The Animation degree specializes in preparing students for
employment and/or transfer in the field of animation.
Students will explore and become proficient in the basics of
animation and computer-generated imagery. This program
will teach student’s techniques in story development,
character design, animation, motion control, lighting and
sound for animation. The Animation degree program requires
64 credits in program requirements, program electives,
electives and general education as listed below.
Field of Study Code: MPTV.AAS.ANIMAT
The Motion Picture/Television program specializes in
preparing students for employment and/or transfer in the
fields of film, video, television, animation and audio
production. Graduates find jobs in industry, education and
government; although a knowledge of motion picture or
television production is also helpful for those seeking careers
in advertising, public relations and other related fields. A
hands-on approach to learning is emphasized. Several courses
are transfer oriented. The Television Production degree
requires a minimum of 66 credits in program requirements,
program electives and general education as listed below.
Program Requirements ....................................................... 39
Mptv 1020 Editing for Motion Pictures and Television ....... 3
Mptv 1311 Introduction to Animation ................................ 3
Mptv 1313 History of Animation......................................... 3
Mptv 1324 Motion Graphics and Special Effects I............... 3
Mptv 2331 Three-Dimensional Animation I ........................ 3
Mptv 2342 Animation Portfolio .......................................... 3
Art 1101 Drawing I .......................................................... 3
Art 1102 Drawing II ......................................................... 3
Art 1151 Two-Dimensional Foundations Studio .............. 3
Art 2201 Life Drawing I .................................................... 3
Art 2266 Computer Art I .................................................. 3
Grdsn 2210 Cartooning ........................................................ 3
Grdsn 2211 Storyboarding/Sequential Art ........................... 3
Field of Study Code: MPTV.AAS.FILM
Program Electives ................................................................. 6
Select six credits from any 1000- or 2000-level Motion
Picture/Television faculty adviser-approved; one suggested
course is listed below. (In addition to the courses listed
Mptv 2333 Motion Graphics and Special Effects II.............. 3
Program Electives ............................................................... 14
Select at least 14 credits from the courses below. (In addition
to the courses listed above.)
Mptv 1220 Introduction to Television Studio Production ... 3
Mptv 1311 Introduction to Animation................................ 3
Mptv 1320 Intermediate Animation ................................... 3
Mptv 1822 Selected Topics ................................................ 3
Mptv 2231 TV News Field Production ................................ 3
Mptv 2233 Documentary Production ................................. 3
Mptv 2240 Advanced Television Production ...................... 3
Mptv 2331 Three-Dimensional Animation I ........................ 3
Mptv 2340 Three-Dimensional Animation II ....................... 3
Mptv 2822 Advanced Selected Topics II ............................. 3
................................................................... 3
Select three credits from any 1000- or 2000-level Motion
Picture/Television or general education course. (In addition to
the courses listed above.)
General Education ..................................................... 16 to 19
(In addition to the courses listed above.)
Total Credits Required ............................................... 64 to 67
Program Requirements ....................................................... 33
Mptv 1011 Introduction to Motion Pictures & Television .. 3
Mptv 1020 Editing for Motion Pictures and Television ....... 3
Mptv 1022 Audio for Motion Pictures and Television ........ 3
Mptv 1111 Film/Video Aesthetics ...................................... 3
Mptv 1113 Film History ...................................................... 3
Mptv 1120 Cinematography ............................................... 3
Mptv 2022 Screenwriting for Short Forms ......................... 3
Mptv 2031 Pre-Production for Motion Picture and
Television........................................................ 3
Mptv 2131 Film/Video Production ..................................... 3
Mptv 2133 Directing for Film/Video ................................... 3
Mptv 2140 Advanced Film/Video Production ..................... 3
General Education ..................................................... 19 to 22
(In addition to the courses listed above.)
Total Credits Required ............................................... 66 to 69
2015-2017 CATALOG
The Motion Picture/Television program specializes in
preparing students for employment and/or transfer in the
fields of film, video, television, animation and audio
production. Graduates find jobs in industry, education and
government; although a knowledge of motion picture or
television production also is helpful for those seeking careers
in advertising, public relations and other related fields. A
hands-on approach to learning is emphasized. Several courses
are transfer oriented. The Film/Video Production degree
program requires a minimum of 64 credits in program
requirements, program electives and general education as
listed below.
The Motion Picture/Television program specializes in
preparing students for employment and/or transfer in the
fields of film, video, television, animation and audio
production. Graduates find jobs in industry, education and
government; although a knowledge of motion picture or
television production also is helpful for those seeking careers
in advertising, public relations and other related fields. A
hands-on approach to learning is emphasized. Several courses
are transfer oriented. The Digital Broadcast Journalism
degree requires a minimum of 64 credits in program
requirements, program electives and general education as
listed below.
