College of DuPage Community College District No. 502 PAYROLL AND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REPORT CASH DISBURSEMENTS October 31, 2014 Payroll - October 2014 Advices Checks Total Payroll $ $ Gross 12,973,183 $ 572,285 13,545,468 $ % Electronic Accounts Payable - October 2014 (1) Imprest checks - Vendors Imprest Echecks - Vendors ACH transfers - Vendors Wire transfers - Vendors Sub-total Vendors Net 8,766,325 419,467 9,185,792 95.4% $ 671,176 834,841 9,689 3,238 1,518,944 Imprest checks - Employees Imprest Echecks - Employees Sub-total Employees $ 9,691 72,121 81,812 Imprest checks - Student Refunds Imprest Debit Cards - Student Refunds Imprest E-commerce - Student Refunds Sub-total Students $ $ 5,669,804 3,285,990 112,498 9,068,292 Total Imprest (2) $ 10,669,048 % Electronic Operating checks - Vendors Operating Echecks - Vendors ACH transfers - Vendors Wire transfers - Vendors Total Operating 40.5% $ $ % Electronic Combined Payroll and Accounts Payable - October 2014 Total Net Payroll Disbursements $ Total Accounts Payable Disbursements Total Cash Disbursements $ (1) (2) 936,979 6,349,296 2,349,088 9,635,363 90.3% 9,185,792 20,304,411 29,490,203 Includes payroll cash disbursements made to vendors and government agencies for employee Imprest payments include invoices that are less than $15,000. Invoices $15,000 or greater are COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM OP IM IM OP IM IM IM IM IM OP OP OP OP OP OP OP OP OP OP OP OP IM IM IM IM IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*0155441 IM*0156298 IM*0156301 IM*0156302 IM*0156303 IM*0156304 IM*0156305 IM*0156306 IM*0156307 IM*0156308 IM*0156309 IM*0156310 IM*0156311 IM*0156312 IM*0156313 IM*0156314 IM*0156344 IM*0156345 IM*0156346 IM*0157173 IM*0157175 IM*0157185 IM*0157186 IM*0157190 IM*0157231 IM*0157232 IM*0157233 IM*0157234 IM*0157235 IM*0157236 IM*0157237 IM*0157238 IM*0157239 IM*0157240 IM*0157241 IM*0157242 IM*0157386 IM*0157387 IM*0157388 IM*0157389 IM*0157390 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman Ill. Office of the State ComEd/Commonwealth Ediso Blatt, Hasenmiller, Leib Educ Loan - AES PHEAA Great Lakes Higher Educa Int'l Union of Oper Engi Office of Glenn B. Stear Pennsylvania SCDU Roberts & Weddle, Llc State Disbursement Unit Truemper and Titiner, Li U.S. Department of Educa WI SCTF Isac-Student Loan POSTMASTER - GLEN ELLYNy Postage Reserve Account at USPS College of DuPage City of Naperville Continental Nissan ILCA Office Depot DuPage County Adjuncts Association COD College of DuPage Armstrong Medical Industries Arrow S3 CARLI-UIUC Central Dupage Hospital ComEd/Commonwealth Edison GE Energy Good Samaritan EMSS HFO Chicago LLC L J Morse Construction Co. Smith Group JJR Stoelting Xerox Corporation 4 Imprint, Inc. A.F.M. & E.P. Fund ABC-CLIO Inc. Joyce E. Abel Hilde K. Achepohl DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month $ check issued in prior month; voided in current month $ Check issued prior month; voided current month $ Del of electrical trans- former HTC $ wage garnishment $ P/roll deduction 10/3/14 $ Wage garnishment $ Union Dues for PR 10/3/14 $ Wage garnishment $ P/Roll deduction 10/3/14 $ Wage garnishment $ P/roll deduction 10/3/14 $ P/roll deduction 10/3/14 $ Wage garnishment $ Child support payment $ P/roll deduction 10/3/14 $ Prepaid postage $ Postage usage replenishment for September 2014 $ Reimburse petty cash $ Inspection fees-September $ 2012 Nissan vehicle for Automotive Technology Program $ Training Manual for Installation Technicians $ EXPO(R) Nontoxic Dry-Erase Board Cleaner, $ Homeland Security Phase II $ Academic Year 2015 Union Support Per CODAA Agreement $ Reimburse petty cash $ Simulated mannequins for Nursing Program $ Nortel communications equipment and on-site services 10/1-12/31/14 $ Annual renewal of various publications for the Library $ $ Fees for COD Fire Science Paramedic Program Distribution charges for August-September 2014 $ Control system replacements for BIC/SRC project $ $ Fees for COD Fire Science Paramedic Program Manufacturing equipment for CNC training $ SRC/BIC generator building cladding and roof replacement project $ Professional services for Campus Infrastructure project July 2014$ Instructional fees for Polygraph Examiner Course $ $ Xerox copier lease/usage fees - August/September 2014 4 Imprint Bingham Erasable Highlighters $ Pension, Musician New Philharmonic Tosca 9/20/ $ reference handbook $ Retiree Health Ins Reimb $ Retiree Health Ins Reimb $ AMOUNT (80.00) (186.37) (30.00) 1,509.60 183.76 90.11 618.85 585.06 1,073.07 542.39 172.76 3,103.87 100.00 78.27 707.69 306.31 8,000.00 15,000.00 5,785.81 549.00 17,000.00 2,735.00 14,045.19 2,436.50 5,000.00 4,095.02 24,917.75 28,117.27 63,409.34 20,160.00 73,200.04 87,179.00 31,104.00 234,039.00 42,999.00 40,289.32 24,975.00 34,362.08 2,003.31 738.64 50.58 1,200.00 900.00 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*0157391 IM*0157392 IM*0157393 IM*0157394 IM*0157395 IM*0157396 IM*0157397 IM*0157398 IM*0157399 IM*0157400 IM*0157401 IM*0157402 IM*0157403 IM*0157404 IM*0157405 IM*0157406 IM*0157407 IM*0157408 IM*0157409 IM*0157410 IM*0157411 IM*0157412 IM*0157413 IM*0157414 IM*0157415 IM*0157416 IM*0157417 IM*0157418 IM*0157419 IM*0157420 IM*0157421 IM*0157422 IM*0157423 IM*0157424 IM*0157425 IM*0157426 IM*0157427 IM*0157428 IM*0157429 IM*0157430 IM*0157431 IM*0157432 IM*0157433 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman Addison School Dist #4 Advanced Disposal Servic Adventist Glen Oaks Hosp Adam Ahrens AIA/CES AICPA-North Carolina AIR Airborn Media Airgas North Central-Ill Airgas North Central-Ill Alexian Brothers Medical Colleen T. Altott Sergio Alvarez Amalgamated Bank of Chic Amazon American Hotel Register APCA Apperson Inc. ARC-STSA Dominic Armstrong Artic Association of Fundraisi AT&T - Aurora AT&T - Carol Stream AT&T - Carol Stream AT&T - Carol Stream AT&T - Carol Stream AT&T Mobility Aurora Public Library Automated Logic Automatic Doors Inc. B&H Photo Video Pro Audi Susanne Bajt Baker & Taylor Books Wesley J. Barrow Ben Meadows Company Bernan BHFX Digital Imaging Bill Doran Co. Blooming Color Inc. Joshua Blue Leroy Boeckelman Heather Boehm DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month Reissue stale check dated 9/7/2006 standard recycle 9/1-9/30 Reissue stale check dated 9/21/2006 men's soccer official Subscription Renewal Book - Technical Practice Aids classified managerial Aerial Video of Homecoming 2014 recycling Please pay invoice #9921870559 Reissue stale checks dated 4/19/2007 & Retiree Health Ins Reimb women's soccer official Trust 1854322000-Annual Administrative Fee materials Tissue Paper Reg for 2014FA conf in Chgo, IL for COD Perkins Grant - DataLink 1200 Scantron Sheets Surgical Assisting Accreditation Packet Fee 092014 Soloist NP Tosca IC-085207 Ice Cream Site Membership - NPO for 9 serv.9/25/14-10/24/14 serv.9/4/14-10/3/14 a/c# 630 637-9902 885 7 date 8/6/14-8/28/14 serv.9/29/14-10/28/14 a/c# 831-000-3383-409 serv.8/29/14-9/28/14 a/c# 831-000 3383 383 serv.8/28/14-9/27/14 a/c# 287247260825 7 secrets to successful apt leasing-repymt of 9/2014 through 11/14 service contract job & travel time Sony - DWT-P01 Digital Plug-in Transmitter (CH Access 2010 Level 1 Training, 9/12/14 materials Wise Buyer Flea Market Jewelry Workshop AMS One-Piece Soil Turf Profiler Book-Compendium of Tourism Statistics copies & prints supplies Columbus Day Visit postcards (30,500) 092114 Soloist NP Tosca IC-083137 092614 Usher SLEA IC085222 New Phil 2014/2015 shows AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 1,972.00 7,261.35 60.00 120.00 875.00 486.24 135.00 600.00 76.01 58.30 165.00 2,200.00 120.00 2,500.00 1,485.23 385.28 3,206.00 191.88 500.00 55.00 1,191.84 2,250.00 1,536.33 21,166.33 20.92 3,874.26 1,705.28 609.20 18.95 11,245.00 571.25 12,470.51 550.00 2,555.24 75.00 369.80 207.58 2,034.48 433.29 1,665.00 75.00 27.00 453.40 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*0157434 IM*0157435 IM*0157436 IM*0157437 IM*0157438 IM*0157439 IM*0157440 IM*0157441 IM*0157442 IM*0157443 IM*0157444 IM*0157445 IM*0157446 IM*0157447 IM*0157448 IM*0157449 IM*0157450 IM*0157451 IM*0157453 IM*0157454 IM*0157455 IM*0157456 IM*0157457 IM*0157458 IM*0157459 IM*0157460 IM*0157461 IM*0157462 IM*0157463 IM*0157464 IM*0157465 IM*0157466 IM*0157467 IM*0157468 IM*0157469 IM*0157470 IM*0157471 IM*0157472 IM*0157473 IM*0157474 IM*0157475 IM*0157476 IM*0157477 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman Boiler Equipment Co. James F. Bond-Harris Concetta G. Bove Catherine R. Brady Brill USA, Inc. Brink's, Inc Broadcasters General Sto Eileen L. Broido David B. Brown Bumper to Bumper BWM Global CALI Marion J. Capecci Felissia Cappelletti Joel P. Cardella Cardinal Health Distribu Cardmember Service Carquest Auto Parts Carroll Seating Company Alicia Cassidy Jordan Castillejo Jordan Castillejo CCS International, Inc. CEIA The Center/ALRC Channing L Bete Co Inc Chicago Sun-Times Danielle N. Ciardullo Cintas - Romeoville Clark Security Products Robert Cliff CME Group J C. Codak Thomas E. Codak College of Dupage - McAn College of Dupage Founda College of Dupage P Cash Comcast Comcast Cable ComEd/Commonwealth Ediso Concept Services Consulab Educatech, Inc Dominick Corsiglia DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month Manway Boiler Gasket 11-3/4 x 15-3/4 x 1-3/8 New Phil 2014/2015 shows Retiree Health Ins Reimb Reissue stale check dated 2/8/2007 Book - Encyclopedia of Islam service month of Sept. IP Audio Encoder/Shipping (See Attached Quote) Retiree Health Ins Reimb Retiree Health Ins Reimb parts 1000 air horn noise maker green with white imprints Consortium Membership Renewal Retiree Health Ins Reimb life drawing model-10/2 Reissue stale check dated 7/27/2006 HQ Chex Lunch mtg.w/College Attys parts service call Model 9/30/2014 women's soccer official AR WS V Triton Project Management Service 9/1/14-9/15/14 Membrshp dues/Sara Kirby conference-Dan Deasy Heartstart FR2 AED Trainer i0000817967-0803 Reissue stale check dated 3/8/2007 jackets/shirts svcs services per contract ret fnds to donor, studnt no longer attending 092614 Usher SLEA Rental IC-085224 091314 Usher Kass Rental IC-085230 Invoice MAC20142001 - Ides of March VIP Table Donations rec'd.through t MAC ticket off. Transfer Reimburse petty cash recurring charges a/c# 8771 20 079 0953075 serv.8/13/14-9/12/14 a/c# 2755115007 Coffee Filters Relay MD-4040 relay Control/Arrest Tactics Role Player AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 730.64 520.00 667.68 288.00 106.88 83.89 960.53 865.92 865.92 848.83 2,695.30 250.00 1,600.00 120.00 46.76 2,530.09 25.22 3,042.83 375.00 540.00 120.00 120.00 6,493.30 175.00 600.00 887.48 6,400.00 153.73 125.00 1,353.12 120.00 1,000.00 65.25 38.25 600.00 1,080.55 127.30 5,155.00 229.76 1,962.17 32.55 490.70 103.00 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*0157478 IM*0157479 IM*0157480 IM*0157481 IM*0157482 IM*0157483 IM*0157484 IM*0157485 IM*0157486 IM*0157487 IM*0157488 IM*0157489 IM*0157490 IM*0157491 IM*0157492 IM*0157493 IM*0157494 IM*0157495 IM*0157496 IM*0157497 IM*0157498 IM*0157499 IM*0157500 IM*0157501 IM*0157502 IM*0157503 IM*0157504 IM*0157505 IM*0157506 IM*0157507 IM*0157508 IM*0157509 IM*0157510 IM*0157511 IM*0157512 IM*0157513 IM*0157514 IM*0157515 IM*0157516 