The Human Services Generalist degree prepares students for
entry-level human services work with a broad range of
populations. This degree requires a minimum of 67 credits in
program requirements, program electives, and general
education courses as listed below.
Field of Study Code: HUMAN.AAS
Program Requirements ................................................... 46
Human 1100 Introduction to Human Services ....................4
Human 1113 Interpersonal Dynamics.................................4
Human 1114 Contemporary Practice Models .....................3
Human 1115 Behavior Change Principles ...........................3
Human 1121 Cross-Cultural Communications ....................4
Human 1125 Introduction to Addictions.............................4
Human 1141 Psychiatric Rehabilitation ..............................4
Human 1170 Role of Advocacy in Human Services .............2
Human 1175 Crisis Intervention .........................................2
Human 1180 Domestic/Family Violence .............................4
Human 2212 Group Dynamics ............................................3
Human 2240 Family Education and Treatment Models ......3
Human 2251 Fieldwork I .....................................................4
Human 2279 Ethics and Legal Issues in Human Services ....2
Program Electives ............................................................. 3
Select at least three credits of electives from the following
courses. (In addition to the courses listed above.)
Human 1105 Esteem Building .............................................2
Human 1126 Psychopharmacology for Addictions
Counselors ...................................................3
Human 1130 Psychedelic Mindview ...................................2
Human 1142 Psychiatric Rehabilitation Skills......................4
Human 1143 Health Skills for Psychiatric Rehabilitation.....4
Human 1144 Vocational and Community Living Skills ........4
Human 1160 Residential Child Care ....................................4
Human 1165 Dynamics of Child Abuse ...............................3
Human 1190 Introduction to Developmental Disabilities ...5
Human 1820 Selected Topics I .................................... 1 to 3
Human 2200 Human Services Corrections Counseling .......4
Human 2213 Grief Counseling ............................................3
Human 2214 Older Adult Care Management......................4
Human 2230 Grand Development for Non-Profit
Organizations ...............................................2
Human 2235 Dynamics of Fund Development for the
Human Service Professional ........................2
Human 2284 CADC Exam Preparation ................................1
Human 2286 Assessment of Trauma for Veterans..............3
Human 2287 Post Trauma Stress & Co-Morbid Disorders ..3
Human 2288 Treatment for Veteran Population & Families3
Human 2289 Counseling Focusing – Veteran Population ...3
General Education .................................................. 18 to 19
(In addition to the courses listed above).
Total Credits Required ............................................ 67 to 68
The Addiction Counseling prepares students to work with an
addictions population while earning an associate's degree.
Advanced training meets Illinois Certification Board standards
for the addictions counseling certification with a passing
exam score. This degree requires a minimum of 66 credits in
program requirements and general education as listed below.
Field of Study Code: HUMAN.AAS.ADDIC
Program Requirements .................................................. 47-48
Human 1100 Introduction to Human Services .................... 4
Human 1113 Interpersonal Dynamics ................................. 4
Human 1114 Contemporary Practice Models ..................... 3
Human 1115 Behavior Change Principles............................ 3
Human 1121 Cross-Cultural Communications..................... 4
Human 1125 Introduction to Addictions ............................. 4
Human 1126 Psychopharmacology for Addictions
Counselors .................................................... 3
Human 1180 Domestic/Family Violence ............................. 4
Human 2212 Group Dynamics ............................................. 3
Human 2225 Addictions Counseling I .................................. 4
Human 2226 Addictions Counseling II ................................. 3
Human 2240 Family Education and Treatment Models ...... 3
Human 2251 Fieldwork I...................................................... 4
Human 2279 Ethics and Legal Issues in Human Services .... 2
Human 2280 Addictions Counseling III ................................ 3
General Education ..................................................... 19 to 20
(In addition to the courses listed above.)
Total Credits Required ................................................... 66-68
The Human Services Generalist certificate prepares students
for entry-level human services work with a broad range of
populations. This certificate requires a minimum of 49 credits
in the courses listed below.
