Bitterroot College of The University of Montana Meeting Location:

Bitterroot College of The University of Montana
Minutes of the Advisory Council
Meeting Location: Classroom 1, Bitterroot College Program, 274 Old Corvallis Road, Hamilton
Meeting Time and Date: 3:10 – 5:15 PM, Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Chair: Lynn Stocking
Vice Chair: Dixie Stark (absent)
1) Call to Order and Roll Call
Advisory Council members present: Terry Berkhouse, Jennifer Burdette, Patricia Meakin, Deb Morris, and Lynn Stocking
a) Advisory Council members absent: Perry Brown, Pat Connell, Heather Green, Roger Maclean, Al Mitchell, and
Dixie Stark
b) BC staff present: Victoria Clark (Director), Kathleen O’Leary (Advising and Enrollment Services), and Patricia
Skinner (Operations; taking notes)
2) Introductions
a) Members of the public present: Peter Rosten and Susan Latimer (of MAPS Media Institute)
3) Announcements and Documents Received
Discussion Summary: Terry Berkhouse, UM Director of Internship Services, was welcomed as a new member of the BC
Advisory Council.
4) Approval of Advisory Council Meeting Minutes from June 27, 2012
Discussion Summary: The minutes from June 27, 2012 were unanimously approved without changes.
Guest Report
a) Peter Rosten and MAPS Media Institute
Discussion Summary: Peter Rosten, MAPS Media Institute founder, explained that MAPS Media Institute began 10 years
ago as a program to engage secondary students in media arts as a means to “make students better communicators.”
Rosten cited several examples of student success in MAPS including a MAPS student production recently being nominated
for a regional Emmy Award. Rosten wanted to explore the possibility of MAPS courses earning secondary students
college credit and of opening up MAPS courses to BC students, with the ultimate goal of MAPS and the BC being able to
offer an Associate of Applied Science in Filmmaking. Clark and Rosten reported that several months ago Clark and Rosten
had met with Stephen Kalm (UM Dean of the College of Visual and Performing Arts), Peggy Kuhr (UM Dean of the College
Journalism), and Rick Hughes (UM Chair of the School of Media Arts) to discuss a collaborative path forward. Clark said
that the UM parties had been receptive and interested, however that a route to the goal was not clear and that small
steps were needed at this pointsuch as identifying one MAPS course to offer for college credit and then developing and
implementing a college credit process for this one course. Chair Stocking agreed that this seemed the best way to explore
this idea.
Clark asked the Council if they believed collaborating with MAPS was beneficial to the BC. Chair Stocking was
generally affirmative. Rosten stated that he thought a MAPS/BC partnership would be good for the UM, showing vision,
community collaboration, and expansion of educational opportunity. At this point the Rostens left the meeting,
suggesting that the Council might want to discuss the MAPS issue without the Rostens present. After the Rostens’
departure, Jennifer Burdette said she thought the plan too ambitious at this point to comment on; she wanted more
information. Patricia Meakin stated that she did not want the BC to loose sight of the path it had already set forth; she
didn’t want to see the BC put off other goals to pursue MAPS.
6) Student Representative (Heather Green)
Discussion Summary: There was no student representative report due to the absence of Heather Green.
Advisory Council Old Business
a) Advisory Council Vacancies (Nominating Committee)
Discussion Summary: Chair Stocking noted that there was one local position that still needed to be filled on the council,
but that she hadn’t heard from the Nominating Committee about progress in identifying a candidate lately. Meakin
reported that progress had been made on several fronts, but that no one was being put forward at this time.
Advisory Council New Business
a) Retreat Planning (Chair Stocking)
b) Rebranding Task Force – see supplemental material (Chair Stocking)
BCP Advisory Council Meeting Minutes, 7-18-2012, Page 2 of 3
Discussion Summary: Chair Stocking reported that retreat planning was just starting to get under way in earnest, that a
date and place were needed, that a facilitator was being contemplated, and that a budget had to be determined. Clark
suggested that setting a date was perhaps the top priority. Stocking said that the council members should expect a
scheduling email (“Doodle”) shortly to determine a retreat date.
With respect to the Rebranding Task Force, Clark explained that the College!Now Implementation Team had set a
date of August 1 to have all the 2-year units’ rebranding committee members identified. Clark said that the BC’s date for
completing the implementation of its rebranding efforts was January 1, 2013. After Council discussion, it was decided
that the BC would reach out to the following individuals for task force membership: Jon Aliri (Bookstore at the UM
Representative), Perry Brown (UM Provost), Victoria Clark (BC Director), Pamela Caughey (BC Art adjunct), Eric Dufresne
(UM Printing & Graphics and Stevensville resident), Amanda Duley (BC adjunct) , Heather Green (Council member and BC
student), Amy James (Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital Marketing), KJ Kahnle (BC student and local graphic artist), Mick
McCawley (BC student and local artist), Kathleen O’Leary (BC Advising & Enrollment), Julie Pepper (BC student and local
artist), and Cary Shimek (University Relations). Clark would contact all the nominees excepting Amy James, who Deb
Morris would contact, and Eric Dufresne, who Patricia Meakin would contact. Clark said that once task force members
were committed, a first meeting would be called.