IM*0157517 IM*0157518 IM*0157519 IM*0157520 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman Council for Advancement CQ Roll Call Catherine A. Crilly CSC-Communications Suppl CTB McGraw-Hill Jorge Cuate Roberto Cuevas Joseph Curtis Daugherty Sales Inc. Joseph M. De Boo Jason A. Delarosa Randy DeMierre Karen Dickelman Mary T. DiPiero Doktor Kaboom LLC Door Systems Door Systems Price Dumas Dunn Solutions Group DuPage Security Solution Dupage Sign and Graphics E-filliate Incorporated Eastbay Ecolab Ecolab Economist Education to Go Edward Don & Company Lucille Edwards Ellman's Music Center In Anthony Elms Elsevier Elsevier Emergency Response Emergency Response Emergency Response Emergency Response Emergency Response Emergency Response Emergency Response Emergency Response Emergency Response Emergency Response DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month materials CQ Weekly Web FY15 Renewal New Phil 2014/2015 shows supply ESPANOL ANSWER SHEETS (PKG 25) men's soccer official men's soccer official Crimes in Progress/Red Man Role Player Seal Kit VSSK Small Massages performed for promo events Reimb club event supplies football official Orchestra Member NP Tosca 09/20/14 & 09/21/14 Model for life drawing Doktor Kaboom artist fee 10/24/14 labor to install dock lif supply materials to nstall dock lift IL Vehicle Code Review Instruction Test Misc Materials & Medeco Mortise DuPage Sign Decals supplies Nike Evapor Team Warm-up Jackets 3/m, 11/l, 16/xl, Refer PO334570-balance phazer med freq flr The Economist two-year subscription materials supplies Retiree Health Ins Reimb Crystal Silence?M. Tomaro???? Lecturer, Gallery Event 9/7/14 Vogel "Artists in Book - Diagnostic Radiology Book - Understanding Geology through map Susan Wilson/CPR/ First Aid Fee Alexandra Morales Donna Mueller fee Barbara LoCicero fee Mia Olson fee Kathryn Gaul CPR/First Ai Erin Cetera CPR/First Aid Janice Cagle CPR/First Ai Kayla Chepyator/CPR/ First Aid Amber Wirtz/CPR/ First Aid AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 2,875.00 1,451.10 460.00 132.85 2,625.68 160.00 120.00 515.00 399.00 493.00 21.61 140.00 1,630.00 60.00 3,600.00 3,660.00 13,458.00 103.00 3,036.00 135.20 3,105.00 193.61 1,066.00 454.10 875.40 159.00 3,316.50 5,473.41 530.77 684.00 500.00 415.43 77.21 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*0157521 IM*0157522 IM*0157523 IM*0157524 IM*0157525 IM*0157526 IM*0157527 IM*0157528 IM*0157529 IM*0157530 IM*0157531 IM*0157532 IM*0157533 IM*0157534 IM*0157535 IM*0157536 IM*0157537 IM*0157538 IM*0157539 IM*0157540 IM*0157541 IM*0157542 IM*0157543 IM*0157544 IM*0157545 IM*0157546 IM*0157547 IM*0157548 IM*0157549 IM*0157550 IM*0157551 IM*0157552 IM*0157553 IM*0157554 IM*0157555 IM*0157556 IM*0157557 IM*0157558 IM*0157559 IM*0157560 IM*0157561 IM*0157562 IM*0157563 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman Engineerica Systems, Inc Enterprise Holdings Bouchaib Essalih Heber Estrada Euclid Beverage, Ltd. Euro USA Evoqua Wate Technologies FCWRD FedEx David A. Felstrup Amanda Fenton First Student Fisher Scientific Co. Five Corners 1-Hr. Clean Flinn Scientific Mary G. Floden-Selfridge Forest Park Public Libra Mark E. Foss Barbara J. Frank Free Lance Sales Jerry Frump Fry's Electronics,Inc. Richard H. Furlow Gale Cengage Learning Mara B. Gallagher Alfonso Galvan GC America George Ghawi Marissa N. Gil Glenbard North High Scho Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Gordon Flesch Co. Charles Graber Judith E. Gratz David E. Gray John D. Gray Grey House Publ. Judith A. Grey Joseph Grigely Rich Grube Luis Guevara Marget D. Hamilton Suzanne W. Hartman DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month Renewal of annual subscription for AccuSQL Vehicle Rentals for 2014FA Fly Fishing women's soccer official men's soccer official Beer food supply service sewer service fee 7/15/14-8/14/14 a/c# 1222-6514-5 Reissue stale check dated 3/29/2007 New Phil 2014/2015 shows Charter Bus for Wm Soccer vs, McHenrey CC SURE-VUE RF clinical diagnostic kits 100 Dry Cleaning Copper(II) Nitrate, Lab Grade, 500 g Retiree Health Ins Reimb Replacement "How to Brew" Piano Tuning 9/27/14 092614 House Mgr SLEA Rental IC-085221 Custom print table cover. Unit of Measure: q Football official-9/27/14 Panasonic NN-H965BF microwave oven Retiree Health Ins Reimb Ebook - Something About the Author 271 New Phil 2014/2015 shows Role play-traffic stops/ Crimes in progress MI paste Plus MInt (10 tubes) R MS V Lake county 092714 Stagehand Ides March IC084978 Facilities Rental, 1/14/14-5/10/14 AAA The Common Core: Clarifying Expectations 0894B001AA PFI-102NBK - Pigment Black Ink Tank Footbal official 092614 Usher SLEA Rental IC-085225 Reissue stale ch 6/14/07 Control/Arrest Tactics Role Player Book - America's Top-Rated Smaller Citie 092614 Usher SLEA Rental IC-085226 Panel Discussion Gallery 09/07/14 IC-081445L att'd football official Game official Retiree Health Ins Reimb Retiree Health Ins Reimb AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 2,160.00 1,436.34 240.00 320.00 636.50 464.56 733.00 69.72 60.93 288.00 430.00 475.00 3,174.47 298.60 350.56 1,600.00 25.00 110.00 51.00 953.80 140.00 179.99 900.00 534.47 453.40 618.00 156.20 160.00 307.50 6,480.00 390.07 505.00 140.00 27.00 250.00 103.00 593.10 27.00 500.00 140.00 120.00 865.92 1,200.00 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*0157564 IM*0157565 IM*0157566 IM*0157567 IM*0157568 IM*0157569 IM*0157570 IM*0157571 IM*0157572 IM*0157573 IM*0157574 IM*0157575 IM*0157576 IM*0157577 IM*0157578 IM*0157579 IM*0157580 IM*0157581 IM*0157582 IM*0157583 IM*0157584 IM*0157585 IM*0157586 IM*0157587 IM*0157588 IM*0157589 IM*0157590 IM*0157591 IM*0157592 IM*0157593 IM*0157594 IM*0157595 IM*0157596 IM*0157597 IM*0157598 IM*0157599 IM*0157600 IM*0157601 IM*0157602 IM*0157603 IM*0157604 IM*0157605 IM*0157606 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman Gordon Hendry Mary Henrich Henry Schein Victor Herrera Higher Learning Commissi Hilton Lisle/Naperville Hugh O'Brian Youth Leade John J. Hughes Nauman S. Hussain Cesar Ibarra Fernando Ibarra ICCET ICCTA ID Wholesaler Idea Spectrum Inc. IL Assoc of Cosmetology Illinois Department of C Illinois Law Enforcement Illinois Office of the S Gino G. Impellizzeri IMSI Design, LLC Indian Boundary YMCA Infobase Publishing Innovative Educators, In Integrated Lakes Managem Ipswitch Iron Mountain Off Site D Paula H. Johannesen Johnstone Supply Kake Multimedia LLC Dr. Joyce P. Kaufman Andi Keca Sean Keenan Kenneth M. Keil Kennedy-King College Edward J. Kies Andrew King Knightsbridge Global Ltd Knovel Corp. Joyce M. Koerfer Lisa Kristina Kristopher D. Krueger Prem Kumar DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month Control/Arrest Tactics Role Player 09/20/14 Chorus NP Tosca IC-085121 supplies Mens soccer official Data Mentor expenses Artist Hotel 9/22/14 WLC College Fair Registration Game official 9/22/14 Reimb pizza for meeting Womens soccer 9/24/14 Womens soccer 9/14/14 Membership renewal Seminar 9/12-13/2014 Mariott Hotel & Conf Ctr 1,500 PROX ID CARDS Uvision 3D Landscape Creator 2014 Annual Membership Dues Charges 8/31/2014 Police/Fire Background Investigation Inspection of Pressure Vessels Retiree Health Ins Reimb Design CAD V23 Outdoor Climbing Orientation Class DVD webinar Treatment 1 Year Support for WS-FTP Server Serial# mnthly svc fee New Phil 2014/2015 shows supplies DJ svcs-Fall Club fndrsr dance 2014 2015 International Negotiation Modules Womens soccer 09/14/14 092014 Orchestra NP Tosca IC-085204 Football official 9/27/14 Chargeback for Fall 2014 Retiree Health Ins Reimb Womens soccer 9/13/14 Instrcutional Supplies Knovel Ebook Collections FY15 Renewal Retiree Health Ins Reimb Accompanist New Phi Tosca 09/15/14 IC-085205 att'd Womens soccer 9/14/14 Womens soccer 9/17/14 AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 103.00 460.00 1,118.44 280.00 202.36 1,123.32 300.00 140.00 103.11 160.00 280.00 100.00 450.00 5,472.00 158.98 550.00 5,541.15 268.20 700.00 1,200.00 239.94 100.00 231.44 345.00 337.50 245.00 232.65 423.40 880.67 1,030.00 1,750.00 400.00 65.00 140.00 1,017.09 865.92 160.00 1,143.50 7,064.00 915.48 833.40 240.00 240.00 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*0157607 IM*0157608 IM*0157609 IM*0157610 IM*0157611 IM*0157612 IM*0157613 IM*0157614 IM*0157615 IM*0157616 IM*0157617 IM*0157618 IM*0157619 IM*0157620 IM*0157621 IM*0157622 IM*0157623 IM*0157624 IM*0157625 IM*0157626 IM*0157627 IM*0157628 IM*0157629 IM*0157630 IM*0157631 IM*0157632 IM*0157633 IM*0157634 IM*0157635 IM*0157636 IM*0157637 IM*0157638 IM*0157639 IM*0157640 IM*0157641 IM*0157642 IM*0157643 IM*0157644 IM*0157645 IM*0157646 IM*0157647 IM*0157648 IM*0157649 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman L&L Packing Co Labsource Laerdal Medical Corp. Lang Ice Co. Quraysh Lansana Lillian Lau League of American Orche Learning Resources Netwo Darrel Leftwich Michele G. Lekas Barbara H. Lemme Len's Ace Hardware-Glen Les Ballets Trockadero d Lexisnexis Matthew Bende Colette C. Lindsey Literacy Resources Jonathan E. Lorenzetti Tim Lucas Alin Luchain Lutheran Church of the M Matthew Main Jean C. Malick Marberry Cleaning Family Maria Matias Music, Inc. Joel Marquez Norbert D. Martin Carolyn J. McGowan Rosemary K. McKinney Michael J. McKissack McMaster Carr Supply Medclean Media Education Foundati Medical Assisting Educat Medline Industries Metro Professional Produ MF Athletic Company Mi-Box Mid-West Institutional F Midwest Fun Factory, Inc Grace A. Miller Jerry W. Miller Aumir Miranda Mitchell Repair Informat DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month Food items Glove, Nitrile Exam, PF, Size M (100/pk, 10 Arm Assembly, blood Pressure, Left Arm, Adult Ice Concessions ET 07/24/14 Appearances 10/14/14 Orchestra Member NP Tosca 09/20/14 & 09/21/14 Dues, 2014-15 Annual Membership renewal Football official 9/22/14 New Phil 2014/2015 shows Retiree Health Ins Reimb supplies Deposit 3/7/15 Les Ballet IL Criminal & Traffic Law Manuals 2014 Retiree Health Ins Reimb Book - Phonemic Awareness Reimb for club mtg spplis Football official 9/27/14 Mens soccer 9/13/14 Carol Stream Annual Parking Lot Expense 092714 Sound Eng Ides March IC084979 Wheaton Park District Massage Promo cleaning Dep 2/15/15 Gr Porter Red Man Role Player 092614 Usher SLEA Rental IC-085202 091314 Usher Cook w Kass IC-085227 Retiree Health Ins Reimb Freelance writing - Chap Chats, Veterans, street supplies svcs DVD - The Line Personnel Change Fee MASK,VENTURI,ADULT W/7 TUBING (50EA/CS) supplies Chute rope pe. green/white On Site Storage Food items Entertainment Event 9/3/2014 Reimb for books Retiree Health Ins Reimb Control/Arrest Tactics OC Spray Role Ply Shopkey service information subscription AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 997.98 269.08 1,771.00 713.00 500.00 698.40 472.50 740.00 140.00 1,013.40 900.00 12.53 7,200.00 5,586.50 1,188.00 84.99 30.51 140.00 120.00 1,400.00 410.00 217.50 67.80 8,500.00 103.00 65.25 38.25 865.92 375.00 1,729.92 156.83 107.77 300.00 4,358.14 5,419.89 812.49 396.00 543.56 1,500.00 713.30 900.00 103.00 1,099.00 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*0157650 IM*0157651 IM*0157652 IM*0157653 IM*0157654 IM*0157655 IM*0157656 IM*0157657 IM*0157658 IM*0157659 IM*0157660 IM*0157661 IM*0157662 IM*0157663 IM*0157664 