Field of Study Code: HUMAN.CER
Total Credits Required ........................................................ 49
Program Requirements ....................................................... 45
Human 1100 Introduction to Human Services .................... 4
Human 1113 Interpersonal Dynamics ................................. 4
2015-2017 CATALOG
Human 1114
Human 1115
Human 1121
Human 1125
Human 1141
Human 1170
Human 1175
Human 1180
Human 2212
Human 2223
Human 2251
Human 2279
Contemporary Practice Models ..................... 3
Behavior Change Principles ............................ 3
Cross-Cultural Communications ..................... 4
Introduction to Addictions ............................. 4
Psychiatric Rehabilitation ............................... 4
Role of Advocacy in Human Services ............. 2
Crisis Intervention .......................................... 2
Domestic/Family Violence.............................. 4
Group Dynamics ............................................. 3
Generalist Practice I ....................................... 2
Fieldwork I ...................................................... 4
Ethics and Legal Issues in Human Services ..... 2
Program Electives ................................................................. 4
Select four credits from the courses listed below. (In addition
to the courses listed above.)
Human 1105 Esteem Building .............................................. 2
Human 1130 Psychedelic Mindview .................................... 2
Human 1142 Psychiatric Rehabilitation Skills ...................... 4
Human 1143 Health Skills for Psychiatric Rehabilitation .... 4
Human 1144 Vocational and Community Living Skills ......... 4
Human 1160 Residential Child Care .................................... 4
Human 1165 Dynamics of Child Abuse ................................ 3
Human 1190 Introduction to Developmental Disabilities ... 5
Human 1820 Selected Topics ............................................1-3
Human 2200 Human Services Corrections Counseling ........ 4
Human 2213 Grief Counseling ............................................. 3
Human 2214 Older Adult Care Management ...................... 4
Human 2240 Family Education and Treatment Models ...... 3
Human 2245 Introduction to Eating Disorders .................... 3
Human 2285 Divorce and Family Mediation ....................... 4
Human 2286 Assessment of Trauma for Veteran
Population ................................................... 3
Human 2287 Assessment of Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder and Co-Morbid Disorders ............... 3
Human 2288 Treatment Approaches for Veteran
Population and Families .............................. 3
Human 2289 Individual and Group Counseling Focused
on Veteran Population ................................. 3
The Addictions Counseling certificate prepares students to
work with an addictions population. The Addictions training
meets all requirements for the Certified Alcohol and Other
Drug Abuse Counselor (CADC) certification with the addition
of a passing exam score. Advanced training meets Illinois
Alcohol and Other Drugs of Abuse Professional Certification
Association (IAODAPCA ) standards for the addictions
counseling certification. This certificate requires 48 credits in
program requirements and program electives listed below.
Field of Study Code: HUMAN.CER.ADDIC
Total Credits Required ........................................................ 48
Program Requirements ....................................................... 45
Human 1100 Introduction to Human Services .................... 4
Human 1113 Interpersonal Dynamics ................................. 4
Human 1114
Human 1115
Human 1121
Human 1125
Human 1126
Human 1180
Human 2212
Human 2225
Human 2226
Human 2251
Human 2279
Contemporary Practice Models ..................... 3
Behavior Change Principles............................ 3
Cross-Cultural Communications..................... 4
Introduction to Addictions ............................. 4
Psychopharmacology for Addictions
Counselors .................................................... 3
Domestic/Family Violence ............................. 4
Group Dynamics ............................................. 3
Addictions Counseling I .................................. 4
Addictions Counseling II ................................. 3
Fieldwork I...................................................... 4
Ethics and Legal Issues in Human Services .... 2
Program Electives ................................................................. 3
Select three credits from the courses listed below. (In
addition to the courses listed above.)
Human 1105 Esteem Building ............................................. 2
Human 1130 Psychedelic Mindview .................................... 2
Human 1141 Psychiatric Rehabilitation .............................. 4
Human 1142 Psychiatric Rehabilitation Skills ...................... 4
Human 1160 Residential Child Care .................................... 4
Human 1165 Dynamics of Child Abuse ................................ 3
Human 1170 Role of Advocacy in Human Services ............. 2
Human 1175 Crisis Intervention .......................................... 2
Human 1190 Introduction to Developmental Disabilities ... 5
Human 1820 Selected Topics ........................................... 1-3
Human 2200 Human Services Corrections Counseling ....... 4
Human 2213 Grief Counseling ............................................. 3
Human 2214 Older Adult Care Management ...................... 4
Human 2240 Family Education and Treatment Models ...... 3
Human 2245 Introduction to Eating Disorders.................... 3
Human 2284 CADC Exam Preparation ................................. 1
Human 2285 Divorce and Family Mediation ....................... 4
Human 2286 Assessment of Trauma for Veteran
Population .................................................... 3
Human 2287 Assessment of Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder and Co-Morbid Disorders .............. 3
Human 2288 Treatment Approaches for Veteran
Population and Families ............................... 3
Human 2289 Individual and Group Counseling Focused
on Veteran Population ................................. 3
ADVANCED CERTIFICATE STANDING: (optional) complete the
following additional seven credit hours.