Field of Study Code: MPTV.AAS.PROD
Field of Study Code: MPTV.AAS.DIGTL
Program Requirements ....................................................... 33
Mptv 1011 Introduction to Motion Pictures & Television... 3
Mptv 1020 Editing for Motion Pictures and Television ....... 3
Mptv 1213 History of Television ......................................... 3
Mptv 1220 Introduction to Television Studio Production ... 3
Mptv 1222 Writing for Television ....................................... 3
Mptv 1324 Motion Graphics and Special Effects I............... 3
Mptv 2031 Pre-Production for Motion Picture and
Television ........................................................ 3
Mptv 2134 On-Location TV Production............................... 3
Mptv 2231 TV News Field Production ................................. 3
Mptv 2233 Documentary Production ................................. 3
Mptv 2240 Advanced Television Production ...................... 3
Program Electives ............................................................... 12
Select at least 12 credits from any MPTV courses that are not
listed as a program requirement. Suggested Program Electives
are listed below.
Mptv 1022 Audio for Motion Pictures and Television......... 3
Mptv 1111 Film/Video Aesthetics ....................................... 3
Mptv 1120 Cinematography ............................................... 3
Mptv 1822 Selected Topics ................................................ 3
Mptv 2022 Screenwriting for Short Forms .......................... 3
Mptv 2333 Motion Graphics and Special Effects II.............. 3
Mptv 2822 Advanced Selected Topics II ............................. 3
General Education ..................................................... 19 to 22
(In addition to the courses listed above.)
Program Requirements ....................................................... 36
Mptv 1220
Introduction to Television Studio
Production .................................................... 3
Mptv 1422
Writing and Reporting for TV News I ............. 3
Mptv 1423
Announcing and Performing Broadcast
News............................................................. 3
Mptv 1431
Introduction to Field Production and
Editing .......................................................... 3
Mptv 2231
TV News Field Production .............................. 3
Mptv 2233
Documentary Production ............................... 3
Mptv 2422
Writing and Reporting II................................. 3
Mptv 2431
Television News Producing ............................ 3
Mptv 2440
Advanced On-Air Broadcasting ...................... 3
Mcomm 1100 Introduction to Mass Communication ........... 3
Mcomm 1105 News Reporting and Writing for
Multimedia ................................................... 3
Mcomm 2100 Social Media as News..................................... 3
Program Electives ............................................................... 10
Select ten credits from any 1000- or 2000-level Mptv or
Mcomm course that is not a required course.
General Education ..................................................... 18 to 22
(In addition to the courses listed above.)
Total Credits Required ............................................... 64 to 68
Total Credits Required ............................................... 64 to 67
2015-2017 CATALOG
The Motion Picture/Television certificate requires 45 credits
in program requirements and program electives.
The Motion Picture/Television program specializes in
preparing students for employment and/or transfer in the
fields of film, video, television, animation and audio
production. Graduates find jobs in industry, education and
government; although a knowledge of motion picture or
television production is also helpful for those seeking careers
in advertising, public relations and other related fields. A
hands-on approach to learning is emphasized. Several courses
are transfer oriented. The Animation certificate requires 45
Field of Study Code: MPTV.CER
Total Credits Required ........................................................ 45
Program Requirements ....................................................... 30
Mptv 1011 Introduction to Motion Pictures & Television... 3
Mptv 1020 Editing for Motion Pictures and Television ....... 3
Mptv 1022 Audio for Motion Pictures and Television......... 3
Mptv 1111 Film/Video Aesthetics ....................................... 3
Mptv 1120 Cinematography ............................................... 3
Mptv 1220 Introduction to Television Studio Production ... 3
Mptv 2022 Screenwriting for Short Forms .......................... 3
Mptv 2031 Pre-Production for Motion Picture and
Television ........................................................ 3
Mptv 2133 Directing for Film/Video ................................... 3
Mptv 2140 Advanced Film/Video Production ..................... 3
Mptv 2231 TV News Field Production ................................. 3
Mptv 2440 Advanced On-Air Broadcasting ......................... 3
Program Electives ............................................................... 15
Select at least 15 credits from the courses listed below. (In
addition to the courses listed above.)
Mptv 1113 Film History....................................................... 3
Mptv 1311 Introduction to Animation ................................ 3
Mptv 1320 Intermediate Animation ................................... 3
Mptv 1822 Selected Topics ................................................ 3
Mptv 2233 Documentary Production ................................. 3
Mptv 2331 Three-Dimensional Animation I ........................ 3
Mptv 2340 Three-Dimensional Animation II ....................... 3
Mptv 2822 Advanced Selected Topics II ............................. 3
Field of Study Code: MPTV.CER.ANIMA
Total Credits Required ........................................................ 45
Program Requirements ....................................................... 39
Mptv 1020 Editing for Motion Pictures and Television ....... 3
Mptv 1311 Introduction to Animation................................ 3
Mptv 1313 History of Animation ........................................ 3
Mptv 1324 Motion Graphics and Special Effects I .............. 3
Mptv 2331 Three-Dimensional Animation I ........................ 3
Mptv 2342 Animation Portfolio .......................................... 3
Art 1101 Drawing I .......................................................... 3
Art 1102 Drawing II ......................................................... 3
Art 1151 Two-Dimensional Foundations Studio.............. 3
Art 2201 Life Drawing I.................................................... 3
Art 2266 Computer Art I ................................................. 3
Grdsn 2210 Cartooning........................................................ 3
Grdsn 2211 Storyboarding/Sequential Art .......................... 3
Program Electives ................................................................. 6
Select six credits from any 1000- or 2000-level Motion
Picture/Television faculty adviser-approved courses. (In
addition to the courses listed above.)
2015-2017 CATALOG