IM*0157665 IM*0157666 IM*0157667 IM*0157668 IM*0157669 IM*0157670 IM*0157671 IM*0157672 IM*0157673 IM*0157674 IM*0157675 IM*0157676 IM*0157677 IM*0157678 IM*0157679 IM*0157680 IM*0157681 IM*0157683 IM*0157684 IM*0157685 IM*0157686 IM*0157687 IM*0157688 IM*0157689 IM*0157690 IM*0157691 IM*0157692 IM*0157693 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman Marlene Montgomery Matthew W. Moon Moore Medical Corp. Oscar Morales Morning Star Industries Jennifer M. Moskal Motion Industries MSC Industrial Supply MSDS Online Kristin R. Munoz My Chef Station, LLC N4C Naperville Running Compa Ivanov Nasko Ivanov Nasko NASPA NBCC Christian Neill Greg Nelson New Century Entertainmen New Readers Press New Readers Press Nexxtworks John J. Niecikowski NILRC Njcaa, Region IV Women Nora Systems, Inc. William J. Norris Northwest Indiana Sympho Oak Trace Lifespace Office Depot OfficeMax (punch Out XML Uduak Okoh Donna M. Oleson Open Table Orkin Pest Control Michael Orlinsky Howard L. Owens Oxford University Press Kristen A. Oyler PACHS II/Cadence Occupat Marina M. Paltarzhytskay Miguel Panduro DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month Model 9/25/14 090814 Stagehand CT Earth & Sky IC084981 Accutrend Cholesterol Controls Medical Response Role Player supplies Reiss stl dtd ck#235628 from 2/1/2007 supplies Promo WEBFFH: Angle and Disc Grinders; Type of MSDS Online Services Annual Renewal Massages at Promo Event (3.5 hrs) Traditional Italian Class Dues for the N4C Conference 2014-15 5k runners workshop Laps with Chaps Women soccer official Womens soccer 9/24/14 Cus#6656, membership COE - Human Services - 2014 Annual ACEP Installation Vogel Gallery Exhibit 08/25/14 Football official 9/22/14 Fee deposit 1/9/15 New Shanghai Circus Challenger 1: Second Ed, Adult Reading Book - From home to school literacy leve Phones, etc. Model 9/23/14 NILRC student usage fees for 2014su Wm REGION IV dues for the Woemn's Sports supplies Advance Royalties Christmas Carol Nov14 Music New Phil Summer Show Judi Waters not attending SUPPLIES Stride - Quick-Fit Round-Ring View Binders Reiss stl dtd ck#245141 from 4/26/2007 Retiree Health Ins Reimb Server system SVCS 092014 Soloist NP Tosca IC-083138 Retiree Health Ins Reimb Book - OHB Sports Economics V2 New Phil-2014/15 Rehearsal & Shows svcs Massages performed at Massage Clinic Game official 10/6/14 AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 120.00 457.00 1,344.41 412.00 1,110.96 192.00 96.94 1,312.90 2,887.00 101.50 180.00 3,000.00 150.00 120.00 120.00 1,279.00 100.00 687.50 140.00 3,125.00 679.70 134.58 6,258.95 120.00 1,523.20 1,875.00 469.65 350.00 275.00 1,500.00 875.63 1,403.34 89.00 1,600.00 99.50 1,859.88 450.00 1,600.00 389.41 423.40 4,713.31 256.50 160.00 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*0157694 IM*0157695 IM*0157696 IM*0157697 IM*0157698 IM*0157699 IM*0157700 IM*0157701 IM*0157702 IM*0157703 IM*0157704 IM*0157705 IM*0157706 IM*0157707 IM*0157708 IM*0157709 IM*0157710 IM*0157711 IM*0157712 IM*0157713 IM*0157714 IM*0157715 IM*0157716 IM*0157717 IM*0157718 IM*0157719 IM*0157720 IM*0157721 IM*0157722 IM*0157723 IM*0157724 IM*0157725 IM*0157726 IM*0157727 IM*0157728 IM*0157729 IM*0157730 IM*0157731 IM*0157732 IM*0157733 IM*0157734 IM*0157735 IM*0157736 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman Victor M. Parra Nathan P. Pasquale Pepsi Cola Gen. Bot. - C Phi Theta Kappa Honor So Photo Reserve Inc. Physician Sales & Servic PODS Ryan Postal Erik Potrafka Power-Clean Jordan Pramuk Lynda M. Pratscher Praxair/Gas Tech Presidio PRF Graphics Progressive Business Com Pure Fun Juice Laura A. Ramirez Bonnie L. Ravetto Frank T. Ravetto Record-A-Hit, Inc. Christopher Regnery John Reich Marion J. Reis Rental Max LLC Riddell/All Amer. Sports Matthew J. Riewer Anthony Robinson Corrie E. Robison Zachary J. Robson Royce Carlton Inc Fred J. Rudolph Dianne Ryan Dominique E. Ryan Kyle D. Rybaski Cynthia Salach Salkeld Sports Salkeld Sports Salkeld Sports Sally Beauty Supply Salon Centric Salvation Army-Army Lake Samuel French Inc DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month Victor Parra's Mambo Expr Band - 10-29-14 Reiss stl dtd ck#240577 from 3/8/2007 Pepsi products Membership fees 092614 Photo Gallery IC084976 Alcohol Prep Medium. Unit of Measure: Each case storage Control/Arrest Tactics Role Player Role player 8/14/14 CDL Truck Drive School-Power Wash Truck soccer official 9/6/14 092614 Usher SLEA IC085203 SUPPLIES Academic Support/Subscription for Independent Contractor Forms. Unit of Measure: Renewal Acct 148367 Supplies Reimb for event supplies 092614 Usher SLEA Rental IC-085219 092614 Usher SLEA Usher IC-085220 Novelty flip books for Club Fundraising dance Reiss stl dtd ck#243024 frm 3/29/2007 Control/Arrest Tactics Role Player Retiree Health Ins Reimb Generator Rental 1 1/2 Black Swivel T-hook Video Ediotr, NSO HiLites Football Offcl 9/27/14 Reiss stl dtd ck#240758 issued 3/8/2007 Reiss stl dtd ck#210276 from 7/20/2006 Dep, Daniel Levitin 4/14/ 2015 artist fee deposit Retiree Health Ins Reimb New Phil 2014/15 Rehearsals & Shows Reiss stl dtd ck#260505 from 6/7/2007 Medical Practical Instruction (8 hrs) Guest Speaker-fee for Writers Readers event on supplies Wilson F1003 GST Game Footballs Nike Park IV Socks (Black) 36/M, 24/L supplies supplies 2014FA Speech: Experiential Speech 1100 Royalties Fee, Skriker, College Theater Spring, AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 1,000.00 112.00 463.73 1,260.00 260.00 374.15 292.30 824.00 630.88 225.00 160.00 27.00 1,385.12 13,990.70 1,147.25 39.95 184.00 14.98 27.00 27.00 1,050.00 141.00 412.00 1,600.00 374.33 7,663.25 340.00 140.00 253.95 500.00 7,500.00 1,600.00 483.40 27.00 321.36 500.00 2,539.04 12,099.53 900.90 229.44 292.59 952.00 800.00 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*0157737 IM*0157738 IM*0157739 IM*0157740 IM*0157741 IM*0157742 IM*0157743 IM*0157744 IM*0157745 IM*0157746 IM*0157747 IM*0157748 IM*0157749 IM*0157750 IM*0157751 IM*0157752 IM*0157753 IM*0157754 IM*0157755 IM*0157756 IM*0157757 IM*0157758 IM*0157759 IM*0157760 IM*0157761 IM*0157762 IM*0157763 IM*0157764 IM*0157765 IM*0157766 IM*0157767 IM*0157768 IM*0157769 IM*0157770 IM*0157771 IM*0157772 IM*0157773 IM*0157774 IM*0157775 IM*0157776 IM*0157777 IM*0157778 IM*0157779 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman Miki Santibanez Patrick Schneider Scott Electric ScreenScape Networks Inc Screenscope, Inc. Scrubs Etc. Inc. Stephanie Sepiol Seville Staffing, Llc Seville Staffing, Llc Sharp Electronics Corp. Shaw Subrban Media Group Sherwin Williams Co. Show Services, Inc. Mary A. Simon DaLawn Simpson Sharan Singh Wesley A. Skidgel Eugene S. Sladek SME Anthony Smith Smith Group JJR Mary A. Sommers Southern Wine & Spirits Spok, Inc Springer Sprint Sprint-London Ky Sprint-London Ky St. Alexius Med Cntr-Nuc Andrew Stachurski Tom Stapelton Kotryna Staputyte Anthony Steinke Christopher Stewart STM Suburban Publication Melissa Strube Melissa Strube Francis J. Super Conrad Szuberla Technology Center of Dup Telesource Harold L. Temple Terrace Supply Co DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month New Phil 2014/15 Rehearsals & Shows Football official 9/27/14 supplies One year venue license for ScreenScape Digital Streaming Rights (in perpetuity) for Nursing Lab Coat 092014 Soloist NP Tosca IC-085206 Lead worker Lead worker suppoies client#10070909, ad Life Tickets on Sale supplies Sanyo PLC- HF10000L New Phil 2014/15 Rehearsals & Shows model-life drawing 9/4/14 Facltd Commnctn 101 crse Sept 16, 2014 New Phil 2014/15 Rehearsals & Shows Retiree Health Ins Reimb DVD - Computer Numerical Control Official-9/22/14 Prof svcs 7/1-25/14 092614 Usher SLEA IC085223 supplies mnthly chrgs from Aug-Sep Book - Renee Cole 630 835-4846/Jeff Burton mnthly svcs 8/20-9/19/14 630 728-5660/M. Pobst Reiss stl dtd ck#242781 from 3/22/2007 092714 Stagehand Ides of March IC084977 Official- 9/22/14 Reimb for books Control/Arrest Tactics Role Player Guest speaker-fee for Writers Read event on 15 ads @ $90 each model-life drawing 9/9/14 model-life drawing 9/30 model 9/16/14 Retiree Health Ins Reimb COD truck drvg schl rentl Oct-14 Avaya 1220 (7) & 1230 (13) Phone Repairs Retiree Health Ins Reimb supplies AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 460.00 140.00 159.41 119.88 2,598.00 32.00 150.00 11,862.93 3,342.65 1,887.35 1,863.00 1,726.48 4,900.00 490.00 60.00 450.00 543.40 865.92 3,432.50 140.00 14,000.00 27.00 751.55 21.96 65.98 107.01 60.92 72.22 90.00 182.00 140.00 164.91 103.00 500.00 2,870.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 1,600.00 10,608.00 1,160.56 865.92 217.56 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*0157780 IM*0157781 IM*0157782 IM*0157783 IM*0157784 IM*0157785 IM*0157786 IM*0157787 IM*0157788 IM*0157789 IM*0157790 IM*0157791 IM*0157792 IM*0157793 IM*0157794 IM*0157795 IM*0157796 IM*0157797 IM*0157798 IM*0157799 IM*0157800 IM*0157801 IM*0157802 IM*0157803 IM*0157804 IM*0157805 IM*0157806 IM*0157807 IM*0157808 IM*0157809 IM*0157810 IM*0157811 IM*0157812 IM*0157813 IM*0157814 IM*0157815 IM*0157816 IM*0157817 IM*0157818 IM*0157819 IM*0157820 IM*0157821 IM*0157822 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman Theatreworks USA Theatreworks USA Michael Tilatti Tlo (the Last One) Danielle L. Torres Dawn Traub Travelport Triton College Du K. Truong Truven Health Analytics Mark Turcotte Twenty Six LLC U.S. Food Service Ultimate Designs Unisource UPS Donald K. Upton Gerasimos Valsamis Vans Floral Products Verizon Wireless David M. Victor Village of Carol Stream Lauren G. Vitiello VizuALL Amy Vogel Boris Vukovic Walk 4 Life Kevin Walter Waste Management of IL-W Heather Wathington Sharon A. Weber Weselak & Associates Wetrain Wheaton Trophy & Engrave Whirlyball Chicago Wilbur Wright College Wilbur Wright College Windy City Truck Repair, WLS-FM Caitlyn V. Woods Pawel Wydra Megumi J. Yamane Robert S. Ybarra DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month Deposit 2/14/15 Click Clack Moo Deposit 4/11/15 Junie B mens soccer offl-9/21/14 investigating svcs Massages performed at promo event model-life drawing 9/2/14 CRS Program license Pymt for 2014SU chrgbks Reiss stl dtd ck#223688 from 10/16/2006 Micromedex FY15 Renewal Writers Read Event - Guest Speaker "Walls & WCONLINE scheduling software annual supply SLEA Badge 8.5x11, 20# Canary bond Sept svcs New Phil 2014/15 Rehearsals & Shows womens soccer offl 9/17 supplies mnthly svcs 8/8-9/7/14 New Phil 2014/15 Rehearsals & Shows BILLING OF 9/30/14 Speaker, 10/6/14 ScheduALL Edge A System (Maximum of 10 Concurrent Panel Discussion Gallery 09/07/14 IC081445J att'd mens soccer official 9/13 Pedometers for Fitness Walking Class Soccer official 9/13/14 SEP 2014 Service Keynote address at Fall 2014 In-Service 090514 Usher Asian Cultural IC-081445U Facilitation wrkshp DuPge County Health Dept 9/11/ Membership 4 Debra Hasse cherry finish plaque and cert.holder Deposit-Admssns evnt plnn -ning, traing & teambldg Chrgbks for summer 2014 Paymt of 2014FA Chrgbks supplies, svcs Radio Ads, Ides of March Sept 2014 per att'd 082614 Stagehand, Summer Pavilion Clean mens soccer offl-9/13/14 Reimb for books Football Official 9/22/14 AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 1,125.00 1,125.00 120.00 13.50 342.00 60.00 100.00 1,313.64 93.00 1,050.00 1,000.00 715.00 