Human 2252 Fieldwork II..................................................... 4
Human 2280 Addictions Counseling III ................................ 3
The Corrections Counseling certificate will provide specialized
education for those working in the corrections counseling
setting. This certificate requires 49 credits in the courses listed
Field of Study Code: HUMAN.CER.CORR
Total Credits Required ........................................................ 49
Program Requirements ....................................................... 45
2015-2017 CATALOG
Human 1100
Human 1113
Human 1114
Human 1115
Human 1121
Human 1125
Human 1170
Human 1175
Human 1180
Human 2200
Human 2212
Human 2223
Human 2251
Human 2279
Introduction to Human Services .................... 4
Interpersonal Dynamics ................................. 4
Contemporary Practice Models ..................... 3
Behavior Change Principles ............................ 3
Cross-Cultural Communications ..................... 4
Introduction to Addictions ............................. 4
Role of Advocacy in Human Services ............. 2
Crisis Intervention .......................................... 2
Domestic/Family Violence.............................. 4
Human Services Corrections Counseling ........ 4
Group Dynamics ............................................. 3
Generalist Practice I ....................................... 2
Fieldwork I ...................................................... 4
Ethics and Legal Issues in Human Services ..... 2
Program Electives ................................................................. 4
Select four credits from the courses listed below. (In addition
to the courses listed above.)
Human 1105 Esteem Building .............................................. 2
Human 1130 Psychedelic Mindview .................................... 2
Human 1141 Psychiatric Rehabilitation ............................... 4
Human 1142 Psychiatric Rehabilitation Skills ...................... 4
Human 1160 Residential Child Care .................................... 4
Human 1165 Dynamics of Child Abuse ................................ 3
Human 1190 Introduction to Developmental Disabilities ... 5
Human 1820 Selected Topics ............................................1-3
Human 2213 Grief Counseling ............................................. 3
Human 2214 Older Adult Care Management ...................... 4
Human 2240 Family Education and Treatment Models ...... 3
Human 2245 Introduction to Eating Disorders .................... 3
Human 2285 Divorce and Family Mediation ....................... 4
Human 2286 Assessment of Trauma for Veteran
Population .................................................... 3
Human 2287 Assessment of Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder and Co-Morbid Disorders .............. 3
Human 2288 Treatment Approaches for Veteran
Population and Families ............................... 3
Human 2289 Individual and Group Counseling Focused
on Veteran Population ................................. 3
Human 1125
Human 1170
Human 1175
Human 1190
Human 2212
Human 2223
Human 2240
Human 2251
Human 2279
Introduction to Addictions ............................. 4
Role of Advocacy in Human Services ............. 2
Crisis Intervention .......................................... 2
Introduction to Developmental Disabilities ... 5
Group Dynamics ............................................. 3
Generalist Practice I ....................................... 2
Family Education and Treatment Models ...... 3
Fieldwork I...................................................... 4
Ethics and Legal Issues in Human Services .... 2
Program Electives ................................................................. 4
Select four credits from the courses listed below. (In addition
to the courses listed above.)
Human 1105 Esteem Building ............................................. 2
Human 1130 Psychedelic Mindview .................................... 2
Human 1141 Psychiatric Rehabilitation .............................. 4
Human 1160 Residential Child Care .................................... 4
Human 1165 Dynamics of Child Abuse ................................ 3
Human 1180 Domestic/Family Violence ............................. 4
Human 1820 Selected Topics ........................................... 1-3
Human 2200 Human Services Corrections Counseling ....... 4
Human 2213 Grief Counseling ............................................. 3
Human 2214 Older Adult Care Management ...................... 4
Human 2245 Introduction to Eating Disorders .................... 3
Human 2285 Divorce and Family Mediation ....................... 4
Human 2286 Assessment of Trauma for Veteran
Population .................................................... 3
Human 2287 Assessment of Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder and Co-Morbid Disorders .............. 3
Human 2288 Treatment Approaches for Veteran
Population and Families ............................... 3
Human 2289 Individual and Group Counseling Focused
on Veteran Population ................................. 3
The Human Services Domestic/Family Violence certificate
prepares students for entry-level human services work in a
domestic violence agency. This certificate requires 28 credits
in program requirements courses as listed below.
