Dublin City Schools Ratings Rubric for Math Placement - Spring...

Dublin City Schools Ratings Rubric for Math Placement - Spring 2016
Student’s Name (last, first)___________________________________________________
Teacher’s Name___________________________________________________________
Student ID #__________________
(circle) Grade: 4th /5th / 6th
Always completes work and
completes accurately (90% or better)
Usually completes work; completes
accurately (80% - 89%)
Sometimes completes work
Completes accurately (70% - 79%)
Consistently does not complete
work and work is inaccurate
Skills (addition,
Mastery of computation with whole
numbers, fractions, and decimals;
mastery of number facts
with few to no errors.
Proficient with computation with
whole numbers, fractions, and
decimals; mastery of number facts
but sometimes makes errors.
Working towards proficiency with
whole numbers, fractions, and
decimals; sufficient recall of number
facts but does make errors.
Not proficient; does not recall
procedures. Struggles to recall
basic number facts.
Student uses supports such as
counting on fingers.
Problem Solving
Skills with ability
to display and
explain processes
Mastery of correct methods and
procedures. Excellent ability to read
and comprehend word problems.
Finds, uses, and displays multiple
strategies. Consistently shows all
work. Work is well organized. Able
to explain in written, detailed,
logical manner and format how
answers were obtained.
Proficient use of correct methods
and procedures. Good reading skills
- usually comprehends what is
being asked to do/find. Can find an
alternate strategy and display this.
Sometimes shows work. Lack of
written and/or organization of work
which occasionally leads to errors.
Needs assistance or guidance to
determine methods/procedures
Sometimes has difficulty
deciphering what to do. Has only
one way of solving or displaying
solution. Shows little written work.
Relies heavily on mental math often
leading to mistakes. Has difficulty
with explaining and showing
Struggles to find methods/
procedures without help from
teacher. Reading skills interfere
with comprehension of word
problems. Cannot come up with a
strategy. Shows little or no work;
will not show work when prompted
to do so. Unable to explain how
answer was obtained.
Assessments –
formative and
Consistently earns scores in the
following range: 90% to 100%
Consistently earns scores in the
following range: 80% to 89%
Consistently earns scores in the
following range: 70% to 79%
Consistently earns scores that fall
below 70%
Maturity and
Able to learn with initial instruction,
little to no repetition needed.
Student makes mathematical
connections independently. Strong
aptitude and number sense.
Needs instruction with only minor
repetition in order to learn new
material. Makes connections with
some guidance; sufficient aptitude
and number sense.
Requires repeated instruction in
order to learn new material,
dependent upon teacher to make
connections. Adequate aptitude and
number sense.
Struggles to learn new material.
Low aptitude and number sense.
Has difficulty making connections.