2,780.38 11.00 4,564.50 1,669.86 513.40 160.00 829.78 149.71 543.40 23.67 75.00 8,034.00 500.00 240.00 54.94 120.00 189.51 1,920.78 36.00 675.00 75.00 512.00 503.54 1,356.12 2,034.18 98.60 740.00 619.50 160.00 260.65 140.00 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM OP OP OP OP EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*0157823 IM*0157824 IM*0157825 IM*0157826 IM*0157827 IM*0157828 IM*0157829 IM*0157830 IM*0157831 IM*0157832 IM*0157833 IM*0157834 IM*0157834 IM*0157834 IM*0157835 IM*0157836 IM*0157837 IM*0157838 IM*0157839 IM*0157840 IM*0157841 IM*0157842 IM*0157843 IM*0157844 IM*0157845 IM*0157846 IM*0157847 IM*0157848 IM*0157849 IM*0157850 IM*0157851 IM*0157852 IM*0157853 IM*0157854 IM*0157855 IM*0157856 IM*0157857 IM*0157858 IM*0157859 IM*0157860 IM*0157861 IM*0157862 IM*0157863 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman Tomasz Zajaczkowski Helen Zaleski College of Dupage P Cash NAFSA Membership Chicago Federation of IL Library Association Marsh USA Inc. Anita C. Engel Guardian-Appleton Unum Life Insurance Co. Healthcare Service Corp Reliance Standard Life Insurance Reliance Standard Life Insurance Reliance Standard Life Insurance Carmen Abernathy James P. Africh Emmanuel B. Awuah Charles E. Boone Thomas P. Brady Franz A. Burnier Christopher W. Cannon Martha J. Carney Michael P. Crimmin Yvette D. Dagen Peter Deeman Joan Dipiero Jonita M. Ellis Scott R. Fencl Rumiana N. Genov Gloria Golec Danica L. Hubbard Willis C. Jordan Mary Beth Leone G. T. Lyons Jourdan M. Maloney Dianne McGuire Robert J. McKenzie Adela Meitz Michael C. Mohring Michael W. Moon Kent A. Munsterman Jane K. Oldfield Min Pan DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month womens/mens soccer offcl Retiree Health Ins Reimb Reimburse petty cash membrshp-Kathleen Smid Union Dues, Musicians New Phil Tosca ILA Annual Dues FY15 Builders Risk - Naperville Refund - Food and Wine Festival Acct#377176 Prem-Oct 1, 2014 Long Term Care prem-Oct Run out of medical claims; dental claims September 2014 Payroll deductions Life Insurance August 2014 Life Insurance college share August 2014 Long-term disability September 2014 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Reimb/Dues Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Per Diem Meals-5503001 Instructional Supplies-5401002 Reimb/Dues Reimb/conference 9/24-28/ 2014 Meals Itemized-In State-5502001 Hotel Tax-5502001 Reimb/Health club Conference/Seminar (No Prof Dev)-5503001 Other Materials & Supplies-5401006 Per Diem Meals-5503001 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Per Diem Meals-5503001 Reimb/Dues Reimb/Dues Transportation-Taxi/Limo/ Bus/Subway/Other- In Meals Itemized-Out of State-5503001 Equipment < than $2500 per item-5401007 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Mileage Reimb/Health club Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Other Materials & Supplies-5401006 Parking-In State-5502001 Per Diem Meals-5503001 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 240.00 828.60 127.43 425.00 184.80 175.00 3,557.00 80.00 5,709.73 6,444.78 51,366.68 22,595.91 9,892.63 8,702.61 64.96 35.00 48.16 395.66 293.35 250.00 200.00 1,614.72 447.00 240.00 9.88 102.83 338.32 21.28 413.54 75.00 170.00 68.56 1,279.55 50.00 417.61 53.63 240.00 33.60 16.24 94.25 171.60 881.95 32.44 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM OP EM IM IM IM IM IM IM OP OP OP OP IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*0157864 IM*0157865 IM*0157866 IM*0157867 IM*0157868 IM*0157869 IM*0157870 IM*0157871 IM*0157873 IM*0157874 IM*0157875 IM*0157876 IM*0157877 IM*0157878 IM*0157879 IM*0157880 IM*0157881 IM*0157882 IM*0157883 IM*0157884 IM*0157885 IM*0157886 IM*0157887 IM*0157890 IM*0157891 IM*0157892 IM*0157950 IM*0157951 IM*0158269 IM*0158270 IM*0158271 IM*0158272 IM*0158273 IM*0158274 IM*0158320 IM*0158321 IM*0158322 IM*0162410 IM*0162432 IM*0162433 IM*0162439 IM*0162440 IM*0162441 PAYEE NAME DESCRIPTION Mary J. Cravens check issued in prior month; voided in current month Thomas J. Tallman check issued in prior month; voided in current month Emmanuel A. Salazar Reimb/Health club Bryan J. Schacht Reimb/Plumbing, forced air & boilers Melissa B. Schertz Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Bruce H. Schmiedl Tuition / Conference - Admin-5209015 Victoria C. Shaver Conference/Meeting Exp-Local-5501001 Kathleen S. Szetela Reimb/gym membership Lorraine Terry Reimb/Health club Joseph C. Wozniak ICCTA BD Rep.Meeting Cardmember Service ICCTA Meetings for Trustee Wozniak Blatt, Hasenmiller, Leib Wage grnsh PR of 10/17/14 Educ Loan - AES PHEAA Wage grnsh PR of 10/17/14 Great Lakes Higher Educa Wage grnsh PR of 10/17/14 IL Dept of Revenue Wage garnishment 10/17/14 Int'l Union of Oper Engi Union Dues PR 10/17/14 Isac-Student Loan Wage garnishment 10/17/14 Office of Glenn B. Stear Wage grnsh PR of 10/17/14 Pennsylvania SCDU Child support .10/17/14 Roberts & Weddle, Llc Wage grnshmt PR of 10/17/ 2014 State Disbursement Unit Paydroll deduc.10/17/14 Truemper and Titiner, Li Wage garnishment 10/17/14 U.S. Department of Educa Wage grnshmt PR of 10/17/ 2014 WI SCTF Chld sppt PR of 10/17/14 John Lininger Sept 2014 retainer Victor M. Parra CO80939 - Production Services - Mambo Express Educational Music Servic Music Rental, Sieczynski-Vienna City of Kaveh Ehsani Middle East Committee 10/9/14 (K Ehsani) College of DuPage Reimburse petty cash Marsh USA Inc. PO for Marsh USA, Inc. - Builder Risk Policy Home Depot - Downers Gro lumber for COD Theater Storycatchers Theatre workshop fee for ENGLI 1154 Robbins, Schwartz, Legal services Robbins, Schwartz, Nicholas, Lifton & Taylor Legal fees and services August 2014 Thomas J. Tallman Conference/Meeting Exp-Local-5501001 NJCAA-Online Membership On-line Membership for 2014-2015 AMA CPT Case Studies Jarrett M. Herman 2014 advirosry committee reception-musician Glen J. O'Fallon advisory committee reception-musician US Post Office - Westmon Replenish postg-Wstmt Ctr College of DuPage Reimburse petty cash Illinois State Treasurer Return of unclaimed (uncashed) property to the State of Illinois Schaefges Brothers, Inc. Landscaping services for Athletic field improvement project Schaefges Brothers, Inc. Landscaping services for Athletic field improvement project Schaefges Brothers, Inc. Landscaping services for Athletic field improvement project AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 240.00 329.00 20.38 412.43 37.99 240.00 158.90 237.69 257.65 184.85 93.50 691.13 216.52 585.06 394.44 1,073.07 542.39 203.25 3,535.85 100.00 145.60 707.69 2,000.00 1,000.00 420.00 350.00 3,250.52 6,794.00 3,095.41 250.00 3,830.30 21,912.07 186.37 2,785.00 238.06 75.00 75.00 490.00 4,356.34 23,894.10 23,820.66 22,997.00 15,045.29 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM OP OP OP OP OP OP OP OP IM IM OP OP OP OP IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*0162442 IM*0162443 IM*0162444 IM*0162445 IM*0162446 IM*0162447 IM*0162448 IM*0162455 IM*0162456 IM*0162457 IM*0162458 IM*0162459 IM*0162460 IM*0162461 IM*0162462 IM*0162463 IM*0162464 IM*0162465 IM*0162466 IM*0162467 IM*A342 IM*A342 IM*A342 IM*A343 IM*A344 IM*A344 IM*A344 IM*A345 IM*A346 IM*A347 IM*A348 IM*A348 IM*A348 IM*A349 IM*A350 IM*E0037706 IM*E0037707 IM*E0037708 IM*E0037709 IM*E0037710 IM*E0037711 IM*E0037712 IM*E0037713 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman Schaefges Brothers, Inc. Schaefges Brothers, Inc. Schaefges Brothers, Inc. Schaefges Brothers, Inc. Schaefges Brothers, Inc. Janet M. Minton Office Depot Blatt, Hasenmiller, Leib Educ Loan - AES PHEAA Great Lakes Higher Educa IL Dept of Revenue Int'l Union of Oper Engi Isac-Student Loan Office of Glenn B. Stear Pennsylvania SCDU Roberts & Weddle, Llc State Disbursement Unit Truemper and Titiner, Li U.S. Department of Educa WI SCTF Dept of Treasury Dept of Treasury Dept of Treasury IDES-Magnetic Media Unit Dept of Treasury Dept of Treasury Dept of Treasury IDES-Magnetic Media Unit IL Dept of Revenue IL Dept of Revenue Dept of Treasury Dept of Treasury Dept of Treasury IDES-Magnetic Media Unit Dept of Treasury Press Photography Networ 4IMPRINT, Inc. AMS Office Solutions, Lt Amsan APTAC Aqua Designs, Inc Associated Integrated Su Automotive Electronics S DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month Pay Application 8 Pay Application 8 Pay application 8 C Pay Application 8 D Pay Application 8 G Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Xerox(R) 109R00746 Black Toner Cartridge PR DED 10/31/14 PR DED 10/31/14 PR DED 10/31/14 PR DED 10/31/14 UNION DUES 10/31/14 PR PR DED 10/31/14 PR DED 10/31/14 PR DED 10/31/14 PR DED 10/31/14 CHILD SUPPORT 10/31/14 PR PR DED 10/31/14 PR DED 10/31/14 PR DED 10/31/14 Federal Tax withholding 10/3/14 payroll College share FICA tax withholding 10/3/14 payroll College share Medicare tax withholding 10/3/14 payroll State tax withholding 10/3/14 payroll Federal Tax withholding 10/17/14 payroll College share FICA tax withholding 10/17/14 payroll College share Medicare tax withholding 10/17/14 payroll State tax withholding 10/17/14 payroll SALES TAX SEPT.2014 SEPT. STATE TAXES Federal Tax withholding 10/31/14 payroll College share FICA tax withholding 10/31/14 payroll College share Medicare tax withholding 10/31/14 payroll State tax withholding 10/31/14 payroll Q3/2014 941 FED ADJUST svcs Bingham Erasable Highlighter- White, QuickBooks Training Instruction supplies Conference Registration Fee; conf.#7879890 & PO for Aqua Designs, Inc BT Prime Mover Insulated Gator -- Black AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 6,196.83 6,119.34 10,749.23 2,251.20 737.50 35.28 8,402.91 175.69 93.50 691.13 216.52 605.02 394.44 1,073.07 542.39 203.25 3,291.51 100.00 145.60 707.69 528,510.27 2,917.74 60,811.78 184,575.84 541,524.44 3,022.38 62,477.87 189,303.58 8,786.00 723.41 527,784.95 2,571.72 60,942.54 184,645.26 179.67 2,000.00 1,379.70 375.00 1,087.60 1,190.00 950.00 79.00 351.10 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*E0037714 IM*E0037715 IM*E0037716 IM*E0037717 IM*E0037718 IM*E0037719 IM*E0037720 IM*E0037721 IM*E0037722 IM*E0037723 IM*E0037724 IM*E0037725 IM*E0037726 IM*E0037727 IM*E0037728 IM*E0037729 IM*E0037730 IM*E0037731 IM*E0037732 IM*E0037733 IM*E0037734 IM*E0037735 IM*E0037736 IM*E0037737 IM*E0037738 IM*E0037739 IM*E0037740 IM*E0037741 IM*E0037742 IM*E0037743 IM*E0037744 IM*E0037745 IM*E0037746 IM*E0037747 IM*E0037748 IM*E0037749 IM*E0037750 IM*E0037751 IM*E0037752 IM*E0037753 IM*E0037754 IM*E0037755 IM*E0037756 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman Banc Certified Merchant Bannerville Usa Batteries Plus-Glen Elly Business Research Servic BWM Global Careers in Non Profits Classic Party Rentals Computer Discount Wareho Conference Technologies, Crestline CSI-Coker Service, Inc. DML Solutions, Inc. Dreisilker Elec. Motors Encap Inc. Follett Higher Education Grainger - Downers Grove Grumman Butkus Associate I Have Bean ICCSAA Illinois Power Marketing Information Today, Inc. Ink Technologies Interior Tropical Garden International Trade Asso Item, Inc. JC Licht JMA Construction Inc. Kaeser & Blair, Inc. Krueger International, I Law Bulletin Publishing Len's Ace Hardware Inc. Mark Andy Print Products Mergent Inc. Metal Shaping and Manufa New City Communications, North American P.J.'s Camera & Photo Paper 101 Patterson Dental Peerless Fence, Inc. Proforma Premiums Russo Power Equipment Schindler Elevator Corp. DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month Heckler Windfall iPad Stand 8' x 8' footbal tear thru Banner batteries Set-Aside Alert- annual subscription Aquatic Blue, Port & Company, Youth T-Shirts, Aireen Joven w/e 9/21/14 30x42 Round Tables Xerox 106R01077 Cyan Hi Yield Toner Cartridge Extron DTP HDMI 230 RX 6ft 3-sided throw violet Diagnosis & Repair Postage, Standard Mail parts PO for Encap, Inc.