Field of Study Code: HUMAN.CER.DOM
The Developmental Disabilities certificate provides specialized
education to prepare an entry level human services
professional to work with clients with developmental
disabilities. The certificate requires 49 credits in program
requirements and program electives.
Total Credits Required ........................................................ 28
Human 1100 Introduction to Human Services .................... 4
Human 1113 Interpersonal Dynamics ................................. 4
Human 1121 Cross-Cultural Communications..................... 4
Human 1170 Role of Advocacy in Human Services ............. 2
Human 1175 Crisis Intervention .......................................... 2
Human 1180 Domestic/Family Violence ............................. 4
Human 2223 Generalist Practice I ....................................... 2
Human 2251 Fieldwork I...................................................... 4
Field of Study Code: HUMAN.CER.DEVDS
Total Credits Required ........................................................ 49
Program Requirements ....................................................... 45
Human 1100 Introduction to Human Services .................... 4
Human 1113 Interpersonal Dynamics ................................. 4
Human 1114 Contemporary Practice Models ..................... 3
Human 1115 Behavior Change Principles ............................ 3
Human 1121 Cross-Cultural Communications ..................... 4
2015-2017 CATALOG
Field of Study Code: HUMAN.CER.REHAB
The Applied Gerontology certificate prepares students to work
with an older adult population to meet their unique needs.
This certificate requires 50 credits in program requirements
and program electives in the courses listed below.
Total Credits Required ........................................................ 24
Human 1113 Interpersonal Dynamics ................................. 4
Human 1141 Psychiatric Rehabilitation .............................. 4
Human 1142 Psychiatric Rehabilitation Skills ...................... 4
Human 1143 Health Skills for Psychiatric
Rehabilitation ............................................... 4
Human 1144 Vocational and Community Living Skills......... 4
Human 2251 Fieldwork I...................................................... 4
Field of Study Code: HUMAN.CER.GERON
Total Credits Required ........................................................ 50
Program Requirements ....................................................... 46
Human 1100 Introduction to Human Services .................... 4
Human 1113 Interpersonal Dynamics ................................. 4
Human 1114 Contemporary Practice Models ..................... 3
Human 1115 Behavior Change Principles ............................ 3
Human 1121 Cross-Cultural Communications ..................... 4
Human 1125 Introduction to Addictions ............................. 4
Human 1170 Role of Advocacy in Human Services ............. 2
Human 1180 Domestic/Family Violence.............................. 4
Human 2212 Group Dynamics ............................................. 3
Human 2213 Grief Counseling ............................................. 3
Human 2214 Older Adult Care Management ...................... 4
Human 2223 Generalist Practice I ....................................... 2
Human 2251 Fieldwork I ...................................................... 4
Human 2279 Ethics and Legal Issues in Human Services ..... 2
Program Electives ................................................................. 4
Select four credits from the courses listed below. (In addition
to the courses listed above.)
Human 1105 Esteem Building .............................................. 2
Human 1130 Psychedelic Mindview .................................... 2
Human 1141 Psychiatric Rehabilitation ............................... 4
Human 1142 Psychiatric Rehabilitation Skills ...................... 4
Human 1160 Residential Child Care .................................... 4
Human 1165 Dynamics of Child Abuse ................................ 3
Human 1175 Crisis Intervention .......................................... 2
Human 1190 Introduction to Developmental Disabilities ... 5
Human 1820 Selected Topics ............................................1-3
Human 2200 Human Services Corrections Counseling ........ 4
Human 2213 Grief Counseling ............................................. 3
Human 2240 Family Education and Treatment Models ...... 3
Human 2245 Introduction to Eating Disorders .................... 3
Human 2285 Divorce and Family Mediation ....................... 4
Human 2286 Assessment of Trauma for Veteran
Population .................................................... 3
Human 2287 Assessment of Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder and Co-Morbid Disorders .............. 3
Human 2288 Treatment Approaches for Veteran
Population and Families ............................... 3
Human 2289 Individual and Group Counseling Focused
on Veteran Population ................................. 3
Training in the field of psychosocial rehabilitation. The
Psychiatric Rehabilitation certificate requires 24 credits in the
courses listed below.
