Dublin Jerome Drama Camp Saturday, November 7 from 9-5 pm

Dublin Jerome Drama Camp
Goodness! I
hope you come!
Saturday, November 7th from 9-5 pm
Imagine…It’s a cool, autumn day and your kids need
out of the house! Let your student have fun for the day
and you can have some peace and quiet!
WHO? Kids grades K-6th who want to have fun and perform in a BIG show!
WHAT? The Dublin Jerome Drama Club is hosting a Drama Camp where
kids ages K-6th grade can come and learn a song, a dance, create costumes and be a part
of the high school production of Rogers & Hammerstein’s CINDERELLA. Campers
will be performing alongside the Theatre 3 Acting Ensemble. Campers will be playing
Townspeople, Ball Attendees, Cinderella’s
Friends (mice, horses, etc.) and Chefs/Food
Tue, Nov. 10 6-8
Nov. 19th @ 7:00 pm
(reminiscent of Beauty’s “Be our Guest”.) All
Thr, Nov. 12 6-8
Nov. 20th @ 7:00 pm
Wed, Nov. 18th 6-9 Nov. 21st @ 2:00 pm
campers are invited to attend rehearsals and the
Nov. 21st @ 7:00 pm
final dress rehearsal the week of the show and to
In-school matinee
Nov. 24th @ 10:00 am
perform in all 4 shows, but it is not mandatory.
We also will be performing an in-school matinee
for elementary school kids on Nov. 24th (day before Thanksgiving Break) and your child
is welcome to participate in that as well! More specific details will be sent with your
confirmation. Need more info? Contact Patty Scott.
WHERE & WHEN? Saturday, Nov. 7th at Dublin Jerome HS Center for the Performing
Arts, 8300 Hyland Croy Rd, Dublin, 43016
COST? $65 for the first child and $60 for each additional child from the same family.
If you would like to register your child(ren), please fill in the attached registration and send it
with payment to: Patty Scott, Dublin Jerome HS, 8300 Hyland Croy Rd, Dublin, OH 43016.
Registration deadline is Friday, October 9TH. You will receive confirmation by e-mail once
we process your registration. Please note: Jerome faculty reserves the right to send a camper
home without a refund for inappropriate behavior.
If you have any questions, please contact Patty Scott at 718-8263
or scott_patricia@dublinschools.net
Drama Camp Registration Form
Drama Camp is Nov. 7 at Dublin Jerome High School Center for Performing Arts.
Child’s Name______________________________ Age_________ [ ] Male [ ] Female
School Attending__________________________ Grade Level_____
$65 for the first child;
Friend request? ___________________________________________
(We will be grouping kids according to grade level and school so please let us
$60 for each
know if your child would like to be grouped with another!)
additional child from
We will be ordering costume pieces ahead of time. Please be accurate!
the same family.
Height _____ Weight _____ T-shirt size: YS YM YL AS AM AL
What size clothes do you usually buy? Tops_______ Pants_________
Parent/Guardian’s Name______________________________________________________
Address___________________________________________________ Home Phone:_______________
Cell Phone: ________________
E-mail: _____________________________________________________
In case of emergency where can we reach you and how?_________________________________________
If we cannot reach you, who can we reach and how?____________________________________________
Students will need to provide their own lunch, but may be provided with some snacks or treats. Please list any
food allergies your child(children) has(have) ___________________________________________________
**Does your child suffer from anything that would preclude his/her participation in certain activities? If so,
what is that “anything” and what activities should be avoided?
Emergency Medical Authorization
In the event that reasonable attempts to contact me have been unsuccessful, I hereby give my consent (I) for the
administration of any treatment deemed necessary by our preferred physician or dentist, or in the event that the designate preferred
practitioner is not available, by another licensed physicians or dentist, and (2) for the transfer of the child to our preferred hospital or
any hospital reasonably accessible. This authorization does not cover major surgery unless the medical opinions of two other licensed
physicians or dentists, concurring in the necessity for such surgery are obtained before surgery is performed.
Preferred Doctor____________________________________ph.___________________
Preferred Dentist____________________________________ph.___________________
Preferred Hospital_________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature_______________________________Date______________
I DO NOT give my consent for emergency medical treatment of my child. In the event of illness or injury
requiring treatment, I wish the school authorities to take no action, or to:
Parent/Guardian’s Signature_______________________________Date_____________
Send in registration with payment to: Patty Scott, Dublin Jerome HS, 8300 Hyland Croy Rd, Dublin, OH 43016. Make checks
payable to Dublin Jerome Drama Club. Registration deadline is October 9th. You will receive a confirmation once we process your
registration. Please note: Dublin Jerome faculty reserves the right to send a camper home without a refund for inappropriate behavior.