- West Csmpud Retain Basin Microsoft Office Access 2010: Level 1 (Second paint alkyd enamel fee Coffee Annual dues Service 8/20/14-9/17/14 Renewal - Info Advisors Guide to Int Res hp compatible CE390A Flower arrngmnt-CHC Membership Dues Renewel Scanner Supplies Install 1 new Cat6 data cable at Addison Ctr Room Sports Pack with Front Zipper - one color Supplies Book - Chicago Electrical Code Book supplies Blue Nitrile Gloves, Large, 100gloves/box D&B Bus rankings 12/7/14- 12/6/2015 Supplies Print Ad Sept 2014 per att'd email quote supplies Color 48-pack (8 of each color) supplies supplies PO for Peerles Fence -Gate Latch SmartClick Ball point Clicker pens supplies svc call AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 1,770.40 370.00 210.50 497.00 690.00 1,747.20 472.80 1,399.03 1,069.00 331.39 328.50 5,795.00 235.26 1,159.92 207.00 2,091.73 5,925.39 28.50 135.00 3,110.49 199.95 156.00 105.00 150.00 559.18 726.00 1,250.00 1,977.20 1,433.36 110.84 109.74 110.00 879.00 354.00 610.00 249.33 4,686.61 14,622.34 337.45 285.00 1,297.89 14.28 241.61 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*E0037757 IM*E0037758 IM*E0037759 IM*E0037760 IM*E0037761 IM*E0037762 IM*E0037763 IM*E0037764 IM*E0037765 IM*E0037766 IM*E0037767 IM*E0037768 IM*E0037769 IM*E0037770 IM*E0037771 IM*E0037772 IM*E0037773 IM*E0037774 IM*E0037775 IM*E0037776 IM*E0037777 IM*E0037778 IM*E0037779 IM*E0037781 IM*E0037782 IM*E0037783 IM*E0037785 IM*E0037786 IM*E0037787 IM*E0037788 IM*E0037789 IM*E0037790 IM*E0037791 IM*E0037792 IM*E0037793 IM*E0037794 IM*E0037795 IM*E0037796 IM*E0037797 IM*E0037798 IM*E0037799 IM*E0037800 IM*E0037801 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman Scholar Buys Seaberg Picture Framing, Sodexo Southside Control Supply Spring Green Lawn Care Stivers Staffing Service Summer Publishing Summit Plastic Co. Sweetwater Sound Tactical Insights Llc Team Blackhawk Total Promotions, Inc. University of Fashion, I Visographic Western Remac, Inc. Wright Express Jose R. Alferez Caroline C. Arvis Julie A. Carey Judith A. Coates Mauro Crestani Sally N. Fairbank Ellen M. Farrow Vickie L. Gukenberger Shannon E. Hernandez Patricia L. Jones-Ward Christine M. Kickels Daniel J. Krakora Shawn L. Maisch Gianna Mallon James E. Martner Sheila J. Moran Peter M. Mumford William E. Norris Janet Pagan-Klehr Stephanie L. Quirk Thomas E. Reed Terri Swanson Christopher C. Thielman Katherine Thompson Blakely B. Walter Yashica S. Weeks April C. Zawlocki DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month iLok Smart Key Frames -Rueys Warhols; frames - Indian, etc Living Ldrshp cnfrnc supplies svcs on 9/5/14 Temp/Barbara Parker Techniques of Noninvasive Vascular Diagnosis: 4th supplies Roland GA 212 Guitar Combo Amp. Conference Speaker Fee Pre-planning-dev filmg ob Clic-stick pens: Navy barrel, white trim & gold University of Fashion Online FY15 Subscription Diplomas Envelope 7x9 6000 Football Stadium Renaming Proposal Fuel purchases 9/15/14 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Tolls - In State-5502002 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 PTA/CRESTANI 10/3-10/5/14 Conference/Meeting Exp-Local-5501001 Per Diem Meals-5503001 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Conference/Meeting Exp-Local-5501001 Office Supplies-5401001 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Per Diem Meals-5503001 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Conference/Meeting Exp-Local-5501001 Pre-travel Advance 2015SP RUNNING IN Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Pre-travel Advance APCA FALL CONFERENCE PTA/REED BASKETBALL FA14 Hotel,Trans.,Phone and Meal expenses Airfare Difference Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Per Diem Meals-5503001 Tuition / Conference- Faculty-5209014 AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 615.59 2,485.00 4,388.82 316.46 42.00 13,188.71 1,855.00 973.16 2,176.00 250.00 1,104.00 720.00 1,350.00 3,176.80 2,516.50 453.94 95.28 324.47 183.35 145.60 504.00 24.78 733.70 157.36 903.81 77.40 15.12 25.76 113.12 325.92 1,326.68 23.52 25.00 936.00 46.48 3,518.29 5,850.00 149.16 22.70 27.44 448.72 783.70 125.00 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM OP IM IM OP OP OP OP IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*E0037802 IM*E0037803 IM*E0037804 IM*E0037807 IM*E0037807 IM*E0037807 IM*E0037808 IM*E0037809 IM*E0038336 IM*E0038337 IM*E0038338 IM*E0038339 IM*E0038340 IM*E0038341 IM*E0038342 IM*E0038343 IM*E0038344 IM*E0038345 IM*E0038346 IM*E0038347 IM*E0038348 IM*E0038349 IM*E0038350 IM*E0038351 IM*E0038352 IM*E0038353 IM*E0038354 IM*E0038355 IM*E0038356 IM*E0038357 IM*E0038358 IM*E0038359 IM*E0038360 IM*E0038361 IM*E0038362 IM*E0038363 IM*E0038364 IM*E0038365 IM*E0038366 IM*E0038367 IM*E0038368 IM*E0038369 IM*E0038370 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman DuPage Credit Union College of Dupage Founda IL Fraternal Order of Po SURS-State Univ Retirement System SURS-State Univ Retirement System SURS-State Univ Retirement System Valic Retirement Services Flex-Plan Services, Inc. ACCT-Assn of Com Coll Tr Aqua Designs, Inc Associated Integrated Su Blick Art Materials Boelter Companies BWM Global Carlson Paint, Glass and Central Poly Corporation Chef by Request - CBR In Chicago Cooling Tower Chicagoland Beverage Com Computer Discount Wareho Consumers Packing Co CPP Inc. Crowe Horwath LLP Digital Printing, Inc. DML Solutions, Inc. Eldercare Solutions, Inc Ellucian Fortune Fish Company Heritage Wine Cellars, I Hewlett Packard Human Rights Watch I Have Bean Ideal Electrical Contrac Interiors for Business, KACOA Landscaping, Inc. Landscape Depot Landworks Legat Architects Lencioni Wholesale Meats Loebl Schlossman & Hackl Marianna Industries, Inc Marvin Feig & Associates Mickey's Linens DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month Payroll deduction 10/3/14 payroll Deductions for Major Campaign Dues for the PR 10/3/14 SURS withholding 10/3/14 payroll College share SURS health 10/3/14 payroll Trust & Federal funds 10/3/14 payroll Payroll deduction 10/3/14 payroll Flex Dependent Presenters AV Fees Emergency Irrigation Repair due to Winter glass cleaner Pigment Stick Set-Painter's Dozen, Set supplies Giveaways - Homecoming 2014 - 1M Air Horns, 504 Black Wood Frame Straight, 16"x20", 3/4" clear liner Hospitality Cooling Tower Drive Assembly Repair supplies HP 90 400 ml Cyan Ink Cartridge C5061A Food items ITT 6th Edition Prof.srv.period 9/24/14 In-Service/Professional Days Banners Shipping & Handling, Season Fall14 Broch Payment for: Scherer- Dorn 8/6/2014 On Demand subscription library to users food supply supplies HP 230 W Docking Station Subscription - World Report supplies Electrical Installation for approved capital Furniture Landscape maintenance supplies Maintenance mowing TEC Prof svs 8/1-8/31/14 Meat supplies Prof svs 8/1-8/31/2014 Manikin Ms. Suzie-Kin 21. Install/repair shades svcs AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 37,309.85 1,145.06 317.60 362,756.58 14,557.33 8,099.33 139,610.28 13,864.44 195.00 5,438.56 92.89 592.95 178.80 865.00 505.01 662.40 1,441.25 5,100.00 371.34 4,167.13 708.58 8,046.03 14,700.00 550.00 95.00 175.00 11,400.00 5,228.73 3,021.50 963.07 35.00 461.40 4,990.00 380.00 890.00 321.47 858.00 1,837.50 1,905.72 3,143.00 803.38 3,500.00 754.21 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM OP OP OP OP OP OP EM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*E0038371 IM*E0038372 IM*E0038373 IM*E0038374 IM*E0038375 IM*E0038376 IM*E0038377 IM*E0038378 IM*E0038379 IM*E0038380 IM*E0038381 IM*E0038382 IM*E0038383 IM*E0038384 IM*E0038385 IM*E0038386 IM*E0038387 IM*E0038388 IM*E0038389 IM*E0038390 IM*E0038391 IM*E0038392 IM*E0038393 IM*E0038394 IM*E0038395 IM*E0038396 IM*E0038397 IM*E0038398 IM*E0038399 IM*E0038400 IM*E0038401 IM*E0038402 IM*E0038403 IM*E0038404 IM*E0038405 IM*E0038406 IM*E0038407 IM*E0038408 IM*E0038409 IM*E0038410 IM*E0038411 IM*E0038412 IM*E0038413 PAYEE NAME DESCRIPTION Mary J. Cravens check issued in prior month; voided in current month Thomas J. Tallman check issued in prior month; voided in current month Midwest Imports Supplies Mouser Electronics Supplies North American SIDE BRUSH KITS Pasture to Plate, Inc Meat supplies Patterson Dental Dental supplies Ray O'Herron Co., Inc. Rear Sight Fixed Rejuvenation Massage Massages performed at Massage Clinic Road Wrench, Inc svcs Russo Power Equipment supplies Russo's Produce, Inc Food items Scantron Corporation 882-E 100Q Answer Sheet (500/pkg). Unit of SCBAS Inc. Teflon O-Ring Schindler Elevator Corp. Elevator inspections Senseney Music Seeger/DeCormier: If I Had A Hammer SATB? Service Sanitation Inc. Regular PortaPotty for Stadium Rentals for Shaker Recruitment Adver Posting fee Sodexo New Emp Orientation 1 Spring Green Lawn Care svcs on 9/27/14 Stivers Staffing Service Temp/Susan Winborne Supreme Lobster, Seafood Food items Sysco Food Service Food items Team Sales Shirt Tekla, Inc. Food items Testa Produce, Inc. Food items Total Promotions, Inc. Windsor Reflections Jr. Writing Pad (Lot of 200) Uline Jumbo hand Sanitizer V3 Companies 2013 Infrastrctre imprvmt Wesco supplies West Suburban Limousine Trnsprtn chrgs on 9/13/14 WideOpenWest IL, LLC(WOW mnthly svcs 9/29-10/28/ 2014 Wild Goose Chase Goose patrol services Winebow SUPPLIES Wirtz Beverage Illinois supplies World Point ECC, Inc. BLS for HCP Course Card-3-card sheet. Unit Z Baking Co. Food items Wirtz Beverage Illinois Instructional Supplies DuPage Area Occupational Education System Pass through funds from ISBE Franczek Radelet Legal fees and services - August 2014 Hewlett Packard Hewlett-Packard equipment for Information Technologies Patriot Paving Maintenance Services for sealcoating and striping parking lots Power Construction Company Construction management services for PE project Wright Automotive Inc. Vehicle for Fire Science Program (Perkins grant funding) Rio M. Almaria Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 255.74 221.68 367.33 1,547.63 507.50 24.00 58.00 968.04 22.40 3,782.63 5,096.25 68.35 2,203.00 207.98 81.00 1,433.00 5,470.29 1,950.00 7,587.73 274.88 2,269.52 456.00 226.35 3,910.09 1,381.40 193.50 117.70 123.75 126.00 436.37 3,250.00 228.00 300.92 644.35 568.69 843.74 246,404.00 25,999.46 20,700.00 99,159.98 1,321,509.00 23,994.00 188.98 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM OP OP OP OP OP OP OP IM IM IM IM IM IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*E0038414 IM*E0038415 IM*E0038416 IM*E0038417 IM*E0038419 IM*E0038420 IM*E0038421 IM*E0038422 IM*E0038424 IM*E0038425 IM*E0038426 IM*E0038427 IM*E0038428 IM*E0038429 IM*E0038430 IM*E0038431 IM*E0038432 IM*E0038433 IM*E0038434 IM*E0038435 IM*E0038436 IM*E0038437 IM*E0038438 IM*E0038439 IM*E0038440 IM*E0038441 IM*E0038442 IM*E0038444 IM*E0038445 IM*E0038446 IM*E0038450 IM*E0038451 