Crown of the Continent Bitterroot College with Rick Graetz

Bitterroot College
Proudly Presents:
Crown of the
with Rick Graetz
6:30 to 8:00 PM, Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Hamilton High School Performing Arts Center, Hamilton
$5 regular OR $3 students & seniors
Purchase tickets at door OR in advance by calling 406.375-0100
Rising in northwest Montana, southern Alberta and British Columbia, a swath of
elevated geography is cast on a colossal scale - immense, vast and dramatic. Here
nature mustered many of her greatest powers to create a glorious masterpiece.
Mountain building not only thrust rocks skyward, but also pushed them eastward
over the prairie grass. Eventually, massive forces of ice created valley and alpine
glaciers, which when set in motion shaped an uncommon landscape that now
stands with the best mountain majesty on earth!
On Wednesday, February 6 from 6-8:30PM Rick Graetz, University of Montana
Geography professor and Co-Director of the University’s Crown of the Continent
Initiative, will present a lecture and photo program showing off this magnificent
piece of geography - the Crown of the Continent.
For more information visit us at
The Bitterroot College of The University of Montana is an equal opportunity educator and employer. To request
an alternative format or disability accommodations, please contact the Bitterroot College at (406) 375-0100 or