The Residential Child Care certificate will provide specialized
education for those working in the residential child care
setting. This certificate requires 50 credits in the courses listed
Field of Study Code: HUMAN.CER.RESCC
Total Credits Required ........................................................ 50
Program Requirements ....................................................... 46
Human 1100 Introduction to Human Services .................... 4
Human 1113 Interpersonal Dynamics ................................. 4
Human 1114 Contemporary Practice Models ..................... 3
Human 1115 Behavior Change Principles............................ 3
Human 1121 Cross-Cultural Communications..................... 4
Human 1125 Introduction to Addictions ............................. 4
Human 1160 Residential Child Care .................................... 4
Human 1165 Dynamics of Child Abuse ................................ 3
Human 1175 Crisis Intervention .......................................... 2
Human 1180 Domestic/Family Violence ............................. 4
Human 2212 Group Dynamics ............................................. 3
Human 2223 Generalist Practice I ....................................... 2
Human 2251 Fieldwork I...................................................... 4
Human 2279 Ethics and Legal Issues in Human Services .... 2
Program Electives ................................................................. 4
Select four credits from the courses listed below. (In addition
to the courses listed above.)
Select four credits from the courses listed below.
Human 1105
Human 1130
Human 1141
Human 1142
Human 1170
Human 1190
Human 1820
Human 2200
Human 2213
Human 2214
Esteem Building ............................................. 2
Psychedelic Mindview .................................... 2
Psychiatric Rehabilitation .............................. 4
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Skills ...................... 4
Role of Advocacy in Human Services ............. 2
Introduction to Developmental Disabilities ... 5
Selected Topics ........................................... 1-3
Human Services Corrections Counseling ....... 4
Grief Counseling ............................................. 3
Older Adult Care Management ...................... 4
Human 2240
Human 2245
Human 2285
Family Education and Treatment Models ...... 3
Introduction to Eating Disorders .................... 3
Divorce and Family Mediation ....................... 4
2015-2017 CATALOG
Human 2286
Human 2287
Human 2288
Human 2289
Assessment of Trauma for Veteran
Population .................................................... 3
Assessment of Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder and Co-Morbid Disorders .............. 3
Treatment Approaches for Veteran
Population and Families ............................... 3
Individual and Group Counseling Focused
on Veteran Population ................................. 3
The Fund Development in Human Services certificate is
designed to provide knowledge and expertise in the areas of
fund development. Courses focus on fundraising theory,
history, strategy, implementation, and practice. Students in
the Human Services program, professionals from non-profit
organizations, advocates, and providers, would benefit from
completion of this program. This certificates requires 15
credits in the courses listed below.
Field of Study Code: HUMAN.CER.FDEV
The Veteran Counseling certificate will offer the student
specialized education for working with veterans. This
certificate requires 25 credits in the courses listed below.
Field of Study Code: HUMAN.CER.VET
Total Credits Required ........................................................ 25
Human 1125 Introduction to Addictions ............................. 4
Human 1175 Crisis Intervention .......................................... 2
Human 2213 Grief Counseling ............................................. 3
Human 2251 Fieldwork I ...................................................... 4
Human 2286 Assessment of Trauma for Veteran
Population .................................................... 3
Human 2287 Assessment of Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder and Co-Morbid Disorders .............. 3
Human 2288 Treatment Approaches for Veteran
Population and Families ............................... 3
Human 2289 Individual and Group Counseling Focused
on Veteran Population ................................. 3
Total Credits Required ........................................................ 15
Human 1100 Introduction to Human Services .................... 4
Human 1170 Role of Advocacy in Human Services ............. 2
Human 2230 Grand Development for Non-Profit
Organizations ............................................... 2
Human 2235 Dynamics of Fund Development for the
Human Service Professional ......................... 2
Human 2279 Ethics and Legal Issues in Human Services .... 2
Socio 1205
Introduction to Data Science ......................... 3
Students who complete the Mental Health First Aid
Certificate will have a solid foundational knowledge of
mental health issues and ways to appropriately respond
when people experience a mental health crisis. This
certificate is aimed at first responders, including firefighters,
police, EMTs, and nurses who routinely confront people with
crises related to mental health. Three courses totaling seven
credit hours are required.
Field of Study Code: HUMAN.CER.MHLTH
Total Credits Required .......................................................... 7
Human 1140 Mental Health First Aid .................................. 1
Human 1141 Psychiatric Rehabilitation ............................... 4
Human 1175 Crisis Intervention .......................................... 2
2015-2017 CATALOG