IM*E0038452 IM*E0038453 IM*E0038454 IM*E0038455 IM*E0038456 IM*E0038527 IM*E0038528 IM*E0038529 IM*E0038530 IM*E0038531 IM*E0038532 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman Sandra M. Anderson Scott D. Banjavcic James R. Bente Amanda C. Brzuszkiewicz Diane M. Curtis Gilbert J. Egge Kristine A. Fay Nancy J. Feulner Virginia L. Garner Carol S. Giegerich Douglas N. Green Hashem Helmi Joseph M. Houdek Candice M. Johnson Susan B. Kerby Shawn L. Maisch Angela M. Nackovic Kenneth J. Orenic Jeffrey A. Papp Zachary S. Person Cynthia R. Rice Shingo Satsutani Kimberly J. Scherer Jason Snart Patricia A. Sowatzke Terri Swanson Maureen Waller Christopher M. Wilson April C. Zawlocki Charles Steele Hewlett Packard Kushan, LLC MRXI Corporation Patriot Paving Maintenance Pepper Construction Siemens Industry Inc. Village of Glen Ellyn Carol Anglet Corinne Brodick Diana J. Brodick James J. Burk Christine Carcenac Paula M. Cebula DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month $ check issued in prior month; voided in current month $ Per Diem Meals-5503001 $ Reimb/Dues $ Reimb/Dues $ Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Conference/Meeting Exp-Local-5501001 $ Transp.,parking, meals $ Per Diem Meals-5503001 $ Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Reimb/dues $ Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Conference/Meeting Exp-Local-5501001 $ Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Dues-Faculty-5209018 $ Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Hotel Tax-5502001 $ Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Reimb/workshop $ Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Per Diem Meals-5503001 $ Reimb/membership dues $ Meals,Trans.-out of state $ Reimb/conference $ Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Dues-Faculty-5209018 $ PTA/STEELE ORL FL 11/2014 $ Hewlett-Packard equipment for Information Technologies $ Instructional fees for Dental Assistant Courses $ Instructional fees for Pharmacy Technician Course $ Labor and materials for concrete work; sealcoat roadways $ Construction management services for Naperville Center project $ Building automation service agreement $ Water/sewer services 7/31/14 - 9/8/14 $ Retiree Health Ins Reimb $ New Phil 2014/2015 shows $ New Phil 2014/2015 shows $ Retiree Health Ins Reimb $ Retiree Health Ins Reimb $ orchestra mgr. $ AMOUNT (80.00) (186.37) 324.04 116.00 195.00 9.71 30.99 322.82 537.76 176.88 67.76 215.00 105.28 34.72 50.40 75.60 45.00 84.56 32.60 235.00 30.80 2,194.76 57.68 95.00 29.68 527.59 110.00 84.73 79.00 9.52 110.00 9,941.00 26,450.00 62,400.00 43,100.00 255,889.60 659,670.65 20,837.00 51,465.96 2,200.00 423.40 423.40 2,200.00 915.48 3,000.00 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*E0038533 IM*E0038534 IM*E0038535 IM*E0038536 IM*E0038537 IM*E0038538 IM*E0038539 IM*E0038540 IM*E0038541 IM*E0038542 IM*E0038543 IM*E0038544 IM*E0038545 IM*E0038546 IM*E0038547 IM*E0038548 IM*E0038549 IM*E0038550 IM*E0038551 IM*E0038552 IM*E0038553 IM*E0038554 IM*E0038555 IM*E0038556 IM*E0038557 IM*E0038558 IM*E0038559 IM*E0038560 IM*E0038561 IM*E0038562 IM*E0038563 IM*E0038564 IM*E0038565 IM*E0038566 IM*E0038567 IM*E0038568 IM*E0038569 IM*E0038570 IM*E0038571 IM*E0038572 IM*E0038573 IM*E0038574 IM*E0038575 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman Andrew Cierny Lisa S. Cisneros Dorothy Deen Lacy Garbar Judith L. Hanna Man Man Jiang Claire W. Langenberg Cherai Mc Cauley Michael P. Meehan Dragan Mikic Chikako Miyata Nancy Moore Ingrid Mullane Mary L. Payne Debora A. Ponko Press Photography Networ Jack E. Riddle Susan Ross Barbara B. Rundell Jennifer Silk Philip Stanley Thomas E. Stark Sarah Tompkins Kristen Wiersum Accurate Document Destru ACERT Amsan Associated Integrated Su B & R Financial Llc B. Gunther & Company Bell CDL Enterprises, In BSN Sports Careers in Non Profits Carol Fox & Associates Castle-Printech Inc. Chef by Request - CBR In Commercial Alarm Systems Computer Discount Wareho Consumers Packing Co CSI-Coker Service, Inc. Cynmar Scientific Co. Data Bank Dreisilker Elec. Motors DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month New Phil 2014/2015 shows New Phil 2014/2015 shows New Phil 2014/2015 shows New Phil 2014/2015 shows New Phil 2014/2015 shows New Phil 2014/2015 shows New Phil 2014/2015 shows New Phil 2014/2015 shows New Phil 2014/2015 shows Mens soccer official 10/5/14 New Phil 2014/2015 shows New Phil 2014/2015 shows New Phil 2014/2015 shows New Phil-2014/15 Rehearsal & Shows New Phil-2014/14 Rehearsal & Shows Photography Librarian, New Phil Tosca 09/13/14 to 09/21/14 New Phil 2014/15 Rehearsal & Shows Retiree Health Ins Reimb New Phil 2014/15 Rehearsals & Shows New Phil 2014/15 Rehearsals & Shows New Phil 2014/15 Rehearsals & Shows New Phil 2014/15 Rehearsals & Shows New Phil 2014/15 Rehearsals & Shows energy/envireonmental fee ACERT Annual Membership renewal supplies supply & labor RPT Books Rosewood Piano Finish Clock, Plate & Engraving CDL Program Sept.2014 US LS GOLEIRO JSY LRG 620897550 Aireen Joven w/e 10/5/14 Office supplies COD courier, Fall 2014 Popcorn Machine, Rental T-Mobile 08/10/14 service call 9/30/14 SanDisk Cruzer Switch USB flash drive 8 GB chicken Labor for parts replaceme SPIRIT THERMOMETER,-20 to 110?C,PARTIAL IMM, Monthly Fee, Nov 2014 materials AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 513.40 490.00 453.40 430.00 483.40 460.00 453.40 435.00 453.40 120.00 453.40 423.40 483.40 460.00 453.40 3,775.00 1,200.00 453.40 1,200.00 453.40 453.40 383.40 460.00 423.40 173.16 150.00 2,367.75 376.31 660.00 1,172.78 2,300.00 791.43 1,514.24 18,497.44 3,705.00 6,157.50 604.29 4,126.40 1,499.70 309.81 559.94 275.00 266.76 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*E0038576 IM*E0038577 IM*E0038578 IM*E0038579 IM*E0038580 IM*E0038581 IM*E0038582 IM*E0038583 IM*E0038584 IM*E0038585 IM*E0038586 IM*E0038587 IM*E0038588 IM*E0038589 IM*E0038590 IM*E0038591 IM*E0038592 IM*E0038593 IM*E0038594 IM*E0038595 IM*E0038596 IM*E0038597 IM*E0038598 IM*E0038599 IM*E0038600 IM*E0038601 IM*E0038602 IM*E0038603 IM*E0038604 IM*E0038605 IM*E0038606 IM*E0038607 IM*E0038608 IM*E0038609 IM*E0038610 IM*E0038611 IM*E0038612 IM*E0038613 IM*E0038614 IM*E0038615 IM*E0038616 IM*E0038617 IM*E0038618 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman DuPage County Health Dep Ellucian Equipment Depot Flexible Arms Ltd Follett Higher Education Fontis Solutions Fuchs & Roselli, Ltd. Full Compass Systems, Lt Gand Music & Sound Graef Grainger - Downers Grove Great Lakes Kwik Space Heritage FS Inc. Hewlett Packard Holstein's Garage Honeywell Int'l Inc. Hunter Service of Northe I Have Bean Illinois Power Marketing INACSL-Int'l Nursing Ass Instructivision, Inc. Interiors for Business, Joint Review Comm. on Ed Lamers Bus Lines Inc Lee's Foodservice Parts Len's Ace Hardware Inc. Lola Bard Productions Lowitz and Sons, Inc. Mickey's Linens Midwest Groundcovers Midwest Imports Mirion Technologies (Glo NAPA Auto Parts - Glen E Nat'l Instruments Corp Nix Nax North American OEI Products P.J.'s Camera & Photo Packey Webb Ford Paddock Publications Pasco Scientific Co. Patterson Dental Pomp's Tire DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month Daycare DCFS Nurse visit offsite cnstg.w/e 9/26/14 Operator Training Flexible Arm- Parking Gate Arms materials Promo Items for FY15 Recruiting - 500 W Legal billing August 2014 1583A-1000-Black Wire Cat5 24awg 4pr 1000ft Blk Drumset with hardware & cymbals fee Utility Container Capacity 10 gal. Material Rental 8/1/14-8/28/14 Fuel HP EliteDisplay E221 21.5 inch LED Backlit Monitor Vehicle repair chrgs 11/1-30/14 Stainless Steel Turnplate Kit Coffee Service 8/27/14-9/28/14 Group webinar for NCSBN simulation study results ACT Reading Teacher's Manual Cathy Brod Office - Wardrobe Sonography Application Fee for Continuing Bus Rental New Phil Tosca 9/18/14 per att'd quote Ranco Constant Cut In Control supplies Sunday Brunch Performance @ Waterleaf 10 Strategic Long Range Plan Booklet Linen Service SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES supplies Multisim Education 25 User License, Serial # SUPPLIES Battery FeatherLite - Royal / Black Sport Shirt Photo processing SUPPLIES AD UI-5406 software license supplies Truck supplies & service AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 75.00 4,125.00 525.00 526.65 874.46 4,161.66 123.50 1,364.28 930.00 5,150.00 4,362.70 1,188.00 7,716.23 6,084.00 760.00 11,084.50 2,355.00 114.00 133.51 250.00 626.75 2,150.10 800.00 2,700.00 331.83 87.96 400.00 5,110.00 618.25 380.85 510.15 311.25 431.96 1,046.00 72.00 194.50 421.50 353.00 3.92 10,401.34 664.00 671.30 1,013.76 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM OP EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*E0038619 IM*E0038620 IM*E0038621 IM*E0038622 IM*E0038623 IM*E0038624 IM*E0038625 IM*E0038626 IM*E0038627 IM*E0038628 IM*E0038629 IM*E0038630 IM*E0038631 IM*E0038632 IM*E0038633 IM*E0038634 IM*E0038635 IM*E0038636 IM*E0038637 IM*E0038638 IM*E0038639 IM*E0038640 IM*E0038641 IM*E0038642 IM*E0038643 IM*E0038644 IM*E0038645 IM*E0038646 IM*E0038647 IM*E0038648 IM*E0038649 IM*E0038650 IM*E0038651 IM*E0038652 IM*E0038653 IM*E0038654 IM*E0038655 IM*E0038656 IM*E0038657 IM*E0038658 IM*E0038659 IM*E0038660 IM*E0038661 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman PowerCom Qualtrics Quik Impressions Group, Radio Ron Clesens Ornamental P Russo Power Equipment San Luis Video Sodexo Sprocket Websites Inc Stivers Staffing Service StreamGuys, Inc Today's Business Solutio United Septic & Grease B V3 Companies Valpar International Cor Village of Glen Ellyn Village of Glen Ellyn Village of Westmont West Payment Center Westlaw Central DuPage Hosp-BHS Vision Service Plan - (I Community College Health Consortium Jose R. Alferez Rio M. Almaria Joseph Z. Aranki James R. Bente Robert A. Berry Rodney A. Buck Susan L. Burdick Laura M. Burt-Nicholas Julie A. Carey Barbara J. Coe Joseph E. Collins Charles W. Currier Susan V. Dreghorn Gilbert J. Egge Sherry L. Gendel Debra L. Hasse Candice M. Johnson Laurette E. Jorgensen Susan B. Kerby Marina Kuchinski DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month PO for PowerCom Corp Academic Lab research suite Printing, Postcard Family Events 14-15 per att'd Software mnthly spprt SUPPLIES supplies DVD - Greenhouse Hydrophonics Police Academy Graduatn DuPage Press & StarRight Web Site Hosting Temp/Jamie Jesk Overage Protection Users Aug 20-Sept 19, 2014 Annual Maintenance on Self Service Scanner pump grease pit, svcs V3 Companies CO #5 (BO 308469) SIGI 3 FY15 Renewal SVCS 7/31-9/8/14 SEPT 2014 HOTEL TAXES SVCS 8/14-9/15/14 Discount plan chrgs 9/5- 10/4/14 svcs 8/1-31/14 Nov-Dec EAP 11/14-12/14 Sept Claims Claims for medical insurance plans October 2014 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Reimbursement Moving Exp Conference/Meeting Exp-Local-5501001 Reimb/conference Meals Itemized-In State-5502001 Reimb/Health Club Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Dues - Classified-5209019 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Hotel-In State-5502001 Conference/Meeting Exp-Local-5501001 Reimb/membership Transportation - Taxi/Limo/Bus/Subway/Othe 8/29/14 series of stops Reimb/health club Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Per Diem Meals-5503001 Conference/Meeting