrate them, this aim was achieved (Fattorini et al., sumitted). As regards the structure of the equations, it is clear that the most suitable was that with the square diameter as second independent variable (Tab. 4). This equation was the most suitable out for fir, Swiss stone pine, Austrian black pine and for all the hardwood species. The equation performance is satisfactory for all species. The functions explain successfully most of the variation in the phytomass components, as indicated by the relative high values of coefficient of determination for all equations. The R2 adj. is lower for dead portion and stump dry weight components and higher for the other prediction equations. The determination coefficient of the total aboveground phytomass equations ranged from 0.939 of hornbeam to 0.990 of stone pine, whilst the values of R2 of volume prediction equations are always the higher ones, but also because the selection of the best model was applied on volume dataset (Tab. 4). As previously noted, some biomass equations predict negative values for small dimensional classes in certain species. However, concerning the application issue, the predicted values can be set to 0 when the negative values occurs, and the total aboveground phytomass can then be calculate as the sum of the other components instead of using the specific equation for the total dry weight. At this point, it is important to notice that the choice of diameter and height as independent variables make prediction equations a useful instrument to derive the biomass stocks in large forest areas by data of forest inventories. Inventory surveys usually provide extensive data of diameter, height and volume of trees because they are easily measurable in the field. Therefore, these surveys provide the basic information to calculate forest carbon stocks and consequently to take decisions regarding the land use management and to report on data required for forests by the UNFCCC. This study gave us also the opportunity of developing a preliminary investigation on shrub phytomass. The analysis carried out on shrubs shows descriptive statistics of the sample plots (Tab. 6). The number of plots is not very high, but a general homogeneity can be noticed referring to the quite low Coefficient of Variation. About the investigation on correlation between dry weight and height or crown cover of shrubs (Tab. 7), it can be noticed that in some cases the coefficient was significant, but a general correlation between the variables couldn’t be found. Nevertheless, results shouldn’t be considered exhaustive because they may be affected by the subjectivity of the sampling. In conclusion we can state that biomass equations and biomass data are to be numbered among the essential instruments to make the assessment and monitoring of the forest resources more comprehensive and interested in revaluating the role of forests in the mitigation of climate change, but not only. Sustainable development includes many related issues, such as economic, social, environmental and biological values. A comprehensive and reliable periodic monitoring of the natural resources is essential to protect them and to assure the sustainability of their management. The procedure illustrated in the paper is being used in a similar extended project involving the whole country and aiming at the development of previsional equations of phytomass for the entire national territory and covering the complete range of Italian tree species. For some of these species, particularly broadleaves, data and models on phytomass are quite lacking in Europe. Acknowledgments The whole activity is the result of the research project EFOMI funded by Research Fund of the Province of Trento. Reference Alemdag, I.S. (1980) Manual of data collection and processing for the development of forest biomass relationships. 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