Director’s Report
a) Programming
i) College
(1) Fall 2012 Enrollment Update – see supplemental material (Kathleen O’Leary)
(2) Natural Resources Pathway
ii) Continuing Education
(1) Summer Term Update
Discussion Summary: Clark asked Kathleen O’Leary to report on Fall 2012 admissions and enrollment. O’Leary stated
that the she had enrolled 65 new students for the fall to date, which was slightly ahead of new student admissions from
the previous summer. She said that duplicated enrollment was at 358, about 20 ahead of last summer at this time. She
noted that dual enrollment (early college) was gaining ground compared to previous semesters. O’Leary reported that fall
new student orientations were scheduled for August 10, 15, and 25 and that “Thinking About College” information
sessions were now scheduled for the second Wednesday of every month (excepting September and January).
Clark reported that planning for a Natural Resources AS pathway was making good progress. She said that they had a
very active local committee which had just met with Jim Burchfield, UM Dean of Forestry and Conservation. Clark
believed that a Resource Conservation two-year transfer pathway would be in place for BC students by fall 2013 and that
some initial courses for the pathway would be piloted in spring 2013. Clark was very positive about UM Forestry and
Conservation involvement, interest, and commitment to the process.
With respect to summer BC Continuing Education, Clark said that enrollments had been low but that this had been
expected as she had not spent any money on advertising. Clark stated that at this point she was focused on designing,
funding, and delivering a BC Continuing Education catalog which would be distributed via a saturation mailing to all Ravalli
County postal addresses. She was working with RCEDA to secure funding and with UM Printing & Graphics on production
to make the catalog a reality by spring 2013.
Community Outreach and Regional Issues
i) Planning for Ravalli County Fair Booth
b) Fiscal Issues
i) Advocating for Increase in BC State Fund Allocation – see supplemental material
ii) Bitterroot College Fund – UM Foundation
(1) Completion of First Fifty Campaign
(2) Plaque for First Fifty Campaign
Discussion Summary: Clark explained that Patty Skinner was in charge of scheduling volunteers for the BC’s booth at the
Ravalli County Fair. Clark was hoping that all AC members would serve at least one shift. Too, Kathleen O’Leary was
working to encourage BC students to take on shifts. It was hoped that each AC member could serve a shift with a BC
student in order to help foster a direct link between AC members and students.
With respect to BC fiscal issues Clark said that the BC had not been awarded any new funds for FY2013 and that this
would make fundraising a priority for FY2013 if the BC wished to avoid a reduction of spring 2013 college offerings. Clark
said that she hoped to engaged the Council in helping her advocate for an increase in funding for FY2014. She said she
was investigating different ways of comparing BC funding with the funding of the state’s other 2-year units; she asked the
committee members to take a look at the handout she had prepared comparing the BC’s per student funding numbers
with the state’s other 2-year unit’s per student funding numbers. Specifically, Clark was interested in understanding the
BCP Advisory Council Meeting Minutes, 7-18-2012, Page 3 of 3
fiscal implications of the embedded structure for BC students. Clark asked the Council to provide her with feedback and
ideas on understanding and advocating for an increase in BC funding. Meakin said that the UM Foundation (UMF) was
not making an effort to specifically promote further giving to the BC among those who had already given to the BC under
the UMF umbrella. Meakin also noted that she believed UM grant writing was not making an effort to support the BC.
Chair Stocking commented that the Council would want to understand all the numbers and be well-versed in UM
budgeting policies and procedures before advocating for a BC funding increase. Terry Berkhouse suggested that Clark
contact Tony Tomsu at the UM Planning, Budget, and Analysis Office to help her with understanding budget numbers and
calculating comparison figures.
Clark reported that she wanted to spend time on finalizing the BC’s First Fifty Campaign which had been initiated the
previous summer. Clark explained that the effort was about half-way complete, but that she would like to do a push this
fall to finish the campaign. She was looking for testimonials from donors and recognition in the local media of the
campaign. Too, she asked the committee for ideas for the design of the First Fifty Plaque. Deb Morris suggested that
Clark take a look at the Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital Foundation’s donor wall at the Hospital.
10) Public Comment
11) For the Good of the Order
12) Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 5:15 PM.
Meeting notes subscribed by Patricia Skinner and summarized by Victoria Clark