Exp-Local-5501001 Dues-Faculty-5209018 AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 625.00 3,000.00 1,450.00 100.00 7,220.15 383.78 273.95 6,578.37 1,425.00 4,269.70 61.50 800.00 4,055.00 757.30 895.00 16,261.17 618.00 68.07 2,440.25 511.51 1,375.00 11,799.83 1,234,357.11 93.21 287.15 1,258.63 456.40 79.00 75.05 50.00 5.60 690.00 263.76 456.40 1,847.44 75.00 2,067.66 57.94 240.00 149.52 1,627.56 50.00 245.86 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM OP OP OP IM OP OP OP IM IM IM IM OP OP OP OP OP OP OP IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*E0038662 IM*E0038663 IM*E0038664 IM*E0038665 IM*E0038666 IM*E0038667 IM*E0038668 IM*E0038669 IM*E0038670 IM*E0038671 IM*E0038672 IM*E0038673 IM*E0038674 IM*E0038675 IM*E0038676 IM*E0038677 IM*E0038677 IM*E0038677 IM*E0038678 IM*E0038679 IM*E0038680 IM*E0038681 IM*E0038682 IM*E0038683 IM*E0038684 IM*E0038685 IM*E0038689 IM*E0038690 IM*E0038691 IM*E0038692 IM*E0038693 IM*E0038694 IM*E0038695 IM*E0038863 IM*E0038864 IM*E0038865 IM*E0038866 IM*E0038867 IM*E0038868 IM*E0038869 IM*E0038870 IM*E0038871 IM*E0038872 IM*E0038873 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman Daniel E. Lloyd Susan M. Maloney Dawn D. McCabe Marsha S. Metcalf Joseph C. Miragliotta Sheila J. Moran Robert H. Murr Kirk E. Overstreet Jeffrey A. Papp Cathy L. Saddoris Deborah A. Secara Jane M. Smith Nancy E. Svoboda Sean P. Warren-Crouch Matthew S. Wilhite SURS-State Univ Retirement System SURS-State Univ Retirement System SURS-State Univ Retirement System Maverick Wine Co., LLC Valic Retirement Services College of Dupage-CODAA DuPage Credit Union College of Dupage Founda Flex-Plan Services, Inc. IL Fraternal Order of Po Prestige Financial Servi A. Horn, Inc. Advanced Technologies Consultants Follett Higher Education K. K. Stevens Co. Miller Commons LLC MRXI Corporation Nicor Enerchange Press Photography Networ Angelo Caputo's Fresh Ma Arbor Scientific Barnes & Noble Bookselle Blick Art Materials Boelter Companies Cairs Chicagoland Beverage Com Columbia Dentoform Computer Discount Wareho Consumers Packing Co DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month $ check issued in prior month; voided in current month $ Business Meals - Non Travel-5501001 $ Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Other Materials & Supplies-5401006 $ Conference/Meeting Exp-Local-5501001 $ Hotel Tax-5502001 $ Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Reimb/health club $ Reimb/Conference $ Dues-Faculty-5209018 $ Transportation - Taxi/Limo/Bus/Subway/Othe $ Business Meals - Non Travel-5501001 $ Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Association Sept. Mtg. $ Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Pre-travel Advance $ SURS withholding 10/17/14 payroll $ College share SURS health 10/17/14 payroll $ Trust & Federal funds 10/17/14 payroll $ supplies $ Payroll deduction 10/17/14 payroll $ Payroll deduction 10/17/14 payroll $ Payroll deduction 10/17/14 payroll $ Deductions for Major Camp $ Flex Dependent $ Dues for PR 10/17/14 $ Wage grnsh PR of 10/17/14 $ Masonry work by the MAC front entrance $ Pneumatics with bench for Electro Mechanical Technologies Program $ Pell Bookbills September 2014 $ Printing services for Continuing Ed Fall 2014 schedule $ Rental space for Naperville Center September/October 2014 $ Instructional fees for Pharmacy Technician Course $ Natural gas supply - September 2014 $ Photography $ food $ p3-3510 rotating platform $ Collaborative Learning Techniques $ Artists' Oilbars-Set of 12 Colors $ supplies $ interpreter's fee $ cofee & tea $ Dental Hygiene model with 32 Removeable teeth $ Xerox 6180 Magenta Toner $ chicken&pork shoulder $ AMOUNT (80.00) (186.37) 291.83 29.68 31.54 79.00 979.00 43.68 240.00 666.40 125.00 1,738.75 28.56 159.04 136.46 112.56 2,970.00 372,278.21 14,620.03 2,924.48 1,292.00 137,593.47 30,805.00 38,214.85 1,145.06 14,137.51 317.60 63.39 35,300.00 24,515.00 119,038.55 23,547.68 72,000.00 43,100.00 45,099.15 1,250.00 41.62 111.59 82.00 91.15 734.29 735.00 555.12 1,867.15 290.92 840.60 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*E0038874 IM*E0038875 IM*E0038876 IM*E0038877 IM*E0038878 IM*E0038879 IM*E0038880 IM*E0038881 IM*E0038882 IM*E0038883 IM*E0038884 IM*E0038885 IM*E0038886 IM*E0038887 IM*E0038888 IM*E0038889 IM*E0038890 IM*E0038891 IM*E0038892 IM*E0038893 IM*E0038894 IM*E0038895 IM*E0038896 IM*E0038897 IM*E0038898 IM*E0038899 IM*E0038900 IM*E0038901 IM*E0038902 IM*E0038903 IM*E0038904 IM*E0038905 IM*E0038906 IM*E0038907 IM*E0038908 IM*E0038909 IM*E0038910 IM*E0038911 IM*E0038912 IM*E0038913 IM*E0038914 IM*E0038915 IM*E0038916 IM*E0038917 IM*E0038918 IM*E0038919 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman Craftsman Book Co. Cream Wine Company, LLC Data Bank Discount Two Way Radio C Dreisilker Elec. Motors Dultmeier Sales EBSCO Information Servic Fastenal Fine Vines LLC Follett Higher Education Fortune Fish Company Grainger - Downers Grove Great Lakes Kwik Space Heritage Wine Cellars, I Hewlett Packard IESBGA Imprint Enterprises Interiors for Business, JMA Construction Inc. Krueger International, I Landworks Legat Architects Lencioni Wholesale Meats Lifeguard Store Magnaserv Enterprises, I Matthew Bender & Co., In Mickey's Linens Midwest Imports Motorola Solutions Mouser Electronics North American Oriental Trading Co. Paddock Publications Pasture to Plate, Inc Patterson Dental Pro Education Solutions Radio Aids, Inc. Ray O'Herron Co., Inc. Russo's Produce, Inc Sabaca Beverage Group Shaker Recruitment Adver Sodexo Stivers Staffing Service StreamGuys, Inc Testa Produce, Inc. Testing Service Corp. DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month Book - National Plumbing & HVAC Estimate supplies Data Services - Quarterly NCOA (Jul-Sep) 1 RCA Special Package 16 Channel Two way radios bore pulley supplies Journal of Academic Librarianship Online FY15 materials & supplies supplies Student bookstore charges 9/26, 9/29, 9/30 & 10/1 Food items tape yellow Container-Steel Rental 9/26/14-10/23/14 supplies HP ZBook 17 Mobile Workstation Dual Core Membership renewal ZEBRA, CONSUMABLES, Z-PERFORM 2000D PAPER 6 Steelcase-46246179 Leap Chairs, Quote Attached For Labor/Material to install 3 Cat6 datas on SUPPLIES Job # CP21461 Landworks fees & reimb/Homeland se- curity training ctr pud Food items Aqua Jogger active belt Service billing Nov 2014 supplies svcs supplies Charges 10/1-10/31/14 Supplies Supplies Fall Pumpkin Stampers Paper delivery 9/13-10/04 Food items Dental supplies Sept 2014 Transactions Freq msrmnt svcs Oct-Dec 2014 patch name&badge holes Food items supplies posting fee NTA Precision Axel Trng Temp/Sandra Witek Services Food items svcs AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 85.01 278.00 125.00 1,046.23 9.34 654.12 513.07 101.74 654.00 23,147.04 1,735.94 2,045.94 119.00 1,505.51 1,911.45 375.00 88.08 4,495.00 3,165.00 2,717.38 9,940.85 23,935.99 2,744.40 1,079.50 2,066.67 417.53 995.23 348.49 1,224.00 878.15 128.65 46.49 92.00 2,019.06 673.90 9,480.00 54.00 373.93 3,149.21 358.61 1,096.00 4,222.23 8,494.58 846.00 2,541.12 3,500.60 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM OP OP OP OP OP OP OP IM OP IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*E0038920 IM*E0038921 IM*E0038922 IM*E0038923 IM*E0038924 IM*E0038925 IM*E0038926 IM*E0038927 IM*E0038928 IM*E0038929 IM*E0038930 IM*E0038931 IM*E0038932 IM*E0038933 IM*E0038934 IM*E0038935 IM*E0038936 IM*E0038937 IM*E0038938 IM*E0038939 IM*E0038940 IM*E0038941 IM*E0038945 IM*E0038946 IM*E0038947 IM*E0038948 IM*E0038949 IM*E0038950 IM*E0038951 IM*E0038952 IM*E0040648 IM*E0040649 IM*E0040650 IM*E0040651 IM*E0040652 IM*E0040653 IM*E0040654 IM*E0040655 IM*E0040656 IM*E0040657 IM*E0040658 IM*E0040659 IM*E0040660 IM*E0040661 IM*E0040662 IM*E0040663 PAYEE NAME DESCRIPTION Mary J. Cravens check issued in prior month; voided in current month $ Thomas J. Tallman check issued in prior month; voided in current month $ United Radio Communicati Replacement Radios and Accessories for Custodial $ Z Baking Co. Food items $ Susan M. Angelucci Hotel Tax-5502001 $ John Bollweg Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Amanda C. Brzuszkiewicz Conference/Meeting Exp-Local-5501001 $ Todd E. Buikema Transportation-Taxi/Limo/ Bus/Subway/Other- In $ Cesar A. Flores Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Rita G. Haake Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Debra L. Hasse Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Hashem Helmi Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Debra Jeffay Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Candice M. Johnson Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Patricia L. Jones-Ward Tuition / Conference - Classified-5209017 $ Laurette E. Jorgensen Advertising Expenses-5407001 $ Jean V. Kartje Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Susan B. Kerby Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Daniel J. Krakora Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Diana L. Martinez Per Diem Meals-5503001 $ Angela M. Nackovic Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 $ Laura E. Ortiz Conference/Meeting Exp-Local-5501001 $ Jane M. Smith Reimburse health club $ Betty E. Willig Reimburse tuition $ Apple Computer MS5 MAC Pro editing system $ DuPage Area Occupational Education System Pass through funds from ISBE $ Follett Higher Education Pell Bookbills October 2014 $ Holbrook Travel Fees for Field Studies California trip (participant paid) $ Illinois Power Marketing Electric services - September 2014 $ Patriot Paving Maintenance Labor and materials for roadway patching work $ Power Construction Co., Construction management services for Site Work project $ Nicor Gas svcs 9/1-10/1/14 $ Fees for employee airfare/conference fees online booking August$2014 American Express Travel Melissa Bach MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show $ Corinne Brodick MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show $ Diana J. Brodick MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show $ Michael Buckwalter MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show $ Dorothy Deen MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show $ Lacy Garbar MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show $ Ruben Gonzalez MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show $ James N. Hahn MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show $ Judith L. Hanna MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show $ Man Man Jiang MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show $ Jon D. Johnson MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show $ William E. Kronenberg MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show $ Claire W. Langenberg MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show $ Kevin D. May MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show $ Cherai Mc Cauley MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show $ AMOUNT (80.00) (186.37) 4,576.00 736.65 1,512.54 212.24 93.82 13.50 173.59 49.10 135.26 21.84 28.00 148.96 360.76 560.00 961.00 42.00 6.16 683.86 90.32 38.20 716.56 114.00 25,974.00 162,000.00 17,670.76 51,405.00 107,364.38 54,611.15 230,791.00 11,083.39 23,592.66 228.40 213.40 213.40 228.40 243.40 220.00 235.00 265.00 243.40 235.00 243.40 228.40 213.40 250.00 235.00 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*E0040664 IM*E0040665 IM*E0040666 IM*E0040667 IM*E0040668 IM*E0040669 IM*E0040670 IM*E0040671 IM*E0040672 IM*E0040673 IM*E0040674 IM*E0040675 IM*E0040676 IM*E0040677 IM*E0040678 IM*E0040679 IM*E0040680 IM*E0040681 IM*E0040682 IM*E0040683 IM*E0040684 IM*E0040685 IM*E0040686 IM*E0040687 IM*E0040688 IM*E0040689 IM*E0040690 IM*E0040691 IM*E0040692 IM*E0040693 IM*E0040694 IM*E0040695 IM*E0040696 IM*E0040697 IM*E0040698 IM*E0040699 IM*E0040700 IM*E0040701 IM*E0040702 IM*E0040703 IM*E0040704 IM*E0040705 IM*E0040706 IM*E0040707 IM*E0040708 IM*E0040709 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman Michael P. Meehan Chikako Miyata Nancy Moore Ingrid Mullane Kirk Muspratt Mary L. Payne Brandon Podjasek Debora A. Ponko Press Photography Networ Jack E. Riddle Susan Ross Ryan Rump Nina Saito Jennifer Silk Philip Stanley Melissa Striedl Sarah Tompkins Paul Vanderwerf Kristen Wiersum Accurate Printing Repair Angelo Caputo's Fresh Ma Apple Computer Aqua Pure Enterprises, I Associated Integrated Su Athletico -Oak Brook Binny's Beverage Depot Black Rocket Production Careers in Non Profits Carolina Biological Chef by Request - CBR In Chicagoland Beverage Com Clarix Technologies Clesen Wholesale Commercial Alarm Systems Computer Discount Wareho Conference Technologies, Consumers Packing Co Cream Wine Company, LLC Data Bank Data Media Products, Inc ETS-Educational Testing Fastsigns - Naperville Fine Vines LLC Follett Higher Education Fortune Fish Company Full Compass Systems, Lt DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show Per contract Oct 31,2014 MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show Photography College Theater Earth & Sky Phil-2014-15 Librarian MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show MAC-New Phil Rehrsl/show check wasn't voided until 11/4/14 not active account Phil-2014-15 Rehrsal/show Phil-2014/15 Rehrsl/shows Phil-2014/15 Rehrsl/shows Phil-2014/15 Rehrsl/shows Phil-2014/15 Rehrsl/shows Repair Service estimate/quote No. 13839 food supply iPad Air Smart Case - Black water supply battery COD: ATC 5/2014 supplies App Attack, Computer Course Application Aireen Joven w/e 10/12/14 Radish Seeds, Scarlet, 1 lb. Unit of Measure: 1 lb Hospitality 100 Years 9/28/14 coffee supply Connect Meeting Hstd,ALL,HSTD,MUN, Named Late Summer Annuals 63 cases (618 units) service call 10/8/14 Transcend JetFlash 500 USB flash drive 8 GB PowerLite Pro G6050 w/Standard Lens meat purchase wine Monthly Rental Dec 2014 AA Batteries TOEFL List Service - International Students 36in square Snap Frame for bic/src/ssc 1 merchandise Student bookstore charges 9/27/14 & 10/17/14 fish & shrimp Remote Power Control 15Amp 2RU Panel AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 228.40 228.40 213.40 243.40 8,000.00 265.00 228.40 228.40 250.00 1,200.00 228.40 235.00 228.40 228.40 228.40 220.00 220.00 503.40 213.40 1,287.31 34.28 7,131.70 143.97 2,998.00 5,626.25 79.41 225.00 1,980.16 74.29 7,006.90 184.00 4,980.00 1,398.10 585.00 6,467.17 4,780.00 5,106.72 700.00 275.00 336.11 773.74 1,409.11 405.00 16,762.38 2,809.28 130.68 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*E0040710 IM*E0040711 IM*E0040712 IM*E0040713 IM*E0040714 IM*E0040715 IM*E0040716 IM*E0040717 IM*E0040718 IM*E0040719 IM*E0040720 IM*E0040721 IM*E0040722 IM*E0040723 IM*E0040724 IM*E0040725 IM*E0040726 IM*E0040727 IM*E0040728 IM*E0040729 IM*E0040730 IM*E0040731 IM*E0040732 IM*E0040733 IM*E0040734 IM*E0040735 IM*E0040736 IM*E0040737 IM*E0040738 IM*E0040739 IM*E0040740 IM*E0040741 IM*E0040742 IM*E0040743 IM*E0040744 IM*E0040745 IM*E0040746 IM*E0040747 IM*E0040748 IM*E0040749 IM*E0040750 IM*E0040751 IM*E0040752 IM*E0040753 IM*E0040754 IM*E0040755 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman G&M Training & Services, Gand Music & Sound Goodman Manufacturing Grainger - Downers Grove Graphics III Papers Heritage FS Inc. Heritage Wine Cellars, I Hewlett Packard I Have Bean Ink Technologies Interiors for Business, JC Licht JMA Construction Inc. Just Press Play Producti Ken Mills Agency Lamers Bus Lines Inc Landscape Depot Len's Ace Hardware Inc. Lencioni Wholesale Meats Lifeguard Store Lion Heart Engineering LK Media, LLC Loebl Schlossman & Hackl Magna Publications, Inc. Matthew Bender & Co., In Maverick Wine Co., LLC McWilliams Electric Comp Mickey's Linens Midwest Imports Monoprice, Inc. Mouser Electronics NAPA Auto Parts - Glen E Nat'l Public Radio National Association for North American Nursetim Inc On Time Embroidery, Inc. Orozco Construction Grou Party People Rental Pasture to Plate, Inc Patterson Dental Prezi, Inc. Proquest LLC Ray O'Herron Co., Inc. Red Canyon Systems Refrigeration Enterprise DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month 10-hour OSHA class day 4 (Instructional Services) Backline, Abbamania, Fri, Aug 1, 2014 per att'd supplies pressure gauge test white smooth cougar premopaque eps Fuel Supplies Laser Engraving Coffee beans hp compatible CE390A Guest Chair - SRC 2130C supplies Network Cable Installation Music and portable music player for Laps With Amer routes carriage fees 10/1/14-12/31/14 Charter Bus for COD Football Team, Cedar Supplies Drill Bit Supplies V Vac starter kit Annual Level II service on Automatic Transfer OnAir News Announcing - WDCB News Prof svcs September 2014 12mo subscription Min Pan Misc titles Supplies PO for McWilliams Electric Linen service supplies full articulating tv wall mount for most 37" - 70" Parts Parts Q4 FY14 Program Fees (7-1-14 to 9/30/14) Dues 1/1/15-12/31/14 Supplies NTI Subscriptions for Groups - renewal T-shirts for 5 k race MAC entry piers Tents, water barrels, for Laps with Chaps Supplies Supplies Prezi Pro License: 2 Year Term Misc titles SUPPLIES Annual License, spprt & maintenance agreement 3-door roll-in cooler AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 1,020.00 650.00 898.88 570.10 83.02 3,999.02 2,074.47 25.00 197.40 156.00 274.56 69.00 1,125.00 1,775.00 1,365.50 5,300.00 93.45 17.99 2,519.85 734.28 2,025.00 200.00 210.00 899.00 158.43 525.00 5,960.00 755.54 975.24 309.62 160.30 1,322.67 1,791.00 325.00 139.46 599.00 5,913.25 2,000.00 821.00 384.39 183.99 531.00 762.99 244.97 492.00 1,756.82 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM IM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM EM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*E0040756 IM*E0040757 IM*E0040758 IM*E0040759 IM*E0040760 IM*E0040761 IM*E0040762 IM*E0040763 IM*E0040764 IM*E0040765 IM*E0040766 IM*E0040767 IM*E0040768 IM*E0040769 IM*E0040770 IM*E0040771 IM*E0040772 IM*E0040773 IM*E0040774 IM*E0040775 IM*E0040776 IM*E0040777 IM*E0040778 IM*E0040779 IM*E0040780 IM*E0040781 IM*E0040782 IM*E0040783 IM*E0040785 IM*E0040786 IM*E0040787 IM*E0040788 IM*E0040789 IM*E0040790 IM*E0040791 IM*E0040792 IM*E0040793 IM*E0040794 IM*E0040796 IM*E0040797 IM*E0040799 IM*E0040800 IM*E0040801 IM*E0040802 IM*E0040803 IM*E0040804 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman Reinders, Inc. Russo's Produce, Inc Scantron Corporation Schindler Elevator Corp. Shaker Recruitment Adver Sign Identity Signature Cleaners of Un Sodexo Spring Green Lawn Care Stivers Staffing Service Sumac, Inc. Sunburst Sportwear Inc. Supreme Lobster, Seafood Tekla, Inc. Testa Produce, Inc. Thomas H. Gray Inc. Tribune Media Group Unemployment Consultants Westmont Interior Supply Winebow Wirtz Beverage Illinois Z Baking Co. Jose R. Alferez Susan M. Angelucci Caroline C. Arvis Rodney A. Buck Brian D. Clement Earl E. Dowling Julie V. Gibbs Justin Hardee Kyle J. Hills Laurette E. Jorgensen Sara S. Kirby Edward W. Kuhs Elizabeth Mares Sarah H. Martino Diane M. McHugh Monica T. Miller Barbara J. Mitchell Angela M. Nackovic Jane K. Oldfield Laura E. Ortiz David A. Ouellette Deborah L. Piha Stephanie L. Quirk Jacqueline D. Reuland DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month supplies Food items 882-E Answer Sheet, 100Q, 5 Chc Alpha (500/PKG) Furnish and Install Elevator Door Restrictor Posting fee banners Dry Cleaining Tablecloths Project U Event service Nyda Gasca Aug-Oct 2014 Homelnd trng Commissioning svcs T-shirts for Leadership Participants Food items supplies Food items develop&present workshop CU00144416,CTC0655158 Prof.serv.11/2014-1/2015 supplies Supplies supplies Food items Other Materials & Supplies-5401006 Rental Car-Out of State-5503001 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Pre-travel Advance 2014FA HIKING-HAWAII-USD Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Conference/Meeting Exp-Local-5501001 Reimb/Dues Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Hotel Tax-5502001 Advertising Expenses-5407001 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Reimb/Health club Transportation - Taxi/Limo/Bus/Subway/Othe Airfare/Train - In State-5502001 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Office Supplies-5401001 Conference/Meeting Exp-Local-5501001 Wellness Incentive-5201022 Printing Expenses-5402001 Conference/Meeting Exp-Local-5501001 Conference/Meeting Exp-Local-5501001 Other Supplies-5209016 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 Personal Car Mileage-In State-5502002 AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 954.83 1,454.41 130.88 2,629.00 330.00 197.00 351.00 14,635.62 791.00 1,638.03 5,225.00 899.00 945.06 416.97 3,451.29 290.00 3,650.00 3,000.00 487.12 628.00 692.20 623.90 73.57 358.27 376.72 10,062.59 724.75 481.40 30.00 44.37 996.92 54.06 79.66 240.00 16.25 80.00 25.76 92.85 79.00 240.00 273.97 29.95 133.00 208.85 34.72 234.64 COLLEGE OF DuPAGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 502 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TO BE REVIEWED BY BOARD AT THE NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING CHECKS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH - OCTOBER Check number sequence order does not include checks issued to students whereby squence will show gaps in check numbers. AP type is defined as follows: EM-employee reimbursement payment; IM-imprest vendor payment (single voucher less than $15,000); OP-operating vendor payment (single voucher $15,000 or greater). AP TYPE NUMBER EM EM EM IM IM IM IM IM OP OP IM IM*0148095 IM*0148133 IM*E0040805 IM*E0040806 IM*E0040807 IM*E0040808 IM*E0040809 IM*E0040810 IM*E0040811 IM*E0040812 IM*W221 PAYEE NAME Mary J. Cravens Thomas J. Tallman Thomas J. Robertson Packey Webb Ford College of Dupage Founda College of Dupage-CODAA Flex-Plan Services, Inc. IL Fraternal Order of Po College of Dupage Faculty DuPage Credit Union Queen's University Biolo DESCRIPTION check issued in prior month; voided in current month check issued in prior month; voided in current month Publications-5406001 supplies PR DED 10/31/14 UNION DUES 10/31/14 PR FLEX DEPENDENT 10/31/14 UNION DUES 10/31/14 PR Payroll deduction 10/31/14 payroll Payroll deduction 10/31/14 payroll 2014SU Animal Research in the Field Student Refunds Paper Checks Less voided checks issued in prior months Student Refunds Debit Cards Student Refunds Credit Cards TOTAL IMPREST EMPLOYEE CHECKS AND E-CHECKS TRANSFERS ISSUED DURING ACCOUNTING MONTH AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (80.00) (186.37) 450.00 3,070.75 1,395.06 63.75 13,991.37 317.60 24,616.00 37,964.85 3,237.90 5,716,285.63 (46,481.15) 3,285,989.68 112,497.91 $ 20,304,411.40